DR :: Volume #6

#524: Surrounding

Hears Zhan En's to reply, Martin frowns immediately, to be honest, he has not seen the person to dare before him is so rampant. If not afraid the can be victorious opposite party, now Martin even wants to leave in a huff directly. But the issue lies in & mda S h ; His really can be victorious opposite party! 听到詹恩的回答,马丁顿时皱起了眉头,说实话,他还从来没有见过人敢在他面前如此嚣张。如果不是害怕打不过对方的话,现在马丁甚至就想直接拂袖而去了。可问题在于—他真的打不过对方啊! You know that this is impossible, Mr. Bassammens. & R dquo ; “你知道这是不可能的,巴夏侬门斯先生。” Deeply inspires, depresses the innermost feelings forcefully the disaffection, Martin has to benign answered to Zhan En. 深深吸了口气,强行压下自己内心的不满,马丁不得不和颜悦色的向詹恩解释道。 We do not know that in the royal family actually who and Vampire has an affair, moreover you have no evidence to indicate and confirm, right, the imperial grand theater indeed is the royal family constructs. But this imperial grand theater completed also nearly 200 years, even if the royal family possibly committed fornication with Blood descendants, that was still very long beforehand matter, at least now, we do not know that this grand theater and royal family had any relation. This point I can promise ............... & R dquo you ; “我们根本不知道王室内究竟谁和吸血鬼有染,而且你也没有任何证据来指认,没错,皇家大剧院的确是王室所建。可是这座皇家大剧院建成也有近两百年了,就算王室可能与血裔有染,那也是很久之前的事情了,至少现在,我们并不知道这座大剧院和王室有任何联系。这一点我可以向你保证……………” Martin at this moment is the headache, really does not have the means that he does not hope and Blood descendants has the relations. However since now has pulled, is is not how impossible to work loose. But he has being unjustly discredited to buckle in the head of late king, moreover Martin said not wrong, this imperial grand theater completed also nearly 200 years, even if Zhan En wanted the injustice to have a debt to have main, that was still 200 years ago the cause of disaster that the late king left behind, had no relations with them! Vampire lives 200 years to be very normal, but human can live for 200 years may few, except for that several beside old monster that steps into the boundary of demigod, only then the transformation was Lich mage can escape hundred years of predestined time of death, but the Shining country king apparently did not have this skill. 此刻的马丁也是头疼不已,要不是实在没有办法,他也不希望和血裔扯上关系。但是现在既然已经扯上了,那么是怎么都不可能挣脱掉的。无奈之下他只好把黑锅扣在先王的头上了,而且马丁说的也没有错,这座皇家大剧院建成也有近两百年了,就算詹恩想要冤有头债有主,那也是两百年前先王留下的祸根,和他们没什么关系啊!吸血鬼活个两百年很正常,可是人类能够活过两百年的可没几个,除了那几个踏入半神之境的老怪物之外,就只有转化为巫妖法师能够逃过百年大限了,而光耀之国的国王显然没有这个本事。 „ The skeleton of late king I naturally must investigate, to be honest, I really suspected that can find corpse & mda S h of late king very much in imperial tomb ; However first did not say this, you think that you said that will I let off the Camarst royal family? Regardless how you get free for them, the fact is the imperial grand theater controls by mother of the Blood descendants, but the Camarst royal family was concerned with for these years, at least is also responsibility of the dereliction of duty. Naturally, I really suspected that hides undead lifeform not to detect very much under regarding oneself eyes the royal family that has is stupid and slow. In any event. This matter is impossible to stop, I will definitely verify the truth, as an awarding a decoration aristocrat, I upholds justice. Punishes the evil duty and responsibility. & R dquo ; “先王的尸骸我自然是要进行调查的,说实话,我真的很怀疑在皇家陵墓里能不能找到先王的尸体—不过先不说这个,你以为你这么说了,我就会放过卡玛斯特王室?无论你如何为他们开脱,事实就是皇家大剧院由一位血裔之母所控制,而卡玛斯特王室这么多年来对此都不闻不问,最起码也是一个失职之责。当然,我实在很怀疑对于自己眼皮子底下的不死生物都没有察觉到的王室是有多么愚蠢和迟钝。无论如何。这件事不可能就到此为止,我必然会查明真相,作为一个授勋贵族,我有伸张正义。惩治邪恶的义务和责任。” Will really say! 真会说! Hears Zhan En's to speak, Martin Archmage got hold of the fist, Zhan En at this moment looks seems like stubborn Paladin, does not reach the appearance that the goal vows not to rest. However Martin is very clear, this young people absolutely are not that simpleminded rash disciple. Actually then he does develop this is the meaning why? Blackmail royal family? Does not seem like. However must say that looks for Shining country trouble & mda S h intentionally ; Is it possible that this Bassammens family ancestor and does Shining country ancestor have what bitter hatred to be inadequate? 听到詹恩的说话,马丁大法师不由的握紧了拳头,此刻的詹恩看起来就好像是一个死心眼的圣骑士,一副不达目的誓不罢休的样子。但是马丁却很清楚,这个年轻人绝对不是那种头脑简单的莽撞之徒。那么他演这一出究竟是意欲为何?敲诈王室?看起来不像。但是要说故意来找光耀之国的麻烦—莫非这巴夏侬门斯家族祖上和光耀之国的先祖还有什么深仇大恨不成? Regarding this Martin did not make clear thoroughly. The pomposity of however in any event, in the Zhan En mouth saying, can actually stand firmly absolutely. After all the imperial grand theater indeed is the property of prince, but mother of that Blood descendants is also Zhan En kills in the theater. This is the indisputable fact, then the Camarst royal family must mediate mother of Blood descendants to relate a little does not have, to be honest Martin do not believe. He is not a fool, then others are not the fools, Martin also hopes can solve this matter with the Zhan En communication in private. However listens is so strong, Martin that Zhan En said is then clear, this matter was unable to be friendly. 对此马丁是彻底搞不清楚了。但是无论如何,詹恩口中说的冠冕堂皇,却是绝对站得住脚的。毕竟皇家大剧院的确是王家的财产,而那个血裔之母也是詹恩在剧院里杀死的。这都是不争的事实,那么卡玛斯特王室要说和血裔之母一点儿关系都没有,说实话马丁自己都不信。他不是傻瓜,那么其他人也不是傻瓜,原本马丁还希望能够和詹恩私下沟通来解决这件事。但是听詹恩说的这么强硬,马丁便清楚,这件事已经无法善了了。 Is even so. How can you? You also really planned that begins to the royal family? & R dquo ; “可是就算如此。你又能够怎么样?难道你还真打算对王室动手?” At the same time saying, Martin looks again to Zhan En behind these young girls. 一面说着,马丁再次望向詹恩身后那些少女们。 I acknowledged, your strength is very indeed strong, however your population were too few, you should not think that depends on your these people, can surround entire Royal castle. & R dquo ; “我承认,你们的确实力很强,但是你们的人数实在太少了,你该不会以为就靠你们这些人,就能够包围整个王城吧。” Only by us indeed is not good. & R dquo ; “光靠我们的确是不行。” Hears the speech of Martin, shrugging the shoulders that Zhan En thinks little of actually. 听到马丁的说话,詹恩倒是不以为意的耸耸肩膀。 But I had not said, light/only surrounds Royal castle by several of us. & R dquo ; “但是我可从来没有说,光靠我们几个来包围王城啊。” What did you say? & R dquo ; “你说什么?” Hears here, Martin gawked gawked, then he looked up suddenly toward the sky. 听到这里,马丁愣了一愣,接着他猛然抬起头向着天空望去。 In there. Overcast sky. Suddenly, entire Glory city as if fell into a strange silence, the wind does not know when had stopped flowing, whipped ocean waves disappearance of dike is also missing. Crowd that the distant place makes noise. Also no longer spoke at this time, although does not know that what happened, but the feeling of their as if instinct had anything to arrive, that was one type strange, warning from instinct. Even circles the Griffon knight in sky also seems somewhat anxious, because they discovered and were almost wholeheartedly the mount of same body at this time is actually anxious is whipping the wing. Is vacillating the head, wants to flee here appearance. If not they after the strict training, but also understood that obeys knight's order, perhaps this little while these Griffon have gone crazy threw then to make a getaway their knights. In fact, where these knight present also very to goes, they only thought that oneself hair must explode, even the blood starts flowing fast, under the rapid breath the everywhere air as if lost the trace, that had fought many battles also to start the rapid beat facing the heart that Death has not changed at this time, seems making some warning general to own master. 在那里。阴云密布。一时间,整个辉煌之城仿佛都陷入了一种诡异的寂静之中,风不知道在什么时候已经停止了流动,就连原本拍打着堤岸的海浪也消失不见了踪影。就连远处喧闹的人群。在这个时候也不再说话,虽然不知道发生了什么事,但是他们似乎都本能的感觉到有什么东西正在降临,那是一种诡异的,来自本能的警告。甚至就连盘旋在天空上的狮鹫骑士也显得有些紧张,因为他们发现原本和自己几乎是一心同体的坐骑这个时候却是焦躁不安的拍打着翅膀。左右摇摆着脑袋,一副想要逃离这里的样子。如果不是它们都经过严格的训练,还懂得听从骑士的命令的话,恐怕这会儿这些狮鹫已经发狂的把它们的骑士扔下去然后逃之夭夭了。事实上,就连那些骑士本身现在也好不到哪儿去,他们只觉得自己的头发都要炸起来了,甚至连血液都开始飞快的流动,急促的呼吸下原本无处不在的空气似乎失去了踪影,那颗身经百战面对死亡也不曾有所改变的心脏这个时候也开始急促的跳动起来,仿佛正在给自己的主人做出某种警告一般。 However also stops. 不过也到此为止。 next moment, the cloud layer separates. 下一刻,云层分开。 The huge jet black shadow like this was sudden, mixes with the sound sudden emergence that the strong winds are howling in the front of people. That shadow so huge, almost covered half aristocrat area. However this is only starts merely, the quick, huge shadows appear from the cloud layer, they fanned the wing, the belt/bring air current were forming one after another high wave in the sea level, some boats moved aside, immediately threw off in the sea level. However these shadows actually did not care at all, they are only silent float in midair, surrounded entire Royal castle with huge crowds of people. 巨大漆黑的阴影就这样突如其来,夹杂着狂风呼啸的声音突然的出现在了众人的面前。那阴影是如此的巨大,以至于几乎笼罩了半个贵族区。但是这仅仅只是开始,很快,一个又一个巨大的阴影从云层上方浮现,它们扇动着翅膀,带起的气流在海面上形成了一道又一道高高的波浪,有些小船躲闪不及,顿时被掀翻在海面上。不过这些黑影却是毫不在意,它们只是沉默的悬浮在半空之中,里三层外三层的包围了整个王城 „!!! & R dquo ; “啊!!!” A grating scream streaked across the silent nighttime sky, sounded the chaotic blasting fuse, people are weeping and wailing, was screaming flees and becomes separated everywhere. They lift up high both hands, if shape crazy fleeing and becoming separated in all directions, actually even did not care about itself to run up to where. Some people are being able choose the exact way because of flurry crashed in the alley, then hits on the wall, but they actually think little, even the blood on forehead has not cleaned the meaning, dashed to climb up the wall to turn like this, even if ripped the precious clothes tattered did not care. 一声刺耳的尖叫划破了寂静的夜空,也拉响了混乱的导火索,人们哭喊着,尖叫着四处逃散。他们高举双手,状若疯狂般的四处逃散,甚至不在乎自己究竟跑到了什么地方。有些人更是慌不择路的冲进了小巷,然后一头撞在墙上,但是他们却不以为意,甚至连额头上的鲜血都没有擦拭一下的意思,就这样飞奔着爬上墙翻了过去,哪怕把自己名贵的衣服撕的破破烂烂也不在意。 The paralysis that some people frighten directly to the place, sees a shadow merely, made them live completely unmatchable frightened and despair. A their finger cannot move, can only look at that shadow helplessly, was screaming faints. This irrelevant courage, irrelevant guts. Even if bravest human, will not easily stand in its front. Reason very simple & mda S h ; That is the big dragon. 更有些人直接吓的瘫到在地,仅仅只是看到一个影子,就让他们生起了完全无法对抗的恐惧与绝望。他们连一根手指都动不了,只能够眼睁睁的看着那个黑影,然后尖叫着昏倒在地。这无关勇气,更无关胆量。哪怕是最勇敢的人类,也不会轻易站在它的面前。原因很简单—那是巨龙。 Big dragon of blue white interaction such peaceful float in sky, on their shoulders the pitch-dark crafting muzzle aimed at following Royal castle, can believe firmly, once opens fire, entire Glory city will become the history thoroughly. Nothing can fortunately survive under this destructive fire. 蓝白相间的巨龙就这样安静的悬浮在天空上,它们肩膀上黑洞洞的构装炮口对准了下面的王城,可以确信,一旦开火,整个辉煌之城都将彻底成为历史。没有什么能够在这毁灭性的炮火下幸存。 soldier of Silver moon guard is unable to be exceptional at this moment, their as if puppet stands there dull, weapon that in the hand gripped tightlyding & R dquo ; Fell place, but actually no one picks up their weapons, because before this desperate enemy, any resistance is unproductive. They can do only, is closes eyes to wait for death. 就连银月卫队的士兵此刻也无法例外,他们仿佛木偶般呆站在那里,手里原本紧握的武器“叮叮咣咣”的掉了一地,但是却没有人去拾起他们的武器,因为在这种令人绝望的敌人面前,任何抵抗都是徒劳的。他们唯一能够做的,就是闭目等死。 Martin Archmage this time was also changing the complexion, he is not does not know that Zhan En has a matter of big dragon regiment, after all initially the Bassammens family can, in Klein Continent becomes famous to a great extent is big dragon regiment that because they show during the fight with Goldshire Empire. After all can become the organization big dragon army of organization system is a very difficult matter, can say that no influence on Klein Continent has also succeeded through the ages. But Bassammens can achieve unexpectedly, is naturally worth paying attention. 就连马丁大法师在这个时候也是不由的变了面色,他不是不知道詹恩拥有一只巨龙军团的事情,毕竟当初巴夏侬门斯家族能够在克莱恩大陆出名很大程度上就是因为他们在与闪金帝国的战斗之中展现出的巨龙军团。毕竟能够成建制的组织一只巨龙军队是件非常困难的事情,可以说古往今来在克莱恩大陆上还没有哪个势力成功过。而巴夏侬门斯居然可以做到,那么自然值得关注。 But Blue Legion in Zhan En hand only came out at that time one time, then did not have the trace again, most influences have not personally seen these big dragons, the time is long, they also only work as this are some exaggerating hearsay. Perhaps Bassammens made several Lesser Dragon to domesticate is not impossible. After all regarding the average person, wanted them to distinguish the difference between big dragon and Lesser Dragon was also too difficult. 只不过那个时候詹恩手中的苍蓝军团只出来了一次,然后就再没有了踪影,大部分势力都没有亲眼见过那些巨龙,时间一长,他们也只当这是某个夸张的传闻。或许巴夏侬门斯是弄了几条亚龙来驯化也不是不可能。毕竟对于普通人来说,要他们分辨出巨龙和亚龙之间的区别也太难了一些。 But personally sees the present big dragon until them, changed own idea. That everywhere intense dragon prestige, changes their ideas sufficiently. If Lesser Dragon, is decidedly impossible to have dragon prestige. 而直到他们亲眼看见眼前的巨龙,才改变了自己的想法。那无处不在的强烈龙威,就足以改变他们的想法。如果是亚龙,是断然不可能拥有龙威的。 In fact, Blue Legion indeed is not considered as that the true big dragon, in the Pattilina world, they exists as the gene synthetics of big dragon, is stronger than Lesser Dragon, but wants to be weaker than the true big dragon, strictly speaking should be the Asian big dragon is right. After equipping the Alchemy crafting weapon, their strengths compare the true big dragon only to miss the frontline, therefore Martin such experienced Archmage, cannot see what issue even absolutely. Also because of this, this moment Martin Archmage complexion is also very ugly, he has not thought of the Zhan En unexpectedly preparation sothorough & R dquo ;, Also does not know when these big dragons appear, but now, looked that they can know the appearance of Royal castle surrounding all round, today this matter does not have the means to be friendly. 事实上,苍蓝军团的确不算是真正的巨龙,在帕蒂莉娜的世界里,它们是作为巨龙的基因合成品存在的,比亚龙强,但是比真正的巨龙还是要弱一些,严格来说应该算是亚巨龙才对。在装备了炼金构装的武器之后,它们的实力倒比真正的巨龙只差一线,所以即便是马丁这样见多识广的大法师,也绝对看不出什么问题来。也正因为如此,此刻马丁大法师的面色也很难看,他没想到詹恩居然准备的如此“周到”,也不知道这些巨龙是什么时候出现,但是现在,看它们把王城团团包围的样子就可以得知,今天这件事是没办法善了了。 You ............... & R dquo ; “你……………” „ To remove the abscess, the best way is the thorough excision, by never recurring trouble. & R dquo ; “想要去除脓疮,最好的办法就是彻底切除,以绝后患。” Facing the Martin Archmage surprised vision, Zhan En shows a faint smile. 面对马丁大法师惊讶的目光,詹恩微微一笑。 If I said that I can rumble this Royal castle, does not know that Martin Archmage believes I can achieve? & R dquo ;( ~ ^ ~) “如果我说我会轰掉这座王城,不知道马丁大法师是否相信我能够做到呢?”(~^~)
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