DR :: Volume #4

#335: Dark Abyss ( VII )

Below dozen of one group of liveliness, but actually no one notices, the Death chill in the air, gradually is close to them. 下面打的一团热闹,但是却没有任何人注意到,死亡的寒意,正在逐渐接近他们。 Zhan, Mr. Zhan En ......... & R dquo ; “詹,詹恩先生………” Tillis shivers, she stares the big eye, is gazing at fixedly the front stubbornly, even the following fight is not paying attention. Although she does not have the means sees through the darkness like Zhan En and Aina, but as the life body, the feeling of Tillis instinct in her front, in that group of darkness, there is any thing to approach slowly. Although the speed of opposite party is not fast, without making any sound, but Tillis actually felt seems like in own at present the transparent invisible giant beasts have opened the big mouth, only waits to swallow the belly general her. When instinct fear of that life facing Death was only the flash controlled the Tillis mind, if were not Zhan En side her, perhaps this little while Tillis has turned around runs. 蒂莉丝不由的颤抖起来,她瞪大眼睛,死死瞪视着前方,甚至连下面的战斗都不在关注。虽然她没办法像詹恩艾娜那样看穿黑暗,但是作为生命体,蒂莉丝本能的感觉到了在她的前方,在那团黑暗之中,有什么东西正在缓慢的靠近。虽然对方的速度一点儿都不快,也没有发出任何声音,但是蒂莉丝却感觉就好像是在自己的眼前有一头透明的无形巨兽已经张开了血盆大口,只等着将她吞下肚子一般。那种生命面对死亡时的本能恐惧只是一瞬间就控制了蒂莉丝的心灵,如果不是詹恩在她身边的话,恐怕这会儿蒂莉丝已经掉头就跑了。 Not is only Tillis, has transformed is Charming Monster Aina at this time also the bow the body like cheetah, bites the jaw to look steadily at the front. If not Zhan En is comforting her, perhaps this little while Aina has revealed the true body in the Tillis front. But despite that Aina also tightened the nerve, is shaking hand the weapon, prepared self-defense. 不仅仅是蒂莉丝,就连已经转化为魅妖艾娜这个时候也像猎豹一样的弓起身体,咬住牙关盯视着前方。如果不是詹恩安抚着她的话,恐怕这会儿艾娜就已经在蒂莉丝的面前显露出真身了。但是即便如此,艾娜也是绷紧了神经,握着手中的武器,做好了自卫的准备。 Death is arriving. 死亡正在降临。 The three parties that under battle as if also detected that what issue, dark demon of tumbling retroceded rapidly, leaves the position that the steps were by far. But the doomsday believers and Holy Spirit also stopped the fight, turning around of as if by prior agreement, looks to the entrance of not far away. 就连下方激战的三方似乎也察觉到了什么问题,翻滚的黑暗魔物们迅速后退,远远的离开了阶梯所在的位置。而末日教徒和圣灵们也停止了战斗,不约而同的转过身去,望向不远处的入口。 Quick. In brilliant ray place. The frail white mist gradually appears, later even more thick. In luminous, sees only the white thick fog as if ocean waves to thunder to wash out the present darkness. But under the influence of this type of strange mist, as if dark center the gate of fragment of Death shadow received the influence continually. Sees only thickly originally almost covers the entire space the rapid recycling of darkness under the corrosion of white fog. Quick, before that pitch-dark, even luminous its fettered thick dark radical disappearance is missing, the suppressed brilliance starts to release the original brilliance again. But the entire main hall also under shining of Holy Spirit and flame became bright. 很快。在光辉照耀的地方。单薄的白色雾气逐渐浮现,随后越发的浓厚。在光亮之中,只见白色的浓雾仿佛海浪般轰鸣冲刷着眼前的黑暗。而在这种诡异雾气的影响下,仿佛连黑暗中心的死亡阴影之门残片都收到了影响。只见原本浓厚的几乎笼罩整个空间的黑暗在白雾的侵蚀下飞速回收。很快,之前那种伸手不见五指,甚至连光亮本身都被束缚的浓密黑暗彻底消失不见了踪影,被压制的光辉开始再一次释放出自己原本的光彩。而整个大殿也在圣灵与火焰的照耀之下变得明亮了许多。 But at this time, the white mist will have connected the path in platform to cover thoroughly. But the doomsday believer, is Holy Spirit, even is these already dark demon that takes back, the meaning without acted rashly. On the contrary, they get hold of the weapon in hand, two circles entire, is looking steadily in the thick fog. It seems like the interlude animation that in the game boss pre-war can definitely present to be the same, you are unable to jump over. It is not able to cancel, can only stand there, waits for its appearance and arrival. 而这个时候,白色的雾气已经将原本连接着平台的道路彻底笼罩了起来。但无论是末日教徒,还是圣灵,甚至是那些已经收回的黑暗魔物,都没有轻举妄动的意思。相反,他们只是握紧手中的武器,两眼圆整,盯视着浓雾之中。就好像是游戏里波ss战前必然会出现的过场动画一样,你无法跳过。无法取消,只能够站在那里,等待它的出现和到来。 boss & R dquo ; Appeared. 紧接着,“波ss”出现了。 The slender, petite person's shadow gradually appears from the thick fog, her movement is that at a moderate pace. The people can only hear one after another. , & R dquo ; Metal shin armor and flagstone collide the sound that exudes. That sound is so clear and slow, several opposite party who everyone almost can be clear about many level of steps, as well as she spent how much time, they even can analyze clearly also how long the opposite party will appear in own front. 纤细,娇小的人影逐渐从浓雾之中浮现,她的动作还是那么不紧不慢。众人只能够听到一声接着一声的“哒。哒,哒”的金属胫甲与石板碰撞所发出的响声。那声音是如此的清晰和缓慢,以至于每个人几乎都可以清楚的数出对方了多少级阶梯,以及她花费了多少时间,他们甚至能够清楚的判断还有多久对方会出现在自己的面前。 However these have no egg to use, this seems like Death, you can understand it, feels it, but you are unable to evade it. Regardless of you how diligently, that time of after assigning arrives. The Death envoy will brutally appear in your front, then handles the matter that she should handle. 然而这些都没有什么卵用,这就好像死亡,你能够理解它,感受它,但是你无法逃避它。无论你如何努力,当指定的那个时刻到来之后。死亡的使者还是会无情的出现在你的面前,然后做她应该做的事情。 It seems like the present. 就好像现在。 The mist of congealment separates toward the two sides, just like awaits respectfully soldier of commanding general , a young girl goes out. 凝结的雾气向着两边分开,犹如恭候主将的士兵,紧接着,一个少女从中走出。 Before this moment Tinidell armor already completely no longer, that heavy/thick shape, even said that now the body of young girl cannot see any equipment the trace, the mobile darkness congealed to form a spacious cape in the body of young girl, the body dough making kondow package of young girl was one of them, that snow white, clear chin that only then revealed from the dark shadow under hood showed the graceful bearing and charm that some young girls had. 此刻蒂尼德尔身上的盔甲已经完全不复之前那种厚重的形态,甚至说现在少女的身上根本看不出有任何装备的痕迹,流动的黑暗在少女的身躯上凝结形成了一件宽大的斗篷,将少女的身体和面孔都包裹在其中,只有从兜帽下的黑暗阴影里所露出的那雪白,圆润的下巴才展现出了些许少女所拥有的风姿与魅力。 Facing the three parties on the scene, Tinidell as if has no idea & mda S h ; Or actually she does not care has anything at present. After going down stair, facing in formation Holy Spirit and evil cult people as well as these dark demon, she has not even stayed the footsteps, this directly walks in the direction that the sacrificial altar is. Regarding keeping off in her front enemy, Tinidell looked that continually has not looked at one, as if they do not exist there resemble. 面对在场的三方,蒂尼德尔似乎并没有什么想法—或者说她根本就不在意眼前究竟有什么。在走下台阶之后,面对严阵以待的圣灵邪教徒以及那些黑暗魔物,她甚至连脚步都没有停留一下,就这样径直的向着祭台所在的方向走去。对于挡在她面前的敌人,蒂尼德尔更是连看都没有看一眼,仿佛他们根本就不存在于那里似的。 This bastard ............!! & R dquo ; “这个混蛋…………!!” Looks that Tinidell that just like the appearance that in the courtyard strolls leisurely, Verona clenches the teeth, an anger well ups. If not he knows that oneself and power gap of opposite party is too big, resisted during the fights of these Holy Spirit to consume too many strengths before, present Verona could not have borne make a move. He lived so many years, had been so taken lightly? Thinks of here, Verona gets hold of magic staff in hand, then he looks at Holy Spirit that opposite not far away these were also critical situation, before these, performance the bastard of being insufferably arrogant now also becomes careful. However this also no wonder, Holy Spirit takes possession by the spirit body condition on these Adventurer. If the opposite party cuts to kill their human bodies, then the Holy Spirit soul can also return to the heaven. 看着蒂尼德尔那副悠闲自得犹如庭中漫步的样子,维罗纳咬紧了牙关,一股怒火涌上心头。如果不是他知道自己和对方的实力差距实在太大,又在之前对抗那些圣灵的战斗之中消耗了太多力量的话,现在的维罗纳早就忍不住出手了。他活了这么多年,被人如此的看轻过?想到这里,维罗纳握紧手中的法杖,接着他望了一眼对面不远处那些同样如临大敌的圣灵,那些之前还表现的不可一世的混蛋现在也变得小心谨慎起来。不过这也难怪,圣灵可是以灵体状态附身在这些冒险者身上的。假如对方只是斩杀他们的肉体,那么圣灵的灵魂还可以重归天国。 However hunts and kills existence of soul facing Tinidell this directly, that may be a different matter. The best situation is the soul is seriously battered however escapes reluctantly, the most miserable situation vanishes in a puff of smoke thoroughly & mda S h ; Even if such result is ordinary Ghost is unable to accept, do not say that was Holy Spirit. 但是面对蒂尼德尔这样直接猎杀灵魂的存在,那可就是另外一回事了。最好的情况是灵魂遭受重创但是勉强逃生,最惨的情况就是彻底灰飞烟灭—这样的结局哪怕是普通的幽灵都无法接受,更不要说是圣灵了。 The air has tied tight the extreme, Tillis that above observes feels has not somewhat gasped for breath, the Clergymen young girl at this moment has been paralyzed thoroughly in the place, the gearing does not have the means to move. Only then Zhan En stands there as before, narrows the eye to gaze under, he looked at gradually Tinidell forward, then takes back the vision rapidly, looks at to that by the gate of Death shadow fragment that the seal gets up, then the eye transferred one revolution, does not know that is thinking anything. 空气已经紧绷到了极点,就连上面观战的蒂莉丝都感觉有些喘不过气来,此刻的神官少女已经彻底瘫痪在地,连动都没有办法动一下。只有詹恩依旧站在那里,眯起眼睛注视着下方,他看了一眼缓步向前的蒂尼德尔,接着迅速收回目光,望向那被封印起来的死亡阴影之门的残片,接着眼睛转了一转,不知道在想些什么。 But once the pressure arrived at one, must erupt. 而压力一旦到达了一个,就必然要爆发出来。 „!! & R dquo ; “!!” First cannot bear this pressure is these dark demon, although has not known between these dark demon that the fragment of gate of Death shadow and it releases actually to have what relations. However along with gradual being close of Tinidell, that fragment as if also detected that the danger was, sees only dark demon that these retracted to break out in this moment suddenly, bringing the fierce roaring sound to launch the attack toward Tinidell, in their physique darkness unceasing congealment change, later changed into a similar nine wondrous beauty to draw the common huge monster, threw toward the present enemy. 首先承受不住这种压力的便是那些黑暗魔物,虽然还不知道死亡阴影之门的碎片和它释放出来的那些黑暗魔物之间究竟有什么关系。但是伴随着蒂尼德尔的逐步接近,那枚碎片似乎也察觉到了危险所在,只见那些原本缩回的黑暗魔物在这一刻忽然突起,带着凶猛的咆哮声向着蒂尼德尔发起了进攻,它们的形体黑暗之中不断的凝结改变,随后化为了一头类似九头奇美拉一般的庞大怪物,向着眼前的敌人扑了过去。 This is only congealed nine wondrous beauty that becomes to draw by pure dark magic power three buildings so to be high, its head endures sturdily huge is more common than like the stone column, big mouths from turned toward Tinidell to tear and bite the past like this in all directions. The fierce degree makes Holy Spirit and doomsday believers toward the two sides make way, to avoid suffering as an innocent bystander. However both sides have not actually come up to coordinate the meanings of these dark demon combats obviously, no matter regarding Holy Spirit or the evil cult disciple, these dark demon came from the gate of Death shadow fragment, even if were defeated, consumption is also butt's strength. But this regarding both sides is a good deed, after all more many of fragment consumption, their easier seal( capture) it. Naturally, to them, the best result is the gate of Death shadow fragment and this monster puts together a mutual wounds, then they can benefit as the third party in a dispute. 这只由纯粹的黑暗魔力凝结而成的九头奇美拉足足有三层楼那么高,它的头颅更是堪比粗壮巨大如同石柱一般,一张张血盆大口就这样从四面八方向着蒂尼德尔撕咬了过去。其凶猛程度使得圣灵末日教徒都不由的向着两边闪开,以避免遭池鱼之殃。但是双方却显然都没有上去配合那些黑暗魔物作战的意思,不管是对于圣灵还是邪教徒来说,这些黑暗魔物都来自死亡阴影之门的残片,哪怕被击败,消耗的也是残片本身的力量。而这对于双方来说都是一件好事,毕竟残片消耗的越多,他们就越容易封印(捕捉)它。当然,对于他们来说,最好的结局就是死亡阴影之门的残片和这个怪物拼个两败俱伤,那么他们就可以从中渔翁得利了。 However what pitifully is, the script is not they writes, moreover now they do not have the time to revise the program. 不过可惜的是,剧本并不是他们写的,而且现在他们也没有时间来修改大纲。 Facing nine wondrous beauty who the front surface throws, Tinidell still has not stopped, before that huge form, the young girl does not even have a vacillation. She is only the right hand moves slightly, next moment, under that giant cape, wipes ice-cold cold light this quietly to appear, from the sky has drawn a silver arc, passed through wondrous beauty to draw that huge body instantaneously. 面对迎面扑来的九头奇美拉,蒂尼德尔依然没有停下,在那巨大的身影前,少女甚至连一丝动摇都没有。她只是右手微微一动,下一刻,在那巨大的斗篷下面,一抹冰冷的寒光就这样悄然出现,在空中划过了一道银色的弧线,瞬间贯穿了奇美拉那巨大的身躯。 Flickers, before appeared irresistible nine wondrous beauty to draw is then divided into two thoroughly, from beginning to end levelled incision, revealed the inside smooth margin. Sees only body this that giant monster falls down forward to tremble suddenly, then seems like the building block of collapsecrash-bang & R dquo ; Spreads, later follows the sad and shrill blood-curdling screech sound, clean that rich dark magic power then vanishes instantaneously, is also missing again. 只是一瞬,之前显得势不可挡的九头奇美拉便被彻底一分为二,从头到尾被平整的切开,显露出了内里的平滑切口。只见那头巨大的怪物向前扑倒的身躯就这样猛然一颤,紧接着便好像是崩溃的积木般“哗啦”一声扩散开去,随后伴随凄厉的惨叫声响,浓郁的黑暗魔力瞬间便消失的一干二净,再也不见了踪影。 How possibly!! 怎么可能!! Sees this, Verona to be startled, that is pure dark magic power, powerful energy of implication, even if he does not dare to contend directly. In addition that is vigorously of dark demon strikes, looks like in Verona, facing such attack, even if the present fellow can cope, will still have anything to affect to be right somewhat. What may make him not think, facing this violent strikes, opposite party unexpectedly so superficial kills its second. No, this is not the key point, the key point is, that only nine wondrous beauty draws is not the true life, but is existence that the dark magic power congealment produces, it can turn into nine wondrous beauty, can turn into the dragon, or the lifeform of any other appearances. Why before this is also , the three parties fight continuous, no one is able to do to one of the opposite party reasons. You can certainly eliminate dark demon, but the issue is, you do also routed its shape, seems like one group pounds the meat patty with the animal that the playdough fabricates. However next moment, so long as has a mind it also to continue to fuse, transforms as other shape. 看见这一幕,维罗纳大吃一惊,那可是纯粹的黑暗魔力,其中蕴含的强大能量哪怕是他都不敢正面抗衡。再加上那可是黑暗魔物的倾力一击,在维罗纳看来,面对这样的进攻,即便眼前的这个家伙可以对付,多多少少也会有一些什么影响才对。可让他没有想到的是,面对这猛烈的一击,对方居然如此轻描淡写的就将其秒杀。不,这不是重点,重点在于,那只九头奇美拉并非是真正的生命,而是黑暗魔力凝结产生的存在,它能够变成九头奇美拉,也可以变成龙,或者其他任何模样的生物。这也是为什么之前三方战斗不休,谁也无法奈何对方的原因之一。你当然可以消灭一只黑暗魔物,但问题在于,你所做的也不过是击溃了它的形态,就好像是把一团用橡皮泥捏造的动物砸成肉饼。但是下一刻,只要有心的话它还能够继续融合起来,转化为别的形态。 But Tinidell strikes, unexpectedly made the dark magic power source be defeated and dispersed directly, this woman had, was actually what strength?( To be continued.) 蒂尼德尔的一击,居然直接让黑暗魔力的本源都溃散了,这个女人所拥有的,究竟是什么样的力量?(未完待续。)
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