DR :: Volume #4

#325: Shadow specter

The temperature gradually is dropping, the present mist even more is also thick, this is really a damn damned place. 气温正在逐渐下降,眼前的雾气也越发浓厚,这真是一个该死的鬼地方。 Stands in the Sun Temple peak, Black Knight narrows the eye, shook the head. As the doomsday guard, they passed through the innumerable tests and battles, can stand here, fights with several Sirs as the Central Bishops' Conference protector together. But despite that he also felt the present mist comes somewhat strange, according to the truth, now is high noon, should be during one day the brightest time. The mist actually slow and steadfast proliferation that however this such as it comes suddenly forwards, having the ice-cold piercing chill in the air gradually to infiltrate. 站在太阳神殿的顶端,一个黑骑士不由的眯起眼睛,晃了晃脑袋。作为末日卫士,他们经过了无数的考验与厮杀,才能够站在这里,作为中枢主教团的守护者与几位大人一起战斗。但是即便如此,他也觉得眼前的雾气来的有些奇怪,按照道理来说,现在才是正午时分,应该是一天之中最亮堂的时候。但是这忽如其来的雾气却缓慢而坚定不移的扩散向前,带着冰冷刺骨的寒意逐渐渗透。 Actually was this? 这究竟是怎么了? „!! & R dquo ; “啊!!” At this time, suddenly, not far away heard a sad and shrill blood-curdling screech sound. But hears this blood-curdling screech, somewhat lax doomsday guards held up the bow crossbow in hand immediately, is gazing at all around of square vigilantly. The position that they choose is moderate, can say that blocked from each angle can come and go out the Sun Temple route, who regardless of the opposite party were, so long as their goals were Sun Temple, will certainly appear before this defense line! 就在这个时候,忽然,不远处传来了一声凄厉的惨叫声。而听见这声惨叫,原本还有些松懈的末日卫士们顿时举起了手中的弓弩,警惕的注视着广场的四周。他们选择的位置非常适中,可以说从各个角度封锁了可以出入太阳神殿的路线,无论对方是什么人,只要他们的目标是太阳神殿的话,就一定会出现在这条防线之前! The air suddenly became tight, but, heard several wailing and angry roaring that sounds off and on was full of the pain, but heard these sounds, the doomsday guards were more tense. They are very clear, before sent out blood-curdling screech should be is located in the patrol leader in square surrounding, now seems like, they seem to have been under the attack, and was annihilated. This regarding remaining others before Sun Temple, obviously is not a good news. 空气一时间变得绷紧了许多,而紧接着,又是断断续续传来了数声充满了痛苦的哀嚎与怒吼声,而听到这些声音,末日卫士们更是紧张起来。他们很清楚,之前发出惨叫的应该就是自己位于广场外围的巡逻队,现在看起来,他们似乎已经遭遇到了袭击,而且全军覆没。这对于留守在太阳神殿前的其他人来说,显然不是一个好消息。 In a while. Sound this of square distant place gradually vanishes. But temperature at this moment is also more and more low, even covered a white frost in the ground. Moreover, the mist also starts becomes even more thick, but they have not actually thought like the doomsday guards marches forward, but tumbles is retreating backward, obeyed the order arrangement of commander like soldier the formation, however will not leap perimeter/thunder pool half step without order. But sees this. The doomsday guards are even more tense, they are not the fools, can achieve this degree, absolutely is not the goal that they can easily cope with. But despite that the doomsday guards have not retreated, in innumerable brutal almost numb slaughtering, they have the steely nerve, to them, own Death is also a part of the world destruction. This world is piles up like this through tiny destructions. And finally collapses thoroughly. Therefore they never parsimonious own life, will not face the danger hesitant or the retreat, because regarding the followers of these doomsday gods, lives dies, they destroy this great goal for the world, made the council. 没过多久。广场远处的声音就这样逐渐消失。而此刻的气温也是越来越低,甚至在地面上都覆盖上了一层白色的霜冻。不仅如此,雾气也开始变得越发浓厚,但是它们却并没有像末日卫士们所想的那样继续向前,而是翻滚着向后退去,如同士兵们听从指挥官的命令般排列起了阵型,但是在没有命令的情况下不会跃雷池半步。而看见这一幕。末日卫士们越发紧张,他们可不是笨蛋,能够做到这个程度的,绝对不是他们能够轻易对付的目标。但是即便如此,末日卫士们也没有退却,在无数残酷的几乎让人麻木的杀戮之中,他们已经拥有了钢铁般的神经,对于他们来说,自身的死亡也是世界毁灭的一部分。这个世界就是这样通过一个个渺小的毁灭堆积起来。并且最终彻底崩溃的。所以他们从来不会吝啬自己的生命,也不会面对危险犹豫或者后退,因为对于这些末日神教的信徒来说,无论是生是死,他们都为世界毁灭这个伟大的目标,做出了自己应有的贡献。 Therefore they have no complain and regret. 所以他们无怨无悔。 But at this time. A person's shadow gradually appears from the mist. 而就在这个时候。一个人影从雾气之中逐渐浮现。 Any person!! & R dquo ; “什么人!!” Sees the present person's shadow. The doomsday guards hold up the bow crossbow and sword in shield hand immediately, is gazing at the present person's shadow. But hears their inquiries, that person's shadow stopped slightly, then continues slowly walks forward, her speed is not fast, but actually takes to people an unusual constriction. Suddenly the one who even makes the doomsday guards feel before them is not a person, but is an opening mouth, selects beast of prey that the person bites. 看见眼前的人影。末日卫士们顿时举起手中的弓弩与剑盾,注视着眼前的人影。而听到他们的询问,那个人影只是稍微停顿了一下,接着便继续缓缓的向前走来,她的速度并不快,但是却带给人一种异样的压迫感。一时间甚至让末日卫士们感觉在他们面前的并不是一个人,而是一头张大嘴巴,择人而噬的猛兽。 With gradual entering of person's shadow, the white thick fog also gradually turns toward the two sides to disperse, quick. Before that hidden the person's shadow in thick fog, finally showed her true body. 伴随着人影的逐渐走进,白色的浓雾也逐渐向着两边散开,很快。那个之前隐藏在浓雾之中的人影,终于展现出了她的真身。 Tinidell raised the head, the gaze that the jet black double pupil does wink the present doomsday guard, on that pretty face does not have the slight expression. Wraps flowing revolving that the black of that slender body is not living, transforms, for a magnificence, personal tight-fitting armor. Facing the present enemy, the young girl had not spoken half a word words, she takes the step, stand forth step by step. It seems like seems like in the young lady who in her back garden takes a walk is the same. In front of these fully-armed doomsday guards as for her, the young girl have not paid attention to from beginning to end, seems them not to exist general. 蒂尼德尔抬起头来,漆黑的双眸一眨不眨的注视着眼前的末日卫士,那张俏丽的面孔上没有丝毫的表情。包裹着那纤细身躯的黑色不住的流动旋转,幻化为了一件华丽,贴身的紧身盔甲。面对眼前的敌人,少女连半句话都没有说,她只是迈出步伐,一步又一步的向前走去。看起来就好像是在自家后花园之中散步的大小姐一样。至于她面前这些全副武装的末日卫士,少女从头到尾都没有放在眼里,就好像他们根本不存在一般。 Begins!!! & R dquo ; “动手!!!” Although does not know that actually the present young girl is, since she has appeared here, is the enemy of doomsday god. But regarding their enemies, the doomsday god is will never be lenient. Therefore stepped onto that flash of stair in Tinidell, the doomsday guards then launches the attack immediately. 虽然不知道眼前的少女究竟是谁,既然她已经出现在了这里,那么就是末日神教的敌人。而对于他们的敌人,末日神教是从来不会手软的。因此就在蒂尼德尔走上台阶的那一瞬间,末日卫士们便立刻发起了进攻。 The crossbow arrow like rain explodes to shoot, toward the Tinidell direction rapid flight in the past. First regardless of the quantity, solely is only these that crossbow Yakami smudges is reflecting the blue luminous violent poisonousness, makes the ordinary person step back sufficiently. Even so, Tinidell cannot stop own footsteps, she continues to forge ahead, the eye has not even winked facing the crossbow arrow that the rainstorm raids at present. But when these crossbow arrows soon the hitting a target goal, suddenly, will be congealed the shield that becomes not to have the emergence of indication by the white bones at the same time like this before the body of Tinidell, stalled the attacks of these doomsday guards like a firm city wall. 如雨般的弩矢爆射而出,向着蒂尼德尔的方向疾飞过去。先不论数量,单单只是弩矢上涂抹的那些反射着蓝色光亮的剧毒,就足以让一般人为之却步。但即便如此,蒂尼德尔也没有能够停下自己的脚步,她继续向前迈进,面对眼前暴雨般袭来的弩矢甚至连眼睛都没有眨一下。而就在那些弩矢即将射中目标的时候,忽然,一面由白骨凝结而成的盾牌就这样毫无征兆的出现在了蒂尼德尔的身前,如同一堵坚固的城墙般挡住了那些末日卫士的进攻。 „ The shield of white bones, she is necromancer!! & R dquo ; “白骨之盾,她是死灵法师!!” Sees the shield of present white bones, the doomsday guards to be startled immediately. In the doomsday god does not have necromancer, because they think that the dead resurrects does not tallydestroys & R dquo ; Definition, but these necromancer and Lich try to flee the doomsday trialrebel & R dquo ;. Sometimes therefore they will also camouflagePaladin & R dquo ; Eliminates these undead lifeform. This is the doomsday god does not have one of the means eradicated reasons in the surface, no one thinks the person who one crowd resolves in eliminating undead lifeform can be the evil cult disciple unexpectedly. 看见眼前的白骨之盾,末日卫士们顿时大吃一惊。末日神教里并没有死灵法师,因为他们认为死者复活不符合“毁灭”的定义,而那些死灵法师巫妖更试图逃离末日审判的“叛徒”。因此有时候他们也会伪装成“圣骑士”去消灭那些不死生物。这也是末日神教在地表没有办法被根除的原因之一,谁也不会想到一群立志于消灭不死生物的人居然会是邪教徒吧。 Also because of this, these doomsday guards also and undead lifeform have had many social dealings, therefore sees to appear in the shield of Tinidell white bones, then recognizes her real identity immediately. These doomsday guards are not naturally slow as the Elite response, in seeing the instance of shield of white bones, they dropped out the crossbow arrow in hand, then held up the weapon in hand, starts to have a thought loudly extols the doomsday prayer, later then seesto shout & R dquo ;, On the sharp sword blade burnt immediately the flaming flame. Several doomsday guards angry roar like this are holding up the weapon in hand, attacked toward Tinidell. 也正因为如此,这些末日卫士也和不死生物打过不少交道,因此一看见出现在蒂尼德尔身边的白骨之盾,便立刻认出了她的真实身份。这些末日卫士作为精英反应自然也不慢,在看见白骨之盾的瞬间,他们就抛下了手中的弩矢,接着举起了手中的武器,开始高声念起赞颂末日的祷文,随后便看见“呼”的一声,锋利的剑刃上顿时燃烧起了熊熊的火焰。紧接着,数名末日卫士就这样怒吼着举起手中的武器,向着蒂尼德尔攻了过去。 But even faces such attack, Tinidell still has not stopped own footsteps, on the contrary, she raised the head, swept one toward the doomsday health that oneself clash, then opens the mouth, issued an incomparably brief order. 但即便是面对这样的攻击,蒂尼德尔依然没有停下自己的脚步,相反,她只是抬起头来,扫了一眼向着自己冲来的末日卫生,接着张开嘴巴,下达了一个无比简短的命令。 On. & R dquo ; “上。” With the order of Tinidell, before still in the white thick fog in same place stay, immediately like bursting the flood of dike swept across in this moment forwards, they tumbled were changing into the human form monsters, opened the mouth, exuded the bitterly disappointing squeal, extended both hands to launch the attack toward the present doomsday guards. Suddenly, hundreds and thousands of Ghost depart from the thick fog like this, launched the attack toward the front enemy. 伴随着蒂尼德尔的命令,之前还在原地停留的白色浓雾,在这一刻顿时像溃堤的洪水般席卷向前,它们就这样翻滚着化为了一个个人形怪物,张开嘴巴,发出了令人心寒的尖叫声,伸出双手向着眼前的末日卫士们发起了进攻。一时间,成百上千的幽灵就这样从浓雾之中飞出,向着前方的敌人发起了进攻。 Spirit body lifeform? & R dquo ; “灵体生物?” Sees this, almost all doomsday guards are startled, the spirit body lifeform in undead lifeform is quite difficult to deal with one. Their strength is not very strong, is the middle reaches level, but the injury of spirit body to the living is actually , moreover as the soul, these Ghost attacks regarding the physics also has half immunity probability, it can be said that I can hit your however you unable to hit my best manifestation. Although said that necromancer will summon Ghost is not considered as a how strange matter, but the issue lies in the present but during the daytime, according to the truth, the spirit body lifeform regarding the sunlight resistivity is very bad. But these spirit body lifeform not only does not dread the sunlight, even also performance vivid & mda S h ; No, these are not the key points, the key point is quantitatively, these Ghost have hundreds and thousands of!! 看见这一幕,几乎所有的末日卫士都是大吃一惊,灵体生物在不死生物之中算是相当难对付的一种。它们本身实力并不算很强,也不过就是中游水准,但是灵体对生者的伤害却是实打实的,而且作为灵魂,这些幽灵对于物理攻击还拥有一半免疫的机率,可以说是我能打你但是你不能打我的最佳体现。虽然说一个死灵法师会召唤幽灵不算是件多么奇怪的事情,可问题在于现在可是白天,按照道理来说,灵体生物对于太阳光的抵抗力是很差的。可这些灵体生物非但不畏惧阳光,甚至还表现的生龙活虎—不,这些都不是重点,重点是从数量上来看,这些幽灵足足有成百上千!! Actually does she how achieve?!! 她究竟是怎么做到的?!! What a pity is, the present doomsday guards do not have the time to consider this issue again, does not have the free time to look for the answer of this issue. Ghost like surging tides was screaming plunges them, puts out a hand, wore the doomsday guard hard armor, is tearing their soul. But facing the attack of this soul level, the resistance of doomsday guards does not have the significance, they are roaring long sword that wields the combustion flame, but actually including front enemy cleaves in two cannot achieve. But both hands of Ghost can actually penetrate their bodies, pulls their soul. Suddenly sees only on the side of the entire Sun Temple above confusion, Ghost scatter in all directions to dance in the air, often sees doomsday guard blood-curdling screech to fall on the ground, then several Ghost close, will sparkle the weak luminous soul to pull from the body of doomsday guard directly. But lost soul the corpse of Black Knight as if not to have the person of electricity on this to fall down occasionally generally, did not have any response again. 可惜的是,现在的末日卫士们已经没有时间再去考虑这个问题,也没空闲去寻找这个问题的答案。如潮水般的幽灵尖叫着扑向他们,伸出手去,穿过了末日卫士坚硬的盔甲,撕扯着他们的灵魂。而面对这种灵魂层面的攻击,末日卫士们的抵抗根本就毫无意义,他们怒吼着挥出燃烧火焰的长剑,但是却连将面前的敌人劈成两半都做不到。而幽灵的双手却能够穿透他们的身体,拉扯出他们的灵魂。一时间只见整个太阳神殿的上方混乱一边,幽灵们四散飞舞,不时就看见有末日卫士惨叫着倒在地面上,接着数个幽灵一拥而上,将闪耀着微弱光亮的灵魂从末日卫士的身体之中直接拉扯了出来。而失去了灵魂的黑骑士的尸体就这样仿佛没有了电的人偶一般瘫倒在地,再也没有了任何反应。 However all these and Tinidell is uninterested, she forwards gradually, the stepping stair step by step, the speed of young girl is very slow, but is very firm. Pours in the body of her front doomsday guard, Ghost that all around dances in the air, is unable to make her stop the footsteps, does not have the means to change her walk direction. Suddenly, before entire Sun Temple front door, like the bad people running wild, raises eyes to look, can only see the innumerable dispersing scream Ghost, but these resist their doomsday guards, is dropping down one after another. 但是这一切都和蒂尼德尔毫无关系,她只是缓步向前,一步又一步的踏上台阶,少女的速度很慢,但是却很坚定。无论是倒在她面前的末日卫士的尸体,还是四周飞舞的幽灵,都无法让她停下脚步,也没有办法改变她的行走方向。一时间,整个太阳神殿的大门前,如同群魔乱舞,举目望去,只能够看见无数飞散尖叫的幽灵,而那些抵抗它们的末日卫士,则是一个接一个的倒下。 When the young girl enters in the dark Sun Temple ruins, in the steps before gate is a silence. The thick fog does not know when has diverged, the bright sunlight penetrates the cloud layer again, shines, but under & mda S h ; But at this moment, remains there only, ice-cold stiff corpse.( To be continued.) 当少女重新走进黑暗的太阳神殿的废墟之中时,门前的阶梯上已经是一片寂静。浓雾不知道什么时候已经散去,灿烂的阳光再一次穿透云层,照耀而下—而此刻,在那里唯一残留的,只有冰冷僵硬的尸体。(未完待续。)
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