DR :: Volume #6

#523: Wanting to have a lion's share

Saw the arrivals of these Griffon knights, in the Martin surface to show being happy and worried at the same time expression. At present in this army Silver moon guard most powerful silver lion knight regiment, since they have sent out, expressed that the matter has alarmed the king. But what worries is Zhan En this group of people are not affable, oneself tie down by the present young girl now cannot withdraw, but the silver lion is strong, but must discuss the strength, did not compare these to step into legendary domain young people many. He has not known account now, but Martin is not a fool, live long mage is very mostly intelligent, he knows that these people are to make a big row the auction market, moreover knows that today's auction has several big influences on come to participate personally. According to the truth, both sides do this appearance, how saying that should also have the third party to come out to be a peacemaker to them under a stair. Now but seems like these people does not seem willing to act, even were not many words says one, this explained that they were also quite discontented with Shining country. Although Martin had not been clear that they why are actually discontented with Shining country, but can stir up these big influences also to stand by, where represents itself definitely to have problems. Otherwise, how they can look helplessly these young people do provoke the Shining country dignity? 看见这些狮鹫骑士的到来,马丁的面上露出了喜忧参半的表情。眼下这支部队正是银月卫队里最强大的银狮骑士团,既然他们已经出动,就表示事情已经惊动了国王陛下。但担忧的是詹恩这群人可不好惹,自己现在被眼前的少女缠住根本就脱不了身,而银狮虽然强劲,可是要论实力,也不比那些踏入了传奇领域的年轻人强多少。他现在还不知道事情的经过,但是马丁也不是傻瓜,活的长的法师大都很聪明,他知道这些人是大闹拍卖场的,而且也知道今天的拍卖会有好几个大势力都亲自前来参加。按照道理来说,双方搞成这个样子,怎么说也该有第三方出来做个和事佬给他们一个台阶下。可是现在看起来那些人似乎都不愿意出面,甚至连话都不多说一句,这就说明他们本身对于光耀之国也是颇为不满。虽然马丁还不清楚他们究竟为什么对光耀之国不满,但是能够惹得这几大势力同时坐壁上观,就代表自己这边肯定是有什么地方出了问题。不然的话,他们怎么能够眼睁睁的看着这几个年轻人挑衅光耀之国的尊严? If that was true, then these young people the reason that dared to attack brutally here also understood very much, they were not recklessly the unseemly behavior, but radically was secure! 而如果真是这样的话,那么这几个年轻人敢于在这里大打出手的原因也就很了解了,他们不是肆意妄为,而根本就是有恃无恐! At this time Martin somewhat was also unable to back down, if he can have the advantage, then can also set an example to put their horse, then inquired that was actually clear what happened. However now the Tinidell offensive actually surges wave upon wave, this Your Highness Princess does not care about Martin to think anything, is only in low spirits cutting. But facing the attack of Tinidell, Martin is also in an extremely difficult situation, in this case, wants to turn the hand to oneself looks for a stair is not easy to look. At this moment sees the shroff to enter the stage, Martin is also in the heart sighs, found the opportunity finally. 这个时候马丁也是有些骑虎难下了,如果他能够掌握优势,那么还可以做个样子放他们一马,然后再询问清楚究竟发生了什么事。但是现在蒂尼德尔的攻势却是一浪高过一浪,这位公主殿下可不在乎马丁在想什么,只是闷着头一个劲儿的砍。而面对蒂尼德尔的进攻,马丁也是狼狈不堪,在这种情况下,想要翻手给自己找个台阶也不好找。此刻看见银师出场,马丁也是心中一叹,总算是找到机会了。 Thinks of here, this Archmage also no longer hesitates. While Tinidell does not strike time, he raises both hands immediately, made an effort to break off magic staff in hand, later then saw the dark green dissociation beam to appear the waterfall shape to proliferate immediately. Covered toward Tinidell. But does not dare to resist facing dissociation beam Tinidell even hardly, can only the helpless giving up attack, toward the side make way. But Martin seized the chance to give a hand signal fast, quick, along with the Martin movement. On his right hand index finger an opal ring explodes immediately, later flashes through together brilliance, then transmitted above Martin the upper air instantaneously. 想到这里,这位大法师也不再犹豫。趁着蒂尼德尔一击未中的时候,他立刻举起双手,用力掰断了手中的法杖,随后便看见墨绿色的离解射线顿时呈瀑布状扩散开来。向着蒂尼德尔笼罩了过去。而面对离解射线就算是蒂尼德尔也不敢硬抗,只能够无奈的放弃攻击,向着侧面闪开。而马丁则趁机飞快的做了个手势,很快,伴随着马丁的动作。他右手食指上一枚蛋白石戒指顿时爆炸,随后一道光辉闪过,瞬间便将马丁传送到了高空之上。 Looks is separated from the battlefield finally, this Archmage also relaxes. But at this time, suddenly, an ice-cold chill in the air followed his back to flee instantaneously on, is completely the obligation of instinct, making Martin turn toward side to flutter instantaneously. But almost at the same time, a slight wind sound/rumor appears in the ear of Martin, he only saw a shadow to pass over gently and swiftly from oneself corner of the eye instantaneously. next moment his spacious method robe skirt-width as if looked like to be pulled a huge opening by the wild animal tear and bite. But dark Sharp Edge that cannot hit also takes back rapidly, as if the waterdrop integrates in the sea to vanish in the present darkness, not seem to appeared same. But following Tinidell frowns, discontented gazed at fixedly Martin one, this left to retrocede, returns side Zhan En's. 看着终于脱离战场,这位大法师也是松了口气。但就在这个时候,忽然,一股冰冷的寒意瞬间顺着他的脊背直窜而上,完全是本能的驱使,使得马丁瞬间向着旁边飘开。而几乎就在与此同时,一声轻微的风声在马丁的耳边浮现,紧接着他只看见一道黑影瞬间从自己的眼角掠过。下一刻他那宽大的法袍下摆就仿佛像被野兽撕咬般的拉扯出了一条巨大的口子。而一击不中的黑暗利刃也是迅速收回,仿佛水滴融入了海洋中消失在眼前的黑暗里,似乎从来没有出现过一样。而下面的蒂尼德尔则是皱起眉头,不满的瞪视了马丁一眼,这才抽身后退,重新回到了詹恩的身边。 Hiss! „ “嘶!“ Until at this time, Martin sucked in an cold air/Qi, he understands finally why before , faces own dissociation beam, this young girl has not chosen but backward chose from one side the make way, at that time he had not responded. Now wants to come, perhaps this young girl in that flash also planned that continues launches the attack to oneself. If were not his instinct gave the warning promptly, perhaps then that blade will open up the stomach finally sufficiently. 直到这个时候,马丁才倒抽了一口冷气,他终于明白为什么之前面对自己的离解射线,这个少女也没有选择向后而是选择了从侧面闪开,那个时候他还没有反应过来。现在想来,这个少女恐怕在那一瞬间还打算继续向自己发起进攻。如果不是他的本能及时提出了警告的话,那么最后那一刀恐怕就足以将自己开膛破肚了。 This small girl is so how ruthless! 这小丫头怎么这么狠! Thinks of here, Martin looked that the Tinidell look also took a fear. Generally speaking to their boundaries, only if the life and death foe, otherwise no one is willing extremely to go all out. However this seems like attractively very ice-cold young girl is actually incurs under the move very much the extreme methods, has not cultivated the behavior to keep the frontline completely, the meaning in the future well meeting. Actually are this group of people ......... what origin? 想到这里,马丁蒂尼德尔的眼神也是带上了一丝恐惧。一般来说到了他们这个境界,除非是生死仇敌,否则的话谁都不愿意太过拼命。但是这个看起来很漂亮很冰冷的少女却是招招下死手,完全没有做人留一线,日后好相见的意思。这群人………究竟是什么来历? Archmage your excellency, you are all right. & R dquo ; 大法师阁下,您没事吧。” The commander of this Silver lion lion also arrives at the Martin side immediately. The respectful opens the mouth inquiry said. Although his tone is very respectful, does not have the means to cover in his eye is hiding the surprised sentiment. Was born from him now, this is the first time that saw this in the Shining country famous Archmage so distressed appearance, not only a scorched by fire, even even/including Fapao were cut broken. Sees here, silver lion commander surprised looking to below Zhan En and others. 刻银狮的指挥官也立刻来到了马丁的身边。恭敬的开口询问道。虽然他的语气很恭敬,却没有办法掩盖他眼中隐藏着的惊讶之情。从他出生到现在,这还是第一次看见这位在光耀之国享有盛名的大法师如此狼狈的样子,不但一身烟熏火燎,甚至连法袍都被人砍破了。看到这里,银狮指挥官不由惊讶的望向下方的詹恩等人 Are these fellows so fierce? 这些家伙有这么厉害? Thinks of here, the silver lion commander also somewhat regretted, he thinks has Martin Archmage to act, subordinate who in addition and Hyde think, what people are easy, therefore enters the stage puts the aggressive statement. Finally now discovers that kicked on the sheet iron, suddenly does not know should should do. Must say that turns around walks, the aggressive statement let out the direct dingy dodging person also to lose face too. However must say that rushes & mda S h ; Even Martin Archmage, did they rush like this are not more miserable? 想到这里,银狮指挥官也是有些后悔,原本他以为有马丁大法师出手,再加上自己和海德思的手下,什么人都是手到擒来,所以才一出场就放狠话。结果现在发现踢到铁板上了,一时间也不知道该如何是好。要说掉头就走吧,狠话都放出去了直接灰溜溜的闪人也太丢人。但是要说冲上去吧—连马丁大法师都这样了,那他们冲上去不更惨? Archmage your excellency, now what to do? & R dquo ; 大法师阁下,现在怎么办?” Dead fellow daoist not dead this poor Daoist, finally, the silver lion commander decided hands over on the option Martin, his status is in any case high, according to the truth also indeed should grasp the overall situation by Martin Archmage. Oneself naturally strict enforcement of orders and bans as the soldier, if Martin Archmage said that does not hit so him not to lose face, but can also the abundant soldier obey the good reputation of order. 死道友不死贫道,最终,银狮指挥官还是决定把选择权交到马丁手上,反正他身份高,按照道理来说也的确应该由马丁大法师来掌握全局。自己身为军人自然是令行禁止,如果马丁大法师说不打了那么他也不算丢人,还能够博一个军人听从命令的好名声。 But hears the silver lion commander's inquiry, Martin also frowns, he had detected that the matter is not definitely simple. However to present this step, to be honest, how regardless to do is not a good choice. To take away them is impossible, Martin self-examined that does not have the ability to stall the attack of Tinidell, but the silver lion and Moon blade strength is also almost the same, looked that Zhan En and others the pitiful condition of rivers of blood the Moon blade guard kills, the silver lion falls in their hands does not ask. What is more important, the meaning that these have the strength the big shot who prevents this fight not to stand, this makes Martin also feel some worries. Offends a Bassammens family he is not worried, if offended so many influences altogether completely, but that was big on the trouble. But now seems like, the matter of this imperial grand theater is indeed big, can make these influences stand by not to come out completely to work as the peacemaker, explained that they are angry very much, the issue is very serious. Although they have not stood to express support for Zhan En explicitly, but Martin is very clear. Most times, the default and support are actually nothing distinguish. 而听到银狮指挥官的询问,马丁也是皱起了眉头,他已经察觉到事情肯定不简单。但是到了现在这一步,说实话,无论怎么做都不是一个好的选择。想要带走他们是不可能的,马丁自问没能力挡住蒂尼德尔的进攻,而银狮和月刃的实力也相差无几,看詹恩等人月刃卫队杀的血流成河的惨状,银狮落在他们手上也讨不到好。更重要的是,那些有实力阻止这场战斗的大佬们都没有站出来的意思,这让马丁也是感到有些担心。得罪一个巴夏侬门斯家族他不担心,但是要是把这么多势力一股脑儿全部都得罪了,那么可就麻烦大了。而现在看起来,这皇家大剧院的事情的确不小,能够让那些势力全部都作壁上观没有一个愿意出来当和事老的,说明他们很生气,问题很严重。虽然他们没有明确站出来表示支持詹恩,但是马丁很清楚。在很多时候,默认和支持其实是没有什么区别的。 First encircles them, actually ascertained what happened said again. & R dquo ; “先把他们围起来,问清楚究竟发生了什么事再说。” Thinks of here, Martin Archmage does not dare to act rashly. Only can issue an order casually. But hears the speech of Martin Archmage, the silver lion commander also nods immediately, then sends for inquiry. He is also like Martin Archmage, because obtained the news saying that some people caused trouble in the imperial grand theater, even the Moon blade guards were attacked. Then quickly catches up. Actually why to hit as for both sides, he is not very clear. But heavy had/left such matter in Royal castle, naturally must first control the aspect, then tells the truth to tell the truth. 想到这里,马丁大法师也不敢轻举妄动。只能够随便下了个命令。而听到马丁大法师的说话,银狮指挥官也是立刻点了点头,接着派人下去询问情况。他也和马丁大法师一样,只是因为得到消息说有人在皇家大剧院闹事,甚至连月刃卫队都被袭击。这才急忙赶过来。至于双方究竟为什么打起来,他也不是很清楚。只不过在王城重地出了这样的事情,自然首先是要控制局面,然后再有一说一有二说二。 But unfortunately, is no one is they can control. 但可惜的是,不是什么人都是他们能够控制的。 At this time Hyde thought to lead his subordinate also to remove outside of imperial grand theater, with the aid of the contact crystal, he was also of rapid and commander silver lion conducts the contact, the Hyde of process of matter after that thought had investigated from peripheral these guest there 7788, naturally also clearly what happened, listens to Martin Archmage to ask at this moment. Naturally reports immediately. 这个时候海德思带着他的部下也已经撤到了皇家大剧院的外面,借助联络水晶,他也迅速和银狮的指挥官进行了联络,事情的经过在那之后海德思已经从周边那些客人那里调查了个七七八八,自然也明白发生了什么事,此刻听马丁大法师问起。当然是立刻汇报了上去。 Blood descendants? Did you determine? & R dquo ; 血裔?你确定?” But listens report that Hyde thinks, Martin is the complexion is also cloudy, he knows that this matter definitely has the issue, but has not thought that unexpectedly can be this. The mother of Blood descendants! Doesn't that represent this imperial grand theater is one crowd of Vampire den? Thinks of here, Martin is understands finally why these influences do not act, how here said that is also the royal family constructs, actually braves one crowd of Vampire suddenly. This what's the matter? don't tell me your Shining country royal family also planned that with the method of this low, controls our young people, then annexes our influences and organizations? 而听完海德思的汇报,马丁也是面色阴沉,他知道这件事肯定有问题,但是没想到居然会是这样。血裔之母啊!那不就代表这皇家大剧院是一群吸血鬼的老巢?想到这里,马丁总算是明白为什么那些势力都不出面了,这里怎么说也是王室建筑,却忽然冒出来一群吸血鬼。这算怎么回事?难道说你们光耀之国王室还打算用这种下三滥的手段,把我们的年轻人都控制住,然后进而吞并我们的势力和组织吗? Thinks of here, Martin is the incomparable headache. If it is not dealt with properly this matter, then is not only Shining country and issue between Bassammens families, but is on Shining country and Klein Continent disputes between several strong presences. No organization can tolerate such provocation and schemes and tricks, if they did not explain clearly. Then Shining country may be big on the trouble. 想到这里,马丁更是无比头疼。这件事如果处理不好,那么就不光是光耀之国巴夏侬门斯家族之间的问题,而是光耀之国克莱恩大陆上好几个强大势力之间的纠纷。没有哪个组织能够容忍这样的挑衅和阴谋诡计,如果他们不解释清楚的话。那么光耀之国可就麻烦大了。 But must explain, Martin does not know how should explain. He is mage, is not understood regarding the matter of imperial grand theater very much, does not hide in issue clearly. If who knows inside story, then inevitable, only then royal family member, but as the matter stands ......... 可是要解释,马丁也不知道该如何解释。他是一个法师,对于皇家大剧院的事情并不是很了解,根本不清楚隐藏在其中的问题。如果说要是有谁知道其中的内幕,那么必然只有王室内部的成员了,可这样一来……… Immediately reports to give your majesty this matter. Is decided by him. & R dquo ; “立刻将此事汇报给陛下。由他定夺。” Thinks of here, Martin also makes the decision immediately, although he is imperial Archmage, but is not in the royal family the person, he does not carry with Blood descendants illicit intercourse pot, who likes carrying who carries. Originally ......... , if we had known is this should select low-key settles a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved is right, but the opposite parties have made into this appearance ......... this matter seemed like unable to be friendly. 想到这里,马丁也是立刻做出了决定,他虽然是皇家大法师,但不是王室中人,和血裔私通这个锅他可不背,谁爱背谁背去。本来嘛………如果早知道是这样就应该低调点儿息事宁人才对,但是对方都已经打成这个样子了………这件事看起来无法善了了。 Thinks of here, Martin looks again to Zhan En and others, sighed, then he fell in the ground, walked toward the people in big strides. But sees Martin to walk, Pattilina showed the smile of danger actually, held up the long spear/gun in hand to aim at Martin, Tinidell selected under the brow, had not responded as before. However Martin has not paid attention to these two young ladies, but looks directly to Zhan En. 想到这里,马丁再次望向詹恩等人,叹了口气,接着他重新落在地面上,大踏步向着众人走了过去。而看见马丁走过来,帕蒂莉娜倒是露出了危险的笑容,重新举起了手中的长枪瞄准了马丁,蒂尼德尔则是挑了下眉头,依旧没有反应。不过马丁也没有关注这两位小姐,而是直接望向詹恩 Account, I have listened to Hyde to think to report, this matter makes to this situation, is not, do you who we can solve what to do plan? Mr. Bassammens? & R dquo ; “事情的经过,我已经听海德思报告过了,这件事闹到这个地步,已经不是我们可以解决的了,你打算怎么办?巴夏侬门斯先生?” What to do? & R dquo ; “怎么办?” Hears the inquiry of Martin, Zhan En shows a faint smile. 听到马丁的询问,詹恩微微一笑。 „ Very simple, first, Shining country must be sorry to us for this reason, we come here to attend the auction, stems from the trust Shining country. However, solemn Shining country, will give shelter to one crowd of Blood descendants unexpectedly, moreover dares to begin ......... me to think to me, wants some psychological trauma fees should not be excessive. & R dquo ; “很简单,首先,光耀之国必须为此向我们表示歉意,我们来到这里参加拍卖会,是出于对光耀之国的信任。但是没有想到,堂堂光耀之国,居然会窝藏一群血裔,而且还胆敢对我动手………我想,要些精神损失费应该不过分吧。” This ......... & R dquo ; “这个………” Although cannot understand anything ispsychological trauma spends & R dquo ;, The concrete meaning, Martin understands that therefore he nods. However has not spoken immediately, because he is very clear, the opposite party becomes this appearance noisily, is absolutely impossible to select money to settle merely. Sure enough, facing the Martin vision, Zhan En is coldly smiles. 虽然听不懂什么是“精神损失费”,不过具体的意思,马丁还是明白的,因此他点了点头。但是却没有立刻说话,因为他很清楚,对方闹成这个样子,绝对不可能仅仅只是要点儿钱了事的。果不其然,面对马丁的目光,詹恩则是冷冷一笑。 In addition, I also request the royal family to hand over with mother of illicit intercourse that Blood descendants royal family member, since they can occupy imperial grand theater so many years, I will not believe the royal family not to know the circumstances of the matter. Perhaps to you, this is only an immaterial minor matter, but regarding me, an awarding a decoration aristocrat, I will not look on like this evil is aloof in my spread! & R dquo ; “除此之外,我还要求王室交出和那位血裔之母私通的王室成员,她们既然能够占据皇家大剧院这么多年,我可不信王室内部会对此一点儿都不知情。或许对于你们来说,这只是一件无关紧要的小事,但是对于我,一个授勋贵族而言,我是不会坐视这样的邪恶在我的身边蔓延而无动于衷的!” If we can't hand over? & R dquo ; “如果我们交不出来呢?” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Martin is also the complexion sinks immediately, this young people tone was too big, making the royal family associate with people? Is his is having daydream? 听到詹恩的说话,马丁也是顿时面色一沉,这个年轻人口气实在太大了,让王室交人?他这是在做白日梦吗? But facing the inquiry of Martin, Zhan En seems prepared early, sees only him to smile is nodding to Martin, this says. 而面对马丁的询问,詹恩似乎早有准备,只见他微笑着冲马丁点了点头,这才开口说道。 If cannot hand over not to relate, in that case, I have to go to inside royal city to make an arrest personally. & R dquo ;( ~ ^ ~) “如果交不出来的话也没关系,那样一来,我就只好亲自去王城里抓人了。”(~^~)
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