DR :: Volume #6

#513: Making a big row

Bang!! & R dquo ; “轰隆!!” Hears this explosion sound, almost all people stare. They have not thought completely, also some people in the imperial grand theater dares to begin unexpectedly, moreover on this underground auction market!! This moment explosion same place, many people raise the head toward all around immediately look around, but is quick, they saw to be exploded a cavity in a theater box of remote corner at this moment, a black person's shadow in an extremely difficult situation flew. 听到这声爆炸声响,几乎所有人都是一愣。他们完全没想到,在皇家大剧院里居然还有人敢动手,而且还是在这地下拍卖场上!!此刻爆炸一起,顿时有不少人都抬头向着四周张望,而很快,他们就看见在一个偏僻角落的包厢此刻已经被炸出了一个空洞,紧接着一个黑色的人影狼狈不堪的从中飞了出来。 The black clothes man before this moment completely no longer natural, his wrap/sets seemingly expensive formal clothes are tattered, the whole person is also dirty, on the face everywhere is the black white same place, sees only him like this in an extremely difficult situation jumped from the crack of theater box, then leapt on the stage under. The black clothes man at this moment is also the innermost feelings hates greatly, he has not thought that the opposite party really dares to revolt unexpectedly, moreover under daring such heavy hand. When he sees oneself three subordinates were killed to know that the important matter is not wonderful. When the Enoya three people make a move, he keen detection to strength & mda S h of opposite party ; These three people are the legendary powerhouses!! 此刻的黑衣男子已经完全不复之前的潇洒,他身上那套看起来昂贵的礼服已经是破破烂烂,整个人也是灰头土脸,脸上到处都是黑一块白一块,只见他就这样狼狈不堪的从包厢的破洞里跳了出来,然后一跃之下上了高台。此刻的黑衣男子也是内心大恨,他没想到对方居然真的敢反抗,而且还敢下这么重的手。当他看见自己的三个部下被干掉的时候就已经知道大事不妙。而且当埃诺娅三人出手的时候,他就已经敏锐的察觉到对方的实力—这三个人都是传奇强者!! This cognition lets him surprisedly, cracking a joke, the legendary powerhouse is not in cabbage, that young feudal lord is the legendary powerhouse enough surprising, how are these girls also the legendary powerhouses? In this world where has such matter? 这个认知让他惊讶不已,开什么玩笑,传奇强者可不是地里的大白菜,那个年轻的领主是个传奇强者就足够让人惊讶的了,怎么这几个女孩子也是传奇强者?这个世界上哪儿有这样的事情? Regardless of he believes does not believe that at present this aspect is naked told him, he screwed up. He not only cannot succeed makes Zhan En and others leave, instead the violent opposite party begins to revolt, must know that this is at auction, moreover in the auction, had such matter, what good end can oneself have? But has not waited for him to react again, saw only in the cavity of that theater box to erupt the flames of several sparkles again , a series of explosions the black clothes men's package were one of them immediately. 但是无论他信还是不信,眼前这个局面已经是赤裸裸的告诉他,他搞砸了。他非但没有能够成功的让詹恩等人离开,反而激的对方动手反抗,要知道这可是在拍卖会现场,而且还是在拍卖当中,发生了这样的事情,自己还能够有什么好下场?可是还没有等他再做出反应,只见那个包厢的空洞里再次爆发出了几道闪耀的火光,紧接着,一连串的爆炸顿时将黑衣男子包裹在其中。 Rumbling!! & R dquo ; “轰轰轰!!” Sees this, many people stared in a big way the eye surprisedly, they have seen that hit what in an extremely difficult situation was the chancellor person in underground auction market. But now, he dealt a head-on blow unexpectedly, hit like dog? Has not waited for them to reflect, only hears one to drink tenderly. next moment then saw a girl to jump from the theater box, a long rifle sling over dazzling silver white brilliance in hand, the whole person as if had/left the shell of chest cavity to rush over toward the black clothes man on this. 看见这一幕,不少人都惊讶的瞪大了眼睛,他们已经看出那个被打的狼狈不堪的正是地下拍卖场的主事人。而现在,他居然被人迎头痛击,打的像狗一样?还没有等他们反映过来,只听见一声娇喝。下一刻便看见一个女孩从包厢里跳了出来,手中的长枪带过一道耀眼的银白光辉,整个人就这样仿佛出膛的炮弹般向着黑衣男子冲了过去。 Stop!! & R dquo ; “住手!!” Sees the chancellor person to be hit, hid in all around underground auction market guard also leaves immediately, they have remnant shades fast plunders from the shadow. Then rushes over toward the stage. However they arrived late one step, at this time, little fellow already with weight of rifle heavy bombardment above stage. 看见主事人被打,原本隐藏在四周的地下拍卖场守卫们也是立刻动身,他们带着一道道残影飞快的从黑影之中掠出。然后向着高台上冲了过去。不过他们还是晚到了一步,就在这个时候,小家伙已经连人带枪重重的轰击在了高台之上。 Bang!! „ “轰!!“ With the deafening explosion sound, saw only the present stage immediately like exploding collapsed a corner/horn, suddenly the dust rose from all directions, immediately periphery let resound one to call out in alarm. But when this time, these guard had also rushed to the stage, they not slightly hesitant, like this extracts the weapon, toward that during the smog covers the petite form to rush over. However has not waited for them to rush to the Pattilina side. Sees the silver to puncture the dust and fog together brilliance, rumbled toward them. But along with the silver light flash, the air current that next moment howls wild has flushed away on this as if cold wind forward, the strong air current like one be relentless hit present these guard the heavy hammer like this, along with a crying father shouted that mother's blood-curdling screech sound, next moment sees these guard to fly upside down backward, then numerous falling fall in the ground. 伴随着震耳欲聋的爆炸声响,只见眼前的高台顿时像爆炸了一样坍塌了一角,一时间灰尘四起,顿时让周围响起了一阵惊呼。而在这个时候,那些守卫也已经赶到了高台上,他们没有丝毫犹豫,就这样时抽出武器,向着那个在烟雾笼罩之中的娇小身影冲了过去。但是还没有等他们冲到帕蒂莉娜的身边。就看见一道银色光辉刺破尘雾,向着他们轰了过来。而伴随着银光闪过,下一刻狂暴呼啸的气流就这样仿佛寒风般向前冲去,强劲的气流如同一把把重锤般就这样毫不留情的击中了眼前的那些守卫,伴随着一阵哭爹喊娘的惨叫声,下一刻就看见那些守卫向后倒飞开去,然后重重的摔落在地面上。 Sword air/Qi exsomatize, legendary domain? 剑气离体,传奇领域? Sees this, the facial colors of many change, can be qualified for the person status in imperial grand theater underground auction market to be uncommon. The experience are more , many people study the sword technique, naturally knows that this is representing anything. This little girl seems like 13, four years old. Unexpectedly will have such strength? Although has not known that she is what domain, pressure and imposing manner that but that flash Pattilina sent out a moment ago, was actually many people feels. 看见这一幕,不少人的面色都是一变,能够有资格进入皇家大剧院地下拍卖场的人都身份不凡。见识更多,其中也有不少人学习剑术,自然知道这一幕代表着什么。这个小女孩看起来不过十三,四岁。居然会拥有这样的力量?虽然还不知道她是什么领域,但是刚才那一瞬间帕蒂莉娜所散发出来的威压和气势,却是不少人都感觉到了。 She is very strong. & R dquo ; “她很强。” At this moment in the top theater box, an old person of wear white armor is narrowing the eye, is looking steadily below Pattilina, saying that then muttered. In two eyes is sparkling the bright dazzling brilliance. It seems like does not seem like one completely droopingly obsolete. 此刻在最顶层的包厢里,一个穿着白色盔甲的老人眯着眼睛,盯视着下方的帕蒂莉娜,然后喃喃自语的说道。两只眼睛里闪耀着明亮耀眼的光辉。看起来完全不像是一个垂垂老朽。 I can feel that her imposing manner, that is the imposing manner that experienced warrior can have, this is true warrior, once acts, is not forgiving. Actually is this little girl who? & R dquo ; “我可以感觉到她的气势,那是一个身经百战的战士才会拥有的气势,这才是真正的战士,一旦出手,绝不留情。这个小女孩究竟是谁?” Good marvelous weapon. & R dquo ; “好奇妙的武器。” But at this moment, in another top layer theater box, old mage of wear red bottom gold-edged law robe was also puts out a hand to push own eyeglasses, then surprised is looking in the Pattilina hand that knight long spear/gun. Although in that surface is only a knight spear/gun, but the discerning people will not let off beforehand Pattilina to raise knight spear/gunto strafe & R dquo ; That, clearly, this is the crafting weapon that some type can distort, but, is actually this what thing? 而此刻,在另一个顶层包厢里,一个穿着红底金边法袍的老法师也是伸出手去推了推自己的眼镜,然后惊讶的望着帕蒂莉娜手中那把骑士长枪。虽然那表面上只是一把骑士枪,但是明眼人都不会放过之前帕蒂莉娜举起骑士枪“扫射”的那一幕,很明显,这是某种可以变形的构装武器,但是,这究竟是什么东西? „ Do you want to do? A bit faster stop!! Comes the person, takes her to me!! & R dquo ; “你想干什么?快点住手!!来人,给我拿下她!!” Looks that the Pattilina bang collapsed unexpectedly the stage, the black clothes man is also angry, he is very clearmother & R dquo ; At present looks at all these above, but now, oneself, not only has not held the matter, instead screwing up, got so far as this situation finally, lets him is also quite indignant. At this moment saw own subordinate to encircle, issued the order sternly, now he only strives for being able in the shortest time internal control to restrain the situation, otherwise, has not known that what happened. 看着帕蒂莉娜居然轰塌了高台,黑衣男子也是愤怒不已,他很清楚“母亲”眼下就在上面看着这一切,而现在,自己非但没有把事情办好,反而给搞砸了,结果弄到这个地步,让他也是颇为气愤。此刻见自己的属下都已经围了过来,也是厉声下达了命令,现在他只求能够在最短时间内控制住事态,不然的话,还不知道会发生什么事呢。 Hears the black clothes man's speech, these guard that surrounds not slightly hesitant, jumped to turn toward Pattilina to throw like this, obviously planned besieged her with the human wave attack! 听到黑衣男子的说话,围拢上来的这些守卫也没有丝毫犹豫,就这样纵身向着帕蒂莉娜扑了过去,显然是打算用人海战术围攻她了! However when they throw, suddenly along with& R dquo ; Departs from the crack together luminously like this, then without bias and without favor hit the stage. Quick, sees only a series of blue white lightnings to scatter in all directions immediately the eruption, formed a firm incomparable electrical network, covers these unlucky guard entirely is one of them. But under the shock effect of electric current, sees only these guard the whole body to twitch immediately, blood-curdling screech is falling on the ground. But that wisp of electric current as if by anything hauling reclamation again, then again disappearance silently in crack. 但是就在他们扑上去的时候,忽然伴随着“刺啦”一声,一道光亮就这样从破洞之中飞出,然后不偏不倚的击中了高台。很快,只见一连串蓝白色的闪电顿时四散爆发,形成了一道坚固无比的电网,将那些倒霉的守卫统统笼罩在其中。而在电流的冲击作用之下,只见那些守卫顿时浑身抽搐,惨叫着倒在了地面上。而那一缕电流则仿佛被什么东西牵引般的重新收回,接着再次悄然无声的消失在了破洞之中。 Element control, another legendary powerhouse? 元素支配,又一个传奇强者? Sees the present scene, these aristocrats stare, looks that the vision of No. 39 theater box appeared complex, many of them have known guest in No. 39 theater box was Zhan En, knows before him, did anything, but the information mostly gathered on him and his family at that time. Side the high-level battle efficiency regarding Zhan En understood actually not very much. However according to their intelligence journals, in Goldshire Empire, side Zhan En's indeed all wore the little girl of armor with one, moreover has the strength of legendary rank. Then this girl was that person in information? But that electric current what's the matter? In the family on the scene also many experts, naturally can judge that behind that grasps lightning element and Pattilina is not the same person, but is not Zhan En. Must know , since Goldshire Empire that matter, the Zhan En's reputation has also spread over in these powerhouse ears, everyone knows that he is the rare double element holder. But these two element respectively are the shadow and water, this everyone also naturally knows. 看见眼前的景象,那些贵族又是一愣,看着三十九号包厢的目光不由显得复杂了许多,他们当中很多人已经知道了三十九号包厢里的客人是詹恩,也知道他之前干了些什么事情,只不过那个时候情报大多聚集在他本身和他的家族上。对于詹恩身边的高层战斗力倒不是很了解。不过根据他们的情报记录,在闪金帝国的时候,詹恩的身边的确跟了一个全身穿盔甲的小女孩儿,而且也拥有传奇等级的实力。那么这个女孩就是情报里的那个人了?可是那道电流又是怎么回事?在场的家族里也有不少高手,自然可以判断出后面那个掌握闪电要素的和帕蒂莉娜不是同一个人,但是也不是詹恩。要知道自从闪金帝国那件事之后,詹恩的名声在那些强者耳里也早已经传遍了,大家都知道他是罕见的双要素持有者。而这两个要素分别是阴影与水,这个大家也自然是都知道的。 But now, comes out lightning element? Actually is this who? Are don't tell me that young people deep conceals not to leak to this situation? 可是现在,又出来一个闪电要素?这究竟是谁?难道说那个年轻人还深藏不漏到这个地步? When the people are surprised, sees only Enoya also to go out from the cavity quietly, then such graceful falling gently, falls on the Pattilina side, her right hand pulls up the skirt swayed, the left hand is optional wields to below, among the passing clouds and flowing water sees only sickle this that a lightning congeals to reappear baseless. 就在众人惊疑不定的时候,只见埃诺娅也悄然从空洞之中走出,接着就这样优雅的飘落而下,落在帕蒂莉娜的身边,她右手拉起裙摆,左手则是随意的向下一挥,行云流水之间只见一把闪电凝结的镰刀就这样凭空浮现。 Element congealment materialization, another legendary domain. 元素凝结实体化,又一个传奇领域。 Then the expressions of many became incomparably dignified. A family is huge, from top to bottom is the key point, the following person average quality is quite high, then explained that this family is very huge, is very fierce. Why this is the beforehand these families after Zhan En investigates will also draw such a conclusion, because does not have enough manpower, money and strength, are simply not possibly resource office Dragoon knight and big dragon regiment such existence. 这下不少人的表情都变得无比凝重了。一个家族有多么庞大,由上到下都是重点,下面的人平均素质比较高,那么就说明这个家族很庞大,很厉害。这也是为什么之前那些家族对詹恩进行调查之后会得出这样一个结论,因为没有足够的人手,金钱和实力,是根本没可能组织处魔装骑士和巨龙军团这样的存在的。 However although the lower level is quite difficult, may have the means after all. With the Zhan En's Dragoon knight group, like Cains family existence , if really willing to do. So long as then they spend enough much money , can find the critical mass young girl who has the sword technique magic double talent, can make to order enough many magic armor, these are so long as gives up the issue that puts up the cash to solve. But the common family is not so bored. Will handle this matter. 但是下层虽然比较困难,可毕竟不是没有办法。就拿詹恩的魔装骑士团来说,像凯恩斯家族这样的存在如果真的愿意去搞。那么只要他们花足够多的金钱,也可以找到足够数量拥有剑术魔法双天赋的少女,也可以订做足够多的魔法盔甲,这些都是只要舍得砸钱就能够解决的问题。只不过一般的家族没这么无聊。会做这种事情。 However the upper layer was different, legendary powerhouses in a family having is limited, because the legendary domain does not compare other, this need quite experiences, outstanding talent ability, luck. Indispensable. In addition, the time is also very important. This is why the respected family will also rarely have the legendary powerhouse even if in the side reason, after all the legendary domain was too difficult to enter, simply on and probability of lottery ticket was equally low. Moreover is not every legendary powerhouse is willing to accept these aristocrat everyone's gathering, therefore even if the famous expert aristocrat, the legendary powerhouse who can have is also a few. Most can 2-3, is good. 但是上层就不同了,一个家族里拥有的传奇强者人数都是有限的,因为传奇领域可不比其他,这需要相当的经验,出众的天赋能力,还有运气。缺一不可。除此之外,时间也很重要。这就是为什么哪怕大家族也很少会有传奇强者在侧的原因,毕竟传奇领域太难进了,简直就和中彩票的机率一样低。而且也不是每个传奇强者都愿意接受那些贵族大家的招揽,所以哪怕是名家贵族,能够拥有的传奇强者也是少数。最多能够有2-3个,已经算是不错了。 However now, this Bassammens family presented two unexpectedly one time, moreover is so young? That little girl is 13 or 14-year-old, at present this young girl is about 17-18 years old. But hearsay Bassammens that Mr. Zhan En even 20 over & mda S h ; In this family what monster is group? 但是现在,这个巴夏侬门斯家族居然一次就出现了两个,而且都还这么年轻?那个小女孩不过十三四岁,眼前这个少女也不过17-18岁。而传闻巴夏侬门斯的那位詹恩先生甚至才二十出头—这个家族里出的都是群什么怪物? But when the people are surprised, suddenly, an ice-cold sound resounds. 而就在众人惊疑不定的时候,忽然,一个冰冷冷的声音响起。 Bassammens, your big courage, here is the imperial grand theater, do you want to do here? & R dquo ; 巴夏侬门斯,你们好大的胆子,这里是皇家大剧院,你们想要在这里干什么?” This sound sounds ice-cold incomparable, even makes many people tremble to shake. Their instinct looks toward all around, this discovered that sound actually as if from transmits in all directions, could not find the place that the sound sends out, person who could not find the speech. 这个声音听起来冰冷无比,甚至让不少人都打了个颤抖。他们本能的向着四周望去,这才发现那个声音却仿佛是从四面八方传来的一样,根本找不到声音发出的地点,更找不到说话的人。 However hears this sound, sits the person in most top layer theater box is actually serious, they are very clear, this is imperial grand theater the voice of secret ruler. 不过听到这个声音,坐在最顶层包厢里的人却都是面色凝重,他们很清楚,这是皇家大剧院的幕后支配者的声音。 That woman, entered the stage finally. 那个女人,终于出场了。 But at this time, only heard resounding that the Zhan En's sound was also carefree and content. 而就在这个时候,只听见詹恩的声音也悠然自得的响起。 I do not want to do, in fact, my time comes to here, but is to participate in an auction, but has not thought that unexpectedly will also meet such matter & mda S h ; Is crude to the guest, but must catch up with them to walk, is this your auction market the hospitality of? & R dquo ; “我不想干什么,事实上,我这次来这里,不过是想要参加一场拍卖,只不过没想到居然还会遇到这样的事情—对客人粗暴无礼,还要赶他们走,这就是你们拍卖场的待客之道?” We to us will only said that the respectable guest expressed the respect, you have violated the stipulation of auction market, Mr. Bassammens, now, I hopes that you can leave immediately, as the matter stands, we can also not go into one's past. Otherwise ......... we are impolite. & R dquo ; “我们只会向对我们表示尊敬的客人表达敬意,你已经违反了拍卖场的规定,巴夏侬门斯先生,现在,我希望你能够立刻离开,这样一来,我们还能够既往不咎。不然的话………我们就不客气了。” Hears here, the people will look at that mysterious No. 39 theater box, the opposite parties are so clear, then Zhan En that said what will have to respond? 听到这里,众人又将目光投向那个神秘的三十九号包厢,对方都已经说的这么清楚了,那么詹恩又会有什么反应呢? But facing the threat of this woman, Zhan En without hesitation sneers, then he says. 而面对这个女人的威胁,詹恩毫不犹豫的冷笑一声,接着他开口说道。 That, I must look at that you have many are impolite! & R dquo ; “那么,我就要看你们有多不客气了!” Finishes barely the words, sees only from the above of auction market, four shadows appear suddenly baseless, rushes over toward Enoya and Pattilina!( ~ ^ ~) 话音未落,只见从拍卖场的上方,四个黑影忽然凭空浮现,向着埃诺娅帕蒂莉娜冲了过去!(~^~)
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