DR :: Volume #6

#522: Bold

Sees this great sickle, the Martin look immediately changed. He quickly draws back backward, sees only the magic to flash at present brilliance, the next moment Martin form then disappears baseless, then appeared beyond several meters. However evades Martin that struck actually therefore not to relax, on the contrary, his complexion gloomy before gazing at fixedly own body, & mda S h ; In there, the magic protects the shield torn crevice is sending out the weak brilliance, as without the light bulb of electricity equally after the connection glittered 2-3 times then vanishes thoroughly. This is he as protection spell that legendary Archmage releases, according to truth, even if not be destroyed by the direct attack, but a moment ago this sudden struck actually passed through the Martin safety mask thoroughly, if were not he responds enough quickly, then perhaps divided into two with that magic shield black great sickle him. 看见这把巨镰,马丁的眼神顿时变了。他急忙向后一退,只见眼前魔法光辉一闪,下一刻马丁的身影便凭空消失,接着出现在了数米之外。但是躲过了一击的马丁却并没有因此而放松,相反,他面色阴沉的瞪视着自己的身前—在那里,魔法护盾被撕裂的空隙正在散发着微弱的光辉,仿佛没了电的灯泡一样在连接闪烁了2-3次之后便彻底消失。这可是他作为传奇大法师所释放的防护法术,按照道理来说,哪怕是被直接攻击也不会被破坏,但是刚才这突如其来的一击却彻底贯穿了马丁的防护罩,如果不是他本身反应足够快的话,恐怕那把黑色的巨镰就连他和那面魔法盾一起一分为二了。 Actually is who? 究竟是谁? Looks at the present darkness, Martin had/left cold sweat, he does not think that oneself magic shield was destroyed and has a low opinion of the enemy or the opposite party sneak attacks what relations. The magic protects the shield is 360 degrees all-around automatic protection, not because of the Martin will, but has shifted, no matter in other words the opposite party is the sneak attack, the magic protects the shield to play the original role. But facing this strikes, should protect own magic to protect the shield actually tattered resembles together rags ......... 看着眼前的黑暗,马丁不由的出了一头冷汗,他倒不认为自己的魔法盾被破坏和自己轻敌或者对方偷袭有什么关系。魔法护盾是三百六十度全方位自动防护的,不会因为马丁的意志而有所转移,也就是说不管对方是不是偷袭,魔法护盾都应该发挥原本的作用。可是面对这一击,原本应该保护自己的魔法护盾却破烂的像一块破布……… But when Martin is surprised, sees only the present darkness to shrink suddenly, later Tinidell such graceful walked from the darkness, her both hands are grasping that the giant black sickle, does not have any expression is looking steadily at present Martin like this. But sees the present young girl, Martin to stare, then he nods. 而就在马丁惊疑不定的时候,只见眼前的黑暗猛然一缩,随后蒂尼德尔就这样优雅的从黑暗之中走了出来,她双手握着那把巨大的黑色镰刀,没有任何表情的就这样盯视着眼前的马丁。而看见眼前的少女,马丁不由一愣,接着他点了点头。 Good ......... very good ......... & R dquo ; “好………很好………” At the same time saying, Martin made an effort to get hold of magic staff in hand, he has not thought that these people were so unexpectedly fierce, although he disparaged Zhan En and others not to know the immensity of heaven and earth before, but Martin was very clear, any influence can put out so many so young legend powerhouse, will look at one high. But at present, here comes out they to seem like almost big legendary peak & mda S h with Zhan En ; Damn. Actually they are what origin, why will come Glory city to look for trouble? 一面说着,马丁用力握紧了手中的法杖,他没想到这些人居然这么厉害,虽然之前他贬低詹恩等人不知天高地厚,但是马丁很清楚,任何一个势力能够拿出这么多如此年轻的传奇强者,都会让人高看一眼。而眼下,这里又出来一个和詹恩他们看起来差不多大的传奇巅峰—该死的。他们究竟是什么来历,为什么会来辉煌之城找麻烦? Martin has not thought how should cope with the present aspect, Tinidell has begun quietly, regarding Tinidell. Who the opposite party is unimportant, the opposite party said that anything is unimportant, will cause what consequence is not as unimportant. So long as this is the Zhan En's request, then she will try hard to complete, who lets her is the Zhan En's wife? 马丁还没想到该怎么应对眼下的局面,蒂尼德尔已经悄然动手,对于蒂尼德尔来说。对方是谁不重要,对方说什么不重要,会造成什么后果同样不重要。只要这是詹恩的要求,那么她就会努力完成,谁让她是詹恩的妻子呢? Naturally. These words Tinidell kills does not dare saying that her very clear above that two younger sister Sirs stare at themselves to stare tight. How however even if didn't say? The man is the ship, the woman is a port, so long as silently contains and supports him, performing was wife's responsibility and duty does not have the issue to oneself! 当然。这句话蒂尼德尔打死也不敢说出来,她很清楚上面那两个妹妹大人盯自己盯的有多紧。不过就算不说出来又怎么样?男人是船,女人是港,只要默默的包容和支持他,尽到自己身为妻子的责任和义务就没问题了! „!! & R dquo ; “唰!!” The jet black great sickle has wielded again, has the violent and profound dark aura turns toward Martin to cut like this. But sees Tinidell to launch the attack again, Martin is also the complexion big change. Tinidell makes a move he to detect that pure dark strength is fearful, at this time Martin also understands that finally why this pretty young lady can break out oneself magic to protect the shield all of a sudden, what the magic is tasteful is the quality, but by having quality. The dark element of Tinidell operation wants certainly pure many compared with Martin, must know Tinidell, but Dark fairies Princess, is completely the elf that the dark element congeals, but how Martin again diligently is also human. Urges magic power by the body of human and urges the result that magic power obtains by the body of Fairy is completely different, why this is Archmage in elf generally compared with one of the human Archmage fierce reasons, but Tinidell as Fairy, is higher than the elf to compatible of dark element, the nature gets the advantage in this aspect. Sees only her to act, entire world for it one dark, the place that even these were illuminated by the flame of flaming combustion brilliance also covered a mourning band probably became gloomy. So long as slightly far separated a little. Even the thing two meters away does not see clearly. 漆黑的巨镰再次挥过,带着猛烈而深邃的黑暗气息就这样向着马丁砍了过去。而看见蒂尼德尔再次展开攻击,马丁也是面色大变。蒂尼德尔一出手他就察觉到那股纯粹的黑暗之力有多么可怕,这时候马丁也终于明白为什么这个娇滴滴的大小姐能够以一下子劈开自己的魔法护盾了,魔法讲究的是质量,而论起质量来说。蒂尼德尔操纵的黑暗元素肯定比马丁要纯粹的多,要知道蒂尼德尔可是暗妖精公主,完全就是黑暗元素凝结的精灵,而马丁再怎么努力也不过是人类。以人类之身驱使魔力和以妖精之身驱使魔力得到的结果是完全不同的,这就是为什么精灵里的大法师普遍要比人类的大法师厉害的原因之一,而蒂尼德尔身为妖精,对暗元素的亲和度比精灵还要高,自然在这方面更占优势。只见她一出手,整个天地都为之一暗,甚至就连那些被熊熊燃烧的火焰光辉照亮的地方也像是蒙上了一层黑纱般变得暗淡了下来。只要稍微隔远一点儿。甚至连两米外的东西都看不清楚。 Is she so fierce? 她怎么这么厉害? Looks at present, Martin is also startled, he is not a fool, attack that although Tinidell launches superficially directly. However as Archmage, the Martin nature had detected that in flash that Tinidell acts, all dark elements turn toward oneself gathering in all directions, will surround thoroughly. At this time the only choice resisted hardly, but thinks that was protected the shield by a magic of Tinidell easy tearing opening a moment ago, Martin is not willing to take risk. However as legendary Archmage. He was certainly impossible easily to be perplexed like this, sees only facing the attack of Tinidell, Martin loudly shouts, holds up magic staff of right hand to draw several mysterious rune/symbol writing in void, then gripped magic staff to make an effort to next. Sees only along with the Martin movement quickly, together thick lightning on thisbang & R dquo ; Straight dropping from the clouds, numerous bang on Martin own body, thunder and lightning sparkle dazzling brilliance erupts instantaneously, penetrated that thick darkness. But under the luminous illumination of lightning, the dark strength that Tinidell grasped presented the vacillation of flash, but at this time, saw only in the Martin Archmage eye none to flash, then his figure rocked again is shoving open backward, later a series of magic missiles the gem that the magic staff peak from his hand mounted erupt like this, approached Tinidell like violent storm pounding. But blots out the sky the magic missile that facing this raids, Tinidell is the figure in a flash, her side that jet black, giant cloak revolved immediately is forming a being too deep to see the bottom large cave/hole, next moment saw these magic missile such a to sneak in that jet black cloak, then disappearance was missing, as if they really falls into some being too deep to see the bottom dark Abyss to be the same like this. 看着眼前的这一幕,马丁也是大吃一惊,他不是傻瓜,虽然表面上看蒂尼德尔是正面发起的进攻。但是作为一个大法师,马丁自然已经察觉到在蒂尼德尔出手的一瞬间,四面八方所有的黑暗元素都向着自己的身边汇聚,彻底将自己包围其中。这个时候唯一的选择就只有硬抗,但是想到刚才被蒂尼德尔轻而易举的撕裂一道口子的魔法护盾,马丁也不愿意冒这个险。不过作为一个传奇大法师。他当然不可能就这样被轻易难住,只见面对蒂尼德尔的进攻,马丁大喝一声,举起右手的法杖在虚空之中画了几个神秘的符文,然后握住法杖用力向下一顿。很快只见伴随着马丁的动作,一道粗大的闪电就这样“轰隆”一声笔直的从天而降,重重的轰在马丁自己的身上,雷电闪耀的耀眼光辉瞬间爆发开来,穿透了那浓密的黑暗。而在闪电的光亮照射下,蒂尼德尔所掌握的黑暗之力出现了一瞬间的动摇,而就在这个时候,只见马丁大法师眼中精光一闪,接着他身形再次晃动着向后推开,随后一连串的魔法飞弹就这样从他手中法杖顶端所镶嵌的宝石上爆发而出,如同狂风暴雨般的砸向了蒂尼德尔。而面对这铺天盖地袭来的魔法飞弹,蒂尼德尔则是身形一晃,她身边那漆黑,巨大的披风顿时旋转着形成了一个深不见底的大洞,下一刻就见那些魔法飞弹就这样一头钻进了那漆黑的披风之中,然后消失不见了踪影,仿佛它们真的就这样掉入某个深不见底的黑暗深渊里一样。 Although the Tinidell speed is quick, to resist Martin the struck her is slightly slow half step, this enabled Martin to have the opportunity to escape from her great sickle finally, evaded that awfully originally struck. But strikes Tinidell that fails not to stop there, but continues to brandish the great sickle to rush over toward Martin. 虽然蒂尼德尔的速度很快,但是为了抵挡马丁的这一击她还是稍微慢了半步,这使得马丁终于有机会从她的巨镰下逃生,堪堪躲过了那原本要命的一击。而一击落空的蒂尼德尔也没有就此罢手,而是继续挥舞巨镰向着马丁冲了过去。 both sides fought in the wink of an eye, however the surrounding person actually look at the eye to from the eye socket child in stare. Martin Archmage takes the symbol of Shining country, even if everyone has not seen still has heard, but now he is being pressed hitting by a young young girl unexpectedly, really astonishingly. soldier of Silver moon guard also grew up the mouth, cannot believe is looking at this, in their hearts, Martin Archmage keeps aloof forever, does not get angry from the prestige, was full of the imposing manner. When sees him to make into this appearance? 双方交手只是瞬息之间,但是周围的人却看得眼睛都要从眼眶子里瞪出来了。马丁大法师作为光耀之国的象征,大家就算没有见过也听说过,而现在他居然被一个如此年轻的少女压着打,着实让人吃惊不已。就连银月卫队的士兵们也是长大了嘴巴,不敢相信的望着这一幕,在他们心中,马丁大法师永远都是高高在上,不怒自威,充满了气势的。什么时候见他被打成这个样子? Father Sir, these people also went too far!! & R dquo ; “父亲大人,这些人也太过分了!!” Stands in the balcony. Is looking at outside fight, the young people open the mouth to get angry again indignantly shout. Then he has turned the head, looks to standing puts on the old person of white armor in own side. 站在阳台上。望着外面的战斗,年轻人再次愤愤不平的开口怒喝道。接着他转过头去,望向站在自己身边穿着白色盔甲的老人。 These people disregard law and discipline simply, bold. We must stop this evil act! & R dquo ; “这些人简直是目无王法,胆大包天。我们必须要制止这种邪恶的行径!” Shuts up to me! & R dquo ; “给我闭嘴!” Hears son's speech, the old person coldly stared his one eyes. 听到自己儿子的说话,老人冷冷的瞪了他一眼。 This is Shining country and matter between Bassammens families, what matters closes our? Stands to look to me! & R dquo ; “这是光耀之国巴夏侬门斯家族之间的事情,关我们什么事?给我站在旁边看着!” But ............... & R dquo ; “可是……………” What, but! In the imperial grand theater has Vampire is the fact of being settled, the Shining country royal family wants to tear relations between them and Blood descendants is not easy. Who knows that they now this is anything that takes advantage. Gives me obediently to wait here, cannot act rashly!! & R dquo ; “什么可是!皇家大剧院里有吸血鬼已经是板上钉钉的事实,光耀之国的王室想要扯开他们和血裔之间的关系也没那么容易。谁知道他们现在这是打的什么算盘。给我乖乖在这里等着,不许轻举妄动!!” Stared oneself son one eyes wickedly. The old person turns around, complexion gloomy is staring at present. These respected family influences are not the fools, when seeing the director in that imperial grand theater is Vampire, they know why Zhan En dares to begin securely. But Zhan En and conflict between Silver moon guards after that they also watches, but actually no one goes out to help. The reason is very simple, because the director in imperial grand theater is Vampire, moreover higher Blood descendants. Only is this point, made these big influences stand by sufficiently. 恶狠狠的瞪了自己儿子一眼。老人转过身去,面色阴沉的盯着眼前的这一幕。这些大家族势力都不是傻瓜,在看见那个皇家大剧院的主事者是吸血鬼时,他们就知道詹恩为什么敢这么有恃无恐的动手了。而在那之后詹恩银月卫队之间的冲突他们也是看在眼里,但是却没有任何人出去帮忙。原因很简单,因为皇家大剧院的主事者是吸血鬼,而且还是高等血裔。光是这一点,就足以让这些大势力袖手旁观了。 They do that are not also pure not stick one's neck out , because concealment of Shining country at this matter, they win great reputation the organization on continent. Reason that attended this auction. Naturally looks in the Shining country prestige. Because the imperial grand theater is the Shining country signboard, then they will feel relieved that accepts the invitation. However now? Is the director in mother Imperial family grand theater unexpectedly mother of the Blood descendants? Shining country are you cheating? 他们这么做也并非单纯是明哲保身,更是因为光耀之国在这件事上的隐瞒,他们都是在大陆上名声在外的组织。之所以参加这场拍卖会。自然就是看在光耀之国的信誉上。因为皇家大剧院是光耀之国的招牌,那么他们才会放心接受邀请。但是现在呢?尼玛皇家大剧院的主事者居然是个血裔之母?光耀之国你这是在坑人呢? Wins great reputation the organization as continent on, no matter how these influences inside, are the just side after all. In other words from the camp, they and undead lifeform is the inborn mortal enemy. But now, they attended the auction that is chaired by mother of Blood descendants unexpectedly, Shining country what is this? Is this also has these assassins to organize to place a level Thief Guild that they and these do things stealthily to regard? 作为大陆上名声在外的组织,这些势力不管内里如何,总归是属于正义一方的。也就是说从阵营上来看,他们和不死生物是天生死敌。而现在,他们居然参加了由血裔之母主持的拍卖会,光耀之国这是什么意思?这是把他们和那些偷鸡摸狗的盗贼公会还有那些刺客组织放在一个层面上来看待吗? If were other undead lifeform said fortunately, what awfully was the director in imperial grand theater is Blood descendants, it is well known, Blood descendants regarding the permeability of human strong. If ordinary undead lifeform is good. However Blood descendants can actually operate and control these human through all sorts of methods, moreover everyone knows that was attracted the blood to turn into Vampire by Vampire. This is the solid threat, but these leaders of influence naturally cannot each time the auction time personally acts, more often in they are send themselves to organize these young people to represent itself to attend the auction. But this is also because they believe Shining country. Thinks that Shining country has the guarantee as the Holy nation Seth vassal state in prestige. Therefore will feel relieved that pushes their later generations. But now blows out the imperial grand theater to operate by Vampire unexpectedly, these people could not sit still immediately. If by some chance in oneself influence some people were transformed for Vampire, or was planted the type of Vampire, then they may be serious on the loss. After all each organization wants to train a successor to come is not easy, do not say that these have their children. Thinks they have placed unexpectedly under the threat of Vampire, the leaders of these organizations are angry incomparable. They have not come up to teach Shining country with Zhan En together are to fully the opposite party face, if the Shining country royal family does not give them a confession, then they did not mind that inserts one horizontally. 如果是别的不死生物还好说,更要命的是皇家大剧院的主事者是血裔,众所周知,血裔对于人类的渗透性有多强。如果是普通的不死生物还好。但是血裔却能够通过种种手段来操纵和控制那些人类,而且大家都知道被吸血鬼吸了血有可能变成吸血鬼。这可是实实在在的威胁,而这些势力的首领自然不会每次拍卖会的时候都亲自出面,更多的时候他们是派自己组织里那些年轻人来代表自己参加拍卖会。而这也是因为他们相信光耀之国。认为光耀之国作为圣国赛斯的属国在信誉方面是有保证的。所以才会这么放心把他们的后辈推出来。而现在爆出皇家大剧院居然是由吸血鬼经营的,那些人顿时也坐不住了。万一自己势力里有人被转化为了吸血鬼,或者被种了吸血鬼之种,那么他们可就损失惨重了。毕竟每个组织想要培养出一个继承者来都不容易,更不要说这其中还有他们的子女。一想到他们居然一直身处在吸血鬼的威胁之下,这些组织的首领都是愤怒无比。他们没上去跟詹恩一起教训光耀之国已经算是给足了对方面子,如果光耀之国王室不给他们一个交代的话,那么他们也不介意横插一手。 Also because of this, will these influence care people on one's own side without enough time, how go to manage Zhan En and Shining country at present make into what appearance? Perhaps in their opinion, best Zhan En more miserable a little, quite makes them who Shining country hits have a foul odor! Naturally, they must make the best use of the time to inspect well here manpower, having a look at the person to be changed to Blood descendants. If no one met with a disaster fortunately, if some people are changed to Vampire & mda S h ; They did not mind that looks for Shining countryto discuss & R dquo personally ;. 也正因为如此,眼下那些势力关心自己人都来不及,怎么会去管詹恩光耀之国打成什么样子?说不定在他们看来,最好詹恩光耀之国打的更惨一点儿,也好让他们出一口恶气!当然,他们也要抓紧时间好好检查一下自己这边的人手,看看有没有人被转化为血裔。要是没人遭殃还好,要是有人被转化为吸血鬼—那他们也不介意亲自找光耀之国“谈一谈”了。 Entirely stop!! & R dquo ; “统统住手!!” But at this time, along with the shouting angrily sound, the next moment people then saw several hundred to ride Griffon, put on the knight of silver white armor to emerge out of thin air like this, their hands grasped the long spear/gun, the look ice-cold is looking steadily at the present people, later was the knight of head raises the mask, the loud anger exclaimed. 而就在这个时候,伴随着怒喝声响,下一刻众人便看见数百只骑着狮鹫,穿着银白盔甲的骑士就这样凭空出现,他们手握长枪,眼神冰冷的盯视着眼下的众人,随后为首的骑士掀起面罩,大声怒吼道。 I represent the Camarst royal family, ordering you to put down the weapon surrender immediately! Otherwise, executes summarily!! & R dquo ;( ~ ^ ~) “我代表卡玛斯特王室,命令你们立刻放下武器投降!否则,格杀勿论!!”(~^~)
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