DR :: Volume #4

#328: The place of prohibiting

At present only has a darkness. 眼前只有一片漆黑。 When Tillis opens the eye again, she sees dark. 蒂莉丝再次睁开眼睛时,她所看见的只有黑暗。 What's all this about? Oneself what happened? 这是怎么回事?自己发生了什么事? Tillis dull is looking at the front, she only remembers oneself and Aina was hit, then foot treads spatially, later she only felt she crashes downward, the wind sound/rumor has blown in her ear, Aina is yelling loudly anything. However after that she lost the intuition, fell into the stupor. 蒂莉丝呆呆的望着前方,她只记得自己和艾娜被人撞了一下,接着便一脚踏空,随后她只感觉到自己向下坠落,风声在她的耳边吹过,艾娜则是大声叫喊着什么。但是在那之后她就失去了直觉,陷入了昏迷。 But now, what situation is this? 而现在,这是什么情况? Tillis is trying to find out standing up, she can feel under the body is the smooth flagstone, but her anything cannot see in addition. don't tell me have died? Thinks of here, Tillis feels afraid, she had heard many story and legend about Death, will have the soul to be stranded in the fearful hearsay that in the eternal darkness will pace back and forth. don't tell me are also this? Actually oneself had died, but does the soul actually pace back and forth as before here? 蒂莉丝摸索着站起身来,她可以感觉到身下是平整的石板,但是除此之外她什么也看不见。难道说自己已经死了吗?一想到这里,蒂莉丝就感到不寒而栗,她听说过不少关于死亡的故事与传说,其中就有灵魂会被困在永恒黑暗之中徘徊的可怕传闻。难道说自己也是这样?其实自己已经死了,但是灵魂却依旧在这里徘徊不前? Thinks of here, Tillis shivered, her breath also became rapid. She after all is just when the young girl of youthful years, has not arrived situation that can look at the pale life and death. Thinks oneself already Death, but the soul will pace back and forth here forever, the Tillis in the depths of ones heart fear unchecked to erupt immediately, she shivers is covering the mouth, cannot cry completely by the final will. Now Tillis only hopes oneself want to be many, perhaps she was the stupor will have such dream, fact had not died. However the Tillis in the depths of ones heart reason told this is not impossible, because she had not felt that oneself body had what grief. Words according to truth. If she really falls to fall from above in the ground, then on the body will definitely feel the pain somewhat. But she actually cannot feel any pain, generally speaking, only then the deceased person will lose own feeling. Although says now Tillis, so long as pulls own cheek, can confirm that this is having a dream, but she has not actually done that because Tillis fear, if she does that. Will obtain her absolutely the answer that does not want to know, when realized that this little, she meets racing Kui absolutely. 想到这里,蒂莉丝不由的颤抖了起来,她的呼吸也变得急促了许多。她毕竟还是个正值青春年华的少女,还没有到可以看淡生死的地步。一想到自己已经死亡,而灵魂将会在这里徘徊到永远,蒂莉丝内心深处的恐惧顿时不可遏制的爆发了出来,她颤抖着捂住嘴巴,完全是靠最后的意志才没有能够哭出来。现在蒂莉丝只希望自己只是想多了,说不定她是昏迷了才会做这样的梦,事实自己并没有死去。但是蒂莉丝内心深处的理智却告诉她这不可能,因为她并没有感到自己的身上有什么伤痛。按照道理来说的话。如果她真的是从上面掉下来摔在地面上,那么身体上肯定多多少少会感到痛楚。可是她却感觉不到任何痛楚,一般来说,只有死人才会失去自己的感觉。虽然说现在蒂莉丝只要拉扯一下自己的面颊,就可以确认这是不是在做梦,但是她却并没有这么做,因为蒂莉丝害怕如果她这么做的话。会得到一个她绝对不希望知道的答案,而在意识到这一点儿的时候,她绝对会奔溃的。 However at this time, a sound resounded in the ear of Tillis. 但是就在这个时候,一个声音在蒂莉丝的耳边响起。 „ Did you awake? Miss Tillis? & R dquo ; “你醒了?蒂莉丝小姐?” Mr. Zhan En?! & R dquo ; 詹恩先生?!” Heard this sound, Tillis as if to find a liberator in the darkness, she has quickly turned around the place that turned toward the sound to send out to look, quick, she saw Zhan En to hold a flare, passed through from another side. But in Aina that his side follows. In the half-elf Ranger young girl surface at this moment is cheerful and lively as always, as if completely not because of the present situation, but worried appearance. 听见这个声音,蒂莉丝仿佛在黑暗之中找到了一个救星般,她急忙转过身向着声音发出的地方望去,很快,她就看见了詹恩正举着一个火把,从另外一侧走过了。而在他的身边跟随的则正是艾娜。此刻的半精灵游侠少女面上还是一如既往的欢快与活泼,似乎完全没有因为眼前的情况而苦恼的样子。 However quick, Tillis discovered that the present situation some are not right. 不过很快,蒂莉丝就发现眼下的情况有些不对。 Although Zhan En is holding the flare, however flare luminous is actually very strange, although it is bright, the brilliance that but emits from above has not actually proliferated like the ordinary brilliance. But was fettered probably dark got up to be the same. Formed a diameter about half meter light halo, only then the thing within this light halo range will be illuminated, other places are still dark. For example although present Tillis saw Zhan En, but she also can only see that half body of Zhan En in light halo, other parts were camouflaged dark, cannot see. As for her own is also same, although she can see Zhan En, when Tillis lowers the head looks to oneself, actually discovered oneself see still only has a darkness. 虽然詹恩举着火把,但是火把的光亮却是非常诡异,它虽然明亮,但是从上面散放出来的光辉却并没有像普通的光辉那样扩散开去。而是好像被黑暗束缚了起来一样。形成了一个直径半米左右的光圈,只有这光圈范围之内的东西才会被照亮,其他地方则依然是漆黑一片。比如现在蒂莉丝虽然看见了詹恩,但是她也只能够看见詹恩在光圈里的那半边身体,其他部分都被黑暗遮蔽,根本看不见。至于她自己也是一样,虽然她能够看见詹恩,但是当蒂莉丝低下头去望向自己时,却发现自己所看见的依然只有一片漆黑。 Mr. Zhan En, what's all this about? Have we died? Where is this? Is Underworld in legend? & R dquo ; 詹恩先生,这是怎么回事?我们已经死了吗?这是什么地方?难道是传说中的冥界吗?” Has to acknowledge. Here sees the person who oneself are familiar with, made Tillis relax, she quickly looked to Zhan En, then the rapid opens the mouth inquiry said. But heard her speech, Zhan En not to say anything, but held up the torch in hand, illuminated the past toward the place that she was. Tillis sees own both hands and bodies like this again the visualization under luminous shining, looking from the outside, she with the beforehand does not have any change, has not turned into that soul body in Tillis worry. This lets Tillis relaxing, but at this time, she heard a chuckle suddenly, then saw Aina to throw from side, body that held in Tillis. 不得不承认。在这里看见自己熟悉的人,还是让蒂莉丝放松了许多,她急忙望向詹恩,接着急促的开口询问道。而听见她的说话,詹恩并没有多说什么,只是举起手中的火炬,向着她所在的地方照了过去。紧接着蒂莉丝就看见自己的双手和身体就这样在光亮的照耀下再次显形,从外表来看,她和之前没有任何变化,也没有变成蒂莉丝担心之中的那种灵魂体。这让蒂莉丝不由的松了口气,但就在这个时候,她忽然听见一声轻笑,接着便见艾娜从旁边扑了过来,一把抱在了蒂莉丝的身上。 Ha, looks at you to frighten this appearance, relax, Tillis, we have not died, was the aristocrat mister saved us. & R dquo ; “哈哈哈,看你吓成这个样子,放心吧,蒂莉丝,我们没死,是贵族先生救了我们。” Is this ............... & R dquo ; “是这样啊……………” Feels the Aina warm hug, Tillis then relaxes. Undead is unable to feel warm any, but now she can feel that the body of Aina is pasting in own conducting the back, this fully explained all. However, the present situation makes Tillis feel intense, her has not somewhat seen such matter after all. 感受到艾娜温暖的拥抱,蒂莉丝这才松了口气。死灵是无法感受到任何温暖的,而现在她能够感觉到艾娜的身体正贴在自己的背上,这就足以说明一切。不过,眼前的情况还是让蒂莉丝感到有些紧张,毕竟她可从来没有见过这样的事情。 But this ......... & R dquo ; “可是这………” Here dark element was thick, hindered the dissemination of light, will therefore turn into this appearance. & R dquo ; “这里的暗元素非常浓厚,阻碍了光的散播,所以才会变成这个样子。” Facing the inquiry of Tillis, Zhan En replied actually quickly this issue, then he put out a hand to push the eyeglasses. Different with Tillis as well as Aina, Zhan En as higher demon, the dark vision is one of his standard talents, this type of full dark element can hinder the dissemination of light, but actually basically is not equal to regarding Zhan En, no matter here is dark, in the Zhan En's eye is also clear incomparable. But Aina also misses with him are not quite many, but as half-elf, her talent only then todim visual & R dquo ; Degree. Cannot achieve goes easily and freely in the pitch-dark darkness like Zhan En, but at least can see clearly the outline reluctantly, under the assistance of flare, pours also has no major problem. 面对蒂莉丝的询问,詹恩倒是很快回答了这个问题,接着他伸出手去推了推眼镜。和蒂莉丝以及艾娜不同,詹恩作为一个高等魔族,黑暗视觉可是他的标准天赋之一,这种充溢的暗元素可以阻碍光的传播,但是对于詹恩来说却基本等于没有一样,不管这里多么黑暗,在詹恩的眼中也都是清晰无比。而艾娜也和他差不太多,只不过作为半精灵,她的天赋只有到“昏暗视觉”的程度。做不到像詹恩那样在伸手不见五指的黑暗之中如履平地,但至少能够勉强看清楚轮廓,在火把的辅助下,倒也没什么大问题。 Was Tillis this pure human may grasp on the contrary at present blindly, Sailon Priest was good at assisting, but that mostly was some building roads bridge-building and so onproject & R dquo ;, If she believes inEye of truth & R dquo like Nadia ; Paladin, but the silver Saintess such good benefits, has not caused, even if Tillis grasps the flare not to see clearly the surrounding situation, it may be said that unlucky. 反倒是蒂莉丝这个纯粹的人类眼下可就抓瞎了,赛纶牧师擅长辅助,可那大多都是一些修路造桥之类的“工程”,如果她是像娜迪亚那样信奉“真实之眼”的圣骑士也就罢了,可偏偏银色圣女没这么好的福利,使得就算蒂莉丝握着火把也看不清楚周围的情况,可谓倒霉至极。 Actually is here where? What to do should we? & R dquo ; “这里究竟是什么地方?我们该怎么办?” Hears Zhan En's to explain, that Tillis relaxed again anxious. However this time. Zhan En has not answered her issue immediately. On the contrary, he turns around, sized up toward all around. 听到詹恩的解释,蒂莉丝原本放松的心情再次紧张了起来。但是这一次。詹恩并没有立刻回答她的问题。相反,他转过身去,向着四周打量了一下。 Tillis does not know, at present they place is actually in a peak platform in giant cavern. This is also Zhan En after entering the slit discovered that , in his eyes, can see is a giant oval-shape cavern, but in the middle of this cavern. Then there is a root diameter dozens meters thick pillar/backbone. In this thick stone column edge, is presents the staircase that the helix extends downward with the spreading across platform. But Tillis and Aina fell on most peak & mda S h of this platform ; Naturally, this was also lucky the Zhan En's help, otherwise these two young girls, even if cannot plunge to death, can still be mostly a bone fracture ends, rather than like the present, continually a little wound not. 蒂莉丝并不知道,眼下他们身处的其实是一个巨大洞穴的顶端平台上。这也是詹恩在进入缝隙之后才发现的,在他的眼里,可以看见下方是一个巨大的椭圆形洞穴,而在这个洞穴的中间。则有一根直径数十米粗的支柱。在这粗大的石柱边缘,则是呈现螺旋形向下延伸的楼梯与纵横交错的平台。而蒂莉丝艾娜正是落在了这个平台的最顶端—当然,这也多亏了詹恩的帮忙,不然这两个少女就算摔不死,多半也会是个骨折收场,而不是像现在这样,连一点儿伤都没有受。 However what Zhan En cares is not this. He raised the head, looks to the cavern two sides walls, raises eyes the place of looking. All is full, the symbols of dense and numerous talisman and nine gods who carves, Zhan En is not strange regarding this type of thing. This is the lock of seal, is Templar Orderspecially & R dquo ; For, uses nine Saints that the seal evil thing prepares the supernatural powers, coordinates the suppressed evil strength the seal. In fact in The lower world. Some many demon say/way of this type of seal. Even some seem like pressed the grandson monkey under Wutzushan to be the same until now, always can not turn over/stand up & mda S h ; Naturally, do not count on that will have Monk Tang to help them be out of the difficult position, among demon may not have the cooperation friendly affection spirit, in fact they look forward to Templar Order the seal to get up these fellows forever, because only by doing so, they can have the opportunity to continue to crawl upwardly. 但是詹恩在意的并不是这个。他抬起头,望向洞窟两边的墙壁,举目所望之处。皆是刻的满满的,密密麻麻的咒符与九位神明的徽记,詹恩对于这种东西并不陌生。这是封印之锁,是圣堂教团“专门”为了封印邪恶之物所准备的,利用九圣的神力,配合起来压制邪恶力量的封印。事实上在下层界。就有不少魔族都着了这种封印的道儿。甚至有一些直到现在还像是被压在五指山下的孙猴子一样,永世不得翻身—当然,别指望会有唐僧帮他们脱离困境,魔族之间可没有互助友爱的精神,事实上他们倒巴不得圣堂教团把那些家伙永远封印起来,因为只有这样,他们才能够有机会继续向上爬。 However this also proved the Zhan En's guess, the mirror of that Sun was really placed here to be used to suppress the gate of fragment Death shadow, as the matter stands poured also explained the follower who why Sun God taught has not carried off this fragment the reason. However ............ 不过这也证明了詹恩的猜测,那面太阳之镜果然是被放在这里用于镇压死亡阴影之门残片的,这样一来倒也解释了为什么太阳神教的信徒没有带走这枚碎片的原因。不过………… Thinks of here, Zhan En frowns. Also swept under of stone column, in the there dark element thick almost formed the dark sea, hisdark visual & R dquo ; It is not able to penetrate, this makes Zhan En feel that some doubts and anxious. 想到这里,詹恩皱起眉头。又扫了一眼石柱的下方,在那里暗元素浓密的几乎形成了黑暗的海洋,就连他的“黑暗视觉”也无法穿透,这不由的让詹恩感觉有些疑惑和不安起来。 Zhan En not direct contact gate of Death shadow fragment, but he knows how this thing produces, in the Zhan En's memory, this is a Divine Artifact fragment, do not say nether world Princess after the saint arrives at main plane makes, the Divine Artifact might and these days makes cannot place on a par in this plane that completely, but its fragment wants to come not to have many big might. But after seeing the nine Saint seals and Sun mirrors, Zhan En felt that the matter seems like some is not right. Gate of trivial Death shadow fragment & mda S h ; Moreover is only one of them, used such seal on a grand scale? But the mirror of Sun Amora one of the three Divine Artifact , that can be to high Divine Artifact that and dark precious pearl compares. Why this also including Zhan En to see that gadget on the complexion big change, found an excuse to turn around on the reason of running. How saying that he is also demon, with mirror of type of thing Sun naturally is the farther the better that leaves. But according to the ordinary idea, is only uses a talented person in an insignificant position with the fragment of gate of mirror of seal Death shadow Sun, killing a chicken with an ox cleaver. But at present, here, not only has the mirror of Sun as the core of suppression, even nine Saint seals, which this are the appearances of seal Demonic Artifact fragment, is rushing to the seal demon god rank radically exists. 詹恩并没有直接接触过死亡阴影之门的碎片,但是他知道这东西是怎么产生的,在詹恩的记忆里,这不过是一件神器的残片,更不要说还是幽冥公主在圣者降临主位面之后才制造的,这段时间制造出来的神器威力和在本位面完全不能够相提并论,而它的残片想来也不会有多大的威力。可是在看见九圣封印和太阳之镜后,詹恩感觉到事情似乎有些不对。区区死亡阴影之门的残片—而且还只是其中之一,用的着这么大张旗鼓的封印吗?太阳之镜可是阿蒙拉的三神器之一,那可以算是和黑暗宝珠相比的至高神器。这也是为什么连詹恩看见那玩意儿就面色大变,找了个理由掉头就跑的原因。怎么说他也是魔族,和太阳之镜这种东西自然是离的越远越好。而按照普通的想法来说,光是用太阳之镜封印死亡阴影之门的残片就已经算是大材小用,杀鸡用牛刀了。而眼下,这里不但有太阳之镜作为镇压的核心,甚至还有九圣封印,这哪儿是封印魔器残片的样子,根本就是奔着封印魔神等级的存在去的。 But makes the Zhan En heart startled, under so the dual seals of powerful, here dark element also thick to this degree, explained that it continuously & mda S h mirror of town/subdues Sun ; Butt that even/including Zhigao Divine Artifact does not blow? What this director writes is what script? Going astray gathering place! 但更让詹恩心惊的,在如此强力的双重封印下,这里的暗元素还浓厚到这种程度,说明连太阳之镜都镇它不住—连至高神器都镇不住的残片?这导演写的是哪门子的剧本?走错场子了吧! Did don't tell me besides the Demonic Artifact fragment, what things under this also suppress other? 难道说除了魔器残片之外,这下面还镇压了其他什么东西? Thinks of here, under the Zhan En probe head looks again, later shakes the head. Here dark element is thick, regarding most lives is not a good deed, but actually filled the fresh air excellent resort regarding demon probably. The Zhan En's sense was also keener, he can believe firmly under this aura that only then that Demonic Artifact fragment, without other has. 想到这里,詹恩再次探头下望,随后摇了摇头。这里的暗元素非常浓密,对于大多数生命来说不是件好事,但是对于魔族来说却像是充满了清新空气的绝佳度假场所。连带着詹恩的感官也敏锐了许多,他可以确信在这下面只有那件魔器残片,没有其他存在的气息。 But as the matter stands, only has two possibility & mda S h ; Either this so-calledgate of Death shadow fragment & R dquo ; Unusual, at least with Zhan En guessed during has very big disparity, either is under this also has other anything, but evaded the Zhan En's detection. 而这样一来,就只有两种可能—要么这个所谓的“死亡阴影之门的残片”不同寻常,至少和詹恩猜测之中的有很大差距,要么就是这下面还有别的什么东西,只是躲过了詹恩的侦测。 But no matter which type, Zhan En must change own strategy, he is the plan attained the gate of Death shadow fragment then to flash the person as early as possible, but now, he actually decides to watch changes quietly, is really not good makes Tinidell take away this fragment to consider as finished & mda S h ; demon is covets life and fears death, Zhan En is naturally no exception. Therefore he changed the original intention quickly, then looks to standing slightly anxious Tillis. 但不管是哪一种,詹恩都必须要改变自己的策略,原本他是打算趁早拿到死亡阴影之门的碎片然后闪人,但是现在,他却决定静观其变,实在不行就让蒂尼德尔拿走这个碎片算了—魔族都是贪生怕死的,詹恩自然也不例外。所以他很快就改变了初衷,接着望向站在旁边略显不安的蒂莉丝 Even if in any case does not take the fragment, he still has enough can be used to kill the time the pleasure. 反正就算不去拿碎片,他也有足够可以用来打发时间的乐趣。 In such a case, rashly the advance is very dangerous, we first recuperation, then make the decision. & R dquo ; “在这样的情况下,贸然前进是很危险的,我们还是先休整一下,然后再做决定吧。” Afterward, Zhan En says.( To be continued.) 随后,詹恩开口说道。(未完待续。)
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