DR :: Volume #6

#507: This auction, I contracted

Does not know that is lucky or the coincidence, the home game of this auction, is the underground hall in imperial grand theater. The entire hall presents the oval-shape, above a layer upon layer steps distribution. But most peak in theater, is three decoration luxurious theater boxes, to facilitate the auctioneers to observe the cargo. Because is hitting the Stellar chamber of commerce sign, therefore Zhan En and others has not occupied the top theater box, but chose a side position in the second theater box from the bottom, but so, their appearances caused many 's discussions even, especially these have witnessed these people of Zhan En hand/subordinate beautiful woman regiment outside fortunately, at this moment is before own person told marvelous sight that sees, the directed many people is a curiosity, what is a pity, after Zhan En and others enters the theater box, the heavy/thick curtain on lagged behind, the camouflage lived in the lines of sight of all external malicious., Rather disappoints people somewhat. 不知道是幸运还是巧合,这次拍卖的主场,正是皇家大剧院的地下大厅。整个大厅呈现出椭圆形,一层层阶梯分布其上。而在剧院的最顶端,则是三层装饰豪华的包厢,以方便拍卖者们观察货物。由于是打着繁星商会的牌子,所以詹恩等人并没有占据最顶层的包厢,而是在倒数第二层的包厢选择了一个靠边的位置,不过即便如此,他们的出现还是引起了不少人的议论,特别是那些有幸在外面目睹过詹恩手下美女军团的那些人,此刻更是纷纷对自己身边的人讲述自己之前看到的奇观,引的不少人都是一阵好奇,不过可惜的是,在詹恩等人进入包厢之后,厚重的帘幕就被拉下,遮蔽住了一切外来不怀好意者的视线,未免让人有些失望。 Although said that issmall & R dquo ; Theater box, but two guest rooms are so also big, in the entire room arranges the dark brown rug, Zhan En is knowing, the gross output on this rug from a southern bird of paradise, but it on the bird of paradise with Earth is different, is an demon beast, moreover frequently appears in groups, is dangerous. The fur/superficial knowledge of each bird of paradise is smooth mild-mannered, touches exceptionally soft comfortable. Shawl market price that a bird of paradise skin makes approximately in 20,000 gold coins about, but this rug estimated by Zhan En's, perhaps does not have 5 million gold coins is not impossible. But above rug, is placing the soft comfortable sofa and camellia japonica wooden table, on the table is placing all kinds of fruits, but in the following wine chest, is putting good wine of entire cabinet, the light is looked that the outward appearance then knows these liquor values not poor. 虽然说是“小”包厢,但是也足足有两间客房那么大,整个房间里布置着深褐色的地毯,詹恩知道,这地毯上的毛产自南方一种极乐鸟,只不过它和地球上的极乐鸟不同,是一种魔兽,而且经常成群结队出现,非常危险。每张极乐鸟的皮毛都是光滑柔顺,摸起来异常柔软舒适。一条极乐鸟皮制造的披肩市价大约在两万金币左右,而这条地毯以詹恩的估计,恐怕没有五百万金币不可能下来。而在地毯之上,则是摆放着柔软舒适的沙发以及山茶木制的桌子,桌子上摆放着各种各样的水果,而在后面的酒柜之中,则放着一整柜的美酒,光是看外观便知道这些酒价值不菲。 Asked fellow Sirs to wait a bit, the auction must start ......... & R dquo immediately ; “请各位大人稍等,拍卖马上就要开始………” Sees Zhan En and others to walk, in the theater box respectful hand in the waiter who set up welcomes immediately, simultaneously squared own attitude, seemed quite respectful. Also he will have such movement no wonder, when these guests come, he had detected that thing of Zhan En and others in regarding this theater box has nothing to express. If they were the hick who the countryside came do not understand the goods also even. However as a waiter, he can actually clear saw that these people do not regard as important regarding all of this theater box, even somewhat disdains. 看见詹恩等人走进来,原本在包厢内恭手而立的侍者立刻迎了上来,同时摆正了自己的态度,显得相当恭敬。也难怪他会有这样的动作,在这些客人进来的时候,他就已经察觉到詹恩等人对于这座包厢里的东西都没什么表示。如果他们是乡下来的土包子不懂货也就算了。但是作为一个侍者,他却可以清晰的看出这些人对于这座包厢的一切并不看重,甚至有些不屑。 Right, disdains. In fact is also so. Regarding Zhan En, these in the thing of main plane value large sum of money, may not be completely valuable in Demon World, even pours to get money some people not to want. Tinidell as Dark fairies Princess, uses also is very naturally tasteful in the food and clothing. Naturally cannot enter her eye like the thing. 没错,不屑。事实上也正是如此。对于詹恩来说,这些在主位面价值万金的东西,在魔界可完全不值钱,甚至倒找钱都不会有人要。蒂尼德尔身为暗妖精公主,在吃穿用上自然也很讲究。像这样的东西自然也进不了她的眼。 Elise, in Underdark she is also a young lady, compared to thing that main plane these will corrupt, she likes the Underdark architectural style. 就连伊丽丝,在幽暗地域里她也算是一位大小姐,相对于主位面这些会腐烂的东西,她还是更喜欢幽暗地域的建筑风格。 Also because of this, this waiter is also even more careful, before he had heard from other person of there the guest status of oneself this reception is somewhat uncommon, even possibly has the royal family member, this lets him is also fearful and apprehensive. Must know that he is only responsible for the second theater box, usually in receives some feudal lords, big merchants or some powerhouse even limits. Only the waiters of these top layer theater boxes have the qualifications to receive the royal family member. Before his some have not believed that but saw the performance of Zhan En and others at this moment, had several points to haggle over at heart actually, therefore quickly welcomed. 也正因为如此,这个侍者也是越发小心,之前他已经从其他人那里听说了自己这次接待的客人身份有些不凡,其中甚至可能有王族成员,这让他也是胆战心惊。要知道他只负责第二层的包厢,平日里接待一些领主,大商人或者一些强者就算是极限了。只有那些顶层包厢的侍者才有资格去接待王室成员。之前他还对此有些不太相信,但是此刻看见詹恩等人的表现,心里倒是有了几分计较,因此急忙迎了上来。 What need does everyone have? That ......... here also has place the bitter artemisia wine of northwest, the ice piece ships in ............... & R dquo from ten thousand years of cold peak ; “请问各位还有什么需要?那个………我们这里还有来自西北之地的苦艾酒,冰块则是从万年寒峰运来……………” Without this necessity, has anything I to call your. & R dquo ; “没这个必要,有什么事我会叫你的。” Without listening to waiter's introduction, Zhan En beckons with the hand like this, says. But hears his speech, that waiter is also quickly shuts up, then walked respectfully. 没有听完侍者的介绍,詹恩就这样摆了摆手,开口说道。而听到他的说话,那个侍者也是急忙闭嘴,接着恭恭敬敬的走了出去。 I knew. Sir, if you have what need, so long as sounds the bell on table, I at your service. & R dquo ; “我知道了。大人,如果您有什么需要,只要敲响桌子上的铃铛,我就会为您服务的。” Spoke these words. The waiters then closed the door, only hears a depressed closing sound to get up, the entire room immediately changes silent incomparable. But until this time, Remilia then chuckle, put down the teacup in hand to look to Zhan En. 说完这句话。侍者这才关上了房门,只听见一声沉闷的关门声响起,紧接着整个房间顿时变的沉默无比。而直到这个时候,蕾米莉亚这才轻笑一声,放下手中的茶杯望向詹恩 Now you can tell us, Zhan En. You bring to come to here so many people, actually to do? & R dquo ; “现在你可以告诉我们了吧,詹恩。你把这么多人带到这里来,究竟想要干什么?” Respectable master, what you have certainly to plan, how needs us to coordinate? & R dquo ; “尊敬的主人,您一定是有什么计划吧,需要我们怎么配合?” After Remilia opens the mouth, Pattilina is also the hurried opens the mouth, does not know that is intends or has no intention, sherespectable master & R dquo ; This phrase bites is very heavy. However even, Remilia has not so looked at her half eyes, but Pattilina is also same, treats as the air Remilia as before. Sits in their middle Elise on the contrary is streaming with sweat, on a parahippus wants on the appearance of execution grounds. 蕾米莉亚开口之后,帕蒂莉娜也是急忙开口,不知道是有意还是无意,她把“尊敬的主人”这个字眼咬的很重。不过即便如此,蕾米莉亚也没有看她半眼,而帕蒂莉娜也是一样,依旧把蕾米莉亚当做空气。反倒是坐在她们中间的伊丽丝汗流浃背,一副马上就要上刑场的样子。 These are not anxious. & R dquo ; “这些都不急。” Zhan En as if wants the doomsday decisive battle the atmosphere not to detect between two little fellows immediately, he beckons with the hand, then looks to Elise. 詹恩似乎对于两个小家伙之间马上就要末日决战的气氛毫无察觉,他只是摆了摆手,接着望向伊丽丝 Elise, what do you have to feel? & R dquo ; 伊丽丝,你有什么感觉吗?” Oh? Is ......... & R dquo ; “唉?啊,是………” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Elise shivered suddenly, this responded, then she closed the eye, silent moment, this opening the mouth replied. 听到詹恩的询问,伊丽丝猛然颤动了一下,这才反应过来,接着她闭上眼睛,沉默了片刻,这才开口回答道。 Is ......... master, I can feel that ......... has anything to summon my bloodlines, I, I do not know that is anything, does not know the exact location, but I can affirm ............... & R dquo ; “是的………主人,我可以感觉到………有什么东西在呼唤我的血脉,我,我不知道那是什么,也不知道具体位置,但是我可以肯定……………” In this theater? & R dquo ; “是在这座剧场里?” .................. & R dquo ; “………………” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Elise silent moment, then nods. 听到詹恩的询问,伊丽丝沉默了片刻,然后点了点头。 Very good. & R dquo ; “很好。” After obtaining the reply of Elise, Zhan En satisfied smiling, he has then turned the head to look to oneself people, silent moment, later shows a faint smile to say. 在得到伊丽丝的回答之后,詹恩满意的笑了笑,接着他转过头去望向自己身边的众人,沉默了片刻,随后微微一笑开口说道。 You followed me is so long, always I also had no good thing to give to you, today this auction, is regarded as me to give your gift & mda S h ; You want anything, my entire package! & R dquo ; “你们跟随我这么久了,一直以来我也没什么好东西来送给你们,今天这场拍卖会,就当做是我送给你们的礼物—你们想要什么,我全包了!” Hears here, in Enoya eye one bright, then she and Tinidell looked at each other one, both people are not the fools, immediately understands Zhan En wants to do. But Pattilina gawked, later immediately puts out a hand with an auction list, starts close look to have above auction. But Remilia is light snort/hum one, then she put out a hand to hit a sound to refer, later then saw Alice to smile is arriving at her front, placed on another auction list the small hand who Remilia stretched out straight in front of oneself & mda S h ; Naturally she has not forgotten herself to take previous. 听到这里,埃诺娅眼中一亮,接着她和蒂尼德尔对视了一眼,两个人都不是傻瓜,立刻就明白了詹恩想要干什么。而帕蒂莉娜则是愣了一下,随后立刻伸手拿过一张拍卖清单,开始仔仔细细的审视起上面的拍卖物。而蕾米莉亚则是轻哼一声,接着她伸出手去打了个响指,随后便见爱丽丝微笑着来到她的面前,将另外一张拍卖清单放在了蕾米莉亚平伸的小手上—当然她也没有忘了自己拿上一份。 Only then Elise apparently does not have this mood, but saw that Sofina took an auction list, she also has to clench teeth to close, took up placed in oneself front auction list, started to compare the above auction. 只有伊丽丝显然没这个心情,不过看到就连索菲娜都拿了一张拍卖清单,她也只好咬咬牙关,也拿起了摆放在自己面前的拍卖清单,开始对照起上面的拍品来。 At this time. Outside light also gradually puts secretly, quick, loud noise resounds, under being a focus of public attention. The auctioneers stepped onto situated in the middle stage like this, he first respectful toward all around line a ritual, this held up the little hammer in hand, mentioned the prologue. Only is the auctioneer hello/you good my good everyone's good matter, everyone wants civilized bidding. So as to avoid injured the friendly idle talk so forth. Regarding these idle talk, Zhan En does not care, on the contrary, while this opportunity, he opens the evil eye immediately, starts to investigate the entire imperial grand theater, sure enough, in transforming for the evil eye of soul pattern, Zhan En saw the ambush quickly in the darkness these ice-cold, was full of the bright red color soul. Those who let Zhan En not think is. These Vampire will camouflage in the corridor unexpectedly these armor, such stands on the foundation. If carefully does not look, cannot look. 就在这个时候。外面的灯光也逐渐放暗,很快,一阵喧闹声响起,紧接着在万众瞩目之下。拍卖师就这样走上了位于中间的高台,他先恭敬的向着四周行了一礼,这才举起手中的小锤,说起了开场白。不外乎就是拍卖师件你好我好大家好的事情,大家要文明竞价。免得伤了和气诸如此类的废话。对于这些废话,詹恩并不在意,相反,趁这个机会,他立刻开启了邪恶之眼,开始对整个皇家大剧院进行调查,果不其然,在转化为灵魂模式的邪恶之眼中,詹恩很快就看见了埋伏在黑暗之中的那些冰冷,充满了鲜红色彩的灵魂。让詹恩没有想到的是。这些吸血鬼居然会伪装成走廊里那些盔甲,就那样站在底座上。如果不仔细看的话,根本看不出来。 But in addition, in several secret corners of underground theater, Zhan En also discovered soul that four are burning the bright red flame, if he has not guessed wrong, then these should be Black Rose family's high rank vampire, specifically is responsible for defending here security. But ............ sees here under this, the Zhan En eye narrows the eyes, then he throws the central part of underground big theater the line of sight immediately. Afterward, in the Zhan En's eye showed an ice-cold happy expression. 而除此之外,在地下剧场的几个隐秘角落,詹恩还发现了四个燃烧着鲜红火焰的灵魂,如果他没有猜错的话,那么这些应该是黑玫瑰家族的高阶吸血种,专门来负责保卫这里安全的。而在这之下…………看到这里,詹恩眼睛一眯,接着他立刻将视线投到了地下大剧场的中央部分。随后,詹恩的眼中露出了一丝冰冷的笑意。 Found. 找到了。 At this time, that auctioneer also promoted the first auction finally, that is a necklace that is made by the dream crystal. Can be a low magic object reluctantly, because carves its is a renowned artisan, therefore the value is not but actually low, since the auction market chooses such goods as the opening color, naturally also has its highlight. Besides the itself exquisite workmanship, this necklace has also received the blessing of elf of water. Wears this necklace not only can free swims, but also does not need to be worried that will be drown to death. Also because, it will be so treated as the first auction of entire auction market, after all runs all day the person of life in the sea regarding these, this was no different than a life! 就在这个时候,那个拍卖师也终于推出了第一个拍品,那是一条由梦幻水晶制造的项链。勉强可以算是一种低魔法物品,不过因为雕刻它的是一位著名工匠,因此价值倒也不低,既然拍卖场选择这么一件物品作为开头彩,自然也是有其亮点的。除了本身工艺精湛之外,这条项链还受到过水之精灵的祝福。佩戴这条项链者不但能够自由自在的在海里游泳,而且也不用担心会被溺死。也正是因为如此,它才会被当做整个拍卖场的第一件拍品,毕竟对于那些整天在海上跑生活的人来说,这无异于多了一条命! Although is precious, but the limitation too is actually a limit, but Glory city is a port city, can come here aristocrat to have with the sea somewhat has to do, therefore does not calculate that oversteps the limit specially. Perhaps if in Eagle Plateau that place, this gadget really can only take to work as an ornament. 虽然非常珍贵,但是局限性太强却是一个限制,不过辉煌之城是一座海港城市,能够来到这里的贵族多多少少都有和海打交道的,因此倒不算特别出格。如果是在雄鹰高原那种地方的话,恐怕这玩意儿就真的只能够拿回去当个装饰品了。 Base price 15,000 gold coins, start to bid now! & R dquo ; “底价一万五千金币,现在开始竞拍!” Is saying, auctioneer makes an effort to knock under the present little hammer, then held up this necklace high. But sees this necklace, below sent out one to call out in alarm, but no one bids immediately, this was only starts after all, although this necklace was very indeed useful, but the pointedness was too strong, the average person could not use. Therefore many aristocrats are watching the fun, but some below people do not think obviously. In a while, under saw only some first people to raise own hand high. 一面说着,拍卖师一面用力敲了下眼前的小锤,接着高高举起这条项链。而看见这条项链,下面都是不由的发出了一阵惊呼,不过并没有人立刻出价,这毕竟只是开始,虽然这条项链的确很有用,但是针对性太强,一般人也用不到。因此不少贵族都在看热闹,但是下面有些人显然不这么想。没过多久,只见下面第一层就有人高高举起了自己的手。 20,000 gold coins! & R dquo ; “两万金币!” That is the person of sea lion chamber of commerce. & R dquo ; “那是海狮商会的人。” Looked at a that raising hand person, the old person quickly lowers the head is a Zhan En introduced. The head as Glory city foothold, he knows here situation very much, therefore Zhan En will make him come to be responsible for explaining to oneself. 看了一眼那个举手的人,老人急忙低头为詹恩介绍道。作为辉煌之城据点的负责人,他很了解这里的情况,所以詹恩才会让他进来负责给自己进行说明。 Hearsay sea lion chamber of commerce planned to open the storm route recently, perhaps they for this talent ............... & R dquo ; “传闻海狮商会最近打算开辟风暴航道,恐怕他们就是为了这个才……………” Hears old person's introduction, Zhan En nods. But at this moment outside, had the opening of sea lion chamber of commerce, some young aristocrats and have the family of relations also to start to offer with the shipping, quick, this necklace turned several, arrived at the high prices of 45,000 gold coins. But at this time, Remilia stared the big eye suddenly, looked to Zhan En. 听到老人的介绍,詹恩点了点头。而此刻在外面,有了海狮商会的开头,一些小贵族和与航运有关系的家族也开始报价,很快,这条项链就翻了几番,到达了四万五千金币的高价。而就在这个时候,蕾米莉亚忽然瞪大眼睛,望向詹恩 That necklace, I want! & R dquo ; “那条项链,我要!” Hears the speech of Remilia, Zhan En nods, then he gestures to the old person. But saw this time, the old person somewhat was obviously surprised, but finally, he hesitant, held up the sign in hand. 听到蕾米莉亚的说话,詹恩点了点头,接着他对老人打了个手势。而看见这个时候,老人明显有些吃惊,不过最终,他犹豫了一下,还是举起了手中的牌子。 But sees this sign, that auctioneer also stares. 而看见这个牌子,那个拍卖师也是一愣。 This guest bids & mda S h ; 100,000 gold coins! & R dquo ; “这位客人出价—十万金币!” Such remarks, the audience immediately in an uproar.( ~ ^ ~) 此言一出,全场顿时哗然。(~^~)
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