DR :: Volume #4

#339: Confused young girl

Squeak squeak squeak!! & R dquo ; “吱吱吱!!” Zhan En raised the head, sees a hunting demon spider to jump down from the ceiling just in time, opened the mouth apparatus to throw to him greatly. Regarding this Zhan En holding up long sword without hesitation, then sees several swords light/only from the sky to delimit later, the next moment that only giant hunting demon spider explodes like this. Aina also bends the bow the nocking at the same time, sees only her finger fine motion, along with& R dquo ; The sound, several arrow arrows depart from the hand of half-elf young girl like this, follows the small spider to string together several strings these like the string candied fruit, then nail stubbornly on wall. 詹恩抬起头来,正巧看见一只狩魔蛛从天花板上跳下,大张着口器向他扑了过来。对此詹恩毫不犹豫的举起长剑,随后便看见数道剑光在空中划过,下一刻那只巨大的狩魔蛛就这样爆裂开来。艾娜也在同一时间弯弓搭箭,只见她的手指微动,伴随着“唰唰唰”的响声,数只箭矢就这样从半精灵少女的手中飞出,将那些紧随其后的小蜘蛛像串糖葫芦一样串成好几串,接着死死的钉在墙壁上。 Although inner city danger, but that is compared to ordinary Adventurer. However Zhan En is not an average person, by the sword technique, he has stepped into the legendary middle reaches only, coping with these hunting demon spiders also divides minute's of matter. Do not say that he is child of this Demon King may be only a title is not so only simple. The child of Demon King is higher demon, can induce all inferior demon inborn, although these hunting demon spiders most excel at the secret attack, but regarding Zhan En, he is almost was equal to that the entire radarmap is playing the game to be the same, where hides regarding these monsters knows from A to Z. In this case, wants to eliminate this hunting demon spider to seek for the way forward, is not troublesome and difficult regarding Zhan En. Is these hunting demon spiders has bad luck on the contrary, they absolutely do not have to think oneself had turned into the prey from the hunter, finally was killed clean by Zhan En neatly and quickly. But other hunting demon spiders as if also detected that present this prey is not good to cope, therefore stopped the footsteps that comes to reinforce in abundance, then leaves these demon rapidly fierce and brutal, but is not a fool. The opposite party kill their similar such as to cut the melon to cut the vegetable/dish, this must not know that is a thorny fellow, only if they and gnome equally stupid. In fact if to not conceal own status. So long as Zhan En restored is in itself the demon shape makes these fellows evade to draw back three sheds sufficiently immediately. The awe of inferior demon in The lower world to higher demon is absolute, if Zhan En restores the primary form. Do not say that makes these demon get the hell out, even if makes them be own subordinate to have no issue. 内城虽然危险,但那是相对于普通的冒险者来说。但是詹恩可不是普通人,单论剑术本身,他就已经踏入了传奇中游,对付这些狩魔蛛也不过就是分分钟的事情。更不要说他还是魔王之子这可不仅仅只是一个头衔那么简单。魔王之子是高等魔族,天生可以感应所有下等魔物,虽然这些狩魔蛛最擅长隐秘进攻,但是对于詹恩来说,他几乎是等于开着全雷达地图玩游戏一样,对于这些怪物都藏在什么地方了如指掌。在这种情况下,想要消灭这个狩魔蛛寻找到前进的道路,对于詹恩来说可一点儿都不麻烦和困难。反倒是那些狩魔蛛倒了大霉,它们完全没有想到自己早就从猎人变成了猎物,结果被詹恩三下五除二就杀了个一干二净。而其余的狩魔蛛似乎也察觉到眼下这个猎物不好对付于是纷纷停下了前来增援的脚步,接着迅速离开这些魔物凶暴,但并不是傻瓜。对方杀它们的同类如斩瓜切菜,这要还不知道那是个棘手的家伙除非它们和地精一样蠢笨。事实上如果不是为了掩饰自己的身份的话。詹恩只要恢复自己身为魔族的形态就足以立刻让这些家伙避退三舍了。在下层界里下等魔物对高等魔族的敬畏是绝对的,如果詹恩恢复原形。不要说让这些魔物滚蛋,就算是让它们作自己的部下都没有任何问题。 However Zhan En has not done that first he is not willing the exposed status in front of Tillis, secondly he to feel that has existence of mother of hunting demon spider in this Royal castle deep place, then in The lower world was also one of the relatively thorny fellows. If Zhan En restores the true body, then the opposite party can definitely detect his aura. Preliminary demon is to the high-level demon awe like the tiger, but among higher demon actually slaughters mutually, if mother of hunting demon spider thinks he is together fragrant ate can promote Monk Tang meat that then the matter may on troublesome many. He does not think oneself control to the hunting demon spider will be higher than mother of hunting demon spider. 但是詹恩并没有这么做,一来他不愿意在蒂莉丝面前暴露身份,二来他感觉到在这座王城的深处有一只狩魔蛛之母的存在,那在下层界也算是相对棘手的家伙之一了。假如詹恩恢复真身,那么对方肯定能够察觉到他的气息。低级魔族是对高级魔族敬畏如虎,但高等魔族之间却是互相杀戮,万一狩魔蛛之母认为他是一块香喷喷的吃了可以升级的唐僧肉的话,那么事情可就麻烦的多了。他可不认为自己对狩魔蛛的控制权会比狩魔蛛之母还要高。 However even so, Zhan En still detected that is located in Royal castle deep place mother of hunting demon spider seems somewhat anxious, Zhan En had felt that it crept along for successive several times back and forth, is inducing anything evidently probably. It seems like it also detected the Antiquity demonic entity aura, but does not know that it is to plan to run away or make other anything now. 不过就算如此,詹恩也察觉到那位于王城深处的狩魔蛛之母看起来似乎有些焦躁,詹恩已经感觉到它连续几次来回爬动,看样子像是在感应什么东西。看来它也察觉到了上古邪物的气息,只是不知道它现在是打算逃走还是做些别的什么。 However this and Zhan En has no relations. 不过这和詹恩没什么关系。 In fact now they have bypassed the two corridors of Royal castle palace, runs following the garden of staircase left side of toward building. Each Royal castle establishes must consider possibility that was surrounded the attack, here is naturally no exception. Naturally, just like each Royal castle, here also has the royal family special-purpose access. However this Zhan En did not consider that the situation of because from him inducing, that secret passage has turned into mother of warm family/home of hunting demon spider now. 事实上现在他们已经绕过了王城宫殿的二层走廊,顺着楼梯向着一楼左侧的花园跑去。每一座王城建立的时候都要考虑到被人包围进攻的可能性,这里自然也不例外。当然,和每一座王城一样,这里也有王族专用的出入口。不过这个詹恩就不考虑了,因为从他感应到的情况来看,那条秘密通道现在早就变成狩魔蛛之母温暖的家了。 Regarding bringing about own destruction to deliver this matter, Zhan En will not naturally do. 对于自寻死路送上门去这件事,詹恩自然是不会干的。 Under Zhan En's leads. Three people quick arrived at the entrance of garden smoothly. So long as across the garden, can arrive at the exit|to speak of Royal castle, then leaves this damned place. 詹恩的带领下。三人很快就顺利的来到了花园的入口。只要穿过花园,就能够到达王城的出口,然后离开这个鬼地方。 However ............... 但是…………… Finally my anything has not made. 结果我还是什么都没有做成。 Is looking at front Zhan En and Aina form. Tillis only feels a in the depths of ones heart intermittent stabbing pain. Each time is this, as Clergymen. She well, forever is others who others protect stands in front. However she actually can only be responsible for directing direction kind of work. Although Tillis also knows that this is very important regarding adventure team, but she also hopes that can ordinary Clergymen such, treat the injury of teammate likely, completes the protection work for them wait/etc.. But these she actually cannot achieve, silver Saintess that because she believes in does not excel at the god technique in this aspect, but at that time, Tillis can also help her companion be out of danger at least, but here, in most needs her place now, her actually anything did not do. 望着前方詹恩艾娜的身影。蒂莉丝只感觉到内心深处一阵阵的刺痛。每一次都是这样,作为神官。她都被其他人保护的好好的,永远都是其他人站在前面。但是她却只能够负责指引方向这一类的工作。虽然蒂莉丝也知道这对于一个冒险团队来说很重要,但是她也更希望能够像个普通的神官那样,治疗队友的伤势,为他们做好防护工作等等。可是这些她却都做不到,因为她信奉的银色圣女并不擅长这方面的神术,不过那个时候,蒂莉丝最起码还能够帮助她的同伴脱离险境,但是现在在这里,在最需要她的地方,她却什么都做不了。 Although Zhan En urged them to should better not to use any spell and god technique, but from started in fact a moment ago, Tillis pray secretly, has tried to request that more than once own goddess granted her the strength, leading the people out of danger. But her actually anything cannot achieve, what kind of pray regardless of Tillis, is unable to get any response. This makes Tillis feel incomparable depressed, although said that as low level Clergymen, Tillis did not have the means to feel deciding of silver Saintess. However before she can also feel the aura of gods, is this time, Tillis is actually anything could not feel. Silver Saintess seemed like had gone far away to her thoroughly generally. 虽然詹恩叮嘱过她们最好不要使用任何法术与神术,可事实上从刚才开始,蒂莉丝已经不止一次偷偷的祈祷,试图请求自己的女神赐予她力量,带领众人脱离险境。可是她却什么都做不到,无论蒂莉丝如何的祈祷,都无法得到任何回应。这让蒂莉丝感到无比的沮丧,虽然说作为低级神官,原本蒂莉丝就没办法感受到银色圣女的属意。但是以前她好歹还能够感受到神明的气息,可是这一次,蒂莉丝却是什么都感觉不到。银色圣女像是已经彻底离她远去了一般。 Why, why didn't the gods respond to my hope? Is because my belief did vacillate? 为什么,为什么神明不回应我的祈求呢?难道是因为我的信仰动摇了吗? Thinks of here, Tillis shivering. To be honest, after she sees oneself companion Holy Spirit takes possession, Tillis indeed to gods' belief had the vacillation and suspicion, these she thinks will protect the gods of people of each light unconditionally, unexpectedly will make to arrive at such evil matter forcefully. This deeply believed probably own family member is in the world best child, suddenly discovered the family member in own ideal will also make the crime behavior to be the same unexpectedly. That flash Tillis only felt that own belief had been subverted thoroughly, she even somewhat fears, Sun God Amora will make such matter, then oneself as the silver Saintess follower, can also encounter the similar condition? 想到这里,蒂莉丝不由的打了个冷颤。说实话,在她看见自己的同伴被圣灵附身之后,蒂莉丝的确对神明的信仰产生了动摇和怀疑,那些她原本认为会无条件的守护每个光之子民的神明,居然会做出强行降临这样邪恶的事情来。这就好像一个深信自己亲人是天底下最好的孩子,忽然发现自己理想中的家人居然还会做出犯罪的行为一样。那一瞬间蒂莉丝只感觉自己的信仰已经彻底被颠覆了,她甚至有些恐惧,太阳神阿蒙拉都会做出这样的事情,那么自己作为银色圣女的信徒,会不会也遭遇到同样的状况呢? Thinks of here, Tillis somewhat is even scared. She is a 16 or 17-year-old young girl, although treated long time in adventure group, saw had parted forever much. But the youth is young. To her, she did not want dead like this. Even if for a lofty goal. Thinks must offer for this reason ** with the life, makes Tillis be troubled. 想到这里,蒂莉丝甚至有些恐慌。她还是个不过十六七岁的少女,虽然在冒险团里待了很长时间,也见过了不少生离死别。可毕竟还是青春年少。对于她来说,她可不希望就这样死去。哪怕是为了一个崇高的目标。一想到要为此奉献出**和生命,就让蒂莉丝感到不安。 don't tell me. Because such idea blasphemed the belief, therefore silver Saintess has abandoned her? 难道说。正是因为这样的想法亵渎了信仰,所以银色圣女已经抛弃了她吗? Tillis more wants more to think that this is possible, she and Zhan En are different, in the brain of Tillis, the belief is very pure, before probably, she thinks that all gods unconditionally and benevolent protection all people light/only will be the same, will look like in Tillis, the so-called belief will be to gods unshakeable the worship and offer. These devout followers who seem in all historical record myths to record, although the content of story is different. However inside result is almost these devout followers to defeat evil or protects own companion, but is even willing to sacrifice own all implored gods' summon. In Tillis that pure faith, whether this offer judges a follower devout rod. 蒂莉丝越想越觉得这是可能的,她和詹恩不同,在蒂莉丝的脑中,信仰是非常单纯的,就好像之前她认为所有神明都会无条件并且仁慈的守护所有的光之子民一样,在蒂莉丝看来,所谓的信仰就是对神明不可动摇的崇拜以及奉献。就好像所有的历史记录神话之中记载的那些虔诚的信徒,虽然故事的内容不同。但是里面的结局几乎都是那些虔诚的信徒为了战胜邪恶或者守护自己的同伴而甚至愿意牺牲自己的一切来祈求神明的呼唤。在蒂莉丝那单纯的信念之中,这种奉献就是判断一个信徒是否虔诚的标尺。 But in fact before today, she also once pure believing, ifFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; The adventure group member encounters the danger, she like Hero in these legends, will also sacrifice all her, saves own companion. Then her deeds same will also be praised with beforehand these Hero, regarding Tillis, this is a naive and happy dream. 而事实上在今天以前,她也曾经单纯的认为,如果“妖精与宝箱”冒险团的成员遇到危险,她也会像那些传说之中的英雄那样,牺牲自己的一切,拯救自己的同伴。然后她的事迹也会和之前那些英雄一样被传颂下去,对于蒂莉丝来说,这算是一个天真而美好的梦想。 However after witnessing. Tillis first time weakness that starts to face up to in the depths of ones heart, this time young girl discovered, oneself she has not as if imagined is so strong and firm. This idea makes Tillis helpless, because of as the matter stands. She is that belief not firm person who her in the depths of ones heart judges, rather than she vainly hoped for that can sacrifice all for the companion, then obtains the Hero character who the praise sings. 但是直到亲眼目睹之后。蒂莉丝才第一次开始正视自己内心深处的软弱,这时的少女才发现,自己似乎并没有她想象的那么坚强和坚定。这种想法让蒂莉丝不知所措,因为这样一来。她就属于她内心深处所判断的那种信仰不坚定的人,而不是她梦想中那个可以为了同伴牺牲一切,然后获得赞美传唱的英雄人物。 don't tell me. Saintess saw through my weakness, therefore has no longer paid attention to me? 难道说圣女看穿了我的软弱,所以已经不再关注我了吗? Thinks of here. A huge sense of being lost and lonely wrapped Tillis thoroughly, Tillis feels for the first time like this lonely. She lost care of Saintess, then taught the nature unable to go back. ButFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; adventure group had also been finished thoroughly, suddenly Tillis only felt loses presence of mind at a loss, big of the world, does not have her place of taking shelter, she does not even know that after leaving here, which one should go, should make anything. She no longer is Clergymen, but as Adventurer, she also has no battle efficiency, after this, what can she make? 想到这里。一股巨大的失落感将蒂莉丝彻底包裹了起来,蒂莉丝还是第一次感到这样孤独。她失去了圣女的眷顾,那么教会自然已经回不去了。而“妖精与宝箱”冒险团也已经彻底完蛋,一时间蒂莉丝只感觉到茫然失措,天下之大,却无她的容身之处,她甚至不知道在离开这里之后,自己应该去哪儿,该做些什么。她已经不再是一个神官了,而作为冒险者,她也没什么战斗力,在这之后,她又能够做些什么呢? Tillis? & R dquo ; 蒂莉丝?” But at this time, the Aina sound resounded, pulled back the reality from the ponder Tillis, the young girl raised the head, this discovered with amazement oneself do not know when has followed two people to leave Royal castle, at this moment is standing on a broad street. All around can see the number embodiment is the corpse of some type of demon, but Zhan En stands in the stone steps in front not far away, is cleaning the blood on sword blade, is gazing at the front. It seems like here as if just underwent a fierce fight, but makes Tillis feel what surprise is, oneself had not detected this unexpectedly. 而就在这个时候,艾娜的声音响起,将蒂莉丝从沉思中拉回现实,少女抬起头来,这才惊讶的发现自己不知道什么时候已经跟着两人离开了王城,此刻正站在一条宽阔的街道上。四周可以看见数具像是某种魔物的尸体,而詹恩则站在前面不远处的石阶上,一面擦拭着剑刃上的鲜血,一面注视着前方。看来这里似乎刚刚经过一场激烈的战斗,而让蒂莉丝感到诧异的是,自己居然连这一点儿都没有发觉。 You? Where having is uncomfortable? & R dquo ; “你怎么了?有什么地方不舒服吗?” No, no, Aina. & R dquo ; “不,没什么,艾娜。” Facing good friend's inquiry, Tillis shakes the head. Then she hesitant, this looks to own half-elf young girl, asks. 面对好友的询问,蒂莉丝摇了摇头。接着她犹豫了一下,这才望向自己身边的半精灵少女,开口询问道。 That ......... Aina? & R dquo ; “那个………艾娜?” Un? What matter? & R dquo ; “嗯?什么事?” You have thought after leaving here, what should we make? & R dquo ; “你有没有想过离开这里之后,我们该做什么?” What makes? & R dquo ; “做什么?” Facing the Tillis issue, Aina as if seems very surprised, she opens the eye like this, is looking at Tillis. But looks at her response, Tillis instead feels some doubts. 面对蒂莉丝的问题,艾娜似乎显得很惊讶,她就这样睁大眼睛,望着蒂莉丝。而看着她的反应,蒂莉丝反而觉得有些疑惑。 „ Don't you have idea a little? Aina? The regimental commander they had died probably, & l S quo ; Fairy and Treasure Chest & R S quo ; adventure group had also dismissed, now looks like is only left over both of us ......... & R dquo ; “难道你没有一点儿想法吗?艾娜?团长他们大概都已经死了,‘妖精与宝箱’冒险团也已经解散了,现在看来只剩下我们两个人………” What, Tillis are you in this minor matter worry? & R dquo ; “什么啊,原来蒂莉丝你在为这点儿小事烦恼吗?” Heard the inquiry of Tillis, Aina actually swung the head. 听到蒂莉丝的询问,艾娜却是摇了摇脑袋。 What difficulty this has, so long as the following master weren't good? & R dquo ; “这有什么困难的,只要跟着主人不就好了?” „ Does master ............... you refer to ......... Mr. Zhan En? & R dquo ; “主人……………你是指………詹恩先生?” Facing the reply of Aina, Tillis gawked, this responded in her mouthmaster & R dquo ; Refers to Zhan En. To be honest, when hearing Aina recover, Tillis in the depths of ones heart also moves. Although indeed, the time that they are together is not long, but Zhan En is good to the impression of Tillis, learned modest, treats people temperately, is also very good to her and Aina. Although she to the present does not know why Aina can manage Zhan En to call the master, but is certain, if can follow in his side, pouring is also a good matter. But ......... 面对艾娜的回答,蒂莉丝愣了一下,这才反应过来她口中的“主人”指的是詹恩。说实话,在听到艾娜回复时,蒂莉丝内心深处也是一动。的确,虽然他们相处的时间不长,但是詹恩蒂莉丝的印象非常不错,博学谦虚,待人温和,对她和艾娜也很好。虽然她到现在也不知道为什么艾娜会管詹恩叫主人,不过可以肯定,假如能够跟随在他的身边,倒也是一件不错的事情。可是……… But ......... I had lost care of goddess, now my Saint technique even is unable to use, like me, is useful? & R dquo ; “可是………我已经失去了女神的眷顾,现在我的甚至圣术都无法使用,像这样的我,又有什么用呢?” Aiya, what good worry this has? & R dquo ; “哎呀,这有什么好担心的呢?” Hears sighing with sadness of Tillis, Aina chuckle, then she puts out a hand to surround the young girl, then said near the ear of Tillis in a low voice. 听到蒂莉丝的悲叹,艾娜轻笑一声,接着她伸出手去环抱住少女,接着在蒂莉丝的耳边低声说道。 Relax, Tillis, you want the heart and soul trust master, can seek for the path that you hope. Believes him, gives him all, then your anything did not need to be worried about ............... & R dquo ; “放心吧,蒂莉丝,你只要全心全意的相信主人,就能够重新寻找到你所希望的道路。相信他,把一切都交给他,然后你就什么都不用担心了……………” Believes that he ............ gives him ............... & R dquo all ; “相信他…………把一切都交给他……………” Hears the speech of Aina, saying that Tillis muttered. If were others says near her ear like this, then some Tillis perhaps also contradictions. But now, what side her is she best friend, can who she depends upon only, therefore Tillis not too many vigilant. Moreover, she also felt that in the Aina sound as if has a gentleness, the attractive charm, goes directly to own heart. Caused her a moment ago gradually subsided because of the heart of anxious and intense beat, but in this moment, pure brightness in young girl eyes pupil, gradually vanished, in her brain, only had the Aina sound gradually to reverberate. 听到艾娜的说话,蒂莉丝喃喃自语的说道。如果是其他人在她耳边这样说的话,那么蒂莉丝或许还会有些抵触。可是现在,在她身边的是她最好的朋友,也是唯一可以让她依靠的人,因此蒂莉丝并没有太多警惕。不仅如此,她还感觉到艾娜的声音中仿佛拥有着一股柔和,诱人的魅力,直达自己的心底。使得她刚才因为不安而激烈跳动的心逐渐平息了下来,而在这一刻,少女眼眸之中的清明,也逐渐消失,在她的大脑中,只有艾娜的声音逐渐回荡。 Believes that he ............... gives him ............... & R dquo all ;( To be continued......) “相信他……………把一切都交给他……………”(未完待续……)
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