DR :: Volume #6

#525: Threat

Martin does not certainly believe that Zhan En dares to rumble entire Royal castle, but since at present so many big dragons have surrounded Royal castle, not only definitely frightens own. This lets him is the complexion is also cloudy, he has also heard Zhan En's this big dragon regiment, but he also thinks that at that time this young people raised several Lesser Dragon, but now looks like, own guess is obviously wrong. Arrived this step, Martin does not believe firmly that own judgment was whether correct, at present this young people every step not as he expected beside, does not take the common road. He thinks that the opposite party after seeing oneself the obediently surrender, the opposite party actually attacks brutally finally, but also nearly gives to massacre oneself, as if not take into consideration to massacre legendary Archmage to cause what consequence completely. But now, he also summoned a big dragon regiment to surround entire Glory city, if must say that he does dare to rumble Royal castle ......... that not to really be able to reach an agreement. 马丁当然不相信詹恩敢轰掉整个王城,但是眼下既然这么多巨龙已经包围了王城,肯定不只是来吓唬自己的。这让他也是面色阴沉,他也听说过詹恩的这只巨龙军团,但是那个时候他还以为这个年轻人不过是养了几条亚龙,但是现在看来,自己的猜测明显是错误的。到了这一步,马丁也不确信自己的判断是否正确了,眼前这个年轻人每一步都出乎他的预料之外,根本就不走寻常路。他以为对方会在看见自己之后乖乖投降,结果对方却大打出手,还差点儿把自己给杀掉,似乎完全不顾及杀掉一个传奇大法师会带来什么后果。而现在,他还召唤了一只巨龙军团包围了整个辉煌之城,如果要说他敢不敢轰了王城………那还真说不好。 But Zhan En as if not care about intertwining of Martin Archmage completely, he shows a faint smile, then says. 詹恩似乎完全不在乎马丁大法师的纠结,他只是微微一笑,然后开口说道。 But, looks in the Martin Archmage face, I am willing to them an opportunity, you now to go back, to that arrogant fellow reported request that all that here has, I set. My request is very simple, hands over the fellow who that and Blood descendants colludes with, then did not have your matters. My Archmage you definitely know nothing, the person who then knows the circumstances of the matter on behalf of the royal family are not many, therefore I think that this request is not excessive, right? & R dquo ; “不过,看在马丁大法师的面子上,我愿意给他们一个机会,你现在可以回去,向那个自大的家伙报告这里所发生的一切,还有我提出的要求。我的要求很简单,交出那个和血裔勾结的家伙,然后就没有你们的事了。我大法师您肯定对此毫不知情,那么就代表王室里对此知情的人并不是很多,所以我认为这个要求不算过分,对吗?” This ............... & R dquo ; “这个……………” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Martin somewhat hesitates slightly, but he also acknowledged Zhan En said is very right. He is imperial Archmage. In the royal family will rarely have the matter to hide the truth from him. But Martin indeed not clear about imperial grand theater and Blood descendants matter, this explained that this in the royal family is not information that has many people to know, otherwise Martin is impossible to know nothing. If in the royal family there are many people to know this matter, then Martin will also hear some rumors somewhat, but now Martin knows nothing, on the representative in the royal family this should be the secret that a few person knows. However ......... thinks of here, Martin complexion is somewhat cloudy. Although said that this is a good deed, but how this must look. Colludes with this matter with Blood descendants, only if the suitable secret that makes, otherwise can also disclose a wind sound/rumor somewhat. But can under own eye hides does this matter, but by him was not detected, only has several talents to achieve in the Camarst royal family merely. However these person status are unusual, anyone takes, sufficiently vacillation royal family foundation! 听到詹恩的说话,马丁略微有些犹豫,不过他也承认詹恩说的很对。他是皇家大法师。王室里很少会有事情瞒着他。而马丁的确不清楚关于皇家大剧院和血裔的事情,这就说明这在王室里并不是一个有很多人知道的情报,不然的话马丁也不可能对此一无所知。假如王室里有很多人都知道这件事的话,那么马丁多多少少也会听到一些风声,而现在马丁对此一无所知,就代表在王室里这应该是一个很少人知道的秘密。但是………想到这里,马丁不由的面色有些阴沉。虽然说这是件好事,但是这也要看怎么来说。和血裔勾结这种事情,除非是做的相当隐秘,否则多多少少也能够透露出点儿风声。而能够在自己的眼皮子底下做这种事而不被他察觉的,在卡玛斯特王室之中也仅仅只有几个人才能够做到。但是这几个人身份都不同寻常,任何一个人拿出来,都足以动摇王室根基啊! But if does not hand over the person to come, then Zhan En will destroy entire Glory city. This Martin does not dare to bet, even if he does want to protect these royal family members is also useful? First did not say that Zhan En has one hand/subordinate with the strength suitable young girl. In addition these big dragons, even if he does not have the odds of success. Now he can only expect Zhan En do not do goes too far, after all here also so many people look that he is always impossible to slaughter innocents like this. Otherwise other influences will not sit by and do nothing. 可是如果不交出人来,那么詹恩就会摧毁整个辉煌之城。这个马丁可不敢赌,就算他想要保护住那些王室成员又有什么用呢?先不说詹恩手下有一个和自己实力相当的少女。再加上这些巨龙,哪怕是他也没有胜算。现在他只能够期望詹恩别做的太过分,毕竟这里还有那么多人看着呢,他总不可能就这样滥杀无辜吧。不然的话其他势力也不会坐视不管的。 If the Martin Archmage agreement, I suggested that you go back to discuss good with them. & R dquo ; “如果马丁大法师同意的话,我建议你还是回去和他们商量一下的好。” Is saying, Zhan En gave the hand signal of invitation. 一面说着,詹恩一面做了个邀请的手势。 I am not unreasonable. Like this. I give you three hours, hopes that you can answer to me after three hours, otherwise I rumble entire Royal castle. Right, advising politely everyone to should better not to think escaping, my subordinate fluctuated to the space is very sensitive, if were detected by her some people tried to use transmission law run away, then I will also start. Also, I did not accept unable to find the explanation that the person was perfunctory like this, in any event. You must hand over the true murderer, do not want to make false deceives me, in front of Eye of truth, does not have any lie can be camouflaged. Naturally, if you decided that also welcome & mda S h for face resistance me ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; You should understand my meaning, Archmage your excellency. Hopes among us do not have any not happy matter to happen, I think ......... & R dquo ; “我也不是不近人情。这样吧。我给你们三个小时的时间,希望你们能够在三个小时之后给我答复,不然的话我就轰掉整个王城。哦,对了,奉劝各位最好不要想着逃跑,我的手下对空间波动很敏感,如果被她察觉到有人试图利用传送法阵逃走的话,那么我也会下手。还有,我不接受找不到人这样敷衍的解释,无论如何。你们都必须交出真正的凶手,也别想弄个假的来糊弄我,在真实之眼面前,没有任何谎言可以被遮蔽的。当然,如果你们决定为了面子抵抗到底我也欢迎————你应该明白我的意思吧,大法师阁下。希望我们之间不要有任何不愉快的事情发生,我想………” Said here, Zhan En faint smile looked at his one eyes. 说道这里,詹恩似笑非笑的望了他一眼。 This is good to us, not? & R dquo ; “这对我们双方来说都有好处,不是吗?” Looks the face that this under punches, Martin Archmage wished one could a magic missile to rumble in the past directly to become dregs him, but he also knows that Zhan En did not say badly, to this situation, if he wanted to settle a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved, can only accept the Zhan En's suggestion. Therefore under pondering, Martin can only a helpless deep sigh, then nod to Zhan En finally. 看着这张欠揍的脸,马丁大法师恨不得一个魔法飞弹过去直接把他轰成渣,不过他也知道詹恩所言不差,到了这个地步,如果他想要息事宁人的话,就只能够接受詹恩的建议。因此左思右想之下,最终马丁只能够无奈的一声长叹,然后对着詹恩点了点头。 I will give a try, hopes you can also keep the promise, Mr. Bassammens. & R dquo ; “我会去试试看,希望你也能够信守诺言,巴夏侬门斯先生。” Relax, Archmage your excellency, so long as you do not violate my request, then I will not begin absolutely ahead of time. & R dquo ; “放心吧,大法师阁下,只要你们不违反我的要求,那么我绝对不会提前动手。” Heard the speech of Martin, Zhan En smilingly answered actually. But how these words listen how not to feel right, what is you ensure cannot begin ahead of time, when this is on the execution grounds? 听到马丁的说话,詹恩倒是笑眯眯的做出了回答。只不过这句话怎么听怎么感觉不对劲,什么叫你保证不会提前动手,当这是上刑场呢? Thinks of here, Martin Archmage looked at big dragon on a sky, then helpless sighing & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; From the present situation, this Mr. Bassammens obviously iron core must be the executioner. 想到这里,马丁大法师看了一眼天空上的巨龙,接着无奈的叹了口气———从眼下的情况来看,这位巴夏侬门斯先生显然是铁了心要做刽子手了。 Good, please wait a bit the moment, I urge to go faster. & R dquo ; “好的,请稍等片刻,我去去就来。” Spoke these words, Martin then turns around to leave, naturally, he does not forget with the speech of between magic and Zhan En the commander who pass to the Silver moon guard on the scene, so as to avoid they cannot clarify the situation to begin arbitrarily. However what makes Martin feel relieved, soldier of this little while these Silver moon guards as if are also suffers loss, before does not have again, that type shouted that hits ruthless type that shouted "kill". However he bears the temper to want Hyde to think to restrain oneself subordinate with his assistant, surely do not provoke Zhan En, then departure hurriedly, at present what is most important is the time. Martin very clear Zhan En said is very clear, gives them three hours, may not have the unnecessary time to waste here! 说完这句话,马丁便转身离开,当然,他也不忘用魔法将自己和詹恩之间的说话传给在场的银月卫队的指挥官,免得他们弄不清情况擅自动手。不过让马丁放心的是,这会儿那些银月卫队的士兵似乎也算是吃够了苦头,再也没有之前那种喊打喊杀的狠样了。不过他还是耐着性子要海德思和他的副手约束好自己的手下,千万千万不要去挑衅詹恩,接着便急匆匆的离开,眼下最重要的可是时间。马丁可是很清楚詹恩说的很清楚,就给他们三个小时时间,可没有多余的功夫在这里浪费啊! Oh ......... this is anything. & R dquo ; “唉………这都是什么事啊。” Looks the back that Martin Archmage departs in a hurry, Zhan En helpless sighing, then said in a low voice. But hears his these words, many people take the strange vision to look at his & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This what matter? Isn't this matter that you do? 看着马丁大法师匆匆离去的背影,詹恩无奈的叹了口气,接着低声说道。而听到他这句话,不少人都拿怪异的眼光望着他———这什么事?这不都是你搞出来的事情吗? However what makes the people depressed is, after Martin Archmage leaves, Zhan En also put out the pocket watch to sweep one from the bosom, then shakes the head. 但是更让众人郁闷的是,在马丁大法师离开之后,詹恩也是从怀里拿出怀表扫了一眼,接着摇了摇头。 Three hours, wait here are really being also boring, Alice. & R dquo ; “还有三个小时,在这里干等着也真无聊,爱丽丝。” Yes, master. & R dquo ; “是,主人。” Hears Zhan En's to speak, the young maid smiles immediately is walking up, then she puts out a hand, sees only the small maid wrist/skill to turn over, a next moment white tablecloth appeared in the hand of Alice like this, later then saw Alice to grab the plain white cloth like the magic in a flash, places the furniture of fine tableware to appear in the square before theater gate downward later like this. But Zhan En beckons to Enoya and others, then he sat like this. 听到詹恩的说话,小女仆立刻微笑着走上前来,然后她伸出手,只见小女仆手腕翻转,下一刻一张白色的桌布就这样出现在了爱丽丝的手中,随后便看见爱丽丝像变魔术一样抓着白布向下一晃,随后摆放着精美餐具的桌椅就这样出现在了剧院门前的广场上。而詹恩则是冲着埃诺娅等人招了招手,接着他就这样坐了下去。 Has the black tea and red wine, which type the master do you want? & R dquo ; “有红茶和红酒,请问主人您要哪一种?” Gives me to come Bai Landi the red wine, 79 years, right, came together the dessert again, tossed about for quite a while in that nonsense auction market, even/including a little the good thing not to have eaten, now was regarded as has a night-time snack. The while time of exempting is not enough. & R dquo ; “给我来柏兰娣的红酒,七九年份的,对了,再来一道甜点,在那个狗屁拍卖场里折腾了半天,连点儿好东西都没吃到,现在就当做是吃夜宵了。免的一会儿时间不够。” Yes, the master, has the blueberry cake and hazelnut biscuit, which do you want? & R dquo ; “是,主人,有蓝莓蛋糕和榛子饼干,请问您要哪个?” Biscuit. & R dquo ; “饼干。” Good. & R dquo ; “好的。” They ......... is this is doing? & R dquo ; “他们………这是在干嘛?” Stands in the balcony, looks Zhan En and others unexpectedly such haughty starts the midnight snack time under surrounding of people, the young people are also dumbfounded, he also thinks will have a fierce fight, but this Bassammens Zhan En unexpectedly is never so expected that bold, dares to do this matter here! Sees here, this young people have to acknowledge, the psychological quality of opposite party is really good, changed itself, facing such matter, is perhaps impossible to have the mood to relax. Do not say that here drank tea to eat the dessert. 站在阳台上,看着詹恩等人居然就这样大模大样的在众人的围观之下开始夜宵时间,年轻人也是目瞪口呆,他原本还以为会有一场激烈的战斗,但是没想到这个巴夏侬门斯詹恩居然如此胆大包天,敢在这里干这种事!看到这里,就连这个年轻人也不得不承认,对方的心理素质是真好,换了自己,面对这样的事情,恐怕根本不可能有心情放松下来。更不要说在这里喝茶吃点心了。 Un? This boy a little meaning. & R dquo ; “嗯?这小子有点儿意思。” On the contrary, his father after seeing this, is actually at present bright, nod. 相反,他的父亲在看见这一幕之后,却是眼前一亮,不由的点了点头。 Tensed and relaxed, un, this boy is really interesting, it seems like today we have a good play to look. & R dquo ; “有张有弛,嗯,这小子真有趣,看来今天我们有场好戏可看了。” Has what good play, father Sir. & R dquo ; “有什么好戏啊,父亲大人。” Hears father's speech, that young people put on a long face soon are insane. The opposite party moved the big dragon regiment, can this have? At this time should not the just gentlemen of these reputation remoteness go into action, you must look at Glory city to fall into the sea of fire, turned into stretch of ruins? Also, can we in the encirclement ring, you not be worried now? „ 听到自己父亲的说话,那个年轻人哭丧着脸都快要疯了。对方连巨龙军团都搬出来了,这还能够有好吗?这时候不应该正是你们这些声名远扬的正义之士出马的时候,难道你们非要看着辉煌之城陷入火海,变成一片废墟?再说了,我们现在可也在包围圈里呢,难道你就一点儿都不担心吗?“ Shuts up to me, selects the minor matter to boast, I have told you more than once, coming across the matter is calm, but you are flustered this by such big lizard surrounding now. Has a look at others, has a look at you again, good easy to learn study others, often not to put on a long face, do you look to whom? & R dquo ; “给我闭嘴,这么点儿小事就这么咋咋呼呼的,我不止一次告诉过你,遇到事情要冷静,可是你现在只是被这么多头大蜥蜴包围就慌成这样。看看人家,再看看你,好好学学别人,别动不动就哭丧着脸,你这是给谁看呢?” Father Sir ............... & R dquo ; “父亲大人……………” Tookchild & R dquo of others family/home by the respected father ; Contrasted the young people are the whole face are at this moment more depressed, you said me to be flustered, said that he is calm? That is the person who does not satisfy in the auction market attacks brutally directly, you said him unexpectedly calmly ............ 被自己敬爱的父亲拿“别人家的孩子”对比了的年轻人此刻更是满脸郁闷,您说我慌张,说他冷静?那可是在拍卖场不满意就直接大打出手的主儿啊,你居然说他冷静………… Oh ......... looks like me to protect you were good. & R dquo ; “唉………看来我还是把你保护的太好了。” Looks in own son surface depressed expression, old person helpless shaking the head of. 看着自己儿子面上郁闷的表情,老人无奈的摇了摇头。 Relax, I promised you, today cannot hit ............... & R dquo ; “放心吧,我向你保证,今天是打不起来的……………” Said here, he stopped. Afterward looked at the castle to distant place, in the look also appears for several points to worry. 说道这里,他停顿了一下。随后望向远处的城堡,神色之中也浮现出了几分担忧。 At least the outer city, should be nothing issue. However that side the inner city may be unable to reach an agreement ......... this boy obviously to come prepared, this is must offend dead Shining country ......... really does not know, actually this Bassammens family is what origin ......... & R dquo ; “至少外城这边,应该是没什么问题的。但是内城那边可就说不好了………这小子明显是有备而来,这是要把光耀之国得罪死啊………真不知道,这个巴夏侬门斯家族究竟是什么来历………”
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