DR :: Volume #4

#333: Dark Abyss ( V )

Spiral steps continuously downward, as if no end. 螺旋的阶梯一直向下,似乎没有尽头。 Really tough trouble. 真是棘手的麻烦。 Verona frowns, is gazing at the even more dark front. He can feel, all around dark element aura is even more strong, but this also makes the doomsday guard gradually start to be anxious. In this stereotyped environment, the darkness is corroding their cognition to the time. If not put out the table to confirm, perhaps they think that oneself had walked entire day also perhaps. But so long as in fact looked that the time can know, since they enter this big cavity to the present, in fact crossed more than for a half hour. 维罗纳皱起眉头,注视着越发黑暗的前方。他可以感觉到,四周的暗元素气息越发浓厚,但是这也让末日卫士逐渐开始焦躁不安起来。在这种千篇一律的环境下,黑暗正在侵蚀他们对时间的认知。如果不拿出表来确认的话,恐怕他们认为自己已经走了整整一天也说不定。但事实上只要看时间就可以得知,从他们进入这个大空洞到现在,实际上才过了半个小时多一些。 Thinks of here, Verona looked by one these already the doomsday guard who shows several points of anxious look, is frowning spread out some with them slightly. However in fact also so, they follow the steps like this downward, without the enemy, without the mechanism/organization, anything does not have. Is dark as well as presents by the path that the crystal lights their front. But even this, the entire scene has not changed, the present steps first-order then first-order as if can never end. But walks in such an irrevocable place , is very indeed easy to lose regarding the concept of time, as well as produces is sick of the bored mood. 想到这里,维罗纳看了一眼旁边那些已经露出几分焦急神色的末日卫士,皱着眉头与他们略微拉开了一些距离。不过事实上也正是如此,他们就这样顺着阶梯一路向下,没有敌人,没有机关,什么都没有。只有黑暗以及被水晶照亮的道路呈现在他们的面前。而就算是这样,整个场景也没有丝毫变化,眼前的阶梯一阶接着一阶似乎永远不会完似的。而在这样一种一成不变的地方行走,也的确很容易让人失去对于时间的概念,以及产生厌烦无聊的情绪。 However they continue set out forward, is actually anything cannot achieve. 但是他们除了继续向前进发之外,却是什么也做不到。 The road that „ Sir Verona, we take is really correct? & R dquo ; 维罗纳大人,我们走的这条路真的是正确的吗?” Finally, Croy cannot bear ask, as the vanguard, he has prepared monster fight that and might present here. However makes Croy be what is surprised, even if they have walked were so long. Actually still cannot see anything the shadow. According to truth. The situation of seal type of thing definitely is very dangerous. But all around these gloomy dark element magic power also explained this point. May make Croy feel what is depressed, has walked obviously was so long, still has not actually met any strange thing, is some is not quite really right. This makes him have to suspect oneself one group of fell into any imaginary technique, or entered in some labyrinth. 终于,克罗伊忍不住开口询问道,作为先锋,他早已经做好了和有可能在这里出现的怪物战斗的准备。但是让克罗伊感到意外的是,哪怕他们已经走了这么久。却依然看不见任何东西的影子。按照道理来说。封印这种东西的场合肯定都是非常危险的。而四周那些晦暗的暗元素魔力也说明了这一点。可让克罗伊感到郁闷的是,明明已经走了这么久,却依然没有遇到任何奇怪的东西,实在是有些不太对劲。这让他不得不怀疑自己一行人是不是陷入了什么幻术,又或者是进入了某个迷宫之中。 Naturally. & R dquo ; “当然。” Heard the inquiry of Croy, looked at his one eyes that Verona disdained. 听到克罗伊的询问,维罗纳不屑的望了他一眼。 To below road this, this explained that our choices are correct. Reason that felt not right, pure is only because you received the influence of dark element, to the judgment of time and space had the problem. Must remember, in this element energy thick place, do not try to depend upon the general knowledge to solve the problem, but is ideological & mda S h ; The thought is to protect you are in a big way protected the shield that the element corrodes. If you cannot achieve this, then jumps directly from here, I believe that this will make you compared with reach the destination that you estimate quickly. & R dquo ; “通往下方的路只有这一条,这说明我们的选择是正确。之所以感觉到不对劲,单纯只是因为你们收到了暗元素的影响,对时间与空间的判断出现了问题。要记住,在这种元素能量浓厚的地方,不要试图依靠常识来解决问题,而是思想—思想才是保护你们不受元素侵蚀的最大护盾。如果你们做不到这一点儿的话,那么就从这里直接跳下去吧,我相信这会让你们比你们预想的更快到达目的地。” ..................... & R dquo ; “…………………” Hears the speech of Verona, Croy can only arriving at the words of mouth swallows back. He is not a fool. Naturally can listen to Croy regarding their thick disdaining. However the opposite party said but actually not wrong, therefore he many did not say anything. Since Verona had determined own and others has not had what mistake, then they also only then the performance order , to continue advance & mda S h ; Now only hopes the judgment of Verona is correct. 听到维罗纳的说话,克罗伊只能够把到嘴边的话重新咽了回去。他又不是傻瓜。自然能够听出克罗伊对于他们浓浓的不屑。不过对方说的倒也没有错,因此他也不好多说什么。既然维罗纳都已经确定自己等人没有出现什么差错,那么他们也只有执行命令,继续前进—现在只希望维罗纳的判断是正确的吧。 But at this time, as if heard the request of Croy, when they have transferred the corner again. The seemingly inexhaustible steps vanished finally. Displaces, is smooth lands. Sees this, Croy to relax finally, but he has not therefore relaxed vigilantly. On the contrary, Croy stops the footsteps, then he is brandishing the illumination crystal in hand, gave a hand signal to doomsday guard. Quick, sees two fully-armed doomsday guards to hold up the long sword and shield in hand, cautious went down from the stair, steps on the smooth ground. 而就在这个时候,仿佛是听到了克罗伊的请求般,当他们再次转过拐角时。原本看起来无穷无尽的阶梯终于消失。取而代之的,则是一片平整的土地。看见这一幕,克罗伊总算是松了口气,不过他也并没有因此放松警惕。相反,克罗伊停下脚步,接着他挥舞着手中的照明水晶,对身边的末日卫士做了个手势。很快,就看见两个全副武装的末日卫士举起手中的长剑与盾牌,小心翼翼的从台阶之上走下,踩在了平整的地面上。 When they step onto that flash of ground. Does not know is the misconception, all around darkness as if also therefore agitates, in luminous of illumination crystal along with the doomsday guard hand, all around darkness as if there is life retreat backward, like hiding the hunter in ocean waves ocean waves will be far away will cause the damage to it existed to be the same. 当他们走上地面的那一瞬间。不知道是不是错觉,四周的黑暗似乎也因此而鼓动起来,伴随着末日卫士手中照明水晶的光亮,四周的黑暗仿佛拥有生命般的向后退去,如同隐藏在碧波海浪之中的猎手远离了会对它造成伤害的存在一样。 In front. & R dquo ; “就在前面。” The body of Verona shivered, he is looking steadily at the front stubbornly, then says. As existence that in the darkness is born, Verona compared with other person clearer feeling in front that ice-cold, existence of beat. It seems like the contraction that a heart continuously , the beat. But all around darkness seems like the heat by the heart of this beat sending out. Such thing, absolutely is not possibly is the product that mortal's hand can make, only possibly came from these ancient times, existence of transcending the mortal world! 维罗纳的身体不由的颤抖了起来,他死死的盯视着前方,接着开口说道。作为黑暗中诞生的存在,维罗纳比其他人更清晰的感受到了在前面的那冰冷,跳动的存在。它就好像是一颗心脏般不住的收缩,跳动。而四周的黑暗就好像是由这颗跳动的心脏所散发出来的热量。这样的东西,绝对不是可能是凡人之手能够造出的产物,只可能来自于那些远古,超凡入圣的存在! Continues to go forward! & R dquo ; “继续前进!” Heard the speech of Verona excitedly, Croy also got up & mda S h ; Naturally, when half is quest will soon complete the excitement, the other half are the excitement that finally can extricate. He had purchased and this god god summit the fellow spins in this significance unclear place. But saw that now they can complete quest finally, leaves here, Croy also hits the spirit immediately, he pulls out the long sword, was gesticulating to the front, quick, sees several doomsday guards to grasp the illumination crystal to arrive on the present flat land following the steps, then spreads toward all around. 听到维罗纳的说话,克罗伊也是激动了起来—当然,这其中有一半是任务即将完成时的激动,另外一半则是终于能够从中解脱的兴奋。他已经收购了和这个神神颠颠的家伙在这种意义不明的地方打转。而眼看现在他们终于能够完成任务,离开这里,克罗伊也立刻打起了精神,他抽出长剑,对着前方比划了一下,很快,就看见又有数个末日卫士手持照明水晶顺着阶梯走到眼前的平地上,然后向着四周扩散。 But at this moment, had the change dark. 而就在这时,黑暗也产生了变化。 If seemed like the beast of prey discrete observation to invade the unexpected visitor in territory a moment ago, then they seem to have confirmed now actually who is the true enemy. Steps into the instance of ground in that several doomsday guards, the dark tide that retreats backward actually as if received frightened inflates suddenly, was only in a moment, saw the illumination crystal that in these doomsday guard hands had luminous was also immediately gloomy. But, the dark tidal current erupts forward, covers in which the doomsday guards. Moreover, these darkness even also follow their armor to corrode to the body. Gets up along with the blood-curdling screech sound, when front several doomsday Weston falls on the ground like this, their pain sways from side to side the body, sent out rending blood-curdling screech. 如果说刚才还像是猛兽谨慎的观察入侵自己领地的不速之客的话,那么现在它们似乎已经确认了究竟谁才是真正的敌人。就在那几个末日卫士踏入地面的瞬间,向后退却的黑暗之潮却仿佛受到了惊吓般猛然膨胀,只是眨眼的工夫,就看见那些末日卫士手中所持有的照明水晶的光亮顿时又暗淡了许多。而紧接着,黑暗的潮流向前喷发,将末日卫士们笼罩其中。不仅如此,那些黑暗甚至还顺着他们的盔甲向身体内部侵蚀。伴随着惨叫声响起,前面的几个末日卫士顿时就这样倒在地面上,他们痛苦扭动身体,发出了撕心裂肺的惨叫 But drills into the body of doomsday guard along with the rich darkness, their bodies also started to blow the rubber ball of air/Qi to start probably swelling, quick. The hard steel armor was broken open by the swelling body. Whole bodies are perfectly round, enough more than two meters high, was full of the swollen, had the monster of sturdy four limbs to break through the fetter of armor like this, appeared in their front. 而伴随着浓郁的黑暗钻入末日卫士的身体,他们的身躯也开始像是吹了气的皮球般开始肿胀起来,很快。坚硬的钢铁盔甲就被肿胀的身躯所撑破。紧接着,一个个全身滚圆,足足有两米多高,充满了浮肿,拥有粗壮四肢的怪物就这样突破了装甲的束缚,出现在了他们的面前。 Careful all around!! Mr. Verona, we need your help! & R dquo ; “小心四周!!维罗纳先生,我们需要你的帮助!” But sees the appearances of these monsters. Croy instead relaxes, he faces to retrocede, at the same time is summoning the Verona name loudly. But hears the summon of Croy, whole body wraps Verona in black long gown is cold snort/hum, although he is not willing to obey dispatching of human, but Verona also knows that now had arrived at the critical moment. Therefore he also quickly raises both hands, is meditating the incantation. Sparkles the luminous bright red flame ball to spray from both hands of Verona like this, toward at present these by monster straight rushing over of pollutes dark. But these stature extremely fat monsters apparently do not have enough flexibility to avoid the Verona offensive. Only hearsto rumble & R dquo ; A loud sound, the flame tearing darkness of a series of sparkle, erupt thoroughly, swallows these stature extremely fat monsters thoroughly. But the flame of flaming combustion has therefore not been put out, on the contrary, they as if inundate the smallpox rain to scatter generally in the ground. Then extending proliferation fast. When are not many time, formed walls with flues for heating, being relentless tore originally the strong darkness. 而看见这些怪物的出现。克罗伊反而松了口气,他一面向后退开,一面大声呼唤着维罗纳的名字。而听见克罗伊的呼唤,全身上下包裹在黑色长袍之中的维罗纳则是冷哼一声,虽然他很不愿意听从一个人类的差遣,不过维罗纳也知道现在已经到了关键时刻。因此他也是急忙举起双手,默念着咒文。紧接着,闪耀着光亮的鲜红火焰球就这样从维罗纳的双手之间喷射而出,向着眼前那些被黑暗污染的怪物笔直的冲了过去。而这些身材臃肿的怪物显然没有足够的灵活性来躲避维罗纳的攻势。只听见“轰”的一声巨响,一连串闪耀的火光撕裂黑暗,彻底爆发开来,将那些身材臃肿的怪物彻底吞噬。而熊熊燃烧的火焰也并没有因此而熄灭,相反,它们仿佛漫天花雨一般散落在地面。接着飞快的延伸扩散。不多时的工夫,就形成了一堵堵火墙,毫不留情的撕裂了原本浓厚的黑暗。 But this also as if provoked the anger of dark demon finally, strange calls out to erupt from the flame, next moment several tentacle that is formed by the slough departs from the flame like this, launched the attack toward present black robe mage. But clearly is also prepared regarding Verona early, saw only him to sneer, the right hand turns over from the long gown put out magic staff that is forwarding the ruby forward. Afterward sparkled the red brilliance hot element to protect the shield to appear in him like this with the remaining others side, blocked the further action of dark monster. 而这也似乎终于激起了黑暗魔物们的愤怒,诡异的嚎叫声从火焰之中爆发,下一刻数条由腐肉形成的触手就这样从火焰之中飞出,向着眼前的黑袍法师发起了袭击。而对于维罗纳显然也是早有准备,只见他冷笑一声,右手翻转从长袍里拿出了一根向前着红宝石的法杖向前一点。随后闪耀着红色光辉的火元素护盾就这样出现在了他和剩下的其他人身边,挡住了黑暗怪物的进一步行动。 But along with flame brilliance shining that Verona displays, the people also saw clearly present scene & mda S h finally ; This is one float in infinite Abyss. Platform that is connected by four giant chains. But on the sacrificial altar platforms, an oval-shape, seems like dark gem thing calm and upright static float there. But in its side, even congealed to change into dark substantively, as if rivers thing, regarding revolving that it continuously. 而伴随着维罗纳施展的火焰光辉的照耀,众人也终于看清楚了眼前的场景—这是一个悬浮在无底深渊中间。由四条巨大的锁链连接起来的平台。而在平台中间的祭台上,一个椭圆形的,看起来像是黑暗宝石般的东西正安静的悬浮在那里。而在它的旁边,黑暗甚至凝结化为了实质性的,仿佛河流般的东西,围绕着它不住的旋转。 Without a doubt, that is the gate of Death shadow fragment. 毫无疑问,那就是死亡阴影之门的碎片。 However the doomsday followers do not know, at this moment in the shadow of their above not far away, Zhan En is standing there, is gazing below every action and every movement. 但是末日信徒们并不知道,此刻就在他们上方不远处的阴影之中,詹恩正站在那里,注视着下方的一举一动。 That is the gate of shadow fragment. & R dquo ; “那就是阴影之门的碎片啊。” Muttered is saying, Zhan En raised the head. Side him, naturally is Aina and Tillis, the latter also just sobered. Regarding the beforehand stupor, Zhan En was her some were extremely exhausted to the explanation of Tillis, but Tillis had not suspected regarding this explanation, after all was very difficult to make clear the time in this dark condition, in addition, she was also thirsty and hungry, meeting the stupor was not strange in the past. 一面喃喃自语的说着,詹恩一面抬起头来。在他身边的,自然是艾娜蒂莉丝,后者也不过才是刚刚清醒过来。对于之前的昏迷,詹恩蒂莉丝的解释是她有些太过疲惫了,而蒂莉丝自己对于这个解释也并没有多么怀疑,毕竟在这种黑暗的状态下都很难搞清楚时间,再加上之前她也是又渴又饿,会昏迷过去也不奇怪。 However at present Zhan En care is not Tillis, on the contrary, he cares that so-calledgate of Death shadow fragment & R dquo ;. Verona they had not discovered, but Zhan En has actually detected, lays aside gate of fragment Death shadow the position of sacrificial altar, before is in them, under of mirror of sacrificial altar laying aside Sun passes through. 不过眼下詹恩关心的也不是蒂莉丝,相反,他在意的正是那所谓的“死亡阴影之门的残片”。维罗纳他们没有发现,但是詹恩却是已经察觉到,放置死亡阴影之门残片的祭台的位置,正处于他们之前经过的放置太阳之镜祭台的正下方。 But significance simply again also clearly. 而这其中的意义简直再也清楚不过了。 In Zhan En ponders, the doomsday followers also gradually neared that altar. These dark demon are not genuine dark demon, but is a defense of instinct. Before they can also transform with the aid of the bodies of these doomsday guards to the people launch the offensive, however under the spell protection of Verona, lost pure dark magic power of body is very difficult to reconstruct anything to injure. 就在詹恩思考之时,末日信徒们也逐渐接近了那座祭坛。这些黑暗魔物并非是真正的黑暗魔物,只不过是一种本能的防卫而已。之前它们还能够借助那些末日卫士的身体来转化对众人发动攻势,但是在维罗纳法术守护下,失去了躯体的纯粹黑暗魔力是很难再造成什么伤害的。 The sacrificial altar is close at hand. 祭台已经近在眼前。 Looks at the float gem, in the eye of Verona flashes through several points of greedy brilliance at present, then he holds up magic staff to meditate in a low voice, quick, by the magic power congealment formation, transparent palm this appears baseless, then stretches out forward, toward float grasped in that fragment of sacrificial altar peak. 看着眼前悬浮的宝石,维罗纳的眼中闪过了几分贪婪的光辉,接着他举起法杖低声默念,很快,一只由魔力凝结形成的,透明的手掌就这样凭空浮现,接着向前伸出,向着悬浮在祭台顶端的那枚碎片抓了过去。 „!! „ “!!“ But in Verona summon the hand of magic power will soon hold that fragment, suddenly, the golden light sparkle, pierced the hand of that pair of huge magic together thoroughly.( To be continued.) 而就在维罗纳召唤的魔力之手即将抓住那枚碎片之时,忽然,一道金光闪耀而下,彻底洞穿了那双巨大的魔法之手。(未完待续。)
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