DR :: Volume #4

#336: Death Moon

„ The Tinidell strength grew stronger. & R dquo ; 蒂尼德尔的力量又增强了呢。” Looks below fight, Zhan En said after a sigh. Verona does not know why will have this matter, but Zhan En is very clear, what if actually the opposite party uses is other elements congeals the monster that then somewhat will also be thorny regarding Tinidell. But the fragment of gate of Death shadow utilizes is the dark strength, regarding knowing very well Tinidell all Zhan En, this attack brings about own destruction simply. 看着下方的战斗,詹恩不由的感叹道。维罗纳不知道为什么会发生这种事,但是詹恩却很清楚,其实如果对方使用的是其他元素凝结的怪物的话,那么对于蒂尼德尔来说也会有些棘手。可偏偏死亡阴影之门的残片运用的是黑暗的力量,对于熟知蒂尼德尔一切的詹恩来说,这种攻击简直就是自寻死路。 The reason only has one, Tinidell is Dark fairies Princess & mda S h ; Ruler who commands all dark elements. 原因只有一个,蒂尼德尔暗妖精公主—统帅所有黑暗元素的支配者。 So-called Dark fairies, does not refer to Underdark drow of these black skins, but refers to the life in Fairy of dark element world, in probably hot element or water element are congealed Fairy such existence that by the element becomes. But in elf that in such element world lives, can the strength of free operation element. Dark fairies is naturally no exception, as with light Fairy same honored existence, Dark fairies can calculate on is one of the entire Klein Continent most higher races. But seems Fairy of light always to serve side the gods to be the same, dark Fairy is also one of the Demon King best helpers, but in position noblest Your Highness Princess as Dark fairies, the Tinidell ability nature is without a doubt. 所谓的暗妖精,并不是指幽暗地域里那些黑皮肤的黑暗精灵,而是指生活在暗元素世界的妖精,就好像火元素界或者水元素界里由元素本身凝结而成的妖精那样的存在。而在这样的元素世界里生活的精灵,可以自由自在的操纵元素的力量。暗妖精自然也不例外,作为与光妖精同等尊贵的存在,暗妖精可以算的上是整个克莱恩大陆最高等的种族之一。而就好像光之妖精总是侍奉在神明身边一样,暗之妖精也是魔王们最好的帮手之一,而作为暗妖精里地位最高贵的公主殿下,蒂尼德尔的能力自然毋庸置疑。 Uses dark magic power before the Dark fairies royal family of control dark element, this may really be Zhan En has seen most has the floral formula to make the dead spiritual the selector mode. 在支配黑暗元素的暗妖精王族面前使用黑暗魔力,这可真是詹恩所见过的最具有花式作死精神的选择方式了。 However also because of Tinidell the characteristic, therefore she will settle on to take the goal by Zhan En. Regarding then Zhan En, without launching Dungeon System him was waste the firewood to be incomparable, if in this case can obtain a Dark fairies royal family as the subordinate, then can obtain a calmness and steadiness in Demon World. But then Tinidell also calculated on was naive pure, therefore by Zhan En together with the Enoya two people with the idea introduction trap, will then be imprisoned. Also thinks can successfully handle, but has not thought Tinidell spirit imagination is more tenacious, unexpectedly held a negligence to escape from the jail. After that Zhan En has not seen her again, after is very long. He knew that Tinidell joined in oneself big brother Klein influence, a Death Moon status is enlivening at four generals. 不过也正是因为蒂尼德尔的这种特性,所以她才会被詹恩看中作为目标。对于当时的詹恩而言,没有展开地下城系统的他可谓废柴无比,在这种情况下假如能够获得一位暗妖精王族作为部下的话,那么就能够能够在魔界获得一线安稳。而当时的蒂尼德尔还算的上是天真单纯,所以才会被詹恩连同埃诺娅两个人用计引入陷阱,然后囚禁了起来。原本还以为能够成功搞定的,只是没想到蒂尼德尔的精神比想象的还要坚韧,居然抓住了一个疏忽逃出了监牢。从那之后,詹恩就再也没有见过她,在过了很久之后。他才得知蒂尼德尔加入了自己大哥克莱因的势力之中,以四将军之一死亡之月的身份活跃着。 Strength that displays from present Tinidell, has the legendary peak strength steadily, in addition she is the ruler of dark element. Suppresses all dark magics naturally. To this enemy, Zhan En does not think oneself will have the odds of success, even that side Holy Spirit and evil cult disciple joins up, may not be the Tinidell opponent. However Zhan En still has not chosen to leave, on the contrary. He is looking steadily at that fragment, always thought where has is not quite right. Thinks carefully, the information that the information and these evil cult people who he obtains obtain should come from Lilicia. How then that side Klein is? Lilicia said that she information obtained from Klein there, regarding this Zhan En is kills does not believe that in turn thinks, if Klein that side information also learns from Lilicia here? After all before during the conversation, Lilicia only said that Klein and nether world Princess made the transaction, if he can volume of simultaneous/uniform all fragments, become the union with him, and betroths Nabelius to him. 从现在蒂尼德尔表现出的实力来看,已经稳稳有传奇巅峰的实力,再加上她是暗元素的支配者。天然压制一切黑暗魔法。对上这种敌人,詹恩可不认为自己会有胜算,就算那边的圣灵邪教徒联合起来,也不一定会是蒂尼德尔的对手。不过詹恩依然没有选择离开,相反。他盯视着那枚残片,总觉得有什么地方不太对劲。仔细想想,他所获得的情报和这些邪教徒所获得的情报应该都来自莉莉西亚。那么克莱因那边又是如何呢?莉莉西亚说她是从克莱因那里获得的情报,对此詹恩是打死都不信的,反过来想,如果说克莱因那边的情报也是从莉莉西亚这里得知的呢?毕竟之前在交谈之中,莉莉西亚只说克莱因与幽冥公主做了交易,如果他能够集齐所有的碎片,就与他结为同盟,并且将娜贝利乌斯许配给他。 However she has not said after making the transaction. Nether world Princess told the opposite party the positions of all fragments. Will have this idea, pure is only reasonable deduction & mda S h ; Since nether world Princess and Klein reached the agreement, then she naturally can complete this agreement. 但是她可从来没有说过在做了交易之后。幽冥公主就将所有残片的位置都告诉了对方。会有这种想法,单纯只是一个合理的推论—既然幽冥公主克莱因达成了协议,那么她自然会完成这个协议。 Is the matter really so but simple? Nether world Princess has own influence in the ground, in fact the city of once Death was the supreme headquarters of nether world Princess follower, was one of the evil cult organizationsDeath eulogist & R dquo ; Station. They believe in nether world Princess, thinking Death is only the life by another beginning that the brand-new shape starts. In this organization majority are undead lifeform, there are minority black demon mage. The strength is as good as the doomsday god. ButDeath eulogist & R dquo ; All day is busy turning in the tomb everywhere randomly, therefore extremely will not have been paid attention to by Templar. If nether world Princess really knows all fragments the positions, then she can send oneself manpower to seek for these fragments greatly not? After all the gate of Death shadow is meaningful in nether world Princess, but in The lower world. Is equal to seeking an impossibility with any influence cooperation. In this case, why nether world Princess does not send people to handle this trouble simply, rather than can commission in Klein? 可是事情真的就这么简单?幽冥公主在地面上并非没有自己的势力,事实上曾经的死亡之城就是幽冥公主信徒的大本营,也是邪教组织之一“死亡赞颂者”的驻地。他们都信奉幽冥公主,认为死亡只是生命以全新形态重新开始的又一个起点。这个组织里大多数都是不死生物,也有少数的黑魔法师。其实力本身不亚于末日神教。只不过“死亡赞颂者”整天忙着在墓地里到处乱翻,所以才没有被圣堂教会太过放在眼里。如果幽冥公主真的知道所有残片的位置,那么她大可以派自己的人手去寻找这些残片不是吗?毕竟死亡阴影之门只有在幽冥公主手里才有意义,而在下层界。与任何势力协作都等于是与虎谋皮。在这种情况下,幽冥公主为什么不干脆自己派人搞定这个麻烦,而非要假手于克莱因呢? Several possibilities, nether world Princess do not know these fragments either there. Therefore makes Klein seek, but Klein obtained the information from Lilicia here. Either nether world Princess has dispatched to seek excellently, but was actually defeated, therefore sends Klein to work as fool & mda S h ; However Zhan En thinks that this possibility is not big, because they have not seen any Undead lifeform all the way the wreckage, therefore perhaps will not be the latter. 这其中有几种可能性,要么幽冥公主自己也不知道那些残片在那里。所以才让克莱因去寻找,而克莱因则是从莉莉西亚这里得到了情报。要么幽冥公主已经派遣过人来寻找,但是却失败了,所以才派克莱因来当冤大头—不过詹恩认为这个可能性并不大,因为他们一路上都没有见到任何死灵生物的残骸,因此恐怕不会是后者。 If the former. Then Lilicia definitely believes firmly that here has the enough powerful strength, can Tinidell, oneself as well as everyone pit dies here. Because this only has the advantage to her, without fault. In turn, once among them some people escape, then the Lilicia situation will become quite not wonderful. By Zhan En to that cheap person understood that journey fruit own speculation is true, then she quite believes firmly in obviously this seal has anything to handle itself thoroughly and Tinidell. 而如果是前者的话。那么莉莉西亚肯定确信这里有足够强大的力量,可以将蒂尼德尔,自己以及所有人坑死在这里。因为这对于她来说只有好处,没有坏处。反过来,一旦他们当中有人逃生,那么莉莉西亚的处境就会变得相当不妙。以詹恩对那个贱人的了解程果自己的猜测属实,那么她显然相当确信这个封印里有什么东西可以彻底搞定自己和蒂尼德尔的。 From the present, here is not but dangerous. The mirror of Sun indeed is very horrifying weapon to demon, but that also needs some people to grasp the use to be good. But gate of fragment's dark strength Death shadow is quite strong, however existence of Tinidell restrained the extreme it. Even Lilicia underestimated itself, thinks oneself and have no difference when The lower world. Then she is impossible to underestimate Tinidell, that is Your Highness Princess in dark element world, thinks to know that with the brain is not can with ease by the existence of restraint and elimination. 可是从眼下来看,这里并不算多么危险。太阳之镜的确是件对魔族来说很可怕的武器,但那也需要有人掌握使用才行。而死亡阴影之门碎片本身的黑暗之力虽然相当浓厚,但是蒂尼德尔的存在可谓将其克制到了极点。就算莉莉西亚低估了自己,认为自己和在下层界时没什么区别。那么她也不可能低估蒂尼德尔吧,那可是暗元素世界的公主殿下,用脑子想想就知道不是轻轻松松可以被克制和消灭的存在。 What other thing don't tell me does here have to be inadequate? 难道说这里还有什么别的东西不成? In Zhan En thinks with hardship, the following fight also starts again. 就在詹恩苦苦思索之时,下面的战斗也再次打响。 Helplessly looks after dark demon that the fragment congeals vanishes in a puff of smoke, the doomsday believers and Holy Spirit know before them, both sides mutually wounded who presumptuously think benefitted as the third party in a dispute had really turned into the mirror in the flowered water the moon/month, but eye skirt-width before them, only then two choices, obediently turned around to leave either, either attacked at risk of life, robs the fragment, actually whom had a look is the final victor. 眼睁睁的看着残片凝结的黑暗魔物灰飞烟灭之后,末日教徒和圣灵们都知道他们之前妄想的双方两败俱伤自己渔翁得利已经真的变成了镜中花水中月,而眼下摆在他们面前的只有两个选择,要么乖乖转身离开,要么就拼死进攻,抢夺碎片,看看究竟谁才是最终的胜利者。 But as the protector of fragment, Holy Spirit first turned toward Tinidell to launch the attack. Saw only to be roared by Steve that Sword protector big Angel took possession, in the hand sparkles a brilliance golden long sword finger/refers, next moment his side these is reappeared forward immediately wing of the pair of light by the adventure group member who on Holy Spirit took possession. Afterward then sees them to shout angrily with one voice is holding up the weapon in hand, rushes over to Tinidell. 而作为碎片的保护者,圣灵首先向着蒂尼德尔发动了进攻。只见被持剑天使附体的史蒂夫怒吼一声,手中闪耀着光辉的金色长剑向前一指,下一刻他身边那些被圣灵附体的冒险团成员身上顿时浮现出了一对光之羽翼。随后便看见他们齐声怒喝着举起手中的武器,向蒂尼德尔冲了过去。 Several meteor brilliance cut the dark space like this, speeds away to forward. 数道流星般的光辉就这样划破黑暗的空间,疾驰向前。 Facing Holy Spirit that the front surface to/clashes, Tinidell stopped the footsteps for the first time. She extends the right hand, then from the sky has delimited an arc two meters long giant sickles quietly, then steady falling in the hand of Tinidell. next moment, the sickle shoots high, interlocks with the blade hit that the front surface cuts. 面对迎面冲来的圣灵,蒂尼德尔第一次停下了脚步。她伸出右手,那把足足有两米多长的巨大镰刀悄无声息在空中划过了一道弧线,接着平稳的落在蒂尼德尔的手中。下一刻,镰刀高高弹起,与迎面砍下的刀刃撞击交错。 Clang!! & R dquo ; “铛!!” With collision sound. The bright spark flashes before instantaneously, but a blade Holy Spirit tumbling from in the air has not fallen, then rolls, the sickle in hand turns toward the thigh of Tinidell to pare like this. But facing the attack of Holy Spirit, Tinidell half step has not even drawn back, on the contrary, sees only her wrist/skill revolution, next moment that howls the blade edge of giant sickle like this, that Adventurer body nail stubbornly in ground. 伴随着碰撞声响。明亮的火花瞬间闪现,而一刀未中的圣灵则一个翻滚从空中落下,接着就地一滚,手中的弯刀就这样向着蒂尼德尔的腿部削去。而面对圣灵的攻击,蒂尼德尔甚至连半步都没有退,相反,只见她手腕一转,下一刻那把巨大镰刀的刀锋就这样呼啸而下,将那个冒险者的身躯死死的钉在地面上。 „!! & R dquo ; “啊啊啊!!” With the blood-curdling screech sound, covered in Adventurer brilliance vanishes immediately. Then sees a sparkle to surround, has the spirit body of wing to reappear from his body, struggles to fly to the sky. However it did not have to leave the body of Adventurer with enough time thoroughly, then sees only a Tinidell wrist/skill slightly turn over turbulently, next moment shoots up to the sky like the fountain dark tide like this, Holy Spirit fetter. in a moment, the Holy soul had been tarnished and swallowed completely dark, vanishes in the dark mighty current thoroughly. 伴随着惨叫声响,原本笼罩在冒险者身上的光辉顿时消失。紧接着便看见一个闪耀围观,拥有翅膀的灵体从他的身上浮现,挣扎着向天空飞去。但是它还没有来得及彻底离开冒险者的身体,便只见蒂尼德尔手腕微一翻转,下一刻汹涌如同喷泉般的黑暗之潮就这样冲天而起,将圣灵束缚其中。眨眼的工夫,原本神圣的灵魂就已经完全被黑暗玷污与吞噬,彻底消失在黑暗洪流之中。 Death of companion has not made Holy Spirit retreat, on the contrary, with the aid of his sacrifice. Other Holy Spirit had surrounded Tinidell at this moment all round, then sees only them to lift up high the weapon in hand, is chanting the mortal unreadable Holy song. Afterward then sees remaining eight Holy Spirit to grasp to stop the weapon to forward, welcomes to divide spatially. But along with their movements. Eight golden light beams shoot up to the sky immediately, giant Holy rune/symbol writing the golden color is reappearing like barrier sending out brilliance baseless, covers in which Tinidell. 同伴的死亡并没有让圣灵退却,相反,借助他的牺牲。其他圣灵此刻已经将蒂尼德尔团团包围了起来,接着只见他们高举起手中的武器,咏唱着凡人难以理解的神圣歌谣。随后便看见剩下的八个圣灵握住手中的武器向前,迎空劈下。而伴随着他们的动作。八道金色的光柱顿时冲天而起,一个个巨大的神圣符文如同屏障般散发着金色光辉凭空浮现,将蒂尼德尔笼罩其中。 Is now!! 就是现在!! Saw that Tinidell had been sealed up thoroughly, in the Verona eye flashes through brilliance, then sees his black robe together later immediately the calm self-excitation . Flame Snake this that roared together departed, plunges rear area was taking care of Sword protector big Angel of fragment seal. 眼看着蒂尼德尔已经被彻底封闭,维罗纳眼中闪过一道光辉,随后便看见他身上的黑袍顿时无风自鼓,紧接着。一道咆哮的火焰之蛇就这样就从中飞出,扑向了后方正在看顾碎片封印的持剑天使 As the evil cult disciple, they do not care about Tinidell, regarding the doomsday believer, fight between Tinidell and Holy Spirit has nothing to do with them, their goals are not the thorough elimination enemies, but seizes the chance to obtain the gate of Death shadow fragment. But now Holy Spirit is pestering with that woman mutually, such good opportunity, do the doomsday believers possibly let off? 作为邪教徒,他们根本不在乎蒂尼德尔,对于末日教徒来说,蒂尼德尔圣灵之间的战斗与他们无关,他们的目标并非是彻底消灭敌人,而是趁机获得死亡阴影之门的残片。而现在圣灵与那个女人正互相纠缠,这么好的机会,末日教徒们又怎么可能放过? Verona is intelligent, but Sword protector big Angel is not a fool. It has not rushed immediately copes with Tinidell together, obviously also this group of evil cult people side security. At this moment sees Verona to begin, Sword protector big Angel is also shouts angrily one, in the hand sparkles the brilliance Saint sword to divide immediately forward, divides into two from the middle that fire snake. However regarding Verona, his goal has achieved. 维罗纳聪明,可是持剑天使也不是傻瓜。它之所以没有立刻冲上去一起对付蒂尼德尔,显然也正是在警戒旁边这群邪教徒。此刻看见维罗纳动手,持剑天使也是怒喝一声,手中闪耀着光辉的圣剑顿时向前劈下,将那条火蛇从中间一分为二。不过对于维罗纳来说,他的目的已经达到了。 !! & R dquo ; “呼!!” While Sword protector big Angel cuts fire snake, a jet black long sword appears from void suddenly, straight thorn to its heart. With its movement, the air currents of innumerable sharp wind start to inflate, change into wind edges to puncture forward. Facing this sudden attack, Sword protector big Angel is also one startled, it quickly brandished wing after a lower part of the body, swings these wind edges, the long sword in hand does not stagnate stalled the attack of opposite party. 就在持剑天使斩开火蛇的同时,一把漆黑的长剑忽然从虚空之中浮现,笔直的刺向了它的心脏。伴随着它的动作,无数尖锐的风之气流开始膨胀,化为一道道风刃向前刺去。面对这突如其来的袭击,持剑天使也是一惊,它急忙挥舞了一下身后的翅膀,将那些风刃荡开,手中的长剑也毫不停滞的挡住了对方的进攻。 Was blocked? 被挡住了吗? Croy grasps the long sword, is looking steadily at present Sword protector big Angel, in the ice-cold eye pupil does not have the slight expression. Teaches the envoy as protecting in doomsday god, the reputation of blade of Death naturally does not need to raise. Before because must resist the attacks of these dark demon, enabling him not to have the means to fight with these Holy Spirit. But now, since dark demon has vanished does not see, then, was the warrior home game. 克罗伊手握长剑,盯视着眼前的持剑天使,冰冷的眼眸之中没有丝毫表情。作为末日神教之中的护教使者,死亡之刃的名声自然不用多提。之前由于要阻挡那些黑暗魔物的进攻,使得他没有办法与这些圣灵战斗。而现在,既然黑暗魔物已经消失不见,那么接下来,就是战士的主场了。 Is now!! 就是现在!! Saw that Croy stalled the attack of Sword protector big Angel, Verona again not slightly hesitant, sees only his figure to shake, brings a series of remnant shades fast threw toward the sacrificial altar that the fragment is. But detected that the Verona action, Sword protector big Angel quickly receives the sword to withdraw, tries to prevent his nearness. But while Sword protector big Angel withdraws, Sharp Edge in Croy hand is also closely associated rushing, prevented the further action of opposite party. Nearby remaining several Holy Spirit are also quickly overtakes, but also by the doomsday guards keeping off. 眼看着克罗伊挡住了持剑天使的进攻,维罗纳再也没有丝毫犹豫,只见他身形微晃,带着一连串的残影飞快的向着残片所在的祭台扑了过去。而察觉到维罗纳的举动,持剑天使急忙收剑后撤,试图阻止他的靠近。但就在持剑天使后撤的同时,克罗伊手中的利刃也是如影随形般的赶到,阻止了对方的进一步行动。旁边剩下的几个圣灵也是急忙赶了过去,但也被末日卫士们给挡了下来。 Attack and defense of both sides is only several seconds time, but seals up that moment of Sword protector big Angel way in Croy again, black robe mage also touched that final seal finally.( To be continued.) 双方的攻防只是短短几秒钟的工夫,而就在克罗伊再次封住持剑天使去路的那一刻,黑袍法师也终于也触摸到了那最后的封印。(未完待续。) ( This book collection origin website clear, no ball window and refresh rate quick) (本书采集来源网站清晰、无弹窗、更新速度快)
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