DR :: Volume #4

#323: City of Lost ( XII )

After undergoing a late rest, the people had also almost restored, after inspecting luggage, they then start off again, is at the direction that to walk toward the Town Square. 在经过了一晚的休息之后,众人也差不多已经恢复了过来,在检查完行装之后,他们便再次上路,向着中心广场所在的方向走去。 The people are all the way relaxed, after all the member of doomsday god may not stop they, explained that the opposite party is not comes to them specially. This also makes these Adventurer relax, not only that perhaps is because these crazy followers of doomsday god have swept clear the reason, Adventurer have not met what demon to attack them all the way, but that side before Tillis has not presented is similar, such warning again. 一路上众人还算轻松,毕竟末日神教的成员可并没有停下来等他们,说明对方不是专门冲着他们来的。这也让这些冒险者们松了口气,不仅如此,或许是因为末日神教的那些狂信徒已经清扫过的缘故,一路上冒险者们也没有遇到什么魔物来袭击他们,而蒂莉丝那边也没有再出现类似之前那样的警报。 However must say all normally, as if is not quite correct. 但是要说一切正常,似乎也不太正确。 Really damn, how so to be cold ......... & R dquo ; “真是见鬼了,怎么这么冷………” On the side of Adventurer the steam, is rubbing both hands at the same time, simultaneously looks to all around. Also they will have such complaint no wonder, merely was only an evening, they then felt that the entire City of Lost temperature dropped several degrees, although said that late autumn the season temperature drop was also natural, but this climate does not seem like the late autumn in Adventurer at present, instead has seemed like since the winter was the same. If not has not snowed at present, in addition on nearby mountain is one piece fresh green, perhaps they also really think that is the autumn last winter, by cold ice season. 冒险者们一边哈着热气,一面揉搓双手,同时望向四周。也难怪他们会有这样的抱怨,仅仅只是过了一晚,他们便感觉整个失落之城的气温下降了好几度,虽然说深秋时节气温下降也是理所当然,但是眼下这气候在冒险者们看来不像是深秋,反而已经像是进入冬季了一样。如果不是眼下没有下雪,再加上旁边的山上还是一片鲜绿的话,恐怕他们还真以为已经是秋去冬来,到了寒冰的时节了。 It seems like Tinidell has walked in ......... 看来蒂尼德尔已经找上门去了……… Zhan En carefree being the last, he knows certainly as before this type piercing cold what's the matter, this is not the normal temperature plummets, but came from Death ice-cold aura. Clearly, yesterday evening Tinidell had passed through this stretch of area, goes to seek for the gate of shadow fragment. Also does not know that actually currently both sides do have the meet, appearance that but judging from the present situation, the two sides have not as if met completely. Otherwise, with the Tinidell character, will certainly make earth-shaking. But now comes to see. Also does not know that is the person luck of doomsday god is good, is the Tinidell speed is too slow. 詹恩依旧悠闲自在的走在最后,他当然知道这种刺骨的寒冷是怎么回事,这并不是正常的气温骤降,而是来自死亡本身的冰冷气息。很明显,昨天晚上蒂尼德尔就已经走过了这片地区,前往寻找阴影之门的碎片。也不知道现在双方究竟有没有相遇,不过从目前的情况来看,似乎两边还完全没有碰面的样子。不然的话,以蒂尼德尔的性格,一定会闹个天翻地覆。而现在来看。也不知道是末日神教的人运气太好,还是蒂尼德尔的速度太慢。 However Zhan En pondered, thinks that should be the latter mostly. He may be clear about the Tinidell character compared with anybody. Said that point of pleasant to hear is steady experienced, said that is not of pleasant to hear is an inborn slow or phlegmatic temperament. Working is always sluggish, fight good anything also is also good is so, but this commands a Undead army actually advantage regarding her. The change that works the sluggish person not because of the situation changes, she will only do according to oneself step. But not frightened Death, without feeling, will not feel irritable to display the pinnacle with angry undead lifeform under this person's leadership own lethality sufficiently, they can spend several days of an entire mountain top from beginning to end combs, any corner does not let off. But such matter, only then Tinidell can achieve. In fact she can become one of the Klein four generals, also because of her character advantage. 不过詹恩思考了一下,认为多半应该是后者。他可比任何人都清楚蒂尼德尔的性格。说好听点儿是稳重老成,说不好听就是一个天生的慢性子。做事情从来都是慢吞吞的,无论是战斗也好什么也好都是如此,不过这对于她统帅不死大军倒是一个优势。一个做事慢吞吞的人是不会因为局势的改变而改变的,她只会按照自己的步调去做。而不会恐惧死亡,没有感觉,也不会感到急躁和愤怒的不死生物在这种人的带领下足以将自己的杀伤力发挥到极致,它们能够花费好几天的时间把一整个山头从头到尾的梳理一遍,连任何一个角落都不放过。而这样的事情,也只有蒂尼德尔能够做到。事实上她能够成为克莱因手下的四位将军之一,也正是因为她的性格优势。 But now, Zhan En is also certain, regardless of the situation turned into what appearance, Tinidell leisure according to own step forwards, but will not have any changes & mda S h ; Because in any event, her can complete quest. 而现在,詹恩也可以肯定无论情况变成了什么样子,蒂尼德尔都会慢悠悠的按照自己的步调向前,而不会有任何改变—因为无论如何,她都能够完成任务 Thinks of here, Zhan En looked at one to walk in team front Tillis, others were not very clear, but Zhan En actually understood. If were not Tillis guided the people to find that abandoned turret as the safe safe house yesterday, then they did not evade the search of Tinidell absolutely. Nine Saint gods can inherit so many years in continent, no is the waste. Silver Saintess Sailon perhaps arranges in the gods in the direct the intensity of attack and defense at the last stage, but regarding danger actually quite keen. 想到这里,詹恩不由的望了一眼走在队伍前方的蒂莉丝,其他人不很清楚,但是詹恩却非常了解。如果不是蒂莉丝昨天引导众人找到了那座废弃的塔楼作为安全的藏身处的话,那么他们绝对躲不过蒂尼德尔的搜索。九圣神明能够在大陆传承这么多年,没有一个是废物。银色圣女赛纶或许在直接进攻与防御的强度上在神明里排在末流,但是对于危险却是相当的敏锐。 But today's Tillis looks somewhat strange, since starting off starts, she has held her wooden club to take the lead, occasionally will then look secretly to Zhan En, then the frightened rabbit takes back the vision likely generally. But regarding the response of Tillis, Zhan En shows a faint smile, has not said anything. Why he is well aware Tillis to turn into this appearance, in fact before then Zhan En has detected. The silver Saintess Sailon follower is not as good compared with other followers in the will disciplining aspect. With Nadia, she as Eye of truth Paladin. Goes far beyond Tillis in mental culture. In Casalance risky that time, the Zhan En's spiritual pollution used together that many times. Coordinated his language attack also to waver in a belief of that Paladin slightly. But Tillis, Zhan En does not have the spent many big time, has submerged in her mind slit. Naturally, as the follower of gods, Tillis must be firmer than other person of wills, moreover now Zhan En sneaks is also these immaterial parts, has not gone directly to the core. However he believes that so long as if given time, then the follower of this goddess completely will be changed by him. 只不过今天的蒂莉丝看起来有些怪怪的,自从上路开始,她就一直抱着自己的那根木棍走在前面,偶尔会偷偷回头望向詹恩,接着像受惊的小兔子一般收回目光。而对于蒂莉丝的反应,詹恩只是微微一笑,并没有多说什么。他心知肚明为什么蒂莉丝会变成这个样子,事实上在这之前詹恩就已经察觉到了。银色圣女赛纶的信徒在意志磨练方面比起其他信徒来说还是要差一些。就拿娜迪亚来说,她作为真实之眼圣骑士。在精神修养方面就远远超过蒂莉丝。在卡萨兰斯一起冒险的那段时间里,詹恩的精神污染用了那么多次。配合他的语言攻击也不过只是稍微动摇了一下那个圣骑士的信仰。而蒂莉丝这边,詹恩则是没费多大功夫,就已经潜入了她的心灵缝隙之中。当然,作为神明的信徒,蒂莉丝还是比其他人意志要更加坚定一些,而且现在詹恩潜入的也不过是那些无关紧要的部分,并没有直达核心。不过他相信,只要假以时日,那么这位女神的信徒就会彻底被他所改变。 However must say that was affected by him easily ............... 不过要说最容易被他影响的…………… Thinks of here, Zhan En narrows the eye, sweeps walking that racing racing jumped in Aina of not far away. This moment this half-elf Ranger young girl seems like the day for peace to be no different, as before is that cheerful lively appearance. However Zhan En has actually felt clearly, her soul was being polluted by own magic power, distortion. All that yesterday evening had were the best answers, under normal circumstances, Aina naturally impossible to make that matter for Tillis. They are the good friend are not fake, but sacrificed this degree somewhat to be inconceivable for the opposite party. 想到这里,詹恩眯起眼睛,扫了一眼奔奔跳跳的走在不远处的艾娜。此刻这位半精灵游侠少女看起来和平日没有什么不同,依旧是那副欢快活泼的样子。但是詹恩却已经清楚的感觉到,她的灵魂正在被自己的魔力所污染,扭曲。昨天晚上所发生的一切就是最好的答案,在正常情况下,艾娜当然不可能为了蒂莉丝做出那种事。她们是好朋友不假,但是为了对方牺牲到这个程度就有些不可思议了。 However at least Aina can indeed save own companion to be very happy regarding Zhan En, is also quite grateful to Zhan En. 不过至少艾娜的确对于詹恩能够救下自己的同伴而感到很高兴,对詹恩也颇为感激。 Regarding Zhan En, this is a golden opportunity. 对于詹恩来说,这是一个绝佳的机会。 When Aina expressed gratitude to oneself, Zhan En then used her calmly because of that mind crevice that relaxing to produce, quiet drilling into. Then the secret agitation the Aina mood, making her look like the air flush ball gradually to inflate regarding the Zhan En's sense of gratitude again. In addition Zhan En to attracting spell of Aina use, making this half-elf young girl be full of the favorable impression to him, therefore under this calm distortion and guidance, causes Aina finally& R dquo ; Made this decision. 就在艾娜向自己道谢的时候,詹恩便不动声色的利用她因为放松而产生的那一丝心灵空隙,悄无声息的钻入其中。接着隐秘的鼓动着艾娜的心情,使得她原本对于詹恩的感激之情再次像吹气球般逐渐膨胀。再加上詹恩原本就对艾娜使用的魅惑法术,使得这位半精灵少女对他充满了好感,因此就在这种不动声色的扭曲与引导之下,使得艾娜最终“自己”做出了这个决定。 Perhaps looks like in Tillis, this radically is an inconceivable matter, but regarding had gradually been twisted Aina of mind by Zhan En, the matter actually fully conforms to logical & mda S h ; Tillis is her important good friend, Zhan En is a human that she likes very much, but Zhan En rescued Tillis, making oneself not lose this good friend. Then as the Tillis most intimate good friend. Oneself naturally must repay Zhan En. Therefore pledges yourself to Zhan En as the repayment, is natural. 或许在蒂莉丝看来,这根本就是一件不可思议的事情,但是对于已经逐渐被詹恩扭曲了心灵的艾娜而言,整件事却完全符合逻辑—蒂莉丝是她重要的好朋友,詹恩是她很喜欢的一个人类,而詹恩救了蒂莉丝,使得自己没有失去这位好友。那么作为蒂莉丝最亲近的好友。自己自然要报答詹恩。因此对詹恩以身相许作为报答,也是理所当然的。 Right, naturally. 没错,理所当然的。 This is the Zhan En's spiritual control. After leaving Dungeon, he and other limited several people to Lydia has also only handled similar matter. But now. He changes into Tillis and Aina the goal. The former takes silver Saintess follower many somewhat to be thorny, but quick that the latter actually falls to the enemy. The elf pure bloodlines after breaking through the defense regarding the corrosion of magic power could be said as without the resistivity, regarding Zhan En, the Aina transformation is Charming Monster, was only a time issue. 这就是詹恩的精神操纵。在离开地下城之后,他也只对丽姬娅等有限的几个人做过类似的事情。而现在。他则是把目标换成蒂莉丝艾娜。前者作为银色圣女的信徒多少还有些棘手,而后者却沦陷的很快。精灵纯净的血脉在突破了防御之后对于魔力的侵蚀可以说是毫无抵抗力可言,对于詹恩来说,将艾娜转化为魅妖,只是一个时间问题了。 However now ............... 不过现在嘛…………… Sir Zhan En. & R dquo ; 詹恩大人。” When Zhan En is distracted, the Steve sound resounds suddenly, he has turned the head, sees only this adventure group to gaze at him steadily seriously. 就在詹恩走神的时候,史蒂夫的声音忽然响起,他转过头去,只见这位冒险团长正面色凝重的注视着他。 What matter has? Commander Steve? & R dquo ; “有什么事吗?史蒂夫团长?” Is this. Sir Zhan En, you said before wants us to protect you to go to be located in Sun Temple of square. But from the route of advance of former that group of evil cult people, they as if also goes to Sun Temple. If by some chance we hit in the same place ............ & R dquo ; “是这样的。詹恩大人,您之前说要我们保护您前往位于广场的太阳神殿。可是从之前那群邪教徒的前进路线来看,他们似乎也是前往太阳神殿。万一我们撞在一起…………” Said here, Steve has not continued, the meaning of but in his words hiding is obvious. Can see from the beforehand fight, „ Fairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; In the strength is not these Black Knight opponents. Reason that front can win, is completely because a Zhan En person got rid of most of them. However conceivable, these Black Knight are few that these evil cult people send, if with the opposite party facing on, Steve is not really believing firmly that again light/only depends on Zhan En to protect all members of good team. Let alone they were hired to protect Zhan En's. Although says now this situation some relapses, but if they were only protected by Zhan En, is a very disgraced matter. 说道这里,史蒂夫没有继续说下去,但是他话里隐藏的意思已经非常明显了。从之前的战斗就可以看出,“妖精与宝箱”在实力上根本就不是那些黑骑士的对手。前面之所以能够胜利,完全是因为詹恩一个人干掉了他们当中的大多数。但是可以想象,那些黑骑士不过是这些邪教徒派出来的很少一部分,万一真的再一次和对方正面对上,史蒂夫也不确信光靠詹恩能够保护好团队的所有成员。更何况原本他们是被雇来保护詹恩的。虽然说现在这个情况有些反复,但是如果他们光是被詹恩保护的话,也是很丢人的一件事。 But continues words forward for the face. They must be lost much, although Adventurer is draws cash to work oneself to death, but is not to bring about own destruction. But detected that the hesitation of Steve, Zhan En shows a faint smile. 可是为了面子继续向前的话。他们肯定要遭到不少损失,冒险者虽然是拿钱卖命,但也不是自寻死路啊。而察觉到史蒂夫的犹豫,詹恩则是微微一笑。 Relax, Commander Steve, I have prepared, in fact, goes to the Sun Temple path and incessantly, before arriving here. I had investigated to this city, if my guess not wrong. Then should be able to find secret passage to Sun Temple. So long as can activate this secret passage, then we did not need to be worried about these evil cult people's troubles. & R dquo ; “放心吧,史蒂夫团长,我早已经有所准备,事实上,前往太阳神殿的道路并不止一条,在来到这里之前。我曾经对这座城市进行过调查,如果我的猜测没有错的话。那么应该能够找到一条通往太阳神殿密道。只要能够激活这条密道,那么我们就不用担心那些邪教徒的麻烦了。” I understood. & R dquo ; “我明白了。” Hears the Zhan En's reply. Steve can only nod, but did not have the means to say anything. After Zhan En shows own strength, Steve knows that this young people go to Sun Temple definitely not to do what archaeological research like he declared, otherwise was not worthwhile, in knowing perfectly well front had in the situation of evil cult disciple to continue to go forward. He is certain, the opposite party should be looks for anything. However Steve not stupid opens the mouth inquiry, this is an employer *, but so long as they drew cash the management to be OK. 听到詹恩的回答。史蒂夫只能点了点头,但是却也没办法多说什么。在詹恩展现出自己的实力之后,史蒂夫就知道这个年轻人去太阳神殿肯定不像他宣称的那样去做什么考古研究,不然也犯不着在明知前方有邪教徒的情况下继续前进。他可以肯定,对方应该是去找什么东西的。不过史蒂夫并没有愚蠢的开口询问,这是雇主的*,而他们只要拿钱办事就可以了。 Let alone, this adventure group long also has own idea. 更何况,这位冒险团长也有自己的想法。 Thinks of here, Steve looks up to the front, under shining of sunlight, the front thick fog seems even more thick, they cover like this on City of Lost, looks from afar, seems like a wild animal that is in the deep sleep. 想到这里,史蒂夫抬起头望向前方,阳光的照耀下,前方的浓雾显得越发浓厚,它们就这样覆盖在失落之城上,远远望去,就好像是一头正在沉睡的野兽。 Sun Temple. 太阳神殿 Verona stops the footsteps, wraps the eyes in black robe to gaze at motionlessly is towering the tall building at present in square. Its enough more than ten meters high, above is carving the Sun God Amora mark. Although had passed for several hundred years, Temple some regions have collapsed completely, but is still not able to conceal its once Holy and magnificence. Before perched demon in square to be swept away by Black Knight of doomsday god, was only left over the blood that the incomplete unceasing corpse as well as flowed. Saw this, Verona cold snort/hum. 维罗纳停下脚步,包裹在黑袍之中的双眼一动不动的注视着眼前耸立在广场上的这座高大建筑。它足足有近十米多高,上面雕刻着太阳神阿蒙拉的印记。虽然已经过去了数百年,神殿的部分区域已经完全坍塌,但是依然无法掩饰它那曾经的神圣与辉煌。之前栖息在广场上的魔物早已经被末日神教的黑骑士们一扫而空,只剩下残缺不断的尸体以及流淌的鲜血。看见这一幕,维罗纳冷哼了一声。 Croy, you bring the first squad to get down with me, others are responsible for all around the security, remember, regardless of what happened, must protect here security, till we come out! No matter sees anything, executes summarily. Our great beliefs and goals do not permit anybody's hindrance and destruction, got it?!! & R dquo ; 克罗伊,你带第一小队跟我下去,其他人负责警戒四周,记住,无论发生什么事情,都要保护好这里的安全,直到我们出来为止!不管见到什么,都格杀勿论。我们伟大的信仰与目标不允许任何人的妨碍与破坏,明白了吗?!!” Yes! & R dquo ; “是!” Hears the order of Verona, Croy nods, then he has turned the head, gave a hand signal to this Black Knight. But sees the Croy movement, these Black Knight branch out one team of people to follow immediately in their sides, but others quickly walked up the Temple stair, put out the bow crossbow to aim at all around of square from oneself behind, formed a firm defense line. But sees this, Verona then satisfied nod, then he has turned around, entered in the Temple darkness like this. ( to be continued ) 听到维罗纳的命令,克罗伊点了点头,接着他转过头去,对这自己身边的黑骑士们做了个手势。而看见克罗伊的动作,那些黑骑士立刻分出了一队人跟随在他们的身边,而其他人则迅速走上了神殿的台阶,从自己身后拿出弓弩瞄准了广场的四周,形成了一道坚固的防线。而看见这一幕,维罗纳这才满意的点了点头,接着他转过身,就这样走进了神殿的黑暗之中。(未完待续)
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