DR :: Volume #6

#519: Keeps off me dead

When Drake is surprised, quick has had eavesdropped on that the news soldier arrived at his side, then told to him in a low voice account, but listens to account, Drake is the incomparable surprise, he has turned the head to look to that soldier, then asks. 就在德莱克惊疑不定的时候,很快就有已经去探听消息的士兵走到了他的身边,接着低声向他讲述了事情的经过,而听完事情的经过,德莱克更是无比诧异,他转过头去望向那个士兵,接着开口询问道。 „ Did you determine? Not only the person in imperial grand theater was killed, were their directors also killed? & R dquo ; “你确定?不但皇家大剧院的人被杀了,就连他们的主事者也被人干掉了?” Hears the report of soldier, Drake is startled. He has not thought that the matter to this situation, will most start him also to think unexpectedly seriously had the battle merely. However now kills, the nature of matter may be different. Must know that the imperial grand theater has the complicated relations with the royal family, although Drake is not very clear, but he also knows that mysterious director and royal family member relate really densely. At present had/left such matter, then the matter may send greatly. 听到士兵的汇报,德莱克更是大吃一惊。他没想到事情居然会严重到这个地步,最开始他还以为仅仅只是发生了争斗。但是现在出了人命,事情的性质可就不同了。要知道皇家大剧院可是与王室有千丝万缕的关系,虽然德莱克不是很清楚,但是他也知道那位神秘的主事者与王室成员关系甚密。眼下出了这样的事情,那么事情可就大发了。 Everyone said that Sir, they said ............ & R dquo ; Is saying, soldier looked at Zhan En and others of not far away. „ They said that ............ is that side that Bassammens family begins. & R dquo ; “大家都是这么说的,大人,他们说…………”一面说着,士兵一面望了一眼不远处的詹恩等人。“他们说…………就是那边那个巴夏侬门斯家族动手的。” Hears the speech of soldier, Drake frowns, then he looked to that side, quick saw Zhan En and others. He does not want to notice that is impossible, because this moment others leave Zhan En and others to be distant, seems like hiding the god of plague to be the same, but in seeing Zhan En and regarding when that group of young girls of his side, Drake also gawked gawked, obviously has not thought that these person who dared to cause trouble here is so unexpectedly young. However as the matter stands could also convince but actually, the young people mostly were full of vigor, before listened to his soldier saying that was the opposite party and imperial grand theater has the conflict to attack brutally, was therefore had the conflict. However at present this consequence is also too serious, not only the imperial grand theater was pounded, the director was killed, the following so many aristocrats were affected, said no matter how, wants to express is good. Thinks of here, Drake is also waving of without hesitation. 听到士兵的说话,德莱克皱了下眉头,接着他望向那边,很快就看见了詹恩等人。他不想看到也不可能,因为此刻其他人都离詹恩等人远远的,就好像是在躲瘟神一样,而在看见詹恩和围绕在他身边的那群少女之时,德莱克也是愣了一愣,显然没有想到这些胆敢在这里闹事的人居然这么年轻。不过这样一来倒也说得通,年轻人多半都是血气方刚,之前听他的士兵说是对方和皇家大剧院产生了冲突才大打出手,想必就是因此才产生了冲突。但是眼下这个后果也太严重了,不但皇家大剧院被砸,主事者被杀,就连下面那么多贵族都被波及,不管怎么说,都要有所表示才行。想到这里,德莱克也是毫不犹豫的挥了挥手。 Grasps completely! & R dquo ; “全部抓起来!” Hears the order of Drake, soldier of Silver moon guard the weapon comes out of the sheath immediately. Then surrounded to Zhan En and others. But this triggered the surrounding tumult immediately, seeing soldier of Silver moon guard to clash, others also make way in abundance, in a while then saw dozens soldier Zhan En and Enoya and others surrounding. Afterward looked that is the platoon leader of head orders. These soldier the long sword wields immediately forward, tries to restrain the present people. 听到德莱克的命令,银月卫队的士兵们立刻武器出鞘。接着向詹恩等人围拢了上去。而这一幕顿时又引发了周围的骚动,看见银月卫队的士兵们冲过来,其他人也是纷纷让开,没过多久便看见数十名士兵詹恩埃诺娅等人包围在了其中。随后看为首的小队长一声令下。那些士兵们立刻长剑向前挥去,试图制住眼前的众人。 But sees soldier that these encircle, Zhan En is cold snort/hum one, then in his hand the long sword comes out of the sheath, flings forward. 而看见这些围上来的士兵,詹恩则是冷哼一声,接着他手中长剑出鞘,向前一甩。 ding ding ding!! & R dquo ; 叮叮叮!!” Sees only the sword light flash. A series of metals hand over the engine knock to resound, later surrounds Zhan En's soldier to be stuffy snort/hum to draw back backward, but the long swords in their hand were also wasted thoroughly, „ dingdong & R dquo ; Scatters place. 只见剑光闪过。一连串的金属交击声响起,随后包围着詹恩的士兵们皆闷哼一声向后退开,而他们手中的长剑也被彻底打飞,“叮叮当当”的散落一地。 „ Do you want to do? & R dquo ; “你想干什么?” Sees this, the Drake complexion to sink, then drinks to ask sternly. He had guessed correctly that the opposite party courage is big enough, but without thinking of these fellows is also daring to start to unexpectedly, they do not know the Silver moon guard fierce? They make a move to the Silver moon guard, is disrespects to the royal family, these people simply are bold!! 看见这一幕,德莱克面色一沉,接着厉声喝问道。他早就猜到对方胆子够大,但是没想到这些家伙居然对着自己也敢下手,他们难道不知道银月卫队的厉害吗?他们对银月卫队出手,就是对王室不敬,这些人简直是胆大包天!! But hears the speech of Drake. Zhan En sneered was sweeping his one eyes, later said. 而听到德莱克的说话。詹恩只是冷笑着扫了他一眼,随后开口说道。 Good dog not to obstruct the road, we must leave here, do you have the opinion? & R dquo ; “好狗不挡道,我们要离开这里,你有意见吗?” You do not permit to leave!! & R dquo ; “你们不准离开!!” Hears the Zhan En contemptuous reply, Drake in the depths of ones heart is also a flame of anger gets up immediately, this young bastard simply is bold, he not only attacked the imperial grand theater, even also defies the Silver moon guard blatantly!! If makes him leave, then the face of Shining country royal family toward where swayed, the face of Silver moon guard toward where swayed? Thinks of here. Drake is also „ & R dquo ; Draws out the long sword, distant directional Zhan En. 听到詹恩轻蔑的回答,德莱克顿时内心深处也是一阵无名火起,这个小混蛋简直是胆大包天,他不但袭击了皇家大剧院,甚至还公然违抗银月卫队!!如果让他这么离开,那么光耀之国王室的面子往哪里摆,银月卫队的面子又往哪里摆?想到这里。德莱克也是“唰”的一声拔出长剑,遥遥的指向詹恩 I announced as Silver moon guard assistant commandant, you and your same party members to destroy the imperial family to construct, the premeditated murder as well as defies the charge of seizing to be arrested maliciously. Immediately puts down the weapons in your hand. obediently surrender. Otherwise, executes summarily! & R dquo ; “我以银月卫队副指挥官的身份宣布,你和你的同党以破坏皇家建筑,蓄意谋杀以及恶意违抗抓捕的罪名被逮捕。立刻放下你们手中的武器。乖乖投降。不然的话,格杀勿论!” Hears the speech of Drake, other soldier also rush immediately accordingly, but at this time, Zhan En raised the head, looked at his one eyes. Afterward sneers. 听到德莱克的说话,其他的士兵也是立刻应声冲了上去,而就在这个时候,詹恩则是抬起头,望了他一眼。随后冷笑一声。 Go away. & R dquo ; “滚。” Courts death!! & R dquo ; “找死!!” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Drake is unable to endure patiently finally again, he assistant commandant as Silver moon guard, even if is treated in the royal family respectfully, when contemptuously had been so treated? At this moment hears Zhan En's to speak, Drake is also angrily roars one, then he changes into the tornado to turn toward Zhan En to rush over together like this, suddenly then arrived at the front of this young people, looks at present Zhan En, in the Drake hand is grasping the great sword is dividing layer on layer/heavily, the sword air/Qi of wreaking havoc even forced surrounding soldier to back up several steps. 听到詹恩的回答,德莱克终于再也无法忍耐,他身为银月卫队的副指挥官,哪怕是在王室里都是一直被人恭敬对待,什么时候被人如此轻蔑的对待过?此刻听见詹恩的说话,德莱克也是怒吼一声,接着他化为一道龙卷风就这样向着詹恩冲了过去,眨眼之间便来到了这个年轻人的面前,望着眼前的詹恩,德莱克手中握着的巨剑重重劈下,肆虐的剑气甚至逼迫周围的士兵都不由的倒退了几步。 However at this time, he actually discovered that young people right hand according to the waist, then flings to. 但是就在这个时候,他却发现那个年轻人右手按在腰间,接着向上一甩。 Clang!! & R dquo ; “铛!!” The double sword intersection, the sword blade of great sword was prevented by emerging out of thin air the blade of quiet shadow like this, under sword blade rubbed to erupt a series of flames. Moreover, Drake even felt oneself grasp both hands of sword hilt to tingle with numbness faintly, seemed a sword to cut in the hard stone was the same. 双剑相交,巨剑的剑刃就这样被凭空出现的幽影之刃所阻挡,剑锋摩擦之下爆发出了一连串的火光。不仅如此,德莱克甚至觉得自己握着剑柄的双手隐隐发麻,就好像自己一剑砍在了坚硬的石头上一样。 This boy such big strength!? 这小子怎么这么大的力气!? Feels the vibration that on the sword blade transmits, Drake is also startled. He also thinks where this emaciated young people strength should big to not go, but never expected that the opposite party has the so powerful strength unexpectedly. Must know but oneself both hands sword, but the opposite party grasps the sword single-handed, did the result competition strength lose unexpectedly? Is this possible? 感受到剑刃上传来的震动,德莱克也是大吃一惊。他原本还以为这个瘦瘦弱弱的年轻人力气应该不会大到哪里去,但是没想到对方居然拥有如此强大的力量。要知道自己可是双手剑,而对方只是单手握剑,结果比拼力气居然还是自己输了?这怎么可能? However has not waited for Drake to respond, felt on sword blade to transmit a strong reflection strength, next moment his whole person is hit by the truck that sped along high-speed on this probably generally, flew upside down backward, numerous collisions on wall. But has not waited for Drake to crawl, felt that own left hand back of the hand one cold, next moment, a fierce ache erupts from his palm like this. Until this time, Drake discovered that own left hand palm does not know when was passed through by an ice cold deep blue long sword, nail stubbornly in ground. The ice-cold piercing cold air erupts like this, suddenly time the Drake arm thoroughly freezing block. 但是还没有等德莱克反应过来,就感觉到剑锋上传来了一股强劲的反射力量,下一刻他整个人就这样好像被一辆高速飞驰的卡车撞到了一般,向后倒飞了出去,紧接着重重的撞在墙壁上。而还没有等德莱克爬起来,就感觉自己的左手手背一寒,下一刻,一股剧烈的疼痛就这样从他的手掌之中爆发。直到这时,德莱克才发现自己的左手手掌不知道什么时候被一把冰寒湛蓝的长剑贯穿,死死的钉在了地面上。冰冷刺骨的寒气就这样爆发,眨眼的功夫就将德莱克的手臂彻底冻成了冰块。 „ Do you, you want to do? & R dquo ; “你,你想干什么?” Looks at own left hand, Drake angrily roars is asking. But hears his inquiry, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders, then extracted Sea Blue Light, later his chuckle is looking to Drake, does not conceal contemptuous and arrogance in eyes. 看着自己的左手,德莱克不由的怒吼着开口询问道。而听到他的询问,詹恩只是耸耸肩膀,接着抽出了海蓝之光,随后他轻笑着望向德莱克,毫不掩饰自己眼中的轻蔑和傲慢。 Just is a dog, do not bark before me randomly. Distant, otherwise & mda S h that I roll ; I did not mind that sends you together to another world to extricate. & R dquo ; “只不过是一条狗而已,不要在我面前乱吠。给我滚的远远的,不然的话—我不介意送你们一起去另外一个世界解脱。” You .........!! & R dquo ; “你………!!” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Drake almost must be wild with rage, but others saw this also to send out one to call out in alarm. They know that Zhan En is quite arrogant, but he unexpectedly is never expected that arrogant hence, unexpectedly the Silver moon guards do not pay attention, not only defies seizing, even also intended to injure the assistant commandant of Silver moon guard, was this is insane? Sees here, these aristocrats immediately again and Zhan En spread out, for fear that this lunatic suddenly bewildered goes crazy to look for own trouble. But looks at these incompetent aristocrat one eyes, Zhan En light snort/hum, then stands up toward the exit|to speak walks. But looks that Zhan En and others leaves, soldier of these Silver moon guards do not know to should do, they surrounded Zhan En and others according to the order of Drake before, but this fellow unexpectedly is never so expected that crazy, overturned their assistant commandants directly, moreover can rush hardly? 听到詹恩的说话,德莱克几乎都要气疯了,而其他人看见这一幕也是不由的发出了一阵惊呼。他们知道詹恩相当傲慢,但是没想到他居然傲慢至此,居然连银月卫队都不放在眼里,不但违抗抓捕,甚至还出手打伤了银月卫队的副指挥官,这是要疯?看到这里,那些贵族顿时再次和詹恩拉开了距离,生怕这个疯子忽然莫名其妙的发疯来找自己的麻烦。而看着那些无能的贵族一眼,詹恩轻哼一声,接着站起身来向着出口走去。而看着詹恩等人离开,那些银月卫队的士兵也不知道该如何是好,他们之前是按照德莱克的命令包围了詹恩等人,但是没想到这个家伙居然如此疯狂,直接打翻了他们的副指挥官,而且还要硬闯? Mr. Zhan En. & R dquo ; 詹恩先生。” But when Zhan En and others will soon arrive at the exit|to speak, suddenly, an old sound appears baseless. 而就在詹恩等人即将走到出口的时候,忽然,一个苍老的声音凭空浮现。 This matter we see the tail from the beginning, all that indeed, you make have reason. However cultivates the behavior must always keep the frontline . Moreover, you did so many troublesome, didn't plan to a Shining country confession? & R dquo ; “这件事我们从头看到尾,诚然,你所做的一切事出有因。但是做人总是要留一线,而且,你搞出了这么多麻烦,难道不打算对光耀之国一个交代吗?” Confession? & R dquo ; “交代?” Hears this sound lightly, Zhan En snort/hum. 听到这个声音,詹恩轻哼一声。 I want Shining country actually to me a confession, the solemn imperial grand theater, is the director unexpectedly mother of the Blood descendants? Actually did this Shining country royal family also hide what shameful thing? Even if did not need you saying that I must walk, actually having a look at Shining country to give me any view. Ignores vampire wreaks havoc to be concerned in own city, as an awarding a decoration aristocrat, I possibly looks but not see? & R dquo ; “我倒是想要光耀之国给我一个交代,堂堂皇家大剧院,主事者居然是一个血裔之母?这光耀之国的王室究竟还藏了什么见不得人的东西?就算不需要你说,我也要找上门去,看看光耀之国究竟会给我一个什么说法。放任吸血种在自己城市里肆虐而不闻不问,作为一名授勋贵族,我怎么可能对此视而不见呢?” Bold avid follower!! & R dquo ; “大胆狂徒!!” Hears Zhan En's to speak, soldier of these Silver moon guards could not bear immediately, they have not thought that this damn young people are so unexpectedly extremely arrogant, not only makes a big row the matter of imperial grand theater did not care at all regarding oneself, even also blustered to the royal family, the Silver moon guard was loyal to the guard of imperial family, heard the opposite party so to slander the royal family, how they can endure patiently. Sees only then grips tightly the weapon along with soldier of shouting angrily sound several Silver moon guards, rushes over toward Zhan En. 听到詹恩的说话,那些银月卫队的士兵顿时忍不住了,他们没想到这个该死的年轻人居然如此狂妄,不但对于自己大闹皇家大剧院之事毫不在意,甚至还对王室口出狂言,银月卫队可是忠于皇室的卫队,听到对方如此污蔑王室,他们怎么能够忍耐。只见伴随着怒喝声数个银月卫队的士兵便紧握武器,向着詹恩冲了过去。 Facing their attacks, Zhan En actually does not hide does not dodge, but peaceful standing there, coldly is gazing at fixedly these soldier, then his right hand grips tightly Sea Blue Light to wield forward, sees only the flash of silvery bright to flash through together baseless, the bodies of next moment these soldier were divided into two immediately, the blood sprays, scatters the ground. But sees this, all around triggered a tumult and scream immediately. If previously Zhan En coped with the imperial grand theater is also has reason, then he dares to start to the members of Silver moon guard now unexpectedly blatantly, made one shock & mda S h ; This declares war to the Shining country royal family radically!! 面对他们的进攻,詹恩却是不躲不闪,只是安静的站在那里,冷冷的瞪视着那些士兵,接着他右手紧握海蓝之光向前一挥,只见一道银亮的闪光凭空闪过,下一刻那些士兵的身体顿时被一分为二,鲜血喷洒而出,散落地面。而看见这一幕,四周顿时又引发了一阵骚动和尖叫。如果说之前詹恩对付皇家大剧院还算是事出有因的话,那么现在他居然公然胆敢对银月卫队的成员下手,却让人惊呆了—这根本就是向光耀之国的王室宣战!! Young people, I urged you to be best to be calmer!! & R dquo ; “年轻人,我劝你最好冷静一些!!” Sees this, that old sound also became anxious. 看见这一幕,那个苍老的声音也是不由变得焦急了许多。 You do this, will only cause the disaffection of Shining country royal family, you are unable to withstand their Wrath of Thunder!! & R dquo ; “你这样做,只会引发光耀之国王室的不满,你是根本无法承受他们的雷霆之怒的!!” Many thanks reminder. & R dquo ; “多谢提醒。” Zhan En holds up the long sword, stares at the blood bead on sword blade to drop slowly, then he wields the long sword suddenly, wipes the bloodstain to scatter immediately, sprinkles on nearby wall, later the Zhan En complexion gloomy and cold opens the mouth said. 詹恩举起长剑,凝视着剑身上的血珠缓缓滴落,接着他猛然一挥长剑,一抹血迹顿时散落而出,洒在旁边的墙壁上,随后詹恩面色阴冷的开口说道。 I want experience actually very much fiercely, Shining country that crowd of to hide the head and show the tail generation of Wrath of Thunder. & R dquo ; “不过我倒是很想要见识一下,光耀之国那群藏头露尾之辈的雷霆之怒有多厉害。” Is saying, Zhan En the stride went out of the front door of auction market.( ~ ^ ~) 一面说着,詹恩一面大步走出了拍卖场的大门。(~^~)
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