DR :: Volume #6

#520: The blade of slaughtering

When Zhan En and others goes out of the imperial grand theater, the Silver moon guard had surrounded the entire imperial grand theater with huge crowds of people, but looks that Zhan En and others walks, these soldier actually stare. Actually they were not very clear what happened in the imperial grand theater, but also knows before own assistant commandant, went to be responsible for handling inside matter. But now own assistant commandant has not appeared, actually came out one group of aristocrats, what situation is this? Has don't tell me Sir Drake handled troublesome? If in this case, then he doesn't issue the order to himself? But if has not handled, then this group of aristocrats do run to do? 詹恩等人走出皇家大剧院时,银月卫队已经里三层外三层把整个皇家大剧院都包围了起来,而看着詹恩等人走出来,这些士兵却是不由一愣。他们并不是很清楚在皇家大剧院里面究竟发生了什么事,但是也知道自己的副指挥官之前进去负责处理里面的事情。而现在自己的副指挥官没有出现,却是出来了一群贵族,这是什么情况?难道说德莱克大人已经把麻烦搞定了?要是这样的话,那么他怎么不向自己下达命令?可是如果没有搞定,那么这群贵族跑出来干什么? Halting, who you are, here does? & R dquo ; “站住,你们是什么人,在这里干什么?” Although does not know the Zhan En and others origin, but is responsible for the peripheral defense Silver moon guard team leader Hyde thinking drinks to ask loudly, but hears his inquiry, Zhan En is actually cold snort/hum one, then the raising the head nostril is gazing at him upwards. 虽然不知道詹恩等人的来历,但是负责外围防守的银月卫队队长海德思还是大声喝问道,而听到他的询问,詹恩却是冷哼一声,接着抬起头来鼻孔朝天的注视着他。 Go away, share that here you have not spoken. & R dquo ; “滚,这里没你说话的份儿。” You!! & R dquo ; “你!!” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Hyde thinks faints, he who directly has not nearly been mad is the Drake assistant , is responsible for directing in the Silver moon guardMoon blade & R dquo ; The team leader of army. Usually in never by such air/Qi, but this bastard big courage, even the Shining country upper-level aristocrat before them is still respectful, but now this crowd does not know the aristocrat heir who where comes dares to show off ability before him unexpectedly, acts recklessly simply. Although does not know that actually to have an accident, but Drake has not responded now, he naturally cannot release people to leave. Therefore sees only Hyde to think is gloomy the face big hand is also wielding. 听到詹恩的回答,海德思差点儿没气的直接昏过去,他是德莱克的副手,也是负责指挥银月卫队之中的“月刃”部队的队长。平日里从来没有受过这样的气,但是这个王八蛋好大的胆子,就算是光耀之国的上层贵族在他们面前也是恭恭敬敬,而现在这群不知道哪里来的贵族子嗣居然胆敢在他面前逞能,简直是不知死活。虽然不知道里面究竟出了什么事,但是现在德莱克没有回应,他自然不能够放人离开。因此只见海德思也是阴沉着脸大手一挥。 Grasps to me!! & R dquo ; “给我抓起来!!” Hears order that Hyde thinks, immediately sees the front dozens silver guard soldier long swords to come out of the sheath, then compelled to the Zhan En and others direction. However has not waited for these soldier to arrive at side Zhan En's, sees only Zhan En then to wield a sword suddenly, next moment a series of icicles erupted on such flat land, interlock were forming like the beast of prey advantage tooth stockade, kept off in these soldier front. Has not thought completely the opposite party dares to begin unexpectedly, facing present, soldier of Silver moon guard also stares. Then cannot help but stopped the footsteps. They can look, the opposite party is earnest, but despite that these soldier some do not believe. Must know that they subordinate royal family's imperial guard. Dares to begin to have what consequence to them, so long as is a right-minded person should be clear. However at present this young people dare to show the sword to them unexpectedly as before, is only this point, showed that sufficiently at present this young people are not simple. Thinks of here, these soldier also stops the footsteps. Then the anxious looking rearward, waits for the instruction of higher authority. 听到海德思的命令,立刻就见前方的数十名银色卫队士兵长剑出鞘,接着向詹恩等人的方向逼了过去。但是还没有等这些士兵来到詹恩的身边,只见詹恩便猛然一挥剑,下一刻一连串的冰柱就这样平地爆发,交错着形成了如同猛兽般的利齿栅栏,挡在了那些士兵的面前。完全没有想到对方居然敢动手,面对眼前的这一幕,银月卫队的士兵们也是一愣。接着不由自主的停下了脚步。他们可以看得出来,对方是认真的,但是即便如此,这些士兵还是有些不太相信。要知道他们可是隶属王室的皇家卫队。胆敢对他们动手会有什么后果,只要是个神志正常的人都应该清楚。但是眼前这个年轻人居然依旧敢对他们亮剑,光是这一点,就足以证明眼前这个年轻人不简单了。想到这里,那些士兵也是停下脚步。接着不安的望向后方,等待上级的指示。 But sees this, Hyde thinks is the complexion is also cloudy, he thinks these fellows are some playboys of having neither learning nor skill, but without thinking of that young people is so unexpectedly unyielding, said that begins to begin. However at present outside so many people look, if Silver moon guard because his these words put him to walk, where then later the face of Silver moon guard toward does put? Moreover, the Silver moon guard is also representing the face of royal family, if they drew back ......... thought of here. Hyde thinks to clench teeth to close, then issued the order again. 而看见这一幕,海德思也是面色阴沉,他原本以为这些家伙不过是些不学无术的纨绔子弟,但是没想到那个年轻人居然如此硬气,说动手就动手。但是眼下外面这么多人看着,如果银月卫队就因为他这一句话就放他走的话,那么以后银月卫队的面子往哪儿搁?不仅如此,银月卫队还代表着王室的脸面,如果他们就这么退了………想到这里。海德思咬咬牙关,接着再次下达了命令。 On! & R dquo ; “上!” Hears boss's order, front soldier also no longer hesitate, threw to Zhan En and others like this again. 听到上司的命令,前方的士兵们也不再犹豫,就这样向詹恩等人再次扑了过去。 Acts recklessly. & R dquo ; “不知死活。” Looks at these soldier, the Zhan En corners of the mouth turns upwards at present slightly, appears to wipe to sneer, then he grips tightly the long sword, wields again forward. Sparkle the line of element appeared along with the Zhan En's movement again, glitters was forming a dense and numerous big net, saw only the sword light to stick out suddenly instantaneously. Changed into the stars to erupt all over the sky like this, present soldier will cover thoroughly. Only hears a series of blood-curdling screech sounds to get up, next moment sees these soldier to fly upside down immediately, numerous falls down. Although has not died, but looked also received the extremely heavy wound, suddenly the entire theater entrance wept and wailed with the squeal everywhere. But sees this, Hyde thinks is the complexion is cloudier, he has not thought that the opposite party really dares to act to the Silver moon guard unexpectedly, and offends somebody! This simply is bold!! Thinks of here. Hyde thinks of cold snort/hum one, wipes the ominous light to flash through from his eye. He also hopes can with the aid of overwhelming with numerical strength takes these avid followers thoroughly, but has not thought that these fellows are so unexpectedly fierce. However now is point of no return has to send, therefore his without hesitation issued the order again. 看着眼前这些士兵,詹恩嘴角微微翘起,浮现出一抹冷笑,接着他紧握长剑,再次向前一挥。闪耀的要素之线伴随着詹恩的动作再次浮现,闪烁着形成了一张密密麻麻的大网,只见剑光瞬间暴起。化为了满天繁星就这样爆发开来,将眼前的士兵彻底笼罩其中。只听见一连串惨叫声响起,下一刻就见那些士兵顿时倒飞开去,重重的摔倒在地。虽然没有死,但是看起来也是受了极重的伤,一时间整个剧院大门口到处都是哭喊和尖叫声。而看见这一幕,海德思更是面色阴沉,他没想到对方居然真的敢对银月卫队出手,而且还伤了人!这简直就是胆大包天!!想到这里。海德思冷哼一声,一抹凶光从他的眼中闪过。原本他还希望能够借助人多势众彻底拿下这些狂徒,但是没想到这些家伙居然如此厉害。不过现在已经是箭在弦上不得不发,因此他毫不犹豫的再次下达了命令。 Archer and crossbowman, great shield preparation!! & R dquo ; “弓弩手,巨盾手准备!!” Yes!! & R dquo ; “是!!” Hears higher authority's order, saw only to carry soldier of great shield to walk from the formation immediately in big strides, then they took great shield that shouldered behindclang & R dquo ; Sets upright in the ground. One row of soldier take up the waist is hanging the bow crossbow, lifts to the front, aimed at present Zhan En and others. But facing besieging of these several hundred bow crossbows, Zhan En is still that partly cannot awake, faint smile appearance. Not is only he, the others of his side let average person leg soft one facing this sufficiently are also a contented appearance. As if they do not place in the army surround, but strolls general in own back garden idle courtyard. But sees their expressions, is to make Hyde think of angry incomparable, him at this moment finally again unscrupulous, issued the order in a low voice. 听到上级的命令,只见身背巨盾的士兵立刻大踏步从队列之中走了出来,接着他们拿下身后背负的巨盾“铛”的一声竖在地面上。紧接着又有一列士兵拿起腰间挂着的弓弩,举向前方,瞄准了眼前的詹恩等人。而面对这数百把弓弩的围击,詹恩依然是那副半睡不醒,似笑非笑的样子。不仅是他,就连他身边的其他人面对这足以让普通人腿软的一幕也是一副悠然自得的样子。仿佛她们并不是身处在大军包围,而是在自家后花园闲庭漫步一般。而看见他们的表情,更是让海德思气恼无比,此刻的他终于再无顾忌,低声下达了命令。 Kills!! & R dquo ; “杀!!” Whiz whiz whiz!! & R dquo ; “嗖嗖嗖!!” With order that Hyde thinks, crossbow bolts fly to shoot like this, shoots toward the people. Sees only the time of blinking, the innumerable crossbow bolts covered the present people like this fully, seems like, so long as the flash turns into the hedgehog them sufficiently thoroughly. However what pitifully is, regarding Zhan En, such attack does not have the significance. 伴随着海德思的命令,一只只弩箭就这样飞射而出,向着众人射去。只见眨眼的功夫,无数的弩箭就这样铺天盖地的笼罩了眼前的众人,看起来似乎只要一瞬间就足以把他们彻底变成刺猬。不过可惜的是,对于詹恩来说,这样的攻击毫无意义。 The lower world has good & mda S h that words saying ; The heaven has group of you not to walk, the hell throws impossible originally. 下层界有句话说的好—天堂有路你不走,地狱无门自来投。 Brings about own destruction! & R dquo ; “自寻死路!” With this gloomy and cold ridicule, Sea Blue Light in Zhan En hand comes out of the sheath again, wields suddenly forward. Then sees Sea Blue Light of sheath to change into one group of rays, then explodes thoroughly cultured is the innumerable luminous spots, the meteor shower that as if drops from the clouds turned toward the front lasing generally in the past. Sees only along with a series of depressed explosion sounds, these were only exploded by the crossbow bolt of rain bombardment instantaneously, but the Zhan En movement non-stop marching forward, the long sword in next moment his hand then changes into the flood dragon to prick in present sword like this straightly. 伴随着这声阴冷的嘲弄,詹恩手中的海蓝之光再次出鞘,猛然向前挥出。接着便看见出鞘的海蓝之光化为一团光芒,然后彻底爆开化为无数光点,仿佛从天而降的流星雨一般向着前方激射过去。只见伴随着一连串沉闷的爆炸声响,那些被光雨轰击的弩箭瞬间爆炸,而詹恩动作不停继续向前,下一刻他手中的长剑便化为蛟龙就这样笔直的刺入了眼前的剑阵之中。 That is in the darkness most dazzling wipes the cold light. 那是黑暗之中最耀眼的一抹寒光。 Generally to be torn, next moment that cold light that resists the great blade to divide to cut sufficiently the heavy/thick shield as if paper that sticks has a straight line to spread like this in the crowd, everywhere one visit cold wind howls, flowers eruption that the innumerable ice corner as if bloom, soldier that these avoid immediately the iced corner passed through the body, the blood splash, lent the strong aura during the night. Suddenly time. Originally strict formation immediately hit is defeated and dispersed. 足以抵挡巨刃劈砍的厚重盾牌仿佛纸糊的一般被撕裂开来,下一刻那道寒光就这样带着一条直线在人群中蔓延开去,所到之处寒风呼啸,无数的冰棱仿佛绽放的花朵般爆发开去,那些躲避不及的士兵顿时被冰棱贯穿了身体,鲜血飞溅而出,在黑夜之中散发出了浓烈的气息。只是眨眼的功夫。原本严密的队形顿时被打的溃散开去。 As the royal family guards, when the Silver moon guard has come across such matter, they have not thought completely opposite party not only bold dares to kill people in inside royal city, even also easy broke through their protection. Suddenly is also is flurried. However has not waited for them to respond, others also acted at this time. Why although they are not clear Zhan En to with soldier of Silver moon guard hit, since has hit, then projects on the bottom simply, not to mention to them. Killing the human itself is a nothing at the worst, since must kill, then kills a cleanness!! 作为王室近卫军,银月卫队什么时候遇到过这样的事情,他们完全没有想到对方不但胆大包天的敢在王城里杀人,甚至还轻而易举的就突破了他们的防护。一时间也是不由的慌乱起来。但是还没有等他们反应过来,其他人也在这个时候同时出手。虽然她们并不清楚为什么詹恩要和银月卫队的士兵们打起来,但是既然已经打起来了,那么干脆就打到底,更不用说对她们而言。杀死人类本就是一件没什么大不了的事情,既然要杀,那么就杀个干净!! Fina S! & R dquo ; “finas!” Elise first acts, sees only her both hands to delimit forward void, then chanted an incantation in a low voice, but along with the Elise incantation, one group of huge fireball this appears baseless, then cuts the sky, numerous pounds forward. Only hearsbang & R dquo ; A loud sound, next moment one group of mushroom clouds on such flat land. The burning hot high temperature and air current that the explosion has howl to wreak havoc, soldier that peripheral these will dodge blew off immediately. But sees this, these civilians who watch the fun in the distant place was also screaming at this time starts to retrocede, they have not thought of thesehoodlum & R dquo ; Unexpectedly is so bold, unexpectedly dares to release the fireball technique in the city directly, this with uses the rocket projectile to be the same in the metropolis of Earth simply, simply not awfully!! 伊丽丝首先出手,只见她双手向前虚空划过,然后低声咏唱了一句咒文,而伴随着伊丽丝的咒文,一团巨大的火球就这样凭空浮现,然后划破天空,重重的向前砸去。只听见“轰隆”一声巨响,下一刻一团蘑菇云就这样平地而起。爆炸所产生的炙热高温与气流呼啸着肆虐开来,将周边那些躲闪不及的士兵顿时炸飞了出去。而看见这一幕,那些在远处看热闹的平民这个时候也是尖叫着开始后退,他们没有想到这些“暴徒”居然如此大胆,居然敢在城里直接释放火球术,这简直就和在地球的大都市里动用火箭弹一样,简直就是不要命了啊!! However Enoya does not care about these to scream the civilians who obviously everywhere escape, on the contrary, she wave both hands again, quick. Also is 2-3 fireballs appears following the Enoya movement baseless, then the bang goes forward, seeing was only the explosion firelight, the flame of wreaking havoc ignited by the imperial grand theater construction everywhere immediately. Suddenly the flame flees rapidly, flaming burns as if must change into a sea of fire here. 不过埃诺娅显然并不在乎那些四处尖叫逃跑的平民,相反,她再次挥舞双手,很快。又是2-3个火球顺着埃诺娅的动作凭空浮现,然后向前轰去,只见到处都是爆炸火光,肆虐的火焰顿时引燃了皇家大剧院旁边的建筑。一时间火光飞速窜起,熊熊燃烧着仿佛要将这里化为一片火海。 What second making a move is Enoya, her forms of combat are gracefulness as always, facing at present soldier of Silver moon guard, Enoya is only chuckle one, then the great sickle in her hand chops to below. Numerous cutting enter under the ground, later sees only everything may become vulnerable, the wild thunder and lightning flies to flee to forward from the ground. Saw only under the ground to stick out rapidly clay dragons, flushed away toward the front. Then sees the innumerable thunder and lightning like this from the underground eruption, links up into a single stretch. But these are in soldier in also by shivering of electricity, scream shiver are falling on the ground, the suddenly time changed into one pile of hard cokes. 紧接着第二个出手的是埃诺娅,她的战斗方式还是一如既往的优雅,面对眼前银月卫队的士兵,埃诺娅只是轻笑一声,接着她手中的巨镰向下一劈。重重的砍入地面之下,随后只见地动山摇,狂暴的雷电从地面下飞窜向前。只见地面下飞速隆起了一条条土龙,向着前方冲去。紧接着便看见无数的雷电就这样从地下爆发而起,连成一片。而那些身在雷海之中的士兵也是被电的颤抖不已,一个个尖叫颤抖着倒在地面上,眨眼的功夫就化为了一堆焦炭。 Kills to me, killed them to me!! & R dquo ; “给我杀,给我杀了他们!!” Sees at present the pitiful condition of Silver moon guard, Hyde thinks is also breathless, he has not thought that these people are so unexpectedly fierce, moreover is so bold, unexpectedly dares in this Royal castle heavy so recklessly unseemly behavior, but this moment what is done cannot be undone, since has hit, then said again these are not useful. Now he only then takes these avid followers, can completely solve this matter! 看见眼前银月卫队的惨状,海德思也是气急败坏,他没想到这些人居然如此厉害,而且如此胆大包天,居然胆敢在这王城重地如此肆意妄为,但是此刻木已成舟,既然已经打起来了,那么再说这些也没有什么用。现在他只有拿下这些狂徒,才能够彻底解决这件事! However this moment matter is out of control, after that Sofina also joined the fight, sees only the long spear/gun in this Black Dragon Princess hand to wield forward, the flame that then as if dragon Xiban erupts together is surrounding from the long spear/gun peak magic sprays on this baseless, flushes away like the flood forward, but before instantaneously imperial grand theater, changed into a sea of fire, but these soldier wail is being reduced to ashes in the sea of fire. 但是此刻事情已经是一发不可收拾,在那之后,索菲娜也加入了战斗,只见这位黑龙公主手中的长枪向前一挥,接着一道仿佛龙息般喷发的火焰就这样凭空从长枪顶端环绕着的魔法阵之中喷射而出,如同洪水般向前冲去,只是瞬间就将皇家大剧院之前化为了一片火海,而那些士兵更是哀嚎着在火海之中化为灰烬。 The flame diverges. 火焰散去。 Imperial grand theater before this moment, is just like the hell general, looking into the distance, everywhere is the skeletons of burn, but in front of the imperial grand theater square is a piece of stump residual limb breaks the arm, frigid incomparable. The both sides constructions had fallen into a sea of fire at this moment, the tall building of flaming combustion seems like probably two torches, illuminated the present all. But in this hell, standing that Zhan En is carefree and content as in there, he as if not detected regarding present, but draws support from the flame to narrow the eye to appreciate long sword in the hand, then he light snort/hum, next moment then sees the Sea Blue Light then receiving sword silently to return to the sheath, then he then raised the head, looks toward the front. 此刻的皇家大剧院前已经是犹如地狱一般,放眼望去,到处都是烧焦的尸骸,而皇家大剧院前面的广场更是一片残肢断臂,惨烈无比。两侧的建筑此刻已经是陷入了一片火海之中,熊熊燃烧的高楼看起来就好像两把火炬,照亮了眼前的一切。而在这地狱之中,詹恩依旧悠然自得的站在那里,他似乎对于眼前的这一幕毫无察觉,只是借助火光眯起眼睛欣赏着自己手中的长剑,接着他轻哼一声,下一刻便见海蓝之光便悄然无声的收剑回鞘,接着他这才抬起头,向着前方望去。 Hyde at this moment thinks is the complexion is pale, he has not thought these fellows unexpectedly are extremely arrogant hence, at present the Silver moon guardMoon blade & R dquo ; The army had been eliminated enough 1/5, although is seemingly small, but Silver moon guard but the elite army, can have is sharpest warrior that the qualifications enter, but these warrior actually in puts in an appearance is consumed completely, this makes Hyde think also feels incomparably panic-stricken. He knows certainly that this means anything, but ......... he does not have the road back to walk now. This moment Hyde thinks had also guessed correctly these people not only the strength excels, but also the background is deep, is only they to dare in Glory city so to begin rampantly, is certain they do not watch regarding the Shining country royal family. Although has not known that actually these people are, but is not these people can cope absolutely. However even so, they cannot the ignores opposite party leave, otherwise, the Shining country face must lose completely! 此刻的海德思已经是面色铁青,他没想到这些家伙居然狂妄至此,眼下银月卫队的“月刃”部队已经被消灭了足足有五分之一,虽然看起来人数不多,但是银月卫队可是精锐部队,能够有资格进入的都是最精锐的战士,而这些战士却在一个照面之间就被消耗殆尽,这让海德思也感到无比惊恐。他当然知道这意味着什么,但是现在………他已经没有回头路可走了。此刻海德思也已经猜到这些人不但实力高强,而且背景深厚,单凭他们敢在辉煌之城如此嚣张动手,就可以肯定他们对于光耀之国王室一点儿都不看在眼里。虽然还不知道这些人究竟是什么人,但绝对不是自己这些人可以对付的。不过即便如此,他们也不能够放任对方离开,不然的话,光耀之国的面子就要丢尽了! At this moment feels the vision of Zhan En that incomparably ridicule, Hyde thinks is also the anger lives to the guts from the heart wickedly, he gets hold of the fist, then like being determined to pull out a cylinder from the bosom suddenly, then holds the bottom suspension link to make an effort to lag behind, next moment, golden fireworks flies to in the air, then erupts, changed into several gold threads to fly to shoot toward all around to go. 此刻感受到詹恩那无比嘲弄的目光,海德思也是怒从心头起恶向胆边生,他握紧拳头,接着像下定了决心般猛然从怀中掏出一个圆筒,然后抓住底部的拉环用力拉下,下一刻,一朵金色的烟花就这样飞向空中,然后爆发开来,化为了数道金线向着四周飞射而去。 At this time, Drake and other soldier also caught up, after seeing that golden fireworks, Drake immediately complexion big change. 就在这个时候,德莱克和其他士兵也赶了出来,在看见那道金色的烟花之后,德莱克顿时面色大变。 Hyde thought of that fellow to be insane!? Unexpectedly started the Level 2 alert signal!? & R dquo ;( ~ ^ ~) 海德思那家伙疯了!?居然启动了第二级戒备信号!?”(~^~)
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