DR :: Volume #6

#509: Good play beginning

The suddenly time, under the imperial grand theater underground auction market has auctioned ten goods, in these ten goods has eight to be taken away by Zhan En, remaining two were obtained by another two aristocrats. That respectively is a magic mirror as well as a magic long gown, although said that these thing values are not low, but Zhan En no one is interested in such thing, therefore he also takes advantage of opportunity to drop. However this instead makes many people think that own guess is correct, this mysterious guest is really plans to forestall opponent by a show of strength, while early these auction price not too high times pats, comes a strong own momentum. However many of them do not understand why Zhan En must do this, what advantage does this to him also has? He is these big shot who can only annoy is not quick like this, then provokes to trouble to oneself, not? 眨眼的功夫,皇家大剧院下面的地下拍卖场已经拍卖出了十件物品,这十件物品之中有八件被詹恩拿走,剩下的两件则被另外两个贵族所获得。那分别是一面魔法镜以及一件魔法长袍,虽然说这些东西本身价值也不低,但是詹恩手下没人对这样的东西感兴趣,所以他也就顺势放手。不过这反而让不少人认为自己的猜测是正确的,这个神秘的客人果然是打算先声夺人,趁早期那些拍品价格不会太高的时候拍下,来一壮自己的声势。不过他们当中不少人都不明白詹恩为什么要这样做,这样做对他又有什么好处?他这样做只会惹的那些大佬不快,然后给自己招惹来麻烦,不是吗? Regarding Zhan En this mysterious guest, most people extremely have not cared, they whispered in secret, will then then look at present the auction market again. But along with laying out of ten auction, saw only the atmosphere in field also gradually to live it up. Sees this, that auctioneer was also putting out a hand scratched the cold sweat on forehead, to be honest most that time that started Zhan En to act he has really not known that should be what to do good, if the entire auction turned into somebody's one-man show that to trouble, what was lucky was the present seems like the auction to enter into the stock rail finally, therefore he also hits the spirit immediately, then started to introduce under an auction. 对于詹恩这个神秘来客,大多数人并没有太过放在心上,他们只是私下里嘀咕了一下,接着便再次将目光投向了眼前拍卖场。而伴随着十件拍品的拍出,只见场上的气氛也逐渐热闹了起来。看见这一幕,那个拍卖师也是不由的伸手擦了擦额头上的冷汗,说实话最开始詹恩出手的那个时候他还真不知道该怎么办才好,万一整场拍卖会变成某个人的独角戏那可就麻烦了,不过幸运的是现在看起来拍卖会总算是迈入了正轨,所以他也是立刻打起了精神,接着开始介绍起下一件拍品来。 „ The following auction, is a rare precious treasure ............!! & R dquo ; “接下来的拍品,是一件罕见的珍贵宝物…………!!” Is saying, auctioneer gave a hand signal. Quick. Saw two people to lift a tray to step onto the stage cautiously, saw is only placing black in the stage, had half individual that big egg shape. Sees this jet black and huge egg, the people suddenly discussing spiritedly, but sits in the following person mostly wear a look has doubts. But lived in high to reveal the surprised uncertain and wild with joy vision in the upper layer much. A piece that suddenly the entire auction market civil strife roars, the auctioneer has to make an effort to knock several little hammers, this made the loud noise in field reduce several points. Then he aims at that great egg, shouts loudly. 一面说着,拍卖师一面做了个手势。很快。就看见两个人小心翼翼的抬了一个盘子走上了高台,只见在高台上摆放着一颗黑色,足足有半个人那么大的卵状物。看见这枚漆黑又庞大的卵,众人一时间不由的议论纷纷,不过坐在下面的人多半的面带疑惑。而在上层不少身居高位者则是露出了惊疑不定和狂喜的目光。一时间整个拍卖场内乱哄哄的一片,以至于拍卖师不得不用力敲了几下小锤,这才让场上的喧闹声降低了几分。接着他指向那枚巨卵,大声喊道。 It seems like fellow Sirs had guessed, right, this is a dragon egg!! It is not Lesser Dragon, is not Pseudo-dragon, but is true, a dragon egg from purebred dragon clan nest!! Is by our great Adventurer team & mda S h ; The green sword killed personally spoils of war that Black Dragon that occupies in the Kroger mountain range obtains! & R dquo ; “看来各位大人已经有所猜测,没错,这正是一枚龙蛋!!不是亚龙,也不是伪龙,而是真真正正的,来自一个纯种龙族巢穴的龙蛋!!是由我们伟大的冒险者团队—苍翠之剑亲手杀死了盘踞在克罗格山脉的那条黑龙所获得的战利品!” Bang!! & R dquo ; “轰!!” Hears here, the loud noise of eruption almost overturns the heavens the entire imperial grand theater top suddenly, dragon egg! Moreover the egg of pure blood big dragon. This is the rare thing. Must know that the big dragon is important life that the dragon egg looks. Even slaughter dragon, because of player and enemy noisy earth-shaking , should still generally speaking cause the dragon egg to be damaged, although said that the dragon egg of damage is also valuable. However the complete dragon egg is obviously more precious, dragon egg has the essence of dragon, the female who if pregnant ate it. Then fresh the heir can mix the bloodlines of dragon. Becoming powerful and charming. Moreover, must know that world also secret the technique of governing dragon, can hatch young dragon for to use. Although said that these are the rumors, never has ironclad evidence, but may be many regarding the dragon egg all kinds of legends, let alone, if really can hatch the young dragon, no matter that as causes the demon, fosters the pet to have a face matter. Let alone regarding, the dragon clan soul and bloodlines that in dragon egg contains also has high magic value. It can be said that this dragon egg, started the first high tide of entire auction! 听到这里,骤然爆发的喧闹声几乎把整个皇家大剧院都顶翻了天,龙蛋!而且还是纯血巨龙的蛋。这可是罕见之物啊。要知道巨龙可是把龙卵看的比自己性命还要重要。就算是屠龙,一般来说因为敌我双方闹的惊天动地,也会导致龙蛋受损,虽然说损坏的龙蛋同样有价值。但是完整的龙蛋显然更加珍贵,龙蛋拥有龙的精华,若是怀孕的女子吃了它。那么生下来的子嗣就能够混有龙的血脉。变得强大而充满魅力。不仅如此,要知道世间还有一种秘传的御龙之术,可以孵化出幼龙为自己所用。虽然说这些都是传言,从来没有真凭实据,但是围绕龙蛋各种各样的传说可不少,更何况,万一真的能够孵化出幼龙,那么不管是作为使魔,还是养成宠物都是倍儿有面子的一件事。更何况对于施法者来说,龙蛋中蕴含的龙族灵魂和血脉也拥有很高的魔法价值。可以说,这枚龙蛋,正是掀起了整个拍卖的第一个小高潮! The gadget where they get so far as? 他们从哪儿弄到的这玩意儿? At this time Zhan En also traded a movement interestingly, is looking steadily at the following dragon egg carefully, he can look, that is a Black Dragon egg. Moreover the living Black Dragon egg, this may be interesting, but Black Dragon in all dragons aggressivity strongest one, is actually whose that big skill dares to run up to Black Dragon nest, moreover stole the dragon egg to come out? Zhan En does not believe that these people can massacre Black Dragon, only if that Black Dragon has what secret facts, moreover dragon clan is a very greedy and careful lifeform, people are very always difficult to hatch the young dragon, the most important reason is if Ms. Long were killed, then they will release a spiritual impact before dying, kills life that all dragon Danli contain. Why this is people after the reason that slaughter dragon few can obtain the living dragon egg, but now, that auctioneer says unexpectedly the green sword can the slaughter Black Dragon, then obtains the living dragon egg? 这个时候詹恩也是饶有兴趣的换了个动作,仔细盯视着下面的龙蛋,他可以看出来,那正是一枚黑龙蛋。而且还是活生生的黑龙蛋,这可就有意思了,黑龙可是所有龙之中攻击性最强的一种,究竟是谁那么大本事敢跑到黑龙巢穴里去,而且还偷了龙蛋出来?詹恩并不相信那些人能够杀掉一条黑龙,除非那条黑龙有什么隐情,而且龙族是一种非常贪婪和小心的生物,一直以来人们都很难孵化幼龙,最重要的原因就是如果龙母被杀,那么它们在死前会释放一种精神冲击,杀死所有龙蛋里蕴含的生命。这就是为什么人们在屠龙之后鲜少能够获得活生生的龙蛋的原因,而现在,那个拍卖师居然说苍翠之剑能够屠了黑龙,然后又获得活生生的龙蛋? Regarding Zhan En, this joke may really be interesting. 对于詹恩来说,这个笑话可真是有趣。 However said no matter how, this dragon egg indeed is at present living, light from this little .........? 但是不管怎么说,眼前这枚龙蛋的确是活生生的,光从这一点儿来说………嗯? At this time, Zhan En felt that suddenly some people drew the lower hem corner of Latvia, he turns the head to look, sees only silent Sofina not to know when arrived at own side, is looking steadily at him. 就在这个时候,詹恩忽然感觉到有人拉了拉自己的衣角,他转头望去,只见一直沉默不语的索菲娜不知道什么时候来到了自己的身边,正在盯视着他。 „ Do you want this? & R dquo ; “你想要这个?” Inquired facing Zhan En's, Sofina shakes the head, then she replied in a low voice. 面对詹恩的询问,索菲娜摇了摇头,接着她低声回答道。 Agatha ......... & R dquo ; 阿加莎………” So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Hears this name from the Sofina mouth, Zhan En is suddenly enlighted nod. He forgot actually the Agatha official duty is Yu Longshi, perhaps hatches the young dragon regarding others is a quite difficult matter, however Agatha here is reality truly, after all she does this, not? 索菲娜口中听到这个名字,詹恩恍然大悟般的点了点头。他倒是忘记了阿加莎的本职是育龙师,或许孵化幼龙对于其他人来说是件相当困难的事情,但是在阿加莎这里可是确确实实的现实,毕竟她就是干这个的,不是吗? Good, I knew. & R dquo ; “好吧,我知道了。” Thinks of here, Zhan En also nods, then he puts out a hand, hit a sound to refer to the old person. But sees his movement, old person hesitant, then has turned the head to look to the auction market, then held up the sign in oneself hand. At this moment in the auction market, the competition had arrived at the condition of superheating, because is a rare living dragon egg, its value is higher, the base price 50 million gold coins get up, now has risen 100 million. But at this time, the Zhan En's sign appeared again, seeing that mysterious guest to hold up the display board again, the auctioneer also gawked, he was also like others, thinks before Zhan En, just forestalled opponent by a show of strength, to behind did not have money. Which type now but ......... is his must make? 想到这里,詹恩也是点了点头,接着他伸出手去,对老人打了个响指。而看见他的动作,老人犹豫了一下,接着还是转过头去望向拍卖场,接着举起了自己手中的牌子。此刻在拍卖场之中,竞争已经到了白热化的状态,由于是一枚罕见的活生生的龙蛋,其价值更高,底价五千万金币起,现在已经上升到了一亿。而就在这个时候,詹恩的牌子再次出现,看见那个神秘的客人再次举牌,拍卖师也是一愣,他也和其他人一样,认为詹恩之前只不过是先声夺人,到了后面就没钱了。可是现在………他这是要闹哪样? However in any event, Zhan En, since has held up the display board, then he must offer. Sees only the auctioneer deeply looked at an old person to hold up the sign that then made an effort knocked the little hammer, shouted loudly. 但是无论如何,詹恩既然已经举牌,那么他就必须要报价。只见拍卖师深深的望了一眼老人举起的牌子,然后用力的敲了敲小锤,大声喊道。 „ No. 39 guest, bids 200 million gold coins!! & R dquo ; “第三十九号客人,出价两亿金币!!” Hears these words, the bustling auction markets looked like immediately are irrigated one bucket of cold water became tranquil, many surprised turning the head, look toward the theater box that Zhan En is. They are also like that auctioneer, has not thought completely should be end of hills and rivers Zhan En, unexpectedly will also act again. At this moment sees only on the following corridor, the man who two wear the black formal clothes each other looked at each other one, then one of them gave a hand signal, then sees another person then to nod, turns around to leave rapidly. 听到这句话,原本热火朝天的拍卖场顿时像被浇了一桶冷水般变得平静了许多,不少人都惊讶的转过头,向着詹恩所在的包厢望去。他们也和那个拍卖师一样,完全没有想到原本应该已经是山穷水尽的詹恩,居然还会再次出手。此刻只见在后面的走廊上,两个身穿黑色礼服的男子彼此对视了一眼,接着其中一人做了个手势,紧接着便看见另外一个人便点了点头,迅速转身离开。 Before the Zhan En offer, and no one and he snatched. However this difference, this is a dragon egg, although let alone the Zhan En origin is mystical, but those present also status is mostly uncommon, before disagreement/not with Zhan En snatched is not first willing to haggle over with him, secondly Zhan En has not violated their own interests. However is now different, this is a dragon egg, therefore in a while, sees only in another theater box right Zhan En has the aristocrat to bid 250 million, has covered the Zhan En's price directly. However has not waited for his self-satisfied moment, the theater box of uppermost layer bids 300 million, immediately caused in an uproar. Auction at this moment also starts changes anxious intense, generally wants a little family of energy, is not willing to miss this dragon egg. Must know that can obtain a living dragon egg, is completely the accidental product. It can be said this village did not have this shop, today does not attain this dragon egg, then can bump into one over the following 100 years again only then the talent knew! 之前在詹恩报价的时候,并没有人和他抢。但是这次不同,这可是一枚龙蛋,更何况虽然詹恩来历神秘,但是在场的人大多也都身份不凡,之前不和詹恩抢一来是不愿意和他计较,二来詹恩也没有触犯他们的切身利益。但是现在不同,这可是一枚龙蛋,因此没过多久,只见在詹恩右边另外一个包厢里就有贵族出价两亿五千万,直接盖过了詹恩的价。但是还没有等他得意片刻,最上层的一个包厢出价三亿,顿时引起了一片哗然。此刻的拍卖也开始变的紧张激烈,大凡只要有点儿能量的家族,都不愿意错过这枚龙蛋。要知道能够获得一枚活生生的龙蛋,完全就是偶然的产物。可以说过了这个村就没这个店了,今天不拿到这枚龙蛋,那么接下来的100年能不能再碰到一枚就只有天才知道了! However at this time Zhan En of instigator actually carefree watches the fun in side, he knows now also oneself enter the stage, when so long as gives the final word finally frequently, then this dragon egg belongs my. 不过这个时候始作俑者的詹恩倒是悠闲自在的在旁边看热闹,他知道现在还不到自己出场的时候,只要等到最后时刻一锤定音,那么这枚龙蛋还是属于我的。 Thump thump thump. & R dquo ; “咚咚咚。” But at this time, suddenly, knock resounded, but heard this knock, Zhan En narrows the eye, then he gave a hand signal to Alice. Obtains the young maid who Zhan En hinted then to smile is arriving at the entrance, then opens the door, quick, sees a man of wear black formal clothes be all smile to stand there. Sees the door to open, he quickly enters the room, is welcoming the Zhan En's vision, respectful to him good a ritual. 而就在这个时候,忽然,一阵敲门声响起,而听到这敲门声,詹恩眯起眼睛,接着他对爱丽丝做了个手势。得到了詹恩示意的小女仆便微笑着来到门口,接着打开房门,很快,就看见一个穿着黑色礼服的男子正满脸堆笑的站在那里。看见房门打开,他急忙进入房间,迎着詹恩的目光,恭敬的向他行了一礼。 Hello, this Sir ......... & R dquo ; “您好,这位大人………” Some matters said quickly, I am very busy. & R dquo ; “有事快说,我很忙。” Regarding the smalltalk of black formal clothes man, Zhan En has not paid attention to obviously. But hears Zhan En's to reply that male complexion is actually invariable, but smile, but respectful is looking at Zhan En, then says in a low voice. 对于黑礼服男子的客套,詹恩显然没有放在眼里。而听到詹恩的回答,那个男子倒是面色不变,只是微笑而恭敬的望着詹恩,然后低声开口说道。 That ......... the guest you do not know, in the underground auction market custom of our imperial family grand theater and elsewhere different, according to our customs, each guest, so long as patted over five auction, must first pay certain amount the earnest money, that ............ & R dquo ; “那个………客人您不知道,在我们皇家大剧院的地下拍卖场规矩和别处不同,按照我们的规矩,每位客人只要拍下了五件以上的拍品,都要先去缴纳一定金额的保证金,那个…………” Enoya. & R dquo ; 埃诺娅。” Did not wait for him saying that Zhan En beckons with the hand, but heard Zhan En's to speak, Enoya is smiling standing up, arrived at the front of that man. Afterward sees only the Enoya right hand forward in a flash, next moment, a box of suitcase size appeared in the hand of Enoya like this, later she opened slowly, shines the thing inside toward the opposite party. But looks at the thing in suitcase, that male also surprised staring in a big way eye, in his eye pupil, even reflected several points of wealth unique luminous. However has not waited for him to see clearly again, Enoya has closed the box, handed in his hand. 不等他说完,詹恩就摆了摆手,而听到詹恩的说话,埃诺娅则是微笑着站起身,来到了那个男子的面前。随后只见埃诺娅右手向前一晃,下一刻,一个手提箱大小的盒子就这样出现在了埃诺娅的手上,随后她缓缓打开,向着对方亮了亮内里的东西。而看着手提箱里的东西,那个男子也是惊讶的瞪大了眼睛,他的眼瞳之中,甚至反射出了几分财富特有的光亮。但是还没有等他再看清楚,埃诺娅就已经合上箱子,递到了他的手中。 These enough? & R dquo ; “这些足够了吗?” Yes, the respectable young lady, these are enough, I am please disrespectful. & R dquo ; “是的,尊敬的小姐,这些已经足够了,请恕我失礼。” Is saying, man the respectful receiving suitcase, this turned around to leave later in a hurry. If this man also suspected that before Zhan En and others is wrecks the event, then now, he absolutely does not have such suspicion & mda S h ; Only is the thing in this suitcase, proved wealth that sufficiently that young people have! 一面说着,男子一面恭敬的接过手提箱,随后就这样匆匆转身离开。如果说之前这个男子还怀疑詹恩等人是来砸场子的话,那么现在,他已经完全没有了这样的怀疑—光是这手提箱里的东西,就足以证明那个年轻人拥有的财富! Actually is he who?( To be continued 他究竟是谁?(未完待续 .) 。)
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