DR :: Volume #4

#321: City of Lost ( X )

The black robe man stopped the footsteps, he frowns, then looks to own right hand, sees only the amber ring on his right hand index finger, at this time actually already completely shatter. £ & p R op ;, Sparkled the abundant magic power brilliance gem to become dusky one piece, did not have any gloss again. 黑袍男子停下了脚步,他皱了下眉头,接着望向自己的右手,只见在他右手食指上的琥珀戒指,这个时候却已经完全破碎。£∝,原本闪耀着充沛魔力光辉的宝石已经变得灰蒙蒙的一片,再也没有了任何光泽。 What's wrong? Sir Verona? & R dquo ; “怎么了?维罗纳大人?” Detected that black robe man's response, nearby Black Knight Croy stops the footsteps, asks. But hears his inquiry, Verona has turned the head, first swept opposite party one eyes, the opens the mouth that this coldly said. 察觉到黑袍男子的反应,旁边的黑骑士克罗伊停下脚步,开口询问道。而听到他的询问,维罗纳转过头去,先是扫了对方一眼,这才冷冷的开口说道。 Purgatory demon bat was killed. & R dquo ; “炼狱魔蝠被杀死了。” What? & R dquo ; “什么?” Hears here, Croy is startled immediately. As the member of doomsday god, regarding various Otherworldly lifeform naturally is also familiar, but, what thing purgatory demon bat is he naturally is also clear. Generally speaking, these demon scouts, even if cannot be victorious others, still escapes immediately. demon pities existence of life slyly, is impossible dead to fight does not draw back. But the opposite party can massacre purgatory demon bat that Sir Verona summoned unexpectedly, it seems like only had two possibilities in Croy. Either was they had discovered purgatory demon bat, ambushed to sneak attack to go well while the opposite party unprepared, either was the strength of opposite party went far beyond purgatory demon bat, but struck kills its second, Abyss demon bat made any response radically without enough time. 听到这里,克罗伊顿时大吃一惊。作为末日神教的成员,对于各种异界生物自然也是熟悉不过,炼狱魔蝠是什么样的东西他自然也是一清二楚。一般来说,这些魔族侦察兵就算打不过别人,也会立刻逃跑。魔族都是狡猾又惜命的存在,不可能死战不退。而对方居然能够杀掉维罗纳大人召唤出来的炼狱魔蝠,在克罗伊看来只有两种可能。要么是他们早就发现了炼狱魔蝠,埋伏起来趁对方不备偷袭得手,要么就是对方的实力远远超过了炼狱魔蝠,只是一击就将其秒杀,以至于深渊魔蝠根本来不及做出任何反应。 However ......... this possibility? The opposite party is only one group of mercenaries, how to possibly have such strength? Naturally, if was these famous adventure group also even, news that but according to Croy obtained, that namedFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; adventure team simply does not have how powerful strength, their regimental commanders are also the sword technique Grandmasters, how possibly to have the skill to massacre purgatory demon bat? 但是………这可能吗?对方只是一群佣兵,怎么可能会有这样的实力?当然,如果是那些有名的冒险团也就算了,但按照克罗伊得到的消息来看,那个叫“妖精与宝箱”的冒险团队根本没有多么强大的力量,他们的团长也不过就是个剑术大师而已,怎么可能有本事杀掉炼狱魔蝠? Thinks of here. Croy gawked suddenly, then in his brain appeared a thought. 想到这里。克罗伊忽然愣了一下,接着他脑中浮现出了一个念头。 These Black Knight that oneself send? 自己派去的那些黑骑士呢? Sir Verona. What to do now should we? & R dquo ; 维罗纳大人。现在我们该怎么办?” Has flash that Croy wants to assign the manpower to have a look at the situation again. Although his in the depths of ones heart thinks these Adventurer are impossible to cope his doomsday knight, these doomsday knights, but Elite of god, each has the rich fight experience, is not general Adventurer can cope. Even if they fall into a trap , will issue the signal warning to be right immediately. However until now, he has not seen the smog that represents the emergency case in the sky, explained that own Black Knight should not have the issue. 有那么一瞬间,克罗伊想要再次调派人手前去看看情况。虽然他内心深处认为那些冒险者根本不可能对付的了他手下的末日骑士,这些末日骑士可是神教的精英,每一个都拥有丰富的战斗经验,根本就不是一般的冒险者能够对付的了的。哪怕他们落入了陷阱,也会在第一时间里发信号警告才对。但是直到现在,他也没有在天空上看见代表紧急情况的烟雾,说明自己的黑骑士应该没有问题。 Why does not know, Croy feels somewhat anxiously, where she always feels like has is not quite right. However suddenly does not talk clearly. Therefore finally Croy decides to ask for instructions Verona, having a look at him to have what idea. If were Verona said that must explore again, then he sent people to have a look at the situation is also satisfied. 可不知道为什么,克罗伊还是觉得有些不安,她总感觉好像有什么地方不太对劲。但是一时间又说不清楚。于是最终克罗伊还是决定请示维罗纳,看看他有什么想法。如果是维罗纳说要再去探索的话,那么他派人去看看情况也更加心安理得一些。 What disappoints Croy is, these facing his inquiry, Verona that always seemingly acts like a madman time actually shakes the head. 只不过让克罗伊失望的是,这一次面对他的询问,那个总是看起来疯疯癫癫的维罗纳却是摇了摇头。 Do not go to manage them, our goals are Sun Temple. Now what is to us most important completes quest, rather than the senseless scattered strength copes with these flies. If they did not create the hindrance to us also even, but if these fellows dared to hinder us, made them die without the burial ground! & R dquo ; “不要去管他们,我们的目标是太阳神殿。现在对于我们来说最重要的是完成任务,而不是无谓的分散力量去对付那些苍蝇。如果他们不对我们造成阻碍的话也就算了,但是如果这些家伙胆敢来妨碍我们的话,就让他们死无葬身之地!” Yes! & R dquo ; “是!” Although before heart unstated criticism, is not you must provoke the opposite party. Where otherwise comes so many troublesome. However at this moment hears the order of Verona, Croy also still only then the nod name is share. These Black Knight that although sends regarding oneself were somewhat worried, but Croy in the depths of ones heart also felt relieved finally somewhat, although it seems like that this Sir Verona acts like a madman. However experiences the proper matter time obtains clear relative importance. Thinks of here, Croy sighed, then he has turned the head. Toward looked at one behind, later stares slightly. 虽然心里腹诽之前还不是你要去招惹对方。不然哪里来的这么多麻烦。但是此刻听到维罗纳的命令,克罗伊也依然只有点头称是的份儿。虽然对于自己派去的那些黑骑士还是有些担心,但是克罗伊内心深处也总算是多多少少放心了一些,看来这位维罗纳大人虽然疯疯癫癫的。但是遇到正经事的时候还是分得清轻重缓急的。想到这里,克罗伊叹了口气,接着他转过头去。向着身后望了一眼,随后微微一愣。 What's wrong? & R dquo ; “怎么了?” The Verona hoarse sound conveys. Awakens Croy, but facing the eyes of opposite party. Black Knight long also shakes the head. 维罗纳嘶哑的声音传来。将克罗伊重新唤醒,而面对对方的眼睛。黑骑士长也是摇了摇头。 It’s nothing, Sir Verona, was only the mist was somewhat strong, it seems like we must pick up the rate of progression to be good. „ “没什么,维罗纳大人,只是雾气有些浓重了,看来我们要加快前进速度才行。“ Is saying, Croy looks again to has covered the hills in light mist behind indistinctly, then has turned the head to march forward. 一面说着,克罗伊一面再次望向身后已经隐隐约约笼罩在淡薄雾气之中的群山,接着转过头去继续向前。 But in his behind, the mist is proliferating quietly. 而在他的身后,雾气正在悄然扩散。 The white mist gradually becomes thick, ice-cold, moist, the Death aura forwards gradually, covers all in the thick fog. Croy does not know, while their thorough City of Lost, in the Isoss front door place, that slender black form appears again. 白色的雾气逐渐变得浓厚起来,冰冷,潮湿,死亡的气息缓步向前,将一切都笼罩在浓雾之中。克罗伊并不知道,就在他们深入失落之城的同时,在伊索斯的大门处,那个纤细的黑色身影再次浮现。 Really is ugly. & R dquo ; “真是丑陋。” Is looking at present these scorched corpse, saying that black form cold snort/hum, muttered in a low voice. But seems responding to her speech general, these white mist start to tumble are congealing to the present black form, then changed into to weep and wail was screaming the face, they revolve that form like this, like complaining tearfully in own bitter experience growing up mouth, sends out wailing and angry roaring that the average man is unable to hear. However the opposite party regarding this degree ofcomplained obviously & R dquo ; Does not catch cold, sees only her to put out a hand to wield, the mist that next moment tumbles wails the soul of scream to swallow these thoroughly. 望着眼前那些被烧焦的尸体,黑色的身影冷哼一声,低声喃喃自语的说道。而仿佛是在回应她的说话一般,那些白色的雾气开始翻滚着向眼前的黑色身影旁边凝结,接着化为了一张张哭喊尖叫着的面孔,它们就这样围绕着那个身影,如同在哭诉在自己的遭遇般长大嘴巴,发出了常人无法听见的哀嚎与怒吼。但是对方显然对于这种程度的“告状”毫不感冒,只见她只是伸手一挥,下一刻翻滚的雾气就将那些哀嚎尖叫的灵魂彻底吞噬。 Reason that „ loser has not complained tearfully, the destiny of weak one was conquered ......... but your souls, will wither away thoroughly ......... this in the pain is I to your final benevolence, grateful accepts this gift. & R dquo ; “失败者没有哭诉的理由,弱者的命运只有被征服………而你们的灵魂,也会在痛苦之中彻底消亡………这是我对你们最后的仁慈,心怀感激的收下这份礼物吧。” With this ice-cold announcement, the mist is even more thick, but that unclear form disappears in the mist again. 伴随着这冰冷的宣告,雾气越发浓厚,而那个不详的身影则再一次消失在雾气之中。 Quick, the whole world changes into pure white. 很快,整个世界化为一片纯白。 Haze. & R dquo ; “起雾了呢。” Sits near the window, looks at the mist of distant place, Aina was saying in a low voice. But stands also frowns in her Tillis, looks to the distant place. 坐在窗边,望着远处的雾气,艾娜低声说道。而站在她身边的蒂莉丝也是皱起眉头,望向远方。 Really strange, now or before daytime ......... at this time, has had such thick mist? & R dquo ; “真奇怪,现在还是白天………之前这个时候,有过这么浓的雾气吗?” Tillis will have such question is not strange, although said that the mist indeed is a big threat of City of Lost, but also has the time, according to the experiences of their beforehand several turnover City of Lost judged, generally speaking before dawn and mist at dusk is thickest, but during the daytime should be the clearest time. However now. Looks at the distant winding around hills the white thick fog, Tillis is actually felt that some mind are anxious. Probably has what beast of prey to be close gradually, but she simply does not have the means to resist is the same. 蒂莉丝会有这样的疑问也不奇怪,虽然说雾气的确是失落之城的一大威胁,但也是有时间的,根据他们之前几次进出失落之城的经验来判断,一般来说凌晨和傍晚时分的雾气最浓,而白天应该是最清楚的时候。但是现在。看着远方缭绕群山的白色浓雾,蒂莉丝却是感觉到有些心神不安。就好像有什么猛兽正在缓步接近,但是她却根本没有办法抵挡一样。 This is you thinks are too many. Tillis. & R dquo ; “这都是你想的太多啦。蒂莉丝。” Heard the speech of Tillis, Aina showed a lively playful smile, then she put out a hand, made an effort to pat the shoulder of Tillis. 听到蒂莉丝的说话,艾娜露出了一丝活泼俏皮的笑容,接着她伸出手去,用力拍了拍蒂莉丝的肩膀。 Was the beforehand fight frightens you not to recover consciousness? We are not the fools, moreover this place was not you found? We can rest here one in the evening, when will then continue to go forward tomorrow again, as for these damn evil cult people, since Mr. Zhan En said that they will not look for our troubles, should not look for our troubles. Relax. & R dquo ; “是不是之前的战斗吓到你了还没有缓过来?我们也不是笨蛋,而且这个地方不是你找到的吗?我们可以在这里休息一晚上,然后等到明天再继续前进,至于那些该死的邪教徒,既然詹恩先生都说了他们不会来找我们的麻烦,就应该不会来找我们的麻烦。放心吧。” Yes ............ “是啊…………“ Facing the comfort of Aina, Tillis showed several points of smile reluctantly, but actually seems somewhat exhausted. 面对艾娜的安慰,蒂莉丝勉强露出了几分笑容,但是却显得有些疲惫。 However this also no wonder, after that „ Fairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; The members of squad before leaving the ruins of that tavern, they followed the track to march forward under the leadership of Tillis later, finally found such a abandoned turret. Here should be is responsible for the outer city defense the arrow tower, but has also lost the original significance now, was only left over a mere show. But demon that inside perched was naturally also swept clear by Adventurer. Afterward they stayed here got down & mda S h ; In fact they want to continue to walk forward are not good, because in with the fights of these Black Knight during, „ Fairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; In Adventurer of squad many people are also injured, Commander Steve is no exception. In this in the situation of being kept at full strength the wounded soldier. Also is not indeed suitable to continue to go forward. But Tillis as here only Clergymen, naturally must shoulder to consider the responsibility of wounded person, although said that the Sailon god technique mostly is auxiliary. However the no issue of treatment god technique of foundation also regarding Tillis. 不过这也难怪,在那之后,“妖精与宝箱”小队的成员在离开了之前那片酒馆的废墟,随后他们在蒂莉丝的带领下顺着小道继续向前,最后找到了这么一个被废弃的塔楼。这里原本应该是负责外城防御的箭塔,不过现在也早已经失去了原本的意义,只剩下了一个空架子。而里面原本栖息的魔物自然也被冒险者们清扫一空。随后他们就在这里停留了下来—事实上他们想要继续向前走也不行,因为之前在和那些黑骑士的战斗之中,“妖精与宝箱”小队的冒险者里也有不少人都受了伤,连史蒂夫团长也不例外。在这种满员伤兵的情况下。也的确不适合继续前进。而蒂莉丝作为这里唯一的神官,自然也要担负起照顾伤员的责任,虽然说赛纶的神术大多是辅助性的。但是基础的治疗神术对于蒂莉丝来说也没什么问题。 Moreover fortunately, Adventurer before embarking purchased a lot of treatment liquid medicines. Therefore so long as is not the fatal injury of deep obvious bone, coordinates the Tillis treatment god technique. Rested one late almost to restore again. Although said that after at nightfall City of Lost becomes more dangerous, but regardingFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; adventure group, they have been familiar with all near this, knows that here also does not have any is very of fierce and demon danger. However most makes the people feel at ease, has a powerhouse of legendary domain rank in their side, so long as Zhan En still here, they have nothing to fear! 而且幸运的是,在出发前冒险者们都购买了大量的治疗药水。因此只要不是深可见骨的致命伤势,配合蒂莉丝的治疗神术。再睡上一晚差不多就可以恢复了。虽然说入夜之后的失落之城会变得更加危险,但对于“妖精与宝箱”冒险团来说,他们早已经熟悉这附近的一切,知道这里也没有什么特别厉害和危险的魔物。不过最让众人安心的,还是在他们身边有一位传奇领域等级的强者,只要詹恩依然在这里,他们就没什么好怕的! Zhan En. 詹恩 Hears the name in Aina mouth, Tillis only felt in own heart jumps suddenly. At this moment before she as if recalled, were hugged by Zhan En the feeling when the bosom, now recalls carefully, then she was scared facing Sharp Edge that headed on completely, simply has not gone to think the unnecessary matter. But now calms the mind, before these forgotten feeling as if walked, how she even can the clear recollection Zhan En's embrace oneself waist, how oneself depended in the Zhan En's chest, at this moment Tillis only felt the complexion to blush, probably she at this moment still snuggled up to the Zhan En's chest, felt the temperature of opposite party, she can feel, this moment Zhan En in own behind, closely is embracing her. His hand following own body upward stroking slowly, but she ............... 听到艾娜口中的这个名字,蒂莉丝只感觉自己心中猛然一跳。这一刻她似乎又回忆起了之前自己被詹恩抱在怀中时的感觉,现在仔细回想起来,当时的她面对那扑面而来的利刃完全被吓傻了,根本没有去想多余的事情。而现在静下心来的时候,之前那些被遗忘的感觉仿佛重新找上门来,她甚至可以清晰的回忆起詹恩的手是如何揽住自己的腰部,自己又是如何靠在詹恩的胸口,这一刻蒂莉丝只感觉面色发红,好像此刻的她依然偎依在詹恩的胸口,感受对方的温度,她可以感受到,此刻詹恩就在自己的身后,正紧紧的搂抱着她。他的手正在顺着自己的身体缓缓的向上抚摸,而她…………… Tillis? You? & R dquo ; 蒂莉丝?你怎么了?” Yeah? & R dquo ; “哎?” Until the Aina sound resounds in own ear again, Tillis then suddenly one startled, when she recovers again, surprised discovery Aina is actually gathering own front, a emerald green big eye is gazing at itself. This makes Tillis feel immediately somewhat flurriedly, drew back backward several steps, spread out with the opposite party. 直到艾娜的声音再次在自己的耳边响起,蒂莉丝这才猛然一惊,当她再次回过神来时,却惊讶的发现艾娜正凑到自己的面前,一双翠绿的大眼睛正注视着自己。这顿时让蒂莉丝感到有些慌乱,不由的向后退了几步,与对方拉开了距离。 I, am I very good? & R dquo ; “我,我很好啊?” Real? & R dquo ; “真的吗?” Hears the reply of Tillis, Aina curious blinking. 听到蒂莉丝的回答,艾娜好奇的眨了眨眼睛。 But your complexion does not seem like very good yeah, was too tired? Rests while the present, if otherwise has an accident to trouble. & R dquo ; “但是你的脸色似乎不是很好哎,是不是太累了?还是趁现在休息一下吧,不然万一出了什么事可就麻烦了。” Said, said. & R dquo ; “说,说的也是呢。” Tillis awkward smiling, then nods. 蒂莉丝尴尬的笑了笑,接着点点头。 „, I rest ......... Aina you also to take care now. & R dquo ; “那么,我现在就去休息了………艾娜你也要注意身体啊。” Relax, and others changes shifts time, I will accompany you. & R dquo ; “放心吧,等人来换班的时候,我就会去陪你啦。” Facing the response of Aina, Tillis has not said anything again, hurried turns around to leave. But vanishes until her form, Aina then shrugs the shoulders, again by sitting in the window of turret. 面对艾娜的回应,蒂莉丝也没有再说什么,匆匆忙忙的转身离开。而直到她的身影消失,艾娜这才耸耸肩膀,再次靠坐在了塔楼的窗口上。 Really is, Tillis is such flustered ......... ............ & R dquo ; “真是的,蒂莉丝还是这么慌慌张张………不过…………” Said here, Aina curious crooked under head, did not know is the misconception, she as if saw to wipe the red light of sparkle from the eye of Tillis a moment ago ......... 说道这里,艾娜好奇的歪了下脑袋,不知道是不是错觉,她刚才似乎从蒂莉丝的眼中看见了一抹闪耀的红光……… Probably is the reflection of sunlight. 大概是太阳光的反射吧。 Thinks of here, Aina shakes the head, then she turns around to look again to out of the window. 想到这里,艾娜摇了摇头,接着她再次转过身去望向窗外。 In there, Sun is falling slowly. 在那里,太阳正在缓缓下落。 The bright red brilliance shines in this abandoned city, spread eye-catching blood-color.( To be continued......) 鲜红的光辉映照在这座被废弃的城市上,涂上了一片夺目的血色。(未完待续……)
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