DR :: Volume #6

#526: In a dilemma

When Zhan En carefree has a night-time snack to drink tea, Martin Archmage also hurried back to the inner city hurriedly. At this moment the people including Camarst eighth had also arrived in the main hall, waits for the front news. Although said that at present is night, because the front released the emergency signal reason, minister and emperor also gathers immediately. Actually they did not know in Glory city to have an accident, but also thinks that some people conspire to revolt. However after knew Martin Archmage has rushed to the frontline, these people felt relieved actually. After all Martin Archmage strength there swayed, even if really has the plot rebellion, has the Silver moon guard and Martin Archmage acts, was enough. 就在詹恩悠闲自在的吃夜宵喝茶的时候,马丁大法师也急匆匆的赶回了内城。此刻包括卡玛斯特八世在内的众人也已经来到了大殿上,等待前方的消息。虽然说眼下已经是深夜时分,但是由于前方释放了紧急信号的缘故,诸位大臣和皇帝陛下也立刻集合了起来。他们原本并不知道究竟辉煌之城里出了什么事,还以为是不是有人密谋造反。不过在当得知马丁大法师已经赶往前线之后,这些人倒是放心了许多。毕竟马丁大法师的实力在那里摆着,哪怕真的有阴谋叛乱,有银月卫队和马丁大法师出面,也足够了。 However what makes them not think is actually develops rapidly after a sudden turn after that even also presented one flock of big dragons to surround entire Royal castle all round, suddenly these people also looked pale, terrified. This also no wonder, is no one can after all under surrounding of big dragon as before self-possessed. 但是让他们没想到的是在那之后却是急转直下,甚至还出现了一群巨龙团团把整个王城都包围了起来,一时间这些人也是面色苍白,惊恐不安。这也难怪,毕竟不是什么人都能够在巨龙的包围下依旧坦然自若的。 Martin Archmage, you came back finally, outside outcome what's the matter? Has investigated thoroughly? & R dquo ; 马丁大法师,你终于回来了,外面究竟是怎么回事?已经查清楚了吗?” Sees the Martin Archmage form, Camarst eighth also to relax, the hurried opens the mouth inquired. Although he also knows that the situation is not wonderful, since Martin Archmage came back safely, then the matter should be no worse ......... naturally, on Martin the exhausted color of that tattered law robe and that face, by Camarst eighth automatic neglecting. Or by him subconsciously neglecting. 看见马丁大法师的身影,卡玛斯特八世也松了口气,急忙开口询问道。虽然他也知道情况不妙,但是既然马丁大法师平安回来了,那么事情应该坏不到哪里去吧………当然,马丁身上那破破烂烂的法袍和那一脸的疲惫之色,就被卡玛斯特八世自动给忽视了。或者说,被他下意识的给忽视了。 Looks at Camarst eighth the expression, Martin also in sighs at heart secretly, the morning that the late king passed away, this emperor over 30 years old then succeeded the throne. What a pity is the late king of outstanding ability and grand vision is different, Camarst eighth has no achievements in this aspect. If the late king here, even if Bassammens family's noisy happy he did not fear again, but the late king had died, but this Camarst eighth defends a city, what a pity the development is insufficient. If must maintain next present domestic, to him did not have the issue. However must lead entire Shining country to move forward. It looks like in Martin, Camarst eighth missed. If nothing else, said only he saw himself to come in the later that paramorph to see the appearance of liberator can look, this your majesty was insufficiently calm calm. In comparison, even that Bassammens family's successors were inferior. 看着卡玛斯特八世的表情,马丁也是在心里暗自叹了口气,先王去世的早,这位皇帝陛下才不过三十多岁便继任了王位。可惜的是和雄才大略的先王不同,卡玛斯特八世在这方面却没什么建树。如果是先王在此,哪怕巴夏侬门斯家族闹的再欢他也不怕,可是先王已经死了,而这个卡玛斯特八世虽然守城有余,可惜开拓不足。如果只是要维持一下眼下国内的局面,对于他来说还没问题。但是要带领整个光耀之国向前发展。在马丁看来,卡玛斯特八世还是差了一些。别的不说,单说他看见自己进来之后那副像是见到了救星的样子就可以看出来,这位陛下还是不够沉稳冷静。相比之下,甚至连那位巴夏侬门斯家族的继承人都不如。 Thinks of here, Martin felt suddenly is somewhat sad, perhaps today this matter is not easy to solve ......... 想到这里,马丁忽然感到心情有些沉重,或许今天这件事没那么容易解决了……… Although the innermost feelings think, but in the Martin surface has not actually displayed. At this moment hears the inquiry of Camarst eighth, Martin Archmage also nods, then reported in a low voice. 虽然内心是这么想,但是马丁表面上却没有表现出来。此刻听到卡玛斯特八世的询问,马丁大法师也是点了点头,接着低声报告道。 Yes, your majesty, I have investigated to be clear, matter is such ......... & R dquo ; “是的,陛下,我已经调查清楚了,事情是这样的………” Is saying, Martin happening was saying to Camarst eighth at the matter of imperial grand theater, front that part he thinks of there hear from Hyde, therefore said is not specially obvious. Said briefly the Bassammens family's people and imperial grand theaters had the conflict, then both sides hit. The following Bassammens family's people massacred the director in imperial grand theater. Then also with catching up the Silver moon guard had the conflict, will make to present this. But hears these, Camarst eighth did not say, below these ministers are actually the nose of air/Qi are not the nose eye are not the eyes, was the Zhan En's behavior was extremely really rampant, not only killed people in the imperial grand theater blatantly, but also dares to act to the Silver moon guard, was so wild, the natural justice was simply intolerable! 一面说着,马丁一面把发生在皇家大剧院的事情对着卡玛斯特八世说了一遍,前面那部分他是从海德思那里听来的,因此说的也不是特别明显。只是简略的说巴夏侬门斯家族的人和皇家大剧院产生了冲突,然后双方打了起来。后面巴夏侬门斯家族的人杀掉了皇家大剧院的主事者。然后还与赶来的银月卫队产生了冲突,才会闹到现在这个局面。而听到这些,卡玛斯特八世不说,下面那些大臣却是气的鼻子不是鼻子眼睛不是眼睛,实在是詹恩的行为太过嚣张了,不但在皇家大剧院公然杀人,还敢对银月卫队出手,如此猖狂,简直天理难容! Really went too far, this Bassammens family is simply extremely arrogant!! We cannot let off the people of these ganefs absolutely like this!! & R dquo ; “实在太过分了,这个巴夏侬门斯家族简直狂妄!!我们绝对不能够就这样放过这些宵小之徒!!” Right. Must make them know fierce of our Shining country!! Otherwise our hadn't Shining country thought of as worthless by other country? These in any event, we must fight to the end time!! & R dquo ; “没错。一定要让他们知道我们光耀之国的厉害!!不然的话我们光耀之国还不被别的国家看扁了?这一次无论如何,我们都要抗争到底!!” Nonsense, deliberately creates trouble simply. Others? I remember that does not have several to confess the just influence and organization also did attend the auction of imperial grand theater? Facing so extremely arrogant evil act, their not coming out manages? & R dquo ; “胡闹,简直是胡闹。其他人呢?我记得不是有好几个自认正义的势力和组织也参加了皇家大剧院的拍卖会吗?面对如此狂妄邪恶的行径,他们都不出来管一管?” Hears these words. Martin Archmage look strange looked at a that minister, then opening the mouth replied. 听到这句话。马丁大法师神色古怪的望了一眼那位大臣,接着开口回答道。 That is because ............ director in killed imperial grand theater, is Vampire. & R dquo ; “那是因为…………被杀死的皇家大剧院的主事者,是一个吸血鬼。” ............... & R dquo ; “……………” The main hall that in a flash, made noise becomes a deathly stillness immediately. On the scene is the senior official high-ranking court officials, its sensitivity is naturally undeniable. Martin raises, they understand whole story immediately. Even also guessed correctly why these influences pretend ignorance do not act. However even so, they do not like to believe this fact, this also no wonder, although said that the people on the scene can be the Shining country high-ranking court officials, but regarding the situation in imperial grand theater, they instead did not understand. All day this also no wonder, these people care is the national affairs, the military equipment as well as a political dispute kind of matter. But imperial grand theater place sounds, although on big, but except for performs some plays in celebrating a holiday for the royal family specially, as well as performs beyond, will not produce anything to relate with them. Even if the king wants to see a play, should still only send the following person to go to and imperial grand theater relates, therefore they even the director imperial grand theater are male are female, the big age is not clear. Before had not paid attention, this little while one hear of Martin raised, this discovered oneself regarding director in imperial grand theater basic on no impression, even the company commander anything appearance, they as if do not know. 只是一瞬间,原本喧闹的大殿顿时变得一片死寂。在场的都是高官重臣,其敏感性自然是不容置疑的。马丁只是一提,他们立刻就明白了其中的原委。甚至也猜到了为什么那些势力都装聋作哑不出手了。不过即便如此,他们也不愿意相信这个事实,这也难怪,虽然说在场的众人都可以算是光耀之国的重臣,但对于皇家大剧院的情况,他们反而不了解。这也难怪,这些人整天关心的都是国家大事,军事装备以及政治纠纷一类的事情。而皇家大剧院这种地方听起来虽然高大上,但是除了在过节的时候专门为王室上演一些剧目,以及进行表演之外,并不会和他们产生什么联系。就算是国王陛下想要看戏,也只会打发下面的人去和皇家大剧院联系,所以他们这些人甚至连皇家大剧院的主事者是男是女,多大年龄都不清楚。以前都没有注意,这会儿一听马丁提起,这才发现自己对于皇家大剧院的主事者根本就没什么印象,甚至连长什么样子,他们似乎都不知道。 This is also the Blood descendants sly place, the imperial grand theater signboard enough loud, moreover expensive/noble do not have what specially close relation with these high officials. After all Vampire this gadget innate has the flaw, there are all kinds of limits. The person who if contacts were many, so many strange acts will naturally bring to others' attention. But imperial grand theater place specification is high enough, the average person does not have the qualifications to investigate them. But these high official aristocrats are not deep to their impression, conforms to the strategy that they infiltrate in secret transform very much, therefore for these years, few discovered that the imperial grand theater has anything is not right. Therefore when Martin said the answer immediately caused in an uproar, the people's first response was this also extremely fantasy story. 这也正是血裔狡猾的地方,皇家大剧院招牌够响,而且还不会和那些达官贵要产生什么特别密切的联系。毕竟吸血鬼这玩意儿先天有缺陷,有各种各样的限制。如果接触的人多了,这么多古怪的行径自然就会引起别人的注意。而皇家大剧院这种地方规格足够高,一般人没资格调查他们。而那些达官贵族对他们印象也不深,很符合他们暗中渗透转化的策略,所以这么多年来,几乎没有人发现皇家大剧院有什么不对。因此当马丁说出答案的时候顿时引起了一片哗然,众人的第一个反应就是这也太过天方夜谭了。 Martin Archmage, do this words take seriously? & R dquo ; 马丁大法师,此话当真?” I do not have personally to see, does not dare to believe firmly. However according to news that obtained a moment ago, at this auction Sky castle, Emerald eye and directors of Saint white regiment arrive personally, but they have not actually acted completely. I think this matter should real. & R dquo ; “我没有亲眼看见,不敢确信。但是根据刚才得到的消息,这次拍卖会上天空之城,翡翠之眼和圣白军团的主事者都亲自到场,可是他们却完全没有出面。我想这件事应该是真的。” Hears here, others did not speak immediately, these three big influence reputations resounded through entire Klein Continent, their directors came to attend the auction personally. Not acting organization, has actually discovered trick obviously. This little while they do not come out to help very be also normal, in fact now many high-ranking court officials are also the innermost feelings beat a drum, because they remember oneself child as if also often to have the matter to be all right suddenly run toward the imperial grand theater. Naturally, the man, wallowing is not cannot understand in the demeanor dog or horse. But if pulling vampire, this may be completely a different matter ............... 听到这里,其他人顿时也不说话了,这三大势力名声响彻整个克莱恩大陆,他们的主事者亲自前来参加拍卖会。却又不出面组织,显然是已经发现了其中的猫腻。这会儿他们不出来帮忙也很正常,事实上现在很多重臣也是内心打鼓,因为他们忽然想起自己的孩子似乎也经常有事没事往皇家大剧院跑。当然了,男人嘛,沉迷于声色犬马也不是不能够理解。但是如果扯上吸血种的话,这可就完全是另外一回事了…………… After all no one hopes that one of us is changed to Vampire is not? 毕竟谁也不希望自家人被转化为吸血鬼不是? Suddenly the people also discuss spiritedly, said no matter how. In their opinion, this matter was very perhaps difficult to solve. However at present Martin actually does not care about their views, on the contrary, he is gazing at Camarst eighth. In fact Martin had discovered a moment ago, saidVampire & R dquo in oneself ; Time, in the surface of Camarst eighth obviously appeared a anxiety. Although he conceals oneself mood is not discovered by others very much diligently, but who Martin is, becomes a ghost old, naturally detected the anxiety of Camarst eighth innermost feelings. „ Thump & R dquo ; What relations don't tell me that Vampire really and does the royal family have? 一时间众人也是议论纷纷,不管怎么说。在他们看来,这件事恐怕很难解决了。不过眼下马丁却不在意他们的看法,相反,他只是注视着卡玛斯特八世。事实上马丁刚才已经发现,在自己说“吸血鬼”的时候,卡玛斯特八世的面上明显浮现出了一丝不安。虽然他很努力的掩饰着自己的情绪没有被其他人发现,可是马丁是什么人,年老成精,自然察觉到了卡玛斯特八世内心的不安。不由的“咯噔”一下,难道说那个吸血鬼真和王室有什么关系? If in this case. But then troubled. 要是这样的话。那么可就麻烦了。 Then Martin Archmage, outside these big dragons what's the matter? & R dquo ; “那么马丁大法师,外面这些巨龙是怎么回事?” At this time some people remembered finally have the matter not to solve, therefore they also no longer discussed immediately this matter, then asked this issue. But heard this issue, Martin Archmage smiled bitterly, this said. 这个时候总算是有人想起还有事情没解决呢,所以当下他们也不再讨论这件事,转而问起这个问题。而听到这个问题,马丁大法师苦笑了一下,这才开口说道。 This is also that Mr. Bassammens makes, he wants us to hand over with the person who Blood descendants of imperial grand theater colludes with, otherwise must rumble even entire Royal castle ........., moreover he added that we only have three hours ......... & R dquo ; Said here, Martin Archmage stopped. „ ......... Present, only then two hours, if we cannot hand over the person in these two hours. Perhaps then his thorough bang will put down Glory city. & R dquo ; “这也是那位巴夏侬门斯先生弄出来的,他要我们交出和皇家大剧院的血裔勾结的人,不然的话就要轰平整个王城………而且他还说我们只有三个小时………”说道这里,马丁大法师停顿了一下。“………现在只有两个小时了,如果我们不能够在这两个小时内交出人的话。那么恐怕他就会彻底轰平辉煌之城。” Absurd!! & R dquo ; “岂有此理!!” Hears the speech of Martin Archmage, the people angry roar immediately indignantly. They have not thought that fellow was so unexpectedly extremely arrogant, kills people did not say, unexpectedly also dares to threaten Shining country? Some people also planned must send the army to spare nothing to kill that young people. However looked at outside these big dragons. The exit|to speak words swallowed down immediately. Let alone this killed people, can preserve itself to be good ......... 听到马丁大法师的说话,众人顿时气愤的怒吼起来。他们没想到那个家伙居然如此狂妄,杀了人不说,居然还敢威胁光耀之国?有些人原本还打算要派遣大军不惜一切代价杀死那个年轻人。但是看了一眼外面那些巨龙。原本出口的话顿时吞了下去。这别说杀人了,能够保住自己就不错了……… Regarding the countenance of these people, Martin has not cared, on the contrary, he at this moment is staring at Camarst eighth, then asks. 对于这些人的嘴脸,马丁并没有放在心上,相反,此刻的他只是盯着卡玛斯特八世,接着开口询问道。 Your majesty. How this matter do you plan to process? & R dquo ; “陛下。请问这件事您打算怎么处理?” Hears this issue, these originally also in noisy ministers at this moment also peaceful, looks to sitting Camarst eighth on throne. But hears the inquiry of Martin, Camarst eighth actually frowns, then says. 听到这个问题,那些原本还在吵闹的大臣们此刻也安静了下来,望向坐在王座上的卡玛斯特八世。而听到马丁的询问,卡玛斯特八世却是皱了下眉头,接着开口说道。 What does this have to be easy to process? We know nothing radically, that young people are really extremely wild, do not think that he is the awarding a decoration aristocrat, can act unreasonably casually! Immediately sends people to summon the Templar Order person, expressed the protest to them! Our Shining country is no one can threaten! & R dquo ; “这有什么好处理的?我们对此根本就一无所知,那个年轻人实在是太过猖狂,不要以为他是授勋贵族,就可以随便乱来!立刻派人去召见圣堂教团的人,向他们表示抗议!我们光耀之国不是谁都可以威胁的!” Your majesty said right! & R dquo ; “陛下说的没错!” Hears the reply of Camarst eighth, some ministers responded immediately, right, this Bassammens family is not the common aristocrat, he is the awarding a decoration aristocrat, in other words he turns over to Templar Order to have jurisdiction. Bites to come naturally like a dog unable to reduce the status and he to biting, looked for this dog the owner is not good directly? 听到卡玛斯特八世的回答,一些大臣顿时反应了过来,对啊,这个巴夏侬门斯家族不是一般贵族,他是授勋贵族,也就是说他是归圣堂教团管辖的。像这样的一条狗咬上门来自然不能够降低身份和他对咬,直接找这条狗的主人不就好了? We send people to summon Madeleine Archbishop immediately, this time wants Templar Order to give us a Shining country confession!! & R dquo ; “我们立刻派人去召见马德兰大主教,这次一定要圣堂教团给我们光耀之国一个交代!!” Hears the speech that the people public sentiment is roused to action, the Martin expression and has no change, this idea is no doubt good, but he believes that that Mr. Bassammens not such easy giving up. Moreover what is more important, according to the observation of Martin, when heard a moment ago oneself inquired, that your majesty obviously seems somewhat anxious. 听到众人群情激奋的说话,马丁的表情并没有什么变化,这个想法固然是好的,但是他相信,那位巴夏侬门斯先生不会就这么轻而易举的善罢甘休。而且更重要的是,根据马丁的观察,在刚才听到自己询问的时候,那位陛下显然显得有些紧张。 Thinks of here, Martin innermost feelings sink. 想到这里,马丁不由的内心一沉。 It seems like that this time was really the royal family has problems.( ~ ^ ~) 看来,这次果然是王室内部出了问题了。(~^~)
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