DR :: Volume #4

#322: City of Lost ( XI )

The night falls. 夜幕降临。 Tillis opens the eye, visible only has one piece to be dim and jet black. She blinks, this sobers, then looks to own side. However makes Tillis be what is surprised, should in Aina that own side sleeps soundly, at this moment is actually missing completely. 蒂莉丝睁开眼睛,看见的只有一片昏暗与漆黑。她眨了眨眼睛,这才重新清醒过来,接着向自己的旁边望去。但是让蒂莉丝感到意外的是,原本应该在自己身边熟睡的艾娜,此刻却完全不见了踪影。 Aina? & R dquo ; 艾娜?” Tillis is summoning the Aina name in a soft voice, then sits to set out, vacant looks around toward all around. However has not actually seen the shadow of that half-elf Ranger young girl, where did she go? Is don't tell me stands night watch? But Tillis remembers very clearly, what today stands night watch is not Aina, if she has what private affair, should also ask itself to go to be right together. After all the members in adventure group know outside risk time do not go out alone, but asFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; The squad only two two girls, Tillis and Aina have naturally also formed each other habit of dependence. Now sees Aina not in own side, this makes Tillis feel somewhat is at heart empty. Although she can also close the eye rest again, but Tillis pondered a moment later, actually the decision had a look at Aina to go to where. 蒂莉丝轻声呼唤着艾娜的名字,接着坐起身来,茫然的向着四周张望。但是却并没有看见那位半精灵游侠少女的影子,她去了什么地方?难道说是守夜吗?可是蒂莉丝记得很清楚,今天守夜的并不是艾娜,而且如果她有什么私事的话,应该也会叫自己一起前往才对。毕竟冒险团里的成员都知道在外冒险的时候不要单独外出,而作为“妖精与宝箱”小队唯二的两个女孩子,蒂莉丝艾娜自然也早就养成了彼此依靠的习惯。现在看见艾娜不在自己的身边,这让蒂莉丝不由感觉心里有些空空荡荡的。虽然她也可以再次闭上眼睛休息,但是蒂莉丝思考了片刻之后,还是决定看看艾娜究竟去了哪里。 Thinks of here, Tillis crawled softly, goes out was used to treat as the rest temporarily warehouse. In entire clock tower a peace, even outside the dark city has no sound, but is inconceivable, Tillis did not think that completely this has what issue. About her looked around, gets hold of the wooden club in hand, then closed the eye to meditate several anything in a low voice, Sailon Priest may not only direct the direction, is seeking for others aspect also quite to have one. Quick. Tillis opens the eye again. Looks to the present staircase. 想到这里,蒂莉丝轻手轻脚的爬了起来,走出了用来临时当做休息之所的仓库。整个钟塔里一片安静,甚至连外面黑暗的城市都没有任何声音,但不可思议的,蒂莉丝却完全不觉得这有什么问题。她左右张望了一眼,握紧手中的木棍,接着闭上眼睛低声默念了几句什么,赛纶牧师可不仅仅会指引方向,在寻找他人方面也是颇有一手。很快。蒂莉丝再次睁开眼睛。望向了眼前的楼梯。 In tower top? 是在塔顶吗? The worn-out staircase made the sound, Tillis went forward gradually, stepped onto the staircase. In a while, her presents the jet black nighttime sky at present, felt the night biting blast. This made the Tillis somewhat murky head immediately sober, she poked head, about looked. Then plans to open the mouth to shout the Aina name. 破旧的楼梯发出了吱呀的声音,蒂莉丝缓步上前,走上了楼梯。没过多久,她的眼前就出现了漆黑的夜空,也感受到了深夜的刺骨寒风。这让蒂莉丝原本有些昏昏沉沉的脑袋顿时清醒了许多,她探出头去,左右望了望。接着便打算开口呼喊艾娜的名字。 ..................! & R dquo ; “………………!” But at this time, a weak sound transmitted running free, hears this sound, Tillis gawked. Although that sound does not listen clearly, and is somewhat off and on because of the relations that comes with the wind, but Tillis actually seemed like detection of instinct to be the same to anything, she quickly closed the mouth, according to had not such shouted the Aina name. Moreover, young girl whole person also quietly by near wall. Then her careful poking head, looks toward outside. 而就在这个时候,一个微弱的声音顺风传来,听到这个声音,蒂莉丝愣了一下。虽然那个声音听不清楚,而且因为随风而来的关系有些断断续续,但是蒂莉丝却似乎本能的察觉到了什么一样,她急忙闭上嘴巴,没有按照原来那样呼喊艾娜的名字。不仅如此,少女整个人也悄悄的靠在了墙边。接着她小心的探出头,向着外面望去。 Afterward, Tillis surprised staring in a big way eye. 随后,蒂莉丝惊讶的瞪大了眼睛。 Sees only in the turret peak, two person's shadows are pestering in together, Aina, but another. Then is Zhan En. If merely is only this. Then pours is not considered as that any strange matter, all that but they make now, was actually above the imagination of Tillis completely. 只见在塔楼顶端,有两个人影正纠缠在一起,其中一个正是艾娜,而另外一个。则是詹恩。如果仅仅只是这样的话。那么倒也不算是什么奇怪的事情,可是他们现在所做的一切,却完全超乎了蒂莉丝的想象。 ......... Not good ............ & R dquo ; “呜………不行…………” The Aina tight post on the Zhan En's body, has turned the head, two people kiss together. The half-elf young girl makes an effort is rocking the head, is shaking the slender waist. The complexion flushed were sending out delight that has the nasal sound **. But Zhan En presses on her body, two hand as if pincers grasp firmly grip the waist of young girl, but along with her each one-off, Aina will draw out the body to the rear spring, continuously is swaying from side to side. 艾娜紧紧的贴在詹恩的身体上,转过头去,两个人亲吻在一起。半精灵少女用力的晃动着脑袋,摇动着纤细的腰肢。面色潮红着发出了带着鼻音的甜美**。而詹恩则压在她的身体上,两只手仿佛铁钳般牢牢抓扎少女的腰肢,而伴随着她的每一次动作,艾娜都会向后弓起身体,不住的扭动着。 This ......... the aristocrat mister ......... that ominous ......... not good ......... can not bear ......... & R dquo ; “别这样………贵族先生………别那么凶………不行………受不了了………” I have never thought. Miss Aina will have such side unexpectedly. & R dquo ; “真没想到。艾娜小姐居然会有这样的一面。” At the same time puts out a hand to forward, is rubbing the body of young girl, Zhan En lowers the head, stretches out the tongue to lick to lick half-elf that tall and slender ear, said in her ear in a soft voice. 一面伸手向前,揉搓着少女的身躯,詹恩一面低下头去,伸出舌头舔舐着半精灵那细长的耳朵,一面轻声在她的耳边说道。 To be honest, when you invited me on own initiative, I really somewhat was surprised. & R dquo ; “说实话,当你主动邀请我的时候,我还真有些惊讶呢。” That, that is ......... & R dquo ; “那,那是………” Feels Zhan En's to lick to lick, Aina narrowed the eye immediately, the opening mouth continuously is panting for breath, simultaneously off and on replied. 感受到詹恩的舔舐,艾娜顿时眯起了眼睛,张大嘴巴不住的喘息着,同时断断续续的回答道。 That is because ......... the aristocrat mister you ......... today rescued Tillis .........!! As her good friend, I naturally must repay your life-saving efforts ............, but I can do only, only then this ......... & R dquo ; “那是因为………贵族先生您………今天救了蒂莉丝………啊!!作为她的好朋友,我自然要报答您的救命之恩…………而我唯一能够做的,就只有这个………” Really lets the friendship that the person acclaimed ......... even including own is willing to contribute for the first time, it seems like your sentiments were very good. & R dquo ; “真是让人赞叹的友谊啊………甚至连自己的第一次都愿意贡献出来,看来你们的感情真的很好呢。” The words that „ ......... the aristocrat mister ......... makes an effort ......... do not want ......... unable ............ & R dquo ; “啊………贵族先生………这么用力的话………不要………不可以…………” Yeah? Aii? Aii yeah?!! 哎?哎哎?哎哎哎?!! Is listening to Aina and Zhan En's talks, Tillis only felt that own brain is completely in chaos. The feeling of her instinct has anything is not right, but actually does not know that actually this was how. She and Aina from entering adventure group start are good friends, must say that the sentiment is naturally excellent, but Tillis is very clear, although Aina seemingly lively playful, but in fact as half-elf her regarding the love is very discrete, has not been intimate with any man. Must say that to thank oneself was rescued to make such matter, how to see does not seem like the Aina character. After all what rescued is oneself, although she and Aina are good friends, but is worth the opposite party so paying? 听着艾娜詹恩的交谈,蒂莉丝只感觉自己的大脑完全是一片混乱。她本能的感觉到有什么不对劲,但是却不知道这究竟是怎么了。她和艾娜从进入冒险团开始就一直都是好朋友,要说感情自然是极好的,但是蒂莉丝很清楚虽然艾娜看起来活泼俏皮,可事实上作为半精灵的她对于爱情是非常谨慎的,从来没有和任何男人亲近过。要说是为了感谢自己被救而做出这样的事情,怎么看也不像是艾娜的性格。毕竟被救的是自己,虽然她和艾娜是好朋友,但是值得对方如此付出吗? ............... Was about to melt ............ to ask you, do not stop ............ please make an effort ......... to make an effort a point .........! & R dquo ; “啊……………快融化了…………求求你,别停…………请用力………更用力一点………!” Aina ** acoustic compliance rumor, although is not very clear, but Tillis felt in own heart has an inexplicable tumult and irritable the feeling. As if when hears this sound, has anything to be ready to make trouble in her body, although understands own present should do leaves here, pretends anything not to know. However Tillis actually seemed like the spell to be the same, gazed at that two to pester in the together form like this dull. An inexplicable exhilaration appears from her in the depths of ones heart, since the body as if burnt flame general having a parched mouth, even in the thighs as if also became somewhat unusual. Aina at this moment seemed to have also arrived, her eyes are atheistic, the saliva flows out following the corners of the mouth slowly, only then the body repays principal to be able and energy full phase motion. 艾娜的**声顺着风传来,虽然不是很清楚,但蒂莉丝还是感觉到自己的心中有一种莫名的骚动与急躁感。似乎在听到这个声音的时候,在她的身体内也有什么东西在蠢蠢欲动,虽然明白自己现在应该做的就是离开这里,装作什么都不知道。但是蒂莉丝却好像是中了魔咒一样,就这样呆呆的注视着那两个纠缠在一起的身影。一股莫名的兴奋感从她的内心深处浮现,身体里似乎燃烧起了火焰一般的口干舌燥,甚至连大腿之间似乎也变得有些异样。此刻的艾娜似乎也已经到达了,她双眼无神,唾液顺着嘴角缓缓流出,只有身体还本能并且精力十足的反复运动着。 But facing all these, Tillis is only the gaze that the eye winks does not wink this. In her mind, Aina was one is forever lively and joyful, filled the vigor young girl. This is the first time that she other aspect that sees the opposite party, this keeps Tillis from believing simply that always has the smile, the young girl of vital smile will have such expression unexpectedly, will make such sound. 而面对这一切,蒂莉丝只是眼睛一眨也不眨的注视着这一幕。在她的脑海之中,艾娜永远都是一个活泼而快乐,充满了活力的少女。这还是她第一次见到对方的另外一面,这简直让蒂莉丝无法相信,那个总是带着笑容,充满活力的笑容的少女居然也会有这样的表情,也会发出这样的声音。 don't tell me, will oneself also make the same matter? 难道说,自己也会做出同样的事情吗? Thinks of here, Tillis felt suddenly oneself rapid heartbeat, she raised the head, dull looking to front. But in the line of sight of Tillis, Zhan En raised the head, looked toward here. 想到这里,蒂莉丝忽然感觉自己的心跳加快了许多,她抬起头,呆呆的望向前方。而在蒂莉丝的视线里,詹恩则抬起头,向着这边望了过来。 Did he discover himself? 他发现自己了吗? This thought makes Tillis be startled suddenly, she wanted to say anything, but did not have the means to say. But at the same time, Tillis only felt own darkness suddenly becomes thick , her least bit sound has not sent out with enough time, this was embezzled thoroughly dark. 这个念头让蒂莉丝猛然吃了一惊,她想要说些什么,但是却没有办法说出口。而与此同时,蒂莉丝只感觉自己身边的黑暗忽然变得浓厚起来,紧接着,她连半点儿声音都没有来得及发出,就这样彻底被黑暗吞没。 But young girl's consciousness, interrupts in this moment. 而少女的意识,也在这一刻中断。 Tillis ......... Tillis? & R dquo ; 蒂莉丝………蒂莉丝?” Un ............... & R dquo ; “嗯……………” When Tillis opens the eye again, heaving in sight is the bright sunlight. She blinks, this vacant raising the head, then sees the Aina curious opening eye, is gazing at itself. 蒂莉丝再次睁开眼睛时,映入眼帘的则是灿烂的阳光。她眨了眨眼睛,这才茫然的抬起头来,紧接着便看见艾娜正好奇的睁大眼睛,注视着自己。 „ Are you doing? Has a long lazy sleep? This like you, everyone does not prepare, you also prepare to embark a bit faster. & R dquo ; “你在干什么呢?睡懒觉?这可不像你啊,大家都准备好啦,你也快点儿准备一下出发吧。” Yeah? Aina? & R dquo ; “哎?艾娜?” Sees the face of half-elf young girl, the Tillis sleepiness to sweep to fly immediately, she quickly jumped, toward looks around. However makes Tillis feel what is strange, what oneself is not the beforehand tower roof, warehouse that but is used to camp, this lying down well in own position, seems like completely does not have any change, the wooden club in her hand, lays aside in own side as before, does not seem like has passively the appearance completely. 看见半精灵少女的面孔,蒂莉丝的睡意顿时一扫而飞,她急忙跳了起来,向着四下张望。但是让蒂莉丝感到奇怪的是,自己所在的并不是之前的塔楼顶,而是用来宿营的仓库,她就这样好好的躺在自己的位置,看起来似乎完全没有任何改变,就连她手中的木棍,也依旧放置在自己的身边,完全不像是有被动过的样子。 Did don't tell me, have a dream yesterday evening? 难道说,昨天晚上只是做梦吗? What's wrong? Tillis? & R dquo ; “怎么了?蒂莉丝?” Looks at the Tillis movement, the gaze of Aina doubts she. But facing the inquiry of Aina, Tillis hesitant moment, this asks. 看着蒂莉丝的动作,艾娜疑惑的注视着她。而面对艾娜的询问,蒂莉丝犹豫了片刻,这才开口询问道。 That ......... Aina ............ did you ......... have yesterday evening? & R dquo ; “那个………艾娜…………你昨天晚上………有没有出去过?” Goes out? No? I comfortable sleeping, has rested here, is it possible that also wants me to stand night watch? & R dquo ; “出去?没有啊?我一直在这里舒舒服服的睡觉呢,难道休息一下,莫非还要我去守夜啊?” „, It is not, that ............... & R dquo ; “啊,不是,那个……………” Facing Aina some rhetorical questions of doubts, Tillis also for a while is flustered, what to do? She should say itself to see? Will Aina acknowledge? Said that is the dream, rather than reality? But will oneself have that absurd dream? This also extremely had no sense of shame!! 面对艾娜有些疑惑的反问,蒂莉丝也一时不由的慌张起来,怎么办?她应该说出来自己看见的吗?艾娜会承认吗?还是说,那不过是自己做的梦,而非现实?可是自己怎么会做那种荒唐的梦呢?这也太过不知羞耻了!! „, It’s nothing, I think, I rest muddled ......... & R dquo probably ; “啊,没什么,我想,我大概是睡糊涂了………” Thinks of here, Tillis also shakes the head, and throws into one side the doubts in brain anxiously, later smiles was saying to Aina. But hears the reply of Tillis, Aina then satisfied nod. 想到这里,蒂莉丝也是摇了摇头,将脑中的疑惑和不安抛到一边,随后微笑着对艾娜说道。而听到蒂莉丝的回答,艾娜这才满意的点了点头。 I said that but Tillis you will rest also are really rare, washes the face to tidy up the preparation quickly, the regimental commander they also waits for you to direct the direction for them. & R dquo ; “我就说嘛,不过蒂莉丝你会睡过去还真是罕见呢,快去洗把脸收拾收拾准备出发吧,团长他们还等着你为他们指引方向呢。” „, Said is also. & R dquo ; “啊,说的也是。” Heard the speech of Aina, Tillis also quickly thought that now in City of Lost is so dangerous, everyone is also waiting for her direction, the time of naturally here not having chatted. Therefore Tillis also packs own thing immediately, this greets to Aina, walks toward downstairs. 听到艾娜的说话,蒂莉丝也急忙想了起来,现在失落之城里面这么危险,所有人还都在等待她的指引,自然没有在这里闲聊的工夫。因此蒂莉丝也是立刻收拾好自己的东西,这才冲着艾娜打了声招呼,向着楼下走去。 But Tillis has not detected, blushing & mda S h that in that flash Aina surface that has turned around to reappear in her ; And following her thigh flows, but below white ............( to be continued.) 蒂莉丝并没有察觉到,在她转过身的那一瞬间艾娜面上浮现的红晕—以及顺着她的大腿流淌而下的白…………(未完待续。)
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