DR :: Volume #6

#517: Sends you to dead (Last Part)

The red clothes female also expected can some people come out to help, the person who so long as they and Zhan En bring clashes, then oneself can seize the chance to withdraw. n & i S in ; n & i S in ;, But now seems like, these people do not plan to go forward to help. Perhaps this also no wonder, they have to plan to act from the beginning, after discovering these top respected families has not acted, they also respond that immediately has the issue, although the somewhat full of vigor young people try to rush the help, but is till also drunk by the elders immediately. Can have the qualifications enter this auction market is not the fool, looked that the above these great people do not make noise, how do they dare to begin casually? 原本红衣女子还期望能够有人出来帮忙,只要他们和詹恩带来的人发生冲突,那么自己就可以趁机脱身。n∈n∈,但是现在看起来,那些人并不打算上前帮忙。这也难怪,或许一开始他们也不是没有打算出手,但是在发现那些顶层的大家族都没有出手之后,他们也立刻反应过来有问题,虽然有些血气方刚的年轻人试图冲上去帮忙,但也立刻被长辈们喝止了。能够有资格进入这个拍卖场的都不是傻瓜,看上面的那些大人物都不出声,他们又怎么敢随便动手? However the red clothes female at this moment is actually miserable beyond description, her plan had been finished originally thoroughly, in Zhan En, Pattilina and Enoya three people jointly, she , if no full power, then only has the dead end. But if she appears the primary form, then is also the dead end, in addition, she absolutely does not have other choices. In this case, the choice that she can make, only has one!! 但是此刻的红衣女子却是苦不堪言,她原本的计划已经彻底完蛋,在詹恩,帕蒂莉娜埃诺娅三人联手之下,她如果不出全力,那么就只有死路一条。但是如果她显出原形,那么也是死路一条,除此之外,她根本就没有其他选择。在这种情况下,她所能够做的选择,只有一个!! Spelled!! 拼了!! Thinks of here, in the eyes of female erupts the dazzling red light immediately, then her both hands wield suddenly forward, along with the movement of female, saw only a blood barrier to emerge out of thin air like this, keeps off in the front of female. But facing her counter-attack, three people drew back backward one step, to avoid the counter-attack of female. But at this time, saw only the red clothes female to open the mouth suddenly, exhibited one like the scream movement, but had no sound to send out from her mouth, on the contrary, invisible sound wave erupted from the mouth of female like this, affected the entire auction market instantaneously. 想到这里,女子的眼中顿时爆发出耀眼的红光,接着她双手猛然向前一挥,伴随着女子的动作,只见一道鲜血屏障就这样凭空出现,挡在了女子的面前。而面对她的反击,三人都是向后退了一步,以避开女子的反击。而就在这个时候,只见红衣女子猛然张开嘴巴,摆出了一个如同尖叫般的动作,但是却没有任何声音从她的嘴里发出,相反,一道无形的音波就这样从女子的口中爆发,瞬间影响了整个拍卖场。 ............!! & R dquo ; “啊…………!!” ............!!! & R dquo ; “啊啊啊…………!!!” At this time, on the auction market guest, some people started to hold blood-curdling screech to get up suddenly, under the bow of their pain the body, continuously is shivering, as if boiled thoroughly shrimp roe. This sudden makes their people have a scare, quickly goes forward to wait and see. However what makes them not think, sees only after this blood-curdling screech, these people raise the head suddenly. Sent out roaring like wild animal, their eyes are red, the blue vein that stretches appear from the forehead, the whole person seemed like probably is simply insane was the same. Then they jump to leap like this. In front of the stage direction toward auction market dashes to go. 就在这个时候,忽然在拍卖场下层的客席上,一些人开始抱头惨叫起来,他们痛苦的弓下身体,不住的颤抖着,仿佛被煮熟的虾子一眼。这突如其来的一幕让他们身边的人都吓了一跳,急忙上前观望。但是让他们没有想到的是,只见在这阵惨叫之后,那些人忽然抬起头来。发出了像野兽一样的咆哮,他们双眼通红,绷起的青筋从额头上浮现,整个人看起来简直就好像疯了一样。接着他们就这样纵身一跃。向着拍卖场前面的高台方向飞奔而去。 Sir, you? Buoys up, Sir! & R dquo ; “大人,你怎么了?振作一点,大人!” Young master, blocks the young master a bit faster, quick!! & R dquo ; “少爷,快点儿拦住少爷,快啊!!” Facing this sudden scene. Saw only under the auction market to erupt a confusion immediately, some people attempted the person who stopped these to go crazy suddenly, some people were screaming tried to avoid these wild fellows. Suddenly in the entire auction market everywhere is the squeals, the angry roaring sound, wailing sound resounding continuously, seems like seems like the boiled up boiling water simply is the same. Could not hear itself to say anything, even if were wants to listen attentively to others' speech , can only hear these chaotic yawps. At this time the order of entire auction market thoroughly has become chaotic, but facing such scene, few can make anything. However what is lucky is can enter the person in this auction market mostly to have extraordinary skill. Has the guard of having extraordinary skill, they are very clear, if again such confusion, even if they also only has the dead end. Therefore saw their aides to stand up quickly immediately, acts as the human wall to block dashing of surrounding these idiots, even also some quick-tempered drew out the long sword to brandish directly, hinted the opposite party do not approach, otherwise they wanted is not impolite!! 面对这突如其来的场景。只见拍卖场下方顿时爆发了一阵混乱,有些人试图阻拦那些突然发疯的人,有些人则尖叫着试图避开那些狂野的家伙。一时间整个拍卖场内到处都是尖叫声,怒吼声,哀嚎声此起彼伏的响起,看起来简直就好像是被煮开的沸水一样。让人根本听不到自己在说什么,哪怕是想要倾听别人的说话,也只能够听见那些杂乱无章的叫喊声。这个时候整个拍卖场的秩序已经彻底变得混乱了,而面对这样的场面,几乎没有人可以做什么。不过幸运的是能够进入这座拍卖场的人大多身手不凡。或者拥有身手不凡的侍卫,他们都很清楚如果再这样混乱下去的话,哪怕是他们也只有死路一条。因此很快就看见他们身边的侍从立刻站起身来,充当人墙挡住了周围那些白痴的冲撞,甚至还有些性子急的直接拔出长剑挥舞,示意对方不要靠近,不然他们就要不客气了!! Under each other restraint, the original confusion also gradually relaxed, but after such a noisy, the fellow who these go crazy suddenly had actually run cross the crowd. Threw in the direction that Zhan En and others is. They extract oneself weapon, angrily roars is firing into Zhan En, looks at their appearances, has the absolutely irreconcilable enmity to be the same with Zhan En simply probably. This not only makes these guests feel bewildered. The guards and family members of these people are also puzzling, does not understand completely why oneself masters and relatives and friends will turn into this appearance suddenly. 在彼此的约束之下,原本的混乱也逐渐缓和了下来,不过经过这么一闹,那些忽然发疯的家伙却已经冲过了人群。向着詹恩等人所在的方向扑了过去。他们抽出自己的武器,怒吼着冲向詹恩,看他们的样子,简直就好像和詹恩有不共戴天之仇一样。这一幕不但让那些客人感到莫名其妙。就连那些人的侍卫和亲人也是百思不得其解,完全不明白为什么自己的主人和亲友会忽然变成这个样子。 However they do not know, did not understand on behalf of Zhan En, Blood descendants can transform the prey through Vampire as own retinue, but can make the loyal and devoted servant like these high rank Vampire, as can be seen. These fellows had been attracted the blood by this woman absolutely, and had been planted the seed of Vampire by her. The principle plants demon seal to be similar to others with Zhan En, so long as were planted the seed of Vampire, even if usually in nothing determination, when dangerous moment also for his master will go all out. 不过他们不知道,不代表詹恩不了解,血裔可以通过吸血将猎物转化为自己的仆从,而像那些高阶吸血鬼更是可以制造出忠心耿耿的仆役,可以看出。这些家伙绝对是已经被这个女人吸了血,并且已经被她种下了吸血鬼的种子。其原理就和詹恩给别人种下魔族刻印类似,只要被种下了吸血鬼的种子,哪怕平日里没有任何自觉,等到危险关头也会为了其主人拼命的。 But now, this woman had been compelled obviously anxiously, unexpectedly even this method caused, Zhan En knows certainly that she does that is to do, no matter they were operated, they are these aristocrat everyone's heir and masters, first did not say that their strength is not weak, once Zhan En makes a move to kill people, will then definitely cause the retaliation attack of other families, by that time is the top these respected families is unable to escape by luck even if, so long as can stir muddily the situation, then had the opportunity that oneself left. If Zhan En were worried that this trouble, is cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt to fear the hand to fear the words of foot, then she was easier to withdraw. 而现在,这个女人显然已经被逼急了,居然连这种方法都使了出来,詹恩当然知道她这么做是想要干什么,不管他们是不是被操纵,他们都是那些贵族大家的子嗣和主人,先不说他们本身实力不弱,一旦詹恩这边出手杀人,那么肯定会引起其他家族的报复打击,到那个时候哪怕是最顶层那些大家族也无法幸免,只要能够把局势搅浑,那么就有自己离开的机会了。而如果詹恩担心这个麻烦,投鼠忌器而畏手畏脚的话,那么她就更容易脱身了。 However Zhan En is not a fool, since he dares to come, naturally deals early. Thinks of here, he sneers, then Sea Blue Light of left hand wields forward, the quick, a series of sharp ice corner follows the Zhan En's movement to erupt like this following the direction that he wields a sword, the straight thorn to the present red clothes female, issued the order later. 不过詹恩也不是傻瓜,他既然敢来,自然早有应对。想到这里,他冷笑一声,接着左手的海蓝之光向前一挥,很快,一连串尖锐的冰棱就这样伴随着詹恩的动作顺着他挥剑的方向爆发开来,笔直的刺向眼前的红衣女子,随后下达了命令。 Begins! & R dquo ; “动手!” With the Zhan En's order, sees only the person's shadow to flash, next moment Elise, Alice and Sofina stood under the stage like this, formed a human wall to block the path that these people went forward. But facing young girl who these present suddenly, meaning that these crazy person has not stopped completely, on the contrary, they are red the eye, straight threw toward three people. 伴随着詹恩的命令,只见人影一闪,下一刻伊丽丝,爱丽丝索菲娜就这样站在了高台下,形成了一道人墙堵住了那些人前进的道路。而面对这些忽然出现的少女,那些已经疯狂的人完全没有停下来的意思,相反,他们通红着眼睛,笔直的向着三人扑了过去。 Snort!! & R dquo ; “哼!!” Sees person who these throw, Sofina cold snort/hum, then her both hands get hold of the long spear/gun, makes an effort to wield forward. next moment along with the Sofina movement, mixes with flame storm this of burning hot high temperature to throw forward, strokes layer on layer/heavily in these to the body of young people she throws, wastes them. 看见这些扑过来的人,索菲娜冷哼一声,接着她双手握紧长枪,用力向前一挥。下一刻伴随着索菲娜的动作,夹杂着炙热高温的火焰风暴就这样向前扑去,重重击打在那些向她扑来的年轻人的身上,将他们打飞开去。 But is unambiguous in another side Elise, she knows that she cannot meddle the above fight, but as Warlock, deals with these fellows not to have the issue. Therefore plunges own enemy facing these, sees only Elise to put out a hand, both hands have delimited strings of mysterious rune/symbol writing in void, later both hands close up, then sees the magic arrow arrow that several hundred Magic/Devil flame congeal to emerge out of thin air like this, shoots toward the front. But facing the attack of Elise. These people are also the hurried figure move aside, to avoid the attacks of these magic arrow arrows. However what makes them not think, these magic arrow arrows unexpectedly when soon fall to the ground erupted suddenly, forms the flame halo one after another to disperse toward all around. Immediately covers in which these people. Although these fellows had been planted the seed of Vampire, but after all life, Magic/Devil flame that in encountering to congeal after the negative energy corroded the crying father shouted mother immediately but actually one piece. 而在另外一侧的伊丽丝也不含糊,她知道自己根本插不上手上面的战斗,但是作为一个法术士,对付这些家伙还是没有问题的。因此面对那些扑向自己的敌人,只见伊丽丝伸出手去,双手在虚空之中划过一串串神秘的符文,随后双手合拢,紧接着便看见数百只魔焰凝结的魔法箭矢就这样凭空出现,向着前方射去。而面对伊丽丝的攻击。那些人也是急忙身形躲闪,以躲开这些魔法箭矢的进攻。但是让他们没有想到的是,这些魔法箭矢居然在快要落地的时候骤然爆发,形成了一道又一道的火焰光环向着四周散开。顿时将那些人笼罩其中。虽然那些家伙已经被种下了吸血鬼的种子,但毕竟还是生灵,在遭遇到了以负能量凝结的魔焰侵蚀之后顿时哭爹喊娘的倒了一片。 Compares Elise and Sofina, Alice insteadpeace & R dquo ; Seeing only this young maid is only stands there peacefully. Is looking crazily to the crowd that oneself throw. Then sees Alice to stretch out a finger to place own mouth, later closes the right eye, showed a playful smile. 相比伊丽丝索菲娜,爱丽丝反而最“和平”的,只见这个小女仆只是安静的站在那里。望着疯狂向自己扑来的人群。接着便看见爱丽丝伸出一根手指放在自己的嘴边,随后闭上右眼,露出了一个俏皮的笑容。 Is such a movement, makes these charge into the Alice crowd to stare suddenly, then in their surface the fierce expression becomes was temperate and happy immediately, such saw the Angel smile general probably, these person such fell to the ground, did not have the sound again. 就是这么一个动作,却让那些冲向爱丽丝的人群猛然一愣,接着他们面上原本狰狞的表情顿时变得温和而幸福,那样子就好像是看见了天使的笑容一般,紧接着这些人就这样一头栽倒在地,再也没有了动静。 Damn!! 该死!! Sees own offensive easily is so reduced and solved by the opposite party unexpectedly, the red clothes female could not bear finally, she discovers now. The opposite party are prepared radically early, a snap ring point oneself staking, although does not know that actually the Black Rose family where provoked such terrifying fellow, words that but does not walk now, oneself could not leave again!! 看见自己的攻势居然如此轻易就被对方化解,红衣女子终于忍不住了,她现在才发现。对方根本就是早有准备,一环扣一环早就把自己给盯死了,虽然不知道黑玫瑰家族究竟什么地方招惹了这么个恐怖的家伙,但是现在再不走的话,自己就再也走不掉了!! Thinks of here, the red clothes female no longer hesitates, sees only her to drink one tenderly, both hands recycles suddenly. But looks that she draws back backward, Zhan En right hand the blade of quiet shadow also follows, to bring the path thorn that is drifting from place to place together immediately to the heart of female. But Enoya also coordinates Zhan En to brandish the great sickle to sweep away from the left. Cut toward the nape of the neck of women's. Suddenly the thunder made brilliantly, interlocks the lightning that divided to form a shackles to cover the body of female immediately is one of them. But in another side, Pattilina also showed the fierce smile, saw only the little fellow right hand to grip tightly the lower part of knight long spear/gun to make an effort according. Afterward then saw that silver white knight long spear/gun peak to present a giant cavity immediately. 想到这里,红衣女子不再犹豫,只见她娇喝一声,双手忽然回收。而看着她向后退开,詹恩右手的幽影之刃也是立刻跟上,带着一道飘忽不定的轨迹刺向了女子的心脏。而埃诺娅也配合詹恩从左边挥舞巨镰横扫而过。向着女子的脖颈砍了过去。一时间雷光大作,交错劈下的闪电顿时形成了一道牢笼将女子的身体笼罩在其中。而在另外一侧,帕蒂莉娜也是露出了狰狞的笑容,只见小家伙右手紧握骑士长枪的下部用力按了一下。随后便见那银白的骑士长枪顶端顿时出现了一个巨大的空洞。 Traded the beforehand words, will perhaps also make the red clothes female be thrown into confusion facing three people of besieging, she but who has set firm resolve now was instead calm. Sees only the red clothes female whole person to slide suddenly toward side to the loach, avoided cut to the lightning great sickle of own nape of the neck, then her right hand stretched out forward, keeps off in the chest. But at the same time. The blade of Zhan En's quiet shadow had also penetrated the defense of red clothes female, pricked in her right hand and chest straightly. 换了之前的话,面对三人的围攻或许还会让红衣女子手忙脚乱,但是现在已经下定决心的她反而冷静了许多。只见红衣女子整个人忽然向泥鳅般向着旁边滑开,堪堪躲开了原本砍向自己脖颈的闪电巨镰,接着她右手向前伸出,挡在胸口。而就在与此同时。詹恩的幽影之刃也已经穿透了红衣女子的防御,笔直的刺入了她的右手和胸膛之中。 This fatal strikes facing Zhan En's, the female body trembles suddenly, then she is gazing at fixedly Zhan En, showed a self-satisfied smile. Afterward then sees the body of female to change into the innumerable bats suddenly, such easy has drilled Enoya establishment the net of thunder, on the crack rapid flight toward ceiling goes. 面对詹恩的这致命一击,女子猛然身体一颤,接着她瞪视着詹恩,露出了一丝得意的笑容。随后便看见女子的身体忽然化为无数只蝙蝠,就这样轻而易举的钻过了埃诺娅编制的雷霆之网,向着天花板上的破洞疾飞而去。 „ To run?! & R dquo ; “想跑?!” Sees this, Pattilina to narrow the eye immediately, then she holds up the knight long spear/gun in hand like this, aims at bat grouprumbling & R dquo ; The flame that the opening fire fire, a series of explosions form erupts like this from the bat group. However these bats actually not like Pattilina like blown to pieces, on the contrary, after the explosion, these bat does not have few continuations to fly unexpectedly upwardly. 看见这一幕,帕蒂莉娜顿时眯起眼睛,接着她就这样举起手中的骑士长枪,瞄准蝙蝠群“轰轰轰”的开火射击,一连串爆炸形成的火光就这样从蝙蝠群之中爆发开来。但是这些蝙蝠却并没有像帕蒂莉娜像的那样被炸成碎片,相反,在爆炸之后,这些蝙蝠居然一只没少的继续向上飞去。 In front!! 就在前面!! Looks at present the cavity of ceiling, the bat group that the red clothes female turns into at this moment is also even more excited, as a familymother & R dquo ;, She naturally also has the good strength, but she does not dare to keep and Zhan En and others dogfight now. After all bat is the Vampire biggest symbol, she can definitely change into that time of bat in oneself, the people of these respected families have seen oneself status. If stayed behind at this time, then she not only need face the attack of Zhan En and others, even may also probably face surrounding of these respected families, but only now, she can do leaves here as soon as possible, her some are the time, although gives up the imperial grand theater making her not give up very much, so long as living, she can reconstruct an imperial grand theater!! 看着眼前天花板的空洞,红衣女子化成的蝙蝠群此刻也是越发激动,作为一个家族的“母亲”,她自然也拥有不俗的力量,但是现在她可不敢留下来和詹恩等人缠斗。毕竟蝠化是吸血鬼最大的标志,她可以肯定在自己化为蝙蝠的那个时候,那些大家族的人都已经看出自己的身份了。如果这个时候留下的话,那么她不但要面对詹恩等人的袭击,甚至有可能还要面对那些大家族的包围,而现在,她唯一能够做的尽快离开这里,她有的是时间,虽然放弃皇家大剧院让她很是不舍得,但是只要活着,她就能够再建一个皇家大剧院!! But at this time, suddenly, a sound appeared near the ear of female. 而就在这个时候,忽然,一个声音出现在了女子的耳边。 Gungnir!! & R dquo ;( To be continued.) 冈格尼尔!!”(未完待续。)
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