DR :: Volume #6

#508: Unscrupulous

Hears this offer, many people are one startled, immediately immediately starts to whoop. Also they are no wonder surprised, after all auctions also has the custom of auction. Auction that generally speaking just began, what are more is to fry the hot atmosphere, prepares a ground, therefore everyone also has the tacit understanding from the beginning understandingly, may each other compete, but the scope will not be big. This on the casino, everyone probes probably from the beginning mutually, no one will press all chips in first, that was also too boring. However what makes them not think is some people have not really pressed the common sense to play a card unexpectedly, bid enhanced one time, this was clarifies did not let the person and they struggles! 听到这个出价,不少人都是一惊,随即顿时开始议论纷纷。也难怪他们如此惊讶,毕竟拍卖也有拍卖的规矩。一般来说刚刚开场的拍卖,更多的是为了炒热气氛,做个铺垫,所以一开始大家也都会心有默契,或许会彼此争夺,但是幅度都不会太大。这就好像在赌场上,一开始大家都是互相试探,没有谁会在第一把就把所有筹码都压上去的,那也太无聊了。不过让他们没想到的是居然还真的有人不按常理出牌,一出价就提高了一倍,这是摆明了不让人和他们争啊! Although the people somewhat are discontented, but this just started after all, is the first auction, therefore no one and he strives. Therefore in a while, the auctioneer sounded the little hammer, later, this necklace is taken away to deliver to the theater box that Zhan En is at immediately. But, the second auction was also promoted. However this auction some are not quite same, it is not a dying thing, but is a living person, that is duergar, seeming like the age was also big. However looks at his appearance, head high, chest out actually, a self-satisfied expression, does not seem like these submissive slaves completely. But in this duergar side, is standing erect a armor, as can be seen, this armor builds the craft is quite excellent, moreover what is more important, looks from the semblance, this armor slit, has not seemed like simply does not seem like several parts comprised, but by big pig iron the casting is fused completely, but is the same! 虽然众人对此都有些不满,不过这毕竟才是刚刚开始,又是第一件拍品,所以再也没有人和他争取。因此没过多久,拍卖师就敲响了小锤,随后,这条项链就被立刻拿去送到詹恩所在的包厢。而紧接着,第二件拍品也被推出了场。不过这件拍品有些不太一样,它并不是一件死物,而是一个活人,那是一个灰矮人,看起来年纪也不小了。不过看他的样子,倒是昂首挺胸,一副志得意满的表情,完全不像是那些低声下气的奴隶。而在这个灰矮人的身边,则竖立着一件盔甲,可以看出,这件盔甲打造工艺相当高超,而且更重要的是,从外表看去,这件盔甲没有一丝缝隙,看起来简直就好像不是由几个部件组成,而是完全由一大块铁所铸造融合而出的一样! Although said that such armor, the true usability had many to be difficult saying that but such a technique, made one be startled sufficiently. 虽然说这样的盔甲,真正的实用性有多少还很难说,但是这样一份技艺,就足以让人为之吃惊不已了。 Then goes on stage, is this duergar artisan Grandmaster Rohm! He came from the Underdark melt hot city, is an artisan who has the rich technique! Please look at the armor that he builds, is harder than the hardest shield, is softer than the smoothest slippery silk, such isn't a blacksmith, worth moving? Base price 100,000 gold coins. Now starts to bid! & R dquo ; “接下来上场的,是这位灰矮人工匠大师罗姆!他来自幽暗地域的熔火城,是一位拥有丰富技艺的工匠!请看他打造的盔甲,比最坚硬的盾牌还要坚硬,比最顺滑的丝绸还要柔软,这样一位铁匠,难道不值得你们动心吗?底价十万金币。现在开始竞拍!” This is also the characteristics of imperial grand theater underground auction market, they are not pure according to the value of something by auction the order of rank, but defers to auction the type, is the value. Generally speaking. What the imperial grand theater first auctions is the jewelry, the slave, the weapon, the equipment, the artware and other during classifications estimates relatively lowest one. This can also make the most guests' under various types auction values regarding this auction conduct an appraisal. If an earlier auction value of type is not high, then the following goods value naturally did not say. But if the auction is very high on the value earlier, then behind will naturally give the anticipation and pleasant surprise. 这也是皇家大剧院地下拍卖场的一个特点,他们并不是单纯按照拍卖品的价值来排列顺序,而是按照拍品的种类,然后才是价值。一般来说。皇家大剧院最先拍卖的是珠宝,奴隶,武器,装备,艺术品等各个分类之中相对估价最低的一个。这样也可以让大多数客人对于这次拍卖下各种类的拍品价值进行一个评估。假如一个种类的前期拍品价值不高,那么后面的物品价值自然也不好说。但是如果前期拍品就价值很高的话,那么后面自然就会给人以期待和惊喜了。 Naturally, is this value high, compared to the level of imperial grand theater, can enter the stage here, even if rank lowest goods, where also low is less than goes. Probably that crystal necklace, on the auction market in imperial grand theater, it was also launched a moment ago. However was very difficult to say in other places. 当然了,这个价值高不高,是相对于皇家大剧院的水平而言,能够在这里出场,哪怕等级最低的物品,也低不到什么地方去。就好像刚才那条水晶项链,在皇家大剧院的拍卖场上,它也不过就是中下水准。不过在其他地方就很难说了。 As for this duergar blacksmith, although the technique is exquisite, but wants his person is not many. This also no wonder, the respected families have the blacksmith generally, their Loyalty and craftsmanship after test. In addition the race of this blacksmith is duergar, the average person is wary in the Underdark race regarding these life. Respected family not many this few this. But these small influences cannot raise, the resources that after all these blacksmiths consume are also not infrequent. Therefore on auction market, except for several in little family to expand beyond influence opens the mouth selling quotation, others basically did not speak. Therefore after several rounds of selling quotations, the sale price of this senior blacksmith was also rises 150,000 gold coins. 至于这个灰矮人铁匠,虽然技艺还算精湛,但是想要他的人却不多。这也难怪,一般大家族都有自己御用的铁匠,他们的忠诚度和手艺都是经过考验的。再加上这个铁匠的种族是灰矮人,一般人对于那些生活在幽暗地域的种族都是充满戒心的。大家族也不多这一个少这一个。而那些小势力又养不起,毕竟这些铁匠消耗的资源也不在少数。因此在拍卖场上,除了几个中小家族为了壮大自己势力开口喊价之外,其他人基本都不怎么吭声。因此经过几轮喊价之后,这个老铁匠的身价也不过就是涨到了十五万金币。 But when they bid. Pattilina was what words had not said that on the contrary, the little fellow narrowed the eye like this, careful is sizing up at present senior blacksmith side that set of armor. In a moment later, the little fellow had then jumped, grasps the Zhan En's arm. 而就在他们竞价的时候。帕蒂莉娜却是什么话都没有说,相反,小家伙就这样眯起眼睛,仔仔细细的打量着眼前老铁匠身边那套盔甲。在过了片刻之后,小家伙这才跳了起来,一把抱住詹恩的手臂。 Master, I want this! Buys him! & R dquo ; “主人,我要这个!把他买下来吧!” „ Do you want this? & R dquo ; “你要这个?” Heard the speech of Pattilina, Zhan En gawked, Dungeon some were duergar. It is necessary to buy on the ground one? 听到帕蒂莉娜的说话,詹恩不由愣了一下,地下城有的是灰矮人。有必要花钱在地上买一个吗? Aiya, the underground these fellows are useless, the master you also knows, thing that they make in surface basic fart without. Although this old fogy is duergar, but he, since for human work, then he should like his these idiot compatriots, the light not build some useless things. But for I my guard think many means that miss one set of armor and weapon now! & R dquo ; “哎呀,地下那些家伙都没什么用,主人你也知道,他们造出来的东西在地表根本屁用没有。这个老家伙虽然是灰矮人,但是他既然是为人类工作的,那么他应该不会像他的那些白痴同胞一样,光打造些没用的东西吧。我可是为了我的卫队想了很多办法,现在就差一套盔甲和武器了!” Hears here, Zhan En pondered the moment, later nods. Indeed, duergar same is good at forging with drow, however their equipment will have very big flaw, the equipment of drow can only use in Underdark, how arrive at the surface again powerful magic equipment and weapon will turn into the scrap copper and iron under shining of sunlight. But the equipment of duergar also has similar trouble, an issue is the equipment of duergar to duergar forging, not suitable normal build human and other lifeform, therefore the limitation is also very strong. 听到这里,詹恩沉思了片刻,随后点了点头。的确,灰矮人黑暗精灵一样擅长锻造,但是它们的装备都有很大缺陷,黑暗精灵的装备只能够在幽暗地域使用,来到地表再怎么强大的魔法装备和武器都会在阳光的照耀下变成废铜烂铁。而灰矮人的装备也有类似的麻烦,还有一个问题就是灰矮人的装备都是给灰矮人锻造的,不适合正常体型的人类和其他生物,因此局限性也很强。 But since this duergar lives in the world, then should be able proficiently to utilize and forge the equipment weapon of world, said, Pattilina has been talking over that bodyguard that she forms, Zhan En has not managed, but now seems like, is the little fellow to this very careful? 而这个灰矮人既然是在人类世界生活,那么应该能够熟练运用和锻造人类世界的装备武器,说起来,帕蒂莉娜一直在念叨她组建的那个亲卫队,詹恩也没有管过,不过现在看起来,小家伙对这个还是挺上心的? Thinks of here, Zhan En nods, then gave a hand signal to the old person. But is quick, the old person also held up the sign again. Saw that sign hesitant, the auctioneer, shouted loudly. 想到这里,詹恩点了点头,接着对老人做了个手势。而很快,老人也再次举起了牌子。看见那个牌子,拍卖师犹豫了一下,还是大声喊道。 This guest bids & mda S h ; 300,000 gold coins!! & R dquo ; “这位客人出价—三十万金币!!” Hears these words, the people on the scene gawked, small loud noise resounds, many people are whispering, doubts extremely looks at Zhan En to be at the theater box that mysterious guest is second making a move, moreover he acts each time, enhanced one time the price directly, fundamental having no way selling quotation. Actually is this fellow wants to do? don't tell me does he wreck the event specially? Suddenly, the people discuss spiritedly, the auctioneers have to knock under the hammer to make noise the sound pressure this. 听到这句话,在场的众人都是愣了一下,紧接着一阵小小的喧闹声响起,不少人都在交头接耳,疑惑万分的望着詹恩所在的包厢,那个神秘的客人已经是第二次出手,而且他每次出手,都是直接把价格提高了一倍,让人根本没法喊价。这家伙究竟是想要干什么?难道说他是专门来砸场子的?一时间,众人都是议论纷纷,以至于拍卖师都不得不敲了下锤子才把这喧闹声压了下来。 This guest bids 300,000 gold coins, but also some people of selling quotations? 300,000 gold coin one times, 300,000 gold coins two, 300,000 gold coin three & mda S h ; Congratulates this guest, you obtained duergar to forge giving loyalty to of Grandmaster!! & R dquo ; “这位客人出价三十万金币,还有人喊价吗?三十万金币一次,三十万金币两次,三十万金币三次—恭喜这位客人,您获得了一位灰矮人锻造大师的效忠!!” This time and no one is how surprised, after all this type of thing is not honest is precious, just like former that crystal necklace, took took, poured does not calculate that had anything to lose. But regarding the Zhan En and others origin, they were even more curious. Can participate in so high level the person of auction mostly is the generation of hand eye direct access to the highest authorities, so long as an investigation, knows slightly immediately Zhan En and others arrived here in the name of Stellar chamber of commerce. So long as is not a blind person, can look that this is only one conceals absolutely, otherwise, by the rank of Stellar chamber of commerce this type of place chamber of commerce, where dares to assume the power and prestige before so many high official aristocrats, this is not dislikes insufficient quick? 这一次并没有人对此感到多么惊讶,毕竟这种东西说实话算不上多么珍贵,和之前那条水晶项链一样,拿了就拿了,倒也不算是有什么损失。只不过对于詹恩等人的来历,他们越发好奇了。能够参加如此高水平的拍卖的人大多都是手眼通天之辈,只要稍微一调查,立刻就知道詹恩等人是以繁星商会的名义来到这里的。但是只要不是瞎子,就可以看出来这绝对只是一个掩饰,不然的话,以繁星商会这种地方商会的等级,哪儿敢在这么多达官贵族面前呈威风,这不是嫌死的不够快吗? Then, actually the opposite party is, why does he want to do that? 那么,对方究竟是什么人,他为什么要这么做? Regarding this people also discuss spiritedly, some people think that these fellows perhaps are some nouveau riche wealthy villagers, seeing anything to want. Also some people think that these people may want to forestall opponent by a show of strength, leaves behind a filthy rich influence on others, after all who knows thing value that just started to auction how much money, even if takes still several million gold coins completely, this has the record in all previous auction. But more arrives at behind, these auction are more valuable, even may the prices of over several billions gold coins. Such a wealth, definitely is not the average person can take casually. Therefore also some people think that Zhan En is to forestall opponent by a show of strength, participating in a person profound impression of auction. Naturally, these people have not met with Zhan En, but the person who these and Zhan En has met face to face is almost serious, they have experienced Zhan En one group of makings personally, must say that they are nouveau riche or certain speculators, cannot look completely. Then their making a move, what goal do have? Said, what issue this auction does have? 对此众人也是议论纷纷,有人认为那些家伙恐怕就是一些暴发户土财主,看见什么都想要。也有人认为这些人可能是想要先声夺人,给其他人留下一个财大气粗的影响,毕竟谁都知道刚开始拍卖的东西都值不了多少钱,就算全部拿下也不过几百万金币,这在历届拍卖会之中都是有记录的。而越到后面,那些拍品才越值钱,甚至有可能超过数十亿金币的价格。这样一笔财富,肯定不是普通人随随便便能够拿下来的。因此也有人认为詹恩是想要先声夺人,给参加拍卖的人一个深刻的印象。当然,这些人都是没有和詹恩见过面的,而那些和詹恩打过照面的人则几乎都是面色凝重,他们可是亲自见识过詹恩一行人的气质,要说他们是暴发户或者说某些投机者,完全看不出来。那么他们这次出手,是有什么目的?还是说,这次的拍卖有什么问题? Under this undercurrent surges, the third auction entered the stage, this is an artware, a painting from flower-and-bird years famous expert, what above draws up is the beautiful scene of summit of fog. The precious place of this picture is not only only lies in drawing its person is lies in this picture's legendary & mda S h ; Hearsay in the past this artist after hearing summit of fog beautiful scenery, hired one crowd of Adventurer to accompany itself to enter the fog mountain range, they experienced numerous hard and dangerous, finally even killed Lesser Dragon that occupied in the summit of fog, this reached the destination. But steps the peak in them that flash, the brilliance of morning sun cuts the world like this, shone on their bodies, but feels strongly beautiful scene that this day inaugurated, that great artist left behind this fine work. 就在这暗潮涌动之下,第三件拍品出场了,这是一件艺术品,来自花鸟之年一位名家的画作,上面绘制的是云雾之巅的美景。这幅画的名贵之处不仅仅只是在于画它的人更是在于这幅画本身的传奇色彩—传闻当年这位画师在听说了云雾之巅的美丽景色之后,就雇佣了一群冒险者陪伴自己进入了云雾山脉,他们经历了重重艰险,最后甚至杀死了一只盘踞在云雾之巅的亚龙,这才到达了目的地。而就在他们踏上巅峰的那一瞬间,朝阳的光辉就这样划破天地,照耀在了他们的身上,而有感于这天地初开的美景,那位伟大的画师才留下了这幅传世之作。 Although this is only a pure painting, no special effect, but the aristocrats also eat this set pitifully, sees only this picture price also to increase, rose in a while from the 5 million gold coins of base price 20 million, finally took over by the guest of top theater box, bids 25 million. 虽然这只是一副单纯的画作,没什么特殊的效果,不过可惜贵族们还就吃这套,只见这幅画的价格也是一路攀升,从底价的五百万金币没过多久就升到了两千万,最终被最顶层一个包厢的客人接手,出价两千五百万。 However at this time, almost all people subconscious has turned the head, looks to the second that mysterious theater box from the bottom. Sure enough, sees only under the gaze of people, that theater box held up the sign again. But saw this sign hesitant, the auctioneer, this opened the mouth to shout. 但是这个时候,几乎所有人都是下意识的转过头去,望向倒数第二层那个神秘的包厢。果不其然,只见在众人的注视下,那个包厢再次举起了牌子。而看见这个牌子,拍卖师犹豫了一下,这才开口喊道。 This guest bids & mda S h ; 50 million gold coins. & R dquo ;( ~ ^ ~) “这位客人出价—五千万金币。”(~^~)
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