DR :: Volume #6

#510: Threat

What kind of? & R dquo ; “怎么样?” Sees the colleague to come back, another black clothes man asks. But facing his inquiry, the opposite party anything had not said that but put out beforehand Enoya to give his black suitcase to hand over. But looks at the present suitcase, the man is some doubts, then he turns on the box, looks around to, but the complexion that then sees the man immediately changes. 看见同僚回来,另外一个黑衣男子开口询问道。而面对他的询问,对方什么也没有说,只是拿出之前埃诺娅交给他的那个黑色手提箱递了过去。而看着眼前的手提箱,男子则是有些疑惑,接着他打开箱子,向里面张望,而紧接着,便看见男子的面色顿时一变。 Sees only in the suitcase, chocked up platinum coin of packs of ellipses, above is carving nine shining stars and Templar Order exclusive seals, this proof present platinum coin by the Saint white city casting, the stateless money by Holy nation Seth being distributed. platinum coin is on Klein Continent the face value maximum currency, generally is used in the staple product transactions, is divided into three different specifications, corresponds 10,000 respectively, 100,000 and 1 million gold coins. But at present platinum coin in this suitcase, is the specification of maximum face value. Also is platinum coin is equal to 1 million gold coins. But such platinum coin installed full one box in the suitcase, this also means ......... 只见在手提箱里,摆满了一叠叠椭圆形的白金币,上面雕刻着九耀星辰与圣堂教团的专属印章,这证明眼前的白金币正是由圣白之城铸造,由圣国赛斯发行的标准货币。白金币克莱恩大陆上面值最高的货币,一般用于大宗商品交易,分为三种不同的规格,分别对应一万,十万和一百万金币。而眼下这个手提箱之中的白金币,正是最高面值的规格。也就是一枚白金币等同于一百万金币。而这样的白金币在手提箱里装了满满一箱,这也就意味着……… What to do should this? & R dquo ; “这该怎么办?” Looks at present the surprised sentiment of colleague, the beforehand black clothes man is also the opens the mouth inquiry said. They have to handle such a lot of money, even compares this more money they also to see. However that generally is the guest pays the auction fund the time. But the present was only some earnest money people put out so many, then meaning was not difficult to imagine. They do not hope makes Zhan En disrupt the order of auction market, suspected that he disturbs through malicious bidding. Therefore they will go forward to remind, if the opposite party can give way before difficulties. Then best. After all they administrators as auction market. Must guarantee that smooth progress of entire auction, rather than has any problem anytime and anywhere, otherwise above blames, those who are hapless is they. However has not thought that mysterious guest really spent so much money unexpectedly, making them not know that should should do. 看着眼前同僚的惊讶之情,之前的黑衣男子也是不由的开口询问道。他们不是没有经手过这么大笔金钱,甚至比这更多的钱他们也见过。但是那一般都是客人支付拍卖款项的时候。而现在只是保证金就有人拿出了这么多,那么这其中的意味不难想象。原本他们是不希望让詹恩破坏拍卖场的秩序,怀疑他是通过恶意竞价来捣乱的。所以他们才会去上前提醒,假如对方能够知难而退。那么最好不过。毕竟他们作为拍卖场的管理人员。就要保证整个拍卖的顺利进行,而不是随时随地出点儿什么问题,不然上面怪罪下来,倒霉的还是他们。但是没想到那位神秘的客人居然真的拿出了这么多的钱,让他们也不知道该如何是好。 In brief, since that guest takes to disburse money, then we have not felt embarrassed his necessity. & R dquo ; “总而言之,既然那位客人已经拿出了钱,那么我们就没有为难他的必要。” Finally. That black clothes man says. 最终。那个黑衣男人开口说道。 „ The present situation somewhat is indeed strange, therefore I suggested that we reported this matter to the Sir, making him decide how should treat. Since the opposite party can spend so much money, will then not stop merely, in any event, some of our necessities ensure this auction can normally conduct. & R dquo ; “不过眼下的事态的确有些奇怪,因此我建议我们将这件事报告给大人,让他来决定该如何对待。对方既然能够拿出这么多钱,那么想必不会仅仅只是到此为止,无论如何,我们都有必要保证这次拍卖会能够正常进行。” Said here, his expression became even more serious. 说道这里,他的表情变得越发严肃。 Must know that the underground auction market in imperial grand theater is our signboard, on Klein Continent many prestigious family prominent families will come to here, in any event. We must handle this matter, cannot make the auction have any problem absolutely!! & R dquo ; “要知道皇家大剧院的地下拍卖场可是我们的招牌,克莱恩大陆上不少名门望族都会来这里,无论如何。我们都要处理好这件事,绝对不能够让拍卖会出现任何问题!!” While two people have a headache about for Zhan En, bidding about that dragon egg is still continuing, now has promoted 500 million gold coins, this price also daunted most people, but this does not include Zhan En obviously. Saw only him to sweep one already no longer the speech auction market. Then gestures, quick, the old person held up the sign in hand again. 就在两人为了詹恩而头疼的同时,关于那枚龙蛋的竞价依然在继续,现在已经提升到了五亿金币,这个价格也吓住了大多数人,不过这显然不包括詹恩在内。只见他扫了一眼已经不再说话的拍卖场。然后再打了个手势,很快,老人再次举起了手中的牌子。 „ No. 39 guest, 1 billion gold coins! & R dquo ; “第三十九号客人,十亿金币!” This auction market fell into the silent, many people looked to the vision of Zhan En theater box had several points discontented and hostility, before Zhan En patted these auction time they have not calculated minded specially, but does this situation now, these people will not naturally be feeling well. Like is the same, the auction that auctioneer said although was the auction, but also to auction the thing was not only so simple. This seems the aristocrats to hold the banquet to not to eat meal. But to make the friendly contacts, strikes at the enemy. This rule on the auction market is also same, before everyone rose in prices is not high, first this was also a method of exchange sentiment, the little family is willing to pay for the respected family, or helped own immediate superior raise prices intentionally, the enemy who then forced the immediate superior were many a blood. Even the aristocrats also the thing and price that can pat from own political opponent or the friend estimated that the opposite party at present the situation in family is steady or turbulent, or has anything to trouble. These through times the information that fights to obtain. 这一下拍卖场都陷入了沉默,不少人望向詹恩包厢的目光都带了几分不满和敌意,之前詹恩拍下那些拍品的时候他们还不算特别介意,但是现在搞到这个地步,这些人自然也会不爽。就如同那个拍卖师所说的一样,拍卖会虽然是拍卖会,但也不光只是为了拍卖东西这么简单。这就好像贵族们举办宴会也不是为了吃饭。而是为了联络感情,打击敌人。这个规则在拍卖场上也是一样,之前大家提价都不高,一来这也是一种交流感情的手段,小家族愿意为大家族多付出一些,又或者帮助自己的顶头上司故意抬价,然后去逼迫顶头上司的敌人多出点儿血。甚至贵族们还能够从自己的政敌或者朋友所拍下的东西和价格来预估对方目前家族之中的情况是平稳还是动荡,或者是有什么麻烦。这些都是通过一次次的交手来获得的情报。 Also because of this, auctioned the price that everyone proposes is very limited before, mostly one time is raised 50 million, this is also on the auction market an unwritten tacit understanding. However never expected that kills Zhan En this grade of Deity halfway, turned one time directly, this told from the start obvious presents everyone & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; You do not coordinate me to play, the father does not want to play with you. This thing is my, numb slip selects rolls draws back the hand. 也正因为如此,之前拍卖大家提的价格都很有限,大多都是一次提五千万,这也算是拍卖场上一个不成文的默契。但是没想到半路杀出詹恩这等神人,直接就翻了一倍,这压根就是明摆着告诉在场所有人———你们都不配和我玩,老子也不想和你们玩。这东西是我的,麻溜点儿滚远缩手。 If these auction had not entered the eyes of these big aristocrats before, then this dragon egg may be different at present, in addition such aggressiveness of Zhan En performance, even if these self-control good aristocrats is heart is also furious, saw only quick to put on a low and deep and dignified sound in the theater box of uppermost layer. 如果说之前那些拍品还不入那些大贵族的眼的话,那么眼下这枚龙蛋可不同,再加上詹恩表现的如此咄咄逼人,哪怕是那些涵养再好的贵族也是不由的心头震怒,只见很快在最上层的包厢穿出了一个低沉而威严的声音。 1.5 billion. & R dquo ; “十五亿。” Hears this sound, the senior steward gawked, then his complexion changes, later respectful turning around looks to Zhan En. 听到这个声音,老管家愣了一下,接着他面色微变,随后恭敬的转过来望向詹恩 Sir, is not then good, what bid is Blue dragon knight regiment regimental commander Dragoon, he is one of the Shining country strongest several influences, if provoked him, perhaps ............... & R dquo ; “大人,这下不好了,出价的是蓝龙骑士团的团长德拉贡,他可是光耀之国最强大的几个势力之一,如果招惹到了他,恐怕……………” Without and other senior stewards said, Zhan En then waves to hint him to shut up, is light snort/hum, smiles is saying. 没等老管家说完,詹恩便挥了挥手示意他闭嘴,然后轻哼一声,微笑着开口说道。 3 billion. & R dquo ; “三十亿。” The Zhan En's sound is not loud, but actually clear reverberation probably near everyone ear general, immediately caused a tumult. Most people on the scene were the senior customers, naturally knows that who the person in that theater box was, that was Blue dragon knight regiment, on Klein Continent was also one of the illustrious influences, was the pride of Shining country. Do not say that their regimental commander Dragoon are also superb that a sword Saint that stepped into the legendary domain, a slaughter dragon sword technique causes, even also had has challenged alone also kills the merit of big dragon. Has such background, then this Blue dragon knight regiment long will so win to the dragon egg is also the expected matter. 詹恩的声音并不大,但是却清晰的好像回荡在每个人耳边一般,顿时引起了一阵骚动。在场的大多数人都是老客户了,自然知道那个包厢里的人是谁,那可是蓝龙骑士团,在克莱恩大陆上也算是赫赫有名的势力之一,更是光耀之国的骄傲。更不要说他们的团长德拉贡也是一位踏入了传奇领域的剑圣,一手屠龙剑术使的出神入化,甚至还曾经有过独自挑战并且杀死巨龙的功绩。有这样的背景,那么这位蓝龙骑士团长会对龙蛋如此志在必得也就是意料之中的事情了。 However the master outcome of that mysterious theater box what's the matter? No one thinks that Zhan En is ignorant, because can the person in theater box have the local attendant, even he does not know Dragoon, others will still tell him. Then the issue came, actually the owner of that mysterious theater box is what origin. Doesn't pay attention to Dragoon? 但是那个神秘包厢的主人究竟是怎么回事?没有人会认为詹恩是无知,因为能够在包厢里的人都有本地亲随,就算他不认识德拉贡,其他人也会告诉他。那么这下问题就来了,那个神秘包厢的主人究竟是什么来历。连德拉贡都不放在眼里? These was time Dragoon is on the contrary silent. How he said that is also a military person, although the Blue dragon knight regiment prestige is resounding, but the big enterprise has lots of assets fault is many of money also flower, floating capital is not quite sufficient. Can put out so many money to come is his limit, must know that he may want to raise a purebred dragon, what a pity is did not realize. At present such good opportunity is placed in front of oneself ......... thinks of here, Dragoon clenches teeth. 这一次反倒是德拉贡沉默了。他怎么说也是一介武夫,虽然蓝龙骑士团声誉响亮,可是家大业大的坏处就是钱也花的多,流动资金方面就不太充足。能够拿出这么多钱来已经是他的极限了,要知道他可一直想要养一条纯种龙,可惜的是一直未能如愿。眼下这么好的机会摆在自己面前………想到这里,德拉贡咬了咬牙。 3.5 billion! & R dquo ; “三十五亿!” 5 billion. & R dquo ; “五十亿。” The Zhan En eye hides does not wink. Sent out a price that directly makes Blue dragon knight regiment long be also speechless again. But hears this price, Dragoon bites the jaw, pondered the moment, finally cold snort/hum, no longer spoke. But saw that Dragoon does not make noise, others also sighed in secret, it seems like that this this dragon egg must by that mysterious nouveau riche taking away, simultaneously they also discussed actually secretly this mysterious person was what origin, the Dragoon face did not sell. Then offended Blue dragon knight regiment. Can he have? 詹恩眼皮子都不眨一下。直接报出了一个让蓝龙骑士团长再也无话可说的价格。而听到这个价格,德拉贡咬住牙关,思考了片刻,最后冷哼一声,不再说话。而看到德拉贡不出声,其他人也是暗中叹息,看来这次这枚龙蛋又要被那个神秘的暴发户给拿走了,同时他们也是暗自讨论这个神秘人究竟是什么来历,连德拉贡的面子都不卖。这下得罪了蓝龙骑士团。他还能够有好吗? However said no matter how, after Dragoon admits defeat, no one bids, therefore after the auctioneer sounds the little hammer in hand, this dragon egg naturally put in the bag again by Zhan En. 但是不管怎么说,在德拉贡认输之后,再也没有人竞价,因此在拍卖师敲响手中的小锤之后,这枚龙蛋自然就被詹恩再次收入囊中。 What puts out the auction is one set of magic armor, this thing is also priceless. Because the Zhan En side no one is interested in this thing. Therefore this set of magic armor by the price deals of 250 million gold coins, this price was not finally low, considering that this has the armor of blessing of god, therefore poured not is extremely odd. But what enters the stage after that is a magic treasured sword, stems from the elf writing skill, having ability that can operate the plant based on this. What is more important is this is fine the magic treasured sword outward appearance, conforms to the aesthetic standard of aristocrat very much, after passing through one competes, by 530 million deals, was taken away by the buyer of top theater box. 紧接着拿出拍卖的是一套魔法盔甲,这东西也算是价值连城。但是因为詹恩身边没人对这东西感兴趣。因此这套魔法盔甲最终以两亿五千万金币的价格成交,这个价格也不算低,但是考虑到这可是拥有神之祝福的盔甲,因此倒也不算太过离谱。而在那之后出场的是一把魔法宝剑,出自精灵手笔,拥有可以在一定范围内操纵植物的能力。更重要的是这把魔法宝剑外观精美,很符合贵族的审美观,在经过一番争夺之后,以五亿三千万成交,被顶层包厢的一个买家拿走了。 These smooth deals made everyone on the scene relax. Also cannot feel the mind to get up to Zhan En zhang (3.33 m) two monks even more, they think Zhan En is wrecks the event, moreover looked that his appearance also really seems like wrecks the event. However his performance seems very strange, in people opinion, if wrecks the event, then this person should be regardless of bumps into anything to shout the high price, but Zhan En is actually not this, thing that he does not want on radically non- selling quotation, thing that only then he wants selling quotation. This rather makes people think some doubts, but said no matter how, the auction can conduct smoothly after all is a good deed. 这几次顺利成交让在场的所有人都是松了口气。同时也对詹恩越发的丈二和尚摸不着头脑起来,他们原本以为詹恩是来砸场子的,而且看他的样子也真的很像是来砸场子。但是他的表现看起来却很奇怪,在众人看来,如果是砸场子的话,那么这个人应该是无论碰到什么都喊高价,但是詹恩却不是这样,他不要的东西就根本不喊价,只有他要的东西才喊价。这未免让人觉得有些疑惑,但是不管怎么说,拍卖能够顺利进行总归是件好事。 But then auctions is a real estate, this is island manor on in North Sea, was the property of some Shining country aristocrat family, just this family during the beforehand political struggle stood the team to cause to lose power mistakenly, finally has to through selling off own industry seeks livehood. But at present, this manor is something by auction that they pay, the starting price 200 million gold coins. 而接下来拍卖的则是一处房产,这是一栋位于北海之岛上的庄园,原本是属于光耀之国某个贵族家系的财产,只不过在之前的政治斗争之中这个家族站错了队导致失势,最终不得不通过变卖自己的产业来求生。而眼下,这座庄园就是他们所付出的拍卖品,起价两亿金币。 However is enthusiastically different from the situation of beforehand aristocrats bidding, this time after the auctioneer offered the base price, actually few people tendered, only then in front of several people tendered to play 350 million, but also stopped. According to truth, this is a very unusual matter, must know that manor is the age is also ancient, moreover in the manor also many antiques and artwares, in addition also goes far beyond this price, but this time actually no one bids ............ 不过和之前贵族们踊跃竞价的情况不同,这次在拍卖师报出底价之后,却很少有人竞价,只有几个人前面竞价起到了三亿五千万,但是也就到此为止。按照道理来说,这是件很不寻常的事情,要知道那座庄园也算是年代古老,而且庄园内还有很多古董和艺术品,加起来也远远超过这个价钱,可是这次却没人竞价………… 500 million. & R dquo ; “五亿。” Sure enough, at this time, Zhan En opened the mouth again. 果不其然,就在这个时候,詹恩再次开口。 Also is he ............... 又是他…………… Hears this sound, helpless almost all people. An auction in good condition, almost became the one-man show of that No. 39 guest by the present, actually did this how sing? 听到这个声音,几乎所有人都无奈了。好端端的一场拍卖会,到现在几乎都成了那个三十九号客人的独角戏,这究竟是怎么唱的? But at this moment, hears Zhan En's to bid, in wear bright red formal clothes a middle-aged man of situated in most peak No. 3 theater box is the complexion gloomy swept that theater box one, then said in a low voice. 而此刻,听到詹恩的出价,位于最顶端三号包厢里的一个穿着鲜红礼服的中年男子则是面色阴沉的扫了那个包厢一眼,然后低声说道。 „ Was investigation clear about the origin of that fellow? & R dquo ; “调查清楚那个家伙的来历了吗?” Yes, Sir, if right, he should be that Bassammens family's Zhan En ............ & R dquo ; “是的,大人,如果没错的话,他应该就是那个巴夏侬门斯家族的詹恩…………” Snort, clumsy mischief-doer. & R dquo ; “哼,跳梁小丑。” Heard this reply, middle-aged man cold snort/hum, then he looked to approach oneself steward. 听到这个回答,中年男子冷哼了一声,接着他望向自己身边的管家。 How you should know do, go. & R dquo ; “你应该知道怎么做,去吧。” Yes. & R dquo ; “是。” Hears middle-aged man's order, the steward complied with one, then turns around to leave rapidly. But looks that his form disappears, the middle-aged man has then turned around, was hinting to own accompanying, holds up the sign quickly. 听到中年男子的命令,管家应了一声,接着便迅速转身离开。而看着他的身影消失,中年男子这才转过身,对着自己的随从示意了一下,很快举起牌子。 550 million. & R dquo ; “五亿五千万。” This may really interesting ............... 这可真有趣…………… Heard this offer, the Zhan En corners of the mouth appears a happy expression, he was not a fool, had discovered that the auction of this manor was not quite common, according to truth, the villa on island of North Sea, regardless of the geographical position or the traffic conditions were very good, moreover in the security also had the guarantee. Such place base price 500 million to 1 billion are out of the ordinary normal, but this base price unexpectedly 200 million, moreover few bids, these definitely have what trick. Must know a moment ago several bidding besides the following several little families, only then a family of intermediate-level theater box bids . Moreover the increase is not big, explained that they know this inside trick ............ 听到这个报价,詹恩嘴角浮现出了一丝笑意,他不是傻瓜,早就已经发现这栋庄园的拍卖不太寻常,按照道理来说,北海之岛上的别墅无论地理位置还是交通条件都很不错,而且安全性上也有保证。这样的地方底价出格五亿到十亿才算正常,但是这次底价居然才两亿,而且几乎没人竞价,这其中肯定有什么猫腻。要知道刚才几次竞价除了下面几个小家族之外,只有一个中层包厢的家族出价,而且涨幅都不大,说明他们都知道这里面的猫腻………… Thump thump thump. & R dquo ; “咚咚咚。” When Zhan En has transferred this thought that the gate of theater box was sounded again, Enoya walks to open the door, sees only the man who a wear black steward takes to stand there. Sees Zhan En, his chuckle, then lowers the head. 就在詹恩转过这个念头的时候,包厢的门再次被敲响,埃诺娅走过去打开房门,只见一个穿着黑色管家服的男子正站在那里。看见詹恩,他轻笑一声,接着低下头去。 Hello, Mr. Bassammens, is in spite of being very busy disturbing you, but also please forgive. I am the Cains family's member, is this, my family Sir holds me to have words for you, this manor is my family Sir, if Mr. Bassammens who his mother settles on is willing to drop, then our Cains family, will certainly ride your sentiment. & R dquo ; “您好,巴夏侬门斯先生,在百忙之中打搅您,还请恕罪。我是凯恩斯家族的成员,是这样的,我家大人托我为您带个话,这栋庄园是我家大人为了他的母亲所看中的,如果巴夏侬门斯先生愿意放手的话,那么我们凯恩斯家族,一定会乘您一个情。” Cains family? & R dquo ; 凯恩斯家族?” Hears here, the Zhan En's corners of the mouth appear seem the smile, if not having. 听到这里,詹恩的嘴角浮现出一丝似有若无的笑容。 Is that Holy nation Seth & l S quo ; Swan family & R S quo ;? & R dquo ; “就是那个圣国赛斯的‘天鹅家族’?” „. & R dquo ; “正是。” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, the man reveals the self-satisfaction that not minced. 听到詹恩的询问,男子露出了一丝毫不掩饰的得意。 Since Mr. Bassammens knows the Cains family, then you should also understand, opposes with our Cains family is a how not sane matter. I think, like Mr. Bassammens such intelligent person, should understand many enemy, is inferior to the truth of many friend, not? & R dquo ; “既然巴夏侬门斯先生知道凯恩斯家族,那么想必您也应该明白,和我们凯恩斯家族作对是一件多么不理智的事情。我想,像巴夏侬门斯先生这么聪明的人,应该明白多一个敌人,不如多一个朋友的道理,不是吗?” Good that „ said. & R dquo ; “说的不错。” Hears man's speech, Zhan En nods. But hears here, the smile in male surface is more abundant, but next moment, the Zhan En's speech made his smile stiffen immediately. 听到男子的说话,詹恩点了点头。而听到这里,男子面上的笑容更盛,但是下一刻,詹恩的说话却让他的笑容立刻僵住了。 What pitifully is, I could not look that completely only Cains family has what strength and I am the friend ......... & R dquo ; “不过可惜的是,我完全看不出来区区一个凯恩斯家族有什么实力和我做朋友………” Is saying, Zhan En is looking steadily at the present man, then sneers is saying. 一面说着,詹恩一面盯视着眼前的男子,然后冷笑着开口说道。 ......... Mr. Bassammens, you made a stupid choice. & R dquo ; “………巴夏侬门斯先生,您真是做出了一个愚蠢的选择。” Man at this moment was also sinks finally the face, the opens the mouth that then clenched jaws said. 此刻的男子也终于是沉下了脸,接着咬牙切齿的开口说道。 We are very clear, your territory is not big, like such small place, you thinks can withstand lives in our Cains family's thunder anger? & R dquo ; “我们可是很清楚,您的领地并不大,像这么小的地方,难道你以为能够承受的住我们凯恩斯家族的雷霆怒火吗?” This did not need you to worry, the Cains family was also good, Holy nation Seth ............ was nothing to me, little with useless threatened me, you can roll, I had nothing regarding a dog aerobic. & R dquo ; “这就不需要你操心了,凯恩斯家族也好,圣国赛斯也罢…………对我来说都算不了什么,少拿没用的来威胁我,你可以滚了,我对于一只狗可是没什么好气的。” You! Your this being unappreciative ............!! & R dquo ; “你!你这个不识抬举的…………!!” Man at this moment is also the complexion big change, but has not waited for him to continue anything, Enoya already& R dquo ; Closed the door, kept off male breathless angry roaring in out of the door, but until this time, Zhan En then leisurely turning around, then held up the wine glass. 此刻的男子也是面色大变,但是还没有等他继续说什么,埃诺娅已经“啪”的关上了房门,将男子气急败坏的怒吼挡在了门外,而直到这个时候,詹恩这才悠闲自得的转过身去,接着举起酒杯。 Continues to bid. & R dquo ; “继续出价。”
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