DR :: Volume #6

#518: Delivers you dead( end)

Gungnir!! & R dquo ; 冈格尼尔!!” Shouted angrily along with Remilia one, sees only the bright red spear/gun light/only to flash past, shot to that flock of bats like this. 伴随着蕾米莉亚的一声怒喝,只见鲜红的光枪一闪而过,就这样冲着那群蝙蝠射了过去。 Looks at that say/way bright red flash, the female is startled suddenly. Although she also saw that red light spear/gun before, when is becoming its target seriously, will discover that this light spear/gun had is fearful her legend to be expert is the defense, when facing attack can the attack might of passive reduction opposite party, depend upon this ability, she even can walk some time under the sunlight. Also depends on this ability, she can steady sitting in the position of mother of Black Rose family, and becomes one of the dark elder assembly. 看着那道鲜红的闪光,女子猛然一惊。虽然之前她也看到了那道红色的光枪,但是只有当真正成为它的目标之时,才会发现这道光枪有多么可怕她的传奇专精是防御,面对攻击时能够被动的降低对方的攻击威力,依靠这个能力,她甚至能够在阳光下行走一段时间。也正是靠这个能力,她才能够稳稳的坐在黑玫瑰家族之母的位置上,并且成为暗黑长老会的一员。 However facing this red long spear/gun, in the female heart is actually incomparably frightened, although that seems like only a long spear/gun, but her actually feelings, that is this can pierce oneself all clone the long spear/gun absolutely, without exception!! 但是面对这把红色的长枪,女子心中却是无比恐惧,虽然那看起来好像只是一把长枪,但是她却有一种感觉,那就是这把长枪绝对可以刺穿自己所有的分身,没有例外!! Although the reason told this is not impossible, the sense of fear that but the instinct transmitted made the female have to make the decision, if all her clone to be passed through, then she may really die. Thinks of here, the female also no longer hesitates, only heard these bats to exude an sharp neighing sound quickly, later gathered, congealed again the human form. But at the same time, female high holds up two arms to intersect is placing own chest, along with her movement, saw only the female arm both sides that red long gown sleeves to blow up immediately, forms a hard barrier to keep off before the body of female. But at this time, then had also arrived at her front the red long spear/gun. 虽然理智告诉她这根本不可能,但是本能传来的恐惧感还是让女子不得不做出决定,如果她的所有分身都被贯穿的话,那么她可就真的死定了。想到这里,女子也不再犹豫,很快只听见那些蝙蝠发出了一声尖锐的嘶叫声,随后重新汇聚起来,再次凝结成了人形。而就在与此同时,女子高高的举起两只胳膊交叉着放在自己的胸口,伴随着她的动作,只见女子胳膊两侧那红色的长袍衣袖顿时鼓起,形成了一道坚硬的屏障挡在女子的身前。而在这个时候,那把红色的长枪也已经来到了她的面前。 A powerful pressure store front comes. 一股强大的威压铺面而来。 Feels this powerful aura, the female complexion sinks, she is certain, this absolutely is some Divine Artifact . However in main plane, actually to have what person to have so powerful Divine Artifact ? 感受到这股强大的气息,女子面色一沉,她可以肯定,这绝对是某种神器。但是在主位面,究竟有什么人能够拥有如此强大的神器 Although innermost feelings doubts, but the female also knows now does not think these times, to resist Gungnir, she has revolved the limit the strength. But despite that then the bright red spear/gun light/only is still easy passed through the defense of female like this, sees only that seemingly hard incomparable wing like this by long sword sharp peak tearing. The female only felt that a chest fiery ignition feeling, an incomparably strong impulse strokes later like this on her body, subscribed her on the wall stubbornly. Even the legendary powerhouse, does not represent to resist the attack of Divine Artifact hardly. The females only felt that fearful supernatural power drilled into own body like this. Whole person probably by a long whip that fires the flame made an effort to brush generally, the body trembled immediately, then put out a blood. 虽然内心疑惑,可是女子也知道现在不是想这些的时候,为了抵挡冈格尼尔,她已经将力量运转到了极限。但是即便如此,那把鲜红色的光枪依然是轻而易举的就这样贯穿了女子的防御,只见那看起来坚硬无比的翅膀就这样被长剑尖锐的顶端撕裂。紧接着女子只感觉胸口一阵火热般的灼烧感,随后一股无比强大的冲击力就这样击打在她的身上,将她死死订在了墙上。即便是传奇强者,也不代表能够硬抗住神器的攻击。女子只感觉那股可怕的神力就这样钻入了自己的身体里。整个人好像被一条灼烧火焰的长鞭用力抽打了一般,顿时不由身体一颤,接着吐出了一口鲜血。 „! & R dquo ; “切!” Sees this, Remilia is actually discontented spat one. Although Gungnirmust & R dquo ; The attribute is it strongest place, when copes with these powerhouses somewhat to be actually out of reach. Indeed. Gungnir canprobably & R dquo ;, But actually can hit what spot is very difficult to say. If the strength is worse than too many people her, then Remilia can hit wherever he wants, but at present this Vampire and compared the strength unable to miss is too many, in this case, the Remilia finger/refers can guarantee that Gungnir can hit that woman, but actually can hit the heart or the head only then the talent knew. But at present sees Gungnir not to kill this woman directly, the little fellow naturally is also quite uncomfortable. 看见这一幕,蕾米莉亚却是不满的啐了一口。虽然冈格尼尔的“必中”属性是它最强的地方,但是在对付那些强者的时候却是有些力所不及。的确。冈格尼尔能够“必中”,可是究竟能够击中什么部位就很难说了。如果是实力比她差太多的人,那么蕾米莉亚就可以指哪儿打哪儿,但是眼前这个吸血鬼和自己相比实力差不了太多,在这种情况下,蕾米莉亚指能够保证冈格尼尔能够击中那个女人,但是究竟能不能打中心脏或者脑袋就只有天才知道了。而眼下看见冈格尼尔没有直接把这个女人干掉,小家伙自然也是相当不爽。 Remilia was not feeling well, but the red clothes female is actually in the heart the dark loosen, although was hit by Gungnir also makes her receive very heavy wound. However after all had not died. So long as can live, to her is enough. Thinks of here, the female also no longer hesitated, sees only her quickly to put out a hand to draw out the long spear/gun in insertion body, then fast ran away toward nearby shadow. 蕾米莉亚不爽了,但是红衣女子却是心中暗松,虽然被冈格尼尔击中也让她受了很重的伤。但是毕竟没有死掉。只要能够活着,对她来说就已经足够了。想到这里,女子也不再犹豫,只见她急忙伸手拔出了插入身体之中的长枪,接着飞快的向着旁边的阴影中遁去。 However has not waited for her to leave, sees only to start to surge in female behind shadow suddenly, several jet black tentacles appear baseless, stubbornly twined the female. 但是还没有等她动身,只见在女子身后的黑影忽然开始涌动起来,紧接着数条漆黑的触手凭空浮现,死死的将女子缠绕在了其中。 „ Is this ............ the dark element control?!! & R dquo ; “这是…………暗元素支配?!!” Feels this pure incomparable dark strength, the female is startled, although she has guessed the opposite party to have a legendary peak powerhouse. However never expected that the opposite party has so high fantasy element control rank unexpectedly, this moment mind one nervous, is without enough time. Saw only the tentacles of these dark congealments to twine the four limbs of female on this stubbornly, but at the same time. Together cold light also from present flashing through of female. 感受到这股纯正无比的黑暗力量,女子大吃一惊,她虽然早就猜测到对方当中有一个传奇巅峰的强者。但是没想到对方居然拥有如此高的幻想要素支配等级,此刻心神一慌,已然是来不及了。只见那些黑暗凝结的触手就这样死死缠绕住了女子的四肢,而就在与此同时。一道寒光也从女子的眼前闪过。 Zhan En jumps to forward, Sea Blue Light in hand pricked the chest of female like this, the ice cold aura erupted stiffly, saw only the female originally soft chest while convenient frozen in the flash incomparable, thenkā bā & R dquo ; Breaks, revealed inside rib with already was being frozen the flesh. But a Zhan En wrist/skill revolution without hesitation, then the sword selects sharp lightly, a next moment frozen heart jumps out from that cavity like this, flies backward. But has protected, in Zhan En Enoya also opens the box in hand immediately, later then saw that heart without bias and without favor to fall into the box like this, then Enoya closed the cover, both hands turns over, next moment that small box then vanished in her sleeves. 詹恩纵身向前,手中的海蓝之光就这样刺入了女子的胸口,冰寒的气息在一瞬间爆发,只见女子原本柔软的胸口顺便被冻的僵硬无比,接着“咔吧”一声破碎开来,露出了里面的肋骨与已经被冻结着的血肉。而詹恩则毫不犹豫的手腕一转,接着剑尖轻挑,下一刻一颗被冰冻的心脏就这样从那个空洞里跳出,向后飞去。而一直守护在詹恩身边的埃诺娅也是立刻打开了手中的盒子,随后便看见那颗心脏就这样不偏不倚的落入了盒中,接着埃诺娅关上盖子,双手翻转,下一刻那个小盒子便消失在了她的衣袖之中。 „!! & R dquo ; “啊啊啊啊啊啊!!” Lost the female of heart to exude a rapid and sharp blood-curdling screech sound, struggling that she started to go all out, two hands continuously is brandishing, tried to shake off the fetter of dark tentacle. However lost her of heart not to have the beforehand strength, quick, along with the blood-curdling screech sound, then saw the female to be smooth the exquisite flesh to start becomes wrinkled like the old person, the muscle also by the visible speed decency atrophy fast, in a while, a that red skirt, the beautiful moving female turned into a dry mummy a moment ago, made decent pastes like the straw paper skin when the bone, as if had died to be many were same. Until this time, Zhan En then cold snort/hum, then the right hand flung, then saw the cold wind to fly quickly together, howled is blowing to that does not have the skeleton of significance, the time of but blinking changed into the flying ash it. Afterward his right hand revolution, receives the sword to return the sheath slightly, later Zhan En stands on the ruins of stage like this, is gazing at the present auction market. 失去了心脏的女子发出了一阵急促而尖锐的惨叫声,她开始拼命的挣扎,两只手不住的挥舞着,试图挣脱黑暗触手的束缚。但是失去了心脏的她已经在也没有了之前的力量,很快,伴随着惨叫声,便看见女子原本光滑细腻的肌肤开始变得如同老人般皱皱巴巴,肌肉也是以肉眼可见的速度飞快的风化萎缩,没过多久,刚才那个一身红裙,美丽动人的女子就变成了一具干巴巴的木乃伊,风化如同草纸般的皮肤贴在骨头上,仿佛已经死去多时了一样。直到这个时候,詹恩这才冷哼一声,接着右手一甩,很快便见一道寒风飞过,呼啸着吹向那具已经没有意义的尸骸,只是眨眼的功夫就将其化为了飞灰。随后他右手微微一转,收剑还鞘,随后詹恩就这样站在高台的废墟上,注视着眼前的拍卖场。 A moment ago on the auction market was a confusion, because especially after these were planted the person who the Vampire seed went crazy Elise and others overthrew, many people clash, the crying father shouted mother saw these unlucky eggs, is shouting angrily to the Elise and others loud accusation, strong battle efficiency that just after seeing three people showed that these fellows were also but actually more intelligent, does not dare to come up to begin, but hid in behind curses angrily. 刚才拍卖场上还是一片混乱,特别是那些因为被种下吸血鬼种子而发疯的人被伊丽丝等人打倒之后,更是有不少人冲上来,一面哭爹喊娘的去看望那些倒霉蛋,一面对着伊丽丝等人大声指责怒喝,只不过在看见三人展现出来的强劲战斗力之后,这些家伙倒也聪明了许多,没有敢上去动手,而只是躲在后面怒骂。 But killed that woman after Zhan En, the auction market that boiled then restored the beforehand deathly stillness. Facing present, the people do not know to should do, the Bassammens family not only begins before them, but also killed the master in imperial grand theater, these people are not the idiots, at this moment has seen that woman absolutely is not human. But even so, they are also a brain confusion, does not know completely should should do. 而直到詹恩杀死了那个女人之后,原本沸腾的拍卖场这才重新恢复了之前的死寂。面对眼前的这一幕,众人都不知道该如何是好,巴夏侬门斯家族不但在他们面前动了手,而且还杀死了皇家大剧院的主人,这些人也不是白痴,此刻已经看出那个女人绝对不是人类。可是即便如此,他们也是大脑一片混乱,完全不知道该如何是好。 Master, has succeeded in obtaining. & R dquo ; “主人,已经到手了。” Very good. & R dquo ; “很好。” Hears the speech of Enoya, Zhan En nods. Then he coldly swept in an auction market these idiots, later has turned around to go down the stage ruins. 听到埃诺娅的说话,詹恩点了点头。接着他冷冷的扫了一眼拍卖场内那些白痴,随后转过身走下了高台废墟。 We walk. & R dquo ; “我们走吧。” Looks that Zhan En and others walks toward the exit|to speak, others also made way a road. How can they? The people in imperial grand theater are been similar, naturally did not have the means that this crazy fellow killed to come out to prevent. But these aristocrats come to here to attend the auction, has not possibly come out to help the imperial grand theater block the person, everyone knows that let alone now that master is not right, if at this moment oneself stand for the imperial grand theater over, that isn't brings about own destruction? If by some chance were suspected what to do oneself also do have to relate with these monsters? 看着詹恩等人向着出口走去,其他人也是不由的让开了一条路。他们又能够怎么样呢?皇家大剧院的人都被这个疯狂的家伙杀的差不多了,自然是没办法出来阻挡。而这些贵族只是来这里参加拍卖会的,也没有可能出来帮助皇家大剧院拦人,更何况现在大家都知道那个主人不对劲,此刻自己要是站出来为皇家大剧院出头,那不是自寻死路吗?万一被人怀疑自己也和那些怪物有关系怎么办? Thinks of here, these guests are distant spread out with Zhan En, even is not willing to look at each other with him. But at this time, only heard entrance chaotic footsteps sound. 想到这里,那些客人更是远远的与詹恩拉开了距离,甚至不愿意和他对视。而就在这个时候,只听见入口处一阵混乱的脚步声响起。 Just like all movie televisions, after the police are other matter solved forever, is arriving. In Otherworldly is also a truth, quick, sees the & R dquo of front door outside auction marketdang by person ; Shoves open, one crowd of fully-armed soldier crashed in the auction market on this in big strides, they put on jet black, is mounting white side the fine gold armor, looks at then the value not poor. But on these soldier capes, then uniform is embroidering a full moon sickle. Sees the appearances of these soldier, everyone stares, then some people said in a low voice. 和所有的电影电视一样,警察永远是等事情解决完之后在登场。在异界也是一个道理,很快,就看见拍卖场外的大门被人“咣当”一声推开,紧接着一群全副武装的士兵就这样大踏步的冲进了拍卖场之中,他们穿着漆黑,镶嵌着白边的精金盔甲,一看便价值不菲。而在这些士兵的斗篷上,则整齐划一的绣着一把圆月弯刀。看见这些士兵的出现,所有人都是一愣,接着有人低声说道。 Was the Silver moon guard arrives! & R dquo ; “是银月卫队到了!” Sees the appearance of Silver moon guard, somewhat was flustered the nervous people also to relax at this moment, the Silver moon guard is in Glory city the sharpest guard, usually in they will only be responsible for the Royal castle security, rarely goes out. This even they sent out time unexpectedly, thus it can be seen this matter is serious. 看见银月卫队的出现,原本还有些慌张不安的众人此刻也是放松了许多,银月卫队是辉煌之城中最精锐的卫队,平日里他们只会负责王城的安全,很少外出。这一次居然连他们都出动了,由此可见这件事有多么严重。 Actually here what happened? & R dquo ; “这里究竟发生了什么事?” Looks at present in the auction market the chaotic scene, stands puts on Drake of jet black armor to frown to ask in the forefront, he as the assistant commandant of Silver moon guard, usually in should not send out at will. However these time is specific, received the information saying that some people attacked brutally in the imperial grand theater, this also made Drake be startled. Must know that the imperial grand theater may be one of the Glory city most famous influences, moreover and Shining country royal family has the considerable relation. Otherwise they impossible byimperial & R dquo ; For name, but now unexpectedly dares some people to attack brutally here, provokes the royal family simply. Thinks of here, Drake is also without hesitation immediately leads the person to come, wants to stop the incident. 看着眼前拍卖场内混乱的场景,站在最前面穿着一身漆黑盔甲的德莱克不由皱起眉头开口询问道,他作为银月卫队的副指挥官,平日里原本不应该随意出动的。但是这一次情况不同,接到情报说是有人在皇家大剧院里大打出手,这也让德莱克大吃一惊。要知道皇家大剧院可算是辉煌之城的最著名的势力之一,而且也和光耀之国的王室有着相当的联系。不然的话他们也不可能以“皇家”为名,而现在居然敢有人在这里大打出手,简直就是挑衅王室。想到这里,德莱克也是毫不犹豫的立刻带人前来,想要制止事端。 He also thinks is just ordinary fighting, however waited till the underground auction market to look, Drake was also being startled. Saw only the entire auction market at this time hit at sixes and sevens, on the ceiling explodes a large cave/hole not saying that stage was also rumbled to collapse, distant place also lying this way and that lay down one group of people, does not know that died lives, many people encircled in these people's painful scream. As the assistant commandant of Glory city guard, Drake recognizes in these people immediately many are the juniors of big aristocrat, usually is an arrogant appearance, has not thought completely this little while dead dog same lies down on the ground unexpectedly probably, was the no medicine rescues shortly. 原本他还以为只不过是普通的斗殴,但是等到了地下拍卖场一看,就连德莱克也是不由的大吃一惊。只见整个拍卖场这时候已经被打的乱七八糟,天花板上炸了个大洞不说,就连那座高台也被轰塌,远处还横七竖八的躺倒了一群人,也不知道是死是活,还有不少人围在那些人的身边痛苦尖叫。作为辉煌之城卫队的副指挥官,德莱克立刻就认出这些人里不少都是大贵族的子弟,平日里都是一副趾高气扬的样子,完全没想到这会儿居然好像一条死狗一样躺在地上,眼看是没药救了。 Actually is this damn being up to mischief? Here had the war?( ~ ^ ~) 这究竟是该死的搞什么鬼?这里是发生了战争吗?(~^~)
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