DR :: Volume #6

#516: Sends you to dead (Middle Part)

Hears Zhan En these words, the complexion of female immediately slightly changes, perhaps others have not listened, but she is very clear, the significance that in these words contains were too many. Until this time, the female discovered oneself do not seem to should appear, she also thinks this Bassammens family does not know comes out to provoke profoundly, but now seems like, does the opposite party seem like comes to oneself specially? 听到詹恩这句话,女子的面色顿时微微一变,别人或许没有听出来,但是她却很清楚,这句话里包含的意义实在太多了。直到这个时候,女子才发现自己似乎不应该出现,原本她还以为这个巴夏侬门斯家族只是不知道天高地厚出来挑衅,但是现在看起来,对方似乎是专门冲着自己来的? Thinks of here, in the female heart also produced several points of anxiety slightly, but how she said is also a familymother & R dquo ;, Quick then restored calmly, like this coldly is gazing at fixedly Zhan En, then says. 想到这里,女子心中也是略微产生了几分不安,不过她怎么说也是一个家族的“母亲”,很快便重新恢复了镇定,就这样冷冷的瞪视着詹恩,接着开口说道。 I do not know that you are saying anything. & R dquo ; “我不知道你在说什么。” I being disinclined manage your IQ lowly, since you appeared, do not count on! & R dquo ; “我才懒得管你的智商有多低,你既然出现了,就别指望走了!” Regarding female's argument, Zhan En is disinclined to care, sees only his voice to fall, Sea Blue Light and blade of this quiet in shadow next moment Zhan En hand appeared baseless, interlocks to puncture to the female. 对于女子的辩解,詹恩才懒得关心,只见他话音一落,下一刻詹恩手中的海蓝之光和幽影之刃就这样凭空浮现,交错着向女子刺了过去。 You .........!! & R dquo ; “你………!!” Facing the Zhan En's attack, the female is also the complexion big change, she is also thinking can debate with Zhan En, at least must let these aristocrats' on the scene some sympathy to oneself, if can some people stand the help to be better. However never expected that this Zhan En said that unexpectedly hits hits, disregards another's feelings slightly, moreover begins is kills to incur, this was clarifies must kill her directly!! 面对詹恩的攻击,女子也是面色大变,她原本还想着能够和詹恩辩论一番,最起码也要让在场的这些贵族对自己起些同情心,如果能够有人站出来帮忙就更好了。但是没想到这个詹恩居然说打就打,丝毫不留情面,而且一上手就是杀招,这是摆明了要把她直接弄死啊!! This moment female also wanted to say anything, but the Zhan En's offensive has raided, this made her bite the jaw, then wielded the right hand suddenly, along with the movement of female, saw only her right hand that long Luo sleeve to move forward to meet somebody with the Zhan En's two long swords like this. If the ordinary clothing, will then naturally be torn by the sharp sword blade. However the clothes of women's were not obviously common, see only the Zhan En's two long swords to puncture when that light sleeves to send outto bite & R dquo unexpectedly ; Two as if hit the sound on iron stone, then the flame scatters, the long sword in Zhan En hand was separated unexpectedly like this! 此刻女子还想要说些什么,但是詹恩的攻势已然袭来,这让她不由一咬牙关,接着猛然挥起右手,伴随着女子的动作,只见她右手那长长的罗袖就这样与詹恩的两把长剑迎了上去。如果是普通的衣物,那么自然会被锋利的剑刃所撕裂。不过女子的衣服显然并不一般,只见詹恩的两把长剑刺在那轻飘飘的衣袖上之时居然发出了“叮叮”两声仿佛撞击在铁石上的声音,接着火光四溅,詹恩手中的长剑居然就被这样弹开了! „, The bat is the bat, the wing enough hard ......... on together! & R dquo ; “切,蝙蝠就是蝙蝠,翅膀够硬的………一起上!” Sees own attack to be blocked, Zhan En is not surprised, how the opposite party said that is also one of the Vampire 13 people of elder assembly families. If this skill is not even funny. However this how? His time leads so many people to come on a grand scale, not for this? 见自己的攻击被挡住,詹恩丝毫不感到吃惊,对方怎么说也是吸血鬼十三人长老会的家族之一。要是连这点儿本事都没有也太搞笑了。但是这又如何呢?他这次大张旗鼓带这么多人来,不就是为了这个吗? Heard the Zhan En's order, Enoya and Pattilina complies with one immediately, then grasped the silver white long spear/gun and lightning great sickle moves forward to meet somebody. Female sieging stubbornly is one of them. But thismother & R dquo ; Obviously has not thought that Zhan En is not concerned about face, is the legendary powerhouse also besieges itself obviously unexpectedly, suddenly somewhat is also thrown into confusion. 听到詹恩的命令,埃诺娅帕蒂莉娜立刻应了一声,接着手持银白长枪与闪电巨镰迎了上去。将女子死死的围困在其中。而这个“母亲”显然也没有想到詹恩这么不要脸,明明是传奇强者居然还围攻自己,一时间也是有些手忙脚乱起来。 Protects the master!! & R dquo ; “保护主人!!” But sees ownmother & R dquo ; By besieging, these were hidden Vampire in darkness calm cannot immediately, must knowmother & R dquo ; Is their life sources. Ifmother & R dquo ; Was killed, then they must be finished. Therefore at this moment follows one to angrily roar, immediately dozens Vampire jump out from the crowd like this, swooped toward three people. They also know that own strength and legendary sword Saint compares simply does not have the comparability, only expected that can prevent Zhan En and others, formother & R dquo ; Wins some time, so long asmother & R dquo ; Can leave to leave, then all said. 而看见自己的“母亲”被围攻,那些原本隐藏在黑暗之中的吸血鬼们顿时也淡定不能了,要知道“母亲”就是他们的生命源泉。如果“母亲”被人杀了,那么他们自己也要完蛋。因此此刻伴随着一声怒吼,顿时有数十个吸血鬼就这样从人群之中窜出,向着三人飞扑了过去。他们也知道自己的实力和传奇剑圣相比根本没有可比性,只期望能够阻挡住詹恩等人,为“母亲”争取一些时间,只要“母亲”能够抽身离开,那么一切就都好说。 However what pitifully is, Zhan En is not a fool. 不过可惜的是,詹恩也不是傻瓜。 „!! & R dquo ; “!!” In these shadows will soon rush to under the stage, suddenly along with resounding angry roaring. Tide of this next moment flame arrives loudly, the high-temperature mighty current no indication of burning hot falls in torrents like the mountain torrent, surrounds in which the entire stage. But many black-clothed person were naturally also surrounded by the flame, immediately exuded the sad and shrill blood-curdling screech sound, then changes into the jet black hard coke in the flame like this, sent out the revolting flavor. The place that until this time, the people erupted toward the flame looked, this discovery does not know that were when many before No. 39 theater box the young girl who had/left wear bright red formal clothes, a bright red long hair is sparkling the brilliance of flame, even can see the ignition flame from sending the silk gap appears. But in her hands, is grasping one like the bright red long spear/gun of roaring flame combustion. At this moment is reappearing the acme of long spear/gun has together bright red magic rune/symbol writing together, they formed the big , middle and small three rings, rotation that continuously. 就在这些黑影即将冲到高台之下时,忽然伴随着一声响亮的怒吼。下一刻火焰之潮就这样轰然降临,炙热的高温洪流毫无征兆的如同山洪般倾泻而下,将整个高台都包围其中。而不少黑衣人自然也被火焰所包围,顿时发出了凄厉的惨叫声,接着就这样在火焰之中化为漆黑的焦炭,散发出了令人作呕的味道。直到这时,众人向着火焰爆发的地方望去,这才发现不知道什么时候在三十九号包厢前多了出了一个穿着鲜红礼服的少女,一头鲜红的长发闪耀着火焰的光辉,甚至能够看见点点火焰从发丝的间隙浮现。而在她的手中,则握着一把如同烈焰般燃烧的鲜红长枪。此刻那把长枪的尖端正浮现着一道有又一道鲜红的魔法符文,它们形成了大中小三层圆环,不住的转动着。 This fellow hand/subordinate actually how many powerhouses? 这家伙手下究竟有多少强者? Sees this young girl. Many people are shocked. Among them some people still remember these young girls who Zhan En brought initially, but they also think that at that time this young people are lucky in love, unexpectedly can receive the affections of so many beautiful women, but also is this. But now seems like, these women not only attractive, but also strengths are strong. Actually are these women what background? 看见这个少女。不少人都为之震惊。他们当中有些人还记得詹恩当初带来的那些少女,不过那个时候他们也只是认为这个年轻人艳福不浅,居然能够受到这么多美女的喜爱,但是也不过就是这样。可是现在看起来,那些女人不但漂亮,而且一个个还都实力强劲。这些女人究竟是什么来头? Some people are shocked in Zhan En strength, some people are to these by the flame ignition, but guard of death are dissatisfied, among the aristocrats have the kindhearted person, seeing Zhan En so to manage does not let the person, not only attacks brutally in others' domain, but also under the extreme methods to the owner in this auction market, in the heart somewhat is immediately uncomfortable. Zhan En is also words of one group of young beautiful women, the light is looked hebullies & R dquo ; That woman, will perhaps have many protectors to punch him. 有人震惊于詹恩手下的实力,有人则是对那些被火焰灼烧而死的守卫们感到不满,贵族们当中也不是没有好心肠的人,看见詹恩如此得理不让人,不但在别人的地盘大打出手,而且还对这个拍卖场的主人下死手,心中顿时就有些不爽。要不是詹恩这边也都是一群小美女的话,光是看他“欺负”那个女人,恐怕都会有不少护花使者上去揍他了。 However now, such person also has. 不过现在,这样的人也不是没有。 This really went too far!! & R dquo ; “这实在太过分了!!” Looks that these guard are wailing being reduced to ashes in the flame, handsome young people make an effort to pound on the table, then stands up to take up own long sword, takes a step to turn toward the entrance of theater box to walk. However has not waited for him to open the front door, sees only a low and deep sound then after behind resounding of young people. 看着那些守卫在火焰之中哀嚎着化为灰烬,一个英俊的年轻人用力一拍桌子,接着站起身拿起自己的长剑,举步就向着包厢的大门口走去。但是还没有等他打开大门,只见一个低沉的声音便从年轻人的身后响起。 Halts, you want to do! & R dquo ; “站住,你想干嘛!” Father Sir!! & R dquo ; “父亲大人!!” Hears this sound, the young people have turned the head, gazes is sitting in another side, wears the old person of white armor. 听到这个声音,年轻人转过头去,注视着坐在另外一侧,身穿白色盔甲的老人。 These hoodlums are so lawless, unexpectedly dares to do all kinds of evil things in the imperial grand theater blatantly, cruel act that we should not make a move to stop these hoodlums? You have educated me to reward virtue and punish vice, the justice, has such matter at present unexpectedly, do we also sit by and do nothing here? & R dquo ; “这些暴徒如此无法无天,居然胆敢公然在皇家大剧院里为非作歹,我们难道不应该出手制止这些暴徒的残忍行径吗?您一直教育我要惩恶扬善,维护正义,眼下居然发生这样的事情,难道我们还在这里坐视不管?” I also teach you to encounter a difficulty to think! & R dquo ; “我也同样教过你遇事要动脑子!” Hears young people's interrogation, old person helpless gazed at fixedly his one eyes. 听到年轻人的质问,老人无奈的瞪视了他一眼。 You are not do not know, today arrives on this auction market besides us, Sky castle and Emerald eye chancellor person, here only then you are the just envoy, are our group of old men the one who has eyes yet fails to see are inadequate? & R dquo ; “你也不是不知道,今天来到这拍卖场上的除了我们之外,还有天空之城翡翠之眼的主事人,难道这里就只有你是正义使者,我们这群老头子都是睁眼瞎不成?” This ......... & R dquo ; “这………” Hears old person's speech, the young people are at a loss for words for a while, indeed, Sky castle and Emerald eye enjoy the high reputation influence on Klein Continent, moreover today arrives here is their chancellor people. According to the truth, by the strengths of these people, should not be afraid one group of hoodlums, is more impossible to sit by and do nothing here. However now. His father sits is entirely still here, other that two big influences had not responded, they are afraid that Bassammens family? This cannot be justified, why they don't begin? 听到老人的说话,年轻人一时语塞,的确,天空之城翡翠之眼都是在克莱恩大陆上享有盛誉的势力,而且今天来到这里的都是他们的主事人。按照道理来说,以这些人的实力,根本不应该害怕一群暴徒,更不可能在这里坐视不理。但是现在。自己的父亲坐在这里纹丝不动,其他那两大势力也一点儿都没有反应,难道他们都害怕那个巴夏侬门斯家族?这怎么也说不过去吧,那么他们为什么不动手呢? You you ......... do not change your rash temper, by person, when the spear/gun caused not to know! & R dquo ; “你啊你………再不改改你这莽撞的性子,被人当枪使了都不知道!” Looks doubts in own son surface. Old person helpless sighing, he, such a son, naturally takes the trouble in old age training, but now seems like, oneself this son was too immature, therefore his helpless sighing, this gave a hand signal, hinted own son to sit down. Then referred to outside. 看着自己儿子面上的疑惑。老人无奈的叹了口气,他老来得子,就这么一个儿子,自然费心培养,但是现在看起来,自己这个儿子还是太稚嫩了,因此他无奈的叹了口气,这才做了个手势,示意自己的儿子坐下。这才指了指外面。 You should know Bassammens family that Sir Zhan En. & R dquo ; “你应该知道巴夏侬门斯家族那位詹恩爵士吧。” Heard. & R dquo ; “有所耳闻。” Hears old person's inquiry, the young people nod. However in the surface flashed through for several points to disdain, obviously, he before Zhan En arrogant presence was very discontented. But looks at his expression, the old person sighed secretly, but he also knows that the young people were the anger are mostly exuberant, thought little, but said. 听到老人的询问,年轻人点了点头。不过面上闪过了几分不屑,显然,他对于詹恩之前傲慢的出场很不满。而看着他的表情,老人暗自叹了口气,不过他也知道年轻人多半都是火气旺盛的,也不以为意,而是开口说道。 Then you should know, how he obtains the aristocrat title. & R dquo ; “那么你应该知道,他是怎么获得贵族爵位的吧。” Knows that he is the awarding a decoration aristocrat, what issue does this have? & R dquo ; “知道啊,他是授勋贵族,这又有什么问题?” Zhan En is awarding a decoration aristocrat matter. Few does not know, this also is really Zhan En really can toss about, the common awarding a decoration aristocrats have no fame, where has like Zhan En the high-sounding talk enters the stage. Stirs up trouble everywhere. This in the course of contacts, the people think does not know he is the awarding a decoration aristocrats is impossible. 詹恩是授勋贵族这件事。几乎没有人不知道,这也实在是詹恩实在太能折腾,一般的授勋贵族都没什么名气,哪儿有像詹恩这样高调出场。四处惹事的。这样一来二去,众人想不知道他是授勋贵族都不可能了。 Right, he is the awarding a decoration aristocrat, is aristocrat who Templar Order awards the title, you thought that he will do such matter for no reason? & R dquo ; “没错,他是授勋贵族,是圣堂教团授予爵位的贵族,你觉得他会平白无故干出这样的事情吗?” This ............... who said good, perhaps this fellow is the arrogant person also perhaps. & R dquo ; “这……………谁说的好呢,说不定这家伙就是性格傲慢的人也说不定。” Facing father's inquiry. Some young people obviously also surprise, but he also curls the lip, obviously has not cared. But is gazing at the following fight intensely, then says. 面对父亲的询问。年轻人显然也有些诧异,不过他也只是撇了撇嘴,显然并没有放在心上。而是紧张的注视着下面的战斗,接着开口说道。 „ Doesn't father Sir, we really need to manage? & R dquo ; “父亲大人,我们真的不用管吗?” Should better leave alone, I thought that perhaps ......... the owner in this auction market has what issue! & R dquo ; “最好别管,我觉得………这个拍卖场的主人说不定有什么问题!” Has the issue? & R dquo ; “有问题?” Hears father's reply, the young people stare. 听到父亲的回答,年轻人不由一愣。 Obviously is that Bassammens family ......... & R dquo that walks to provoke ; “可是明明是那个巴夏侬门斯家族找上门来挑衅的………” Walks to provoke is the bastard, bullied is the good person? & R dquo ; “难道找上门挑衅的就是坏蛋,受欺负的就是好人?” Facing reply that oneself son does not make every effort to succeed, the old person stared his one eyes. 面对自己儿子不争气的回答,老人又是瞪了他一眼。 Your father I go out to lead troops to bandit suppression daily, I am a bastard, were these gangsters the good things? Shouldn't I come to bully them? Said this woman long attractiveness is a good person? Side that boy one group of beautiful women, how you had not thought that he is a good person? & R dquo ; “你老子我天天出去带兵剿匪,难道我就是坏蛋,那些匪徒就是好东西了?我就不该上门欺负他们?还是说这女人长的漂亮就是好人?那那个小子身边还有一堆美女呢,怎么你不觉得他才是好人?” This, I, I am not this meaning, father Sir ......... & R dquo ; “这,我,我不是这个意思啊,父亲大人………” Faces the accusation of own father, that young people are the complexion are also awkward. But hears his reply, the old person stared his one eyes. 面对自己父亲的指责,那个年轻人也是面色尴尬。而听到他的回答,老人则是又瞪了他一眼。 Therefore later comes across the matter to be more discrete, often do not shout hits to shout "kill", when the time comes provoked troublesome did not fear, if made a mistake the matter, that was unlucky! In my opinion, this Bassammens family to imperial grand theater! Before that little fellow has been acting in a play. & R dquo ; “所以以后遇到事情要谨慎一些,别动不动就喊打喊杀,到时候招惹了麻烦不怕,万一弄错了事情,那才是倒霉!依我看,这个巴夏侬门斯家族就是冲着皇家大剧院来的!之前那个小家伙一直都是在演戏。” Acts in a play? & R dquo ; “演戏?” Right. & R dquo ; “没错。” Hears son's inquiry, the old person nods, in the eye flashed through wiped none. 听到自己儿子的询问,老人点了点头,眼中闪过了一抹精光。 His former high-sounding talk entered the stage, pats so many auction, for an arrogant impolite feeling, but after that he and Cains family battle qi, solid this judgment. This makes us feel that this Bassammens family is an impoliteness, arrogant family. But by him, the auction market must make a move to prevent this way, but before him the arrogant attitude of showing, he will cause havoc the auction market is very normal, do you think like this? & R dquo ; “他之前高调出场,拍下了那么多拍品,为的就是给人一种傲慢无礼的感觉,而在那之后他和凯恩斯家族斗气,更是给人坐实了这种判断。这让我们都觉得这个巴夏侬门斯家族就是一个无礼,傲慢的家族。而以他这样下去,拍卖场必然要出手阻止,而以他之前表现出来的傲慢态度,他会大闹拍卖场也很正常,你是不是这样想的?” This ......... probably also similar. & R dquo ; “这个………好像也差不多吧。” Hears the analysis of father, the young people also nod. He and others are the same, most starts to see Zhan En to dare to attack brutally in the imperial grand theater unexpectedly, somewhat is quite surprised, but changed mind afterward thinks before , Zhan En's performance, regarding this pours is not that accidental/surprised. But hears son's reply, old person then cold snort/hum. 听到父亲的分析,年轻人也是点了点头。他和其他人一样,最开始见詹恩居然胆敢在皇家大剧院大打出手,颇为有些吃惊,但是后来转念一想之前詹恩的表现,对此倒也不是那么意外。而听到自己儿子的回答,老人这才冷哼一声。 Therefore this boy is sinister, he specifically aims at the imperial grand theater obviously, but must make one to take advantage of opportunity, but for appearance. Let the master in that imperial grand theater absolutely not have the heart of guard, goes into action until her personally, this boy reveals the true colors ......... I to look, this time matter is not simple, he as the awarding a decoration aristocrat, dares to intend to kill people in the face of so many influences, what inside story definitely has, otherwise, the homicide so many imperial grand theaters the things of person passed on, hadn't the Templar Order meeting responded? Said you thought can silence a witness of crime everyone on the scene by his people? These are inevitably fishy, do not run disgraced, so as to avoid snare! & R dquo ; “所以说这小子阴险无比,他明明是专门针对皇家大剧院,还偏偏要做出一副顺势而为的样子。让那个皇家大剧院的主人完全没有防范之心,直到她亲自出马,这小子才露出真面目………我看,这次的事情并不简单,他身为授勋贵族,胆敢在这么多势力面前出手杀人,绝对是有什么内幕,不然的话,他杀了这么多皇家大剧院的人的事情传出去,圣堂教团会没有反应?还是说你觉得靠他那些人能够把在场的所有人都杀人灭口?这其中必然有鬼,千万别跑出去丢人,免得中了圈套!” Yes, father Sir!! & R dquo ; “是,父亲大人!!” Hears here, that young people then one startled, immediately streaming with sweat lowers the head. He had not seen this inside issue before completely, when oneself father raises, he discovered that some these so many ways, do not dare the many words unexpectedly. Then he restrains the mind, turns toward under to look together with own father. 听到这里,那个年轻人这才一惊,顿时汗流浃背的低下头去。他之前完全没有看出这里面的问题,等到自己的父亲一提点,他才发现这其中居然有这么多门道,再也不敢多话。接着他收敛心神,和自己的父亲一道向着下方望去。 At this moment on the ruins of stage, the red clothes female and fight of Zhan En and others is also even more intense . Moreover the red clothes female is also miserable beyond description at this moment. The master as auction market, she knows certainly that today came many influence and family's member, the female also expected among them some people can standto uphold just & R dquo for oneself ;. Fox that however these everyone aristocrats become a ghost old, perhaps indeed somewhat is from the beginning indignant, but sees the way now not. The Cains family that before and Zhan En did not cope at this moment was also silent, obviously did not plan to act a turbid water. 此刻在高台的废墟上,红衣女子和詹恩等人的战斗也是越发激烈,而且红衣女子此刻也是苦不堪言。作为拍卖场的主人,她当然知道今天来了不少势力和家族的成员,原本女子还期望他们当中有人能够站出来为自己“主持公道”。但是这些大家贵族都是年老成精的狐狸,或许一开始的确有些气愤,但是现在都看出门道不对来了。就连之前和詹恩不对付的凯恩斯家族此刻也是沉默不语,显然不打算出面来趟浑水。 Sees this, the red clothes female is also in the heart complains of hardship. She also expected to fish in troubled waters, but seems like this instead unable to protect itself now, instead compelled the hopeless situation her. In order to conceal own status, her impossible making an effort full power, otherwise wants a full power, the fellow who then these become a ghost old understands immediately own real status, by that time do not say themselves, the imperial grand theater must be finished. This was painstakingly planned several hundred years of industry, the words that a dynasty subverted, changed everybody to feel that did not abandon. 看见这一幕,红衣女子也是心中叫苦。她原本还期望能够浑水摸鱼,但是现在看起来这反而没有能够保护自己,反而把她逼到了绝境。为了掩饰自己的身份,她不可能使劲全力,不然只要一出全力,那么这些年老成精的家伙立刻就会明白自己的真实身份,到那个时候不要说自己,就连皇家大剧院都要完蛋。这可是自己苦心经营了数百年的产业,一朝颠覆的话,换了谁都会感到不舍的。 But if does not try, then hits to only have the dead end again. Zhan En and Enoya as well as Pattilina that is incurs under the move the extreme methods, does not give the opportunity that you counter-attack completely. Moreover, the red clothes female also felt that keenly two mysterious the aura in No. 39 theater box has also locked itself, does not know when will act. 可是如果不尽全力,那么再这么打下去只有死路一条。詹恩埃诺娅以及帕蒂莉娜那是招招下死手,完全就不给你反击的机会。不仅如此,红衣女子还敏锐的感觉到在三十九号包厢里还有两道神秘的气息已经锁定了自己,不知道什么时候就会出手。 Thinks of here, the female bites the jaw suddenly, cannot this way!!( ~ ^ ~) 想到这里,女子猛然一咬牙关,不能够再这样下去了!!(~^~)
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