DR :: Volume #4

#342: Under the blue dome of heaven permits intent

Regarding departure of Tinidell, Zhan En has not placed specially at heart. Although he indeed had had relations with the opposite party, but that was also very long beforehand matter. Now Tinidell works for in Klein, with is the enemy non- friend, in this case, Zhan En is not willing to provoke other troubles again. Especially considered that own time bomb from the bottom, Zhan En has not been willing to provoke these is troublesome. 对于蒂尼德尔的离开,詹恩倒并没有特别放在心里。虽然他的确和对方曾经有过一段关系,但是那也是很久之前的事情了。现在蒂尼德尔克莱因手下效力,和自己是敌非友,在这种情况下,詹恩可不愿意再招惹其他的麻烦。特别是考虑到自己脚下还有一颗正在倒数的定时炸弹,詹恩就更不愿意招惹这些麻烦了。 Regarding the talk between Zhan En and Tinidell, Aina and Tillis have no response actually. Because both sides are rather than the commonly used language conduct the exchange in the Abyss language at that time, two people want to listen unable to understand, but at least they saw Zhan En in a few words expelling that fearful young girl, was only this lets Aina and Tillis worships proficiently a little sufficiently to Zhan En. Especially Tillis, at this moment she regarding turning to the Zhan En's idea has moved more and more. But despite that in Tillis in the depths of ones heart, last worried. 对于詹恩蒂尼德尔之间的谈话,艾娜蒂莉丝倒是没有什么反应。因为在那个时候双方是用深渊语而非通用语进行交流的,两人想听也听不懂,不过至少她们看见詹恩三言两语就把那个可怕的少女给赶跑了,光是这一点儿就足以让艾娜蒂莉丝詹恩崇拜到家。特别是蒂莉丝,此刻她对于投靠詹恩的想法已经是越来越动心了。但是即便如此,在蒂莉丝内心深处,还有最后一丝担忧。 That is, at her strength, really can have the qualifications is the Zhan En potency? 那就是,以她的力量,真的能够有资格为詹恩效力吗? Tillis is not not clear this, although she is very good, but does not look like Tinidell that pure fool, makes Adventurer for a long time, Tillis has seen many things. Also knows like her some beauty young girls, even if anything not, can turn to these aristocrats. So long as is willing to devote, then has greatly the aristocrat wants ** they. In fact before then, Tillis has also met on the way of quest more than once to the aristocrat who oneself woo, they or settled on themselves as the Clergymen abilities, or settled on own beauty. This matter is not rare regarding Tillis. But she also had the asylum of goddess at that time. And adventure group companion, therefore has not naturally cared regarding this wooing. However now, she does not have the Saint strength, in addition oneself cannot other things. As the matter stands, if she must turn to the Zhan En's words, then only means only then like these women, by betraying the beauty is to live. However ......... this is really Tillis wants? 蒂莉丝并非不清楚这一点儿,虽然她是很善良,但是可不是像蒂尼德尔那种单纯的傻瓜,做冒险者这么长时间,蒂莉丝见过不少事情。也知道像她这样有些姿色的少女,哪怕什么都不会,也可以去投靠那些贵族。只要愿意献身,那么就有大把的贵族愿意**她们。事实上在这之前,蒂莉丝也不止一次在任务途中遇到过向自己求爱的贵族,他们或者是看中了自己身为神官的能力,或者是看中了自己的姿色。这种事情对于蒂莉丝来说并不罕见。只不过那个时候她还有女神的庇护。以及冒险团的同伴,所以对于这种求爱自然也没怎么放在心上。但是现在,她已经没有了圣力,除此之外自己也不会其他的事情。这样一来,如果她要投靠詹恩的话,那么唯一的办法就只有像那些女人一样,靠出卖姿色为生。但是………这真的是蒂莉丝想要的吗? Why don't I have the strength? 为什么我没有力量呢? Is looking at present the Zhan En's back. Tillis gets hold of the double fist, bites the lip. She does not hope oneself make one to eat without paying, can only by the person **, by the person who own youth beautiful appearance earns a living. However in addition, Tillis really does not know oneself can also make anything, she compares only then Saint technique this point that other Adventurer stronger only, if in addition Tillis also has what advantage, is her cultural level is quite high. Basically is the years of would-be illiterate person in this grass-root people, Clergymen naturally has no alternative but to be literate as the occupation of professor and read books scripture. Moreover Tillis will also add and subtract the operation simply. However this level is not worth mentioning & mda S h in the aristocrat eyes ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Naturally, can perhaps oneself be a law clerk? Is the maid? 望着眼前詹恩的背影。蒂莉丝握紧双拳,咬住嘴唇。她不希望自己做一个吃白食的,只能够被人**,靠自己的青春美貌来过活的人。但是除此之外,蒂莉丝真的不知道自己还能够做什么,她比其他的冒险者唯一要强的就只有圣术这一点,除此之外如果说蒂莉丝还有什么优势的话,那么就是她的文化水平比较高。在这个底层民众基本上属于准文盲的时代,神官作为教授和读取书籍圣典的职业自然是不能不识字的。而且蒂莉丝也会简单的加减运算。但是这种水准在贵族眼里不值一提———当然,或许自己能够做一个书记官?或者是女仆? Thinks of here, Tillis is blushing to raise the head, looked at Zhan En quietly. To be honest, she even somewhat envies Aina, because Aina can transform own idea quickly. Manages Zhan En to call the master regarding her. Tillis is only the feeling is somewhat surprised, but therefore has not actually looked down upon the meaning of Aina. The matter that because Adventurer will be incorporated by the aristocrat is not rare, in risky process, „ Fairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; The members of squad have , because does well, or rescued the life of some aristocrat to have a liking for by the opposite party, person who was received as the aristocrat retainer. Regarding this everyone besides blessing, only then envies, because deeply loves the risky person besides few truly, others take this path to live, but similarly lives, is an aristocrat works. Obtains the attractive dignified status and steady stable life, the ratio climbs mountains and crosses rivers in remote mountains and ancient forests, digs a hole like the grave robber everywhere, then dies in many that the unknown corner stronger. 想到这里,蒂莉丝微红着脸抬起头来,悄悄望了一眼詹恩。说实话,她甚至有些羡慕艾娜,因为艾娜能够这么快转换自己的想法。对于她管詹恩叫主人。蒂莉丝只是感觉有些惊讶,但是却并没有因此而看不起艾娜的意思。因为冒险者会被贵族收编的事情不少见,以前在冒险过程之中,“妖精与宝箱”小队的团员也不是没有因为表现出色,或者救了某个贵族的命而被对方看上,接着被收为贵族家臣的人。对此大家除了祝福之外只有羡慕,因为除了很少一部分真正热爱冒险的人之外,其他人之所以走上这条道路都是为了生活,而同样都是生活,为一名贵族工作。获得光鲜体面的身份和平稳安定的生活,怎么也比跋涉在深山老林里,像个盗墓贼一样到处挖洞,然后死在不为人知的角落要强的多。 Actually Tillis has to think makes Aina replace whereabouts Zhan En to convey a message, she is introverted after all, is not open like Aina vividly is good at the human relations, somewhat also some young girl unique acting with constraint in this issue. However finally Tillis has not done this, because she thought that this type related to the important matter of oneself destiny, wants to make the decision to be good finally personally, rather than commissions in others. 其实蒂莉丝不是没有想过让艾娜代替自己去向詹恩传话,她毕竟性格内向,不像艾娜那么开朗活泼善于交际,在这种问题上多多少少还有一些少女特有的矜持。不过最终蒂莉丝还是没有这样做,因为她觉得这种事关自己命运的大事,最终还是要自己亲自做出决定才行,而不是假手于他人。 Although in the Tillis heart intertwines, however the step of under foot is not slow. Even but if this, in following Zhan En and Aina goes forward on the way, Tillis is still panting. Although said takes Adventurer, the life of climbing mountains and crossing rivers will make the Tillis physical quality only chant the pray Clergymen to be much better in the temple compared with these. But the issue is Zhan En and Aina is not an average person, among them one is higher demon, another is the transformation is Charming Monster half-elf, in body attribute by far strong pure human attribute Tillis, therefore they walked such a long time is not tired. But Tillis is actually the support continuously, in addition City of Lost originally big, was only goes out of the aristocrat area to let Tillis tired gasping for breath. 虽然蒂莉丝心中纠结,但是脚下的步子却不慢。可就算是这样,在跟随詹恩艾娜前进的途中,蒂莉丝也是不由的气喘吁吁。虽然说作为冒险者,跋山涉水的生活让蒂莉丝的身体素质比起那些只会在圣殿里咏唱祈祷的神官要好很多。可问题是詹恩艾娜都不是普通人,他们当中一个是高等魔族,另外一个则是转化为魅妖半精灵,在身体属性上都远远强过纯粹人类属性的蒂莉丝,因此他们走了这么长时间倒不觉得累。可是蒂莉丝却已经是支持不住了,再加上失落之城原本就大,光是走出贵族区就已经让蒂莉丝累的喘不过气了。 Rests slightly. & R dquo ; “稍微休息一下吧。” Looks at the Tillis pale face, Zhan En also hesitant one made the decision, but hears Zhan En's to speak, Tillis that could not have supported also sits immediately falls to the ground, gasping for breath of big mouth. 看着蒂莉丝苍白的面孔,詹恩也只是犹豫了一下就做出了决定,而听到詹恩的说话,早就支持不住的蒂莉丝也是立刻一屁股坐倒在地,大口的喘起气来。 „ Are you all right? Tillis? & R dquo ; “你没事吧?蒂莉丝?” Sees the Tillis appearance, Aina also to run over immediately, then handed over canteen in the hand. 看见蒂莉丝的样子,艾娜也是立刻跑了过来,接着将自己手中的水壶递了过去。 Come, drinks a water. & R dquo ; “来,喝点儿水吧。” Thank you, Aina ......... & R dquo ; “谢谢你,艾娜………” Received the canteen in Aina hand, Tillis is the complexion is also red, she lowers the head, does not dare to look at Zhan En and Aina again. She also knows oneself were really useless, now everyone is seizing every second and minute, but oneself actually held back here, if oneself can again diligently ......... 接过艾娜手中的水壶,蒂莉丝也是面色通红,她低下头去,不敢再看詹恩艾娜一眼。她也知道自己实在是太没用了,现在大家正在分秒必争的时候,但是自己却在这里拖后腿,如果自己能够再努力一些的话……… Thinks of here, Tillis closes the eye, in the drinking water pot of the cool spring water, then makes an effort to shake the head. 想到这里,蒂莉丝闭上眼睛,喝了一口水壶中清凉的泉水,接着用力摇了摇头。 , Oneself should not think, what ......... can also make? 不不不,自己不应该这么想,可是………自己还能够做什么呢? But at this time, suddenly, an elusive sound resounded in the Tillis ear. 而就在这个时候,忽然,一个空灵的声音在蒂莉丝耳边响起。 You want the strength, my child ............... & R dquo ; “你想要力量吗,我的孩子……………” Yeah? & R dquo ; “哎?” Hears this sound, Tillis surprised raising the head. Stares the big eye to look toward all around. But what stems from her to be unexpected is. Although at this moment before her, is still that stretch of ruins of aristocrat area. However shows the scene in Tillis eye is completely different, in the eye of Tillis, lines of the deep blue light spreads across is launching in the sky, some probably law is the same, but looking into the distance, the edge of present wreckage ruins is glittering weak bright & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Seemed like the completely different world to superimpose in this moment in one. Formed one type quite to have the stereoscopic effect, but somewhat strange shape. 听到这个声音,蒂莉丝惊讶的抬起头。瞪大眼睛向着四周望去。但出乎她意料之外的是。虽然此刻在她面前的,依然是贵族区的那片废墟。但是展现在蒂莉丝眼中的场景却完全不同,在蒂莉丝的眼中,一道道湛蓝色的光之线纵横交错着在天空上展开,像是某种法阵一样,而放眼望去,眼前的残骸废墟的边缘都闪烁着微弱的亮光———就好像是完全不同的世界在这一刻叠加在了一起。形成了一种颇具有立体感,但是又有些诡异的形态。 Stood in her front Zhan En and Aina has been missing, displaces, is a blue person's shadow stands on the street in not far away, from that graceful physique, the opposite party seems like a female. Sees only she such peaceful standing there, is gazing at itself. But in her behind, is a big black tower. 原本站在她面前的詹恩艾娜已经不见了踪影,取而代之的,则是一个蓝色的人影站在不远处的街道上,从那婀娜多姿的身姿来看,对方似乎是一位女性。只见她就这样安静的站在那里,注视着自己。而在她的身后,则是一座高大的黑塔。 Who is that? Where is this? Mr. Zhan En? Aina? 那是谁?这是什么地方?詹恩先生呢?艾娜呢? Looks that whole body is sending out the blue brilliance person's shadow, Tillis panic-stricken looks around toward all around. She opens mouth, tries to summon two people names, but actually cannot make any sound. 看着那个全身上下散发着蓝色光辉的人影,蒂莉丝惊恐的向着四周张望。她张开嘴,试图呼唤两人的名字,但是却发不出任何声音。 But at this time, that sound resounded in the ear of Tillis again. 而就在这个时候,那个声音再次在蒂莉丝的耳边响起。 Come, my child, to my side. I will give all that you strength ......... helps you obtain you to want ......... & R dquo ; “来,我的孩子,到我的身边来。我会给予你力量………让你获得你想要的一切………” Strength .........? & R dquo ; “力量………?” Hears this word. Raising the head that Tillis standing up, she muttered, looks to at present that blue person's shadow. The strength, oneself need is not just the strength? 听到这个词。蒂莉丝不由的站起身来,她喃喃自语的抬起头,望向眼前那个蓝色的人影。力量,自己需要的不正是力量吗? Right, so long as follows my footsteps, you can have powerful, strength of having one's wish. You can be in control of your destiny, roams through above the horizon, no one can fetter you ......... & R dquo ; “没错,只要追随我的脚步,你就能够拥有强大的,随心所欲的力量。你可以主宰自己的命运,遨游于天际之上,没有任何人能够束缚你………” At the same time saying, that blue form arrived at the Tillis front on this gradually. She puts out a hand, placed on the Tillis forehead. 一面说着,那个蓝色的身影就这样缓步走到了蒂莉丝的面前。她伸出手去,放在了蒂莉丝的额头上。 Come, my child, you do not need for this reason worriedly, in your body is flowing the noble bloodlines, you will be destined to become a great character. Starting today, you do not need to follow again in anybody's side ......... & R dquo ; “来吧,我的孩子,你不需要为此苦恼,你的身体里流淌着高贵的血脉,你命中注定将成为一位伟大的人物。从今天开始,你不需要再跟随在任何人的身边………” Doesn't need to follow in anybody's side? 不需要跟随在任何人的身边? Hears opposite party's speech, Tillis blinks, she can be in control of oneself destiny, why wants to do? Why is oneself? Why can be she? 听到对方的说话,蒂莉丝眨了眨眼睛,她可以主宰自己的命运,想干什么就干什么?为什么是自己呢?为什么会是她? But at this time, suddenly, a thought sudden appears from the brain of Tillis. 而就在这个时候,忽然,一个念头突如其来的从蒂莉丝的脑中浮现。 If she can be in control of the destiny freely, then she can also follow in the side of Mr. Zhan En? 如果她可以自由主宰自己命运的话,那么她还能够追随在詹恩先生的身边吗? In this thought has transferred the flash, suddenly, sees only bright red rune/symbol writing to reappear like this from the Tillis foreheads, sent out dazzling luminous. But sees this rune/symbol writing, that blue person's shadow screamed suddenly. 就在这个念头转过的一瞬间,忽然,只见一个鲜红的符文就这样从蒂莉丝的额头中间浮现出来,散发出了耀眼的光亮。而看见这道符文,那个蓝色的人影却是猛然尖叫了起来。 demon seal......!! How you can ............!! & R dquo ; 魔族刻印……!!你怎么会…………!!” In a flash, Tillis felt that the present all had the tremendous changes again, all in her eye in this moment rapid circulation, the distortion, rapid disappearance including that blue woman are missing, then Tillis only feel at present one black, when she raised the head again, discovered before oneself, all that sees disappearance has been missing completely, displaces, is again also the normal ruins and remnant of destroyed building & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; And is standing before her is gazing at Zhan En and Aina of young girl. 只是一瞬间,蒂莉丝感觉到眼前的一切再次产生了翻天覆地的变化,她眼中的一切在这一刻飞速的流转,扭曲,包括那个蓝色的女人在内迅速消失不见了踪影,接着蒂莉丝只感觉眼前一黑,当她再次抬起头来时,发现自己之前所看见的一切已经完全消失不见了踪影,取而代之的,则是再也正常不过的废墟与断壁残垣———以及正站在她面前注视着少女的詹恩艾娜 You? Tillis? Stood to lose the soul to be the same a moment ago suddenly probably. & R dquo ; “你怎么了?蒂莉丝?刚才忽然站起来像是失了魂一样呢。” I ......... & R dquo ; “我………” Hears the inquiry of Aina, Tillis blinks, this recovers suddenly. 听到艾娜的询问,蒂莉丝眨了眨眼睛,这才猛然回过神来。 Right, Mr. Zhan En, Aina, I saw some strange things a moment ago probably ......... & R dquo ; “对了,詹恩先生,艾娜,我刚才好像看见了一些奇怪的东西………” Strange thing? & R dquo ; “奇怪的东西?” Hears the inquiry of Aina, Tillis nods. She thought she should not say this incredible matter, however after hearing the inquiry of Aina, Tillis in the depths of ones heart appears one type to speak out suddenly **, therefore she says quickly. 听到艾娜的询问,蒂莉丝点了点头。原本她觉得自己不应该把这件荒诞的事情说出来的,但是在听到艾娜的询问之后,蒂莉丝内心深处忽然浮现出一种不吐不快的**,于是她很快就开口说道。 Right, a woman ......... also tall tower, she told me to go to that tall tower to obtain the strength ......... & R dquo ; “没错,一个女人………还有一座高塔,她告诉我去那座高塔就能够获得力量………” Is saying, Tillis looks up in the beforehand direction, later she stares slightly. 一面说着,蒂莉丝一面抬起头向着之前的方向望去,随后她微微一愣。 Sees only in the Tillis front, jet black tall Tazheng towers there, Sharp Edge that as if shoots up to the sky. 只见在蒂莉丝的面前,一座漆黑的高塔正耸立在那里,仿佛冲天而起的利刃 don't tell me, that is not a dream, but? 难道说,那并不是梦,而是真的?
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