DR :: Volume #4

#338: The road of escaping

The distortion feeling of space transmission vanishes in the flash, Zhan En has not even opened the eye with enough time, felt that a gust sound flashes through from own front. Then the long sword in next moment his stopping doing without hesitation punctures forward, only hears along with the sharp blood-curdling screech sound, tries to sneak attack their raiders to be struck to kill under Zhan En's sword blade like this thoroughly. But until this time, Zhan En then opened the eye to look to the front, later he immediately a brow wrinkle. 空间传送的扭曲感在一瞬间消失,詹恩甚至还没有来得及睁开眼睛,就感觉到一阵风声从自己的面前闪过。接着下一刻他毫不犹豫的抽出手中的长剑向前刺去,只听见伴随着尖锐的惨叫声,试图偷袭他们的袭击者就这样在詹恩的剑锋之下被彻底击杀。而直到这个时候,詹恩这才睁开眼睛望向前方,随后他顿时眉头一皱。 Sees only lies down in front of Zhan En, is enough two high black spiders, this moment this spider had dismembered a body by Zhan En completely, the fragment scatters place like this, the viscous dark green blood flows, following covering entirely the ground of spider web spread. 只见躺在詹恩面前的,是一只足足有两人高的黑色蜘蛛,此刻这只蜘蛛已经完全被詹恩大卸八块,残片就这样散落一地,粘稠的墨绿色鲜血从中流淌而出,顺着布满了蛛网的地面蔓延开去。 Hunting demon spider? & R dquo ; “狩魔蛛?” Sees that black giant spider, Zhan En cold snort/hum, this is a survival in The lower world plane demon, just like its, likes hunting these to fill the magic power prey. Judging from the present situation, perhaps was the fluctuation of space transmission this fellow attracting, launched the attack to them. However, is actually this where? 看见那头黑色的巨大蜘蛛,詹恩冷哼一声,这是一种生存在下层界位面的魔物,正如其名,喜欢狩猎那些充满魔力的猎物。从目前的情况来看,恐怕是空间传送的波动才把这家伙给吸引了过来,向他们发起进攻的吧。不过话说回来,这究竟是什么地方? Thinks of here, Zhan En looks toward all around, although here had gone through hundred years of stormy times, but is hanging from the wall the mural of content has not seen clearly but the two sides were wrapped in the decayed armor have been able to see in the spider web, magnificence that here should once have, but these has vanished now magnificently does not see, remains, only then near remnant of destroyed building as well as wall these snow white spider eggs. However what makes Zhan En relax, can see outside sky and Sun from nearby window, this explained that the good and evil they were also from that damn underground deep place escaping. If they transmit. The result rushes to another deeper place, perhaps that Zhan En can only make goblin to start the long digging a hole important matter but. 想到这里,詹恩向着四周望去,虽然这里已经经历了百年的风雨,但是从墙壁上挂着的已经看不清楚的内容的壁画而两边被包裹在在蛛网里已经朽烂的盔甲可以看出,这里应该曾经拥有的辉煌,但是现在那些辉煌已经消失不见,所残留的只有断壁残垣以及墙边那些雪白的蜘蛛卵。不过让詹恩松了口气的是,从旁边的窗口可以看见外面的天空与太阳,这说明好歹他们也算是从那个该死的地底深处给逃了出来。如果说他们传送出来。结果跑到另外一个更深的地方去,那詹恩无奈之下恐怕就只能够制造哥布林开始漫长的挖洞大计了。 But actually is here where? 可是这里究竟是什么地方? About Zhan En sized up, still has no conclusion. However he can believe firmly, oneself should also in City of Lost. This point is not difficult, in fact Zhan En has not thought to be able oneself from here safe transmission. The reason is very simple, in that flash that Antiquity demonic entity regains consciousness, the confusion that it carries has started to corrode here order. Before had also said. Existences and present existences of these antiquities at all are not a matter, therefore both sides' strength was not same. Draws an analogy, this seems like the gods and Demon King slaughters mutually, but both sides at least play is the chess, regardless of the tactical situation is intense, good and evil under same rule. But the issue lies in these Antiquity demonic entity plays the Chinese checkers, rule in the same level, does not challenge Chinese checkers rule its fate to be obvious with the rule of chess. 詹恩左右打量了一下,却依然没有任何结论。不过他可以确信,自己应该还在失落之城里。这一点并不困难,事实上詹恩从来没有想过能够把自己从这里安全的传送出去。原因很简单,在上古邪物苏醒的那一瞬间,它所携带的混乱就已经开始侵蚀这里的秩序。之前也说过。这些上古的存在与现在的存在根本不是一码事,所以双方本身的力量也不相同。打个比方来说,这就好像神明和魔王互相厮杀,但双方至少玩的都是国际象棋,无论战况多么激烈,好歹都是在同一个规则之下。可问题在于这些上古邪物是玩跳棋的,本身的规则都不在同一个层面,拿国际象棋的规则去挑战跳棋规则其下场是显而易见的。 This is also why one of the that black robe mage release transmission gate eliminated reasons, transmission spell of that type of fixed coordinates bases on under the present rule to use. But is completely not suitable in the face of the ancient times rule, will therefore be wiped to disappear. But Zhan En also because knows this little, will choose the use to transmit spell rather than the localization to transmit spell randomly, only then this it is full of uncertainty uses/gives technique to make them evade the disturbance of chaotic aura, thus normal displaying spell. 这也是为什么那个黑袍法师释放的传送门会被消除的原因之一,那种固定坐标的传送法术是基于现在的规则下才能够使用的。而在远古规则面前则完全不适用,所以才会被抹消。而詹恩也正是因为知道这一点儿,才会选择使用随机传送法术而不是定位传送法术,只有这种本身充满不确定性的施术才能够让他们躲过混乱气息的干扰,从而正常的施展法术 Zhan, Mr. Zhan En. Where is this? Actually a moment ago what happened? & R dquo ; “詹,詹恩先生。这是什么地方?刚才究竟发生了什么事?” Tillis then recovering with great difficulty at this moment. Her vacant looks around toward all around, why will obviously not be clear to rush to such a place from that dark underground suddenly. 此刻的蒂莉丝这才好不容易的回过神来。她茫然的向着四周张望,显然还不清楚为什么自己会忽然从那个黑暗的地底跑到这么一个地方来。 But at this time, Aina replied two people question actually. 而就在这个时候,艾娜倒是回答了两人的疑问。 Here is an inner city. & R dquo ; “这里是内城。” Inner city? & R dquo ; “内城?” Hears here, Zhan En looked at a half-elf young girl curiously, but Aina showed the playful smile, is nodding to Zhan En. 听到这里,詹恩好奇的望了一眼半精灵少女,而艾娜则露出了俏皮的笑容,对着詹恩点了点头。 Yes, the master, you looked, looked at the past from this window, can see distant place that turret. Before that place that we camp. Words from this angle, we have not definitely run in the inner city. & R dquo ; “是的,主人,你看,从这个窗口望过去,可以看见远处那个塔楼。那正是之前我们宿营的地方。从这个角度来看的话,我们肯定是在内城里没跑了。” Said ......... & R dquo ; “这么说起来………” Looks following the direction that Aina refers, Zhan En also saw quickly in the form of distant place that turret. Then thinks that indeed has matter that. That night but how his most time placed seduce Aina and enjoy on the body of half-elf young girl, therefore care regarding the surrounding scenery actually not, but at this moment listen to Aina such a to raise, he remembers actually most starts to mount time Aina of turret indeed to refer to himself looks at the distant place to have a pitch-dark castle, according to the view of Aina, that is the City of Lost inner city, is the Royal castle location. Inside filled demon everywhere, the legend did not have Adventurer to be able from inside to live ......... 顺着艾娜所指的方向望去,詹恩很快也看见了在远处那座塔楼的身影。这才想起来的确有那么一回事。只不过那天晚上他大多数时间都放在如何诱惑艾娜和享受半精灵少女的身体上,所以对于周围的风景倒不是那么在意,而此刻听艾娜这么一提,他倒是想起最开始登上塔楼的时候艾娜的确指给自己看过远处有一栋黑洞洞的城堡,按照艾娜的说法,那就是失落之城的内城,也是王城所在地。里面到处都充满了魔物,传说还没有冒险者能够从里面活着出来……… Good. 好吧。 Thinks that here Zhan En is also a helplessness, he also counted on own luck good, to transmit to randomly from peripheral quite near place, now seems like, not only cannot escape the birth day, instead also put itself a more dangerous place. Zhan En has studied the City of Lost map, knows Royal castle situated in City of Lost most central, wants to leave from here, a shortest road must pass through the aristocrat area and market area, then arrives at the barbican wall following the inner city channel of military area directly, has the means to leave & mda S h ; Naturally, if outside does not consider that several hundred meters high sheer precipice. 想到这里詹恩也是一阵无奈,他还指望自己运气好点儿,随机传送到距离外围比较近的地方,现在看起来不但没有能够逃出生天,反而还把自己放到了更加危险的地点。詹恩可是研究过失落之城的地图,知道王城位于失落之城的最中央,想要从这里离开,最短的一条路也是要穿过贵族区和市场区,然后顺着军事区的内城通道直接到外城墙,才有办法离开—当然,如果不考虑外面那数百米高的悬崖峭壁的话。 However here is dangerous also dangerous Antiquity demonic entity, therefore Zhan En was not worried for a short time. 不过这里再危险也危险不过上古邪物,因此一时半会儿詹恩也不担心。 „ Does master, need me to summon the ally to come to help? & R dquo ; “主人,需要我召唤盟友前来帮忙吗?” Detected that the Zhan En's complexion is somewhat dignified, the opens the mouth inquiry that Aina quickly goes forward to care about said. Instead is Tillis somewhat cannot feel the mind, she confuses looked at Zhan En, looks at Aina, thinks does not understand then how long time, this Mr. Zhan En turned into the Aina master. 察觉到詹恩的面色有些凝重,艾娜急忙上前关心的开口询问道。反而是蒂莉丝有些摸不着头脑,她迷惑的看了看詹恩,又望了望艾娜,怎么也想不明白这才多久的时间,这位詹恩先生就变成艾娜的主人了。 No, in this place, you should better not to use any ability. & R dquo ; “不,在这种地方,你最好不要使用任何能力。” Hears the inquiry of Aina, Zhan En shakes the head. He has conducted the exchange before with Aina, after discovering the transformation is Charming Monster, they obtain related knowledge & mda S h about oneself skill immediately ; special skill that for example Aina has Ally summon, Is so, before the transformation is Charming Monster, she can achieve most is also and animals communicates the exchange, however after the transformation is Charming Monster, in the brain of Aina appears immediately automatically about Ally summon The knowledge and application method of this skill, she has used probably innumerable is the same. 听到艾娜的询问,詹恩摇了摇头。在之前他已经和艾娜进行过交流,发现转化为魅妖之后,她们就会立刻获得关于自己技能的相关知识—比如说艾娜拥有的特技【盟友召唤】,就是如此,在转化为魅妖之前,她所能够做到的最多也不过就是和动物们沟通交流,但是在转化为魅妖之后,艾娜的大脑里就立刻自动出现了关于【盟友召唤】这个技能的知识以及使用方法,好像她已经使用过无数次一样。 This regarding Zhan En naturally is a good deed, but this matter most vital significance is to let Zhan En relaxes, Ally summon Such nature class spell is Druid's skill, is not the evil class spell skill. But the transformation is Charming Monster Aina can obtain this skill, this means that the Charming Monster race is one type changeable, the standpoint will not be fixed existence in evil camp. Such race in the survival and hiding level must by far strong other evil races. After all no matter Vampire or Tiefling these family members, when they were born the camp was fixed, how regardless of they camouflage, so long as detects spell to pound, then appears the primary form immediately. 这对于詹恩来说自然是件好事,不过这件事最重要的意义就是让詹恩松了口气,【盟友召唤】这样的自然类法术是属于德鲁伊的技能,并不属于邪恶类的法术技能。而转化为魅妖艾娜能够获得这个技能,这就意味着魅妖种族本身是一种多变的,立场不会被固定在邪恶阵营的存在。这样的种族在生存和隐蔽层面上要远远强过其他的邪恶种族。毕竟不管是吸血鬼还是泰夫林这些眷属,当他们出生的时候阵营都是被固定的,无论他们如何伪装,只要一个侦测法术砸下去,那么就会立刻现出原形。 However Charming Monster is different, through the transformed individuals, Zhan En discovered that in own system the description about this family member race also starts gradually to increase, probably gradually is complete in the fill. First is most basic characteristic, is various characteristics, but Zhan En believes, after the culture and social structure in description were supplemented, then true, the brand-new race will also be born like this. 但是魅妖不同,通过一个个转化个体,詹恩发现自己的系统之中关于这个眷属种族的描述也开始逐渐增加,就好像逐渐在填补完整一样。首先是最基本的特性,然后是各种特征,而詹恩相信,在描述中的文化与社会结构等被补充完毕之后,那么一个真正的,全新的种族也就会这样诞生了。 However even so, he does not hope Aina currently uses this ability. Because she is still the life of this world, followed is also the present rule. But the strength of these rule and era was the mutual interference, if therefore Aina currently uses the ability, in the best situation was the skill use failure. But the worst case scenario is the skill chaotic explosion starts backlashes or the variation becomes other more troublesome thing, at that time may to have a headache. 不过即便如此,他也不希望艾娜现在使用这个能力。因为她依然是这个世界的生命,遵循的也是现在的规则。而这些规则与上古时代的力量是相互抵触的,因此如果艾娜现在使用能力的话,最好的情况下是技能使用失败。而最坏的情况则是技能混乱爆炸发动反噬或者变异成其他更加麻烦的东西,那个时候可就更让人头疼了。 Naturally, if Pattilina or Enoya and others here, Zhan En can make them use the method actually, because of their rules not from this world, will therefore not need to be worried by the issue of antiquity principle suppression counter-balance. However this locally born indigenous people to Aina and Tillis, the multi- incident is inferior to of few incident. 当然,如果是帕蒂莉娜或者埃诺娅等人在这里的话,詹恩倒是可以让她们施展手脚,因为她们的规则不是来自这个世界,所以也不用担心会被上古法则压制抵消的问题。不过对艾娜蒂莉丝这种土生土长的原住民来说,还是多一事不如少一事的好。 Thinks of here, Zhan En also took back the train of thought that then he beckons with the hand to say. 想到这里,詹恩也收回了思绪,接着他摆了摆手开口说道。 No matter how said, we ran finally from that damned place, now matter cannot be delayed, we best leave here a bit faster. You followed in my side, Aina, the Tillis guard to give you, remembered, if had the fight, only used the physical attack, do not use other these at sixes and sevens abilities. & R dquo ; “不管怎么说,我们总算从那个鬼地方跑出来了,现在事不宜迟,我们最好快点儿离开这里。你们跟在我的身边,艾娜,蒂莉丝的护卫就交给你了,记住如果发生战斗的话,只使用物理攻击,不要用其他那些乱七八糟的能力。” Good, master. & R dquo ; “好的,主人。” Although was transformed the race, however the Aina character has therefore not changed, on the contrary, after hearing the Zhan En's order, the half-elf young girl holds up the long bow, having the lively smile to give the reply. But after confirming Aina does not have the issue, Zhan En then shifts to Tillis to say. 虽然被转换了种族,但是艾娜的性格并没有因此而改变,相反,在听到詹恩的命令之后,半精灵少女就举起长弓,带着轻快的笑容给出了回答。而在确认艾娜那边没有问题之后,詹恩这才转向蒂莉丝开口说道。 Tillis, you follow in our sides, the inner city is quite dangerous, here demon are also many. I know that you are Sailon Clergymen, but now here situation some are not quite same. You should better not to use any god technique, to avoid having the problem. & R dquo ; 蒂莉丝,你跟在我们的身边,内城可是相当危险的,这里的魔物也不少。我知道你是赛纶神官,但是现在这里的情况有些不太一样。你最好不要使用任何神术,以避免出现问题。” Heard the Zhan En's order, Tillis stares gawked. However this moment young girl looks that Zhan En and Aina look somewhat is strange, why does not know, when sees Zhan En to discuss that with Aina really happy, Tillis felt oneself were completely excluded probably was the same, the innermost feelings always thought that some are uncomfortable. 听到詹恩的命令,蒂莉丝愣了一愣。但是此刻少女看着詹恩艾娜的眼神却已经有些怪异了,不知道为什么,在看见詹恩艾娜相谈甚欢的时候,蒂莉丝感觉自己好像完全被排除在外了一样,内心总觉得有些不舒服。 However finally, Tillis depressed in the depths of ones heart that is not happy reluctantly, nods. 不过最终,蒂莉丝还是勉强压下了内心深处那一丝不愉快,点了点头。 I knew, Mr. Zhan En. & R dquo ;( To be continued.) “我知道了,詹恩先生。”(未完待续。)
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