DR :: Volume #6

#514: Is impolite

Compared with beforehand these guard, the speeds of these four shadows are faster, just like the ghosts and demons simply, is almost the eye winks shuts, they had arrived at Enoya and Pattilina front, then sees only the sword light flash, four people almost use the sword simultaneously, the staggered sword light/only wove an airtight sword net suddenly, sieges to be one of them two people. But sees the present scene, many people call out in alarm make noise, because they also look, these four people, have the legendary strength. However compares Bassammens, when the strength in seeing the imperial grand theater displaying, these people sighed & mda S h in the heart actually ; The imperial grand theater is really outstanding. 与之前那些守卫相比,这四个黑影的速度更快,简直犹如鬼魅,几乎就是眼睛一眨一闭之间,他们就已经来到了埃诺娅帕蒂莉娜的面前,接着只见剑光闪过,四个人几乎是同时出剑,交错的剑光眨眼间就编织了一道密不透风的剑网,将两人围困在其中。而看见眼前的场景,不少人惊呼出声,因为他们也看出来,这四个人,同样拥有传奇实力。不过相比起巴夏侬门斯来说,在看见皇家大剧院所展现的力量时,这些人倒是都在心中一叹—皇家大剧院果然不同凡响。 This is the difference of everyone aristocrat and nouveau riche, the imperial grand theater establishment has several hundred years, moreover is operating the so huge underground auction market, must say that does not have the powerful strength of hidden is impossible. Therefore when seeing them sends out four obscure, even unknown legendary powerhouse, the people will not feel surprised. 这就是大家贵族和暴发户的区别,皇家大剧院成立已有数百年之久,而且还经营着如此庞大的地下拍卖场,要说没有隐藏的强大实力是不可能的。所以在看见他们派出四个默默无闻,甚至不为人知的传奇强者时,众人都不会感到惊讶。 However Zhan En is different, he rises to the present truly is more than one year of time, 1-2 years ago, on entire Klein Continent does not have a place to know that the Bassammens family is anything, even if this Zhan En arrived here, will still be regarded as the nouveau riche by most people, if were not he displays the powerful strength, it is estimated that these everyone aristocrat will not pay attention to him. But despite that many people still routine looks down on him, this is not strange. This on Earth, everyone knows that probably which how many countries are the militarily significant states, the financial power, the large scientific and technological country, knows only then these countries have the consummate technological progress and industrial chain, after all Earth is so also big, you must run a country to claim who suddenly do oneself come from Atlantis ............ to know this what ghost? Is your science and technology developed? Is the military powerful? This who knows? If others after the investigation discovered that you also lived in the Stone Age, the house that built was not the reinforced concrete pyramid that but piled with the stone, then who thinks that your science and technology was developed? 但是詹恩不同,他真正崛起到现在也不过一年多的时间,在1-2之前,整个克莱恩大陆上没有一个地方知道巴夏侬门斯家族是个什么东西,就算这次詹恩来到这里,也会被大多数人看做是暴发户,如果不是他展现出了强大的力量,估计这些大家贵族也不会将他放在眼里。但是即便如此,很多人依然习惯性的小瞧他,这并不奇怪。这就好像在地球上,大家都知道哪几个国家是军事大国,金融大国,科技大国,也知道只有这些国家拥有高度完善的科技发展和工业链,毕竟地球也就这么大,你要突然跑出一个国家声称自己来自亚特兰蒂斯…………谁知道这什么鬼?你的科技是否发达?军事是否强大?这谁知道呢?如果人家经过调查发现你还生活在石器时代,盖的房子不是钢筋混凝土而是用石块堆起来的金字塔,那么谁会认为你科技发达? Naturally, if that pile of stones can float in the sky to put the death ray are different matter. 当然,如果那堆石头能够浮到天空上放死光就是另外一回事儿了。 However what pitifully is, which world no matter, most people refuses to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality. 不过可惜的是,不管在哪个世界,大多数人都是不见棺材不掉泪。 Facing the attacks of these four people, Enoya and Pattilina were also become careful, saw only besieges in the Enoya two people long sword in an individual hand is completely bright red Sharp Edge. Another is the pure blackness. In the surface seems like this seems only two different weapons, but Enoya can see that these two individual hands lightning sickles of weapons in own is the same, is completely the products that are congealed by the element, i.e . Besieges her two people are blood element and dark element ruler, it seems like that the opposite party also underwent the careful preparation, the attack that because can the congealment element entity launch is not good to resist, only then has the talent of similar ability to resist also counter-attacks, clearly. Although these two abilities do not restrain oneself thunder and lightning, but also reluctant is can resist, in addition also by two enemies one, actually who will be the winner is very difficult to say. 面对这四个人的进攻,埃诺娅帕蒂莉娜也是变得小心谨慎了许多,只见围攻埃诺娅的两个人中一个人手中的长剑完全是鲜红的利刃。另外一个则是纯粹的漆黑。表面上看起来这似乎只是两把不同的武器,但是埃诺娅可以看出这两个人手中的武器和自己手里的闪电镰刀一样,都是完全由元素凝结的产物,也就是说。围攻她的两个人是血要素与黑暗要素的支配者,看来对方也是经过了精心准备的,因为能够凝结元素实体进行的攻击可不好抵挡,只有拥有同样能力的人才能够抵挡并且进行反击,很明显。这两个能力虽然不克制自己的雷电,但是也勉勉强强算是能够抵挡,再加上又是以二敌一,究竟鹿死谁手还很难说。 In a twinkling, sees only red black two sword light to divide about to turn toward Enoya to puncture like this, but facing this sudden attack, Enoya is the complexion is invariable, on the contrary, the thunder and lightning sickle in her hand has from the sky drawn an arc, only hears along withto bite & R dquo ; Two light sounds. Then did not divide on this giant thunder and lightning sickle stalled the attacks of two swords, then she wielded conveniently forward, next moment saw only the innumerable say/way dazzling thunder light/only lightning to erupt from the great sickle like this, toward the front divulges spraying like the big dragon that several yawns roared. But facing the attack of Enoya, that two attack also reacts immediately, saw only the left man to wield the long sword, next moment his whole person vanishes in the shadow like this. But the right man is both hands grips tightly the long sword to divide forward, along with his movement, sees only that male whole person to explode one group of blood fog, „ bang & R dquo ; Dispersing. Sees only the lightning to fly from the blood fog like this, anything has not projected on. 说时迟那时快,只见一红一黑两道剑光就这样分左右向着埃诺娅刺去,而面对这突如其来的袭击,埃诺娅则是面色不变,相反,她手中的雷电镰刀在空中划过一道弧线,只听见伴随着“叮叮”两声轻响。那把巨大的雷电镰刀就这样不分先后的挡住了两把剑的进攻,接着她顺手向前一挥,下一刻只见无数道耀眼的雷光闪电就这样从巨镰之中爆发,如同数条张口咆哮的巨龙般向着前方宣泄喷射。而面对埃诺娅的进攻,那两个进攻者也是立刻做出了反应,只见左边的男子一挥长剑,下一刻他整个人就这样消失在了阴影之中。而右边的男子则是双手紧握长剑向前一劈,伴随着他的动作,只见那个男子整个人都爆成一团血雾,“砰”的一声散开。只见闪电就这样从血雾之中飞过,什么都没有打到。 However in the instance that the Enoya attack fails, sees only in her behind shadow, a fuzzy person's shadow this appears suddenly baseless. In hand that jet black, completely long sword such quiet thorn that congeals by the dark material to the heart of Enoya. But at the same time, that group bright red mist also tumbled to sweep across before, tries to be one of them the Enoya thorough package. 但是就在埃诺娅攻击落空的瞬间,只见在她身后的阴影之中,一个模模糊糊的人影忽然就这样凭空浮现。手中那把漆黑的,完全由黑暗物质凝结的长剑就这样悄无声息的刺向了埃诺娅的心脏。而在与此同时,之前那团鲜红的雾气也翻滚着席卷过来,试图将埃诺娅彻底包裹在其中。 The danger is ready to be set off. 危险一触即发。 But at this moment in another side, Pattilina also to another two enemies. And a male figure that has the long hair in a flash, next moment he seemed like releasedmirror technique & R dquo ; Same formed 56 clone. From used the sword to block the Pattilina direction in all directions. But is drinks one in his female tenderly, interlocks, having that about the two daggers in hand flutters about to cover the whole body of Pattilina luminously. Although had not been clear that her element is anything, but Pattilina can also feel, this woman is very dangerous. 而此刻在另外一侧,帕蒂莉娜也对上了另外两个敌人。其中一个留着长发的男子身形一晃,下一刻他就好像是被人释放了“镜影术”一样形成了五六个分身。从四面八方出剑封死了帕蒂莉娜的方向。而在他身边的女子则是娇喝一声,手中的两把匕首左右纷飞的交错而过,带着点点光亮笼罩了帕蒂莉娜的全身。虽然还不清楚她的要素是什么,但是帕蒂莉娜也可以感觉出来,这个女人很危险。 However danger how? She is Starlight Knight, since she treads the military academy, she has experienced the innumerable field battles, with the counter- rebel army, with the regular army, with the intruder from outer space, blots out the sky the insect clan that with as if the locust generally wreaks havoc, that time is not a narrow escape, do ten die not fresh? From birth, Pattilina might as well Dragoon knight, because these Dragoon knight good and evil are also the imperial family imperial guards, but they? Adjusts the gene from the culture dish, is born, grows up, the study fight skill, then goes on stage to kill the enemy & mda S h ; Starlight Knight including Pattilina is the war machine of line production. To them, Death is not an issue, the victory is not an issue, the danger naturally is not an issue. 但是危险又如何?她可是星光骑士,从她踏出军事学院之后,她已经经历过无数场战斗,和反叛军,和正规军,和来自外太空的入侵者,和仿佛蝗虫一般铺天盖地肆虐的虫族,那一次不是九死一生,十死无生?从出生来说,帕蒂莉娜还不如魔装骑士,因为那些魔装骑士好歹也是皇室禁卫军,但是她们呢?从培养皿里调整基因,然后诞生,长大,学习战斗技巧,接着上场杀敌—包括帕蒂莉娜在内的星光骑士都是流水线作业的战争机器。对于她们来说,死亡不是一个问题,胜利也不是一个问题,危险自然更不是一个问题。 Courts death!! & R dquo ; “找死!!” Facing two people attacks, Pattilina bellows, many people who shake cannot help but cover ear unstab shoving open backward, but at the same time, sees only the little fellow did not care at all that several regarding in own clone, on the contrary, her both hands gripped tightly the silver white long spear/gun in hand, the whole person are treading suddenly forward half step, effort the fierce hard floor are even trod to turn by the Pattilina war boots, but a little fellow spear/gun attacked, general the female toward own body punctured the past before the dragon volume of being shifty!! 面对两人的进攻,帕蒂莉娜大吼一声,震的不少人都不由自主的捂住耳朵东倒西歪的向后推开,而就在与此同时,只见小家伙毫不在意那几个围绕在自己身边的分身,相反,她双手紧握着手中的银白长枪,整个人猛然向前踏了半步,用力之猛甚至就连坚硬的地板都被帕蒂莉娜的战靴踏碎翻起,而紧接着小家伙一枪出击,如同翻云覆雨的龙卷一般向着自己身前的女子刺了过去!! Sees this, in the male eyes that has the incarnation appears immediately a wisp of none, then that several clone almost also to begin, attacks did not have the means protection gap to the Pattilina armor. But that woman was also the corners of the mouth turns upwards slightly, showed a self-satisfied smile, facing the impact of Pattilina, she did not draw back instead enters, then extended two arms to puncture then to see her two hands to elongate one time like the spring forward suddenly, straight thorn to the eyes of Pattilina. 看见这一幕,那个拥有化身的男子眼中顿时浮现出一缕精光,接着那几个分身几乎是同时动手,攻向了帕蒂莉娜盔甲所没有办法防护的间隙。而那个女人也是嘴角微微翘起,露出了一丝得意的笑容,面对帕蒂莉娜的冲击,她不退反进,接着伸出两只手臂向前刺去紧接着便看见她的两只手忽然像弹簧一样伸长了一倍,笔直的刺向了帕蒂莉娜的双眼。 Has to acknowledge, these four guard skills are indeed extraordinary, moreover acts in harmony, sees this, top layer theater box many powerhouses think that perhaps Pattilina and Enoya must suffer a loss, they came up to show the strength of oneself element, but the opposite party was bears patiently at the last minute, do not say that these four people coordinated quite tacitly, looked is the coordination for a long time, in the face of these people, that two girls can ask for? 不得不承认,这四个守卫的确身手非凡,而且配合默契,看见这一幕,就连顶层包厢的当中的不少强者都认为帕蒂莉娜埃诺娅恐怕要吃大亏,她们一上来就展现了自己的要素之力,而对方则是隐忍到最后一刻,更不要说这四个人配合相当默契,一看就是配合已久,在这些人面前,那两个女孩子能够讨到好吗? However what pitifully is, Zhan En also never suffers a loss. 不过可惜的是,詹恩也从来不吃亏。 Gungnir!! & R dquo ; 冈格尼尔!!” At this time, suddenly, heard one to angrily roar from the theater box, the next moment people then saw the bright red lightning to fly to flee from the theater box together like this, the straight thorn had 56 clone men to that. But sees this lightning the instance, that man is also the complexion big change, but he did not have to respond with enough time, sees only the red light to flash, next moment that several clone to be nailed tight in the ground. But on each clone body, is inserting a bright red long spear/gun. 就在这个时候,忽然,从包厢之中传来一声怒吼,下一刻众人便看见一道鲜红的闪电就这样从包厢之中飞窜而出,笔直的刺向了那个拥有五六个分身的男子。而看见这道闪电的瞬间,那个男子也是面色大变,但是他还没有来得及有所反应,只见红光一闪,下一刻那几个分身都被钉死在地面上。而每一个分身的身体上,都插着一把鲜红的长枪。 How can like this?! 怎么会这样?! Looks at present, that is also the complexion changes with the female who he teams up, she knows certainly the element ability that own partner has is very specialclone & R dquo ;, This clone does not refer to that similar illusion camouflage, but is trueclone & R dquo ;, He can branch out several has the same strength clone to fight, but each clone to turn into the main body, each main body can turn clone, therefore he is in everyone the most powerful person, which because you are unable to distinguish are his weakness. 看着眼前的这一幕,那个与他搭档的女子也是面色一变,她当然知道自己的搭档拥有的要素能力是很特殊的“分身”,这种分身可不是指那种类似幻象般的伪装,而是真正的“分身”,他可以分出数个拥有同等实力的分身来进行战斗,而每一个分身都可以变成本体,每一个本体都可以变成分身,所以他才是所有人之中最强大的一个人,因为你根本无法分辨出哪一个才是他的弱点。 But such simple that now, he can defeat unexpectedly? 而现在,他居然会败的如此干脆? Detected the female who this point is also some slightly mind falls into enemy hands, but that is only the flash, when she responded when looks forward, actually saw Pattilina to sneer is loosening itself to grip tightly the small hand of long spear/gun. 察觉到这一点的女子也是略微有些心神失守,但那只是一瞬间,当她反应过来向前望去时,却看见帕蒂莉娜冷笑着松开了自己紧握着长枪的小手。 Long spear/gun? 长枪? At this time, suddenly, ill omen appeared from the heart of female, but already without enough time, because let go while Pattilina, saw only to bury the ejector flash in knight spear/gun hand guard to erupt, due to the promotion of air current, this revolved the silver white knight long spear/gun like this is going to the forward flight, no hindrance pierced the chest of female. 就在这个时候,忽然,一丝警兆从女子的心头浮现,但是已经来不及了,因为就在帕蒂莉娜松手的同时,只见埋藏在骑士枪护手内的喷射器一瞬间爆发开来,在气流的推动下,这把银白的骑士长枪就这样旋转着向前飞去,毫无阻碍的刺穿了女子的胸口。 But in another side, where besieges the Enoya two people also very to go. Their besieging must go well immediately, but at this time, suddenly, cold snort/hum on this suddenly raised resounds in their ears. 而在另外一侧,围攻埃诺娅的两个人也好不到哪儿去。原本他们的围攻马上就要得手,但就在这个时候,忽然,一声冷哼就这样突凸的在他们耳边响起。 Snort! & R dquo ; “哼!” This sound is not loud, but along with this sound, that originally hidden the man in shadow seems like by the strong winds is actually swept across the common body to tremble suddenly, next moment his package that is congealed the long sword that by the shadow in the superficial darkness as well as his hand becomes seems like made decent changes into an light/only dust to vanish generally instantaneously, but his completely exposed from the darkness. Feels all these, immediately that man the complexion big change, he cannot believe stares the big eye. 这个声音并不大,但是伴随着这个声音,那个原本隐藏在阴影之中的男子却好像是被狂风席卷一般身体猛然一颤,下一刻他那包裹在表面的黑暗以及他手中那把由阴影凝结而成的长剑就好像是被风化一般化为点点光尘瞬间消失,而紧接着他本人就这样彻底从黑暗之中暴露了出来。感受到这一切,那个男子顿时面色大变,他不敢相信的瞪大眼睛。 How can, black ............... & R dquo ; “怎么会,黑……………” Also without he spoke the words, Enoya has looked back, her both hands such average sweeping away, along with spraying, but blood, a head soars like this high, then wreaked havoc the lightning in sky to change into the flying ash. Only then that group red fog detected that was not wonderful, in that flash that the great sickle sweeps away, its curl is shoving open suddenly backward, then changes into the human form again. However on man at this moment are many an shocking scar, his covering chest stubbornly, two red is gazing at fixedly present Enoya. 还没有等他把话说完,埃诺娅已然回首,她的双手就这样平平的横扫而过,伴随着喷洒而出的鲜血,一颗头颅就这样高高飞起,然后被肆虐在天空之中的闪电化为飞灰。只有那团红雾察觉到了不妙,就在巨镰横扫的那一瞬间,它猛然卷曲着向后推开,接着再次化为人形。不过此刻的男子身上已经多了一道触目惊心的伤痕,他就这样死死的捂住胸口,两眼通红的瞪视着眼前的埃诺娅 In entire auction market a deathly stillness.( ~ ^ ~) 整个拍卖场内一片死寂。(~^~)
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