DR :: Volume #4

#324: Path to Sun Temple

„ Can we get down from here? Sir Zhan En? & R dquo ; “我们要从这里下去吗?詹恩大人?” Looks at the jet black gloomy and cold said/tunnel, Adventurer holds breath at present a cold air/Qi, seems somewhat anxious. ~, this also no wonder, although they are not familiar with the City of Lost construction structure, so long as has a look at the tombstone that this nearby stands in great numbers as well as this pitch-dark building can know that at present they place where at present. 看着眼前漆黑阴冷的地道,冒险者不由的倒吸了口冷气,显得有些不安。~,这也难怪,虽然他们对于失落之城的建筑结构并不熟悉,但是只要看看这附近林立的墓碑以及眼前这座黑洞洞的建筑物就可以得知他们目前身处何处。 This is a tomb. 这是一个墓地。 Regarding Adventurer, the tomb may absolutely not be the good place, although said that they also enter in abandoned some tomb to explore frequently, but also because of this, they are clearer than these dead sink the dormancy the fearfulness others. The everywhere trap, as well as on these moment also lies down there deep sleep, next moment has revived to undead that you throw to nip. And Lich, Ghost, undead lifeform. These things regarding the living person are the biggest troubles, if possible, they are not willing to fight with the opposite party. 对于冒险者们来说,墓地可绝对不是什么好地方,虽然说他们也经常进入一些废弃的陵墓之中探险,但是也正因为如此,他们比其他人更明白那些死者沉眠之所的可怕。无处不在的陷阱,以及那些上一刻还躺在那里沉睡,下一刻就已经苏醒过来向你扑咬上去的不死者。以及巫妖,幽灵,不死生物。这些东西对于活人来说可谓是最大的麻烦,如果可以的话,他们都不愿意和对方交手。 But hears opposite party's inquiry, Zhan En is puts out a hand, pushed the eyeglasses, this says. 而听到对方的询问,詹恩则是伸出手去,推了推眼镜,这才开口说道。 If my beforehand investigation not wrong, in this piece of tomb deep place, should be right with the secret said/tunnel that Sun Temple unites, these have accepted the dead of blessing and baptism in Sun Temple are delivered to this tomb group to fall into eternal sleeping soundly through this secret passage. Therefore so long as we can find this secret passage, can without alarming these evil cult people entered Sun Temple, then, what issue but also there is? & R dquo ; “如果我之前的调查没有错的话,在这片陵墓的深处,应该与太阳神殿相联的秘密地道才对,那些在太阳神殿接受过祝福和洗礼的死者会通过这条秘密通道被送到这片陵墓群陷入永恒的安眠。因此我们只要能够找到这条秘密通道,就可以在不惊动那些邪教徒的情况下进入太阳神殿了,那么,还有什么问题吗?” This ............ & R dquo ; “这…………” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Adventurer also look at each other in blank dismay, but did not have the means to say anything again. But at this time. A sound from their behind transmitting. 听到詹恩的回答,冒险者们也是面面相觑,但是也没办法再说什么。而就在这个时候。一个声音从他们的身后传来。 „, Why do we want to enter Sun Temple now? & R dquo ; “那么,为什么我们一定要现在进入太阳神殿呢?” Hears this sound. The people stare, then has turned the head. Sees only Daniel at this moment positive/direct color gloomy standing there, having the smile of several points of provocation to look to Zhan En. 听到这个声音。众人都是一愣,接着转过头去。只见丹尼尔此刻正面色阴沉的站在那里,带着几分挑衅的笑容望向詹恩 This aristocrat mister, almost should speak the truth with us, you told us before you are come to here to investigate, if only this, then after we can wait for these evil cult people to walk greatly , to continue to go forward is not same? Why can compete with them? Although you said that this below has a secret passage to make us evade the evil cult disciple, but this is also only a supposition. Actually can you look for what thing there? Shouldn't speak the truth to us? & R dquo ; “这位贵族先生,差不多该跟我们说实话了吧,你之前可是告诉我们你是来这里进行调查的,如果只是这样的话,那么我们大可以等这些邪教徒走了之后再继续前进不也一样?为什么非要和他们一起争夺呢?虽然你说这下面有一条秘密通道可以让我们避过邪教徒,但这也只是一种假设吧。你究竟要在那里寻找什么东西呢?难道不应该对我们说实话吗?” Daniel ............ & R dquo ; 丹尼尔…………” Hears the speech of Daniel, the people frown, but many did not say anything. In fact they are also very clear. Zhan En in knowing perfectly well to have in the situation of evil cult disciple also to continue to go forward, definitely for any thing in Sun Temple. Perhaps both sides are to the same thing, but regarding this most people also and have no idea. The reason is very simple, no matter the Zhan En's true reason is anything, they as Adventurer, since had collected the commission, must draw cash the management. So long as Zhan En is not these evil necromancer, has not gone to the meaning of sacrificial offering with them, then the people will not disobey his meaning. Do not say before Zhan En, strength that shows. Also made most people shut up sufficiently. 听到丹尼尔的说话,众人都皱了下眉头,但是也不好多说什么。事实上他们也很清楚。詹恩之所以在明知有邪教徒的情况下还继续前进,肯定是为了太阳神殿里的什么东西。说不定双方是冲着同一件东西去的,只不过对此大多数人也并没有什么想法。原因很简单,不管詹恩的真正理由是什么,他们作为冒险者,既然已经收了佣金,就要拿钱办事。只要詹恩不是那些邪恶的死灵法师,没有拿他们去祭祀的意思,那么众人也不会违逆他的意思。更不要说詹恩之前所表现出来的实力。也足以让大部分人闭嘴了。 What makes them not think, here has not feared death unexpectedly. 只不过让他们没有想到的是,这里居然还有一个不怕死的。 However regarding the speech of Daniel, pours also no one to stand the opposition, in fact they are also very curious. Can let the thing that such a young legendary powerhouse alone arrived here to look, will not be absolutely simple, perhaps the rare treasure in what legend. However they are not after all good to ask. But since now wants some people to corbel out, they are also naturally glad to see him succeed. 但是对于丹尼尔的说话,倒也没有人站出来反对,事实上他们也很好奇。能够让这么年轻的一个传奇强者只身来到这里所寻找的东西,绝对不会有多么简单,说不定还是什么传说中的秘宝。不过他们毕竟不好开口询问。而现在既然愿意有人挑头,那他们自然也是乐见其成。 In any case even failure. Hapless is not oneself. 反正就算失败了。倒霉的也不是自己。 This and you have no relations. & R dquo ; “这和你没有任何关系。” However facing the inquiry of Daniel, Zhan En actually gave the reply decisively. 但是面对丹尼尔的询问,詹恩却果断的给出了回答。 You must do is very simple. When hired before such that I said that arrives at Sun Temple with me, and completes to study beforehand to protect me in me. Only this, but other things except for this are not in our agreement scopes, I do not have the duty to tell you me am make anything, but you do not need to know. & R dquo ; “你们要做的很简单。正如之前雇佣时我所说的那样,和我一起到达太阳神殿,并且在我完成研究之前保护好我。只此而已,而除此以外的其他事情不在我们的协约范围之内,我没有义务告诉你我是来做什么的,而你也不需要知道。” Said here, Zhan En put out a hand to push the eyeglasses, then looked to nearby Commander Steve. 说道这里,詹恩伸出手去推了推眼镜,接着望向旁边的史蒂夫团长。 Commander Steve, I hopes that this matter do not happen again, I hire you am because you are specialized Adventurer, knows oneself should make anything, should not make anything. I think until now, have not made to want everyone to place the order and instruction that the dangerous situation brings death, not? & R dquo ; 史蒂夫团长,我希望这种事情不要再发生,我雇佣你们是因为你们是专业的冒险者,知道自己应该做什么,不应该做什么。我自认为到现在为止,并没有做出要各位身处险境去送死的命令和指示,不是吗?” Very sorry, Sir Zhan En. & R dquo ; “非常抱歉,詹恩大人。” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Steve is also quickly walks, lowers the head, treating a matter seriously apologized to him. Because Zhan En said right, both sides before hired time, has not agreed on this aspect. But as by employment, was obeyed the employment order is the natural matter, no matter Zhan En must avoid these evil cult people, is Zhan En own matter. Others can put forward the proposal, but actually cannot question that decision of employment, this is adventure teamprofessional accomplishment & R dquo ;. But now, Daniel approach actually very obviously in shaking both sides the foundation between of contract. The words if this had continued, will be only out of control. 听到詹恩的询问,史蒂夫也是急忙走出来,低下头去,郑重其事的向他道歉。因为詹恩说的没错,双方之前雇佣的时候,并没有就这方面进行约定。而作为被雇佣者,听从雇佣者的命令是理所当然的事情,所以不管詹恩是不是要躲开那些邪教徒,都是詹恩自己的事情。其他人可以提出建议,但却不能够质疑雇佣者的决定,这是冒险团队的“职业素养”。而现在,丹尼尔的做法却很明显是在动摇双方之间的契约的基础。如果这样下去的话,只会更加一发不可收拾。 Daniel was only the personality was irritable, I promised you, such matter will not have ......... & R dquo again ; 丹尼尔只是性情急躁了一些,我向您保证,这样的事情不会再发生了………” Is saying, Steve has turned the head, serious looking to Daniel. 一面说着,史蒂夫一面转过头去,严肃的望向丹尼尔 Daniel, this I forgive your impoliteness time, but such matter do not have again for the second time! You are Adventurer, do not forget our rules! & R dquo ; 丹尼尔,这一次我原谅你的无礼,但这样的事情不要再发生第二次了!你是一个冒险者,不要忘记我们的规则!” But regimental commander ............... & R dquo ; “可是团长……………” Hears the speech of Steve, the Daniel complexion changes, he opens the mouth, but also wanted to say anything again, but Steve the big hand had wielded at this time, interrupted his argument. 听到史蒂夫的说话,丹尼尔面色微变,他张开嘴巴,还想要再说些什么,不过这个时候史蒂夫已经大手一挥,打断了他的辩解。 This is the order, your behavior is to give our & l S quo ; Fairy and Treasure Chest & R S quo ; Discredit! If there is such matter again, then you leave immediately!! & R dquo ; “这是命令,你的行为是给我们‘妖精与宝箱’抹黑!如果再发生这样的事情,那么你就立刻离开!!” This ......... & R dquo ; “这………” Heard Commander Steve order, Daniel gawked, later lowers the head no longer to speak. But others have not come up are the meanings of Daniel speech, although is glad to see him succeed regarding the Daniel behavior, but this does not represent them to approve the Daniel actions. Before let alone, Zhan En already the clearness that the words select. If perhaps they dare to stand also to anger Zhan En again, these people may not have stupidly to arrive to touch a mildew head of legendary powerhouse. Especially at the present in this case. Idea that in fact Aina and in Tillis these two groups the heart best person has not gone forward to help, after all the Daniel approach too was a moment ago bad. Make them also quite discontented. Knew perfectly well that all around has the powerful enemy to surround, moreover City of Lost danger numerous, was also determined to provoke the internal strife at this kind of time, wasn't this really the rhythm that made? 听到史蒂夫团长的命令,丹尼尔愣了一下,随后低下头去不再说话。而其他人也没有上来为丹尼尔说话的意思,虽然对于丹尼尔的行为乐见其成,但这不代表他们就认同丹尼尔的所作所为。更何况之前詹恩已经把话挑的明明白白。他们要是再敢站出来说不定还会惹怒詹恩,这些人可没有傻到去触一个传奇强者的霉头。特别是在现在这种情况下。事实上就连艾娜蒂莉丝这两个团里心地最善良的人也没有上前帮忙的想法,毕竟刚才丹尼尔的做法实在太恶劣了。让她们也是颇为不满。明知四周有强敌环绕,而且失落之城危险重重,在这种时候还执意要挑动内讧,这真的不是作死的节奏吗? Tillis, gave you. & R dquo ; 蒂莉丝,交给你了。” Yes, Regimental commander. & R dquo ; “是,团长。” Hears the order of Steve, Tillis walks up, then she looked at Daniel one, later has turned head to sigh. Then both hands got hold of the wooden club in hand to close the eye, started to pray in a low voice. 听到史蒂夫的命令,蒂莉丝走上前去,接着她望了丹尼尔一眼,随后回过头叹了口气。接着双手握紧手中的木棍闭上了眼睛,开始低声祈祷起来。 Ginger really old spicy. 姜果然还是老的辣。 Saw this, Zhan En to sweep Steve calmly. Superficially, Steve listens to teach obedient to oneself, but can lead a person of team can it be that so is also simple? Actually in Steve in the depths of ones heart, not necessarily not with the Daniel similar idea, obviously but he will not do is so stupid. Called Tillis to come out to explore the way like the best choice, if Tillis explored the way to point out that this tomb was dangerous, then Steve naturally had the reason not to walk here. If explorer of Tillis expressed that here is very safe. Then Steve can also instruct to do according to Zhan En's, but will not have the conflict with the opposite party. This regarding Steve, obviously is a very intelligent choice. But in comparison ......... 看见这一幕,詹恩不动声色的扫了一眼史蒂夫。从表面上来看,史蒂夫对自己听教听话,但是能够率领一个团队的人又岂是这么简单的?其实在史蒂夫内心深处,未必没有和丹尼尔同样的想法,但是他显然不会做的那么愚蠢。像这样叫蒂莉丝出来探路就是最好的选择,如果蒂莉丝的探路指出这座墓穴非常危险的话,那么史蒂夫自然就有理由不走这边。而如果蒂莉丝的探路表示这边很安全的话。那么史蒂夫也就能够按照詹恩的指示去做,而不会与对方产生冲突。这对于史蒂夫来说,显然是一个很聪明的选择。而与之相比……… Thinks of here, Zhan En put out a hand to push the eyeglasses. Swept one to stand in people behind Daniel. His complexion at this moment is gloomy, bites the jaw tightly, gets hold of both hands is gazing at fixedly Steve. Has not detected the Zhan En's gaze completely. 想到这里,詹恩伸出手去推了推眼镜。扫了一眼站在众人身后的丹尼尔。此刻的他正面色阴沉,紧咬牙关,握紧双手的瞪视着史蒂夫。完全没有察觉到詹恩的注视。 The waste is the waste, how the mud does not hold the wall. However ......... 废物就是废物,烂泥怎么样也扶不上墙的。不过……… Takes back the vision, the Zhan En's corners of the mouth turns upwards slightly. 收回目光,詹恩的嘴角微微翘起。 Even waste. Also there is a value of retrieval reuse. 就算是废物。也有回收再利用的价值呢。 At this time, Tillis has also prayed, she loosens both hands, drew back backward several steps. Sees only the wooden club in Tillis hand to stand erect on this alone in the ground, until a moment later, thisdang & R dquo ; Drops down & mda S h ; But place that it refers, then front jet black tomb entrance. 就在这个时候,蒂莉丝也已经祈祷完毕,她松开双手,向后退了几步。只见蒂莉丝手中的木棍就这样独自竖立在地面上,直到片刻之后,这才“咣当”一声倒下—而它所指的地方,则正是前方漆黑的墓穴入口。 Sees this, everyone relaxing. No matter how said, at least the direction of Tillis expressed the tomb wants safe many compared with outside, this it seems like Zhan En's choice is not aimless. But in the Steve surface is serious ice-cold, no expression, but is nodding to Tillis. 看见这一幕,所有人都不由的松了口气。不管怎么说,至少蒂莉丝的指引表示墓穴比外面要安全的多,这样看来詹恩的选择也并非是无的放矢。而史蒂夫的面上则是严肃冰冷,没有一丝表情,只是对着蒂莉丝点了点头。 Very good , to continue to go forward. & R dquo ; “很好,继续前进。” In tomb a darkness. 墓穴之中一片漆黑。 The flare of combustion brings warm scattered luminously the darkness that occupies here hundred years, with the aid of the bright of flare, the people can in the easy visible tomb weave are twining the snow white spider web and broken floor fragment everywhere, in this period everywhere was the fragment of white bones and shroud. Was used to block the iron gate of tomb after hundred years of corrosion has been vulnerable, is warrior of head puts out a hand to push gently, then scatters place, grating sound reverberation in silent channel deep place, but has not actually brought any response. Besides the sound of footsteps of people, in the entire tomb only has a deathly stillness. 燃烧的火把所带来的温暖光亮驱散了盘踞在这里百年之久的黑暗,借助火把的亮光,众人可以轻而易举的看见墓穴内到处编织缠绕着的雪白蛛网以及残破的地板碎片,期间到处都是白骨与裹尸布的残片。原本用来封锁墓穴的铁门在经过百年的腐蚀之后早已经是脆弱不堪,为首的战士只是伸出手去轻轻一推,便散落一地,刺耳的声音回荡在寂静的通道深处,但是却没有带来任何回应。除了众人的脚步声之外,整个墓穴之中只有一片死寂。 Although seemingly has no thing, but Adventurer therefore have not actually relaxed vigilantly, they gaze at the tomb that two were being dug, vigilant looks steadily at these to lie down in the tomb, by corpse that the shroud curls. The thorough tomb risk to them is not the first time, therefore these Adventurer are very clear, these averagely not wonderful corpse is seemingly dangerous. 虽然看起来没有任何东西,但是冒险者们却并没有因此而放松警惕,他们注视着两把被挖出来的墓穴,警惕的盯视着那些躺在墓穴之中,被裹尸布卷起来的尸体。深入墓穴冒险对于他们来说并不是第一次,因此这些冒险者很清楚,这些看起来平平无奇的尸体有多么危险。 Crash-bang!! & R dquo ; “哗啦!!” Sure enough, during under a people's through tomb channel, stood in the corner is hollow, in the hand grasped a skeleton of long sword to move suddenly, it a long sword that held up a moment ago also on the ground, made an effort to turn toward nearby Adventurer to cut. But stood on guard this little warrior also quickly holds up the shield in hand, blocked the sneak attack of skeleton swordsman, later then sees his side crazy warrior to angrily roar, raised hand the both hands great sword to make an effort to cut high on the body of skeleton swordsman. This most preliminary undead lifeform could not certainly block a Elite warrior full power to strike, sees only that skeleton to be wasted like this, then broke thoroughly, did not have the sound again. 果不其然,就在众人通过墓穴下方的一条通道时,原本是站在拐角凹陷之中,手中握着一把长剑的骷髅忽然动了起来,它一把举起刚才还支在地上的长剑,用力向着旁边的冒险者们砍了下去。而早就警戒着这一点儿的战士也是急忙举起手中的盾牌,挡住了骷髅剑士的偷袭,随后便看见他身边的狂战士怒吼一声,高举手中的双手巨剑用力砍在了骷髅剑士的身体上。这种最低级的不死生物当然挡不住一个精英战士的全力一击,只见那副骨头架子就这样被打飞了出去,接着彻底散架,再也没有了动静。 However this moment others not only have not relaxed, on the contrary, they extracted the weapon, vigilant is looking steadily at all around. Because the people are very clear, from now on, will be the troublesome place. 但是此刻其他人非但没有放松,相反,他们都抽出了武器,警惕的盯视着四周。因为众人很清楚,从现在开始,才是麻烦的地方。 But as they expected, almost at the same time, transmitted frightening low roars from the silent dark deep place. 而就如同他们所预想的一样,几乎就在与此同时,从寂静的黑暗深处传来了一声声令人恐惧的低吼。 Here the deep sleep the deads of innumerable century, regained consciousness finally again.( To be continued......) 在这里沉睡了无数世纪的亡者们,终于再次苏醒。(未完待续……)
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