DR :: Volume #6

#512: Acting

Offer in this moment field had arrived at 10 billion, this number has made the people numb thoroughly, this is compared with the game that who first blinks, now they want to look that only, is this outcome who can insist finally. However this time ......... can be too long? 此刻场上的出价已经到达了一百亿,这个数字已经彻底让众人麻木了,这就是个比谁先眨眼的游戏,现在他们唯一想看的,就是这一次究竟谁能够坚持到最后。不过这个时间………会不会太长了? Some that some below people start to display gradually are impatient, is not everyone to the Cains the gratitude and grudges between family and Bassammens is interested. Their this time arrived here, more for these precious auction, rather than looked that two families mump, but their criticism/human language is slight, how can also? Only can express own disaffection low voice, this also made on the peaceful auction market have several points of noisy aura, but looks at this, on the forehead of auctioneer is also in a cold sweat, he has not thought an auction does present this appearance unexpectedly, he had a mind to control the situation, however the present issue was the situation has stemmed from him to be unexpected, the Cains family he definitely cannot stir up, ............ affirmative was not affable as for the owner of that mysterious No. 39 theater box. Oneself are only a young auctioneer, why bother to make things difficult for itself like this!! 渐渐的,下面有些人开始表现的有些不耐烦了,不是每个人都对凯恩斯家族和巴夏侬门斯之间的恩怨感兴趣的。他们这次来到这里,更多是为了那些珍奇的拍品,而不是看两个家族斗气,不过他们人言轻微,又能够怎么样呢?只能够小声表达自己的不满,这也让原本安静的拍卖场上多出了几分喧闹的气息,而看着这一幕,拍卖师的额头上也是冒出了冷汗,他可没有想到一场拍卖居然搞成现在这个样子,他有心想要掌握局势,但是现在的问题是局势已经出乎了他的预料之外,凯恩斯家族他肯定是惹不起的,至于那个神秘的三十九号包厢的主人…………肯定也不好惹。自己只是一个小小的拍卖师,何苦这样为难自己啊!! But this time, suddenly, a black clothes man is appearing in the front of auctioneer silently, then he said anything in the ear of auctioneer in a low voice, hears the black clothes man's speech, the auctioneer relaxes immediately, then he quickly holds up the hammer, made an effort to knock knocking, then said. 而就在这个时候,忽然,一个黑衣男子悄然无声的出现在了拍卖师的面前,接着他低声在拍卖师的耳边说了些什么,听到黑衣男子的说话,拍卖师顿时松了口气,接着他急忙举起锤子,用力敲了敲,接着开口说道。 Very sorry, fellow guests, because of the special reason, this auction will seal temporarily, no longer auctions, but also please excuse me! & R dquo ; “很抱歉,各位客人,因为特殊原因,这件拍品将暂时封存,不再进行拍卖,还请见谅!” Hears here, everyone stares, then they respond immediately comes & mda S h ; This was the owner in auction market acts! 听到这里,所有人都是一愣,接着他们立刻反应了过来—这是拍卖场的主人出手了! Right, the underground auction market in imperial grand theater, can gather so many everyone aristocrats, naturally is not the average person. The master in this theater is who is few person to know, but almost every celebrities aristocrat will give the imperial family grand theater a little face. This fully explained behind the imperial grand theater influence is not simple, but now, the opposite party is not willing to continue to watch this farce obviously again. But was the plan begins personally. 没错,皇家大剧院的地下拍卖场,能够聚集这么多大家贵族,自然也不是普通人。这座剧院的主人是谁只有很少人知道,但是几乎每个名流贵族都会给皇家大剧院一点儿面子。这本身就足以说明皇家大剧院背后的势力不简单,而现在,对方显然是不愿意再继续看这场闹剧。而是打算亲自动手了。 Generally speaking, the auction was sealed this matter to be very rare, only if some people in the auction process provides the evidence to prove that is own property, or behind had what problem. Otherwise rarely has such situation. Because this will offend the buyers and sellers, will provoke the unnecessary trouble. However now, since the secret owner in underground auction market announced that must seal the auction, most people relax, although they also want to see the result. However raised these people also to start along with the price step by step fearful and apprehensive. 10 billion, that is 10 billion gold coins. If this really patted 100 billion, both sides on did not die the continuous rhythm, if really such hit possibly to have at the scene. Also because of this, along with both sides each bidding, the following person heart pulls out. That feeling seems like standing in front of a nuclear bomb of countdown looked that the above digital beat is equally intense, now the organizer announces the auction to seal, these people are also one feel at ease, saw the bomb to be demolished probably finally was the same. 一般来说,拍品被封存这种事情很少见,除非是在拍卖过程中有人提供证据证明那是自己的财产,又或者背后出现了什么问题。否则很少出现这样的情况。因为这会得罪买卖双方,而且还会招惹不必要的麻烦。不过现在,既然地下拍卖场的幕后主人宣布要封存拍品,大多数人还是松了口气的,虽然他们也想要看到结局。但是伴随着价格一步步抬高这些人也开始心惊胆战了。一百亿啊,那可是一百亿金币。这要是真的拍到了一千亿,那双方就是不死不休的节奏了,真要是那样那么当场打起来都不是没可能的。也正因为如此,伴随着双方每一次竞价,下面的人心脏都是一抽。那感觉就好像是正站在一颗倒计时的核弹面前看上面的数字跳动一样紧张,现在主办方宣布拍品封存,这些人也是一阵心安,就好像终于看见炸弹被拆除了一样。 Really interesting. & R dquo ; “真有意思。” Hears here, Zhan En shows a faint smile. He is looking steadily at the present auction market like this, then rotated under pointed. But at this time, the gate of theater box was sounded again, Alice goes forward one step, opened the door, quick saw four man who wore the black clothes walked like Ghost. Seeing is only on the man of head the first half step, looked at Zhan En, then says in a low voice. 听到这里,詹恩微微一笑。他就这样盯视着眼前的拍卖场,接着转动了下手指。而就在这个时候,包厢的门再一次被敲响,爱丽丝上前一步,打开了房门,很快就看见四个身穿黑衣的男子如同幽灵般走了进来。只见为首的男子上前半步,望了一眼詹恩,接着低声开口说道。 Very sorry, this mister, we are ordered to ask you to leave here. & R dquo ; “很抱歉,这位先生,我们奉命请您离开这里。” Leaves here? & R dquo ; “离开这里?” Hears these words. Zhan En rotated a head. 听到这句话。詹恩转动了一下脑袋。 „ Had auction ended? & R dquo ; “拍卖已经结束了吗?” Auction had not ended, but was sorry very much, you must leave. & R dquo ; “拍卖并没有结束,但是很抱歉,您必须离开。” Inquired facing Zhan En's, is the man of head says actually neither arrogant nor servile. He narrows the eye. dark-red luminous flashing through, then swept around one together, later the vision of man stopped on the body of Elise, then takes back rapidly. 面对詹恩的询问,为首的男子倒是不卑不亢的开口说道。他眯起眼睛。一道暗红色的光亮闪过,接着扫了一眼周围,随后男子的目光在伊丽丝的身上停了一下,接着迅速收回。 This is my family/home master's order, but also asked everyone to forgive. & R dquo ; “这是我家主人的命令,还请各位体谅。” Reason? & R dquo ; “理由呢?” Malicious destruction auction market order, very sorry. This mister, here is not you place that is used to mump, if this had continued, to anyone not good ......... & R dquo ; “恶意破坏拍卖场秩序,很抱歉。这位先生,这里不是您用来斗气的地方,如果再这样下去,对谁都不好………” „ Did your which eye see us to disrupt the auction market order? & R dquo ; “你哪只眼睛看见我们破坏拍卖场秩序了?” Has not waited for Zhan En to speak, Pattilina first jumps actually, points at the nose of black clothes man to shout curses loudly. 还没等詹恩说话,帕蒂莉娜倒是第一个跳起来,指着黑衣男子的鼻子大声叫骂道。 That keeps prices down with the stupid same Cains family you did not speak, now instead comes saying that we did disrupt the auction market order? Are you a blind person? We want to spend money on purchase, how? This auction market is not makes one go shopping? Do the old ladies buy a thing also to look at your meaningful glances? What gadget do you think own? Looks to hit? & R dquo ; “那个和痴呆一样的凯恩斯家族压价的时候你们怎么不说话,现在反而过来说我们破坏拍卖场秩序?你是瞎子吗?我们想要花钱买东西,怎么着?这拍卖场不就是让人买东西的吗?老娘买个东西还要看你们的眼色?你们以为自己什么玩意儿啊?找打是吗?” Facing cursing angrily of Pattilina, the man has no performance, but directly is looking steadily at Zhan En. 面对帕蒂莉娜的怒骂,男子没有任何表现,而是径直的盯视着詹恩 Please do not make us feel embarrassed, this Sir, you best leave here immediately, otherwise, we did not guarantee that adopts the compulsive means. & R dquo ; “请不要让我们为难,这位大人,您最好立刻离开这里,不然的话,我们不保证采取强制手段。” With these words, the atmosphere in theater box suddenly becomes tight, but Zhan En actually as if turns a blind eye, on the contrary, he takes up wine glass on hand, gently rocking, the corners of the mouth is curling upwards later. 伴随着这句话,包厢内的气氛骤然变得紧张起来,而詹恩却似乎对此视若无睹,相反,他只是拿起手边的酒杯,轻轻晃动着,随后嘴角微翘。 If, I don't walk? & R dquo ; “如果说,我不走呢?” Doesn't walk? 不走? Hears here, the black clothes man is also the complexion changes. He has not thought that the opposite party really does not look for a face to oneself unexpectedly, does he want to do? Must know here, but the underground auction market in imperial grand theater, here has Klein Continent regional celebrities aristocrats, does he dare to wreck the event in imperial grand theater to be inadequate under this big crowd of people? Where he comes such big courage, he does not know, did this offended here all aristocrats radically! Doesn't he know? Has he taken advantage? ......... Thinks of here, the man was also slightly hesitant, but he sets firm resolve finally. In any event, at present is point of no return has to send, if he does not drive away this group of people, then the imperial grand theater may think of as worthless. 听到这里,黑衣男子也是面色微变。他没想到对方居然真的不给自己找个面子,他想要干什么?要知道这里可是皇家大剧院的地下拍卖场,这里可是有克莱恩大陆各地的名流贵族,难道他敢在这大庭广众之下砸皇家大剧院的场子不成?他哪儿来这么大的胆子,难道他不知道,这样做根本就是得罪了这里所有的贵族!难道他不知道?还是他有所依仗?或者………想到这里,男子也是略微犹豫了一下,但是最终他还是下定了决心。无论如何,眼下已经是箭在弦上不得不发,如果他不把这群人赶走,那么皇家大剧院可就被人看扁了。 Thinks of here, the man is the complexion is also cloudy, then he waves suddenly. 想到这里,男子也是面色阴沉,接着他猛然一挥手。 Such being the case, that do not blame us not being impolite!! & R dquo ; “既然如此,那就不要怪我们不客气了!!” With man's speech, sees only his behind three people to change into three shadows immediately, threw toward Zhan En and others! 伴随着男子的说话,只见他身后的三个人顿时化为三道黑影,向着詹恩等人扑了过去! Since these people dare to look for Zhan En's to be troublesome, the nature had inquired about his matter, a sword Saint of legendary rank is not the object who they can provoke. However they do not have to start to Zhan En stupid directly, but aimed at his person. So long as trigged these pretty young ladies, then can coerce Zhan En to leave. 这些人既然敢来找詹恩的麻烦,自然早就打听过关于他的事情,一个传奇等级的剑圣并不是他们可以招惹的对象。不过他们也没有蠢到直接对詹恩下手,而是瞄准了他身边的人。只要制住了那些娇滴滴的小姐,那么就可以要挟詹恩离开了。 Also because of this, they selected the goal that two girls who sit in not far away, as well as are smiling on standing Enoya. This also no wonder, Pattilina and Remilia look are children, but Enoya that gentle graceful young lady appearance is also easy to have the contempt, looks like in that several men, so long as trigged these three women, then Zhan En obediently will lower the head, by that time, own quest also completed even. 也正因为如此,他们将目标选中了坐在不远处的那两个女孩,以及微笑着站在旁边的埃诺娅身上。这也难怪,帕蒂莉娜蕾米莉亚一看就是小孩子,而埃诺娅那副文静优雅的大小姐模样也容易让人心生轻视,在那几个男人看来,只要制住了这三个女人,那么詹恩就会乖乖低头,到那个时候,自己的任务也就算是完成了。 But when these three people begin, the black clothes man is also gazing at Zhan En vigilantly, he knows that this young people is a sword Saint, he had decided that if Zhan En makes a move to stop, then he also begins immediately, by that time, did not fear bigger point that the matter will make. However what makes the black clothes man not think, is looking at present, the Zhan En not slightly flustered facial expression, but shrugs the shoulders, then sipped good wine in cup lightly, this says. 而就在这三个人动手的时候,黑衣男子也在警惕的注视着詹恩,他知道这个年轻人是一位剑圣,他已经决定,如果詹恩出手阻拦的话,那么他也会立刻动手,到那个时候,就不怕事情会闹的更大一点了。但是让黑衣男子没有想到的是,望着眼前的这一幕,詹恩并没有丝毫慌张的神情,而是耸耸肩膀,然后轻抿了一口杯中的美酒,这才开口说道。 Begins. & R dquo ; “动手。” With these words, the scene reverses immediately. 伴随着这句话,场面顿时逆转。 Sees only when that three people throw before oneself goal body, Enoya, Remilia and Pattilina also had the movement respectively. Sees only the Enoya right hand to raise the skirt swayed, drew back backward one step, then her left hand flings forward. The long whip that the next moment thunder lightning congeals together forms from the hand of Enoya like this, numerous hitting in plunged on oneself man, only hears blood-curdling screech, next moment that man hit flying upside down, the electric current that the sparkle flies to flee often flashes through on his body, as if shackles tied up the body of opposite party stubbornly. 只见就在那三个人扑到自己目标身前的时候,埃诺娅,蕾米莉亚帕蒂莉娜也分别有了动作。只见埃诺娅右手提起裙摆,向后退了一步,接着她左手向前甩去。下一刻一道雷霆闪电凝结的长鞭就这样从埃诺娅的手中成形,重重的打在了扑向自己的男子身上,只听见一声惨叫,下一刻那个男人就被打的倒飞开去,闪耀飞窜的电流不时在他的身体上闪过,仿佛枷锁般的死死捆绑住了对方的身体。 But in another side, the second man had also arrived at the Remilia side, he planned puts out a hand to hold down the shoulder of Remilia, then by this as coercing. However without thinking when he prepares to begin, Remilia actually opens the eye suddenly, stared his one eyes. 而在另外一侧,第二个男人也已经来到了蕾米莉亚的身边,他原本打算伸出手去按住蕾米莉亚的肩膀,然后以此作为要挟。但是没想到就在他准备动手的时候,蕾米莉亚却是忽然睁开眼睛,瞪了他一眼。 Is only this, makes that man stop own movement immediately, his body in Remilia under stared loses the control general unexpectedly probably, as if the puppet same could not move again. 仅仅只是这一眼,却立刻就让那个男人停下了自己的动作,他的身体在蕾米莉亚的一瞪之下居然好像失去了控制权一般,仿佛木偶一样再也动弹不得。 This little girl is vampire!? 这个小女孩是吸血种!? Thinks of here, that man is also the complexion big change, the higher blood group hasgold/metal to tie up & R dquo ; This Special Ability, moreover oneself are also higher vampire, wants to tie up & R dquo withgold/metal ; Anchorage own body, this explained the opposite party and not in rank & mda S h ; This little girl, should be oneselfmother & R dquo ; Existence of rank, even in its above!! 想到这里,那个男人也是不由的面色大变,只有高等血族才拥有“金缚”这种特殊能力,而且自己也是高等吸血种,想要用“金缚”定住自己的身体,这说明对方和自己根本就不在一个级别—这个小女孩,应该是和自己的“母亲”一个等级的存在,甚至在其之上!! However what pitifully is, at this time received the hand already without enough time, he can only look helplessly a Remilia claw wielded, hit in own chest, next moment then hearsto rumble & R dquo ;, This unlucky fellow by direct bang to place, but the department of chest dug out a large cave/hole. The blood sprays, formed an shocking bloodstain on the heavy/thick rug. 不过可惜的是,这个时候收手已经来不及了,他只能够眼睁睁的看着蕾米莉亚一爪挥出,打在自己的胸口,下一刻便听见“轰”的一声,这个倒霉的家伙就被直接轰到在地,而胸口的部门更是被挖出了一个大洞。鲜血从中喷洒而出,在厚重的地毯上形成了一片让人触目惊心的血渍。 Sees own two companions to connect to let slip, the third man is also startled, but he had also arrived at the Pattilina front at this moment, wanted not to begin is also impossible, but has not waited for him to launch the attack to Pattilina, actually saw the little fellow to sneer is raising the right hand , a knight long spear/gun appeared in the eyes of man like this, but under the male panic-stricken vision gaze, saw only in the long spear/gun crown that jet black cave entrance, but a dazzling flame instantaneous eruption. 看见自己的两个同伴连接失手,第三个男人也是大吃一惊,但是此刻他也已经到达了帕蒂莉娜的面前,想要不动手也是不可能的了,不过还没有等他对帕蒂莉娜发起进攻,却看见小家伙冷笑着举起右手,紧接着,一把骑士长枪就这样出现在了男子的眼中,而在男子惊恐的目光注视下,只见长枪顶部那漆黑的洞口之中,一道耀眼的火光瞬间爆发而出。 Bang!!! & R dquo ; “轰隆!!!” next moment, flat land of fierce explosive sound in the entire auction market.( To be continued.) 下一刻,剧烈的爆炸声在整个拍卖场之中平地而起。(未完待续。)
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