DR :: Volume #4

#341: Black recalling

Zhan En!! I know that is you!!! & R dquo ; 詹恩!!我就知道是你!!!” With this breathless sound, all around dust disperses immediately, later a jet black sickle this suddenly appears, chops to cut toward Zhan En under. 伴随着这个气急败坏的声音,四周的尘土顿时散开,随后一把漆黑的镰刀就这样突然出现,向着詹恩劈砍而下。 „, Really comes across the troublesome matter. & R dquo ; “切,真是遇到麻烦的事情啊。” Hears this sound, the Zhan En's complexion also slightly changes, but next moment he stretches out empty grasps forward, quick, a long sword that is lending the ice-cold aura emerges out of thin air like this, then Zhan En wields forward, Sea Blue Light in hand erupted dazzling luminous immediately, hit in the dark great sickle together, along withclang & R dquo ; The hit sound, two people all drew back backward several steps, this again anchorage figure. 听到这个声音,詹恩的面色也是微微一变,不过下一刻他就伸出向前虚握,很快,一把散发着冰冷气息的长剑就这样凭空出现,接着詹恩向前一挥,手中的海蓝之光顿时爆发出了耀眼的光亮,与黑暗巨镰撞击在一起,伴随着“铛”的撞击声响,两人皆是向后退了几步,这才重新定住了身形。 Until this time, Zhan En then has the time to take a look at the present enemy. In fact, he had only listened to opposite party Tinidell from the sound a moment ago, can cover to run Zhan En from the Antiquity demonic entity aura under regarding this Your Highness Princess not to feel strange, even so, after seeing her present situation, Zhan En is somewhat surprised. Clearly, this Dark fairies Your Highness Princess this has not come across what good deed all the way obviously, although does not know how she escapes, but light/only from her appearance can see that this Your Highness Princess is at this moment distressed. Wraps her black cape everywhere is being tattered large cave/hole, revealed inside the snow white flesh. But she also looks pale at this moment, continuously is panting for breath. Only is can see evidently, present Tinidell may be far from the beforehand that powerful, her these Undead are also missing now, does not know that unravelled other what reason in the fight of former and Antiquity demonic entity. 直到这个时候,詹恩这才有时间去打量眼前的敌人。事实上,他刚才光是从声音就已经听出对方正是蒂尼德尔,对于这位公主殿下能够从上古邪物的气息笼罩下跑出来詹恩并不感觉有多么奇怪,但即便如此,在看见她眼下的情况之后,詹恩还是不由的有些吃惊。很明显,这位暗妖精公主殿下这一路上显然没有遇到过什么好事,虽然不知道她是怎么逃出来的,但是光从她的样子就可以看出这位公主殿下此刻非常狼狈。包裹着她的黑色斗篷到处都是破烂的大洞,露出了内里雪白的肌肤。而她本身此刻也是面色苍白,不住的喘息着。光是看样子就可以看出,现在的蒂尼德尔可远没有之前那么强力,就连她身边那些死灵现在也不见了踪影,不知道是在之前与上古邪物的战斗中灰飞烟灭了还是别的什么原因。 However no matter what. As the matter stands before Tinidell at least did not have, that overwhelming strength. But Zhan En also detected this little, if before were not, this Your Highness Princess consumed too many strengths, and her the power gap between oneself, had not been wasted is lucky. 但是不管怎么样。这样一来蒂尼德尔至少没有了之前那种压倒性的实力。而詹恩也察觉到了这一点儿,如果不是之前这位公主殿下消耗了太多力量的,以自己和她之间的实力差距,没有被打飞已经算是万幸了。 However now ......... ............... 不过现在嘛………嘿嘿嘿…………… I have never thought that you can discover me unexpectedly. & R dquo ; “真没想到,你居然能够发现我呢。” Before on felt indistinctly in the underground cavity your stink, at that time also thinks is just the misconception, by me is held in that the transmission fluctuated instantaneously! Your this damn bastard!! & R dquo ; “之前在地下空洞就隐隐约约感觉到你的臭味,当时还以为只不过是错觉,不过在传送波动的那瞬间还是被我抓住了!你这个该死的混蛋!!” At the same time saying. Tinidell at the same time angry brandishes the sickle, sees only in her hands, then brings the wind sound/rumor to howl to fling the giant sickle like this, later aimed at Zhan En straightly. 一面说着。蒂尼德尔一面愤怒的挥舞起镰刀,只见在她的手中,那把巨大的镰刀就这样带着风声呼啸甩过,随后笔直的指向了詹恩 Therefore you did pursue me to come to here? & R dquo ; “所以你就追我到这里来了?” Hears angry roaring of Tinidell, Zhan En is quite actually surprised. He knows certainly that Dark elf is quite sensitive when dark magic power fluctuation induction, but never expected that Tinidell can hold oneself transmit the fluctuation of that flash to follow unexpectedly to come here. Must know that is the random transmission, which passing to is not strange, does Tinidell have such strong magic induction ability? Isn't she mage? 听到蒂尼德尔的怒吼,詹恩倒是颇为惊讶。他当然知道暗精灵在黑暗魔力的波动感应方面相当敏感,但是没想到蒂尼德尔居然能够抓住自己传送时那一瞬间的波动跟到这里。要知道那可是随机传送啊,传到哪儿都不奇怪,蒂尼德尔有这么强的魔法感应能力?她可不是法师啊? But hears Zhan En's to inquire, the Tinidell movement stopped slightly. Then cold snort/hum. 而听到詹恩的询问,蒂尼德尔的动作略微停了一下。这才冷哼一声。 Of course not, you think that can make me give up the gate of Death shadow fragment depending on you? I just meet by chance your, this explained that among us the destiny is unable to evade, now you best to surrender hands tied, as the matter stands I when will hack to death you also to make you be short am selected the crime! & R dquo ; “当然不是,你以为光凭你就能够让我放弃死亡阴影之门的残片?我只不过是碰巧遇到你的,这说明我们之间的命运是无法逃避的,现在你最好束手投降,这样一来我在砍死你的时候还会让你少受点儿罪!” ............ Really. …………果然啊。 Hears the reply of Tinidell, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders. Meanwhile in in the depths of ones heart chuckle one. In fact he chose Tinidell as the goal of imprisonment initially. Naturally has the reason, except for Tinidell long attractive lovable beside, very important a little & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; That is she is pure enough, or enough list is stupid. As the Dark fairies royal family, Tinidell may be in the rare The lower world resident has existence of pure mind, naturally, this is Zhan En has scruples the appraisal that her face gives. But must let the words that Zhan En speaks the truth, that is this Dark fairies Your Highness Princess, is really stupid lovable. 听到蒂尼德尔的回答,詹恩耸耸肩膀。同时在内心深处轻笑一声。事实上他当初之所以选择蒂尼德尔作为监禁的目标。自然不是没有原因的,除了蒂尼德尔长的漂亮可爱之外,还有很重要的一点儿———那就是她足够单纯,或者说,足够单蠢。作为暗妖精的王族,蒂尼德尔可算是罕见的下层界住民里拥有纯真心灵的存在,当然,这算是詹恩顾忌她面子所给出的评价。而要让詹恩说实话的话,那就是这位暗妖精公主殿下,实在是笨的可爱。 Do not look in her surface as if very astute appearance. But this Your Highness Princess and she external gives the impression of person in fact is completely two matters. Zhan En still remembers oneself most start to bump into her time, this Your Highness Princess wears the black formal clothes, as if arrogant lily is located in summit cloud Dian generally, that living person do not enter the quiet air/Qi field also is really Zhan En fooling. Finally after afterward Zhan En was emboldening said something to smooth things over, discovered that which this Your Highness Princess was the flower of what quiet self-important Takarei, from the start was autistic people of bad conversation human relations. 别看她表面上似乎非常精明的样子。可事实上这位公主殿下本身和她外在给人的印象完全是两码事。詹恩还记得自己最开始碰到她的时候,这位公主殿下穿着黑色礼服,仿佛孤傲的百合花一般位于山顶云巅,那种生人勿进沉默寡言的气场还真是把詹恩给唬住了。结果后来詹恩壮着胆子上去搭讪之后才发现这位公主殿下哪儿是什么沉默寡言自命清高的高岭之花,压根就是一个不善言谈交际的自闭症患者。 Naturally at that time Zhan En had not really been regarded as a weak chicken Tinidell, after all that is The lower world, playing the role of the pig eats tiger matter really regarding demon should not be too many. Therefore his also being in doubt opposite party really this, pure is playing with itself, naturally, Zhan En decides to probe finally. What the result stems from him to be unexpected, facing his invitation, that Your Highness Princess really ran ............... this also to make Zhan En conclude unexpectedly thoroughly, this Your Highness Princess was The lower world extremely rare that & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Existence of dumb and cute. 当然那个时候詹恩还并没有真把蒂尼德尔看做是一个弱鸡,毕竟那可是下层界,扮猪吃老虎这种事情对于魔族来说真的不要太多。所以他也拿不准对方是真的这样,还是单纯只是在玩弄自己,当然,最终詹恩还是决定试探一下。结果出乎他意料之外的是,面对他的邀请,那位公主殿下居然真的屁颠屁颠就跑来了……………这也让詹恩彻底断定,这位公主殿下本身就是下层界极为稀有的那种———蠢萌蠢萌的存在。 But then naturally does not need saying that although her very adorably stupid, but the Dark fairies royal family Princess position is not pretends, Dark fairies takes the element elf, although takes care of the demon retinue. However among them the throne is actually very alternately gentle, absolutely does not have among demon that manipulating strategically to kill the script that the father murders the child. If traded demon, was drawn to massacre or swallow like existence of Tinidell such adorably stupid early. However Dark fairies not this aristocrat, but the royal families also mostly provide the service according to the contract to demon, as has coexisted from the high antiquity to the present two races, relations between Dark fairies and demon are quite good. 而接下来自然就不需要多说,虽然她本身很蠢萌,可是暗妖精王族公主的身份地位可不是假冒的,暗妖精作为元素精灵,虽然是服侍魔族的仆从。但是他们之间的王位交替倒是很平和,完全没有魔族之间那种勾心斗角杀父弑子的剧本。如果换了魔族,像蒂尼德尔这么蠢萌的存在早被人拉去杀掉或者吞噬了。不过暗妖精没有这种贵族,而王族们也大多是按照契约向魔族提供服务,作为从远古时代一直并存到现在的两个种族来说,暗妖精魔族之间的关系还是相当不错的。 But Zhan En to have the support of Dark fairies, then naturally had the idea of Tinidell, then he then directed Tinidell with the Enoya design, later then its imprisonment, naturally, Zhan En after that made anything to be needless to say. Then surface Zhan En is only waiting for being of great success, has not actually thought to fall short, was found an opportunity to run away by Tinidell. To be honest, at that time the Zhan En also really a little guts trembled, he also once worried that Tinidell can lead the Dark fairies army to look for own trouble. After all these things that he handles although are very normal in demon, if has problems, that may be a different matter. 詹恩为了得到暗妖精的支持,便自然打起了蒂尼德尔的主意,接着他便和埃诺娅设计将蒂尼德尔引了过来,随后便将其监禁,当然,在那之后詹恩做了什么就不用多说了。而后面詹恩只等着大功告成,却没有想到功亏一篑,被蒂尼德尔找了个机会跑掉。说实话,那个时候詹恩还真有点儿胆颤,他也曾经担心蒂尼德尔会不会带领暗妖精的大军来找自己的麻烦。毕竟他做的那些事情虽然在魔族里很正常,但是一旦出了问题,那可就是另外一回事了。 However what makes Zhan En surprised is, after that he has not waited for the Tinidell army, moreover according to inquiry of Enoya, as if a Dark fairies clan does not know that from the start their Princess has had anything. 不过让詹恩惊讶的是,在那之后他并没有等来蒂尼德尔的大军,而且根据埃诺娅的打听,似乎暗妖精一族压根就不知道他们公主出过什么事。 Although does not know why Tinidell will let off itself, since saves a life with great difficulty, Zhan En naturally does not dare to provoke the opposite party. Therefore after that he was far away from the Dark fairies world, again and Tinidell has no relation. Several news that occasionally hears also pass from other places, naturally, these news have no relations with him and that's the end. 虽然不知道蒂尼德尔为什么会放过自己,不过既然好不容易捡回一条命,詹恩自然也不敢去招惹对方。于是从那之后他就远离了暗妖精的世界,也再和蒂尼德尔没什么联系。偶尔听到的几次消息也都是从其他地方传过来的,当然,这些消息也和他没什么关系就是了。 However now, since to, then Zhan En will not naturally evade again, moreover on the current situation, who is whose opponent is uncertain. 不过现在,既然对上了,那么詹恩自然也不会再逃避,而且就目前的情况而言,谁是谁的对手还不一定呢。 However, you still remember me unexpectedly, do you really hate me? & R dquo ; “不过话说回来,你居然还记得我啊,你真的就那么恨我吗?” This is natural!! & R dquo ; “这是当然的!!” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Tinidell gets angry from the heart immediately lives to the guts wickedly, she shouts one, later stares the round eyes, stubbornly is looking steadily at Zhan En. 听到詹恩的询问,蒂尼德尔顿时怒从心中起恶向胆边生,她大喊一声,随后瞪圆双眼,死死的盯视着詹恩 „ Weren't you did that matter to me? That difficult matter! You did to me unexpectedly time and time again, no matter how and I entreated not to call a halt, unceasing unceasing filled ......... & R dquo that dirty thing ; “你不是对我做了那种事吗?那种让人难以启齿的事情!你居然对我做了一次又一次,而且还不管我怎么哀求都不愿意停手,不断的不断的把那肮脏的东西灌进去………” „, This also is really pitiful. & R dquo ; “哦,这还真是可怜啊。” Facing the interrogation of Tinidell, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders. 面对蒂尼德尔的质问,詹恩耸耸肩膀。 I do not want to apologize to you, I quite like that way in any case and that's the end. However you? Has to ask other man to comfort your wound after that with the love? & R dquo ; “我是不想向你道歉啦,反正我是比较喜欢那种方式就是了。不过你呢?在那之后有去找别的男人用爱情来抚慰你的伤口吗?” How possibly!!! & R dquo ; “怎么可能啊!!!” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Tinidell shouts immediately. 听到詹恩的回答,蒂尼德尔顿时大喊起来。 Thanks to your, after that I had Androphobia, the result and man handle that matter, only then with your days ............... that time the first time was also last time ......... & R dquo ; “都是托你的福,在那之后我都有了男性恐惧症了,结果和男人做那种事情只有和你的那些日子……………那个时候是第一次也是最后一次………” Is saying, Tinidell complexion red lowers the head, the past events that it seems like before was recalled, that to find it unbearable to recall. 一面说着,蒂尼德尔一面面色通红的低下头去,看来是回忆起了以前那不堪回首的往事了。 This may really be pitiful, after that your men have not looked, what are you solve? & R dquo ; “这可真是可怜,从那之后你连男人都没有找过,那你是什么解决的?” Naturally is solves! Because does not know how completely should do, finally can only recall unceasingly with you in the together these days, finally also because of but like this...... yeah? Why do I want to say these to you? & R dquo ; “当然是自己解决啦!而且因为完全不知道该怎么做,结果只能够不断回忆起和你在一起的那些日子,结果还因为这样而……哎?我为什么要对你说这些?” How do this I know? & R dquo ; “这我怎么知道?” Finally facing Tinidell that recovers, Zhan En helpless spreading out both hands. 面对终于回过神来的蒂尼德尔,詹恩无奈的摊开双手。 I just am want to ask that the recent situation of old friend, the result has not thought that discovered she turned into a Androphobia patient as well as every day unexpectedly depends on recalls herself to be humiliated the bridge section to come from bi female pervert, what idea did you call me to have to be good? & R dquo ; “我只不过是想要问问老友的近况而已,结果没想到发现她居然变成了一个男性恐惧症患者以及每天靠着回忆自己被凌辱桥段来自【哔】的变态痴女,你叫我该有什么样的想法才好?” You ............ you ............ you .................. & R dquo ; “你…………你…………你………………” Hears Zhan En's to reply, the Tinidell fair face is even more bright red, she bit the jaw, shivering directional Zhan En, the stutter quite a while, this stamped the feet suddenly. 听到詹恩的回答,蒂尼德尔白皙的面孔越发鲜红,她咬住牙关,颤抖的指向詹恩,结巴了半天,这才猛然一跺脚。 You are waiting to me! I can want you to be attractive!! & R dquo ; “你给我等着!我一定会要你好看的!!” Spoke these words, Tinidell then& R dquo ; Cries is turning around to leave, having a series of black shadows to vanish in the ruins rapidly. But vanishes until her back thoroughly, Zhan En then grew the tone. 说完这句话,蒂尼德尔便“哇”大哭着转身离开,带着一连串黑色的阴影迅速消失在废墟之中。而直到她的背影彻底消失,詹恩这才长出了口气。 This fellow such adorably stupid was really saved. & R dquo ; “这家伙还是这么蠢萌真是得救了啊。” Muttered is saying, Zhan En received the sword to return to the sheath, then he has turned the head, toward standing two people who watched the fun in rear not far away gave a hand signal. 一面喃喃自语的说着,詹恩一面收剑回鞘,接着他转过头去,向着站在后方不远处看热闹的两人做了个手势。 Ok, the troublesome matter ended, we continue to go forward. & R dquo ; “好了,麻烦的事情结束了,我们继续前进吧。”
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