DR :: Volume #4

#331: Dark Abyss ( III )

The aftershock abates gradually, the scattered dust flies upwards everywhere. After, the people had then recovered some little time, they still shaken looking around in all directions, in a while, they discovered important matter not wonderful & mda S h ; Zhan En and Tillis as well as Aina, another two mercenaries had lost the trace. But where as for they went, does not need to ask, so long as has a look in the ground that shocking slit, has been able to guess correctly the result. 余震渐渐消退,散落的灰尘四处飞扬。在过了好一会儿之后,众人这才回过神来,他们一个个惊魂未定的四处张望,紧接着没过多久,他们就发现了大事不妙—詹恩蒂莉丝以及艾娜,还有另外两个佣兵已经失去了踪影。而至于他们去了哪里,根本不需要多问,只要看看地面上那条触目惊心的缝隙,就已经能够猜到结果。 But sees this, the people are actually silent, they raise the head, look to Steve. How after all regardless to see, fell down from here definitely is incurable, they were taking risk together long time, was well aware regarding each other strength, in this case, must say that the opposite party can also live, perhaps they did not believe. Traded the past, everyone most is also pays silent tribute, then continues to go forward. However this time is specific, because they lose is not only the companion, their employers. 而看见这一幕,众人却是沉默不语,他们纷纷抬起头来,望向史蒂夫。毕竟无论怎么看,从这里掉下去肯定是没救了,他们在一起冒险了很长时间,对于彼此的实力都心知肚明,在这种情况下,要说对方还能够活下来,恐怕就连他们自己也不信。换了以往,大家最多也就是默哀一下,然后继续前进。但是这次情况不同,因为他们失去的不仅仅是同伴,还有他们的雇主。 Regimental commander, what to do then should we? & R dquo ; “团长,接下来我们该怎么办?” In a moment later, some people could not have borne ask finally, but in fact this is also a problem that everyone cares about very much. According to truth, since the employers had even been finished, then they treat are also not meaningful here. Although said that as the matter stands Adventurer do not have the means to attain to agree the good other half of remuneration for services rendered, was this harvest all the way is also to them enough. Only is these magic equipment and weapons, has made up for their losses sufficiently. NowFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; The Adventurer best choice goes home, now outside is very safe. If they choose to go home. Then can safe departure City of Lost. 在过了片刻之后,终于有人忍不住开口询问道,而事实上这也是所有人都很关心的一个问题。按照道理来说,既然连雇主都已经完蛋了,那么他们待在这里也没有什么意义。虽然说这样一来冒险者们没办法拿到约定好的另外一半酬金,可是这一路上的收获对于他们来说也已经足够了。光是那些魔法装备和武器,已经足以弥补他们的损失。现在“妖精与宝箱”的冒险者最好的选择就是打道回府,现在外面还很安全。如果他们选择打道回府的话。那么就可以平平安安的离开失落之城 If ordinary employment, they have done that. 如果是普通的雇佣者的话,他们早就这么做了。 But, Zhan En is not ordinary employment, he is employment who acts outstanding Kuo, moreover is a legendary domain powerhouse. What to do this made Adventurer be a little in doubt should. Indeed, in that case, the average person falls down must die. However Zhan En was different, he is the legendary powerhouse. But the true legendary powerhouse is what appearance, everyone does not know. Some hearsay said that they can destroy the day to extinguish, a somersault flies several thousand li (0.5 km), naturally many exaggerating places, in the days in with Zhan En being together, Adventurer also gradually understood that in these seemingly unthinkable hearsay, there is possibly real. 可是,詹恩并不是一个普通的雇佣者,他是一个出手卓阔的雇佣者,而且还是一位传奇领域的强者。这使得冒险者们就有点儿拿不准该怎么办了。的确,在那种情况下,一般人掉下去肯定是必死的。但是詹恩就不一样了,他可是传奇强者。而真正的传奇强者是什么样子,大家都不知道。有传闻说他们能够毁天灭地,一个筋斗飞几千里,其中当然不乏夸张之处,但是在和詹恩相处的这段日子里,冒险者们也逐渐了解到那些看起来匪夷所思的传闻之中,有很多都可能是真的。 But in this case, if they chose giving up. But can the words that Zhan En has not died how? Will he let off and others? Adventurer are not the pure children, they will not think opposite party really such good intention, all the way although Zhan En will display unusual will be friendly, appearance that gentle will be very good to speak. However he reprimanded Daniel that to prove he also had the legendary powerhouse proud. If must make such a trouble, then laterFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; adventure group can only live in fearful and apprehensive. 而在这种情况下,假如他们选择了放弃。而詹恩又没有死的话会怎么样?他会放过自己等人吗?冒险者们可不是单纯的小孩子,他们可不认为对方真的会这么好心,虽然詹恩一路上都表现的非常和气,一副文质彬彬很好说话的样子。但是他斥责丹尼尔的那一幕就已经证明了他也是拥有传奇强者的骄傲的。如果要惹上这么一个麻烦,那么以后“妖精与宝箱”冒险团就只能够在胆战心惊里过日子了。 Also in these two types of contradictions, enabling the people absolutely not to have the means unification idea. Finally. They can only choose simplest means & mda S h ; Flung the pot to Steve solves. 也正是在这两种矛盾之中,使得众人完全没有办法统一思想。最终。他们只能够选择一个最简单的办法—将锅甩给史蒂夫来解决了。 But facing people's inquiry, Steve has not spoken, another sharp sound, actually resounds suddenly. 而面对众人的询问,史蒂夫还没有说话,另外一个尖锐的声音,却是忽然响起。 What does this have to say? Now our quest had been defeated, wanted me saying that leaving here was the best choice. & R dquo ; “这还有什么好说的?现在我们的任务已经失败了,要我说,离开这里才是最佳的选择。” Hears these words, many people stare, then they look following the place that the sound sends out, sees only Daniel to have the happy expression of several points of mock, is gazing at fixedly them on the wall slantingly. 听到这句话,不少人都是一愣,接着他们顺着声音发出的地方望去,只见丹尼尔正带着几分讥诮的笑意,斜靠在墙壁上瞪视着他们。 That aristocrat has died. We also lost some manpower, no matter according to which adventure group rule, now we best way only then turns around to leave this road to walk. What's wrong? Do you also want to continue? However besides that aristocrat, who knows us where? Moreover who knows that what thing front has? Before that corpse witch was not we can cope, if were not that aristocrat, perhaps we have gone home. Now do you also want to continue to proceed to rush? Even front no monster, but who we know that which road should take? Must know now Tillis not in our sides, without her direction, even if we wanted to find that fellow or his body, how should also do? & R dquo ; “那个贵族已经死了。我们也损失了一些人手,不管按照哪个冒险团的规则来看,现在我们最好的办法就只有转身离开这一条路可走。怎么?你们还想要继续走下去?但是除了那个贵族之外,谁知道我们在什么地方?而且谁知道前面有什么东西?之前那头尸巫就不是我们能够对付的,如果不是那个贵族的话,我们恐怕早就打道回府了。现在你们还想要继续往前闯?就算前面没什么怪物,可是我们谁知道该走哪条路?要知道现在蒂莉丝可不在我们的身边,没有了她的指引,就算我们想要找到那个家伙或者他的尸体,又该怎么做?” ............... & R dquo ; “……………” During heard the rebuttal of Daniel, Adventurer falls into was silent, indeed, Daniel said right. In this case, even if they continue to go forward, may not find to the following path. Moreover did below have the road also two saying that what to do if under the crack were the canyon that was too deep to see the bottom? 听到丹尼尔的反驳,冒险者们不由的陷入了沉默之中,的确,丹尼尔所说的没错。在这种情况下,就算他们继续前进,也不一定能够找到通往下面的道路。而且下面有没有路还两说呢,万一裂缝下面是深不见底的深谷怎么办? But after a while, has Adventurer unable to bear the rebuttal say. 而过了一会儿,有个冒险者则忍不住反驳道。 „ Do we go back? Should the words that but if that Sir has not died what to do? I acknowledged, our strengths are not indeed suitable extremely to go down to here. But we can pitch camp to wait for them in the , at least I think that this we can achieve. & R dquo ; “难道我们就这么回去?可是万一那位大人没死的话又该怎么办?我承认,我们的实力的确不适合太过深入这里。但我们可以在附近安营扎寨等待他们,最起码我想这我们还是能够做到的。” Stupid. & R dquo ; “愚蠢。” Hears opposite party's speech, Daniel cold snort/hum. 听到对方的说话,丹尼尔冷哼一声。 Why we want, for an aristocrat is kept waiting here, wanted me saying that we left here to consider as finished simply. They definitely died in any case, said again, even if has not died, that aristocrat will not know our here things. If by some chance he must look for our troubles, said that we encountered the attack of fearful monster after that everyone cannot be victorious can only escape, which what he can confirm us to say is really false? So long as we are more careful, do not make him catch the handle, what matter on didn't have? Let alone, did he have that skill to live is being two said that if he really had the skill, how in such useless falling into crack? & R dquo ; “我们干嘛要为了一个贵族在这里傻等,要我说我们还是干脆离开这里算了。反正他们肯定是死了,再说了,就算没死,那个贵族也不会知道我们这边的事情。万一他要找我们的麻烦,就说我们在那之后遇到了可怕怪物的袭击,大家打不过只能够逃跑,他又能够到哪儿去验证我们说的是真是假?只要我们小心一些,不要让他抓到把柄,不就什么事都没有了?更何况,他有没有那个本事活着回来还是两说呢,如果他真的那么有本事,怎么会这么没用的跌入裂缝里去?” But facing the speech of Daniel, quick has Adventurer to stand the rebuttal. 而面对丹尼尔的说话,很快就有冒险者站起来反驳。 Nonsense! The clarity that I look, that Sir to rescue Tillis and Aina jumps, if he has not grasped, how to run the suicide? I can believe firmly that he can live absolutely, but what if we do not make, how when the time comes we did confess to them? & R dquo ; “胡说八道!我可是看的清清楚楚,那位大人是为了救蒂莉丝艾娜才跳进去的,如果他没有把握的话,怎么会跑进去自杀?我可以确信他绝对能够活着回来,而我们如果不做出些什么的话,到时候我们怎么向他们交代?” What even if you said is real, what can we make? Don't forget, we are not the private soldier of that aristocrat, he makes us die we dead. Moreover I do not believe him for two Adventurer will brave such big danger, the aristocrats will be one crowd of cold blood, sly, brutal fellow. How possibly to know how many day of people makes contact with own poor life? What secretive relations don't tell me he and do Aina between them have to be inadequate? & R dquo ; “就算你说的是真的,我们又能够做些什么?别忘了,我们可不是那个贵族的私兵,他让我们去死我们就去死。而且我也不信他会为了两个冒险者冒这么大的生命危险,贵族都是一群冷血,狡猾,无情的家伙。怎么可能为了才认识几天的人搭上自己的小命?难道说他和艾娜她们之间还有什么不可告人的关系不成?” You ............! You simply is a bastard, no wonder Tillis cannot have a liking for you, the coward like you, is the sow does not want! & R dquo ; “你…………!你简直就是一个混蛋,难怪蒂莉丝看不上你,像你这样的孬种,就是母猪都不要!” You said anything!! I consider ......... & R dquo for everyone ; “你说什么!!我只是为了大家着想………” Nonsense goes, I! & R dquo ; “狗屁去吧,我呸!” Facing angry Daniel, standing up crazy warrior not spare a glance spat a spit, contemptuous is looking at him. 面对愤怒的丹尼尔,站起身来的狂战士不屑一顾的吐了口吐沫,轻蔑的望着他。 Who does not know that you could not get used to seeing that aristocrat, because Tillis seems like very intimate him, is the man has the courage to be open and aboveboard to look, in back baseless rumor simply is the villain act. Even if you do not like that aristocrat, Aina and Tillis are our companions, but you dare to say them unexpectedly. The father had looked that you are not pleasing to the eyes, you at all are not a man, is only a coward! & R dquo ; “谁不知道你一直看不惯那个贵族,就因为蒂莉丝看起来很亲近他,是男人有胆子就堂堂正正上去找啊,在背后风言风语的简直就是小人行径。就算你不喜欢那个贵族,艾娜蒂莉丝是我们的同伴,而你居然敢这么说她们。老子早就看你不顺眼了,你丫根本不是一个男人,只是一个懦夫!” Good, very good! „ “好,很好!“ Hears here, Daniel is the complexion is also cloudy, then he puts out a hand, pulls out the back double sword. 听到这里,丹尼尔也是面色阴沉,接着他伸出手去,抽出背后的双剑。 Since you said that then I make you have a look, am I a coward! & R dquo ; “既然你这么说,那么我就让你看看,我是不是懦夫!” Come, looked that the father also throws you, has to plant to begin, you think that I feared you are inadequate? & R dquo ; “来啊,看老子把你也扔下去,有种动手,你以为我怕你不成?” Sufficed!!! & R dquo ; “够了!!!” In the people even more quarrelled continuous, Steve that has kept silent opened the mouth to shout angrily finally, interrupted quarrel of both sides. But hears the Steve sound, both sides also stopped immediately, turns the head to look to Steve. Clearly, this regimental commander Sir under has decided the decision, planned to make a decision. 就在众人越发争吵不休之时,一直默不作声的史蒂夫终于开口怒喝,打断了双方的争吵。而听见史蒂夫的声音,双方顿时也停了下来,转头望向史蒂夫。很明显,这位团长大人是已经下定决定,打算做出一个决定了。 Feels the vision of people, Steve is the complexion is also serious, in fact both sides said is reasonable, is he as the regimental commander, actually can only make a choice. This world had no good deed of satisfying both sides, Steve holds the post of the adventure group long so many years, not has not made the brutal decision and choice. But now, he must make the decision again. 感受到众人的目光,史蒂夫也是面色严肃,事实上双方说的都有道理,可是他作为一团之长,却只能够做出一个选择。这世间原本就没有什么两全其美的好事,史蒂夫担任冒险团长这么多年,也并非是没有做过残酷的决定与选择。而现在,他显然又要再一次做出决定了。 Thinks of here, Steve looked at people one eyes again, then he deeply inspires, this says. 想到这里,史蒂夫再次望了众人一眼,接着他深吸了一口气,这才开口说道。 I ............... & R dquo ; “我……………” „!!! & R dquo ; “!!!” However, the Steve words just opened the mouth, was broken by a deafening explosion sound sound, people surprised turning the head, looks toward the place that the sound sends out. Sees only placed in the business hall that thing that is called the mirror of Sun, is sending out the dazzling brilliance, golden light beams flash before from the smooth mirror surface, then toward spreads in all directions. But that mirror floating directly in in the air, quick, rune/symbol writing who was full of the Holy strength reflects like this in the mirror surface. 但是,史蒂夫的话才刚刚开口,就被一阵震耳欲聋的轰响声打断,众人惊讶的转过头,向着声音发出的地方望去。只见原本摆放在大厅中央的那面被称为太阳之镜的东西,正散发出了耀眼的光辉,一道道金色的光束从平滑的镜面之中闪现,接着向着四面八方扩散。而那面镜子则径直的浮在了空中,很快,一个充满了神圣力量的符文就这样倒映在镜面之内。 If Zhan En, turns certainly around to run here immediately. When this is Divine Artifact starts recruiting, but as Sun God Amora one of the three Divine Artifact , launch of mirror of Sun is not fun. That represents the strength of solar source, is the set of pure positive synergy, like Zhan En demon, the pure positive synergy may be their natural enemies. 如果詹恩在这里的话,一定会立刻转身就跑。这正是神器发动时的征召,而作为太阳神阿蒙拉的三神器之一,太阳之镜的发动可不是好玩儿的。那可是代表太阳本源的力量,是纯粹的正能量的集合,像詹恩这样的魔族来说,纯粹的正能量可算是他们的天敌了。 However Adventurer at this moment actually do not know this point, along with launch of mirror of Sun, suddenly the entire hall wall on the ceiling and floor carved also starts to send out the bright brilliance including these Holy rune/symbol writing and designs that seems echoing the mirror of Sun general. But Adventurer look at present, can only stand in dull same place, does not know completely should should do. 但是此刻的冒险者们却并不知道这一点,伴随着太阳之镜的发动,一时间整个大厅墙壁包括天花板和地板上雕刻的那些神圣的符文与图案也开始散发出了明亮的光彩,仿佛是在呼应着太阳之镜一般。而冒险者们看着眼前的这一幕,只能够呆呆的站在原地,完全不知道该如何是好。 But when they are surprisedly uncertain, the dazzling brilliance erupts from the mirror of Sun immediately thoroughly. 而就在他们惊疑不定之时,耀眼的光辉顿时从太阳之镜中彻底爆发。 Adventurer instinct puts out a hand, keeps off in their at present. However is quick they panic-stricken discovery, by the place that shines luminously, the equipment that they dress scorches the general collapse to scatter immediately probably, arrange/cloth armor, leather armour or the steel bracer, changed into one pile of gravels under this dazzling ray, but they only felt that a burning hot the aura comes, next moment, the intensely bright brilliance filled like this entire room, swallows in which Adventurer thoroughly, is missing.( To be continued.) 冒险者们本能的伸出手去,挡在他们的眼前。但是很快他们就惊恐的发现,在被光亮照射到的地方,他们所穿戴的装备立刻像是烧焦了一般崩溃散落,无论是布甲,皮甲还是钢铁护腕,在这耀眼的光芒之下都化为了一堆砂砾,而他们只感觉到一股炙热的气息呼啸而来,下一刻,耀眼夺目的光辉就这样填充了整个房间,将冒险者们彻底吞噬其中,不见了踪影。(未完待续。)
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