DR :: Volume #4

#332: Dark Abyss ( IV )

The land starts to shiver again. 大地再一次开始颤动。 Tillis frightens closely is holding the Zhan En's arm, this time young girl could not have attended to anything acting with constraint completely. But another side Aina is also law-abiding by the Zhan En's bosom, motionless, a few words did not say & mda S h ; Naturally, actually this is because she also immersed in the aftertaste, because other anything reason was unknown. 蒂莉丝吓的紧紧抱着詹恩的手臂,这个时候的少女已经完全顾不上什么矜持。而另外一侧的艾娜也是安分的靠在詹恩的怀里,一动不动,一句话也不说—当然,这究竟是因为她还沉浸在刚才的余韵之中,还是因为其他什么原因就不得而知了。 However present Zhan En does not have the time to care about these minor matters, on the contrary, he frowns, careful is looking steadily at outside big cavity. At this time Zhan En thought, since this is they enters the second earthquake that the tomb has come across. When that tremor that most starts, Zhan En also thinks is the doomsday god and Tinidell in the outside dozen pitch-dark creates, after all this both sides have the sufficient strength to do such matter, even if they collapse the Sun Temple bang are not strange. However the people of these doomsday gods had entered the big cavity a moment ago, but Tinidell did not have the shadow, this explained at least so far, both sides have not conducted how fierce fight. But in this case, had the earthquake once again, actually did this represent what? 不过现在的詹恩并没有时间去关心这些小事,相反,他皱起眉头,仔细的盯视着外面的大空洞。这时詹恩才想起来,这已经是他们进入墓穴以来所遇到的第二次地震了。最开始的那次颤动时,詹恩还以为是末日神教和蒂尼德尔在外面打的昏天黑地所造成的,毕竟这双方都拥有足够的力量干出这样的事情,哪怕他们把太阳神殿轰塌也不奇怪。但是刚才那些末日神教的人已经进入了大空洞,而蒂尼德尔还没有影子,这就说明至少到目前为止,双方还没有进行过多么激烈的战斗。而在这种情况下,又一次发生了地震,这究竟代表了什么? Will have this situation the reason to have, for example here is the active earthquake belt, or because of launch of some type of mechanism/organization. However Zhan En thinks that perhaps has no relations with this both sides. If here is the active earthquake belt, then the above building is impossible for a long time the matter not to have. If the mechanism/organization starts, is unlikely to start in a short time continuously twice. Really must say, this instead is more like some type of thing to try to break through the fetter same feeling of seal. But Zhan En has not felt here besides the gate of fragment Death shadow other by the thing of seal, what's all this about? 会产生这种情况的原因有很多,比如这里本身就是活跃的地震带,又或者是因为某种机关的发动。但是詹恩认为恐怕与这双方都没有什么关系。如果这里是活跃的地震带,那么上面的建筑物不可能这么久还一点儿事都没有。而如果是机关发动的话,也不太可能在短时间内连续发动两次。真要说起来,这反而更像是某种东西正在试图突破封印的束缚一样的感觉。可是詹恩在这里并没有感觉到除了死亡阴影之门碎片之外其他被封印的东西,这是怎么回事呢? No matter how said? It seems like oneself must act. At least he must investigate the record of Sun Temple. Has a look whether also has the matter that anything have not noticed. Zhan En is the plan while the doomsday god had not noticed their times launches the surprise attack, then investigates to Sun Temple, waits to make clear all later makes the decision is snatches the fragment, goes home. However plans to might as well change quickly, such being the case, he also has to choose another means to achieve oneself goal. 不管怎么说?看来自己必须行动了。最起码他也要去调查一下太阳神殿的记录。看看其中是否还有什么自己没有注意到的事情。原本詹恩是打算趁着末日神教没留意到他们的时候发动突袭,然后对太阳神殿内部进行调查,等搞清楚一切之后再做决定是去抢残片,还是打道回府。但是计划不如变化快,既然如此,他也不得不选择另外一种办法来实现自己的目标了。 However before that ......... 不过在那之前……… Thinks of here, Zhan En looked at one by Tillis that own side trembles. Then he puts out a hand, quick, under covering of dark magic power, the young girl closed the eye like this, fell into the deep sleep. But one side until this time, Zhan En put her, then put out a hand to lift in the bosom the chin of Aina, forcing her to gaze at itself. 想到这里,詹恩望了一眼靠在自己身边瑟瑟发抖的蒂莉丝。接着他伸出手去,很快,在黑暗魔力的笼罩之下,少女就这样闭上了眼睛,陷入了深沉的睡眠之中。而直到这个时候,詹恩才把她放到一边,接着伸出手去抬起怀中艾娜的下巴,强迫她注视着自己。 Aristocrat mister ............ & R dquo ; “贵族先生…………” Felt that Zhan En's movement, Aina is the eyes is blurred. The blurry opens the mouth inquiry said. She also immerses in a moment ago that joyful great waves now, even the brain is the obscure flour gruel. This time half-elf young girl had completely lost past keen, her present feeling seemed like a person just to awake such, felt that the mind was blurry, anything did not have the means to ponder. Therefore regarding the Zhan En's action, Aina, although some doubts. However does not want too many & mda S h ; Or. Present she, simply does not have the means to be too many. 感觉到詹恩的动作,艾娜则是双眼迷离。迷迷糊糊的开口询问道。她现在还沉浸在刚才那快乐的浪涛里,甚至连大脑都是昏昏糊糊的。此时的半精灵少女已经完全失去了往日的敏锐,她的现在的感觉就好像是一个人刚刚睡醒那样,感觉到头脑迷迷糊糊,什么都没办法进行思考。因此对于詹恩的举动,艾娜虽然有些疑惑。但是也没有想太多—或者说。现在的她,根本没有办法想太多。 However Zhan En has not replied her inquiry, but lowers the head directly, stopped up her lip. But the feeling the Zhan En's movement, the body of Aina unchecked shivers again, she responded to Zhan En's to tease positively, the entire body pasted on this directly on Zhan En's. Until a moment later, two people then separates, however this time Aina has not definitely been able to suppress own **, that group of flame of her body are even more exuberant. This lets the Aina instinct puts out a hand to surround at present the nape of the neck of men's, revealed the sweet aura. 但是詹恩并没有回答她的询问,而是直接低下头去,堵住了她的嘴唇。而感受到詹恩的动作,艾娜的身体再一次不可遏制的颤抖起来,她积极的回应着詹恩的挑逗,整个身体就这样直接贴在了詹恩的身上。直到片刻之后,两人这才分开,但是这个时候的艾娜已经完全无法压制住自己的**,她身体的那团火焰越发旺盛。这让艾娜本能的伸出手去环绕住眼前男子的脖颈,吐露出了甘甜的气息。 But Zhan En has not responded to the request of Aina immediately, on the contrary, he lowers the head, said near the ear of Aina in a low voice. 可是詹恩却并没有立刻回应艾娜的请求,相反,他低下头去,在艾娜的耳边低声说道。 You want to obtain endless joyful? Miss Aina? & R dquo ; “你想要获得无尽的快乐吗?艾娜小姐?” Endless joyful ............? & R dquo ; “无尽的快乐…………?” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Aina blurry is repeating, in her eye appeared for several points to have doubts, as if not understand completely Zhan En was saying anything resembled. 听到詹恩的说话,艾娜迷迷糊糊的重复着,她的眼中浮现出了几分疑惑,似乎完全不明白詹恩在说什么似的。 Right, endless joy, so long as submits to me, you can obtain forever not the unimaginable happiness. What's wrong? Miss Aina, you are willing to abandon original all, becomes my Loyalty family member? & R dquo ; “没错,无尽的快乐,只要臣服于我,你就能够获得永远无法想象的幸福。如何?艾娜小姐,你愿意抛弃原本的一切,成为我忠诚的眷属吗?” Is saying, Zhan En the right hand finger, has delimited on the half-elf young girl smooth back. But the feeling the Zhan En's movement, Aina like receive an electric shock bends/bow the body immediately, tight embracing the present man, her slender slender both legs are intersecting the encirclement in the Zhan En's waist, as if must is united as one body him and forever. 一面说着,詹恩一面右手手指,在半精灵少女光滑的脊背上划过。而感受到詹恩的动作,艾娜立刻像触电般弓起身体来,紧紧的搂抱住眼前的男子,她那修长纤细的双腿就这样交叉着环绕在詹恩的腰间,仿佛要将他和自己永远连成一体。 Forever ............ joyful ............... & R dquo ; “永远…………快乐……………” Muttering tastes Zhan En's to speak, the Aina look seems even more muddy, in her in the depths of ones heart, the sound is screaming, was warning she should come soberly, as half-elf, she should not indulge in the joy. That is the choice that the worst fallen can make. However this sound was burnt quickly ** the fire swallows, Aina at this moment can feel only, only then the dryness and heat and void in body, as well as spare nothing to fill this void hope. But in her brain, during Zhan En's sound reverberation repeatedly . 喃喃自语的回味着詹恩的说话,艾娜的眼神显得越发浑浊,在她的内心深处,有一个声音正在尖叫着,告诫着她应该清醒过来,作为一个半精灵,她不应该沉溺于快乐之中。那是最邪恶的堕落者才会做出的选择。但是这个声音很快就被燃烧的**之火所吞噬,此刻的艾娜所唯一能够感受到的,只有身体内的燥热和空虚,以及不惜一切代价填充这种空虚的渴望。而在她的脑中,詹恩的声音则一遍又一遍的回荡期间。 Forever joyful ......... submits to me forever ......... joyful ............... 永远的快乐………臣服于我………永远的快乐…………… I want ......... me to be willing to become your family member......, no matter anything line ............! Aristocrat mister!! No, master ............!! & R dquo ; “我愿意………我愿意成为你的眷属……不管什么都行…………!贵族先生!!不,主人…………!!” Is saying, Aina even yells, she closely is embracing Zhan En, as if must and opposite party fuses together oneself completely. But hears the reply of Aina, Zhan En nods, later his corners of the mouth appeared to wipe the ice-cold smile. 一面说着,艾娜甚至一面大声喊叫起来,她紧紧的搂抱着詹恩,仿佛要将自己与对方完全融为一体般。而听到艾娜的回答,詹恩则是点了点头,随后他的嘴角浮现出了一抹冰冷的微笑。 Good child ......... & R dquo ; “好孩子………” The darkness gradually starts becomes thick. 黑暗逐渐开始变得浓厚。 The half-elf young girl depends like this on Zhan En's, she shuts tightly the eyes, sent out like the wild animal panting for breath sound. But along with the Zhan En's movement, all around dark magic power also starts to gather in this moment, Aina at this moment had been wrapped by dark magic power completely, places probably in one group of black smog is the same. However to her, all these are unimportant, that washout body, as if even soul the great waves that loses have made Aina lose thoroughly, she can do now only, greedy is enjoying all these. 半精灵少女就这样靠在詹恩的身上,她紧闭双眼,发出了如同野兽般的喘息声。而伴随着詹恩的动作,四周的黑暗魔力也在这一刻开始聚集,此刻的艾娜已经完全被黑暗的魔力所包裹了起来,就好像是身处在一团黑色的烟雾之中一样。但是对于她而言,这一切都不重要,那种冲刷身体,仿佛连灵魂都在其中迷失的浪涛已经彻底让艾娜迷失其中,她现在唯一能够做的,就是贪婪的享受着这一切。 The darkness is even more strong, finally in this moment, arrived at the peak along with the Zhan En's movement. 黑暗越发浓厚,终于在这一刻,伴随着詹恩的动作到达了顶端。 The half-elf young girl screamed one, then straight very drew out the body, but however has not waited for her to scream, a tentacle that was congealed by dark magic power drills into the mouth that Aina opened like this, stopped up her voice. But is quick, innumerable is congealed the black shadow that will become the present prey to fetter on this by dark magic power in the midair thoroughly. Black line that afterward first even/including flees from below on, formed a similar cocoon object, the Aina thorough package in inside. 半精灵少女尖叫一声,接着笔直的挺起身体,而但是还没有等她叫出声来,一只由黑暗魔力凝结的触手就这样钻入了艾娜张开的口中,堵住了她的声音。而很快,无数的由黑暗魔力凝结而成的黑色阴影就这样将眼前的猎物彻底束缚在半空之中。随后一连窜的黑色线条从下而上,形成了一个类似蛹般的物体,将艾娜彻底的包裹在了里面。 Bright red, evil magic incocoon & R dquo ; Below ground appears, in this flash, the dazzling red brilliance tearing darkness, then sees to wrap the Aina cocoon to break like this. Afterward, a petite person's shadow, this appeared in front of Zhan En's again. 鲜红,邪恶的魔法阵在“蛹”下方的地面上浮现,在这一瞬间,耀眼的红色光辉撕裂黑暗,紧接着便看见原本包裹着艾娜的蛹就这样破碎开来。随后,一个娇小的人影,就这样再一次出现在了詹恩的面前。 That Aina. 那正是艾娜 Although seems like from the surface, before present half-elf young girl, almost does not have the too big difference, but carefully looked that will discover, the pupil change of Aina becomes like the dragon general long and narrow shape, inside is sparkling the bright red brilliance. The emerald green long hair appeared several points of white luminous. The bright red magic trace appears on the right hand arm of half-elf young girl, outlined the beautiful and inviting design. But is most noticeable, is Aina four pieces seems like wing of thin as the cicada wing light behind. This makes her look does not seem like the elf, pours more like Fairy. 虽然从表面上看起来,眼前的半精灵少女和之前几乎没有太大的不同,但是仔细看去就会发现,艾娜的瞳孔变化成为了如同龙一般狭长的形态,内里闪耀着鲜红的光辉。原本翠绿的长发显现出了几分白色的光亮。鲜红色的魔法纹路浮现在半精灵少女的右手手臂上,勾勒出了美丽而充满诱惑的图案。而最为引人注目的,则是艾娜身后四片看起来薄如蝉翼般的光之羽翼。这让她看起来不太像是精灵,倒更像是妖精 But at this moment, dark magic power that revolving congeals in the right hand congealment of Aina, formed pure white, beautiful long bow. It looks absolutely does not have the demon unique that evil feeling, on the contrary, this seems like the long bow seems like a bird that spreads the wings to fly, but in its bowing center, then carves one to shut the eyes, the bust of beautiful young girl. She prayed probably general is shutting own eye, but assumes the symmetrical condition toward high and low to separate in two wings that she launches behind, formed a perfect arc. 而就在此刻,旋转凝结的黑暗魔力则在艾娜的右手凝结,形成了一把纯白,美丽的长弓。它看起来完全没有魔族特有的那种邪恶的感觉,相反,这把长弓看起来就好像是一只展翅欲飞的鸟儿,而在它的弓身中央,则雕刻着一个闭着双眼的,美丽少女的半身像。她好像祈祷一般的闭着自己的眼睛,而在她身后展开的两对翅膀则呈对称性态向着上下分离开来,形成了一个完美的弧线。 But at the same time, Zhan En also obtained the prompt of Dungeon System. 而在与此同时,詹恩也得到了地下城系统的提示。 Obtains Heroic units Aina. Song of the Stars 【获得英雄单位艾娜.星之歌 Aina. Song of the Stars ( Baiyin ) 艾娜.星之歌(白银)】 Race: Charming Monster( half-elf / family member)】 【种族:魅妖(半精灵/眷属)】 Battle efficiency: ( before prey drops down, hunter will not let off goal that she locks on absolutely)】 【战斗力:(在猎物倒下之前,猎人绝对不会放过她锁定的目标)】 Management: ( life has half of time to be used to play, the other half of time is used to prepare game)】 【管理:(人生有一半的时间用来游戏,另外一半的时间用来准备游戏)】 Influence: ( and she is happy enjoyment, the Charming Monster race is expert in + 1 together)】 【影响力:(和她在一起是一种愉快的享受,魅妖种族专精)】 Loyalty: ( eternal family member)】 忠诚度:(永恒眷属)】 characteristic 特性 Nature compatible & mda S h ; The nature is her ally( natural element affinity + 1)】 【自然亲和—大自然是她的盟友(自然元素亲和力)】 Arrow of & mda S h passion ; Fiery that you feel does not stem from the pain, but stems from the in the depths of ones heart burning hot emotion( when the goal hit a target, there is a certain probability to attachattracts to be in heat & R dquo ; Cursed characteristic 【情欲之箭—你所感受到的火热不是源于痛苦,而是源于内心深处的炙热情感(当目标被射中时,有一定机率附着“魅惑发情”诅咒特性 Skills 持有特技 Naturally fuses & mda S h ; Can with ability of surrounding natural element fusion 【自然融合—可以和周围自然元素融合的能力】 Ally summoned & mda S h ; Can summon the ability of natural ally from void 【盟友召唤—可以从虚空中召唤自然盟友的能力】 Sees the character information that appears at present, Zhan En to narrow the eye, appeared to wipe the self-satisfied smile. 看见眼前所浮现的人物信息,詹恩眯起眼睛,浮现出了一抹得意的笑容。 Success.( To be continued.) 成功了。(未完待续。)
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