DR :: Volume #6

#511: Deadlock

Acts recklessly! & R dquo ; “不知死活!” Hears conveying a message of steward, the complexion of middle-aged man is gloomy like the iron immediately, two straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards raise up high, the whole person sent out an intense imposing manner that immediately made people unable to look straight ahead. But hears middle-aged man's speech, that steward is also traces himself by the inflamed nose that the shutter hits, the opens the mouth that then clenches jaws said. 听到管家的传话,中年男子的面色顿时阴沉如铁,两道剑眉高高竖起,整个人顿时散发出了一股让人无法直视的强烈气势。而听到中年男子的说话,那个管家也是摸了摸自己被门板撞的红肿的鼻子,接着咬牙切齿的开口说道。 Right, Sir , that young bastard does not pay attention to our Cains family as you said that added that anything ......... the Cains family is also good, Holy nation Seth, is nothing ......... you not to listen to his tone to him, that may really be big scary! & R dquo ; “没错啊,大人,就像您所说的,那个小混蛋根本就不把我们凯恩斯家族放在眼里,还说什么………凯恩斯家族也好,圣国赛斯也罢,对他来说都算不了什么………你是没听他的口气,那可真是大的吓死人啊!” This steward has not added inflammatory details actually, is really the tone of Zhan En speech indeed is that contemptuous, but the Cains family in Holy nation Seth one of the most powerful troikas, they for generations were the Holy nation Seth potencies, but the Cains family's strength even was as good as a medium powerful nation. Must know on Klein Continent, besides these ignorant Barbarian race, has almost no influence on dare not to give the Cains family face. But now, does only place feudal lord, dare to spout rhetoric before oneself unexpectedly? 这次管家倒是没有添油加醋,实在是詹恩说话的语气的确是那么轻蔑,凯恩斯家族可是圣国赛斯之中最强大的三驾马车之一,他们世世代代为圣国赛斯效力,而凯恩斯家族的力量甚至不亚于一个中等强国。要知道在克莱恩大陆上,除了那些无知的蛮族之外,几乎没有哪个势力敢不给凯恩斯家族面子的。而现在,区区一个地方领主,居然胆敢在自己面前大放厥词? Simply absurd! & R dquo ; “简直岂有此理!” Said here, the middle-aged man retook under the arm rest again, then in that pair of gloomy eye pupil flashed through anger. He also thinks after the opposite party hears the Cains family's name, will give way before difficulties, as the matter stands oneself can take that villa with ease. However has not thought that Bassammens feudal lord is so unexpectedly dissolute and rampant, even the Cains family's face does not give, moreover unexpectedly also dares to make impertinent remarks to great Holy nation Seth, that damn country bumpkin! Thinks of here, the middle-aged man is even more angry, at this moment but he is angry is not the opposite party makes impertinent remarks to the Cains family, but is the present opposite party has not planned the meaning independently obviously. This also means that the Cains family must take this villa. Otherwise, if oneself receive the hand here, that does not mean that the Cains family feared this young place feudal lord, this matter did pass on also to when the time comes? 说道这里,中年男子重重拍了下扶手,接着那双阴沉的眼眸之中闪过一丝怒意。原本他还以为对方听到凯恩斯家族的名字之后会知难而退,这样一来自己就可以把那栋别墅轻轻松松的弄到手了。但是没想到那个巴夏侬门斯的领主居然如此放肆和嚣张,甚至连凯恩斯家族的面子都不给,而且居然还敢对伟大的圣国赛斯出言不逊,那个该死的乡巴佬!想到这里,中年男子越发愤怒,但是此刻他生气的不是对方对凯恩斯家族出言不逊,而是眼下对方显然没有打算放手的意思。这也就意味着凯恩斯家族必须拿下这栋别墅。不然的话,如果自己在这里收手,那不就意味着凯恩斯家族怕了这个小小的地方领主,到时候这件事传出去还得了? This is the fault of respected family, indeed, their influence is huge. Let the person be awed at the sight. However the reputations of these respected families accumulate by the strength. This also means that they must maintain the domineering anytime and anywhere, especially cannot withdraw in the face of these small and weak influences absolutely, otherwise may be thought by some people very much under the family influence declines, has an opportunity makes some petty actions. Although said that these petty actions simply do not have the means influence family's basis, but a fly buzz humming sound flies round in the ear all day is also very annoying. Do not say that copes with the people of these ganefs also to consume family's strength, if presents what careless mistake, then may cause the serious consequence very much. If this receive the hand, then definitely will be considered is weak, by that time. The Cains family troubled. 这就是大家族的坏处,诚然,他们势力庞大。让人望而生畏。但是这些大家族的名声都是靠实力积累起来的。这也就意味着他们必须随时随地的保持强势,特别是在那些弱小势力面前绝对不能退后,不然的话就很有可能被一些人认为家族势力衰落,有机可乘下做些小动作。虽然说这些小动作根本没办法影响家族的根本,但是一只苍蝇整天嗡嗡嗡的在耳边飞来飞去也很烦人。更不要说对付这些宵小之徒也会耗费家族的力量,万一出现什么纰漏,那么就很有可能造成严重的后果。如果这次自己收手的话,那么肯定会被人认为是软弱,到那个时候。凯恩斯家族就麻烦了。 Therefore in any event, the Cains families cannot retrocede. Thinks of here, the middle-aged man gets hold of the double fist, cold snort/hum. 所以无论如何,凯恩斯家族都不能后退。想到这里,中年男子握紧双拳,冷哼一声。 Very good, he wants to play, I accompany him to play!! Bid! & R dquo ; “很好,他想要玩,我就陪他玩到底!!出价!” In this short time, both sides have handed over two hands, Zhan En have bid to 800 million. But the Cains family returns to 1 billion, then Zhan En again unexpected did not have to turn time to 1.2 billion this him like before time again each time. But is 500 million adds upward, but the Cains family reveals everyone style actually, no matter how Zhan En bids, they increase price each time 100 million, are not many much. But at this time, others in auction market have seen this Cains family and that mysterious guest to. Expressed admiration. Among them many information quick generations, the nature has known guest in No. 39 theater box is actually Bassammens family's Zhan En. Regarding this young people, in those present many people have heard his reputation, but in their opinion, this Bassammens family, although is mystical. May also being insufficient make them extremely careful. After all these families present looked for one to inherit casually for several hundred over a thousand years, the family like Cains even was Holy nation Seth establishes together, and since existence. Before them, only Bassammens family how? Even if it has the magnificent past, that still passed. As for their successors? That Zhan En's is firmly splendid, the strength is also strong. However in respected family whose few legend powerhouse? Also in Eagle Plateau that remote area, has the share that Zhan En bluffs and blusters, hick but who now here Shining country, their crowd of countrysides come, but also wants to do? 在这短短的时间里,双方已经交了两次手,詹恩出价到八亿。而凯恩斯家族则回到十亿,接着詹恩再次出人意料的出到十二亿这一次他倒没有再像之前那样每次翻倍。而是两亿三亿的往上加,而凯恩斯家族倒是显大家风范,不管詹恩怎么出价,他们都是每次加价一亿,不多也不少。而这个时候,拍卖场上的其他人都已经看出这次凯恩斯家族和那个神秘客人对上了。都是不由啧啧称奇。他们当中不乏信息灵通之辈,自然已经知道三十九号包厢里的客人其实就是巴夏侬门斯家族的詹恩。对于这个年轻人,在场的人里很多人都听说过他的名声,但是在他们看来,这个巴夏侬门斯家族虽然神秘。可也不至于让他们太过上心。毕竟在座的这些家族随便找一个都是传承了数百上千年的,像凯恩斯这样的家族甚至是和圣国赛斯一同建立,并且存在至今的。在他们面前,区区一个巴夏侬门斯家族又如何?就算它有着辉煌的过去,那也是过去了。至于他们的继承人?那个詹恩的确出色,实力也强。但是大家族里谁没有几个传奇强者?也就是在雄鹰高原那种偏远之地,才有詹恩耀武扬威的份儿,现在这里可是光耀之国,他们这群乡下来的土包子,还想干什么? After coming through a series of trials, now offer of both sides has surpassed 5 billion gold coins, Zhan En is still at a moderate pace occasionally 200 million occasionally 300 million jumps upward, but the Cains family still increases price each time 100 million. From the beginning the people also think that this Zhan En has not turned like before is because in his hand does not have money, therefore can only use this method resistance. However listens to listen to them to sense that is not right, looks at the Zhan En's appearance, where does not have money & mda S h probably ; His is plays the Cains family to play radically! 经过一番较量,现在双方的出价已经超过了五十亿金币,詹恩这边依然是不紧不慢偶尔两亿偶尔三亿的往上跳,而凯恩斯家族则依然是每次加价一亿。一开始众人还以为这次詹恩没像之前那样翻倍是因为他手上已经没钱了,所以只能够用这种手段对抗。但是听着听着他们就觉出不对劲了,看詹恩的样子,哪儿像是没钱—他这根本就是耍凯恩斯家族玩呢吧! Thinks of here, many people sucked in an cold air/Qi, this little fellow courage is so big, unexpectedly even the Cains families dare to play, he did not fear that causes the trouble? ......... Such a manor, actually must mention when goes? 10 billion? 100 billion? Cracks a joke, in some one year of state treasuries not necessarily can make so much money! 想到这里,不少人都是倒抽了一口冷气,这个小家伙胆子怎么这么大,居然连凯恩斯家族都敢耍,难道他就不怕惹出事端吗?还有………这么一栋庄园,究竟要提到什么时候去?一百亿?一千亿?开什么玩笑,有些国家一年国库里都不见得能够赚这么多钱啊! The Cains family big enterprise has lots of assets, some so much money are not strange, but a Bassammens family does such little family, where come so much money? 凯恩斯家族家大业大,有这么多钱不奇怪,但是巴夏侬门斯家族这么一个小家族,哪儿来这么多的钱? Zhan En will certainly not tell them this to snatch. 詹恩当然不会告诉他们这都是抢来的。 That is the wealth of entire western wilderness, although said that at that time the fight of Vivian and Nabelius destroyed the entire western wilderness, what is lucky is these valuables and money also in good condition remains. Under goblin transport tirelessly, these wealth were naturally transported in Zhan En's Dungeon, but present Zhan En can be said as the rich enemy, even if could not compare Holy nation Seth such great nation, but compared to the general country, could not miss many. 那可是整个西部荒野的财富,虽然说当时薇薇安娜贝利乌斯的战斗摧毁了整个西部荒野,不过幸运的是那些财宝都还好端端的留着。在哥布林们不辞辛苦的搬运之下,那些财富自然都被运到了詹恩的地下城里,而现在的詹恩可以说是富可敌国,就算比不了圣国赛斯这样的大国,但是相对于一般的国家来说,也差不了多少了。 Bidding of both sides is still continuing, but at this moment on the auction market, the atmosphere is particularly dignified, the people want to take a look, finally who this competition can be wins. Although in their opinion, 100% are the Cains family wins finally, after all from the strength from the financial resource, the Cains families compares that Bassammens family to be stronger absolutely. However they are also indistinct somewhat anticipated that Zhan En can beat the Cains family, after all the high position invites criticism, Cains family so many years, the enemy naturally also has many. If this time they can capsize in Bassammens this in the sewers, then regarding the Cains family's enemies, naturally is a good opportunity. 双方的竞价依然在继续,但是此刻在拍卖场上,气氛已经是分外凝重,众人都想要看看,这一场比试最后会是谁获得胜利。虽然在他们看来,最终百分之百是凯恩斯家族获胜,毕竟无论是从实力还是从财力来说,凯恩斯家族都绝对比那个巴夏侬门斯家族要强。但是他们也隐隐约约有些期待詹恩能够击败凯恩斯家族,毕竟树大招风,凯恩斯家族这么多年,敌人自然也有不少。如果这次他们能够在巴夏侬门斯这条阴沟里翻船,那么对于凯恩斯家族的敌人来说,自然是一个好机会。 Moreover ......... thinks of here, many people remember at first them the investigation suddenly to the Bassammens family, that was Zhan En crashed in the matter after Goldshire Empire capital, shocked in the strength that Zhan En showed that many families investigated to them, although has not investigated what detailed result finally. In the information that however almost all able families obtain finally reached an agreement, that the strength that shows from the Bassammens family, this family foundation is solid, moreover may have the average man not unimaginable wealth very much. After all the crafting big dragon, as well as training of these attractive and powerful Dragoon knight young girls need the suitable financial resource, such strength is not the ordinary little family can achieve. Even some people suspected that this family may be located in the open sea or northern land top of very much, the place of barbarian desolate is unable to touch in that civilization, can evade the detection and probes of so many families. 而且………想到这里,不少人忽然想起最初他们对巴夏侬门斯家族的调查,那还是詹恩冲进了闪金帝国首都之后的事情,震惊于詹恩表现出来的实力,不少家族对他们都进行了调查,虽然最终也没有调查出个什么详细的结果来。但是几乎所有有能力的家族最后得到的情报中都达成了一个共识,那就是从巴夏侬门斯家族展现出来的实力来看,这个家族底蕴深厚,而且很有可能拥有常人无法想象的财富。毕竟构装巨龙,以及那些漂亮又强大的魔装骑士少女的培养都需要相当的财力,这样的力量不是普通的小家族可以做到的。甚至有人怀疑这个家族很有可能位于外海或者北地之顶,只有在那种文明无法触及的蛮荒之地,才能够避过这么多家族的侦查和试探。 don't tell me, this family really has wealth that can be on par with the Cains family? This family actually powerful? 难道说,这个家族真的拥有能够和凯恩斯家族比肩的财富?这个家族究竟有多强大? Thinks of here, many people are the complexion change, but also some people even brain holes open greatly, is it possible that this Bassammens family once was the Cains family's foe, were their times the plan are born to take revenge? 想到这里,不少人都是面色微变,还有些人甚至脑洞大开,莫非这个巴夏侬门斯家族曾经是凯恩斯家族的仇敌,他们这次是打算出世来复仇了? If this, but had the good play to look. 要是这样,可就有好戏看了。 With this and that thought that the people also no longer spoke suddenly, whatever two people continued to tender, they wanted to have a look but actually, who can laugh last! 伴随着这样那样的念头,众人一时间也不再说话,任凭两个人继续竞价,他们倒想要看看,谁能够笑到最后! However what pitifully is, is no one likes looking at this type lively. 不过可惜的是,不是谁都喜欢看这种热闹的。 This is really a bored farce. & R dquo ; “这真是一场无聊的闹剧。” At this moment, in an imperial grand theater secret room, a female is sitting on chair that is made by the bright red velvet, right hand cheek, discontented is looking steadily below auction market. The space that she is obviously unique, although seems like a space of seal, however the present floor and wall actually like crystal transparent, get a panoramic view below all. However the following auction market has no sound, even as if no one detected that has what difference. 就在此刻,在皇家大剧院上方的一个密室之中,一个女子正坐在一张由鲜红的天鹅绒所制造的椅子上,右手支腮,不满的盯视着下方的拍卖场。她所在的空间显然非常独特,虽然看起来像是一个密封的空间,但是眼下的地板与墙壁却是如同水晶般的透明,将下方的一切都尽收眼底。但是下面的拍卖场却没有任何动静,甚至似乎没有人察觉到有什么异样。 & l S quo ; Mother & R S quo ;, May be endless this way ......... & R dquo ; “‘母亲’,这样下去可就没完没了了啊………” Hears female's speech, a handsome man of wear black formal clothes quickly goes forward several steps, arrives at the front of female, respectful lowers the head, says. But hears his speech, that is calledmother & R dquo ; The female was silent the moment, then looked at a following theater box. At this moment bidding of both sides still at a moderate pace continuation, and has risen to 10 billion quickly, in the present auction market is a deathly stillness, anything does not have besides bidding sound of both sides. Regarding an auction, this situation already enough strange, if not stop, then both sides might pat very much previous for one day and one night. 听到女子的说话,一个穿着黑色礼服的英俊男子急忙上前几步,来到女子的面前,恭敬的低下头去,开口说道。而听到他的说话,那个被称为“母亲”的女子则是沉默了片刻,然后望了一眼下面的包厢。此刻双方的竞价依然在不紧不慢的继续,而且已经快上升到一百亿了,眼下的拍卖场内则是一片死寂,除了双方的竞拍声之外什么都没有。对于一场拍卖来说,这个情况已经足够诡异的了,如果再不制止的话,那么双方很有可能拍上一天一夜。 Then, what significance does this auction have? 那么,这场拍卖会还有什么意义? Thinks of here, the female sneers, then beckons with the hand. 想到这里,女子冷笑一声,然后摆了摆手。 Comes the person, informs the Cains family, I give them this face, but hopes that they also give me the face. & R dquo ; “来人,去通知凯恩斯家族,我给他们这个面子,但是希望他们也给我面子。” Yes, mother. & R dquo ; “是,母亲。” Hears female's speech, the man quickly nods to comply, later he hesitant, then asked in a soft voice. 听到女子的说话,男子急忙点头答应,随后他犹豫了一下,接着轻声问道。 That, Bassammens family that side ......... & R dquo ; “那么,巴夏侬门斯家族那边………” However, his words have not said, was broken by the female. 但是,他的话还没有说完,就被女子打断了。 Does not need to care about Bassammens, told the Cains family, I met after the wedding pick up by oneself the head of that little fellow to apologize to them. & R dquo ;( To be continued......) “不用关心巴夏侬门斯,告诉凯恩斯家族,我会亲自提那个小家伙的脑袋向他们道歉。”(未完待续……)
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