DR :: Volume #6

#506: Intensely bright presence

......... I know that this is a transaction, the feudal lord Sir. To be honest, I am not willing to pay for this reason too. Because I know that what destiny you will give this piece of continent to bring, dark, Death, blood. All in your eyes are just the leisure entertainment, but what replaces it is, hundreds and thousands of lives, because your read, but during the pain wailed died. However, this after all is a transaction, you completed your part, then I cannot go back on word, I expected only, only then ......... & R dquo ; “………我知道这是一笔交易,领主大人。说实话,我原本并不愿意为此付出太多。因为我知道您将给这片大陆带来什么样的命运,黑暗,死亡,鲜血。一切的一切在你眼中只不过是闲暇的娱乐,但取而代之的是,有成百上千的生命因为您的一念而在痛苦哀嚎之中死去。但是,这毕竟是一笔交易,您完成了您的部分,那么我也不能够食言,我唯一期望的,只有………” Looks at the letter in hand, Zhan En puts in the bosom it conveniently. Regarding Egret leaves without saying good-bye he not to feel surprised, if the legend and fact tally, then this Paladin Vampire and absolutely are not a passer-by. Just like Egret said, regarding Death of human, Zhan En does not hold slightly the mentality of sympathy, to him this is only a game. System such thing that seems him to have now, therefore Egret does not like Zhan En. If not need to depend upon him to counter-balance Night Goddess, then Egret will definitely not walk to ask itself to help. 看完手中的信件,詹恩随手将其放入怀中。对于白鹭的不告而别他并不感到惊讶,如果传说和事实相符的话,那么这个圣骑士吸血鬼和自己绝对不是一路人。正如白鹭所说,对于人类的死亡,詹恩并不抱丝毫同情的心态,对他而言这只是一个游戏。就好像他现在所拥有的系统那样的东西,所以白鹭并不喜欢詹恩。如果不是需要依靠他来抵消夜之女神的话,那么白鹭肯定不会找上门来找自己帮忙的。 However these do not matter, regarding Vampire Paladin of this rare and beautiful flowers, Zhan En, although feels very interesting, but also is this, no matter how said that the opposite party good and evil also kept the promise, gives information that oneself wanted, regarding Zhan En, was this point is only enough. 不过这些都无所谓,对于这个奇葩的吸血鬼圣骑士,詹恩虽然感到很有趣,但是也不过是这样而已,不管怎么说对方好歹也算是遵守了诺言,给了自己想要的情报,对于詹恩来说,光是这一点就足够了。 Black Rose family. 黑玫瑰家族。 In Blood descendants in 13 elder assembly one of the rank last seat families, this is Egret gives his answer. As for the reason, this Paladin Vampire in the clarity that in the correspondence also writes, in the Vampire family, only then the Black Rose family's bloodlines have to operate the Magic/Devil flame ability inborn. Because this family's ancestor is Warlock lineage/vein, in addition becomes the blood group . The Black Rose family has concentrated on unearthing the bloodlines strength, had/left several Warlock. If the bloodlines and Blood descendants of Elise are related, then most likely definitely is the Black Rose family's member. But their dens, is located in the Glory city imperial grand theater. This in Blood descendants is also a very secret secret, few knows. 血裔之中十三长老会里排位末席的家族之一,这就是白鹭给他的答案。至于理由,这位圣骑士吸血鬼在信函之中也写的清清楚楚,吸血鬼家族之中,只有黑玫瑰家族的血脉天生拥有操纵魔焰的能力。因为这个家族的先祖就是术士一脉,再加上成为血族之后。黑玫瑰家族一直专注于挖掘血脉力量,也出了好几位法术士。所以如果说伊丽丝的血脉和血裔有关的话,那么十有八九肯定是黑玫瑰家族的成员。而他们的老巢,则是位于辉煌之城的皇家大剧院。这在血裔之中也算是一个非常隐秘的秘密,几乎没有人知道。 Good, this is will also play. 好吧,这也是个会玩的。 Looks at the present address, Zhan En curls the lip close to. But Glory city Shining country capital city, but the imperial grand theater is in this capital city the most dazzling pearl. But now, according to the view of Egret, Black Rose family unexpectedly on big thorn life in this theater. Moreover seems the ruler in this theater? These Vampire play also was really slid a little. Although Zhan En also knows that many Vampire are good at hiding the identity to live in the world, but can play this situation, can only say that worthily is one of the 13 elder assembly families, is really unusual. Then called greatly faintly in the city, simply did not have the rule of law. 看着眼前的地址,詹恩撇了撇嘴巴。辉煌之城可是光耀之国的都城,而皇家大剧院更是这座都城里最耀眼的明珠。而现在,根据白鹭的说法,黑玫瑰家族居然就大刺刺的生活在这座剧院里。而且还似乎一直都是这座剧院的支配者?这些吸血鬼玩的也真是太溜了一点儿吧。虽然詹恩也知道很多吸血鬼都非常擅长隐藏身份在人类世界里生活,不过能够玩到这个地步,只能够说不愧是十三长老会的家族之一,果然是不同寻常。这才叫大隐隐于市,根本没法治。 However regarding Zhan En, this is not the issue. After leaving that unlucky border small town, he then went south, arrived at Shining country. This time, Zhan En has not shown own status. On the contrary, he through Younique Stellar chamber of commerce in the Glory city foothold, looked for a certificate to himself. In the surface, this Zhan En comes the Glory city relation trade matters concerned by Stellar chamber of commerce director. And participates at the Glory city underground auction. 不过对于詹恩来说,这并不是什么问题。在离开了那座倒霉的边境小城之后,他便一路南下,来到了光耀之国。这一次,詹恩并没有展现自己的身份。相反,他通过优妮可繁星商会辉煌之城的据点,给自己找了一个证明。表面上,这一次詹恩是以繁星商会主事者前来辉煌之城联系贸易事宜。并且参加在辉煌之城举办的地下拍卖会。 As Holy nation Seth one of the three big dependent countries, Shining country situated in regarding the White Dragon plain, itself belongs to a very developed commercial country. But as Glory city of capital is manifestation of its strength. But here the underground auction, in the hearsay included all precious buried treasures of entire Klein Continent southern areas. Naturally. It seems like from the surface, this underground auctions and other places do not have much difference. However Zhan En is very clear, under this attractive semblance, what darkness is hiding and evil. 作为圣国赛斯的三大附属国之一,光耀之国位于围绕的白龙平原,本身就属于一个非常发达的商业国家。而作为首都的辉煌之城更是其实力的体现。而在这里举办的地下拍卖会,传闻中可谓是囊括了整个克莱恩大陆南部地区的一切珍奇宝藏。当然。从表面上看起来,这个地下拍卖会和其他地方没有太大区别。但是詹恩却很清楚,在这光鲜的外表之下,隐藏着什么样的黑暗与罪恶。 When the Zhan En's carriage reaches the destination is the toward evening, when he goes down the carriage, what first sees is the vast coast, as well as in coastal end that wheel bright red setting sun. The dazzling bright red sunset glow shines in the sky, is linking up into a single stretch together with the clouds that flutters slowly together, looks from afar is similar to the city that in the nighttime sky flutters pleasant. Zhan En looked at a present beautiful scene, then he has transferred the body, extends the right hand , Tinidell and Aina also from carriage. Afterward is Elise, Remilia, Pattilina, Sofina as well as Alice. 詹恩的马车到达目的地时已经是黄昏时分,当他走下马车时,首先看见的是一望无际的海岸,以及在海岸尽头那轮鲜红的夕阳。耀眼鲜红的晚霞映照在天空上,连同正在缓缓飘动的云朵一起连成一片,远远望去如同在夜空之中飘荡的城市般令人赏心悦目。詹恩看了一眼眼前的美景,接着他转过身躯,伸出右手,紧接着,蒂尼德尔艾诺娅也从马车上走了下来。随后是伊丽丝,蕾米莉亚,帕蒂莉娜,索菲娜以及爱丽丝 This first time was Zhan En gathered oneself strength hand/subordinate to appear together in public places. It can be said that besides in Dungeon Agatha, is responsible for managing Lydia of monastery as well as is aiding National Liberation Army Tillis as well as Aina at present, Zhan En almost leads own subordinate to turn out in full strength. The appearance of this seven female and one male, immediately brought to the attention of surrounding crowd. 这还是詹恩第一次集合了自己手下的力量一起出现在公众场合。可以说,除了远在地下城阿加莎,负责管理修道院的丽姬娅以及目前正在援助救国自由军蒂莉丝以及艾娜之外,詹恩几乎带着自己的手下倾巢而出。这七女一男的出现,顿时引起了周围人群的注意。 This no wonder, after all Zhan En these people really are extremely also conspicuous. Zhan En was naturally needless saying that although he now is the human shape, but dashing was as good as the elf, a straight aristocrat uniform/subdue put in his body even more seems full of energy. In fact all around has many aristocrat madame young lady cannot bear time and time again is gazing at present this strange young people. 这也难怪,毕竟詹恩这些人实在太过显眼。詹恩自然不用多说,虽然他现在是人类形态,但是英俊潇洒不亚于精灵,一身笔挺的贵族制服穿在他的身上越发显得精神抖擞。事实上四周已经有不少贵族夫人小姐忍不住一次又一次的回头注视着眼前这个陌生的年轻人。 However their companion do not have to reprimand the impoliteness of wife and daughters, in fact their vision, were gathered at Zhan En behind woman attract. Put on Enoya of deep purple long skirt to be needless saying that dazzling golden hair and snow white flesh are sparkling the beautiful brilliance under shine of setting sun, at this moment she such respectful followed in Zhan En's behind, is gazing at own master with smile on the face. 不过她们的陪伴者却也没有去斥责自己妻女的无礼,事实上就连他们自己的目光,都被聚集在詹恩身后的女人所吸引。穿着一袭深紫色长裙的埃诺娅自不用说,那头耀眼的金发与雪白的肌肤在夕阳的映照下闪耀着美丽的光彩,此刻她就这样恭敬的跟随在詹恩的身后,面带笑容注视着自己的主人。 With all smiles, looks to feel bathes in fresh air Enoya is different, Deltini is actually unemotional standing there, the whole person lends the aura that a share of living person do not enter, when this is also Deltini goes outstandard mode & R dquo ;, In fact Zhan En is very clear this is not Deltini is not willing to contact with others, because she does not know how should make the performance under big crowd of people, therefore displays this deceased person appearance simply, was gives itself to reduce troublesome. However for all that are many to the man who this Dark fairies Your Highness Princess throws the eye salute, after all the man mostly is belongs to grasp the nettle, especially performance indifferent the Takarei flower of like Tinidell, is to make the person be hopeful. 与满面笑容,望上去就感觉如沐春风般的埃诺娅不同,德尔蒂尼却是面无表情的站在那里,整个人散发出一股生人勿进的气息,这也是德尔蒂尼外出时的“标准模式”,事实上詹恩很清楚这不是德尔蒂尼不愿意和别人接触,而是因为她根本不知道该如何在大庭广众之下做出表现,所以干脆表现出这幅死人样子,也算是给自己减少了麻烦。不过虽然如此,向这位暗妖精公主殿下投去注目礼的男子还是不少,毕竟男人大多都是属于迎难而上的,特别是像蒂尼德尔这样的表现冷漠的高岭之花,更是让人心生向往。 Besides two leads, several other young girls are also each has his good points. Even Pattilina and Remilia have not let off & mda S h ; Besides Pattilina that seems like very heavy armor, has the crowds of certain special fondness which world, no matter in cuts the grass non- root. The spring breeze blows fresh. 除了两位主角之外,其他几位少女也是各有千秋。甚至就连帕蒂莉娜蕾米莉亚也没有放过—除了帕蒂莉娜那身看起来就很沉重的盔甲之外,拥有某些特殊癖好的人群不管在哪个世界都是斩草不除根。春风吹又生的。 Sees so many beautiful women, surroundings these aristocrats are calm cannot immediately. They are not the fools, can have the qualifications participate at the Glory city auction is the high-level celebrities, the vision is not naturally bad. Sees to follow after Zhan En behind these young girls is not the aristocrat is lady, almost everyone has own unique charm in the graces. Do not say that Tinidell and Sofina these two people are also sending out an unusual imposing manner, was only looked steadily to feel an intense pressure by them probably, even some people guessed that Princess of which country's they are. After all, the common aristocrat heir can have the good education and education, but that keeping aloof manner is not inherent. Assumes the power and prestige and before the country people of before the civilians is completely two responses, the local despot is a local despot. Is impossible to fly the branch to change the real dragon. 看见这么多美女,周围那些贵族顿时也是淡定不能。他们都不是傻瓜,能够有资格参加在辉煌之城举办的拍卖会的都是高层名流,眼光自然不差。一眼就看出跟随在詹恩身后的那些少女不是贵族之后就是大家闺秀,几乎每一个人在举手投足之间都拥有着属于自己的独特魅力。更不要说蒂尼德尔索菲娜这两个人还散发着一股异样的气势,光是被她们盯视着就好像感觉到一股强烈的威压,甚至有人猜测她们是不是哪国的公主。毕竟,一般的贵族子嗣可以拥有良好的教育与教养,但是那种高高在上的派头可不是与生俱来的。在平民面前呈威风和在一国之民面前完全是两种反应,土皇帝就是土皇帝。不可能飞上枝头变真龙的。 But the Tinidell look is especially fearful, even if somewhat lives in the top aristocrat, had been swept streaming with sweat by her one eyes, such seems like simply above the main hall, is under carefully examining of some ruler general. This lets these aristocrat secret careful , is that young lady really the royal family in which country? Must really be such words, a while must transmit orders, wants other following these bastard boy light to spark lustful thoughts, if provokes should not the person of provoking. That was finished. 蒂尼德尔的眼神尤其可怕,哪怕有些身居高位的贵族,被她一眼扫过都不由的汗流浃背,那样子简直就好像自己正在大殿之上,正在受到某个统治者的审视一般。这让那些贵族不由暗暗的上了心,难道那位小姐真的是哪个国家的王族?要真是这样的话,一会儿可得传令下去,要自己下面那些混蛋小子别光是见色起意,万一招惹到不该招惹的人。那就完蛋了。 Meanwhile, they also filled envy, jealousy, hate to Zhan En, so long as is not the blind people can look, these young girls are centered on Zhan En. So long as carefully looked that will discover. In this is not that aristocrat gets together the meeting of pure politeness, these young girls trust and rely on that young people obviously, this can with him in the same place. Actually are this young people who? Why can his side gather so many beautiful women? Moreover these are also not that disciple have the beauty woman. Although is not quite definite, but can look. These young girl each are not the affable goods! 与此同时,他们也对詹恩充满了羡慕嫉妒恨,只要不是瞎子都可以看出来,这些少女都是以詹恩为中心的。而且只要仔细看就会发现。这不是那种贵族聚会里单纯礼貌的聚会,这些少女对于那个年轻人显然都非常信任和依赖,这才会和他在一起。这个年轻人究竟是谁?为什么他身边能够聚集这么多的美女?而且这些还不是那种徒有姿色的女人。虽然还不太确定,但是可以看得出来。这些少女每一个都不是好惹的货色! Actually is this fellow who? 这家伙究竟是谁? Felt periphery the complex vision, Zhan En rotates at the same time started the black cane. At the same time showed a graceful happy expression. He knows certainly that what these fellows are thinking, but this is also good, otherwise, he spends gas range so many people to come to here vigorously, didn't waste? 感受到周围复杂的目光,詹恩一面转动了下手中的黑色手杖。一面露出了一丝优雅的笑意。他当然知道那些家伙在想什么,不过这样也好,不然的话,他花这么大力气带这么多人来这里,不是白费了吗? Compared to Zhan En, Elise at this moment actually puts on a long face. Although said that this Zhan En arrives at Glory city for her, but Elise very clear Zhan En wants to do, suddenly also presses strength mountain to be big. However most makes Elise depressed, walks at this moment in two girl & mda S h of she left and right ; Pattilina and Remilia. 相对于詹恩而言,此刻的伊丽丝却是哭丧着脸。虽然说这次詹恩来到辉煌之城是为了她,但是伊丽丝可是很清楚詹恩想要干什么,一时间也是不由的压力山大。不过最让伊丽丝郁闷的,就是此刻走在她左右两边的两个女孩—帕蒂莉娜蕾米莉亚 Mentioned also strangely, this was these two kid's first meeting, but why actually did not know, they have not exchanged all the way completely. Remilia has been suspending a being as deep as a well smile, smiles walking that did not speak in the Pattilina side. But jubilantly Pattilina gesticulates or Enoya chatted to Zhan En, but never looked at Remilia half, did not seem to see her to be the same. However was clamped among two people Elise is the clear feeling, since Pattilina and Remilia meet to start, among these two little fellows may not stop, was clamped in middle her is lives to might as well die simply. She has a mind to want from Zhan En to pray for rescue, but Zhan En seems to be disinclined to pay attention completely these troublesome, therefore now, only then made Elise clench teeth to conduct the shoulder. 说来也奇怪,这是这两个小家伙第一次见面,但是却不知道为什么,她们一路上完全没有交流。蕾米莉亚一直摆着一副高深莫测的笑容,笑而不语的走在帕蒂莉娜的身边。而帕蒂莉娜则是兴高采烈指手画脚的对詹恩又或者埃诺娅聊天,但是从来不看蕾米莉亚半眼,就好像从来没见过她这个人一样。不过被夹在两人之间的伊丽丝可是清楚的感受到,自从帕蒂莉娜蕾米莉亚见面开始,这两个小家伙之间可就没消停过,被夹在中间的她简直是生不如死。她有心想要向詹恩求救,不过詹恩似乎完全懒得理会这些麻烦,于是现在,也只有让伊丽丝自己咬牙扛着了。 Sir, you came finally. & R dquo ; “大人,您终于来了。” Saw Zhan En and others to go down the carriage, quick has a senior steward to welcome, this senior steward nicknamenightingale & R dquo ;, Is member of Stellar chamber of commerce in Glory city foothold, these also by the order of Younique, came to be responsible for greeting Zhan En and others time to enter the auction market, but he has not thought, Zhan En's enters the stage is so unexpectedly high-profile, this lets the senior steward is quite somewhat is really awkward. However was good because of the present time had arrived, therefore he was also quickly puts out a hand, respectful was giving a hand signal of invitation to Zhan En. 看见詹恩等人走下马车,很快就有一个老管家迎了过来,这个老管家外号“夜莺”,正是繁星商会辉煌之城据点的成员,这一次也是受优妮可的命令,前来负责迎接詹恩等人进入拍卖场,只是他没有想到,詹恩的出场居然这么高调,这让老管家实在是颇为有些为难。不过好在眼下时间已经到了,所以他也是急忙伸出手去,恭敬的对着詹恩做了一个邀请的手势。 Time had arrived, please come with me, I had prepared here theater box for you, but ............... & R dquo ; “时间已经到了,请和我来,我已经为您准备了这里的包厢,不过……………” What? & R dquo ; “不过什么?” Hears the senior steward's speech, Zhan En inquires in a soft voice, but facing his inquiry, senior steward hesitant, this says. 听到老管家的说话,詹恩轻声询问道,而面对他的询问,老管家犹豫了一下,这才开口说道。 The most higher theater box that „ you want we have not gotten so far as, only then the second-rate theater box ......... I have rented one, please relax, enough places the Sir as well as you, your ......... & R dquo ; “不过您要的最高等的包厢我们没有弄到,只有第二等的包厢………我已经租下了一间,请放心,足够安置大人以及您,您的………” Looked at Zhan En behind these young girls, the experienced nightingale does not know how should call, but Zhan En has not felt embarrassed him actually, but beckons with the hand. 看了一眼詹恩身后那些少女,就连见多识广的夜莺也不知道该如何称呼,不过詹恩倒是没有为难他,而是摆了摆手。 I knew, we go. & R dquo ; “我知道了,我们进去吧。” Spoke these words, Zhan En then took a step to enter in the auction market.( To be continued......) 说完这句话,詹恩便举步走进了拍卖场之中。(未完待续……)
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