DR :: Volume #4

#320: City of Lost ( IX )

doomsday god? & R dquo ; 末日神教?” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Steve gawked. 听到詹恩的说话,史蒂夫不由的愣了一下。 „ The meaning of Sir is, do these attack our fellows are the evil cult people? & R dquo ; “大人的意思是,这些袭击我们的家伙是邪教徒?” They indeed are the evil cult people. & R dquo ; “他们的确是邪教徒。” Zhan En nods, his look has actually been gazing at the present badge. The mortals all think that the so-called evil cult people believe in the Demon King's follower. But actually this is a giant erroneous zone, evil cult on Klein Continent numerous also several hundreds, only then 2/3 belong to believe in Demon King this kind, because Demon King does not need to strengthen the strength like the gods from the belief, on the contrary, they belong in main plane sect more significances special are used to give the gods to add to stop up, for example today slaughters a village, tomorrow will offer sacrifices several maidens, these regarding influence of Demon King's strength increase almost slightly not obvious. However actually must wage a war regarding the person who these believe in the gods, orchestrates a plot, when teasing a war is only Demon King idles is boring the entertainment, but the person who struggles dead is tens of thousands. In fact every so often even is not Demon King meddles the main plane matter on own initiative, but is human for the power, position, ** but even the revenge borrows the Demon King's strength with existing on own initiative. Therefore every so often, most Demon King even idle is treating bored in oneself palace sleeps, can feel from remote main plane, was full of the evil distortion ** will. As for these idiots, the The lower world people can only summarize its destiny and result with a few words. 詹恩点了点头,不过他的眼神却是一直注视着眼前的徽章。凡人皆以为所谓的邪教徒都是信奉魔王的信徒。但其实这是一个巨大的误区,克莱恩大陆上的邪教林林总总也有数百之多,其中只有三分之二属于信奉魔王这一类,因为魔王并不需要像神明那样从信仰之中汲取力量,相反,他们在主位面的教派更多意义上属于专门用来给神明添堵,比如今天屠杀一个村落,明天献祭几个处女,这些对于魔王的力量提升的影响几乎微不可见。但是对于那些信奉神明的人来说却要大动干戈,策划一场阴谋,挑逗一场战争只是魔王闲之无聊时的娱乐,但是为之奋斗而丧生的人则是成千上万。事实上很多时候甚至不是魔王主动插手主位面的事情,而是人类为了权力,地位,**甚至复仇而主动借取魔王的力量与存在。因此很多时候,大多数魔王甚至只是闲着无聊待在自己宫殿里睡觉,都能够感受到来自遥远主位面的,充满了邪恶扭曲**的意志。而至于这些蠢货,下层界的子民只用一句话就能够概括其命运与结局。 The heaven has group of you not to walk, the hell throws impossible originally. 天堂有路你不走,地狱无门自来投。 But in these evil cult, by five evil cult that Templar Order attaches great importance to respectively is the non- empathize. doomsday god. Mother of Chaos Church, desperate eye as well as Dark Temple. 而在这些邪教之中,被圣堂教团最为重视的五个邪教分别就是非神会。末日神教。混沌之母教团,绝望之眼以及黑暗圣殿 But ironically, in this was listed as by Templar Order pays attention to five big evil cult of object with emphasis, belongs to Lord of Darkness Sauron besides Dark Temple, other four completely and The lower world Demon King has nothing to do. Mother of Chaos Church Zhan En has had to do with the opposite party in Cassandra, what the opposite party believes is ancient God, but ancient God and present gods as well as Demon King are entirely different. These ancient god followers are all gods and object of Demon King jointly attack. The ancient god regression that because they never forget is equal to capturing now the gods and Demon King's position simultaneously. Regarding such a group, no matter believes the follower of gods, believe the Demon King's evil cult people the good complexion not to look to them. 而讽刺的是,在这被圣堂教团列为重点关注对象的五大邪教之中,除了黑暗圣殿属于黑暗之主索伦之外,其他四个全部都和下层界魔王无关。混沌之母教团詹恩卡珊德拉已经和对方打过交道,对方信奉的是古神,而古神与现在的神明以及魔王完全不是一回事。这些古神信徒是所有神明与魔王联合打击的对象。因为他们念念不忘的古神复归就等于会同时夺取现在神明与魔王的地位。对于这样一个团体,不管是信仰神明的信徒,还是信仰魔王的邪教徒都不会给他们好脸色看的。 Lets an organization that on main plane all influences have a headache about as for the desperate eye, the creed that they organize has and only has & mda S h ; That is all in this world does not have the significance, the gods do not have the significance, wants not to have the significance, the country does not have the significance, the thought does not have the significance, even the life does not have the significance. To let others realizes this point. The follower completely oneself all efforts of desperate eye will screw up them to detect all. The plot is also good, plan, country powerfully also good, declines, to them are not related, regarding these despair. Joins to a plan during. Then made it be finished thoroughly is only manifestation of value. But regarding this crowd, not only abandon something as beyond redemption, but must draw everyone to be together hapless, fellow who their efforts vanish into thin air, almost will have no organization to have the favorable impression to them. But what is worse, the desperate eye is like Mother of Chaos Church, is a camouflage specially strong organization, which person you cannot look are despair, even if they will be defeated frequently are also so. These despair will ambush when the organization that each they can think, then hides own identity to crawl with utmost effort upwardly, when they arrive at the power. They give it all thoroughly, making the predecessor spend all that several hundred years accumulated to unravel completely. 至于绝望之眼则是让主位面上所有势力都头疼的一个组织,他们组织的信条有并且也只有一条—那就是这个世界上的一切都毫无意义,神明毫无意义,希望毫无意义,国家毫无意义,思想毫无意义,甚至连生命本身都毫无意义。而为了让其他人认识到这一点。绝望之眼的信徒会尽自己的一切努力去搞砸他们能够察觉到一切。无论是阴谋也好,计划也罢,国家强盛也好,衰落也罢,对他们来说都没有关系,对于这些绝望者而言。投身到一个计划之中。然后让它彻底完蛋就是自身价值的唯一体现。而对于这群不但自己破罐子破摔,还要拉着所有人一起倒霉,把他们的努力化为乌有的家伙,几乎没有哪个组织会对他们有好感。而更糟糕的是,绝望之眼和混沌之母教团一样,属于一个伪装性特别强的机构,你根本看不出来哪个人是绝望者,哪怕他们经常会失败也是如此。这些绝望者会潜伏在每一个他们能够想到的组织,然后隐瞒自己的身份尽一切可能向上爬,而当他们到达权力的时。他们就彻底放手一搏,让前人花费了数百年才积累的一切完全灰飞烟灭。 However what is lucky, Temple and evil cult rarely by desperate eye invasion, because mounts to need in these Church bodies to believe devotionally, but despair obviously is impossible to have any devout belief to all meaningless thought that therefore their majority mingles among the bureaucrat, to try to subvert a country, shows the extreme faith. 不过幸运的是,神殿邪教都很少被绝望之眼入侵,因为在这些宗教团体登上需要虔诚的信仰,而绝望者对一切都毫无意义的思想显然不可能产生什么虔诚的信仰,所以他们大部分都混迹在官僚之中,以试图颠覆一个国家,来展现自己过激的信念。 But in five big evil cult, by the Templar Order attention is the non- empathize, they openly declared that the present gods are one group of swindlers, they are not supreme existences, but is just one group of mortals who obtained the great power. They are not the creator in this world, all of this world, including these gods by one unknowable, is above the imagination exists to create. In their eyes, the true god is unknowable, cannot be observed, is impossible to have the existence of concrete physique and name. The true gods exceed beyond all understanding, their these tiny existences are impossible to learn information of existence these keep aloof. 而在五大邪教之中,最受圣堂教团关注的就是非神会,他们公开宣称现在的神都是一群骗子,他们并非是至高无上的存在,而只不过是一群获得了强大力量的凡人。他们也并非是这个世界的创造者,这个世界的一切,包括那些神明都是被一个不可知的,超乎想象的存在所创造出来的。在他们眼中,真正的神是不可知的,不可被观测的,也不可能拥有具体形体与名字的存在。真正的神明超越一切理解之外,他们这些渺小的存在根本不可能获知那些高高在上的存在的信息。 But as for present gods, then stole the false god of true God strength, there is no glory, the supernatural power that they use same came from that unknowable existence, but they are just his servant, by its fetter. The true god will not be injured, not Death, not between each other like child lock horns! 而至于现在的神明,则不过只是窃取了真神力量的伪神,根本没有任何荣耀可言,他们所使用的神力一样来自于那个不可知的存在,而他们只不过是其奴仆,受其束缚罢了。真正的神是不会受伤,不会死亡,也不会像小孩子一样之间彼此争执不休的! Although such opinion makes Templar Order annoyed, but if only this, the non- empathize is impossible to cover other four big evil cultto be the first & R dquo ;. Lets the biggest reason that they emerge truly is & mda S h ; The members of these non- empathize can use an unknowable strength, counter-balances the effect of god technique! 虽然这样的言论让圣堂教团大为恼火,但如果只是这样的话,非神会也不可能盖过其他四大邪教“位居榜首”。真正让他们脱颖而出的最大原因就是—这些非神会的成员能够使用一种不可知的力量,来抵消神术的效果! But this strength wavers in the Templar Order belief sufficiently the cornerstone, is Templar Order lists as the reasons of head of all evil cult the non- empathize, after all the struggle with Demon King organization they can also summarize for the light and dark even if, just and evil between war. However existence of non- empathize is vacillating all that they believe that regarding gods who the dependence belief strengthens the strength, this obviously is not the good deed. Let alone non- empathize one of the three big targets are to weaken and wipes out the influence of god, can say that they are the god inborn enemies. 而这种力量足以动摇圣堂教团信仰的基石,也是圣堂教团将非神会列为所有邪教之首的原因,毕竟哪怕是与魔王组织的斗争他们也可以概括为光明与黑暗,正义与邪恶之间的战争。但是非神会的存在就在动摇他们所信仰的一切,对于依靠信仰汲取力量的众神来说,这明显不是什么好事。更何况非神会的三大目标之一就是削弱和消灭神的势力,可以说他们是众神天生的敌人。 However eliminates the non- empathize is actually compared with conquering a world more difficult matter, the non- empathize knows that own belief is the heresy on Klein Continent, therefore their caution and care protects own existence, avoids with all Temple the open conflict of Church as well as Priest. But in addition, many evil cult groups also help under the instruction of Demon King to the non- empathize secretly. After all Demon King does not depend upon the belief to strengthen the strength like the gods. To them, existence of non- empathize to own enemy simply is the good matter. Naturally, these Demon King have to try to catch several non- empathize members to study their sources of forces, but has no harvest. Although the hearsay said that these non- empathize members can undo the effect of god technique are completely because their will is firm enough, but this is unable to take the answers of all riddles obviously. 不过消灭非神会却是一件比征服世界更困难的事情,非神会知道自己的信仰在克莱恩大陆上是属于异端,因此他们谨慎小心的保护自己的存在,避开和一切神殿教团以及牧师的公开冲突。而除此之外,很多邪教团体也在魔王们的指示下暗地里对非神会施以援手。毕竟魔王不像神明那样依靠信仰来汲取力量。对于他们来说,非神会的存在对自己的敌人而言简直是再好不过的事情。当然,这些魔王也不是没有试图抓几个非神会成员来研究他们的力量源泉,不过却没有什么收获。虽然传闻说这些非神会成员之所以能够抵消神术的效果完全是因为他们意志足够坚定,但是这显然无法作为一切谜团的答案。 But except for oneself enough discrete, as well as beside Demon King in secret helper, non- empathize influence powerful is also Templar Order of is hard to go well & mda S h reasons ; The non- empathize members are mage. Moreover is powerful mage. Only is this point, makes Templar Order be hard to begin sufficiently. Although said that in the domain of Templar Order control, the non- empathize exists by the underground evil cult organization, but in mage country of Corencia national demon leading, the non- empathize is a semiopen legal organization. Regarding this Templar Order is very annoyed, has no alternative. 而除了自身足够谨慎,以及魔王们暗中帮手之外,非神会自身势力的强大也是圣堂教团难以得手的原因之一—非神会成员很多都是法师。而且是强大的法师。光是这一点,就足以让圣堂教团难以动手。虽然说在圣堂教团控制的地盘,非神会是以地下邪教组织存在的,而在法师的国家魔导之国科伦西亚,非神会则是一个半公开的合法组织。对此圣堂教团无比恼火,却又无可奈何。 The doomsday god and Mother of Chaos Church is somewhat similar, both sides demise for world struggle. But essentially, belief of both sides actually defeats the purpose completely, Mother of Chaos Church thinks that the end of the world returns to the bosom of Nicolas. The myriad things normalizing, again the fusion is a whole. However the doomsday god actually thinks that doomsday is the end of this world myriad things, elapsing of life, falling from the sky of gods, a dissipation of plane, this is the pinnacle of universal truth manifests. Thinks carefully. All destroy represents you to be able complete from all fetters to extricate thoroughly, what ratio then also has attractive? 末日神教和混沌之母教团有些类似,双方都是为了世界的灭亡而奋斗。但从本质上来说,双方的信仰却完全是南辕北辙,混沌之母教团认为世界的终结就是重回尼古拉斯的怀抱。万物归一,重新融合为一个整体。但是末日神教却认为末日就是这个世界万物的终结,一个生命的逝去,一位神明的陨落,一个位面的消散,这就是宇宙真理的极致体现。仔细想想。一切都彻底毁灭就代表你可以完全的从所有束缚之中解脱出来,那么还有什么比这个更有魅力的呢? If Mother of Chaos Church just pushes their in the process of deterioration, making them drop Abyss quickly. Then the doomsday god is to push the person drops the cliff that only mastermind, they enliven in each class of each world, devotes to all plots, the tumult and riot. But all that they make only for a goal, that accelerates the destruction of the whole world. 如果说混沌之母教团只不过是在衰败的过程之中推他们一把,让他们更快的落下深渊的话。那么末日神教就是推人落下悬崖的那只黑手,他们活跃在各个世界的各个阶层,致力于一切阴谋,骚动与暴乱。而他们所做的一切都只为了一个目标,那就是加速整个世界的毁灭。 Just like other four groups, the doomsday god can emerge to arrange in several hundred groups to first five not because of their ideas, because of their strength & mda S h ; The doomsday god is on main plane has the evil faction of most different plane lifeform, because they think that the complete destruction of the world is a hugeness. Remote project. But destruction only Klein Continent at all is not the ultimate goal of this faction, the radical dissipation of multi-dimensional universe their goals. Therefore in the doomsday god filled from The lower world, Astral even also has other such as shadow plane and so on lifeform. They unite under the same goal, for struggle that to destroy own plane and world does one's best. Naturally, sometimes these Otherworldly lifeform also meethelp supply each other & R dquo ;, Goes to other world to assist their companions to complete quest. But from some degree, the doomsday god member is also expert inOtherworldly to summon & R dquo ; spell. As the matter stands, Zhan En can understand why they will summon purgatory demon bat to be the scout. 和其他四个团体一样,末日神教之所以能够在数百团体之中脱颖而出排到前五也并非是因为他们的理念,而是因为他们的实力—末日神教是主位面上拥有最多异位面生物的邪恶派系,因为他们认为世界的完全毁灭是一项巨大。遥远的工程。而毁灭区区一个克莱恩大陆根本不是这个派系的最终目的,多元宇宙的彻底消散才他们的目标。因此末日神教里充满了来自下层界,星界甚至还有一些其他诸如阴影位面之类的生物。它们都团结在同一个目标下,为了毁灭自己的位面与世界而尽心尽力的奋斗。当然,有些时候这些异界生物也会“互通有无”,去别的世界协助他们的同伴来完成任务。而从某种程度来说,末日神教成员也专精“异界召唤”法术。这样一来,詹恩就能够理解他们为什么会召唤一只炼狱魔蝠来当侦察兵了。 But the doomsday god will appear at this time in City of Lost unexpectedly, mostly to the fragment of gate of Death shadow, considering the nature of their faction, this is not a strange matter. Moreover according to Zhan En's guessed, this estimate is the wind sound/rumor that Lilicia spreads tempts the opposite party to come to here, she most is good at doing this matter, regarding this Zhan En does not make second person of thinking. Besides Lilicia can do the matter that is not concerned about face, others do not have this method. 末日神教居然会在这个时候出现在失落之城,多半是冲着死亡阴影之门的碎片来的,考虑到他们派系的性质,这也并不是件奇怪的事情。而且按照詹恩的猜测,这估计又是莉莉西亚放出的风声引诱对方来这里的,她最擅长干这种事情,对此詹恩根本不做第二人想。除了莉莉西亚能够干出这么不要脸的事情之外,其他人也没这个手段。 Naturally, Zhan En is not fearful about Steve popular science Church, must know in the doomsday god, not only has human, even drow, Barlow flame demon and even Black Dragon and shadow great demon this class lifeform. According to characteristic of doomsday god, this journey definitely has different plane lifeform accompanying, but does not know that the opposite party is what race. Naturally, was not worried about these fellow Zhan En, although the doomsday god in Klein Continent also calculates that stands in line first five, but the good and evil is also the child of Demon King, words that the fellows who even these play tricks are afraid, that really loses face. However these Adventurer do not say, once made them know that perhaps the real status of opposite party, these fellows will turn around walk, Zhan En also counted on that they kept off the spear/gun to themselves, was naturally impossible to put them to leave. Therefore he said to Steve carelessly under some characteristics about doomsday god, regarding their strengths, Zhan En was silent. But after listening Zhan En's described, Steve frowns to ponder the moment, this asked. 当然,詹恩并没有对史蒂夫科普这个教团有多么可怕,要知道在末日神教里不单单有人类,甚至还有黑暗精灵,巴洛炎魔乃至黑龙和阴影巨魔这类的生物。按照末日神教的特性,这次出行肯定有异位面生物随行,只是不知道对方是什么种族罢了。当然,对于这些家伙詹恩并不担心,末日神教虽然在克莱恩大陆也算排上前五,可自己好歹也是魔王之子,连这些装神弄鬼的家伙都害怕的话,那才真叫丢脸。不过这些冒险者就不好说了,一旦让他们知道对方的真实身份,恐怕这些家伙会掉头就走,詹恩还指望他们给自己挡枪呢,自然不可能放他们离开。因此他只是草草对史蒂夫说了下关于末日神教的一些特征,对于他们的实力,詹恩就闭口不言了。而听完詹恩的描述之后,史蒂夫皱起眉头思考了片刻,这才开口询问道。 Then now we what to do? Sir Zhan En? & R dquo ; “那么现在我们怎么办?詹恩大人?” I suggested that we look for place recuperation temporarily, do not go forward immediately. & R dquo ; “我建议我们暂时找个地方休整一下,不要立刻前进。” Zhan En gave the answer quickly. 詹恩很快就给出了答案。 I do not remember oneself and doomsday god has what connection, but everyone should not have this skill. The enemies attack us, perhaps is because before , when we and Harpy fight by reason that they discover. If that was true, then I suggested that we can find a place to hide to have a look at the situation temporarily. If their goals are not we, but is any thing in City of Lost, should not wage a war to us, after they leave, we continued to go forward again. & R dquo ; “我不记得自己和末日神教有什么瓜葛,而各位应该也没这个本事。对方之所以来袭击我们,恐怕是因为之前我们和鹰身女妖战斗时被他们发现的缘故。如果真是这样的话,那么我建议我们可以暂时找个地方躲起来看看情况。假如他们的目标不是我们,而是失落之城里的什么东西的话,应该不会对我们大动干戈,等到他们离开之后,我们再继续前进好了。” Good. & R dquo ; “好的。” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Steve obviously also felt relieved, Zhan En said after all right. If the goals of these evil cult people are not they, naturally cannot wage a war looks for their troubles again, but by that time, they continued to go forward again.( To be continued.) 听到詹恩的说话,史蒂夫明显也放心了许多,毕竟詹恩说的没错。假如那些邪教徒的目标不是他们,自然不会大动干戈再来找他们的麻烦,而到那个时候,他们再继续前进好了。(未完待续。)
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