DR :: Volume #4

#327: Opens the correct method of progress

When Zhan En holds up the sword, many people do not even know that what happened, they only see Zhan En to put out a hand to grip the sword hilt, then made a wielding a sword movement, but the sword light of next moment bright sparkle is similar to the intense thunder to reflect like lightning on their retinas, caused their only to see boundless white at present. But then they can feel is only the fierce vibration, shivering that the floor continuously , the dust sprinkles downward, even also mixes with the sound that several points of heavy item is falling down. However at present Adventurer do not know the outcome what's the matter, they are only the closing eyes of instinct, puts out a hand to keep off at present, gets out of the way toward side that then staggers along. 詹恩举起剑时,不少人甚至都不知道发生了什么事,他们只看见詹恩伸出手握住剑柄,然后做出了一个挥剑的动作,而下一刻明亮闪耀的剑光便如同强烈的雷霆闪电般倒映在他们的视网膜上,使得他们的眼前只看见了一片茫茫的白色。而接下来他们唯一能够感觉到的就是剧烈的震动,地板不住的颤抖,灰尘向下洒落,甚至还夹杂着几分重物坠地的声音。但是眼下冒险者们也不知道究竟是怎么回事,他们只是本能的闭上眼睛,伸出手去挡在眼前,然后跌跌撞撞的向着旁边走开。 Until a moment later, the vibration ceases, the people then hesitate are putting down the arm, opens the eye. Time from the beginning, their only has one piece to be dim and jet black at present. However what is lucky was their eye quickly automatic controls, making the people again clear saw the present all. But at this time, everyone almost held breath a cold air/Qi. 直到片刻之后,震动停息,众人这才犹豫着放下手臂,睁开眼睛。一开始的时候,他们的眼前只有一片昏暗与漆黑。不过幸运的是他们的眼睛很快就自动调整了过来,让众人再一次清晰的看见了眼前的一切。而这个时候,所有人几乎都是倒吸了口冷气。 Sees only in their front, that originally carves the wall of Sun God badge to vanish into thin air, what replaces it is a circular, pitch-dark large cave/hole. Fragment that only then all around scatters is prompting the people before there here actually had anything. But sees this, Adventurer are also dumbfounded. They have to explore tomb chamber and ruins that have secret passage. However at that time mostly by keen and quick-witted of Thief, how could to have thought will start out a gate with the method of such simple violence? Thinks of here, Adventurer have a look at that pitch-dark tunnel, visits Zhan En, suddenly does not know should say anything is good. 只见在他们的面前,那面原本雕刻着太阳神徽章的墙壁已经不翼而飞,取而代之的是一个圆形的,黑洞洞的大洞。只有四周散落的碎片在那里提示着众人之前这里究竟发生了什么。而看见这一幕,冒险者们也是目瞪口呆。他们不是没有探索过拥有密道的墓室和废墟。但是那个时候大多是靠盗贼的敏锐与机智,何曾想过会用这么简单暴力的方法开出一道门来?想到这里,冒险者们看看那个黑漆漆的地洞,又望望詹恩,一时间也不知道该说什么才好。 But Zhan En has not cared about the views of others completely, he receives the sword to return to the sheath, takes a step to go forward, entered in that jet black gloomy channel like this. But looks at the Zhan En's back, the people gawked, hurried with. Has to acknowledge, since matter has developed this step, then they except for continue go forward have no other alternative. Moreover Adventurer have to acknowledge. They regarding all that the present must have, was interested more and more. 詹恩则完全没有在意其他人的看法,他只是收剑回鞘,举步上前,就这样走进了那个漆黑阴暗的通道之中。而看着詹恩的背影,众人愣了一下,也急忙跟了上去。不得不承认,事情既然已经发展到这一步,那么他们除了继续前进也别无他法。而且冒险者们也不得不承认。他们对于眼下所要发生的一切,也越来越感兴趣了。 Although had been through repeatedly several hundred years of wind and rain, however Sun Temple secret passage but is actually very complete, perhaps is the reason that few people come and go out. Here has not received anything to destroy & mda S h ; Naturally, a moment ago Zhan En did does not calculate. 虽然历经了数百年的风雨,但是太阳神殿密道倒还是非常完整,或许是很少有人出入的缘故。这里也没有受到什么破坏—当然,詹恩刚才所做的不算在内。 When with the beforehand tomb in often undead lifeform attacks compared with, at present Sun Temple secret passage tranquil somewhat is simply bored. However this also no wonder, here leads to Sun Temple secret passage, if can also discover undead lifeform here. That can only explain that Temple has problems. But under being bored to death, Adventurer have to appreciate here scenery with the aid of the flame. 与之前墓穴里动不动就受到不死生物袭击时相比,眼前太阳神殿密道平静的简直有些无聊。不过这也难怪,这里可是通往太阳神殿密道,假如说在这里还能够发现不死生物的话。那就只能够说明神殿内部出了什么问题。而百无聊赖之下,冒险者们也只好借助火光欣赏这里的风景的。 Is the damned place of tomb compares in all directions everywhere before these, this secret passage to Sun Temple appeared attractive, is carving the deeds about Sun God Amora by the wall, the things that naturally, after most of them were the wartime of Sun God Amora saint saint arrived, to encounter, some deeds Adventurer have been familiar, but some they had not understood, therefore looked actually with great interest. 与之前那些四面八方到处都是墓穴的鬼地方比起来,这条通往太阳神殿密道显得漂亮了许多,在墙壁两侧雕刻着关于太阳神阿蒙拉的事迹,当然,其中大多数都是圣者之战时太阳神阿蒙拉圣者降临之后所遭遇到的事情,其中一些事迹冒险者们早已经是耳熟能详,不过还有一些他们也不甚了解,因此倒是看得津津有味。 Fishes in troubled waters Adventurer that regarding these watches the fun, Zhan En has not cared. On the contrary, he closes the eye, then opens again, looks to the jet black dim corridor deep place. 对于那些浑水摸鱼看热闹的冒险者,詹恩并没有在意。相反,他闭上眼睛,然后再次睁开,望向漆黑昏暗的走廊深处。 Evil eye Launch. 【邪恶之眼】发动。 In a flash, the world changed the shape in the Zhan En's eye, hinders barrier disappearance of his line of sight to be missing completely, even the land and wall vanish without the trace. Can see, is sparkling the magic power brilliance tips. Zhan En operates own line of sight to forward like this, following the path of magic power knitting, is searching entire Sun Temple from top to bottom. Although said that was changing the shape Evil eye. Could not have seen the barrier between building and construction completely, but Zhan En can guess that the approximate position of opposite party is. 一瞬间,世界在詹恩的眼中改变了形态,阻碍他视线的障碍全部消失不见了踪影,甚至连大地和墙壁消失无踪。所能够看见的,只有闪耀着魔力光辉的点点滴滴。詹恩就这样操纵着自己的视线一直向前,顺着魔力编织的道路,从上而下的搜索着整个太阳神殿。虽然说在改换了形态的【邪恶之眼】中。已经完全看不见建筑与建筑之间的隔阂,但是詹恩还是能够猜测到对方的大致位置所在。 First, what sees in the Zhan En's eye is several platoons becomes two rows, in the magic power brilliance that the rule moves. It looks like from the above shape should belongs to Magical Weapons , this also means that these doomsday believers had arrived in Sun Temple, position that but is at from them now, they had not as if found the gate of Death shadow fragment ............... on the other hand, that thing actually where? 首先,在詹恩的眼里所看见的是数个排成两列,正在规律移动的魔力光辉。从上面的形态看来应该是属于魔法武器,这也就意味着那些末日教徒已经来到了太阳神殿里,只不过从他们现在所在的位置来看,他们似乎还没有找到死亡阴影之门的残片……………话说回来,那东西究竟在哪儿呢? Thinks of here, Zhan En lowering the head. Looks toward, later, his footsteps stopped slightly. 想到这里,詹恩不由的低下头。向着下方望去,随后,他的脚步微微停顿了一下。 Found. 找到了。 Seeing only during infinite is dark void, a strange oval-shape object float where, it looks seems like black hole, just in edge partial reflection weak white brilliance, in Evil eye Under the support, Zhan En can clear sees dark magic power to be centered on it revolves to congeal, probably wild tornado is the same. But is howling the middle of wild energy mighty current, is tranquil eye of wind & mda S h ; Also is the fragment location. 只见在在无限黑暗虚空之中,一个诡异的椭圆形物体正悬浮在哪里,它看起来就好像是一个黑洞,只不过在边缘部分反射着微弱的白色光辉,在【邪恶之眼】的支持下,詹恩可以清晰的看见黑暗的魔力正在以它为中心旋转凝结,就好像狂暴的龙卷风个一样。而在呼啸狂野的能量洪流的中间,正是平静的风眼—也就是碎片的所在地。 Is this! 就是这个! Saw this, Zhan En gripped tightly a fist, then he raised the head again, looked toward the above, these are sending out Magical Weapons brilliance existence still in the slow movement, from the altitude, they and fragment gap of gate of Death shadow also had almost six building that high distances, but special details how only then god knows. After all the architectural style pursue of this world is on big, do not look that six buildings are so high, perhaps these human dug six building high big cavities then to seal directly the gate of fragment Death shadow under Sun Temple also perhaps, must really be such words, then the distance is not considered as to them what issue. 看到这一幕,詹恩紧握了一下拳头,接着他再次抬起头来,向着上方望去,那些散发着魔法武器光辉的存在依然在缓慢的移动,从高度来看,他们和死亡阴影之门的碎片间隔还有差不多六层楼那么高的距离,但是具体情况如何就只有天知道了。毕竟这个世界的建筑风格追求的就是高大上,别看有六层楼那么高,说不定这些人类直接就是在太阳神殿下面挖了一个六层楼高的大空洞然后把死亡阴影之门碎片封进去也说不定,要真是这样的话,那么距离对于他们来说就已经不算是什么问题了。 Sir Zhan En, what is that? & R dquo ; 詹恩大人,那是什么?” But at this time, the Aina sound transmitted, pulled back the reality from the ponder Zhan En. He takes back Evil eye, Looks forward. Then understands why Aina will stop by calling out his & mda S h ; Sees only at this moment before them, no longer is a moment ago that jet black dim road, but is a hall of rectangle, is one seems like sacrificial altar little pyramid in the middle of hall, but peak in pyramid, then places one is seeming like with the mirror that the pure gold builds. It such peaceful standing erect in the pyramid top, sends out gentle luminous, illuminated the present main hall. But at this moment, all Adventurer including Steve almost with being enchanted by the look is gazing at that mirror, even if not need too many knowledge also to look, can place here, absolutely is rare treasures. 而就在这个时候,艾娜的声音传来,将詹恩从沉思之中重新拉回了现实。他收回【邪恶之眼】,向前望去。这才明白为什么艾娜会叫住他—只见此刻在他们面前的,已经不再是刚才那条漆黑昏暗的甬道,而是一座长方形的大厅,在大厅的中间是一座看起来像是祭台般的小金字塔,而在金字塔的顶端,则摆放着一面看起来像是用纯金打造的镜子。它就这样安静的竖立在金字塔顶,散发出柔和的光亮,照亮了眼前的大殿。而此刻,包括史蒂夫在内的所有冒险者几乎都用迷醉的眼神注视着那面镜子,哪怕不需要太多的知识也可以看出来,能够摆放在这里的,绝对是一件奇珍异宝。 However what is different from them, sees the flash of this mirror in Zhan En, is actually the complexion changes. 但是与他们不同的是,在詹恩看见这面镜子的一瞬间,却是面色微变。 Holy shit, the mirror of Sun!? Can this thing unexpectedly here? 我了个去,太阳之镜!?这玩意居然会在这里? Also Zhan En will be no wonder surprised. The mirror of Sun is Sun God Amora leaves behind in the world one of the three big Divine Artifact , the legend it can send out to endure compared with the sunlight intense ray, is reduced to ashes all evil spirit evil ghosts. Zhan En as higher demon, naturally also has to hear regarding this type of gadget awfully. But what makes his surprised is. The mirror of Sun places here unexpectedly, really makes him feel somewhat surprisedly. After all in the Zhan En's eye, like sacred item should be laid aside always teaches to be right in Sun Temple, rather than like the present lays aside in such a abandoned Temple ......... 也难怪詹恩会如此惊讶。太阳之镜是太阳神阿蒙拉遗留在世界的三大神器之一,传说它能够散发出堪比阳光般强烈的光芒,将一切妖魔邪鬼化为灰烬。詹恩作为高等魔族,对于这种要命的玩意儿自然也不是没有听说过。但让他惊讶的是。太阳之镜居然放在这里,实在让他感到有些惊讶。毕竟在詹恩的眼里,像这样的圣物应该会被放置在太阳神殿的总教会才对,而不是像现在这样放置在这么一座已经被废弃的神殿……… According to the truth, can find Divine Artifact at present is a very lucky matter. However Zhan En does not feel lucky. But Divine Artifact god, once were touched will have the induction with the gods, from this Demonic Artifact is also same, during Demon King operated and tempts these with this way frequently to have no intention to obtain the Demonic Artifact person to be in the darkness and painful Abyss. But Divine Artifact could not miss many in this aspect, but the gods gave the euphemistic name of it fordirection guide & R dquo ; And so on excuse of pleasant to hear. 按照道理来说,眼前能够找到一件神器是件很幸运的事情。但是詹恩可一点儿都不觉得幸运。神器可是神之器,一旦被触动就会和神明产生感应,从这点儿来说魔器也是一样,魔王们经常用这种方式来操纵和引诱那些无意之中获得了魔器的人陷入黑暗与痛苦的深渊。而神器在这方面也差不了多少,只不过神明将其美其名曰为“指引引导”之类好听的说辞罢了。 Regarding the mirror of this Sun, Zhan En naturally does not dare to take. Once he contacts this mirror, then immediately and Sun God Amora has the induction, even if the opposite party will unable to see through him the camouflage as human, by a gods attention will still be a quite matter awfully. But as the child of Demon King, Zhan En naturally does not hope that gods look all day oneself make this to make that. 对于这面太阳之镜,詹恩自然是不敢去拿的。一旦他接触这面镜子,那么就会立刻和太阳神阿蒙拉产生感应,就算对方看不穿他身为人类的伪装,被一个神明关注也是一件相当要命的事情。而作为魔王之子,詹恩当然不希望有个神明整天看着自己做这做那。 However now wants to turn around to leave already without enough time. Moreover looked that these Adventurer looks ......... so will not be perhaps easy to give up. 不过现在想要转身离开已经来不及了。而且看那些冒险者的眼神………恐怕也不会就这么容易善罢甘休。 Sir Zhan En, you know that what that is? & R dquo ; 詹恩大人,您知道那是什么吗?” Commander Steve takes back the vision with great difficulty, then he looks to Zhan En, asks. But this moment other Adventurer will also look at Zhan En, they also know that this definitely is expensive goods, but actually is anything to be actually unknown, but they believe, perhaps at present this young people know that is anything. 史蒂夫团长好不容易才收回目光,接着他望向詹恩,开口询问道。而此刻其他冒险者也将目光投向了詹恩,他们也知道这肯定是一件贵重的物品,但究竟是什么东西却不得而知,但是他们相信,眼前这个年轻人说不定会知道那是什么。 That is the mirror of Sun. & R dquo ; “那是太阳之镜。” in a moment, Zhan En found out the countermeasure, in seal considering their spaces gate of Death shadow fragment. Perhaps then the mirror of this Sun specifically is used for the seal it. If so, then the best way do not go. If by some chance touches the seal, making the gate of fragment Death shadow present the words of issue, but that on troublesome were many & mda S h ; Do not look at that is only a fragment. In the strength of containing is as good as pure Demonic Artifact completely. Perhaps tidies up well, does not catch Snake man instead to be bitten by the snake, that troubled. 只是眨眼的工夫,詹恩就想出了对策,考虑到他们脚下的空间里封印着死亡阴影之门的残片。那么说不定这面太阳之镜就是专门用来封印它的。如果是这样的话,那么最好的办法就是不要去动它。万一触动封印,使得死亡阴影之门碎片出现了问题的话,那么可就麻烦的多了—别看那只是一块碎片。在其中所蕴含的力量完全不亚于一件纯正的魔器。一个收拾不好,说不定捕蛇人反而被蛇咬伤,那就麻烦了。 It is Sun God Amora keeps Divine Artifact & mda S h in world ; However I advised politely everyone to should better not to have its idea, to avoid dying without the burial ground. & R dquo ; “它是太阳神阿蒙拉留在世间的神器—不过我奉劝各位最好不要去打它的主意,以避免死无葬身之地。” Why? & R dquo ; “为什么?” Hears frontDivine Artifact & R dquo ; These two characters, the eyes of almost all people shone, but Zhan En got up safe words in behind for them. Perhaps this little while these Adventurer have rushed to rob that mirror. However after hearing the Zhan En's speech, Adventurer quickly stopped the footsteps, the doubts was gazing at him puzzled. 听到前面的“神器”这两个字,几乎所有人的眼睛都亮了起来,而要不是詹恩在后面为他们上了一道保险的话。恐怕这会儿这些冒险者已经冲上去抢夺那面镜子了。不过在听到詹恩的说话之后,冒险者们还是急忙停下了脚步,疑惑不解的注视着他。 „ Very simple, the mirror of Sun is pure Divine Artifact , its function is used for the evolution evilly existence with sin, but any mind insufficiently pure person is contacting it to unravel instantaneously. Naturally, if everyone thinks oneself can maintain a pure heart, then can come up to try greatly. & R dquo ; “很简单,太阳之镜是纯粹的神器,它的作用是用来进化邪恶与罪孽的存在,而任何心灵不够纯洁的人在接触到它的瞬间就会灰飞烟灭。当然,如果各位认为自己能够保持一颗纯洁的心的话,那么大可以上去一试。” This ............... & R dquo ; “这……………” Hears Zhan En's to speak, the people hesitated thoroughly finally, is the mind pure? This gadget was too abstract, must say that was chaste? However although does not have the conclusion, but most Adventurer after hearing the Zhan En's speech gave up & mda S h decisively ; After all does their line, could not have pulled anything to relate with the mind chastely. 听到詹恩的说话,众人彻底终于犹豫了,心灵纯洁?这玩意儿实在太抽象了吧,要说怎么样才算纯洁呢?不过虽然对此没有定论,可是大多数冒险者在听到詹恩的说话之后就果断的放弃了—毕竟干他们这一行,早就和心灵纯洁扯不上什么关系了。 Ok, we continued to go forward, everyone. & R dquo ; “好了,我们继续前进吧,各位。” Looks that these Adventurer gave up to competition of mirror of Sun, Zhan En also relaxing in the innermost feelings finally, then said. He knows the will of the people dangerous, drags again, perhaps some really people have not believed in evil doctrines to take this gadget, that function that although some mirror of indeed he Sun said that but did not fear that 10,000 fear the eventuality, if really some people attain the mirror of Sun, triggered the attention of Amora, that may trouble. 看着那些冒险者终于放弃了对太阳之镜的争夺,詹恩也在内心松了口气,接着开口说道。他知道人心险恶,再拖下去,说不定还真有人不信邪去拿这玩意儿,虽然太阳之镜的确有他说的那个功能,但是不怕一万就怕万一,如果真的有人拿到太阳之镜,引发了阿蒙拉的关注,那可就麻烦了。 Ok, you heard! & R dquo ; “好了,你们都听到了!” But at this time, Commander Steve also recovered, he forced himself to take back the vision, then looked to others, said. 而这个时候,史蒂夫团长也回过神来,他强迫自己收回目光,接着望向身边的其他人,开口说道。 This is not the thing that we can take, now has turned the head, do not visit it again, we must continue to go forward ............... & R dquo ; “这不是我们可以去拿的东西,现在转过头去,别再看它,我们还要继续前进……………” Rumble rumble ............!! & R dquo ; “轰隆隆隆隆…………!!” But the Steve words have not said, suddenly, along with fierce sound, the ground starts crazily shivers, had the especially big earthquake general probably, the tremor of solid ground wave board, the dust stone sprinkled likely in abundance downward, suddenly everyone was covered by the dust, did not see clearly the surrounding situation completely. 史蒂夫的话还没有说完,忽然,伴随着一阵剧烈的响声,地面开始疯狂的颤抖起来,就好像发生了特大地震一般,原本坚实的地面像波浪板的颤动,灰尘土石纷纷向下洒落,一时间所有人都被灰尘所笼罩,完全看不清楚周围的情况。 Is also no better as for other Adventurer, in the situation of ground flutter, they want the coming to a stop body is very difficult, can only seem like drunk general crooked is maintaining the balance of body reluctantly. But at this time, the accident/surprise had & mda S h ; warrior ringing walking in a proper and dignified manner drew back backward several steps, then hits, in depending on the wall stands on Aina and Tillis that brings together. But two young girls have not thought completely at this time unexpectedly will have the pig teammate in own side, making them lose immediately balanced, poured to go backward. 至于其他的冒险者也好不到哪里去,在地面颤动的情况下,他们想要站稳身体都很困难,只能够像喝醉了酒一般歪七扭八的勉强保持着身体的平衡。而就在这个时候,意外发生了—一个战士朗朗跄跄的向后退了几步,接着一头撞在靠墙站在一起抱成一团的艾娜蒂莉丝身上。而两个少女则完全没想到这时候居然会有猪队友在自己身边,使得她们顿时失去了平衡,向后倒去。 But at this time, the accident/surprise happened. 而就在这个时候,意外发生了。 The jet black thick opening on this does not have the indication suddenly from the wall appears together, then extends to proliferate forward, quick formed being too deep to see the bottom Abyss in the ground, what this slit appears is so sudden, making Adventurer not respond completely, only hears blood-curdling screech, next moment Aina and Tillis crashes into the slit on this directly, quick was then embezzled by dark. 一道漆黑粗大的裂口就这样忽然毫无征兆的从墙壁上浮现,接着一路延伸着向前扩散开来,很快就在地面上形成了一道深不见底的深渊,这道缝隙出现的是如此突然,使得冒险者们完全没有反应过来,只听见一声惨叫,下一刻艾娜蒂莉丝就这样直接坠入缝隙之中,很快便被黑暗所吞没。 Opportunity! 机会! Sees this, in the Zhan En eye to flash through immediately together brilliance, he swept distant place the mirror of Sun fast, later has then quickly turned around to jump to leap, is only in a moment, he also followed two people to fall into Abyss together, disappearance was missing.( To be continued.) 看见这一幕,詹恩眼中顿时闪过一道光辉,他飞快的扫了一眼远处的太阳之镜,随后便急忙转过身纵身跃下,只是眨眼的工夫,他也跟随着两人一起陷入了深渊之中,消失不见了踪影。(未完待续。) ( This book collection origin website clear, no ball window and refresh rate quick) (本书采集来源网站清晰、无弹窗、更新速度快)
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