DR :: Volume #4

#334: Dark Abyss ( VI )

The arrows of three golden light penetrated the darkness in that flash, pierces palm that magic power knitting became, making it vanishes in a puff of smoke in the flash. But sees that three arrow arrows light/only to stand erect like this in the corners of sacrificial altar, formed a shape of equilateral triangle, later the movie screen of dazzling light in the flash connection formation, changed into one to be similar the pyramid barrier, covered the fragment of gate of Death shadow is one of them. 三道金色的光之箭在那一瞬间穿透了黑暗,洞穿了那魔力编织而成的手掌,使其在一瞬间灰飞烟灭。@而紧接着就看见那三只光之箭矢就这样竖立在祭台的角落间,形成了一个等边三角形的形态,随后耀眼的光之障壁在一瞬间连接成型,化为了一座类似金字塔般的屏障,将死亡阴影之门的碎片笼罩在其中。 Who is!! „ “是谁!!“ Saw with own eyes that immediately must go well actually definitely does not feel better truncation Hu's taste the halfway, sees this, Verona is also shouts angrily one, looks up in the direction that the arrow of arrow light releases, later he then sees ten light shadow to drop from the clouds, flushed in the direction that they are. But sees these light shadow surprisedly, Verona stares the big eye, he also thinks makes a move to stop own definitely is that damn undead lifeform, but who ......... are these fellows? 眼见马上就要得手却被人半路截胡的滋味肯定不好受,看见这一幕,维罗纳也是怒喝一声,抬起头向着光之箭矢释放的方向望去,随后他便看见十多道光影从天而降,向着他们所在的方向冲了过来。而看见这些光影,维罗纳不由惊讶的瞪大眼睛,他原本还以为出手阻拦自己的肯定是那个该死的不死生物,但是………这些家伙是谁? Here doomsday believers appear the incomparable surprise, but another side Tillis opens the mouth, cannot believe looks at these to drop from the clouds the person's shadow that. Unlike Verona, Tillis is almost person of & mda S h that light the earliest possible time recognized these to drop from the clouds ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; TheyFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; adventure group member. But with the Tillis memory on different, Adventurer at this moment wears the golden armor, the hand grasps various types have not been seeing the weapon, whole body is sending out dazzlingly, but Holy brilliance aura, if not Tillis knows very well the appearance of each member, perhaps she definitely is unable to imagine, own companion will appear by such condition before them unexpectedly. 这边的末日教徒们显得无比诧异,而另外一侧的蒂莉丝则是张大嘴巴,不敢相信的望着那些从天而降的人影。与维罗纳不同,蒂莉丝几乎是第一时间就认出了这些从天而降的光之人———他们正是“妖精与宝箱”冒险团的成员。只不过和蒂莉丝记忆之中不同,此刻的冒险者们身上穿着金色的盔甲,手握着各种从来没有见过的武器,全身上下散发着耀眼而神圣的光辉气息,如果不是蒂莉丝熟知每一个团员的样貌的话,恐怕她也完全无法想象,自己的同伴居然会以这样的状态出现在他们面前。 Group ......... & R dquo ; “团………” No matter how said, can see own companion again after all is a joyful matter. Therefore Tillis is also quickly stands up, tries to summon their names. However has not waited for Tillis to scream. Sees only her Zhan En then to pull down the young girl, then covered her mouth. 不管怎么说,能够再次看见自己的同伴总归是件让人高兴的事情。因此蒂莉丝也是急忙站起身来,试图呼唤他们的名字。但是还没有等蒂莉丝叫出声来。只见她身边的詹恩便一把将少女拉了下来,接着捂住了她的嘴巴。 ......... ............ Mr. Zhan En? & R dquo ; “唔………唔…………詹恩先生?” Facing Zhan En this sudden movement. Also is Tillis that frightens jumps, her instinct struggled. Looking that afterward has doubts to Zhan En, does not understand why he will prevent himself. But detected that the Tillis vision, Zhan En shows a faint smile, then said in the ear of Tillis in a soft voice. 面对詹恩这突如其来的动作。也是吓的蒂莉丝一跳,她本能的挣扎了一下。随后疑惑的望向詹恩,不明白为什么他会阻止自己。而察觉到蒂莉丝的目光,詹恩只是微微一笑,接着在蒂莉丝的耳边轻声说道。 I urged you to should better not to scream, Miss Tillis, that is not your companion, I am certain, if you attracted their attention, then our troubles may be big. & R dquo ; “我劝你最好不要叫出声来,蒂莉丝小姐,那已经不是你的同伴了,我可以肯定,如果你吸引到他们的注意,那么接下来我们的麻烦可就大了。” Is. Why? & R dquo ; “为。为什么?” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Tillis is filled with the doubts, but she is the clever low lower part of the body, later asks. But facing the inquiry of Tillis, Zhan En gave the reply quickly. 听到詹恩的说话,蒂莉丝满心疑惑,不过她还是乖巧的低下身去,随后开口询问道。而面对蒂莉丝的询问,詹恩则是很快给出了回答。 „ Very simple, because they are not these people who you know, the companion who naturally, looking from the outside, they and you know has no difference. But is also only the semblance. From the intrinsic soul level, they and you are uninterested. & R dquo ; “很简单,因为他们已经不是你所认识的那些人了,当然,从外表来看,他们和你认识的同伴没有任何区别。但也只是外表而已。从内在的灵魂层面来说,他们和你已经是毫无关系。” This, am I also very clear ............... & R dquo ; “这,我还是不是很明白……………” Replied regarding Zhan En's, Tillis is confused as before. The words that however next moment, Zhan En spoke, make her sober immediately. 对于詹恩的回答,蒂莉丝依旧是一头雾水。但是下一刻,詹恩所说的话,立刻让她清醒了过来。 You are silver Saintess Clergymen. Miss Tillis, then you should know that anything is called Holy Spirit to take possession. & R dquo ; “你是银色圣女神官蒂莉丝小姐,那么你应该知道什么叫做圣灵附体吧。” Holy Spirit takes possession!? & R dquo ; 圣灵附体!?” Hears here. Tillis is startled immediately. 听到这里。蒂莉丝顿时大吃一惊。 As qualified Clergymen, Tillis knows certainly that what is Holy Spirit takes possession. Although said that theoretically needs the lengthy speech. But in fact effect, only then one, that is Priesthood through the devout pray, summoned country's the gods envoys in sky to descend to earth with the stance of spirit body, attaches the behavior above mortal body. This regarding Priesthood can calculate on isultimate big move of & R dquo ; Because attaches to erupt the extremely powerful strength in Priesthood Holy Spirit, but this situation will only have in generally with these big devils or Demon King and so on during fight. However, regarding Tillis, her in the depths of ones heart actually filled puzzled. 作为一个合格的神官,蒂莉丝当然知道什么叫圣灵附体。虽然说从理论上而言需要长篇大论。但事实上效果只有一个,那就是圣职者通过虔诚的祈祷,召唤位于天空之国的神明使者以灵体的姿态下凡,附着在肉身之上的行为。这对于圣职者来说可以算的上是“终极大招”了,因为附着在圣职者身上的圣灵会爆发出极为强大的力量,而这种情况一般都只会发生在与那些大魔鬼或者魔王之类的战斗之中。但是,对于蒂莉丝来说,她的内心深处却是充满了困惑。 Why the regimental commander they can ............... & R dquo ; “为什么团长他们会……………” Also Tillis will have such idea no wonder, generally speaking, Holy Spirit takes possession, only then the most reverent follower may achieve. ButFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; adventure group these people were what situation, Tillis are clear, perhaps many of them in the depths of ones heart had own belief, but regarding some respect actually not necessarily many of gods. In this case, did they possibly summon Holy Spirit to take possession? 也难怪蒂莉丝会有这样的想法,一般来说,圣灵附体只有最虔诚的信徒才有可能做到。可是“妖精与宝箱”冒险团的这些人是个什么情况,蒂莉丝可是再清楚不过了,他们当中不少人或许内心深处有属于自己的信仰,但对于神明的尊重却不见得有多少。在这种情况下,他们怎么可能召唤圣灵附体呢? Arrives forcefully. & R dquo ; “是强行降临。” But has seen through the doubts of Tillis in the depths of ones heart in nearby Zhan En obviously, therefore quick gave the answer. Regarding the matter in this aspect, as Zhan En of child of Demon King definitely many that Tillis is clearer, in fact he is seeing these Holy Spirit Adventurer flash, has guessed correctly the cause and effect of whole thing. However Tillis obviously is not so learned like Zhan En, on the contrary, when hearing the Zhan En's answer, the complexion of young girl immediately becomes pale. 而在旁边的詹恩显然已经看穿了蒂莉丝内心深处的疑惑,因此很快就给出了答案。对于这方面的事情,身为魔王之子的詹恩肯定比蒂莉丝清楚的多,事实上他在看见那些圣灵冒险者的一瞬间,就已经猜到了整件事情的前因后果。但是蒂莉丝却显然不像詹恩这么博学,相反,在听到詹恩的答案时,少女的面色顿时变得铁青。 How can ............... & R dquo ; “怎么会……………” Arrives forcefully. 强行降临。 This word Tillis also understood certainly that its meaning, so-called arrives at forcefully takes by technique as the sacrificial offering, offers sacrifices their soul lives to summon one ceremony that different plane has. Naturally, in main plane does this matter generally is the evil cult people, only then they will grasp the live sacrificial offering that these do not prefer, takes their lives and souls summons Demon King or other what at sixes and sevens thing as the price. Does not need so many worries as for the gods, the reason is very simple, when critical juncture, would some people bravely stepping forward voluntarily, for just or fair or the truth sacrificed own life & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Therefore regarding the gods, they do not need method like this. 这个词蒂莉丝当然也理解它的意思,所谓强行降临就是以受术者为祭品,献祭他们的灵魂生命来召唤异位面存在的一种仪式。当然,在主位面一般做这种事的都是邪教徒,只有他们才会抓来那些不情愿的活祭品,以他们的生命与灵魂为代价召唤魔王或者其他什么乱七八糟的东西。至于神明这边倒不需要这么多顾虑,原因很简单,当到了危急关头的时候,总会有人自愿挺身而出,为了正义或者公平或者真理牺牲自己的生命———所以对于神明而言,他们并不需要这样的手段。 However on the current situation, might addmost of the time & R dquo ; Right. 不过就目前的情况来看,或许要加个“大多数时候”才对。 I know that the mirror of that Sun places there certainly to have what issue, now looks like really so, these evil cult people look for the following thing, finally they had not discovered that also has a seal of mirror of Sun above. After they touched the seal, the mirror of Sun also starts immediately. But Commander Steve the and others luck is not obviously good, will be selected by the mirror of Sun as letting protect the sacrificial victim that Holy Spirit of seal takes possession to arrive. & R dquo ; “我就知道那面太阳之镜放在那里一定有什么问题,现在看来果然如此,那些邪教徒来找下面的东西,结果他们没发现在上面还有一个太阳之镜的封印。所以在他们触动了封印之后,太阳之镜也立刻发动。而史蒂夫团长等人的运气显然非常不好,才会被太阳之镜选中作为让守护封印的圣灵附体降临的牺牲品。” How can ............... & R dquo ; “怎么会……………” Although the innermost feelings are not willing to believe Zhan En's to judge, but Tillis actually has to acknowledge he said is the facts. This makes Tillis in the depths of ones heart be very sorry. From infancy to maturity Tillis has heard much the legends about nine Saints, in her at heart. The gods are affable, Holy is inviolable. Also protects existence of each people gently. However now, actually subverted Tillis belief always in all that she has at present, thinks the gods who these keep aloof will also make this dreadful matter like the devil, makes Tillis feel sad and pain. She once was such believes each gods gentle treated their people, what matter handled for their people consider, but why will make such matter? Disregards others 's wish, claims their bodies and lives forcefully, isn't this matter that these evil Demon King can handle? Sun God Amora is in nine Saints one of the greatest gods, why does he also want to do that? 虽然内心不愿意相信詹恩的判断,但是蒂莉丝却不得不承认他所说的都是事实。这让蒂莉丝内心深处感到非常难过。从小到大蒂莉丝听过不少关于九圣的传说,在她的心里。神明都是和蔼可亲,神圣不可侵犯。又温柔守护每个子民的存在。但是现在,在她眼前所发生的一切却颠覆了蒂莉丝一直以来的信仰,一想到那些高高在上的神明也会像魔鬼那样做出这种可怕的事情,就让蒂莉丝感到悲伤与痛苦。她曾经是那么的坚信每个神明都会温柔的对待他们的子民,做什么事情都会为了他们的子民着想,但是为什么会做出这样的事情呢?无视他人的意愿,强行夺走他们的身体与生命,这难道不是那些邪恶的魔王才会做的事情吗?太阳神阿蒙拉可是九圣之中最伟大的神明之一,他为什么还要这么做呢? If Zhan En knows that Tillis this moment in the depths of ones heart is thinking anything. Certainly will snort contemptuously. Only then human wishfully thinks that gods certainly toward human, but Demon King is destroys certainly their. How in fact human belongs regarding the gods and Demon Kingis casual line of & R dquo ; Existence, to put it bluntly, human is the toy that on Klein Continent this sand table places, then struggles by the gods and Demon King, this said that „ I like this toy, I will suspend it well at home, gives me & R dquo ;, That said that „ you suspended put for two seconds to forget at home. Gives me, here has many foreign-style dolls, everyone acts as companion together more interesting & R dquo ;. 如果詹恩知道蒂莉丝此刻内心深处在想什么。一定会对此嗤之以鼻。只有人类才会一厢情愿的认为神明就一定是向着人类的,而魔王就一定是来毁灭他们的。事实上人类本身对于神明和魔王来说都属于“随便怎么样都行”的存在,说白了,人类本身不过就是克莱恩大陆这个沙盘上摆放的玩具,然后被神明和魔王争来争去,这个说“我喜欢这个玩具,我会好好把它摆在家里的,交给我吧”,那个说“你摆在家里放两秒钟就会忘掉了。给我吧,我这里有好多洋娃娃,大家一起作伴更有趣”。 Although both sides fight for is very ominous, but did not have a toy. Regarding both sides, most also trades a method. 虽然双方争抢的很凶,可是没有了个玩具。对于双方来说,最多也不过就是换一种玩法罢了。 But the gods are friendly to human, to put it bluntly is they seizes the toy after Demon King. For to Demon King expressed that „ I live up to one's words, I said that will look after this doll certainly to look after this doll & R dquo ;. Then every day cleans up recuperation sewing for it. Once to the critical moment, no gods will be silly to using own life protects one crowd of toys. In turn also almost. 而神明之所以对人类友好,说穿了不过就是他们从魔王手里夺走玩具之后。为了向魔王们表示“我说到做到,我说会照顾好这个洋娃娃就一定会照顾好这个洋娃娃”。然后每天为它清理休整缝补而已。而一旦到了紧要关头,没有哪个神明会傻到用自己的生命去守护一群玩具的。反过来还差不多。 But in the Tillis innermost feelings intertwine, below battlefield also starts becomes chaotic. 而就在蒂莉丝内心纠结之时,下方的战场上也开始变得混乱起来。 Although there is a limit of plane fetter, but through arrived to obtain Holy Spirit of body to display the powerful strength forcefully, these only then Adventurer of Elite degree calculates according to the classification of Zhan En Dungeon, had almost the strength of two star rank, even also wanted to be higher than Elise. But takes possession on Commander Steve seems like Sword protector big Angel, the strength directly entered four star legend domains. 虽然有位面束缚的限制,但是通过强行降临获得身体的圣灵们还是展现出了强大的力量,那些原本一个个不过只有精英程度的冒险者按照詹恩地下城的分类来算,差不多都有了三星等级的实力,甚至比伊丽丝还要高一些。而附身在史蒂夫团长身上的似乎是一位持剑天使,实力更是直接进入了四星传奇领域。 However the doomsday god followers who they face are not the good stubble, the doomsday god conduct „ destruction important matter & R dquo in each plane ; Existence, in addition can arrive here is elite of doomsday god, strength of both sides is almost the same. But was that black robe of head is Steve games became one group, from that black robe, Zhan En can also feel the powerful dark magic power aura, it seems like should is higher demon kind of existence of some The lower world plane. 但是他们面对的末日神教信徒们也不是善茬,末日神教可是在各个位面进行“毁灭大计”的存在,再加上能够来到这里的都是末日神教的精锐,双方的实力相差无几。而为首的那个黑袍更是和史蒂夫成了一团,从那个黑袍身上,詹恩也可以感受到强大的黑暗魔力气息,看来应该是属于下层界某个位面的高等魔族一类的存在。 Naturally, fight is not only only the doomsday god and protects Holy Spirit both sides, was also ready to make trouble in this moment by dark demon of suppression again, whom it does not care about is Holy Spirit who is the evil cult disciple, looks like in these dark demon, goes into the domain is the enemy. Therefore sees these dark demon to congeal to tumble quickly to raid again, launched the attack toward both sides. 当然,战斗的不仅仅只是末日神教和守护圣灵双方,被再次压制的黑暗魔物在这一刻也蠢蠢欲动,它可不在乎谁是圣灵谁是邪教徒,在这些黑暗魔物看来,闯入自己地盘的都是敌人。于是很快就看见那些黑暗魔物再次凝结翻滚着袭来,向着双方发起了进攻。 The scene is very suddenly chaotic, Holy Spirit needs to protect the seal, repels the darkness with the attack of evil cult disciple. But the doomsday god to rob the seal comes, naturally have no reason to halt here. But dark demon is who does not care, massacres in any case entirely well. 一时间场面无比混乱,圣灵需要守护封印,击退黑暗和邪教徒的进攻。而末日神教则是为了抢夺封印而来,自然没有理由在这里止步不前。而黑暗魔物则是谁都不在乎,反正统统杀掉就好。 As for Zhan En, then brings Tillis and Aina distant hides to see a play. Now he even more determines that the seal fragment here is unusual, otherwise, does not need to use Holy Spirit to take possession such seal way & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Must know even seal certain Demon King's times, but not such big weaponry. Must say that the fragment of gate of that Death shadow does not have the issue, that present Zhan En kills does not believe. Now Zhan En extremely fortunate are discrete enough, no matter otherwise these Holy Spirit dark demon, but is not he can easily cope. Moreover ............... 至于詹恩,则是带着蒂莉丝艾娜远远的躲起来看戏。现在他越发确定封印在这里的碎片绝不寻常,不然的话,没必要使用圣灵附体这样的封印方式———要知道就算是封印某些魔王的时候,可都没有这么大的阵仗。要说那块死亡阴影之门的残片没有问题,那现在的詹恩是打死都不相信的。现在詹恩可是万分幸庆自己足够谨慎,不然的话不管是那些圣灵还是黑暗魔物,可都不是他能够轻易对付的。不仅如此…………… Thinks of here, Zhan En raised the head, looks toward the front. 想到这里,詹恩抬起头来,向着前方望去。 The ice-cold piercing Death chill in the air, when does not know, has gradually spread.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, novel is better to renew is quicker! 冰冷刺骨的死亡寒意,不知道什么时候,已经逐渐蔓延开来。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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