DR :: Volume #6

#527: Just envoy

When the Camarst royal family discussed how should solve this problem, Zhan En and Tinidell in being carefree and content is tasting the midnight snack, as a maid, Alice obviously is incomparably competent. Everyone juniors who diligent incomparable, looked these on dessert food watch the fun are saliva move greatly, feel sorry for they attend the auction the time has not eaten anything. Although said in the bidding block also to place food, but at that time everyone's thoughts at Zhan En and Cains family's battle, behind had/left Zhan En and battle of imperial grand theater, this series of things made that the person is caught off guard. Naturally is not in no mood to eat the thing, in addition can attend this auction person who has the status, does not lack that stuttering. Naturally, several gluttonous people ate something, is knowing that this imperial grand theater is later that Vampire opens is the complexion is pale, simply probably those who look at their appearances to eat is the flesh bread with the person blood steamed bun same ......... 就在卡玛斯特王室商量该如何解决这个问题的时候,詹恩蒂尼德尔则在悠然自得的品尝着夜宵,作为一个女仆,爱丽丝显然是无比称职。一道道点心食物上的勤快无比,看的那些看热闹的大家子弟都是不由的口水大动,可怜他们参加拍卖会的时候也没吃什么东西。虽然说拍卖会场里也摆放着食物,不过当时大家的心思都在詹恩凯恩斯家族的争斗上,后面又出了詹恩和皇家大剧院的争斗,这一连串的事情弄得人措手不及。自然也没有心情吃东西,再加上能够参加这场拍卖会的都是有身份的人,也不缺那一口吃的。当然,也有几个贪吃的人吃了一些东西,不过在知道这个皇家大剧院是吸血鬼开的之后一个个都是面色铁青,看他们的样子简直就好像自己吃下去的是人肉面包和人血馒头一样……… Also because of this, sees Zhan En and others to enjoy the good food at this moment here, looks at their index fingers greatly to move actually, is the good wine beautiful woman, what ratio this having better? Has scruples own status, perhaps these everyone juniors must get down to be intimate with brazenly well, but ......... the elder is staring in behind now, does not want by the words that a slap in the face fan turns, is obediently obedient for good. 也正因为如此,此刻看见詹恩等人在这里享受美食,倒是看得他们食指大动,美酒佳人,有什么比这更好的?要不是顾忌自己的身份,恐怕那些大家子弟也要厚着脸皮下去好好亲近一下,不过现在嘛………自家长辈就在后面盯着,不想被一个耳光扇翻的话,还是乖乖听话为好。 Martin has not responded, but Zhan En does not care, in fact he has long known between the Camarst royal courts and Black Rose families that son dirty/small error. The villain influence that probably many movie described was the same, the Camarst royal family to strengthen their strengths, is also training one crowd specially the Elite member who secretly served for the royal family. But these people are not pure human, but is the Black Rose family studies the later product. To put it bluntly is the Camarst royal family has expected that can obtain Blood descendants that living forever ability, and does not want to turn into the Blood descendants later side effect. Therefore their ancestors can unite with the Black Rose family, regarding this studies. But the Black Rose family as Blood descendants, naturally also hopes that can make up for Blood descendants this inborn flaw, if after all can make Vampire these weakness no longer the weakness, then a Blood descendants clan thriving was also just round the corner. 马丁迟迟没有回应,不过詹恩也不在乎,事实上他早就知道卡玛斯特王室和黑玫瑰家族之间那点儿龌蹉了。就好像很多电影里描绘的反派势力一样,卡玛斯特王室为了增强他们的力量,也在暗地里培养一群专门为王室服务的精英成员。只不过这些人并非是纯粹的人类,而是黑玫瑰家族研究之后的产物。说白了就是卡玛斯特王室一直期望能够获得血裔那种长生不老的能力,而又不希望拥有变成血裔之后的副作用。因此他们的先祖才会和黑玫瑰家族联合,对此进行研究。而黑玫瑰家族作为血裔,自然也希望能够弥补血裔这个天生的缺陷,毕竟如果能够让吸血鬼的那些弱点不再成为弱点的话,那么血裔一族的繁荣昌盛也就指日可待了。 This is a royal family clan biggest secret, is always the Black Rose family acts as a cover with the imperial grand theater is the Camarst royal family provides the service. Also is guard in secret. But the Camarst royal family provides essential item & mda S h of various experiments for them ; Naturally, said is the essential item, majority is living human. The average person missing words of indeed is a trouble, but can achieve makes one vanish with no trace does not have any question. Also only then the royal family can achieve. 这是王室一族最大的秘密,一直以来都是黑玫瑰家族用皇家大剧院来做掩护为卡玛斯特王室提供服务。同时也担任暗中的护卫。而卡玛斯特王室则为他们提供各种实验的必需品—当然,说是必需品,其中大部分都是活生生的人类。普通人失踪的话的确是个麻烦,而能够做到不着痕迹的让人消失又没有任何疑问的。也就只有王室才能够做到了。 Zhan En this news cannot certainly come from the royal family, the Camarst royal family regarding this is also the careful security, after all is a companion with Blood descendants, moreover provides the living person to make the black magic to test this matter to them, said that which puts side does not occupy the principle. If this matter spreads. Perhaps the Camarst royal family will be overthrown directly is not impossible. 詹恩这个消息当然不是从王室里得来的,卡玛斯特王室对此也是精心保密,毕竟与血裔为伍,而且提供活人给他们做黑魔法实验这种事情,说出去放到哪儿边都不占理。这件事要是流传出去。恐怕卡玛斯特王室直接会被人推翻都不是不可能的。 What a pity is tight of royal family conceals, is not same on behalf of the Black Rose family can keep the secret, the snake has the snake saying that Zhan En will know this matter, Egret told him. Although the Black Rose family handles affairs is also secret, what a pity is who makes too big, makes up for Blood descendants flaw such matter everyone who their topics do to do, what a pity is no one can make contact with the line like the Black Rose family with the Camarst royal family unexpectedly, but, these Vampire families have not so acted even. But is waiting and seeing in secret. If the Black Rose family experiments the failure, if their experiment successes, then other Vampire families naturally make a move to rob immediately, by that time, perhaps was Black Rose family's the day of demise. 可惜的是王室藏的紧,不代表黑玫瑰家族也一样能够保守秘密,蛇有蛇道,詹恩之所以会得知这件事,正是白鹭告诉他的。虽然黑玫瑰家族行事也非常隐秘,可惜的是谁让她们的课题做的太大,弥补血裔缺陷这样的事情大家都想做,可惜的是没人像黑玫瑰家族那样居然能够和卡玛斯特王室搭上线,不过即便如此,那些吸血鬼家族也没有动作。而是都在暗中观望。如果黑玫瑰家族实验失败也就罢了,如果他们的实验成功,那么其他吸血鬼家族自然就会立刻出手抢夺,到那个时候,恐怕就是黑玫瑰家族的灭亡之日了。 Egret cannot certainly get used to seeing these Vampire families' behaviors, but she also does not have the means to start to the Black Rose family, except for them is one of the dark elder assembly, is not quite suitable to begin beside. The biggest reason is the Black Rose family has the Camarst royal family to be the backing, but Egret even good-hearted justice Paladin, but she after all now is still Vampire. Even if she kills to visit, finally still only will then be treated as evillyremoves & R dquo ;. But since now Zhan En must look for the Black Rose family's trouble, she does not certainly mind saying that making Zhan En make a move & mda S h ; As the matter stands killing two birds with one stone. Not can only eliminate the Black Rose family, but can also attack the Camarst royal family, lets them before oneself all that makes pay the price. Such good deed, Egret will not certainly let off. 白鹭当然看不惯那些吸血鬼家族的行为,但是她本身又没有办法对黑玫瑰家族下手,除了她们是暗黑长老会的一员,不太适合动手之外。最大的原因就是黑玫瑰家族有卡玛斯特王室做后盾,而白鹭就算是一个心地善良的正义的圣骑士,但是她毕竟现在也是吸血鬼。就算她杀上门去,结果也只有自己会被当做邪恶给“除掉”。而现在詹恩既然要找黑玫瑰家族的麻烦,她当然不介意说出来,让詹恩出手—这样一来一石二鸟。不但能够消灭黑玫瑰家族,还能够打击卡玛斯特王室,让他们为自己之前所做的一切付出代价。这样的好事,白鹭当然是不会放过的。 Zhan En knows certainly what idea that Egret has, but his happy pushing the boat along. Has to acknowledge, although as Paladin Vampire. Egret indeed very alternative, but she actually does not understand a truth. 詹恩当然知道白鹭打的什么主意,但是他乐的顺水推舟。不得不承认,虽然作为一个圣骑士吸血鬼白鹭的确很另类,但是她却不明白一个道理。 This world's is easiest to cause the battle, often is just, rather than evil. 这个世界上最容易引起争斗的,往往是正义,而非邪恶。 Very simple, the human nature was wicked, this is the instinct of human, but human can becomes huge the most prosperous race by the so frail body and life span. Because they understand oneself natural disposition, will therefore create the society, the order, the morals and other shackles fetter themselves. If water is too clean no fish can live in it, this truth on human is also same, everyone wants to mediate, but everyone is impossible to be a perfect good person. If really Paladin believes in wickedlycuts & R dquo ; Words, perhaps then he must kill off everyone in this world to clean their sins. 很简单,人性本恶,这是人类的天性,而人类之所以能够以如此脆弱的身躯与寿命成为最庞大最繁荣的种族。正是因为他们明白自己的本性,所以才会创造社会,秩序,道德等多重枷锁来束缚自己。水至清则无鱼,这个道理在人类身上也是一样,每个人想要做个好人,但是每个人都不可能做一个完美的好人。如果说真的有一个圣骑士信奉“恶即斩”的话,那么他恐怕要杀光这个世界上的所有人来清洗他们的罪孽了。 After all the good and evil is one the boundary that is difficult to determine, you can certainly say that is willing to old madam that the beggar bestows to be a good person, when she is unpleasing to the eyes to oneself daughter, frequently beats and scolds, is she a good person? The human nature is complex, no one all are good, no one all are bad. However, if really must go into seriously, then some almost everyone somewhat abuse. 毕竟善恶是一个很难判定的分界线,你当然可以说一个愿意给乞丐施舍的老太太是好人,但是当她对自己的女儿看不顺眼,动辄打骂的时候,她还是个好人吗?人性本身就是复杂的,没有人一切都好,也没有人一切都坏。但是,如果真的要深究的话,那么几乎每个人多多少少都有一些恶习。 This expands to an organization, an influence, an area and even a country are also same. Even if Templar Order, internal dirty/small error are also many. Therefore, if Zhan En hitsis upholding justice, eradicates evil & R dquo ; Words that the flag looks for a job, then he can raise rivers of blood easily, forever is unable to terminate, fatal war. They the war between human and demon are longer , the Death population are more, is more brutal. 这扩展到一个组织,一个势力,一个地区乃至一个国家也是一样。哪怕是圣堂教团,内部的龌蹉也不少。所以,如果詹恩打着“伸张正义,铲除邪恶”的旗帜去找事的话,那么他就可以轻而易举的掀起一场又一场血流成河,永远无法完结,死伤惨重的战争。它们会比人类与魔族之间的战争更漫长,死亡人数更多,也更残酷。 It seems like now Zhan En to the Camarst royal family makes, perhaps some people think that Zhan En is too earnest, does without sparing anyone's sensibilities, is too stodgy, works some to ignore the weight. However no one dares to point at the Zhan En's nose to say all that absolutely he makes are the evil actions. 就好像现在詹恩卡玛斯特王室所做的一样,或许有人认为詹恩太认真,太不讲情面,太死板,做事有些不顾轻重。但是绝对没有人敢指着詹恩的鼻子说他所做的一切都是邪恶之举。 Because he represents the justice! 因为他代表正义! dá dá ............... & R dquo ; “哒哒哒……………” At this time, the rapid hoofbeat transmitted suddenly, then saw horse-drawn vehicles and several Paladin vertical horse raised whip dashes in the direction that the imperial grand theater was. Quick, the carriage stopped like this before the square, the front door opened, later old Bishop of wear white long gown went down the carriage, he first looked at one in confusion and frigid square, later frowns. Then in big strides walks toward Zhan En and others. 就在这个时候,忽然急促的马蹄声传来,紧接着便看见一辆马车和数个圣骑士纵马扬鞭的向着皇家大剧院所在的方向飞奔而来。很快,马车就这样停在了广场前,紧接着大门打开,随后一个穿着白色长袍的老主教就走下了马车,他先是望了一眼狼藉而惨烈的广场,随后皱了下眉头。接着大踏步的向着詹恩等人走去。 You are Zhan En. Bassammens?! & R dquo ; “你就是詹恩.巴夏侬门斯?!” Looks is enjoying the midnight snack Zhan En and others, old Bishop also stares, obviously he lived had not seen some people to dare in this place to handle this matter for a lifetime at this time. However he tightened the face, says. But hears the inquiry of old Bishop, Zhan En then puts down the teacup in hand, looks nods to the old person. 看着正在享用夜宵的詹恩等人,老主教也是一愣,显然他活了一辈子也没见过有人敢在这种地方这种时候做这种事情的。不过他还是绷紧了面孔,开口说道。而听到老主教的询问,詹恩这才放下手中的茶杯,望向老人点了点头。 Right, my Zhan En. This Sir Bishop, what matter do you come to here to have? & R dquo ; “没错,我就詹恩。这位主教大人,你来这里有什么事吗?” „ Do you have a face to ask me? & R dquo ; “你还有脸问我?” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, the old person bristles with anger immediately. Although he before thinks that the matter will be very serious, but has not thought such seriously. An awarding a decoration aristocrat dares to threaten a king room unexpectedly blatantly, if this spreads, how Templar Order can explain? Therefore he cannot attend to responded again upwardly, the hurriedness ran. 听到詹恩的询问,老人顿时怒发冲冠。虽然他在来之前就想到事情会很严重,但是没想到这么严重。一个授勋贵族居然胆敢公然威胁一国王室,这要是传扬出去,圣堂教团可怎么解释?因此他也顾不上再向上反应,急急忙忙就跑了出来。 You not only attacks a country Konoe team, even also threatens the royal family blatantly, simply is lawless! I now by status of Templar Order in illustrious church parish Archbishop, ordering you to withdraw these big dragons immediately! Then leaves here!! & R dquo ; “你不但袭击一国近卫队,甚至还公然威胁王室,简直是无法无天!我现在以圣堂教团驻光耀教区大主教的身份,命令你立刻撤走这些巨龙!然后离开这里!!” Orders me? & R dquo ; “命令我?” Hears the speech of old Bishop, in the Zhan En eye none flashes. 听到老主教的说话,詹恩眼中精光一闪。 I think, this Sir Bishop has not known probably here what happened, you as serving Bishop of gods, actually stand in the position of mediocre ruler speak finally for him, is this is not quite good? & R dquo ; “我想,这位主教大人好像还不知道这里发生了什么事吧,你身为侍奉神明的主教,结果却站在凡俗统治者的位置上为他说话,这是不是不太好?” You ............! & R dquo ; “你…………!” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, the complexion blanch of old Bishop climate, Zhan En this saying really executed the heart, came up to want him makes a choice from the theocracy and royal power, this simply was awfully! The theocracy and royal power which are more important? If this can debate a result, Templar Order so many are not troublesome! 听到詹恩的询问,老主教顿时气的面色发白,詹恩这话实在是太诛心了,一上来就要他从神权和王权之中做一个选择,这简直就是要命啊!神权和王权哪个更重要?这要是能够辩出个结果,圣堂教团早就没那么多麻烦了! But saw with own eyes Archbishop been mad could not speak, nearby Paladin was actually on the first half step, then he submissively respectful toward Zhan En good a ritual, this asked. 而眼见大主教被气的说不出话来,旁边一个圣骑士却是上前半步,接着他拱手恭敬的向着詹恩行了一礼,这才开口询问道。 Very sorry, Mr. Bassammens. We indeed are not very clear long and short of the story, if you are willing to explain with us, then we are deeply grateful. In any event, Mr. Bassammens is also the awarding a decoration aristocrat, I think that you will certainly have the right reason to make this matter, but said no matter how, the awarding a decoration aristocrats will be the title that will be awarded by Templar Order, all that you will make, will be the relations are naturally close to Templar Order. Therefore Sir Bishop will be irritable, but also please forgive. & R dquo ; “很抱歉,巴夏侬门斯先生。我们的确不是很清楚事情的来龙去脉,如果您愿意跟我们进行说明的话,那么我们感激不尽。无论如何,巴夏侬门斯先生也是授勋贵族,我想您一定是有正当的理由才会做出这种事,但是不管怎么说,授勋贵族都是由圣堂教团授予的爵位,您所做的一切,和圣堂教团自然也是关系紧密。因此主教大人才会如此急躁,还请您谅解。” „? You will speak actually. & R dquo ; “哦?你倒是会说话。” Heard the speech of Paladin, Zhan En quite swept his one eyes accidentally/surprisingly, later his eye revolution, showed a happy expression. 听到圣骑士的说话,詹恩颇为意外的扫了他一眼,随后他眼睛一转,露出了一丝笑意。 Good, is actually not the important matter, but I stumbled upon the director in imperial grand theater is mother of the Blood descendants, moreover I have not known accidentally carefully they with the Camarst royal family cooperation, have conducted the evil black magic ceremony ......... not to know as the test piece using the living person this reason will do? & R dquo ; “好吧,其实也不是什么大事,只不过我偶然间发现了皇家大剧院的主事者是一位血裔之母,而且我还偶然间不小心知道了他们一直与卡玛斯特王室合作,利用活人作为试验品来进行邪恶的黑魔法仪式………不知道这个理由能不能行得通?” What did you say? & R dquo ; “你说什么?” Hears the material that Zhan En blows out casually, Paladin and that old Bishop tarry immediately.( ~ ^ ~) 听到詹恩随随便便爆出的猛料,圣骑士和那个老主教顿时都呆住了。(~^~)
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