DR :: Volume #6

#515: Sends you to dead (First Part)

The both sides fight speed is extremely fast, to their boundaries, if wants at risk of life a war, then the victory and defeat is almost in several seconds. But regarding most people, they also only saw imperial grand theater that four people to surround Enoya and Pattilina, seeming like must utterly destroy them. However has not thought that is only the time of a blink, the offensive and defensive reversal. Thinks Pattilina and Enoya that fortunately good standing can die there, is surrounds their four guard to be killed by the second on the contrary directly. This makes many zhang (3.33 m) two monks unable to feel the mind, does not know completely what happened, discusses spiritedly. 双方交手速度极快,到了他们这个境界,如果想要拼死一战的话,那么胜负几乎就是在数秒之间。而对于大多数人来说,他们也只看见了皇家大剧院那四个人包围了埃诺娅帕蒂莉娜,看起来好像要将她们斩尽杀绝。但是没想到只是一眨眼的功夫,攻守逆转。原本以为会死的帕蒂莉娜埃诺娅还好好的站在那里,反倒是包围她们的那四个守卫直接被秒杀。这让不少人丈二和尚摸不着头脑,完全不知道发生了什么事,不由的议论纷纷起来。 However in these true powerhouses is actually serious, the average person cannot see trick, but they are not the blind people, in fact they have seen, although in the surface is four pairs two, but is actually four pairs four, in the flash that four people begin, almost every powerhouse induces to transmits two exceptionally powerful aura in the theater box suddenly, profound ice-cold, just like the darkness under Abyss. Is wild and bloody, but induces to places oneself probably in the corpse mountain blood sea, some disposition not firm people even produced for several points to vacillate. However at this moment, how regardless of their status, almost all people to look pale. 但是在那些真正的强者却是面色凝重,普通人看不出其中的猫腻,但是他们可不是瞎子,事实上他们已经看出虽然表面上是四对二,但其实是四对四,就在那四个人动手的一瞬间,几乎每个强者都感应到在包厢里忽然传来两股异常强大的气息,一股深邃冰冷,犹如深渊之下的幽暗。一个狂野而血腥,只是感应到就好像置身于尸山血海之中般,以至于有些心性不坚定的人甚至都产生了几分动摇。但是此刻,无论他们身份如何,几乎所有人都是面色苍白。 Actually is this Bassammens family what origin? 这个巴夏侬门斯家族究竟是什么来历? The experts make a move, knows. The flash when Pattilina and Enoya make a move, others also induce their strength immediately, the Enoya strength is relatively weak, but the legend is preliminary, but Pattilina is the legendary middle reaches. At their ages this is the extraordinary achievement. That two aura that however later erupt make them feel surprised. And that intense bloody aura clearly belongs to the legendary middle reaches, this is unimportant, what is most frightening is that fearful dark aura. If they have not guessed that wrong, that absolutely is a legendary peak powerhouse!! 行家一出手,就知有没有。当帕蒂莉娜埃诺娅出手的一瞬间,其他人也立刻感应到了她们的实力,其中埃诺娅实力相对较弱,不过传奇初阶,而帕蒂莉娜则是传奇中游。以她们的年龄来说这已经算是了不得的成就了。但是随后爆发出来的那两个气息则更让他们感到惊讶。其中那股强烈的血腥气息明显属于传奇中游,这并不重要,最让人心惊的是那股可怕的黑暗气息。如果他们没有猜错的话,那绝对是一个传奇巅峰的强者!! Powerhouse who where this Bassammens family comes so many legendary domains? 这个巴夏侬门斯家族哪儿来这么多传奇领域的强者? Thinks of here, many had whispered, the legend can understand preliminarily, the legendary middle reaches can also accept, but legendary peak? This mother may be more precious than the panda! The legendary peak on entire Klein Continent exists with coming that two hands can count, actually then the powerhouse of this legendary peak is who? Why will he appear in the Bassammens family? No. What is more important than this, if they do not have the miscalculation. Then including these two young girl as well as that two mysterious aura, the Bassammens family has four legendary domains powerhouses, in addition the hearsay lord of unique double element domain of that Bassammens family, this is five legendary domains powerhouses! 想到这里,不少人内心已经嘀咕了起来,传奇初阶可以理解,传奇中游也可以接受,但是传奇巅峰?这尼玛可比大熊猫还珍贵啊!整个克莱恩大陆上的传奇巅峰存在用两只手就能够数的过来,那么这个传奇巅峰的强者究竟是谁?他为什么会出现在巴夏侬门斯家族?不。比这更重要的是,如果他们没有计算错误的话。那么包括这两个少女以及那两个神秘的气息在内,巴夏侬门斯家族已经拥有四个传奇领域的强者了,再加上传闻之中的那位巴夏侬门斯家族之主独特的双要素领域,这就是五个传奇领域的强者! In a family had/left five legendary domains powerhouses. Moreover has to the peak from the preliminary? Even Cains family, still without such strength! 一个家族里出了五个传奇领域的强者。而且还是从初阶到巅峰都有?就算是凯恩斯家族,也没有这样的实力啊! Will this Bassammens family be so fierce? That strong people who even the imperial grand theater sends out can the direct second kill, although said that this is also because they had not detected that some people in the reason of side not careful fell into a trap, however the fists and feet in the battlefield do not have the eye, this is not martial arts contest athletics, except that complained oneself not careful beside, what to do but can also? 这个巴夏侬门斯家族怎么会这么厉害?连皇家大剧院派出的那么强的人都能够直接秒杀,虽然说这也是因为他们没有察觉到有人在侧不小心中计的缘故,但是在战场上拳脚无眼,这又不是比武竞技,除了埋怨自己不小心之外,还能够怎么办呢? The people also think this farce will end quickly, but saw that now the Bassammens family's members kill the person in imperial grand theater unexpectedly, is startled. But after being startled is extremely anxious. The fools can also look at that four members absolutely are the trusted aides of imperial grand theater secret trained, this person has in each respected family, they regarding each family and influence are the most important components. But now, the Bassammens family killed them unexpectedly, can the imperial grand theater let off them? 原本众人还以为这场闹剧会很快结束,但是看到现在巴夏侬门斯家族的成员居然杀死了皇家大剧院的人,都是大吃一惊。而在吃惊之后则是万分紧张。傻子也能够看出来那四个成员绝对是皇家大剧院秘密培养的心腹,这种人在各个大家族里都有,他们对于每个家族和势力来说都是最重要的组成部分。而现在,巴夏侬门斯家族居然把他们杀了,皇家大剧院能够放过他们吗? This secret character regarding each influence is incomparably important, is only trains them to spend the large amounts of resources and money, even if the most filthy rich family , the impossible flash to sacrifice the trusted aide who four train to be aloof decisively. They have not thought that the Bassammens family is so unexpectedly resolute. According to the view of people, the both sides strength differs not much. Even if must hit a while to be able somewhat to branch out to high and low, by that time they can also think that means console both sides to call a halt. However never expected that this Bassammens family does not press the sign principle to play a card completely, acts decisively ruthless spicy resolute, the second killed four people instantaneously, because they make a move too quickly, beforehand also does not have the omen, even if in the topmost level theater box these powerhouses want to prevent without enough time. 这种秘密人物对于每个势力来说都是无比重要的,光是培养他们就要花费大量的资源和金钱,哪怕是最财大气粗的家族,也断然不可能一瞬间牺牲四个培养出来的心腹而无动于衷。他们也没有想到巴夏侬门斯家族居然如此果决。按照众人的看法,双方实力相差不多。哪怕是对上了多多少少也要打一会儿才能够分出上下,到那个时候他们还能够想个办法劝解双方停手。但是没想到这个巴夏侬门斯家族完全不按牌理出牌,出手果断狠辣果决,瞬间就秒杀了四人,由于她们出手太快,事先又毫无先兆,以至于就算最高层包厢里那些强者想要阻止都来不及。 Then may trouble. 这下可麻烦了。 Looks that pours three corpse as well as that in ground experiences personally the severely wounded complexion gloomy man, everyone is the heart sinks. The struggle between high levels also has own custom, generally speaking, only if the life and death foe, otherwise should better not to end with loss of life. Otherwise both sides on are not the political opponents, but was the mortal enemy. Now seems like, the Bassammens family offended to suppress the imperial grand theater obviously, if the both sides dozen, whom oneself do want to help? According to the truth, the imperial grand theater becomes famous for many years, moreover is good with each influence relations, in emotion in managing their also this/should group of opposite party. But Bassammens this family too strange, although this family is superficially obscure, but can put out four legendary strengths all of a sudden, the legendary peak, this mastery absolutely is not allow to neglect. 看着倒在地面上的三具尸体以及那个身受重伤面色阴沉的男子,所有人都是心头一沉。高层之间的斗争也都有自己的规矩,一般来说,除非是生死仇敌,否则最好不要闹出人命。不然双方就不是政敌,而是死敌了。现在看起来,巴夏侬门斯家族显然是把皇家大剧院得罪狠了,万一双方打起来,自己要帮谁?按照道理来说,皇家大剧院成名多年,而且和各个势力关系都不错,于情于理他们也该帮对方。可是巴夏侬门斯这个家族实在太邪乎了,虽然从表面上看这个家族默默无闻,但是能够一下子拿出四个传奇战力,其中还有传奇巅峰,这底蕴绝对不容忽视。 What is more important is this family looks seems like the lunatic simply, before and on the Cains family bar, now and imperial grand theater had the conflict, unexpectedly kills people directly! Actually you cannot understand the custom! Everyone is a civilized person, can't civilized? We know you to be fierce, but can kill them, might as well defeats them, even if makes a severe wound is also good, your killed directly, wasn't and imperial grand theater does not die continuous? 更重要的是这个家族看起来简直就好像是疯子,之前和凯恩斯家族杠上,现在和皇家大剧院起了冲突,居然直接杀人!你究竟懂不懂规矩啊!大家都是文明人,就不能够文明一点儿吗?我们知道您厉害,但是能够杀死他们,还不如打败他们,哪怕弄个重伤也好啊,你这直接把人弄死了,不是和皇家大剧院不死不休了吗? According to this, even if they come up the help, will refer to uncertain this Bassammens family not to oneself the face, if among them who by the Bassammens family's people were massacred again, then for the face and family, they not also and Bassammens family won't die continuous? Why bother is this is coming? Their this time comes to the underground auction market is opens mind pats a precious interesting thing to go back while convenient, why to want not to hear with one bewilderedly familydoes not die continuous & R dquo ;? Isn't this is sick? 按照这来看,就算他们上去帮忙,指不定这个巴夏侬门斯家族也不会给自己面子,万一他们当中有谁被巴夏侬门斯家族的人再杀掉了,那为了面子和家族,他们不也得和巴夏侬门斯家族不死不休?这是何苦来着?他们这次来地下拍卖场是开开眼界顺便拍点儿珍奇有趣的东西回去,干嘛要莫名其妙就和一个从来没有听说过的家族“不死不休”?这不是有病吗? Do not say this family, although is seemingly obscure. However is placed from it the strength in floor is as good as these everyone aristocrat, even discussed the high-level battle efficiency to be stronger than the Cains family only, after all Cains family also only then three legendary powerhouses sat. Moreover the Cains family's head of the clan spent the big strength to invite, may be unable to compare with present these young ladies. 更不要说这个家族虽然看起来默默无闻。但是从它摆在台面上的实力而言就不亚于那些大家贵族,甚至单论高层战斗力来说比凯恩斯家族还要强,毕竟凯恩斯家族也只有三位传奇强者坐阵。而且还是凯恩斯家族的族长花费了大力气才请来的,和眼下这几位小姐可就不能比了。 But when the people intertwine, that sound resounds again. 而就在众人纠结的时候,那个声音再次响起。 Bassammens, you dare to act unruly in the imperial grand theater unexpectedly, where you regarded here, actually did you want to do? & R dquo ; 巴夏侬门斯,你们居然胆敢在皇家大剧院里撒野,你们把这里当成什么地方了,你们究竟想要干什么?” Although the voice of female gently beautiful of pleasant to hear, but listens in the ear actually ice-cold piercing a chill in the air. As if the right person is in the tomb, immediately must be buried general. Let the person shiver. Sees only sits in the lower-level many is confused and surprised looking around in all directions, obviously has not thought that sound of pleasant to hear will have the so fearful imposing manner unexpectedly. 女子的声音虽然柔美好听,但是听在耳朵里却是给人一种冰冷刺骨的寒意。仿佛正身处在墓地之中,马上就要被下葬一般。让人不由的颤抖了一下。只见坐在下层的不少人都是迷茫和惊讶的四处张望,显然没有想到那个好听的声音居然还会带有如此可怕的气势。 But hears female's interrogation, the Zhan En's sound also transmits from afar, having several points to disdain. 而听到女子的质问,詹恩的声音也是远远传来,带着几分不屑。 „ To do? You thought that we do want to do? Only actor. Unexpectedly dares so to treat the guest, I looked that does not select the color to take a look to you, you have really not known our Bassammens family was fierce. Unexpectedly dares to send people expel forcefully? Since you are willing with the Bassammens family to be an enemy, then I naturally also on unrestrained/no trace of politeness accepts this hostility, I love my person, I bitterly my person, these words is a little truth. & R dquo ; “想干什么?你觉得我们想干什么?区区一个戏子。居然敢如此对待客人,我看不给你点儿颜色瞧瞧,你还真不知道我们巴夏侬门斯家族的厉害了。居然胆敢派人强行驱逐?既然你愿意与巴夏侬门斯家族为敌,那么我自然也就毫不客气的收下这份敌意,我爱爱我的人,我恨恨我的人,这句话还是蛮有点儿道理的。” Hears here, those present were shocked, nine Saints on. They also come from the high upper crust, hypocritical and malicious and so on thing passes through common, but they have not listened to a person to be able unexpectedly in such arrogance of such situation performance. So impolite, such & mda S h ; This does not know how should say! 听到这里,在场的人都震惊了,九圣在上。他们好歹也都出身于上流贵族阶级,口蜜腹剑之类的东西经常有,但是他们还从来没有听一个人居然能够在如此的场合表现的如此傲慢。如此无礼,如此的—这都不知道该怎么说! This Mr. Zhan En the good and evil is also a family's successor, moreover does the legend powerhouse, how select the politeness not to understand? 这位詹恩先生好歹也是一个家族的继承人,而且还是位传奇强者,怎么连点儿礼貌都不懂呢? Even that mysterious woman as if also by Zhan En ** bare despising being shocked, saw only her silent the long time, the opens the mouth that this coldly said. 连那个神秘的女人似乎也被詹恩**裸的蔑视给惊呆了,只见她沉默了半晌,这才冷冷的开口说道。 It seems like. This matter, didn't you plan and our imperial family grand theater are friendly? & R dquo ; “看来。这件事,你是不打算和我们皇家大剧院善了了?” Was friendly? & R dquo ; “善了?” Hears here. Zhan En sneers, then next moment, his sound becomes piercing like the cold ice immediately. 听到这里。詹恩冷笑一声,接着下一刻,他的声音顿时变得如同寒冰般刺骨。 Today, I do not wreck your event, I write the Bassammens family's name in reverse! & R dquo ; “今天,我不砸了你的场子,我就把巴夏侬门斯家族的名字倒过来写!” Spoke along with Zhan En's, next moment, huge jet black Sharp Edge departed from the cavity of theater box suddenly like this, straight shot at present above the auction market stage ceiling. Then is threatening the both hands great blade, sweeps across, but the strong winds the belt/bring in the ground crossed an obvious fissure, later sees only this great sword on this & R dquo ;, Inserted in the heavy/thick ceiling. 伴随着詹恩的说话,下一刻,忽然一把巨大漆黑的利刃就这样从包厢的空洞之中飞出,笔直的射向了眼前拍卖场高台上方的天花板。那把双手巨刃来势汹汹,席卷而起的狂风更是在地面上带过了一道明显的裂痕,随后只见这把巨剑就这样“噗”的一声,插进了厚重的天花板里。 The brilliance sparkle of quick, a series of magic appears, on entire ceiling fuzzy appeared to protect rune/symbol writing the thing layer by layer similarly, but they as if were actually attacked by what external force generally have become incomplete, but at this time, suddenly, the black flame was centered on that the great sword erupted suddenly, formed one group of giant fireballs. 很快,一连串魔法的光辉闪耀浮现,整个天花板上面模模糊糊的浮现出了一层又一层类似防护符文的东西,但是它们却仿佛被什么外力冲击过一般变得残缺不全,而就在这个时候,忽然,黑色的火焰以那把巨剑为中心骤然爆发,形成了一团巨大的火球。 Primitive Magic/Devil flame!! & R dquo ; “原始魔焰!!” Sees the fire of that group jet black combustion, some experienced people call out in alarm immediately, but at this moment under the impact of explosion, the smooth vault split immediately shatter, the fragment of bulk crashes from the above, but these sit in the following guest are also scream at this moment retrocede, to avoid this sudden disaster. However what is lucky is the range of this explosion is not big, therefore pours not to implicate several people. After the explosion ended, when the people again looks to the front, sucked in an cold air/Qi. 看见那团漆黑的燃烧之火,一些见多识广的人顿时惊叫起来,而此刻在爆炸的冲击之下,原本平滑的穹顶顿时破碎分裂,大块大块的碎片从上方坠落,而那些坐在下面的客人此刻也是尖叫后退,以躲避这突如其来的灾难。不过幸运的是这次爆炸的范围并不算大,因此倒也没有连累到几个人。而当爆炸结束之后,众人再次向前方望去时,不由倒抽了一口冷气。 Saw only the top board to be blasted open on that day at this moment thoroughly, reveals a small-scale secret space that inside hid, inside thing during the explosion has been the shatter fission, the original stage, was also buried by the fragment at this time, became tattered, but above these ruins, a female of wear bright red formal clothes if directly frost standing there, a she pair of bright red eyes pupil sprayed the flaming anger, looked steadily like this is not knowing when arrived at Zhan En before stage. 只见那天花板此刻已经被彻底炸裂开来,露出了内里隐藏的一个小型隐秘空间,里面的东西在爆炸之中早已经是破碎分裂,原本的高台,这个时候也被碎片所掩埋,变得破破烂烂,而就在这些废墟之上,一个穿着鲜红色礼服的女子正面若冰霜的站在那里,她一双鲜红的眼眸喷射出了熊熊怒火,就这样盯视着不知道什么时候来到高台前的詹恩 Your big courage!! & R dquo ; “你好大的胆子!!” My courage also greatly a little. & R dquo ; “我的胆子还会更大一点儿呢。” Hears angry roaring of female, Zhan En coldly smiles. 听到女子的怒吼,詹恩冷冷一笑。 Now, can trouble you dead time one? The female bat of old codger? & R dquo ; ( to be continued ) “现在,可以麻烦你去死一次吗?老不死的母蝙蝠?”(未完待续) 5201 novel control the latest chapter high-speed darkly, this chapter is Chapter 515 sends you to the dead (First Part) address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to your qq the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 5201小说高速幽暗主宰最新章节,本章节是第515章送你去死(上)地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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