DR :: Volume #4

#330: Dark Abyss ( II )

A series of sounds of footsteps transmit, this made Tillis also restore the original sobriety immediately. Hiding of her holding breath static air/Qi in corner, is inclining the head and listening attentively the sound that transmits from outside. Although sounds the opposite party to be away from itself also to have very far distance, but Tillis is actually certain, this absolutely will not be the adventure group person. The reason is very simple, these sounds of footsteps that because hears are not disorderly, even is quite it can be said that neat, one may know the opposite party to have the suitable sense of discipline as one pleases. But this matter isFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; Such adventure group cannot achieve absolutely. Although everyone in adventure group is experienced Adventurer, but surely does not have compared with the means and these regular groups in the sense of discipline. But here, besides them, naturally only then these evil cult people. 一连串的脚步声传来,这让蒂莉丝也顿时恢复了原本的清醒。她屏声静气的躲在角落里,侧耳倾听着从外面传来的声响。虽然听起来对方距离自己还有很远的距离,但是蒂莉丝却可以肯定,这绝对不会是冒险团的人。原因很简单,因为传来的这些脚步声并不杂乱,甚至可以说是相当整齐,一听便可知对方拥有着相当的纪律性。而这种事情是“妖精与宝箱”这样的冒险团绝对做不到的。虽然冒险团里的大家都是经验丰富的冒险者,可是在纪律性上肯定是没办法和那些正规团体相比的。而在这里的,除了他们之外,自然就只有那些邪教徒了。 Thinks of here, Tillis was anxious immediately, her both hands grip tightly to place the chest front, the gaze that two eyes do wink the rich darkness, the heart is feeling at present bang bang jumps. However after feeling body side Zhan En, the young girl thought immediately, she relaxed in in the depths of ones heart safely, then slightly cannot be checked depended toward the opposite party. Also luckily this is in the darkness, otherwise can see the small face of Tillis at this moment red seemed the apple to be the same simply. 想到这里,蒂莉丝顿时紧张了起来,她双手紧握放在胸前,两只眼睛一眨不眨的注视着眼前浓郁的黑暗,心脏都感觉到不由的砰砰直跳起来。不过在感觉到身侧的詹恩之后,少女顿时觉得安心了许多,她在内心深处松了口气,接着微不可查的向着对方靠了靠。也幸亏这是在黑暗之中,不然就可以看见蒂莉丝的小脸此刻红的简直好像苹果一样了。 However at this time, Tillis heard the side to transmit the sound that the clothes rubbed suddenly, then felt that transmitted vibration & mda S h that from Zhan En's body that one side ; Evidently as if Aina also with oneself same by Zhan En's, her movement obviously many that Tillis is bolder. 不过就在这个时候,蒂莉丝忽然听到身边传来衣服摩擦的声响,接着便感觉到从詹恩的身体那一侧传来的震动—看样子似乎艾娜也和自己一样靠在了詹恩的身上,不过她的动作明显就要比蒂莉丝大胆的多了。 But when Tillis indulges in flights of fancy, the Aina sound actually spread to her ear like this. 而就在蒂莉丝胡思乱想的时候,艾娜的声音却就这样传入了她的耳中。 Aristocrat mister. You felt who can be? & R dquo ; “贵族先生。你觉得来的会是什么人啊?” Hears this issue. Tillis is also hurried depresses in the depths of ones heart that son's complex thoughts for the time being, then listens attentively with rapt attention. But facing the inquiry of Aina, Zhan En pondered the moment, this opening the mouth replied. 听到这个问题。蒂莉丝也是急忙将自己内心深处那点儿复杂的心思暂且压下,接着凝神倾听起来。而面对艾娜的询问,詹恩则是思考了片刻,这才开口回答道。 I think that should be these evil cult people, but I do not think they and we same are fall, is conceivable, these fellows come to here should look for anything. & R dquo ; “我想应该就是那些邪教徒了,不过我可不认为他们和我们一样是掉下来的,那么可以想象,这些家伙来这里应该就是寻找什么东西。” Is the thing that „ they and aristocrat mister you look for same? & R dquo ; “他们和贵族先生您找的东西是同一个吗?” Perhaps yes. Perhaps is not, but these are only the guess ......... & R dquo ; “或许是。或许不是,不过这些都只是猜测而已………” Is saying, Zhan En extends own right hand, touched following the half-elf young girl plentiful thigh. He knows that Aina asked these issues purely are not idle bored, in fact in attracting spell and under influence of dark element magic power, she has almost regarded to make oneself master Zhan En now. But now Zhan En must do, is continues to enlarge her **, then corrodes her spirit through everywhere magic power. This is a bit like to taking the drugs, most starts people wallow in the joy that the narcotics bring. However is quick their wills and spirits will collapse under this joyful corrosion, finally falls into thoroughly is individually uncorrectable. Present Aina is entering Stage 2 transformation, displayed from her a moment ago, she gradually has the quilt ** trend of operation. But now Zhan En must do, is continues to stimulate her **. 一面说着,詹恩一面伸出自己的右手,顺着半精灵少女丰满的大腿摸了过去。他知道艾娜之所以问这些问题并非纯粹是闲的无聊,事实上在魅惑法术和暗元素魔力的影响下,她现在几乎已经将詹恩视做了自己的主人。而现在詹恩要做的,就是继续放大她的**,然后通过无处不在的魔力侵蚀她的精神。这就有点儿类似于吸食毒品,最开始的时候人们只是沉迷于毒品带来的快乐之中。但是很快他们的意志和精神就会在这种快乐的侵蚀下崩溃,最后彻底陷入其中不可自拔。现在的艾娜就正在进入第二阶段的转化,从她刚才的表现,她已经逐渐有被**操纵的趋势。而现在詹恩要做的,就是继续激发她的**。 Sure enough, under Zhan En's strokes. The body of half-elf young girl was tight immediately. Zhan En then felt that her whole person pasted like this on own body. But his right hand was closely grasped by Aina, can the clear feeling get sucked into soft touch, the young girl slight and rapid respite sound resounds in the Zhan En's ear like this, seems inviting , seems to be ordinary in the seduction. 果不其然,在詹恩的抚摸下。半精灵少女的身体顿时绷紧了许多。紧接着詹恩便感觉到她整个人都这样贴在了自己的身上。而他的右手更是被艾娜紧紧抱住,可以清晰的感觉到深陷其中的柔软触感,少女轻微而急促的喘息声就这样在詹恩的耳边响起,仿佛是在邀请,又仿佛是在诱惑一般。 But facing the request of Aina, Zhan En shows a faint smile, later his right hand such quiet extends, thorough in. But the feeling the Zhan En's movement, the body of Aina is tremor slightly. Even in the darkness, Zhan En can still see her pair sparklingly. Filled the eye of mist to gaze at itself, as if puppy hope stroking and love of master. 而面对艾娜的要求,詹恩则是微微一笑,随后他的右手就这样悄无声息的一路延伸而下,深入其中。而感受到詹恩的动作,艾娜的身体更是微微的颤动起来。即便是在黑暗之中,詹恩也可以看见她那双亮晶晶的。充满了水雾的眼睛正注视着自己,仿佛小狗般祈求着主人的抚摸与疼爱。 Quick, along with the Zhan En's movement, the Aina respite sound is even more loud, her whole person grasps the Zhan En's arm like this, continuously about is rubbing, the half-elf young girl at this moment is the complexion flushed, both eyes semi-closure, a look blurred appearance. 很快,伴随着詹恩的动作,艾娜的喘息声越发粗重,她整个人就这样抱住詹恩的胳膊,不住的上下摩擦着,此刻的半精灵少女已经是面色潮红,双目半闭,一副神色迷离的样子。 However at this moment, in another side Tillis actually does not know that completely own good friend is doing, she by near the Zhan En's left hand, both hands grips tightly is staring the big eye, anxious is looking steadily at the front. Although there, only then a darkness, however the present tense atmosphere, keeps Tillis from relaxing. 但是此刻,在另外一边的蒂莉丝却完全不知道自己的好友正在干什么,她只是靠在詹恩的左手边,双手紧握着瞪大眼睛,不安的盯视着前方。虽然那里只有一片黑暗,但是眼下的紧张气氛,却让蒂莉丝根本无法放松下来。 But at this time, in the eye of Tillis, the dark distant place, appeared several to wipe the bright suddenly. 而就在这个时候,在蒂莉丝的眼里,原本黑暗的远方,忽然浮现出了几抹亮光。 Looks the crystal that sparkles at present, Verona frowns, the resident as dark world, he does not like luminously. However here dark element unexpected thick, if not use this means that perhaps they reach the destination unable to achieve. Therefore regarding the behavior of Croy and others activation illumination crystal, Verona has not said anything, just also meets unstated criticism human in the heart somewhat is really a frail and incompetent race, even such matter cannot adapt, no wonder will always be eliminated. 看着眼前闪耀的水晶,维罗纳皱了一下眉头,作为黑暗世界的住民,他并不喜欢光亮。不过这里的暗元素出乎意料的浓厚,如果不用这种办法的话,恐怕他们连到达目的地都做不到。所以对于克罗伊等人激活照明水晶的行为,维罗纳也没有多说什么,只不过在心中多多少少还会腹诽人类果然是一种脆弱又无能的种族,连这样的事情都适应不了,难怪总是会被淘汰掉。 Sir Verona, we felt that here magic power aura is strong ............... & R dquo ; 维罗纳大人,我们感觉到这里的魔力气息非常浓厚……………” Croy holds up the long sword in hand, vigilant looks steadily at the front to say. But hears his report, Verona nods. 克罗伊举起手中的长剑,警惕的盯视着前方开口说道。而听到他的报告,维罗纳则是点了点头。 Right, I have a feeling, thing that we must look for below. However now seems like us to speed up the movement to be good ......... & R dquo ; “没错,我有一种感觉,我们要找的东西就在下面。不过现在看起来我们必须要加快动作才行了………” Is saying, Verona looked at one backward. 一面说着,维罗纳一面向后望了一眼。 I have never thought that will have such monster to follow unexpectedly in our behind, it seems like that this time, our troubles may be big. & R dquo ; “真没想到,居然会有那样的怪物跟在我们的身后,看来这一次,我们的麻烦可不小。” ............... & R dquo ; “……………” Hears the speech of Verona, Croy has not made noise, but nods. This he since heart agreed that time speech of Verona, thinks is only an ordinary exploration risk, but has not thought that unexpectedly will encounter such monster. In fact if not the speed of opposite party is slow, gave Verona and a Croy activation method opportunity, perhaps they enter here opportunity not to have. Thinks partly visible form of that in the thick fog, Croy felt behind oneself had/left. He has also experienced many fights. Even has faced directly violent anger Red Dragon, but so, Croy felt even these in addition do not have that to his pressure on be bigger in the form that in the thick fog forges ahead step by step. Thinks of here, he looked at Verona, the opposite party vowed solemnly that expressed the fellow of that degree is not his opponent, regarding this Croy actually does not believe. If Verona really has such skill, then they will not rush to here to come in an extremely difficult situation. 听到维罗纳的说话,克罗伊没有出声,只是点了点头。这一次他打从内心底同意维罗纳的说话,原本以为只是一次普通的探索冒险,但是没想到居然会遭遇那样的怪物。事实上如果不是对方的速度过于缓慢,给了维罗纳克罗伊激活法阵的机会的话,恐怕他们连进入这里的机会都没有。一想到那个在浓雾之中若隐若现的身影,克罗伊就感觉自己背后都出了一身冷汗。他也经历过不少战斗。甚至直面过一头暴怒的红龙,可即便如此,克罗伊感觉这些加起来都没有那个在浓雾之中一步步向前迈进的身影给他的压力更大。想到这里,他不由望了一眼自己身边的维罗纳,对方信誓旦旦的表示那种程度的家伙根本就不是他的对手,对此克罗伊却不怎么相信。如果维罗纳真的有这样的本事的话,那么他们就不会狼狈不堪的跑到这里来了。 Don't worry. & R dquo ; “不用担心。” Detects the Croy vision. Verona cold snort/hum, he knows certainly that the opposite party is thinking anything, to be honest, this degree of undead lifeform, even if is also very difficult to deal with. However as doomsday god high-level one, Verona is not an idiot, he also has oneself means that in the worst case, even if cannot beat the opposite party, so long as can successfully carry off the gate of Death shadow fragment. Then regarding the doomsday god is the victory. 察觉到克罗伊的目光。维罗纳冷哼一声,他当然知道对方在想什么,说实话,这种程度的不死生物哪怕是自己也很难对付。不过作为末日神教的高层之一,维罗纳也并非是一个白痴,他也有自己的办法,在最差的情况下,哪怕不能够击败对方,只要能够成功带走死亡阴影之门的残片。那么对于末日神教来说就是胜利。 Do not forget that our goals, we come to here not mump for and that monster, but to seek for that fragment in hearsay. From the appearance of that monster, the direction that we seek for is obviously correct, since that monster walks, explained the gate of Death shadow fragment indeed here. But then. So long as we attain this fragment. Then leaves well, if anyone of you are willing with that monster fight, then please as one likes be good. & R dquo ; “不要忘记我们的目标,我们来这里可不是为了和那个怪物斗气的,而是为了寻找传闻之中的那件残片。从那个怪物的出现来看,我们寻找的方向显然是正确的,既然那种怪物都找上门来的话,就说明死亡阴影之门的残片的确在这里。而接下来。我们只要拿到这枚残片。然后离开就好,如果你们有谁愿意和那种怪物战斗的话,那么就请自便好了。” ............... & R dquo ; “……………” Hears here, during the people fell into immediately were silent. With that monster fight? Although said at present here is in the doomsday god powerful existence, but remembers that monster, makes their is afraid. That has surpassed the limit that the mortal can imagine radically, can believe firmly that the opposite party absolutely is existence of legendary rank, naturally, oneself also has the legendary powerhouse. However that strange ability actually virtually impossible to guard against, although did not have to battle with the opposite party directly. However their feelings, that absolutely is not the role that several legendary powerhouses can cope with jointly casually. 听到这里,众人顿时陷入了沉默之中。和那种怪物战斗?虽然说目前在这里的都算是末日神教里实力强大的存在,可是一想起那个怪物,还是让他们不由的为之感到恐惧。那根本已经超越了凡人所能够想象的极限,可以确信对方绝对是传奇等级的存在,当然,自己这边也不是没有传奇强者。但是那种诡异的能力却让人防不胜防,虽然还没有直接与对方交战过。但是他们都有一种感觉,那绝对不是几个传奇强者联手就可以随随便便对付的角色。 Ok, the idle talk little said. & R dquo ; “好了,废话少说。” Detects in the team not the steady atmosphere, Verona frowns, as being born the lifeform in darkness, he knew certainly the dark element the effect of magic power boundary on the mortal big. If wastes the time again here, perhaps later must have one crowd to be corroded the mind to explore to the waste of nervous breakdown dark. Therefore he has not said anything, is only cold snort/hum one, then issued the order. 察觉到队伍之中不稳的气氛,维罗纳皱了下眉头,作为出生在黑暗之中的生物,他当然知道暗元素的魔力界限对凡人的影响有多大。如果再在这里浪费时间的话,恐怕之后自己就要带着一群被黑暗侵蚀心灵到精神崩溃的废物去探索了。所以他也没有多说什么,只是冷哼一声,接着下达了命令。 We continue to go forward, that monster will not be been long by the seal in law. Now may not have the spare time to waste to us! & R dquo ; “我们继续前进,那个怪物在法阵之中是不会被封印太久的。现在可没有多余的时间给我们浪费!” Is saying, Verona taking a step stand forth. But hears his order, the members of several other doomsday gods also looked at each other one, then followed in Verona behind, quick, Their group followed the screw like this steps, vanished in the darkness. 一面说着,维罗纳一面举步向前走去。而听到他的命令,其他几个末日神教的成员也是对视了一眼,便跟随在了维罗纳的身后,很快,他们一行就这样顺着螺旋的阶梯而下,消失在了黑暗之中。 However Verona has not expected, in darkness, but also some people are gazing at them. 但是维罗纳并没有预料到,在黑暗之中,还有人正在注视着他们。 Was Tinidell blocked unexpectedly? 蒂尼德尔居然被挡住了? Zhan En takes back the vision, narrowed the eye to ponder. Although the believer sound of these doomsday gods are not loud, but Zhan En wanted to be keener than on five feelings human as demon, moreover here dark element is also demon one of elements is good at operating, therefore he can be said as easy monitored every action and every movement of opposite party. When hears Tinidell to be blocked, Zhan En is also somewhat surprised. The fellows of it seems like these doomsday gods really come prepared, he also planned seizes the chance to intend to sneak attack them, now looks like, good that watches changes quietly. 詹恩收回目光,眯起眼睛沉思了起来。虽然那些末日神教的教徒声音并不大,但是詹恩作为魔族原本就五感比人类要敏锐许多,而且这里的暗元素也算是魔族最擅长操纵的元素之一,因此他可以说是轻而易举的就监视了对方的一举一动。在听到蒂尼德尔被挡住的时候,就连詹恩也是有些吃惊。看来这些末日神教的家伙果然是有备而来,原本他还打算趁机出手偷袭他们,现在看来,还是静观其变的好。 Thinks of here, the movement on Zhan En's intensifies suddenly, but only hears Aina stuffily snort/hum, later seemed like the person occasionally paralysis of line in his bosom. Her eyes partly open the eyes, the neutral tone of complexion flushed is panting for breath, but in that pair of eyes pupil revealed that ** the fire, therefore has not actually been put out. 想到这里,詹恩的手上的动作猛然加剧,而紧接着只听见艾娜闷哼一声,随后就好像断了线的人偶般瘫痪在他的怀中。她双眼半睁,面色潮红的轻声喘息着,但是那双眼眸之中显露出来的**之火,却并没有因此而熄灭。 Mr. Zhan En ...............? & R dquo ; 詹恩先生……………?” But at this time, Tillis also took back the vision finally, trembling looking to him. But hears the Tillis sound, Zhan En to turn the head to look to the present young girl, then silent moment. 而在这个时候,蒂莉丝终于也收回了目光,战战兢兢的望向他。而听见蒂莉丝的声音,詹恩转过头去望向眼前的少女,接着沉默了片刻。 It seems like that almost should also be strengthens oneself this side strength the time. 看来,差不多也该是增强自己这方力量的时候了。 p S: Yesterday the chapter number made a mistake in writing, unexpectedly also no one reminded me ............( to be continued.) ps:昨天章节数写错了,居然也没人提醒我啊…………(未完待续。)
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