DR :: Volume #4

#329: Dark Abyss ( I )

Proposed regarding Zhan En's, both people had not opposed. First he said is also reasonable, in this pitch-dark situation, the action will only bring the trouble rashly. Moreover Zhan En has shown his intelligence and ability all the way more than once, therefore Tillis has not suspected anything. As for Aina & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; She Zhan En's attracted spell on, but in this fill the place of rich dark element, attracting the spell charm to be strengthened several times, the present half-elf Ranger young girl almost always follows regarding Zhan En, naturally cannot oppose. Thereforedirects & R dquo in Zhan En's ; Next, three people through these long and narrow hanging corridors, arrived side in the cavern of hole wall situated in the big cavity, later Zhan En activated a Yongming crystal to replace the flare to take the light source in the corner. But in this dark element rich place, even if the magic equipment too has not in a big way affected, even can release the luminous Yongming crystal permanently, still just formed a diameter almost about two meters light halo. However regarding this Tillis but actually also and does not care, to her, so long as there are luminously is enough. Therefore this Miss Clergymen holds the leg to roll up in the corner, is gazing at the present crystal peacefully, actually does not know that should be what to do good. 对于詹恩的提议,两个人都没有反对。一来他说的也有道理,在这种伸手不见五指的情况下,贸然行动只会带来麻烦。而且一路上詹恩已经不止一次展现出了他的聪明才智,因此蒂莉丝并没有怀疑什么。至于艾娜———她原本就中了詹恩的魅惑法术,而在这种充满了浓郁暗元素的地方,魅惑法术的魅力又被增强了好几倍,现在的半精灵游侠少女对于詹恩几乎是言听计从,自然不会反对。于是在詹恩的“指引”下,三人通过那些狭长的悬空走廊,来到了位于大空洞侧面洞壁的一处洞穴里,随后詹恩在角落里激活了一块永明水晶代替火把作为光源。只不过在这种暗元素浓郁的地方,哪怕是魔法装备也没有太大作用,即便是可以永久释放光亮的永明水晶,也只不过只是形成了一个直径差不多在两米左右的光圈。但是对此蒂莉丝倒也并不在意,对于她来说,只要有光亮就足够了。因此这位神官小姐只是抱着腿蜷缩在墙角,安静的注视着眼前的水晶,却不知道该怎么办才好。 What to do then we should ......... Mr. Zhan En ......... & R dquo ; “接下来我们该怎么办………詹恩先生………” The opens the mouth that Tillis muttered said, but heard her speech, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders. 蒂莉丝喃喃自语的开口说道,而听到她的说话,詹恩则是耸耸肩膀。 First had a look at the situation to say again, if were other places, perhaps we can also contact Commander Steve they, but now ......... the estimate was nothing the means that also does not know before Commander Steve they can continue, came to look for us. Leaves simply. After all in their opinion. Perhaps we fell down from such high place had died, in addition front also had the evil cult disciple, if the choice left also is very but actually normal. & R dquo ; “先看看情况再说,如果是其他地方的话,说不定我们还可以联络上史蒂夫团长他们,不过现在………估计是没什么好办法了,也不知道史蒂夫团长他们会不会继续前进来找我们。或者干脆离开。毕竟在他们看来。我们从这么高的地方掉下去说不定已经死了,再加上前面还有邪教徒,如果选择离开倒也很正常。” ..................... & R dquo ; “…………………” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Tillis had not replied, but enclasped own body. Her very clear Zhan En has not spoken incorrectly, in fact Tillis the first time was not encountered such situation, on the way of risk. Will frequently present the companion to fall behind for various reasons, there are like Tillis and Aina, because does not crash into the person of trap discretely. However Commander Steve actually rarely stops round trip looks for them, everyone knows that his choice not wrong, Adventurer draws cash to work oneself to death, the time must prepare sacrifice. Always impossible and puts in most people's life for a few individuals the danger. Otherwise, adventure team is very difficult to be lasting. Therefore each Adventurer has prepared such before embarking, if falls behind or comes across the accident/surprise, can only blame to be not as skillful as others. This is a marathon, if oneself do not have the means with getting down, is their issues. Because everyone is very clear, no one will stop they. 听到詹恩的回答,蒂莉丝没有回答,只是抱紧了自己的身体。她很清楚詹恩没有说错,事实上蒂莉丝也不是第一次遭遇这样的情况了,在冒险途中。经常会出现同伴因为各种原因掉队,也有像蒂莉丝艾娜这样,因为不谨慎而坠入陷阱的人。但是史蒂夫团长却很少停下来去找他们,大家都知道他的选择没有错,冒险者拿钱卖命,时刻都要做好牺牲的准备。总不可能为了少数几个人而将大多数人的生命置于危险之中。不然的话,一个冒险团队是很难持久的。因此每个冒险者在出发之前就已经做好了这样的准备,如果掉队或者遇到意外,只能够怪自己技不如人。这是一场马拉松,如果自己没有办法跟下去,那么就是他们自己的问题。因为每个人很清楚,没有人会停下来等他们的。 Although the truth is very clear, but Tillis feels an intermittent pain, thinks oneself will be abandoned by the partner. She felt that incomparably feels dejected. Although Tillis does not hope that they to look for oneself encounter more dangers. However in this situation, was abandoned this matter to think that will not make people think comfortable. 虽然道理很清楚,可是蒂莉丝还是觉得一阵阵的心痛,一想到自己会被伙伴抛弃。她就感觉无比黯然神伤。虽然蒂莉丝也不希望他们为了找自己而遭遇到更多的危险。但是在这种情况,被抛弃这件事本身想起来就不会让人觉得舒服。 Thinks of here, Tillis makes an effort to shake the head, after in the depths of ones heart that repents to throw into the brain, later she spunks up, asks again. 想到这里,蒂莉丝用力摇了摇头,将内心深处的那丝自怨自艾抛到了脑后,随后她强打起精神,再次开口询问道。 That, what should we then make? & R dquo ; “那么,我们接下来该做什么呢?” Facing the inquiry of Tillis, Zhan En was puts out a hand to push the eyeglasses. 面对蒂莉丝的询问,詹恩则是伸出手去推了推眼镜。 You do not need to make anything, nearby I will have a look at the situation, seeks for the exit|to speak. Is impossible not to have the secret passage like the place. But you must keep the guarding camp. Aina, Tillis gave you. & R dquo ; “你们不需要做什么,我会去附近看看情况,寻找出口。像这样的地方不可能没有秘密通道。而你们则要留下来看守营地。艾娜,蒂莉丝就交给你了。” Good, aristocrat mister, felt relieved gives me. & R dquo ; “好的,贵族先生,放心的交给我吧。” Heard the Zhan En's order, Aina raises own hand to answer immediately. But Tillis was hesitant, nods has not spoken. Her wooden club when the crash slit had lost, does not know that actually to go to where. If Tillis also has that wooden club in the hand, perhaps this little while can also help the direction that Zhan En directs to export, however after losing that wooden club, Tillis also has no means. If silver Temple higher Priest, can request the direction of God messenger at this kind of time, but Tillis is just low level Clergymen, after losing blessed direction stick, she did not have the means to obtain anything to direct from gods there again. 听到詹恩的命令,艾娜立刻高举起自己的手做出了回答。而蒂莉丝则是犹豫了一下,也点了点头没有说话。她的木棍在坠落缝隙的时候就已经丢失了,也不知道究竟去了哪里。如果蒂莉丝还有那根木棍在手的话,这会儿说不定还能帮詹恩指引一下出口的方向,但是在失去了那根木棍之后,蒂莉丝也没有什么办法。如果是银色神殿的高等牧师,在这种时候还能够请求神使的指引,但蒂莉丝只不过是一个低级神官,失去了受过祝福的指引杖之后,她就再也没有办法从神明那里得到什么指点了。 After obtaining two's reply, Zhan En then turns around to leave, Tillis also hears sound of footsteps to be gradually far away, this makes her somewhat be cannot help but swayed by personal gains and losses suddenly. Has flash that Tillis was even worried that Zhan En will abandon her and Aina here, whatever they died in the eternal darkness like this. However she depressed the anxious nervousness forcefully, but is gazing at the present crystal, is praying silently. 在得到两人的回答之后,詹恩便转身离开,蒂莉丝也只是听到一阵脚步声逐渐远离,这让她一时间不由得有些患得患失起来。有那么一瞬间,蒂莉丝甚至担心詹恩会把她和艾娜抛弃在这里,任凭她们在永恒的黑暗之中就这样死去。不过她还是强行压下了紧张不安的心情,只是注视着眼前的水晶,默默的祈祷着。 However compares with Tillis, Aina but actually seems quite calm, or this half-elf Ranger young girl at this time was also as was always vital, saw only her to depend like this in the wall, taking advantage of brilliance of crystal sending out is drinking the water in water bag, a small mouth small mouth is eating the dry rations. But sees Aina to be cheerful the relaxed appearance, Tillis instead even more thought that the pressure increased. She is shaking hand the water bag, but actually does not dare to drink. Does not know that is because places the reason in darkness, at this moment in the brain of young girl, anxious thoughts gradually appears. The place that they place now is unclear, does not know that all around will have anything. But she and Aina also just carried the sufficient 35 days of grain, the water in water bag, if saves to drink, perhaps then can also insist for several days. Although Tillis have also had a parched mouth now, but she decides to continue to endure patiently, rather than drinks immediately up. After all they have not known how long must treat here, words that if drinks up the water now, later what to do? 不过和蒂莉丝比起来,艾娜倒显得相当镇定,或者说这位半精灵游侠少女在这个时候也是一如既往的充满活力,只见她就这样靠在墙边,借着水晶散发的光辉一面喝着水袋里的水,一面小口小口的吃着干粮。而看见艾娜如此欢快轻松的样子,蒂莉丝反而越发觉得压力变大了许多。她握着手中的水袋,但是却又不敢多喝。不知道是不是因为身处黑暗之中的缘故,此刻在少女的脑中,一个又一个不安的念头逐渐浮现。她们现在身处的地方不明,也不知道四周会有什么。而她和艾娜也只不过是携带了足够三五天的粮食,水袋里的水如果省着点儿喝的话,那么说不定还可以坚持几天。虽然现在蒂莉丝自己也已经是口干舌燥,不过她还是决定继续忍耐下去,而不是立刻喝光。毕竟她们还不知道要在这里待多久,万一现在就把水喝完的话,以后怎么办? Tillis more wants more to worry, she fishes out the water bag, pondered the moment, then actually put. Young girl in the depths of ones heart at this moment has filled was scared and anxious, to her, a day cannot leave here, then her day is impossible to calm the mind. 蒂莉丝越想越是担忧,她摸出水袋,思考了片刻,接着却又重新放了回去。此刻的少女内心深处已经充满了恐慌和不安,对于她来说,一天没有能够离开这里,那么她一天就不可能静下心来。 Tillis does not know, this is actually Zhan En keeps here reason them intentionally. Because of the reason of gate of fragment Death shadow. Here filled dark element magic power. But magic power of dark element filled suitably regarding the average person risky, it not specially obvious causes the harm to the human body, but can actually corrode others' spirit, keeping them again from feeling joyful and happiness and other positive/direct mood, but was gradually worried, desperate, sad and so on negativities affect. In fact. In the The lower world desperate wilderness, has many travellers in the long journey because by the magic power corrosion of dark element, turned into good-for-nothings. Regardless of they set foot on that lands at first reason are anything, regardless of they have how important goal and conviction, under the magic power corrosion of desperate wilderness, they finally huge desperately and swallows frightened, thus loses own significance thoroughly. 蒂莉丝并不知道,这其实正是詹恩故意将她们留在这里的原因。因为死亡阴影之门碎片的缘故。这里充满了暗元素的魔力。而暗元素的魔力对于普通人来说可是充满了相当危险性的,它并不会特别明显的对人体造成损害,但是却能够侵蚀别人的精神,让他们再也无法感受到快乐和幸福等正面情绪,而是逐渐被担忧,绝望,悲伤等等负面情绪所影响。事实上。在下层界的绝望荒野,就有不少的旅行者在漫长的旅途之中因为被暗元素的魔力侵蚀,变成了一具具行尸走肉。无论他们最初踏上那片土地的理由是什么,无论他们有着多么重要的目标和坚定的信念,在绝望荒野的魔力侵蚀下,他们最终都会被巨大的绝望与恐惧所吞噬,从而彻底失去自身存在的意义。 However Aina had not as if detected that completely worry and worry of Tillis, saw only her three two to stutter the dry rations in hand, then drank limpid icy cold spring water. Then turns the head, curious looking to Tillis. 不过艾娜似乎完全没有察觉到蒂莉丝的担忧与烦恼,只见她三口两口吃完了手中的干粮,然后又喝了一口清澈冰凉的泉水。这才转过头来,好奇的望向蒂莉丝 Tillis, aren't you hungry? If not eat a thing, cannot boil? & R dquo ; 蒂莉丝,你不饿吗?如果不吃点儿东西的话,那么可是会熬不住的哦?” No, I ............... & R dquo ; “不,我……………” Heard the speech of Aina hesitant, Tillis the moment. Then her vision stayed the moment in the water bag in Aina hand. Afterward shakes the head. 听到艾娜的说话,蒂莉丝犹豫了片刻。接着她的目光在艾娜手中的水袋上停留了片刻。随后还是摇了摇头。 We have not known that here how long must stay, I thought that food and water must save to use to be good. I now am also not very hungry ............... & R dquo ; “我们还不知道要在这里呆多久,我觉得食物和水还是要省着点儿用才行。我现在还不是很饿……………” This is not good, Tillis, the words this way, you may be unable to support. Happy, did we live in these circumstances? Isn't worth celebrating for this reason? Like this looks distressed, will not have what good deed. & R dquo ; “这样可不行啊,蒂莉丝,这样下去的话,你可会撑不住的。开心点儿嘛,我们可是在这样的情况下都活下来了哦?难道不值得为此庆祝吗?这样愁眉苦脸的,可不会有什么好事的。” ............... & R dquo ; “……………” Heard the speech of Aina, Tillis revealed a forced smile, she wanted to be happier like Aina, was livelier. Relaxes. However does not know that because of all around darkness other anything reason, present Tillis only feels heavyheartedly, an invisible pressure turned toward the Tillis oppression from darkness in all directions in the past, almost makes her unable to breathe the air/Qi. 听到艾娜的说话,蒂莉丝露出了一丝苦笑,她又何尝不想要像艾娜那样开心一些,活泼一些。放松一些。但是不知道是因为四周的黑暗还是别的什么原因,现在的蒂莉丝只感觉到忧心忡忡,一股无形的压力从四面八方的黑暗之中向着蒂莉丝压迫过去,几乎让她喘不过来气。 But saw the Tillis expression, Aina to stop the movement in hand, then she smiled. 而看见蒂莉丝的表情,艾娜停下了手中的动作,接着她嘿嘿一笑。 Since Tillis joyful, then makes you happy by me! & R dquo ; “既然蒂莉丝快乐不起来,那么就由我来让你快乐起来吧!” Yeah? & R dquo ; “哎?” Hears the speech of Aina, Tillis had not responded that what happened, sees only next moment, she was thrown by Aina to like this in the place , Tillis then felt that the lip of Aina pasted like this on own lip. 听到艾娜的说话,蒂莉丝还没有反应过来发生了什么事,只见下一刻,她就这样被艾娜扑到在地,紧接着,蒂莉丝便感觉到艾娜的嘴唇就这样贴在了自己的嘴唇上。 & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ;!! & R dquo ; “唔————!!” This sudden attack let Tillis surprised staring in a big way the eye, suddenly she did not know to should do completely, although before Aina and Tillis, will have some girl's unique playing to be noisy occasionally, but this obvious has surpassed at presenthas played noisy & R dquo ; Boundary. She even can feel Aina flexibly pried open own jaw with the tongue, later, the delightful icy cold spring water passed to the mouth of Tillis from the Aina mouth like this. It seems like the half-elf Ranger young girl to drink water beforehand, then sent in it the Tillis mouth. 这突如其来的袭击让蒂莉丝惊讶的瞪大了眼睛,一时间她完全不知道该如何是好,虽然艾娜蒂莉丝以前也偶尔会有一些女孩子特有的玩闹,但是眼下这一幕明显已经超过了“玩闹”的界限。她甚至可以感受到艾娜灵活的用舌头撬开了自己的牙关,随后,甜美冰凉的泉水就这样从艾娜的口中传到了蒂莉丝的嘴里。看起来半精灵游侠少女是事先喝了一口水,然后将它送入了蒂莉丝的口中。 But already ** Tillis that is hard to take simply does not have the means to resist this sudden day to fall the sweet dew, „ transports & R dquo facing Aina ; The spring water of coming, she almost takes everything. Two people tongues also therefore pestered in one, but Tillis at this moment only felt that an own brain confusion, had completely lost the strength from top to bottom, even wanted to shove open Aina unable to achieve. Moreover, she can also feel the half-elf Ranger young girl to be away from the clothes to touch oneself body, even also mischievous played with. 而早已经**难耐的蒂莉丝根本没有办法抗拒这突如其来的天降甘露,面对艾娜“输送”过来的泉水,她几乎是照单全收。两人的舌头也因此纠缠在了一起,而此刻的蒂莉丝只感觉自己的大脑一片混乱,浑身上下已经完全失去了力气,甚至连想要推开艾娜都做不到。不仅如此,她还能够感受到半精灵游侠少女正隔着衣服抚摸着自己的身体,甚至还调皮的玩弄了起来。 No, does not want, Aina ............... & R dquo ; “不,不要,艾娜……………” Tillis is swaying the head reluctantly, tries to avoid the attack of Aina, however in in the depths of ones heart of young girl, actually indistinct hope further movement. Because when was tangled up with Aina a moment ago, Tillis felt oneself flew the clouds happiness probably, but before these puzzled oneself worry and worried, as if radical disappearance was also missing at that time. However now, separates along with two people, that anxiety seems to be ready to make trouble, is imminent toward her. 蒂莉丝勉强摇晃着脑袋,试图躲开艾娜的袭击,但是在少女的内心深处,却隐隐约约的渴望着进一步的动作。因为就在刚才与艾娜缠绵的时候,蒂莉丝感觉自己好像飞上了云端般的幸福,而之前那些困扰自己的烦恼与担忧,似乎也在那个时候彻底消失不见了踪影。但是现在,伴随着两人分开,那种不安似乎又在蠢蠢欲动,重新向着她迫近。 Really is, Tillis is really sensitive ......... & R dquo ; “真是的,蒂莉丝还真是敏感呢………” Is saying in the ear of Tillis in a low voice, Aina bit under the earlobe of opposite party gently, but the feeling the Aina movement, Tillis is shuts tightly the eyes, the complexion blushes. At this moment her brain is completely blank, does not know that should should do. 一面低声在蒂莉丝的耳边说着,艾娜一面轻轻咬了下对方的耳垂,而感受到艾娜的动作,蒂莉丝更是紧闭双眼,面色羞红。此刻她的大脑完全是一片空白,根本不知道该如何是好。 Also because of this, Tillis has not noticed, in this moment Aina eye glitters, weak red brilliance. She can only feel that the hand of half-elf young girl walks randomly on own body, strokes, is teasing own nerve. But Tillis besides clenching teeth to endure patiently that special feeling, almost anything does not have the means to think, she can feel, stroking of Aina is getting more and more thorough, more and more ......... 也正因为如此,蒂莉丝并没有注意到,此刻艾娜眼中闪烁的,微弱的红色光辉。她只能够感觉到半精灵少女的手在自己的身体上游走,抚摸,挑逗着自己的神经。而蒂莉丝除了咬牙忍耐那种特殊的感觉之外,几乎什么都没有办法去想,她可以感觉到,艾娜的抚摸正在越来越深入,越来越……… But when Tillis is ready, Aina took back the hand suddenly, then leaves from her body. But the opening eye of Tillis doubts, looks toward the opposite party. Also without she said anything, sees only a shadow to flash through, next moment, Zhan En then appeared in their front again. 但就在蒂莉丝做好准备的时候,艾娜忽然收回了手,接着从她的身上离开。而蒂莉丝则疑惑的睁开眼睛,向着对方望去。还没有等她开口说些什么,只见一个黑影闪过,下一刻,詹恩便再次出现在了他们的面前。 Mr. Zhan En! & R dquo ; 詹恩先生!” Sees Zhan En, the Tillis chaotic brain was sober immediately, she quickly depends on the wall to sit, simultaneously shrank shrinking toward the darkness, for fear that Zhan En detects the sloppily dressed appearance. However Zhan En does not seem to care about her, on the contrary, sees only him to put out a hand to press, next moment sent out the brilliance Yongming crystal then to extinguish immediately. But facing this sudden one, Tillis also has a scare, but has not waited for her to ask anything, saw only a finger then to press on her lip, then, the Zhan En's sound appeared from the ear of Tillis. 看见詹恩,蒂莉丝原本混乱的脑筋顿时清醒了许多,她急忙靠着墙坐起来,同时向着黑暗中缩了缩,生怕詹恩察觉到自己衣冠不整的样子。不过詹恩似乎并没有在意她,相反,只见他伸手一按,下一刻原本散发着光辉的永明水晶便立刻熄灭。而面对这突如其来的一幕,蒂莉丝也是吓了一跳,可还没有等她开口询问什么,只见一根手指便按在了她的嘴唇上,接着,詹恩的声音从蒂莉丝的耳边浮现。 Do not speak, some people came. & R dquo ; “不要说话,有人来了。” Yeah? 哎? Hears here, Tillis gawked, then she cocks the ears to listen. 听到这里,蒂莉丝愣了一下,接着她侧耳听去。 Sure enough, at this time, outside heard sound indistinctly. 果不其然,就在这个时候,外面隐隐约约传来了一阵响声。
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