DR :: Volume #4

#340: Follows after that shadow

The land starts to shiver again. 大地再次开始颤动。 Zhan En receives the sword to return to the sheath, took up the pocket watch to look above time. The earthquake is representing the gradual collapse of seal, but makes Zhan En feel what doubts is, since they left that stretch of area to pass a lot of time to the present. Matter has not actually looked like bad of that Zhan En imagination, although the earthquake is unceasing, but the time interval is very long . Moreover the tremors is not intense. This indicated that the collapse speed of seal is far behind the Zhan En's imagination. But has this condition only possibility is to suppress the Antiquity demonic entity seal compared with the reliability that the war imagines. Words that like this infers, then the answer only has & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Besides the mirror and beside the fragment of gate of Death shadow Sun, here also has other Divine Artifact to be used to make the core of seal. 詹恩收剑回鞘,拿起怀表看了一眼上面的时间。地震代表着封印的逐渐崩溃,可是让詹恩感到疑惑的是,从他们离开那片地区到现在已经过了不少时间。事情却并没有像詹恩想象的那么糟糕,虽然地震不断,但是间隔时间却很长,而且震感并不强烈。这说明封印的崩溃速度远远落后于詹恩的想象。而产生这种状况唯一的可能性就是压制上古邪物的封印比战争想象的要牢固。这样推断下去的话,那么答案只有一个———除了太阳之镜和死亡阴影之门的碎片之外,这里还有其他的神器用来做封印的核心。 Moreover, the rank of opposite party is much higher than the mirror and the gate of Death shadow Sun fragment. 而且,对方的等级远远高于太阳之镜和死亡阴影之门的碎片。 However this thought Zhan En also transferred in the brain, the collapse of seal is inevitable, perhaps this tattered house, a firm pillar can support it to have the moment probably, but will collapse finally loudly, the only difference is the duration. 不过这个念头詹恩也只是在脑子里转了一下,封印的崩溃是不可避免的,这就好像一座破烂房子,或许一根坚固的柱子能够支持它多存在片刻,但是最终还是会轰然坍塌,唯一的区别就是时间长短而已。 If Zhan En is true Hero, then he should now doing everything possible seal this only Antiquity demonic entity, even if risks neck also to refuse to balk. However what pitifully is he is not Hero, but is Demon King, regarding Demon King, Antiquity demonic entity runs to rebel and nothing is not good, on the contrary, Zhan En even raises both hands to welcome & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Does not need him to strive, cannot suspect on him, one group of chaotic that but can also stir the world, such good deed will he possibly reject? So long as do not injure to own benefit. The person who then Antiquity demonic entity kills are more. Is better to Zhan En. But in turn, if it does not keep eyes open must make a move to the Zhan En's territory, then Zhan En did not mind that makes again one time great feudal lord & mda S h that bravely steps forward to save the territory ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This matter he also has to do in any case. 如果詹恩是一个真正的英雄,那么现在他应该想尽办法封印这只上古邪物,哪怕冒着生命危险也在所不惜。不过可惜的是他并非是一个英雄,而是一位魔王,对于魔王来说,上古邪物跑出来作乱并没有什么不好的,相反,对此詹恩甚至还是举双手欢迎———又不需要他出力,也怀疑不到他身上,还能够把人类世界搅的一团乱,这样的好事他怎么可能会拒绝呢?只要别伤害到自己的利益。那么上古邪物杀的人越多。对詹恩来说就越好。而反过来,假如它不长眼的要对詹恩的领地出手,那么詹恩也不介意再做一次挺身而出拯救自己领地的伟大领主———反正这事儿他又不是没干过。 Now Zhan En only cares that the situations of others, Tinidell should not be easy dead, the darkness belongs to higher authority element, even Antiquity demonic entity is still very difficult to handle her. Others were needless saying that doomsday believer Zhan En did not care. However he looks forward to the opposite party to attain the fragment to run away actually, because the plan of Klein was finished as the matter stands, will not involve itself, can be happy. But Zhan En also knows that this is less likely, demon that the doomsday believer who that attains the fragment is The lower world, although Zhan En has not been clear about the true body of opposite party, but estimated in this case that unlucky egg is very difficult to be potential achievement. As for these Holy Spirit in the Zhan En's consideration range, he does not look forward to the opposite party dead now actually completely, even if living still indifferent & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Although Holy Spirit can take possession to arrive on human. However they can only obtain opposite party's memory, Zhan En confessed that has not presented any issue and questionable point at that crowd of Adventurer front performances, therefore is also unlikely getting what handle by Amora that old hooligan. 现在詹恩只关心其他人的情况,蒂尼德尔应该不会那么容易死掉,黑暗属于上级要素,就算是上古邪物也很难搞定她。其他人就不用说了,末日教徒詹恩根本不关心。不过他倒是巴不得对方拿到残片跑掉,因为这样一来克莱因的计划算是完蛋了,而且也不会牵连到自己,可以算是皆大欢喜。只不过詹恩也知道这个可能性不大,那个拿到残片的末日教徒是个下层界魔族,虽然詹恩还不清楚对方的真身,但是在这种情况下估计那个倒霉蛋是很难有所作为的。至于那些圣灵就更不在詹恩的考虑范围之内了,他现在倒是巴不得对方全部死光,不过就算活着也无所谓———圣灵虽然能够附体降临在人类身上。但是他们只能够获得对方本身的记忆,詹恩自认在那群冒险者面前的表演没有出现任何问题和疑点,因此也不太可能被阿蒙拉那个老流氓给抓住什么把柄。 Then is ......... 接下来就是……… Thinks of here, Zhan En has turned the head, looks to Aina and Tillis of not far away. He knows certainly that Aina is making anything, because after the Aina transformation is Charming Monster. The Zhan En's family member race introduced that during onrenovates & R dquo ; Had/Left a brand-new characteristic information. 想到这里,詹恩转过头去,望向不远处的艾娜蒂莉丝。他当然知道艾娜在做什么,因为在将艾娜转化为魅妖之后。詹恩的眷属种族介绍之中就“刷新”出了一条全新的特性信息。 Does missionary work: Regarding Charming Monster. Their lords of asylum are higher than all. In the eye of Charming Monster, this world all truth, the glory of existed significances and myriad things all belong to this. Under your direction, they discarded once the narrow concept and thinking pattern, has a new lease of life. Regards all of this world in an unprecedented way. That joyful and feeling of satisfaction looks like in Charming Monster is the supreme honor. Therefore they can want completely all means to transform others 's thinking pattern, induces them to discard the belief and idea of oneself achievement, joins in the Yu Meili new world & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ;Discards the invisible shackles of that fetter, you will have brighter happy future & R dquo ;( Spirit induces + 5)】 【传教:对于魅妖来说。她们的庇护之主高于一切。在魅妖的眼中,这世间所有的真理,存在的意义与万物的荣耀皆归于此。在你的指点下,她们舍弃了曾经狭隘的观念与思考方式,重获新生。以一种前所未有的方式重新看待这个世界的一切。那种快乐与满足感在魅妖看来是至高无上的荣誉。因此她们会想尽一切办法转换他人的思考方式,诱导她们舍弃自己成就的信仰与想法,投身于美丽新世界之中———“舍弃那束缚的无形枷锁,你们将会拥有一个更加光明美好的未来”(精神诱导)】 This is Zhan En the attribute that wants to brush, but has not thought that until now takes. However thinks carefully Zhan En also felt relaxed, before by the Zhan En transformation was Charming Monster. Including earliest Lydia and her two maids, in addition had been planted Tina of seed by Zhan En, they do not excel at the human relations. After all these people either are the flowers in greenhouse, either is the aristocrat, usually in is also few and others contacts. However Aina is different, as Adventurer, Aina is exchanging this aspect to be skilled in obviously very much, moreover detected that in former Zhan En this half-elf young girl is very easy and everyone in adventure group becomes integrated with, but this lively open character, obviously is very more suitable to communicate, exchange as well as mental brainwashing. 这是詹恩最希望刷出来的属性,但是没想到直到现在才弄到手。不过仔细想想詹恩倒也释然了,以前被詹恩转化为魅妖的。包括最早的丽姬娅和她的两个女仆,再加上已经被詹恩种下种子的蒂娜,她们本身并不怎么擅长交际。毕竟这些人要么是温室中的花朵,要么就是贵族,平日里也很少和别人接触。但是艾娜不同,作为一个冒险者,艾娜在交流这方面显然很精通,而且在之前詹恩就察觉到这位半精灵少女在冒险团里很容易和大家打成一片,而她这种活泼开朗的性格,很明显更加适合于进行沟通,交流以及精神洗脑。 It seems like transforms Charming Monster time indeed must consider many issues. 看来转化魅妖的时候的确还要考虑很多问题啊。 Zhan En looks to is lying in the Tillis ear is smiling half-elf young girl who spoke intimate conversation. Shakes the head, before Zhan En only focused in the aristocrat, at that time his idea wanted to depend upon the Charming Monster race characteristic infiltration ruling class, as the matter stands can better controls. However Aina actually brought a coup to him, this makes Zhan En start to consider that againexpands extends & R dquo ; The possibility of hunting range. Besides the aristocrat, these civilians, Adventurer also has the people of other professional scopes by Zhan En to be integrated in the goal. An applicable scope of race is broad, the possibility that then it can survive is also higher, moreover from top to bottom, stereometric formula infiltration from bottom to top, compares by far purely conducts the operation to have the effect from the upper layer not? 詹恩望向正趴在蒂莉丝耳边微笑着说悄悄话的半精灵少女。摇了摇头,以前詹恩只把目标放在贵族身上,那个时候他的想法只是想要依靠魅妖的种族特性渗透统治阶级,这样一来就能够更好的进行操控。但是艾娜却给他带来了一个意外之喜,这使得詹恩再一次开始考虑“扩宽”狩猎范围的可能性。除了贵族之外,那些平民,冒险者还有其他职业范围的人都可以被詹恩纳入目标之中。一个种族的适用范围越是宽广,那么它能够生存下去的可能性也就越高,而且从上到下,从下到上的立体式渗透,也远远比单纯从上层进行操纵要更有效果不是吗? Thinks of here, Zhan En looked at this moment eyes to lose the pure brightness, as if the person stood there motionless Tillis occasionally dull. 想到这里,詹恩不由的看了一眼此刻双眼已经失去了清明,仿佛人偶般呆呆站在那里不动的蒂莉丝 Does not know after this Miss Clergymen was transformed Charming Monster, what characteristic will bring to own newborn race? 不知道这位神官小姐被转化成魅妖之后,会给自己的这个新生种族带来什么样的特性呢? After the short rest, three people starts off again. Zhan En also detected that Tillis looked to own vision were many several points of anticipation and dependence, but Tillis has not displayed to submit to own request immediately thoroughly. This is also very normal, because the Charming Monster skill is Spiritual induction Rather than Mental brainwashing, The brainwashed person was just forced to instill into the brand-new information, but this method only needs the firm will and faith even little turning point may be decoded. However the spiritual induction is induces the opposite party to ponder and make the judgment following the direction that oneself hope, the time of although as the matter stands spending will be very long, if succeeds, will become the most impregnable cornerstone. 在经过短暂的休息之后,三人再次上路。詹恩也察觉到蒂莉丝望向自己的目光里多了几分期待与依赖,不过蒂莉丝也没有立刻表现出想要彻底臣服于自己的要求。这也很正常,因为魅妖的技能是【精神诱导】而不是【精神洗脑】,被洗脑的人只不过是被强制灌输了全新的信息,而这种手段只需要坚定的意志和信念甚至一点点儿契机就有可能被破解。但是精神诱导则是诱导对方顺着自己希望的方向去思考和做出判断,这样一来虽然消耗的时间会很长,但是一旦成功,将会成为最牢不可破的基石。 Although the brain is relaying all kinds of thoughts, but the Zhan En's footsteps therefore have not actually stopped. Naturally, has Tillis, they are impossible to walk is too quick, but Zhan En does not care about this minor matter now, since the seal had not been decoded completely, then they have enough time to leave here. 虽然脑中转着各种各样的念头,但是詹恩的脚步却并没有因此停下。当然,有蒂莉丝在,他们也不可能行走的太快,但是詹恩现在也不是那么在意这种小事,既然封印还没有被完全破解,那么他们就有足够的时间离开这里。 In the aristocrat area, these magnificent building has once turned into ruins now, the time as if had lost the significance here. Beside wreckage that except that on the street scatters, here anything does not have. These demon have not as if presented the meaning here, or they have also felt Antiquity demonic entity to regain consciousness the sent out aura, therefore leaves in abundance. This actually a good deed regarding Zhan En and others. In fact sets out along with them forward, the quantity of demon is fewer and fewer, inside higher demon slightly is perhaps more vigilant regarding the Antiquity demonic entity aura, but outside these low level demon are unable to endure this hysterical/frenzy aura, at this moment had been far away from the place of this danger in abundance. In other words , awakens of Antiquity demonic entity instead helped Zhan En and others clear away the barrier, making them be able more relaxed left this region. 贵族区内,那些曾经辉煌的建筑物现在早已经变成了一片一片的废墟,时间在这里仿佛已经失去了意义。除了街道上散落的残骸之外,这里什么都没有。就连那些魔物似乎也没有出现在这里的意思,或者说它们也已经感受到了上古邪物苏醒所散发的气息,因此纷纷离开。这对于詹恩等人来说倒是一件好事。事实上伴随着他们向前进发,魔物的数量已经是越来越少,内里的高等魔物对于上古邪物的气息说不定还只是稍微警惕一些,但是外面那些低级魔物则根本无法抵受住这种狂乱的气息,此刻已经纷纷远离了这片危险之地。反过来说,上古邪物的苏醒反而帮助詹恩等人扫清了障碍,让他们能够更加轻松的离开这片区域。 On street a deathly stillness, only then sound of footsteps reverberation in which of people, Zhan En still at a moderate pace taking the lead. But Aina is shaking the hand of Tillis, is gazing at the two sides vigilantly, simultaneously closely follows in Zhan En's behind. Here after all is City of Lost, demon supreme headquarters, regardless of seems like now safe, cannot therefore relax vigilantly. But Tillis is whatever Aina grabs own hand, just like sleepwalk stand forth like this, from her expression, the present young girl has fallen into during the seduction of Aina unable to extricate oneself obviously. 街道上一片死寂,只有众人的脚步声回荡其中,其中詹恩依然不紧不慢的走在前面。而艾娜则是握着蒂莉丝的手,警惕的注视着两边,同时紧紧跟随在詹恩的身后。这里毕竟是失落之城,魔物的大本营,无论现在看起来有多么安全,也不能够因此放松警惕。而蒂莉丝则是任凭艾娜抓住自己的手,就这样犹如梦游般的向前走去,从她的表情来看,现在的少女显然已经陷入了艾娜的诱惑之中无法自拔了。 Bang rumble ............... & R dquo ; “轰隆隆隆……………” But when the people have transferred the corner, suddenly, the land starts to vibrate again. But this Zhan En actually frowns, then his right hand pulls out the long sword fast, the left hand was giving a hand signal to Aina, hints her to draw back backward. Why does not know, had a quite not good premonition in this moment Zhan En suddenly, as if has anything, immediately must happen was the same. 而就在众人转过墙角的时候,忽然,大地再次开始震动。而这一次詹恩却是皱起眉头,接着他右手抽出长剑,左手则飞快的对着艾娜做了个手势,示意她向后退开。不知道为什么,在这一刻詹恩忽然产生了一种相当不好的预感,似乎有什么事情,马上就要发生了一样。 Facts showed, the Zhan En's premonition is quite accurate. 事实证明,詹恩的预感是相当准确的。 Aina has not deferred to the Zhan En's instruction retreat to leave with enough time, sees only the aristocrat who nearby damages to construct thunders suddenly collapsing, a shadow this jumps out, the cold light then cut the thick fog together suddenly, attacked in the direction that Aina is. 艾娜还没有来得及按照詹恩的指示后退离开,只见旁边破损的贵族建筑忽然轰鸣坍塌,紧接着一个黑影就这样从中窜出,一道寒光眨眼间便划破了浓雾,向着艾娜所在的方向攻了过去。 Sneak attack? 偷袭? Sees this, Zhan En is also the brow selects, then the long sword in his hand erupted everywhere star light immediately, formed an airtight barrier to keep off in the Aina front. Only hearsding ding ding & R dquo ; The collision sound, a series of sparks in flash in the front of half-elf Ranger young girl like this, but the shadow that cannot hit looks like Ghost to draw back immediately backward. However Zhan En is actually not willing to let off the opposite party obviously, in instance that shadow retreats, in his hand the long sword explodes luminous is in one immediately, then the Zhan En right hand flings to, later then sees the long sword in his hand& R dquo ; A vocal cord the remnant shadow of silver light is flushing away forward. But the opposite party has not thought obviously Zhan En also dares to discard weapon in the hand unexpectedly in this case unexpectedly, movement immediately slow one slow, quickly avoids toward side, but the long sword that even so, Zhan En throws scratched the arm of shadow. 看见这一幕,詹恩也是眉头一挑,接着他手中的长剑顿时爆发出了漫天星光,形成了一道密不透风的屏障挡在了艾娜的面前。只听见“叮叮叮”的碰撞声响,一连串的火花就在这样在半精灵游侠少女的面前闪现,而一击不中的黑影则是立刻像幽灵般向后退开。但是詹恩却显然不愿意放过对方,在那黑影退却的瞬间,他手中长剑暴发的光亮立刻合为一体,接着詹恩右手向上一甩,随后便看见他手中的长剑“唰”的一声带着银光的残影向前冲去。而对方显然没有想到詹恩居然在这种情况下居然还敢扔掉自己手中的武器,动作顿时缓一缓,急忙向着旁边躲开,而即便如此,詹恩投掷出的长剑还是擦中了黑影的胳膊。 This is vigorously of legendary swordsman strikes, even if scratches 1 point possibly to cause a big damage sufficiently, but facing the Zhan En's attack, that shadow is also blood-curdling screech one, then flies upside down backward, hits in the ruins, immediately raised dust. 这可是传奇剑士的倾力一击,哪怕是擦上一点儿都足以可能造成不小的损伤,而面对詹恩的攻击,那个黑影也是惨叫一声,接着向后倒飞开去,撞在废墟之中,顿时掀起了一片尘土。 But almost at the same time, a wild with rage sound erupts from the dust. 而几乎就在与此同时,一个狂怒的声音从尘土之中爆发而出。 Zhan En! I know that is you!! & R dquo ; 詹恩!我就知道是你!!”
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