DR :: Volume #4

#326: Sun God secret passage

undead lifeform comes in swarms. , 不死生物蜂拥而至。⊙, Skeleton swordsman from dying woke up, is stepping into the deceased person domain intruder to launch the attack to these. Setting out that forward Adventurer do not stay, they are waving the weapon, broke the skeletons. Regarding experienced Adventurer, these ordinary undead lifeform simply do not have the means to cause anything to threaten to them, but these more powerful undead lifeform they will not pay attention, because this actually not easy acquisition successfully makes them change from big, because backs on the big tree to be good to enjoy the cool air & mda S h ; Legendary domain powerhouse side them, so long as do not do, fearfully what they have? 骷髅剑士们从长眠之中醒来,对着这些踏入了死人领域的入侵者发起了袭击。冒险者们则毫不停留的向前进发,他们挥舞着武器,砸碎了一个又一个骨头架子。对于经验丰富的冒险者们来说,这些普通的不死生物根本没有办法对他们造成什么威胁,而那些更加强大的不死生物他们也不会放在眼里,这倒不是因为轻而易举的获得胜利让他们变得自大,而是因为背靠大树好乘凉—有一位传奇领域的强者在他们身边,只要自己不作死,他们还有什么可怕的呢? Bang!! & R dquo ; “轰隆!!” Another skeleton swordsman falls on the ground, however Adventurer at this moment therefore have not actually treated it lightly, because in their front, a heavy/thick sarcophagus floating off slowly, is seeing only the hall lid to open later, seemingly is throwing over the rags, grasps the magic staff skeleton that the white bones make to emerge. In that jet black eye socket is sparkling the ice-cold negative energy congealment, but the bright red brilliance, light/only gazed by it, makes people feel the fine hair erectness. Sees only this monster to put out a hand to wield, the skeleton that quick all around these scattered then combined under the invisible attraction, changed original skeleton swordsman, launched the attack to Adventurer again. 又一个骷髅剑士倒在地面上,但是此刻的冒险者们却并没有因此而掉以轻心,因为在他们的面前,一座厚重的石棺正缓缓的浮起,随后只见馆盖打开,一个看起来披着破布,手持白骨制成的法杖的骷髅从中浮出。那漆黑的眼眶之中闪耀着冰冷的负能量凝结而出的鲜红光辉,光是被它注视,就让人不由的感觉到汗毛直立。只见这个怪物伸手一挥,很快四周那些原本散落的骨架便在无形的吸引力之下重新组合了起来,变回了原本的骷髅剑士,再一次对冒险者们发起了进攻。 Corpse witch!! & R dquo ; “尸巫!!” Sees the present monster, Adventurer immediately anxious screaming. In undead lifeform, after the corpse witch is next to necromancer and Lich, most powerful unit, even if dresses ranks well-equipped Adventurer, may be annihilated in the hand of corpse witch. Trading is the past words. Only sees this fearful monster, perhaps they must go home. 看见眼前的怪物,冒险者们顿时紧张的叫出声来。在不死生物之中,尸巫是仅次于死灵法师巫妖之后最强大的施法单位,就算是一整队装备精良的冒险者,都有可能在尸巫的手里全军覆没。换了是以往的话。光是看见这种可怕的怪物,恐怕他们就要打道回府了。 However this time. The situation is actually different. Sees is only seeing the instance of corpse witch, Adventurer then to retreat immediately backward. Zhan En walks up gradually. He puts out a hand the sword hilt of holding down waist, looked steadily float in the in the air corpse witch, the corners of the mouth is turning upwards at present slightly, showed a contented smile. Then, saw only Zhan En to put out a hand to draw a sword like this, brings to wipe the dazzling cold light. 但是这一次。情况却有所不同。只见在看见尸巫的瞬间,冒险者们便立刻向后退去。紧接着,詹恩缓步走上前来。他伸出手去按住腰间的剑柄,盯视着眼前悬浮在空中的尸巫,嘴角微微翘起,露出了一丝悠然自得的笑容。接着,只见詹恩就这样伸手拔剑,带起了一抹耀眼的寒光。 In Zhan En appears, the corpse witch has felt an unusual fearful strength. It quickly holds up white bones magic staff in hand, tries to launch the attack to Zhan En. However has not waited for it to read the first syllable. That wipes silver white such as the sword of moon/month light/only arrived at it like this easily at present, before the present corpse witch's protecting shield together with its body to divide into two, even even/including Shiwu succinct refinement the fire of soul cannot block fatally this strikes, dissipates thoroughly in that dazzling brilliance. 早在詹恩出现时,尸巫就已经感觉到了一股不同寻常的可怕力量。它急忙举起手中的白骨法杖,试图对詹恩发起进攻。但是还没有等它念出第一个音节。那一抹银白如月的剑光就已经到达了它的眼前,紧接着就这样轻而易举的将眼前的尸巫连同它身前的护盾一分为二,甚至连尸巫精粹炼制的灵魂之火都没有能够挡住这致命一击,彻底消散在那耀眼的光辉之中。 Strikes, will also plan to rout in the corpse witch who in front of the people bluffs and blusters thoroughly. But is also excited this watching Adventurer immediately, they have not travelled together with a legendary powerhouse, until this time, these Adventurer realized that finally what is backs on the big tree to be good to enjoy the cool air. Some such legendary powerhouses are covering themselves, what they have to be good to fear? 只是一击,就将原本还打算在众人面前耀武扬威的尸巫彻底击溃。而将这一幕看在眼里的冒险者们也立刻兴奋了起来,他们还从来没有与一位传奇强者同行过,直到这个时候,这些冒险者才终于体会到什么叫背靠大树好乘凉。有这样一位传奇强者罩着自己,他们又有什么好怕的呢? Thinks of here. SuddenlyFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; Adventurer of squad is also the morale inspires greatly, is launched the attack toward before by undead lifeform that the corpse witch awakened again. But these skeleton swordsman naturally also lost the original fierceness after without the corpse witch direction, neatly and quickly by clean that Adventurer tidy up. 想到这里。一时间“妖精与宝箱”小队的冒险者也是士气大振,再一次向着之前被尸巫唤醒的不死生物发起了进攻。而这些骷髅剑士在没有了尸巫的指挥之后自然也失去了原本的勇猛,三下五除二就被冒险者们收拾的一干二净。 After processing monster, remaining naturally was the battlefield cleanup and tidies up the spoils of war. In fact walks. „ Fairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; The squad also indeed obtained many good things. The Zhan En finger/refers somewhat is no doubt dangerous to their roads, because also has not so suffered the looting of Adventurer, although this large-scale tomb does not have many funeral objects like tomb of aristocrat. However Adventurer found many good things. 在处理完怪物之后,剩下的自然就是打扫战场和收拾战利品了。事实上一路走来。“妖精与宝箱”小队也的确获得了不少好东西。詹恩指给他们的这条路固然有些危险,但也因为如此还没有遭受过冒险者的洗劫,虽然这种大型陵墓不像贵族的陵墓那样有很多陪葬品。但是冒险者们还是找到了不少好东西。 Naturally, according to custom. These spoils of war they must first give Zhan En to glance, then decides to belong. Because was Zhan En hired them. Therefore during principle employment , their spoils of war first are the employer, how next decides to assign. However what makes these Adventurer feel relieved is Zhan En as if not care regarding here buried treasure, some low level Magical Weapons and equipment, he is also looked that did not look gave these Adventurer. This also made the people regarding Zhan En many several points of favorable impression and respect, must know the magic equipment in Klein Continent, although was very not rare, but also was very expensive luxury. Do not look that these magic equipment ranks are low, put the auction market to sell several hundred gold coins not to have the issue. But regarding ordinary Adventurer, perhaps even if accumulates cannot afford such a equipment for a lifetime, but Zhan En actually looked that does not look at one. Only is this point, made these Adventurer be able not hold a candle sufficiently. 当然,按照规矩。这些战利品他们都要首先给詹恩过目,然后才决定归属。因为是詹恩雇佣了他们。所以原则上雇佣期间他们的战利品首先是属于雇主的,其次才决定如何分配。不过让这些冒险者放心的是詹恩对于这里的宝藏似乎并不怎么放在心上,就连一些低级魔法武器和装备,他也是看都不看就送给了那些冒险者。这也让众人对于詹恩多了几分好感与尊敬,要知道魔法装备在克莱恩大陆虽然不算特别罕见,但也算是非常贵重的高档品了。别看这些魔法装备等级较低,放到拍卖场上去卖个几百金币还是没有问题的。而对于普通的冒险者来说,就算是攒一辈子恐怕买不起一件这样的装备,但是詹恩却连看都不看一眼。光是这一点,就足以让那些冒险者们望尘莫及了。 They were even still guessing that in secret oneself employer is the prince in some country, after all is so young the strength is also strong, will make a move outstanding Kuo person definitely is not the common character. 他们甚至还在私下里猜测自己的雇主是不是某个国家的王子,毕竟这么年轻又实力强劲,而且出手卓阔的人肯定不会是一般人物。 However said no matter how, along with the thorough tomb , before people's that son regarding Zhan En intertwines to be nothing left, the person first pays attention after all is the present benefit. Although no one knows that actually to have what danger in the tomb deep place, whether is the thing that they can cope with, these fearful evil cult people. However in sweeping the situation of so many precious equipment and in goods, Adventurer have thrown beforehand worry after the brain, they only want to plunder more valuables and money now, many better equipment, yield a larger income. 但是不管怎么说,伴随着深入墓穴之中,众人对于詹恩之前的那点儿纠结已经荡然无存,人首先关注的毕竟还是眼前的利益。虽然谁都不知道在墓穴深处究竟有什么危险,是否是他们能够对付的东西,还有那些可怕的邪教徒。但是在扫荡了这么多宝贵装备与物品的情况下,冒险者们早已经把之前的担忧抛在了脑后,他们现在只想要搜刮更多的财宝,更多更好的装备,获得更加丰厚的收益。 The work of battlefield cleanup has not continued is too long, after all here is the tomb is not the concealed treasure room, will lay aside what buried treasure is not many. Finally the people only found several equipment, together soul gems as well as some strange things. And Zhan En left behind the soul gem and crystal statue & mda S h ; The former is the soul crystallization of corpse witch, in The lower world is also a current money. The latter is Zhan En from Dungeon System saw this is an experience strengthens the item, during the game, this type of item is used to fuse the operational unit promotion experience rank, quantity not many, but has the use very much. Generally the player will pile up some, because the face black player could wait for Dungeon to develop every so often to summon some powerful fight unit in a big way later, but these unit most start summoned time rank is first-level, very obviously possibly is not high-level Dungeon the opponent of invasion team. Therefore these experience items are used to raise their ranks. Quite enables them to cope with these high-level adventure team. Such thing regarding Zhan En naturally is the more the better, therefore he gave a pretext to conduct the investigation and study that crystal statue remaining. However Adventurer have no response. Most is also sighed that this Sir is really a scholar, unexpectedly to this type of gadget that seems like no use is interested. 打扫战场的工作没有持续太久,毕竟这里是墓穴不是藏宝室,就算放置了什么宝藏也不会太多。最终众人只找到了几件装备,还有一块灵魂宝石以及一些奇怪的东西。其中詹恩留下了灵魂宝石和一座水晶雕像—前者是尸巫的灵魂结晶,在下层界也算是一种通用货币。后者则是詹恩地下城系统中看出这是一个经验增强道具,在游戏之中,这种道具是用来融合作战单位提升经验等级的,数量不多但是很有用处。一般玩家都会堆积一些,因为很多时候脸黑的玩家可能要等地下城发展到大后期才会召唤出一些强力战斗单位,但是这些单位最开始被召唤的时候等级都是一级,很明显不可能是高级地下城的入侵团队的对手。因此这些经验道具就是用来提升他们的等级。好让他们可以对付那些高级冒险团队。这样的东西对于詹恩来说自然是多多益善,因此他就借口要进行调查研究把那座水晶雕像给留了下来。不过对此冒险者们也没有什么反应。最多也就是感叹这位大人果然是一位学者,居然会对这种看起来没什么用处的玩意儿这么感兴趣罢了。 Thing in addition assigned under the Zhan En's direction to others. As higher demon, Zhan En naturally has one regarding the identification magic equipment, but this regarding adventure team is also the quite important matter. After all every so often everyone is not clear about these things that in the hand attain to be actually useful. But in Klein Continent, the scholar and mage who generally are expert will have such skill. But now has Zhan En to appraise these equipment for them, naturally is a good deed. 除此之外的东西则是在詹恩的指点下分配给了其他人。作为一个高等魔族,詹恩对于辨识魔法装备自然是有一手,而这对于一个冒险团队来说也是颇为重要的事情。毕竟很多时候大家并不清楚自己手里拿到的这些东西究竟有什么用处。而在克莱恩大陆,一般只有专精的学者和法师才会有这样的本事。而现在有詹恩为他们鉴定这些装备,自然是件好事。 Under the Zhan En's direction, Thief took away black leather armour , above etching silent law, can not to make the sound when the action, this naturally is equipment that suits Thief. But the stone heart shield was given the warrior use in team. According to the Zhan En's appraisal, above is adhering to stick cohere a stone skin technique, every day can release to protect the holder one time, this type of thing naturally gives mt in team. 詹恩的指点下,一个盗贼拿走了一件黑色的皮甲,上面蚀刻着静默法阵,可以让人在行动时不发出声音,这自然是件适合盗贼的装备。而石心盾牌则被交给了团队中的战士使用。根据詹恩的鉴定,上面附着着一个石肤术,每天可以释放一次来保护持有者,这种东西自然是交给团队里的mt了。 But found the mage robe that to be received by Steve from corpse witch there, after all in their team does not have mage, moreover after the Zhan En appraisal, this law robe is black mage uses, the average person is also useless. Tillis wears the gown actually, but to the mage robe of corpse witch is not obviously interested as Clergymen her. Therefore finally decided receives to go later to find a place to sell out. But that white bones magic staff of corpse witch was thoroughly destroyed by Zhan En, naturally, the Zhan En's reason is such evil thing is not suitable keeps the present world, in fact this also to camouflage own status. Plays a role to from the slightest place start. Cannot have tiny bit lax. What since Zhan En acts in main plane is devout nine Saint followers, then destroys this type of evil thing naturally is also natural & mda S h ; This gadget he did not want, to bring to set the example in any case just. 而从尸巫那里找到的法师袍则被史蒂夫收了起来,毕竟他们团队里没有法师,而且经过詹恩鉴定,这件法袍是黑法师用的,一般人也没什么用。蒂莉丝倒是穿袍子的,不过作为神官的她明显对尸巫的法师袍不感兴趣。所以最终决定收起来等出去之后找个地方卖掉。而尸巫的那根白骨法杖则被詹恩给彻底摧毁,当然,詹恩的理由是这样邪恶的东西不适宜留在现世,事实上这也是为了伪装自己的身份。扮演一个角色就要从最细微的地方开始。不能有一丝一毫的松懈。既然詹恩主位面扮演的是一个虔诚九圣信徒,那么摧毁这种邪恶的东西自然也是理所当然的—反正原本这玩意儿他也不要,拿来做做样子刚好。 However after this. The people came across a troublesome matter. They searched for the entire tomb, but did not have the means to continue to go forward again. Although other places have the channel, but is completely a blind alley. Seeming like here seems the entire tomb end. But facing such situation, Adventurer apparently does not have many means. 不过在这之后。众人还是遇到了一件麻烦的事情。他们搜遍了整个墓穴,但是却没有办法再继续前进。其他的地方虽然有通道,但全部都是死路。看起来这里似乎已经是整个陵墓的尽头。而面对这样的情况,冒险者们显然也没有多少办法。 Mr. Zhan En, our people have looked, here has no path, no mechanism/organization, what to do then should? & R dquo ; 詹恩先生,我们的人已经找过了,这里没有什么道路,也没有什么机关,请问接下来该怎么办?” In obtains the news after own subordinate there, Steve also can only helpless reported the present situation to Zhan En. 在从自己的属下那里得到消息之后,史蒂夫也只能够无奈的向詹恩报告了眼下的情况。 Then? & R dquo ; “接下来?” Hears the report of Steve, Zhan En is not accidental/surprised, in fact also seized the chance to investigate in him to this tomb a moment ago, here can indeed see the Sun Temple badge, even a Amora sacred image, because just the time is too long, is badly-damaged. Regarding Sun Temple, here obviously is a religious sacred place, but in the Zhan En's memory, such place has own security generally. In fact, he indistinct feeling the Saint strength that hidden Sun God in all around law, clearly, this strength and is not enough to be used to release the destructive very strong trap, but uses as the resonance. This also means, opens this secret passage not to depend upon the simple mechanism/organization and magic, but is depends upon the Saint strength resonance & mda S h ; Popular, is needs a Sun God follower to use the god technique, can open secret passage. This with on Earth these need fingerprints or the eyeball scanning in the equipment that can turn on is the same. 听到史蒂夫的报告,詹恩并不意外,事实上在刚才他也趁机对这座墓穴进行了调查,这里的确可以看见太阳神殿的徽章,甚至还有一尊阿蒙拉的圣像,只不过因为时间太长,已经残破不堪。对于太阳神殿来说,这里显然是一处宗教圣地,而在詹恩的记忆里,这样的地方一般都有属于自己的保密措施。事实上,他已经隐隐约约的感受到了隐藏在四周法阵里的太阳神的圣力,很明显,这种力量并不足以用来释放杀伤性很强的陷阱,而是作为共鸣使用。这也就意味着,开启这条密道并不是依靠简单的机关和魔法,而是依靠圣力的共鸣—通俗来说,就是需要一位太阳神的信徒施展神术,才能够开启密道。这就和在地球上那些需要指纹或者眼球扫描才可以开启的装置一样。 However regarding Zhan En, this is not the issue. 不过对于詹恩来说,这并不是什么问题。 Miss Tillis, please come. & R dquo ; 蒂莉丝小姐,请你过来一下。” „, Good. & R dquo ; “啊,好的。” Hears Zhan En's to summon, Tillis hesitant moment, then slow-going arrived at side Zhan En's, complexion slightly red gaze he. Since experiencing yesterday's that matter, Tillis when facing Zhan En and Aina somewhat shrinks, does not know that should be what to do good. She does not know before , the outcome that see is the dreamland, is realistic, the present facing Zhan En, Tillis is also have mixed feelings, does not know that should say anything is good. 听到詹恩的呼唤,蒂莉丝犹豫了片刻,接着这才磨磨蹭蹭的走到了詹恩的身边,面色微红的注视着他。自从经历了昨天那件事之后,蒂莉丝在面对詹恩艾娜时都有些畏畏缩缩,不知道该怎么办才好。她不知道之前自己看见的究竟是梦境,还是现实,以至于现在面对詹恩,蒂莉丝也是心情复杂,不知道该说什么才好。 Sailon is direction of correct path, I want to ask you to point out position that secret passage is, without issue? & R dquo ; 赛纶是正确道路的指引者,我想请你指出那条密道所在的位置,没问题吗?” ......... I, I give a try. & R dquo ; “啊………我,我试试看。” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Tillis hesitant moment, this nods. Then she closes the eye, deep shouting inspires, depresses originally the somewhat disorderly thoughts forcefully, this prayed in a low voice. Afterward, sees only Tillis to open the eye, drew back backward half step, wooden club straight standing erect in hand on the ground. 听到詹恩的说话,蒂莉丝犹豫了片刻,这才点了点头。接着她闭上眼睛,深深的呼吸了一口气,强行压下原本有些杂乱的心思,这才低声祈祷起来。随后,只见蒂莉丝睁开眼睛,向后退了半步,手中的木棍笔直的竖立在地上。 But this wooden club has not directed the direction for the people quickly, on the contrary, vacillation of its as if somewhat weak as, but has not dropped down, but after several minutes, this wooden club as if had set firm resolve general, „ & R dquo ; Falls down, aimed at behind the tomb Sun God badge. 只不过这一次木棍并没有很快为众人指引方向,相反,它似乎有些犹豫不定似的左右摇摆,但就是没有倒下,而在过了好几分钟之后,这根木棍似乎才下定了决心一般,“啪嗒”一声倒在地上,指向了墓穴后方的太阳神徽章。 There? 那里吗? Looks at the present wall, Zhan En appears to wipe the happy expression, then he puts out a hand, grips the sword hilt. But sees the Zhan En's movement, everyone stares. 看着眼前的墙壁,詹恩浮现出一抹笑意,接着他伸出手去,握住剑柄。而看见詹恩的动作,所有人都是一愣。 Sir Zhan En, you wants ......... & R dquo ; 詹恩大人,您想要………” However, the Tillis words have not said, sees Zhan En to hold up the long sword in hand, then wields forward.( To be continued......) 但是,蒂莉丝的话还没有说完,就看见詹恩举起手中的长剑,接着向前挥去。(未完待续……)
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