DR :: Volume #4

#337: Antiquity demonic entity

The seal barrier is close at hand. 封印屏障已经近在眼前。 Looks at present this frailly, golden barrier. In the eye of Verona also flashed through a joyful brilliance, then his impatient will point at according to above, the right hand is grasping on magic staff flashes through a red brilliance. Quick, only hearska & R dquo ; pyramid barrier such easy shatter that a light sound, formed, then a Verona such arrow step rushed goes, entered the sacrificial altar of gate of fragment seal Death shadow. In the eye of Verona, the fragment of gate of Death shadow is close at hand, the tentacle may, so long as he walks again forward several steps, then can touch that fragment. But sees this, Verona is also sneers one, then he holds up magic staff in hand, the incantation of quick, a series of blaspheming appears from the Verona mouth, saw only on white bones magic staff in his hand to erupt the dazzling bright red brilliance immediately, stroked like this above the sacrificial altar. With the magic power brilliance twinkle, only hears a series of explosion depressed sounds, the Holy brilliance that on the sacrificial altar sent out was gloomy immediately, does not have the sound again. But in the Verona hand that white bones magic staff seemed to have also reached the limit, followska & R dquo ; A light sound changes into the dust like this, vanished in the air. However at this moment my Verona has not cared about this small loss completely, gazed at the present fragment, black robe mage was showing the ice-cold and evil smile. 看着眼前这层单薄的,金黄色的屏障。维罗纳的眼中也闪过了一丝喜悦的光辉,接着他迫不及待的将手指按在上面,右手握着的法杖上闪过一丝红色的光辉。很快,只听见“咔啪”一声轻响,原本形成的金字塔结界就这样轻而易举的破碎,接着维罗纳就这样一个箭步冲上前去,走进了封印死亡阴影之门碎片的祭台。在维罗纳的眼中,死亡阴影之门的残片已经近在眼前,触手可及,只要他再向前走几步,那么就可以触摸到那块残片。而看见这一幕,维罗纳也是冷笑一声,接着他举起手中的法杖,很快,一连串亵渎的咒文从维罗纳的口中浮现,紧接着只见他手中的白骨法杖上顿时爆发出了耀眼的鲜红光辉,就这样击打在祭台之上。伴随着魔力光辉的闪烁,只听见一连串爆炸般沉闷声响,原本祭台上散发的神圣光辉顿时暗淡了下来,再也没有动静。而维罗纳手中那根白骨法杖似乎也已经到达了极限,伴随“咔啪”一声轻响就这样化为尘土,消失在了空气之中。不过此刻我的维罗纳已经完全不在乎这点儿小小的损失,注视着眼前的残片,黑袍法师露出了冰冷而邪恶的笑容。 Stop!! & R dquo ; “住手!!” Sees the Verona movement, Sword protector big Angel to angrily roar to make noise immediately, he brandishes the wing to jump fast, the long sword in hand in an in the air belt/bring over piece of dazzling radiance, cuts in the direction that Verona that like this makes an effort is. However while he leaves. Croy also acts as soon as one gets the news immediately. The black long sword in his hand selects to, quick sees a wind wall flat land, kept off in Sword protector big Angel front. Although only affected the moment, but was successful impediment the Sword protector big Angel way. But in another side, seems like closed/pass Tinidell in seal as if does not care at all regarding this contest, she stands there, raised the head seems to be pondering anything. 看见维罗纳的动作,持剑天使顿时怒吼出声,他挥舞着翅膀飞快跃起,手中的长剑在空中带过一片耀眼的光华,就这样用力的向着维罗纳所在的方向砍下。不过就在他动身的同时。克罗伊也是立刻闻风而动。他手中的黑色长剑向上一挑,很快就看见一堵风墙平地而起,挡在了持剑天使的前面。虽然只作用了片刻,可还是成功的阻挡住了持剑天使的去路。而在另外一侧,看起来被关在封印之中的蒂尼德尔似乎对于这场争夺战毫不在意,她只是站在那里,抬起头似乎在思考着什么。 But at the same time. Zhan En also stands up, he narrows the eye, carefully is observing all around. In black robe mage stepped the sacrificial altar a moment ago suddenly, the Zhan En keen feeling had anything to palpitate, seemed the wild animal of deep sleep to receive the invasion, from sinking during the dormancy woke up, was planning that opened the eye general. This feeling makes Zhan En quite anxious, about him looks around, but anything had not actually discovered. However this has not made Zhan En relieved. He lowers the head, is looking float that giant cavity under the sacrificial altar in midair. He can feel that quite not good feeling is transmitting from under that being too deep to see the bottom large cave/hole. 而在与此同时。詹恩也站起身来,他眯起眼睛,仔细的观察着四周。就在刚才黑袍法师踏上祭台的一刹那间,詹恩敏锐的感觉到有什么东西悸动了一下,就好像沉睡的野兽受到了侵扰,已经从沉眠之中醒来,正打算睁开眼睛一般。这种感觉让詹恩极为不安,他左右四下张望,但是却什么都没有发现。不过这并没有让詹恩安下心来。他低下头去,望着悬浮在半空之中的祭台下方那个巨大的空洞。他可以感觉到,那种相当不好的感觉正在从下方那个深不见底的大洞之中传来的。 Has flash that Zhan En felt oneself should prevent that doomsday believer to attain the fragment, although to him, can obtain the gate of Death shadow fragment is not unimportant. So long as do not let Klein attain well. However now seems like. He felt suddenly, perhaps no one must attain this fragment, is most important. 有那么一瞬间,詹恩觉得自己应该去阻止那个末日教徒拿到碎片,虽然对他来说,能不能够获得死亡阴影之门的碎片都不重要。只要别让克莱因拿到就好。但是现在看起来。他忽然觉得,或许谁都不要拿到这枚碎片,才是最重要的。 However what pitifully is, is too late. The doomsday believer of this moment that wear black robe had stepped onto the sacrificial altar in big strides, then he puts out a hand like this, grasps to that float in gate of sacrificial altar central Death shadow fragment & mda S h ; Does not know that is because consumed too many strengths during the fight of former and Tinidell, the fragment of gate of that Death shadow at this moment is only peaceful float in midair motionless, absolutely did not have the beforehand constriction. Moreover full also dissipated in dark energy, now this fragment seems like instead seems like by the fire has burnt down glass piece equally dusky common, does not have any strength. It such float in in the air. Whatever Verona grasps it in the hand. 不过可惜的是,为时已晚。此刻那个穿着黑袍的末日教徒已经大踏步的走上了祭台,接着他就这样伸出手去,握向那悬浮在祭台中央的死亡阴影之门的碎片—不知道是不是因为在之前和蒂尼德尔的战斗之中消耗了太多的力量,那枚死亡阴影之门的碎片此刻只是安静的悬浮在半空之中一动不动,完全没有了之前的压迫感。而且原本充溢在其中的黑暗能量也消散了很多,现在这枚碎片看起来反而像是被火焚烧过的玻璃碎片一样灰蒙蒙的毫不起眼,也没有任何力量。它就这么悬浮在空中。任凭维罗纳将其抓在手里。 Success!! 成功了!! When gripping the gate of fragment Death shadow, feels that implication piercing chill in the air, Verona immediately showed the joyful smile. 在握住死亡阴影之门碎片,感受到那蕴含其中的刺骨寒意之时,维罗纳顿时露出了欣喜的笑容。 But almost at the same time, Sword protector big Angel, Tinidell and Zhan En is the complexion changes. 而几乎在与此同时,持剑天使,蒂尼德尔詹恩都是面色一变。 They feel, grips that moment of gate of fragment Death shadow in that black robe mage, as if had anything to be liberated thoroughly. 他们都感觉到,在那个黑袍法师握住死亡阴影之门碎片的那一刻,似乎有什么东西被彻底解放了。 We leave here immediately!! & R dquo ; “我们立刻离开这里!!” But Verona as if not detected, he was shouting to Croy at the same time, then puts out a scroll to throw conveniently forward, seeing only blinks the scroll to be stave, the transmission light gate appeared in the Verona side together like this. It seems like although the follower of doomsday god is frantic, but is not the fool, they have prepared the way of departure, this on comes to rob the gate of Death shadow fragment, moreover seemed like also succeeds unexpectedly. 维罗纳自己似乎对此毫无察觉,他一面对着克罗伊大喊了一声,接着顺手拿出一个卷轴向前一扔,只见眨眼之间卷轴破碎,一道传送光门就这样出现在了维罗纳的身边。看来末日神教的信徒虽然狂热,但也不是傻瓜,他们早就准备了离开的方式,这才上前来抢夺死亡阴影之门的碎片,而且看起来居然还成功了。 Sees to transmit the light gate to tend to the stability, Verona is also in the heart one happy, then he raises legs to plan to enter in the transmission gate. But completely what makes black robe mage not think, at this time, this sent out the magic brilliance transmission gate to seem like in the wind the remaining years of life to rock suddenly, then such quiet extinguishment. But sees this, Verona to stare immediately, the complexion suddenly changes. 看见传送光门趋于稳定,维罗纳也是心中一喜,接着他抬腿就打算进入传送门中。但让黑袍法师完全没有想到的是,就在这个时候,这面散发着魔法光辉的传送门忽然像是风中残烛般晃动了一下,接着就这样悄无声息的熄灭。而看见这一幕,维罗纳顿时一愣,紧接着面色猛然一变。 Because at this time, he felt that seems like breeze to blow from own side, that gust seems like gentle incomparable, but makes Verona in the complexion that the flash changes pale, because he felt that along with swaying of that gust, powerful magic power that oneself body embodiment contains seemed like by anything is swallowed vanished thoroughly, only remained an empty feeling. Moreover, in this moment, these because of magic flame of combustion, through magic power actuation sending out luminous crystal, even Holy Spirit are used to imprison the Tinidell Saint word barrier to vanish in this flash thoroughly. 因为就在这个时候,他感到似乎有一股微风从自己身边吹过,那阵风看起来似乎轻柔无比,但却让维罗纳在一瞬间变的面色铁青,因为他感觉到伴随着那阵风的吹拂,自己身体内蕴含的强大魔力像是被什么东西吞噬了般彻底消失,只残留下了一种空荡荡的感觉。不仅如此,在这一刻,那些因为魔法而燃烧的火焰,还有通过魔力驱动散发光亮的水晶,甚至连圣灵们用来禁锢蒂尼德尔的圣言屏障都在这一瞬间彻底消失。 During entire fell into one piece greatly emptily again jet black and silent. 整个大空洞再次陷入了一片漆黑与寂静之中。 A deathly stillness piece. 死寂一片。 No one spoke, no one had an action to perform, seemed like seems to finish. However now, even if the slowest person can also feel, this is just the omen of tsunami, they on are standing in the sand beach now probably, helplessly looks that the ocean waves retreat backward, knows obviously is going to have anything, but definitely is actually not have an action to perform general. 没有任何人说话,也没有任何人有所动作,看起来就好像一切都已经结束。但是现在,哪怕是最迟钝的人也能够感觉到,这只不过是海啸的前兆,他们现在就好像正站在沙滩上,眼睁睁的看着海浪向后退却,明明知道接下来将要发生什么,但是却完全无法有所动作一般。 Finally, the tsunami came. 终于,海啸来了。 „!! & R dquo ; “!!” That is a call and scream of almost thorough innermost soul, it as if had broken through the time and space boundary, touched in the heart of everyone. Chaos aura of hysterical/frenzy howls to erupt from the empty deep place like this, thunders to spurt upwardly. But the feeling this aura, Zhan En the complexion is pale immediately. 那是一声几乎深入灵魂深处的呐喊与尖叫,它仿佛已经突破了时间与空间的界限,深入到了每个人的心中。紧接着,一股狂乱的混沌气息就这样呼啸着从空洞深处爆发而出,轰鸣着向上喷去。而感受到这股气息,詹恩顿时面色铁青。 Antiquity demonic entity! mother Lilicia your really pit I!! 上古邪物!尼玛莉莉西亚你果然坑我!! So-called Antiquity demonic entity, is actually these ancient God subordinates, before seeming like Zhan En, in the Nicolas envoy who Cassandra copes withten thousand hungry mouth & R dquo ; Shagut such existence. These Antiquity demonic entity are ancient God the subordinate and envoy, with the present god is even Demon King is not a passer-by, regarding Antiquity demonic entity, no matter Demon King or the gods are their enemies, only needs to destroy thoroughly well. Because these things are born the high antiquity in the world inaugurating, enabling their strengths with having the way is completely different from the present, sometimes awaits the honor of your presence is to make clear their forms of combat is a quite difficult matter. But Zhan En has not thought that in this has abandoned under such a long time city, unexpectedly meets the seal such a thing. Moreover ............... present Zhan En understands finally why will arrange such two seals around the fragment of gate of Death shadow, not only nine Saint seals, even also takes the mirror of Sun to take the core. Originally their goals were not for the seal the gate of Death shadow fragment, but for seal following Antiquity demonic entity!! 所谓的上古邪物,其实就是那些古神的手下,就好像詹恩之前在卡珊德拉对付的尼古拉斯的使者“万饿之口”沙古特那样的存在。这些上古邪物都是古神的部下和使者,与现在的神系乃至魔王都不是一路人,对于上古邪物,不管是魔王还是神明都是他们的敌人,只需要彻底毁灭就好。而由于这些东西都诞生于天地初开的远古时代,使得它们的力量与存在方式都与现在完全不同,有时候光是搞清楚它们的战斗方式都是一件相当困难的事情。而詹恩也没有想到,在这座已经废弃了这么长时间的城市下面,居然会封印着这么一个东西。不仅如此……………现在詹恩终于明白,为什么在死亡阴影之门的残片周围会布置这样的两个封印,不但有九圣封印,甚至还拿太阳之镜作为核心。原来它们的目的不是为了封印了死亡阴影之门的残片,而是为了封印下面的上古邪物!! Thinks that here Zhan En in secret unstated criticism Sun Temple followers are one group of idiots, your seal Antiquity demonic entity is so mean-spirited, unexpectedly also two same place seals, is this plan responds the economical summons? Do you construct one piece specifically to be used for the seal Antiquity demonic entity area dead? Meeting? 想到这里詹恩不由暗中腹诽太阳神殿的信徒都是一群白痴,你们封印个上古邪物还这么小气,居然还连带着两个一起封印,这是打算响应多快好省的号召吗?你们重新建造一片专门用来封印上古邪物的地区会死吗?会吗? However now does not ponder this issue time, in this city Sun Temple follower also several hundred years ago on death ray, even if now Zhan En wants to resurrect to flog a corpse them with Undead spell unable to achieve. Therefore complained that these fellows do not have the significance, fortunately, started the land that shivered after to return to after a while normal along with this roar, it seems like that the Antiquity demonic entity seal continued obviously this, it seems like that crowd of Sun Temple fellow somewhat was somewhat credible. However this to Zhan En is not any good news, as the child of Demon King, and relieves seal these two aspects he naturally quite to understand regarding the seal, the seal that this type suppresses Antiquity demonic entity once collapsed a corner/horn, only if that suppresses, otherwise collapses thoroughly is also only the time issue. In this case, they only have two choices, either before the seal relieves kills Antiquity demonic entity that has not fully restored, either took advantage it regains consciousness beforehand has many runs far. 不过现在也不是思考这个问题的时候,这座城市里太阳神殿的信徒也早在几百年前就死光了,现在哪怕詹恩想用死灵法术把他们复活过来鞭尸都做不到。所以抱怨那些家伙也毫无意义,幸运的是,伴随着这阵吼声开始颤动的大地在过了一会儿之后又重新恢复了平静,看来上古邪物的封印显然不止这一股,看来那群太阳神殿的家伙多多少少还有些靠谱的。但是这对詹恩来说并不算什么好消息,作为魔王之子,对于封印和解除封印这两方面他自然都相当了解,这种压制上古邪物的封印一旦塌了一个角,那么除非重新压制,否则彻底崩溃也就只是时间问题。在这种情况下,他们只有两个选择,要么在封印解除前杀死那个还没有完全恢复过来的上古邪物,要么就趁它苏醒之前有多远跑多远。 But regarding as the child of Demon King, takes destroying human as Zhan En of own duty, then the answer only has one obviously. 而对于身为魔王之子,以毁灭人类为己任的詹恩来说,那么答案显然只有一个。 We walk! & R dquo ; “我们走!” After making decision, Zhan En without hesitation holds two young girls, the seal has eradicated, awakens of Antiquity demonic entity is only the time issue. Now the people stand probably, in had turned in the nuclear bomb of countdown, if they do not evacuate a bit faster, that only then god knows what happened! 在做出决定之后,詹恩毫不犹豫的一把抓住身边的两个少女,封印已经破除,上古邪物的苏醒只是时间问题。现在众人就好像是站在一颗已经开启了倒计时的核弹上,如果他们再不快点儿撤离的话,那么只有天知道才会发生什么事了! As for Tinidell and others, that in the Zhan En's ponder range, regarding Zhan En, he cannot do now only, leaves here, then ......... said again then. 至于蒂尼德尔和其他人,那就不在詹恩的思考范围之内了,对于詹恩来说,现在他唯一能够做的,就是离开这里,然后………再说然后。 Thinks of here, Zhan En gets hold of the ring in hand, makes an effort to press. next moment, he Tillis and Aina are surrounded by the golden light halo that one presents suddenly like this, later rapid disappearance is missing.( To be continued.) 想到这里,詹恩握紧手中的戒指,用力一按。下一刻,他连带着蒂莉丝艾娜就这样被一圈忽然出现的金色光圈所包围,随后迅速消失不见了踪影。(未完待续。)
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