DR :: Volume #6

#505: Night ceremony

Now I think that we can chat well........ & R dquo ; “现在我想我们可以好好谈谈了。…。…” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Night Goddess crooked tilting the head, then, big „? & R dquo ; The number appeared in front of Zhan En's like this. But sees that symbol, Zhan En to shrug the shoulders, then says. 听到詹恩的说话,夜之女神歪了歪头,接着,一个大大的“?”号就这样出现在了詹恩的面前。而看见那个符号,詹恩耸耸肩膀,接着开口说道。 In fact, I was this young lady made a transaction, she to the thing that I I wanted, therefore I will assist her to do this matter. Hopes do not make me feel embarrassed. To be honest, I do not think that this ceremony is to you important, as for the dispute between you and blood Queen, I have no interest in participating, to me, I only hope that can I want, is such simple. & R dquo ; “事实上,我是和这位小姐做了一个交易,她会给我我想要的东西,所以我才会协助她来做这件事。希望你不要让我为难。说实话,我不认为这个仪式对于你来说有多么重要,至于你和鲜血女王之间的纠纷,我也没有兴趣参与,对我来说,我只希望能够得到我想要得到的,就是这么简单。” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Night Goddess silent moment, then appears in front of Zhan En „? & R dquo ; Turned into......... & R dquo ; Then turns into one „ » & R dquo ; Aims trembling Elise that has stood, she after all is not Zhan En, is not Remilia, light/only resists the invincible might that Night Goddess arrives, made her do utmost sufficiently. 听到詹恩的回答,夜之女神沉默了片刻,接着浮现在詹恩面前的“?”变成了“………”然后变成一个“》”指向了一直站在旁边的战战兢兢的伊丽丝,她毕竟不是詹恩,也不是蕾米莉亚,光是抵挡夜之女神降临的神威,就足以让她竭尽全力了。 Regarding the expression of Night Goddess, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders, without speech. Night Goddess is a quiet goddess, this is also her divine nature symbol. The night is silent, silent, even if whispering of goddess, will only seem like the breeze that in the woods wanders. Zhan En has not had several social dealings with Night Goddess, as unusual gods, she usually rarely appears in the public occasions of Demon King and gods, but no one dares to despise this Night Goddess. Although said that on Klein Continent is nine Saints occupies the big end, but on this not representative continent the most powerful gods are they. This seems like the five big permanent members on Earth. They no doubt are the great power of this world, however other countries are not the good stubbles. Perhaps their national territory not big, perhaps their population are not many, perhaps their economic levels are not high, but these countries are also playing the pivotal role regarding the whole world. But on Klein Continent, these alien race gods is also so. Templar Order no doubt is ruling on Klein Continent most lands, but other gods are not the fools. For example Night Goddess such gods are so, she does not even need the follower, because she is at night, at night is she. Even if the life on this continent died, so long as remains at night, then she will exist forever. Hearsay Night Goddess is one of the primary time most ancient gods, although looks at her semblance completely not like. However Zhan En is not willing to make such gambling. 对于夜之女神的表示,詹恩只是耸耸肩膀,没有说话。夜之女神是一个沉默寡言的女神,这也是她的神性象征。夜晚是寂静,无声的,哪怕是女神的低语,也只会像是树林间游荡的微风。詹恩并没有和夜之女神打过几次交道,作为一个另类的神明,她平日很少出现在魔王和神明的公开场合,但是没有人胆敢小看这位夜之女神。虽然说克莱恩大陆上是九圣占大头,但是这并不代表大陆上最强大的神明就是他们。这就好像地球上的五大常任理事国。他们固然是这个世界的强大力量,但是其他的国家也不是善茬。或许他们的国土没有多大,或许他们人口数量不多,或许他们的经济水平不高,但是这些国家对于整个世界也起着举足轻重的作用。而在克莱恩大陆上,那些异族神明也是如此。圣堂教团固然统治着克莱恩大陆上大部分土地,但是其他神明也不是笨蛋。比如夜之女神这样的神明更是如此,她甚至根本不需要信徒,因为她就是黑夜,黑夜就是她。哪怕这片大陆上的生命都死光了,只要黑夜依然存在,那么她就会永远存在。传闻夜之女神算是原初时代最古老的神明之一,虽然看她的外表完全不像。不过詹恩可不愿意做这样的赌博。 In silent a moment later, Night Goddess retroceded one step, then, that symbol changed before again, turned intoi & R dquo ;. But sees this symbol. Zhan En frowns, then he shakes the head. 在沉默了片刻之后,夜之女神后退了一步,接着,之前那个符号再次改变,变成了“i”。而看见这个符号。詹恩皱了下眉头,接着他摇了摇头。 „ If and blood Queen related matter, did not need to look for me, I had no interest. & R dquo ; “如果是和鲜血女王有关的事情,就不用找我了,我没兴趣。” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Night Goddess was also silent the moment, then that symbol changes, fromi & R dquo ; Turned „ » & R dquo ;, Aimed poured in nearby Egret. But sees this, Zhan En to turn the head, looked at that unlucky Vampire Paladin. Egret at this moment is cut and bruised, beforehand Sun Flame exploded to Egret also caused the suitable damage, in addition following Night Goddess arrived at one of the gods to strike, was makes Egret be seriously injured. However the Vampire resiliency is really not a lid, at this moment she is biting the jaw, strenuous crawls from the ruins. Heard the conversation of Zhan En and Night Goddess, Egret has not said anything, she by nearby ruins, is panting for breath, simultaneously is gazing at the present two people who continuously. 听到詹恩的回答,夜之女神又沉默了片刻,接着那个符号又是一变,从“i”变成了“》”,指向了倒在旁边的白鹭。而看见这一幕,詹恩转过头去,望了一眼那个倒霉的吸血鬼圣骑士。此刻的白鹭已经是遍体鳞伤,之前的阳炎爆对白鹭自己也造成了相当的伤害,再加上接下来夜之女神降临时的神之一击,更是让白鹭身受重伤。不过吸血鬼的恢复力果然不是盖的,此刻她正咬住牙关,吃力的从废墟之中爬起来。听到詹恩夜之女神的交谈,白鹭并没有多说什么,她只是靠在旁边的废墟上,不住的喘息着,同时注视着眼前的两人。 I said. I have the transaction with this young ladies. & R dquo ; “我说了。我和这位小姐之间有交易。” Zhan En beckons with the hand. 詹恩摆了摆手。 If the goddess your majesty you can guarantee after you obtain her, the transaction can continue, then pours also indifferently, if you are unable to guarantee ............... & R dquo ; “如果女神陛下您能够保证在您得到她之后,交易可以继续进行的话,那么倒也无所谓,不过如果您无法保证的话……………” The Zhan En's words have not said. However the significance of implication, obviously is very clear. But hears here, Night Goddess silent moment, later, her present design changes again, turned into a young girl from the simple creed. Then this young girl changed into a straight line. The distant place of straight directional city. But sees this, Zhan En is the brow tight wrinkle. 詹恩的话没有说完。不过其中蕴含的意义,显然已经很明确了。而听到这里,夜之女神沉默了片刻,随后,她眼前的图案再次变化,从原本简单的信条变成了一个少女。接着这个少女又化为了一条直线。笔直的指向城市的远方。而看见这一幕,詹恩更是眉头紧皱。 „ Can you complete this ceremony? & R dquo ; “你要完成这个仪式?” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Night Goddess nods, then her both hands lift forward, then saw to crawl in that group dark shadow of goddess under foot on such float in the Night Goddess left hand side, but the virtual image of that young girl in right hand side. Then sees in the place of that group of shadows, Night Goddess hit in a big way x. But in position that the young girl virtual image is , is a question mark. 听到詹恩的询问,夜之女神点了点头,接着她双手向前一抬,紧接着便看见原本匍匐在女神脚下的那团黑暗阴影就这样悬浮在了夜之女神的左手侧,而那个少女的虚像则是在右手侧。接着便看见在那团黑影的地方,夜之女神打了个大大的x。而在少女虚像所在的位置,则是一个问号。 It seems like this was the Night Goddess final bottom line. Sees this, Zhan En somewhat is worried, he does not want easily to provoke a goddess. But he has not thought that this ceremony is so important regarding Night Goddess. This is not a ceremony that tries to please Night Goddess? Does don't tell me, what in this ceremony have him not to know the thing? What idea also or Night Goddess has, what needs to depend upon this time ceremony to make? Thinks of here, Zhan En has turned the head, looks to Egret of not far away. But detected that the Zhan En's vision, Egret smiles bitterly. She understands certainly the Zhan En's meaning, in fact, she invited Zhan En, to avoid clashing directly with Night Goddess. Now looks like, the choice of Egret is correct. If she, then Night Goddess at all impossible and she negotiated. Although Egret strength almost demigod, but she after all is not Quasi-God. But as one of the gods, Night Goddess naturally cannot care her such every thing. If she goes forward to negotiate, perhaps then only has the dead end. But now, said no matter how, also had/left several choices finally somewhat. Thinks of here, Egret smiles bitterly, then answered. 看来这是夜之女神的最后底线了。看见这一幕,詹恩不由有些苦恼,他也不想轻易惹恼一个女神。可是他也没有想到这个仪式对于夜之女神来说如此重要。这不是一个取悦夜之女神的仪式吗?难道说,这个仪式里还有什么他不知道东西?又或者夜之女神有什么想法,需要依靠这次的仪式做些什么?想到这里,詹恩不由的转过头去,望向不远处的白鹭。而察觉到詹恩的目光,白鹭苦笑一声。她当然明白詹恩的意思,事实上,她之所以邀请詹恩,就是为了避免和夜之女神直接发生冲突。现在看来,白鹭的选择是正确的。如果是她的话,那么夜之女神根本不可能和她交涉。虽然白鹭的力量几近半神,可她毕竟不是准神。而作为神明之一,夜之女神自然不会把她这样的凡物放在心上。如果是她上前交涉的话,那么恐怕就只有死路一条。而现在,不管怎么说,总算多多少少还算是多出了几个选择。想到这里,白鹭苦笑一声,接着做出了回答。 I only want to eliminate that evil monster, the feudal lord Sir. & R dquo ; “我只想要消灭那个邪恶的怪物,领主大人。” Good, since oneself said ......... he does not have the objection. 好吧,既然本人都这么说了………那么他也没有异议。 Thinks of here, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders, then turns the head to look to Night Goddess. 想到这里,詹恩耸耸肩膀,然后转过头来望向夜之女神 Good, transaction establishment. & R dquo ; “好吧,交易成立。” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Night Goddess satisfied nod, then she raises the left hand, sees only along with the goddess movement, the dark shadow that group rolls up exuded a series of sharp, pitiful squeals immediately, next moment that dark shadow looked like the soap bubble like this & R dquo ; Thorough shatter, the time of but blinking is missing. Afterward the goddess right hand forwards, aims at Zhan En. Then sees the virtual image of that young girl to change into flash shooting fast to the Zhan En's foot near like this. Until this time, Night Goddess the chuckle, this as if drop of ink melted later in the ink dissipates under the dark curtain of night, but the moment time is missing. 听到詹恩的回答,夜之女神满意的点了点头,接着她举起左手,只见伴随着女神的动作,那团蜷缩的黑暗阴影顿时发出了一连串尖锐,凄惨的尖叫声,下一刻那个黑暗的影子就这样像肥皂泡般“噗”的一下彻底破碎,只是眨眼的功夫就不见了踪影。随后女神右手向前,指向詹恩。接着便看见那个少女的虚像就这样化为一道闪光飞快的射到詹恩的脚边。直到这个时候,夜之女神才轻笑了一声,随后她就这样仿佛一滴墨汁融化在墨水之中般消逝在黑暗的夜幕之下,只是片刻功夫就不见了踪影。 The entire garden is a silence, Zhan En lowers the head to look as before. Sees before his foot, a blackness, the seemingly common dagger inserts in the ground like this. But in side of dagger, is placing a worn-out flagstone. Sees this flagstone. Zhan En stares slightly, later he raises the right hand, along with the Zhan En's movement, that flagstone flew in his hand immediately. 整个庭院依旧是一片寂静,詹恩低头望去。就看见在他的脚边,一把漆黑,看起来不起眼的匕首就这样插在地面上。而在匕首的旁边,摆放着一块破旧的石板。看见这块石板。詹恩微微一愣,随后他举起右手,伴随着詹恩的动作,那块石板顿时飞到了他的手中。 This is ......... & R dquo ; “这是………” Looks at the present flagstone, the Zhan En complexion changes. He knows certainly that this flagstone is anything. In fact, in the western wilderness, he had obtained a same thing. At that time Zhan En cannot analyze the secret about flagstone, but now, the same thing appears in his front once again. 看着眼前的石板,詹恩面色微变。他当然知道这块石板是什么。事实上,在西部荒野,他就曾经得到过一块相同的东西。当时詹恩并没有能够解析关于石板的秘密,而现在,相同的东西又一次出现在了他的面前。 Destiny Slate, moreover is second. 命运石板,而且是第二块。 Sees this flagstone, the Zhan En's complexion became dignified, Night Goddess will give him this thing obviously is intentionally for it, how she knows did oneself want Destiny Slate? don't tell me, she knows that she is doing? But Zhan En. Does not know that this Destiny Slate is useful & mda S h ; At least before Dungeon magic power makes up, he does not have the means determines the Destiny Slate true use through the appraisal and distinction, why Night Goddess will give him this flagstone? 看到这块石板,詹恩的面色不由变得凝重了许多,夜之女神会把这东西给他明显是故意为之,她怎么知道自己想要命运石板难道说,她知道自己在干什么?可是就连詹恩自己。都不知道这命运石板有什么用—至少在地下城魔力补足之前,他是没有办法通过鉴定和鉴别来确定命运石板的真正用途的,那么夜之女神为什么会把这块石板给他呢? However what pitifully is, Night Goddess had walked, now Zhan En wants to ask that could not find the person. Even if Night Goddess has not died, he is still unlikely to ask anything from that three not uncommunicative death loli mouths. However said no matter how, since the opposite party is willing to give him this gadget, then Zhan En nature on accepting unrestrained/no trace of politeness. No matter how said, this was also the antiquity divine object, such thing. Naturally is the more the better. 不过可惜的是,夜之女神都已经走了,现在詹恩想要问也找不到人。而且就算夜之女神没死,他也不太可能从那个三无寡言的死萝莉嘴里问出什么。但是不管怎么说,既然对方愿意把这玩意儿给他,那么詹恩自然就毫不客气的收下。不管怎么说,这也是上古神物,这样的东西。自然是多多益善。 Or were the louse many were not itchy? 或者说虱子多了不痒? Thinks of here, Zhan En receives the flagstone, then takes up that dagger conveniently. 想到这里,詹恩收起石板,接着顺手拿起那把匕首。 It seems like that then should be handles matters. 看来,接下来该是自己办事的时候了。 In city at this moment is also in chaos. 此刻的城市里也是一片混乱。 The Remilia red lively district almost bang collapsed half Temple. But the most block centered on Temple also received involvement. Now but actually no one cares about these minor matters, merchant these ordinary residents tighten the door, terrified is looking steadily at outside by the slit of window. For fear that has anything to trouble to come again, however after that all fell into the deathly stillness of difference, without the least bit sound appears. However quick. A series of footsteps sounds, broke the night dreariness, is lifting up high garrison soldier of flare fully-armed charged into the church, surrounded there again. When they brace oneself, when crashes in the church interior, the surprised discovery, there nobody left, anything does not have. 蕾米莉亚的红色不夜城几乎轰塌了半个神殿。而以神殿为中心的大半个街区也受到了牵连。可是现在却没有人关心这些小事,无论是商人还是那些普通的市民都是紧锁房门,惊恐不安的透过窗户的缝隙盯视着外面。生怕再出点儿什么麻烦来,但是在那之后,一切都陷入了异样的死寂,没有半点儿声音出现。不过很快。一连串的脚步声响起,打破了夜晚的沉寂,高举着火把的警备队士兵们全副武装的冲向了教会,将那里再次包围了起来。而当他们硬着头皮,冲进教会内部时,却惊讶的发现,那里空无一人,什么都没有。 Actually outside what happened? & R dquo ; “外面究竟发生了什么事?” Stands near the window, is looking at the distant place dark sketch, muttering that the young girl is somewhat worried about. She grips tightly the double fist, becomes also anxious and nervous. These days has the homicide young girls in city also heard, even also includes her friend in the fall guy. This makes the young girl tense, her father, is sends large numbers of troops to protect itself. But despite that in in the depths of ones heart of young girl, still unclear premonitions, moreover gets stronger and stronger, as if then, has what not good matter to happen probably to be the same immediately. 站在窗边,望着远处黑暗的剪影,少女不由有些担心的喃喃自语道。她紧握双拳,心情也变得焦急而紧张。这段时间发生在城市里的凶杀案少女也有所耳闻,甚至在牺牲者里还包括她的朋友。这让少女紧张无比,就连她的父亲,也是派遣大批人马保护着自己。但是即便如此,在少女的内心深处,依然有一种不详的预感,而且愈演愈烈,仿佛接下来,好像有什么不好的事情马上就要发生一样。 Hello, beautiful young lady. & R dquo ; “您好,美丽的小姐。” But at this time, suddenly, a graceful sound resounded from the ear of young girl, she has turned the head surprisedly, saw only heaves in sight, was a dashing man face, but this man, she has not seen, does not know that who he was. Sees this stranger, present young girl immediately surprised opening mouth. 而就在这个时候,忽然,一个优雅的声音从少女的耳边响起,她惊讶的转过头去,只见映入眼帘的,是一张英俊潇洒的男人面孔,但是这个男人,她从来没有见过,也不知道他是谁。看见这个陌生人,眼前的少女顿时惊讶的张开嘴巴。 You are ............! & R dquo ; “你是…………!” However, her words have not said, Zhan En then lowers the head, stopped up at present the mouth of young girl. His tongue clever skid the jaw of young girl, was beating her fragrant tongue, stopped up the squeal of young girl in the mouth. But the feeling the Zhan En's kiss, the young girl wants to make an effort to struggle from the beginning, however in a moment later, her eyes then starts gradually becomes dim confused. At this time, suddenly, the tender body of young girl trembled suddenly, her complexion became a pallidness, two hands stubbornly grabbed the Zhan En's collar, that beautiful big eye opened the eyes to look on such circle to Zhan En, seems pouring out her question and puzzled. 但是,她的话还没有说完,詹恩便低下头去,堵住了眼前少女的嘴巴。他的舌头灵巧的撬动开了少女的牙关,跳动着她的香舌,将少女的尖叫声堵在了嘴中。而感受到詹恩的亲吻,少女一开始想要用力挣扎,但是在片刻之后,她的双眼便开始渐渐变得朦胧迷茫。紧接着就在这个时候,忽然,少女的娇躯猛然一颤,她的脸色变得一片煞白,两只手死死的抓着詹恩的衣领,那双美丽的大眼睛就这样圆睁着望向詹恩,仿佛在倾诉她的疑问与不解。 However Zhan En at this moment has let loose the present beautiful woman, whatever she such numerous lying down on bed, young girl at this moment before is no different, only difference in the chest that her stands tall and erect, pricked one jet black like the night dagger. 不过此刻的詹恩已经放开了眼前的美人儿,任凭她就这样重重的躺倒在床上,此刻的少女与之前没有任何不同,唯一的区别的就是在她那高耸的胸口,刺入了一把漆黑如夜般的匕首。 ............... & R dquo ; “呼……………” Put out the handkerchief, Zhan En scratched the corners of the mouth, then probably savored the good good wine to stretch out the tongue to lick licking, later, he is showing a faint smile to the present corpse. 拿出手帕,詹恩擦了擦嘴角,接着像是品味到了上好的美酒般伸出舌头舔了舔,随后,他对着眼前的尸体微微一笑。 Many thanks receives cordially, then I said goodbye. & R dquo ; “多谢款待,那么我就此告辞。” The brilliance of candle vanishes thoroughly, covered this warm space dark again. 蜡烛的光辉彻底消失,黑暗再次笼罩了这片温暖的空间。 But the master in this room, is actually not able to wake up again.( To be continued.) 而这个房间的主人,却再也无法醒来了。(未完待续。)
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