DR :: Volume #6

#521: Mad Lion

Also Drake is no wonder surprised, the Level 2 alert signal is next to the warning of perishing country's, this signal will only rebel in some people generally, the plot rebellion and Royal castle will receive in immediate danger and other situations to use. But after receiving signal, entire Royal castle will also enter the highest-level defense readiness condition, and is completely close. Also because of this, Drake so will be surprised, he does not know that actually outside is what situation, the flame that but sparkles by the window in can see that this trouble is big. Even so but, he thinks that Hyde thinks to be able the types of control to be right, but has not thought oneself assistant imagine is bad, unexpectedly started the Level 2 alert signal. This will definitely alarm the royal family, by that time, isn't matter more troublesome? 也难怪德莱克如此吃惊,二级戒备信号算是仅次于亡国的警告,这个信号一般只会在有人叛乱,阴谋造反和王城本身受到直接威胁等情况下才会使用。而在接到了信号之后,整个王城也将进入最高级戒备状态,并且完全封闭。也正因为如此,德莱克才会那么吃惊,他并不知道外面究竟是个什么情况,但是透过窗户里闪耀的火光就可以看出这次的麻烦不小。可是即便如此,他还是认为海德思应该能够控制形式才对,但是没想到自己的副手比自己想象的还要不济,居然启动了二级戒备信号。这肯定会惊动王室,到那个时候,事情不是更加麻烦吗? However Drake is not silly, he knows that oneself assistant is the caution and care person, but was compelled the anxious words also to erupt one side unknown wild, he at this moment had been compelled obviously anxiously, coming out that unexpectedly even such matter makes. But Drake also knows that this matter is not good to be solved, once the royal family acts, actually by that time ......... to turn into what appearance? 不过德莱克也不傻,他知道自己的副手是个谨慎小心的人,但是被逼急的话也会爆发出不为人知的狂暴一面,此刻的他显然已经被逼急了,居然连这样的事情都做的出来。可是德莱克也知道这事情可不好解决,一旦王室出手,到那个时候………究竟会变成什么样子? Drake, is unable to imagine then what happened. 就连德莱克,也无法想象接下来会发生什么事情了。 But at this time, suddenly, a as if lion angrily roared the sound streaks across the nighttime sky, resounded suddenly. 而就在这个时候,忽然,一个仿佛雄狮怒吼般的声音划破夜空,骤然响起。 Big courage, anyone dares to act unruly in Royal castle!! & R dquo ; “好大的胆子,什么人胆敢在王城之内撒野!!” Hears this sound, the Draco whole body trembles, then his helpless lowers the head to sigh. 听到这个声音,德拉科浑身一颤,接着他无奈的低下头去叹了口气。 It seems like that matter noisily was really big. 看来,事情真的闹大了。 With this angry roaring, Zhan En looks up, saw only to howl to swoop to the direction that oneself were at a Royal castle direction giant thunder like this. Suddenly strong winds writings, even near the coastal sea water was attracted to roar the tumbling to raise up, the chaotic cloud in sky also tumbling flying under the influence of this thunder and lightning curled, the power and influence front surface that wind and rain wanted threw. 伴随着这声怒吼,詹恩抬头望去,只见在王城的方向一道巨大的雷霆就这样呼啸着向自己所在的方向飞扑了过来。一时间狂风大作,甚至就连海岸边的海水都受到了吸引般咆哮着翻滚竖起,天空中的乱云也在这雷电的影响下翻滚飞卷,一副风雨欲来的威势迎面扑来。 However what pitifully is, will not be everyone will look at boss to enter the stage with good intention cg. 不过可惜的是,不是每个人都会那么好心看波ss出场cg的。 Courts death!! & R dquo ; “找死!!” Looks at that lightning, the Pattilina brow selects, then the little fellow shouted angrily, both hands are gripping tightly the stock of knight long spear/gun. Afterward she pointed at moves slightly was pressing several above, later then saw in her hand that the outer covering of knight long spear/gun to disperse, revolved was forming the giant jet black muzzle, together burning hot. Sprays just like the volcanic eruption light beam, but that eruption the intense air current even made the people cannot help but retrocede one step. But that say/way dazzling light beam hits to ascend the sky in an instant the in the air that lightning on this, later erupts thoroughly. 看着那道闪电,帕蒂莉娜眉头一挑,接着小家伙怒喝一声,双手紧握着骑士长枪的枪柄。随后她手指微动着在上面按了几下,随后便看见她手中那把骑士长枪的外壳分散开来,旋转着形成了巨大漆黑的炮口,紧接着一道炙热的。宛如火山爆发般的光束从中喷射而出,那爆发而出的强烈气流甚至让众人都不由自主的后退了一步。而那道耀眼的光束就这样转眼间撞上了天空中的那道闪电,随后彻底爆发。 Luminous of sparkle tore the darkness. 闪耀的光亮撕裂了黑暗。 The entire sky becomes under this artillery snow white, as if daybreak but ahead of time, dazzling luminous shines upon the construction on tread. Even the hair silk on person's shadow is clearly discernible. The explosion tumbles the flow divergence, all around building makes noise under this wild aerodynamic impact. 整个天空都在这一炮之下变得雪白,仿佛黎明提前而至,耀眼的光亮映照着地面上的建筑。甚至就连人影上的头发丝都清晰可见。爆炸翻滚所产生的气流扩散开来,就连四周的建筑物都在这狂野的气流冲击之下吱呀作响。 But in the sky Pattilina of that say/way by the lightning that hits is also sent out roaring that as if injured wild animal sent out, then fell down in the ground. Quick, the ray diverges, later a man appeared in front of Zhan En's like this. He seems like approximately 40-50 years old, whole body exploded scorched by fire blackness, long gown also exploded tattered, looking from the outside, he seems like mage. However that actually subverted everyone just like the healthy mister muscle thoroughly regarding the mage body emaciated influence. Without that movement robe, then he looks is more like a barbarian but actually. Rather than mage. 而天空中那道被帕蒂莉娜击中的闪电也发出了仿佛受伤野兽所发出的咆哮,接着一头栽倒在了地面上。很快,光芒散去,随后一个男子就这样出现在了詹恩的面前。他看起来大约四五十岁,全身上下都被炸的烟熏火燎般的漆黑,就连身上的长袍也被炸的破破烂烂,从外表来看,他像是一个法师。但是那身宛如健美先生般的肌肉却是彻底颠覆了所有人对于法师身体羸弱的影响。如果没有那身法袍的话,那么他看起来倒更像是一个野蛮人。而不是一个法师 He at this moment is looking steadily at Pattilina stubbornly, two eyes red seems like a getting angry lion. 此刻的他正死死的盯视着帕蒂莉娜,两只眼睛通红的像是一头发怒的狮子。 Mad Lion & R dquo ; Martin already very long not such angry, as Shining country most famous Archmage, he is also the protector in tower of Shining country royal family thunder. As a legendary powerhouse, Martin will soon have spanned that say/way final boundary, steps into that stretch of domain that person and the god divides. Also because of this, under his asylum, in Glory city has not made what trouble. 狂狮”马丁已经很久没有这么愤怒过了,作为光耀之国最享有盛名的大法师,他同时也是光耀之国王室雷霆之塔的守护者。作为一个传奇强者,马丁已经即将跨越了那道最后的界限,踏入人与神分割的那片领域。也正因为如此,在他的庇护之下,辉煌之城内从来没有出过什么乱子。 However today is different, not only the Silver moon guard was hit by the attack, the aristocrat area received involvement. Moreover, were bewildered receives the opposite party to strike. This makes Martin wild with rage, but from that struck a moment ago, feeling that he has also been clear about the strength legend middle reaches level of that little girl. Although at her age, can arrive at the legendary domain indeed to be worth acclaiming in this age. However now Martin does not care about these, to him, these people attacked Glory city, is provoking the Shining country dignity, is provoking his Martin Archmage dignity! 但是今天不同,不但银月卫队遭受到了袭击,就连贵族区都受到了牵连。不仅如此,就连自己也莫名其妙就受了对方一击。这让马丁狂怒无比,不过从刚才那一击,他也已经明确的感受到那个小女孩的实力不过传奇中游水准。虽然以她的年纪来说,能在这个年纪到达传奇领域的确值得赞叹。但是现在马丁才不关心这些,对于他来说,这些人袭击了辉煌之城,就是在挑衅光耀之国的威严,也是在挑衅他马丁大法师的威严! Was you did a moment ago? Good. Very good, the father I lived so many years, sees to look like your Imp (little demon) to have the planting fellow for the first time. You not only attack the Silver moon guard, but also dares to begin to father, I thought that you were tired of living, Imp (little demon), I, no matter you were, immediately obediently kneels to beg for mercy, this father can also consider to let your live a while, otherwise, you only had the dead end! & R dquo ; “刚才是你干的?好。很好,老子我活了这么多年,还是第一次看见像你这个小鬼这么有种的家伙。你不但袭击银月卫队,而且还敢对老子动手,我看你是活腻了吧,小鬼,我不管你是什么人,立刻乖乖跪下来求饶,这样的话老子还能够考虑让你多活一会儿,不然的话,你只有死路一条!” Said here, man gloomy and cold looked around Zhan En and others. 说道这里,男子阴冷的望了一眼旁边的詹恩等人 Including your bold same party members, you attacks Royal castle, the crime does not have to be possible, by rights ought to the execution!! & R dquo ; “包括你这些胆大包天的同党在内,你们袭击王城,罪无可恕,理当处死!!” These words should I say to you are right, old fogy. & R dquo ; “这句话应该我对你说才对,老家伙。” But facing man's speech, the Zhan En's smile has not changed, he is pressing the sword hilt of waist like this, looks to the present man. 而面对男子的说话,詹恩的笑容没有丝毫改变,他就这样按着腰间的剑柄,望向眼前的男子。 „ The Shining country royal family has an affair with evil undead lifeform unexpectedly, I have not interrogated you, as the Holy nation vassal state, you not only communicated with undead lifeform in private, even also prepared the shelter for them? Are you manifest regarding the awe of gods in this manner? Even if the entire world can look but not see your actions, does not represent me also to let off you similarly. The people are doing, the day was looking, I want ............ & R dquo today ; Said here, the Zhan En wrist/skill turned over, the blade of next moment quiet shadow silently the sheath, is shining upon the moonlight in nighttime sky, flashed through wipes the chill in the air. „ ........., I must represent moon today, eliminates you. & R dquo ; 光耀之国王室居然与邪恶的不死生物有染,我还没有质问你们,作为圣国的属国,你们不但与不死生物私下来往,甚至还为他们准备了栖身之所?你们对于神明的敬畏就是以这种方式来体现的?就算全世界可以对你们的所作所为视而不见,也不代表我也会同样放过你们。人在做,天在看,我今天就要…………”说道这里,詹恩手腕翻转,下一刻幽影之刃悄然无声的出鞘,映照着夜空之中的月光,闪过一抹寒意。“………嗯,我今天就要代表月亮,消灭你们。” Utter nonsense. & R dquo ; “一派胡言。” Hears Zhan En's to speak, the Martin Archmage complexion sinks, then he raises in the handthunder scepter & R dquo ;, Makes an effort to the tread. The strength of next moment magic erupts like this, the suddenly time released several to defend spell on the body of Martin, later then saw the Martin Archmage right hand to fling, along with his movement, diameter one meter wide giant thunder law ball this appeared baseless, turns over is rumbling to the people in the past. 听到詹恩的说话,马丁大法师面色一沉,接着他举起手中的“雷霆权杖”,用力向着地面上一顿。下一刻魔法的力量就这样爆发出来,眨眼的功夫就在马丁的身上释放了数个防御法术,随后便看见马丁大法师右手一甩,伴随着他的动作,一个直径足足有一米宽的巨大雷霆法球就这样凭空浮现,翻转着向众人轰了过去。 But at this time, saw only Enoya actually to move sideways to keep off in front of Zhan En's suddenly, then she raised both hands, the barrier of quick, a series of lightning congealment forming appeared like this, with thunder and lightning law ball hit of that tumbling in one. Only hearsto rumble & R dquo ;, Then sees a dazzling luminous this to reappear later baseless, then dispersing lightning this disperses piece by piece, but Enoya was the figure in a flash, drew back slightly backward several steps, originally in ruddy surface white one white, quickly restored the original design. 而就在这个时候,只见埃诺娅却是忽然闪身挡在了詹恩的面前,接着她举起双手,很快,一连串闪电凝结成形的屏障就这样出现,与那翻滚的雷电法球撞击在了一起。只听见“轰”的一声,随后便看见一道刺眼的光亮就这样凭空浮现,接着飞散的闪电就这样片片散开,而埃诺娅则是身形微微一晃,向后退了几步,原本红润的面上白了一白,迅速恢复了原样。 Un? & R dquo ; “嗯?” Saw this, Martin to see this aristocrat young lady, he thinks Enoya was only an ordinary aristocrat young lady, but never expected that she also had such strength unexpectedly. Naturally, if defers to the strength rank truly, Enoya is the legend is preliminary, naturally does not have the means and Martin places on a par, however two people strengths are the common origin, the element control of Martin arethunder and lightning & R dquo ;, But Enoya also hasthunder and lightning manipulation & R dquo ; characteristic. In addition both sides are existences of legendary rank, this can resist the attack of Martin, otherwise, perhaps she was wasted this road to walk. 看见这一幕,马丁不由的看了一眼这位贵族大小姐,原本他以为埃诺娅只是一个普通的贵族小姐,但是没想到她居然还拥有这样的力量。当然,如果真正按照力量等级来说,埃诺娅才不过是传奇初阶,自然没有办法和马丁相提并论,但是两人的力量系出同源,马丁的元素支配是“雷电”,而埃诺娅也同样拥有“雷电操纵”的特性。再加上双方都是传奇等级的存在,这才能够堪堪抵挡住马丁的进攻,不然的话,恐怕她就只有被打飞这一条路可走了。 This young lady is actually interesting, but does your also feeling all right make a woman keep off behind you? Don't you feel ashamed? Boys? & R dquo ; “这位小姐倒是有意思,不过你也好意思让一个女人挡在你后面?你就不觉得羞耻吗?小子?” Hears the speech of Martin, Zhan En sneers does not speak, on the contrary is on Enoya the first half step, later smiles is saying. 听到马丁的说话,詹恩冷笑不语,反倒是埃诺娅上前半步,随后微笑着开口说道。 Protection master, is my responsibility and duty. & R dquo ; “保护主人,是我的责任和义务。” Master? & R dquo ; “主人?” Facing the speech of Enoya, Martin gawked gawked, but was quick he to respond, then complexion gloomy looking to Zhan En. 面对埃诺娅的说话,马丁愣了一愣,不过很快他就反应了过来,接着面色阴沉的望向詹恩 „ Who no matter you are, immediately is without a fight, otherwise ......... I have to begin to tidy up you personally. & R dquo ; “不管你们是什么人,立刻束手就擒,不然的话………我只好亲自动手收拾你们了。” Wish makes me be without a fight, rather extremely indulged in fantasy. & R dquo ; “想要让我束手就擒,未免太过异想天开了一些。” But hears the speech of Martin, Zhan En sneers is holding up the long sword, directional present Archmage. 而听到马丁的说话,詹恩则是冷笑着举起长剑,指向眼前的大法师 Presenting that „ these words I am left intact, you, your back lord best be without a fight immediately, otherwise ......... I have to begin to tidy up you personally. & R dquo ; “这句话我原封不动的奉还,你,还有你背后的主子最好立刻束手就擒,不然的话………我就只好亲自动手收拾你们了。” Wishful thinking, how many legends depends on your to be preliminary and legendary middle reaches, dares with my opponent? & R dquo ; “痴心妄想,就凭你们几个传奇初阶和传奇中游,也敢和我对手?” Martin at this moment is the complexion is pale, almost leaves to the anger, but also no one dares so to despise the dignity of royal family before him. 此刻的马丁已经是面色铁青,几乎出离愤怒,还从来没有人敢在他面前如此蔑视王室的威严。 I acknowledged that you can enter the legendary domain young are the talent are indeed outstanding, but do not think that like this you had the qualifications and I fought, since you did not know to repent, then do not blame me not being impolite! & R dquo ; “我承认你们能够这么年轻就进入传奇领域的确是天分出众,不过不要以为这样你们就有资格和我战斗了,既然你们不知悔改,那么就别怪我不客气了!” Is saying, Martin holds up magic staff in hand, a series of lightnings from the peak eruption of magic staff, but seems echoing his summon, sees only on the sunny nighttime sky, appeared the thunder and lightning light balls of several hundred sparkles, their as if most Loyalty soldier is responding the summon collection of general the Martin front, only waited for him to order, will then break through enemy lines, the present enemy bang will kill to the dregs. 一面说着,马丁一面举起手中的法杖,一连串的闪电从法杖的顶端爆发,而仿佛是在呼应着他的召唤般,只见在晴朗的夜空上,浮现出了数百道闪耀的雷电光球,它们仿佛最忠诚士兵正在响应将军的召唤般汇集到了马丁的面前,只等他一声令下,便会冲锋陷阵,将眼前的敌人轰杀至渣。 Even if faces this to make person palpitation one at present, the Zhan En's smile has not changed. 但是即便面对眼前这令人心悸的一幕,詹恩的笑容也没有丝毫变化。 I naturally do not have to thinking extremely arrogantly depend on us to cope with you ......... this Archmage, but when ......... I had said can cope with you by several of us? & R dquo ; “我当然没有狂妄到认为就靠我们可以对付你………这位大法师,不过………我什么时候说过要靠我们几个对付你了?” What? & R dquo ; “什么?” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Martin gawked, but at this time, suddenly, is surging dark suddenly the eruption, swallows was sparkling the thunder and lightning light ball instantaneously , a great sickle appears baseless, this was dividing to Martin directly!( ~ ^ ~) 听到詹恩的说话,马丁愣了一下,而就在这个时候,忽然,黑暗忽然涌动着爆发,瞬间吞噬了闪耀着的雷电光球,紧接着,一把巨镰凭空浮现,就这样迎头对着马丁劈了下去!(~^~)
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