DR :: Volume #4

#319: City of Lost ( VIII )

Black Knight tumbles to fly upside down backward, numerous collisions on another wall, saw only the wall that could not withstand decayed to collapse under this strong impulse immediately, but then the latter after is hitting collapsed 45 houses to stop continuously, saw only broken bricks and stonescrash-bang & R dquo ; Downward incline, thoroughly that Black Knight burying. & R adic ; , but from beginning to end, the opposite parties have not made any respond & mda S h ; Or he did not have the means to make any response again. 黑骑士翻滚着向后倒飞开去,重重的撞在一堵又一堵墙上,只见早已经腐朽不堪的墙壁在这强大的冲击力之下顿时坍塌,而后者则在连续撞塌了四五座房屋之后这才停了下来,只见残破的砖石“哗啦啦”的向下倾斜,彻底将那个黑骑士给埋了起来。√∟,而从始至终,对方都没有做出任何反应—或者说他再也没有办法做出任何反应了。 Hiss ............... & R dquo ; “嘶……………” Sees this, almost all Adventurer held breath a cold air/Qi. They are experienced warrior, before and these Black Knight junctions begin to detect that immediately their almost everyone had with the strength that Commander Steve was almost the same. To be honest at that time almost all person in the depths of ones heart were ice-cold, they do not know that actually these fellows were, what we definitely know is that in front of these Black Knight, they did not have the odds of success. 看见这一幕,几乎所有的冒险者都是倒吸了一口冷气。他们都是经验丰富的战士,之前和这些黑骑士一交上手就立刻察觉到他们几乎每个人都拥有和史蒂夫团长相差无几的力量。说实话那个时候几乎所有人内心深处都是一片冰冷,他们不知道这些家伙究竟是什么人,但可以肯定的是,在这些黑骑士面前,他们毫无胜算。 However Zhan En actually only used a sword, changed this result. 但是詹恩却只用了一剑,就改变了这个结果。 Adventurer do not certainly think that naively attacks Zhan En's fortunately is in these Black Knight weakest, is even so, all these make them feel enormous shock. Must know Commander Steve, butFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; In fiercest warrior, as warrior that has the Grandmaster Level strength, Steve has calculated on was the powerhouse in mortal. However can this degree of existence continually easy being defeated, this on behalf of what? 冒险者们当然不会天真的认为攻击詹恩的凑巧是这些黑骑士里最弱的一个,可是即便如此,这一切还是让他们感到极大的震撼。要知道史蒂夫团长可是“妖精与宝箱”里最厉害的战士,作为一个拥有大师级实力的战士,史蒂夫已经算的上是凡人之中的强者了。但是连这种程度的存在都能够轻而易举的打败,这代表什么? The answer has almost one. 答案几乎只有一个。 Killed him! & R dquo ; “杀了他!” However these Black Knight not like so many that Adventurer think, seeing own companion to be overthrown, they turn around immediately. Zhan En locking for the first goal, quick. Several Black Knight gave up the original enemy, turned around to turn toward Zhan En to throw. 不过那些黑骑士倒没有像冒险者们那样想的那么多,看见自己的同伴被打倒,他们立刻转过身去。将詹恩锁定为第一目标,很快。就有数名黑骑士放弃了自己原本的敌人,转身向着詹恩扑了过去。 Acting recklessly. 不知死活。 But facing toward Black Knight that oneself throw. In the Zhan En's eye flashes through together the ice-cold cold light, then he holds up long sword & mda S h in hand ; next moment, the people only see a series of swords light/only to reappear in the darkness suddenly, like fireworks generalization that from the sky erupts for all over the sky stars, howls to forward, in a moment will rush to Black Knight that goes to wrap. 而面对向着自己扑来的黑骑士詹恩的眼中闪过一道冰冷的寒光,接着他举起手中的长剑—下一刻,众人只看见一连串的剑光在黑暗中骤然浮现,如同在空中爆发的烟花一般化为了满天繁星,呼啸向前,眨眼的工夫就将冲上前去的黑骑士们包裹其中。 This dreamlike sword technique captured the attention of people immediately, then from the dim tavern ruins erupts, but the bright dazzling brilliance changes into a scary mind the sword of Death, did not have the penetration of stagnation like this defense of Black Knight. Although facing the Zhan En's attack, these Black Knight has held up the great sword to keep off before own body immediately. However this cannot prevent completely that bone-chilling cold. Unprecedented sword light. But the ray of sword erupts dazzlingly is similar to the great waves to throw forward, does not have including a stop, covers in which Black Knight in a flash thoroughly. 这一幕如梦似幻的剑术顿时吸引了众人的目光,那从昏暗的酒馆废墟之中爆发而出的明亮耀眼的光辉化为点点骇人心神的死亡之剑,就这样毫无停滞的穿透了黑骑士们的防御。虽然面对詹恩的进攻,这些黑骑士已经在第一时间举起巨剑挡在了自己的身前。但是这完全没有能够阻挡住那凛冽的。一往无前的剑光。而耀眼爆发的剑之光芒则如同浪涛般向前扑去,连一丝停顿都没有,转瞬之间就将黑骑士们彻底笼罩其中。 next moment, the sword light dissipates. 下一刻,剑光消散。 Zhan En loosens holds in the arms the left hand of Tillis slender waist, in the surface is still that mild-mannered and cultivated smile. But in his front, seven Black Knight is still maintaining their beforehand movements, some people lift up high the great sword to divide to cut forward, some people brandish the great sword to prevent the attack, however their movements actually stayed in that moment. As if only then the time of these people static. Moreover stripped from this world was the same , from afar, even thinks that they were only sculpture of one crowd of description fights. Not is only these raiders, nearby Adventurer and several other Black Knight seem like also decided the body to gaze at present at this moment equally dull. That wipes bright and beautiful radiance and dreamlike sword technique captures everyone's attention sufficiently, that is only the skill of noticeable sword is not so only simple, but is a completely new world. This is pressure that only then the legendary domain can show. In the face of this pressure, all of every world see that trivial. Similar to human to raise the head to gaze at the nighttime sky. When seeing that everywhere jet black theater curtain scatters the sparkle the stars to understand oneself are tiny in this world, that magnificent magnificent scenery. Makes the person wallow sufficiently, is individually uncorrectable. 詹恩松开搂住蒂莉丝纤细腰肢的左手,面上依然是那副温文尔雅的微笑。而在他的面前,七名黑骑士依然保持着他们之前的动作,有些人高举巨剑向前劈砍,有些人则挥舞巨剑阻挡袭击,但是他们的动作却都停留在了那一刻。仿佛只有这些人的时间被静止。而且从这个世界剥离了一样,远远看去,甚至会以为他们只是一群描绘战斗的雕塑。不仅仅是那些袭击者,就连旁边的冒险者和其他几个黑骑士此刻也像是被定了身一样呆呆的注视着眼前的这一幕。那一抹亮丽的光华以及如梦似幻般的剑技足以吸引所有人的目光,那不仅仅只是引人注目的剑之技巧这么简单,而是一个全新的世界。这是只有传奇领域才能够展现的威压。在这种威压面前,凡世的一切都显得那么微不足道。就如同人类抬起头注视着夜空。在看见那漫天漆黑的幕布上散落闪耀的繁星时才会明白自己在这个世界上有多么渺小,那瑰丽壮观的景色。足以让人沉迷其中,不可自拔。 Suddenly, in the ruins of entire tavern fell into a silence, until a moment later, a almost low inaudible sound appears suddenly, broke this original silence. 一时间,整个酒馆的废墟之中都陷入了一片沉默,直到片刻之后,一声几乎低不可闻的声音骤然出现,打破了这原本的寂静。 ......... & R dquo ; “噗呲………” The blood sprays from the Black Knight nape of the neck, in in the air had an arc to sprinkle the ground, the next moment these Black Knight corpses then as if shuts off the puppet of line to drop generally in the place, did not have the least bit response again. 鲜血从黑骑士的脖颈中喷射而出,在空中带着一道弧线洒落地面,下一刻那些黑骑士的尸体这才仿佛被切断了线的木偶一般跌落在地,再也没有半点儿反应。 Until this time, the people as if then responded that what happened, the Adventurer morale inspires suddenly greatly, joining up that they angry roar, turned toward remaining several Black Knight to launch the attack under Commander Steve leadership, although these Black Knight still resisted at risk of life, however the original population advantage has been gone is not, in addition Adventurer had the legendary powerhouse to work as the energy of backer in behind, making them fiercely compete and successfully compete. Moreover Steve are also an experienced big sword master, therefore remaining several Black Knight resisted the moment, was turned by Adventurer thoroughly dry/does. As for that purgatory demon bat discovered that the important matter non- bright idea runs, then sliced off the wing by a Zhan En sword, was shot through the head by Aina, blood-curdling screech is forced to transmit The lower world, it seems like did not recuperate several hundred years not to count on. 直到这个时候,众人似乎这才反应过来发生了什么事,一时间冒险者们的士气大振,他们怒吼的联合起来,在史蒂夫团长的带领下向着剩下的几个黑骑士发起了进攻,虽然那些黑骑士依然拼死抵抗,但是原本的人数优势已经消失不在,再加上冒险者们有传奇强者在后面当靠山的底气,使得他们越战越勇。而且史蒂夫自己本身也是一个经验丰富的大剑师,因此剩下的几个黑骑士只是抵抗了片刻,便被冒险者们彻底干翻。至于那只炼狱魔蝠发现大事不妙想跑,接着被詹恩一剑削掉了翅膀,然后被艾娜射穿了头颅,惨叫着被强制传送回下层界,看来不休养个几百年是别指望回来了。 Until after the fight completely ended, Adventurer then relaxed, they start the battlefield cleanup, and all around security. But almost everyone looks to the Zhan En's look has the awe with not to dare to believe. These Adventurer are experienced warrior, regarding this aspect is also sensitive incomparable, they are very clear, before had the level of Grandmaster rank with these Black Knight each people who they confronted, then can steamroll their young people only possibly above this, the recombination he make a move that flash as if world also for the imposing manner that it changed, then the answer only had one. 直到战斗彻底结束之后,冒险者们这才放松了下来,他们开始打扫战场,并且警戒四周。而几乎每个人望向詹恩的眼神里都带着敬畏与不敢置信。这些冒险者都是身经百战的战士,对于这方面也是敏感无比,他们很清楚,之前与他们对峙的那些黑骑士每个人都拥有大师等级的水准,那么能够碾压他们的这个年轻人只可能在这之上,再结合他出手那一瞬间仿佛天地也为之改变的气势,那么答案只有一个。 At present this young people have bridged over that line of every world, stepped into the legendary domain. 眼前这个年轻人已经跨过了凡世的那条线,踏入了传奇领域。 This fact makes Adventurer feel incomparably surprisedly, but some cannot believe, after all Zhan En seems like is also less than 20 years old, in his age, the person who can arrive at the legendary boundary hardly exists. But the issue is, their eyes and feelings will not deceive people, that type has exceeded every world the sword technique, absolutely is not coming out that everyone can use. 这个事实让冒险者们感到无比惊讶,但又有些不敢相信,毕竟詹恩看起来还不到二十岁,在他这个年龄,能够到达传奇境界的人几乎不存在。而问题在于,他们的眼睛和感觉是不会骗人的,那种已经超越凡世的剑术,绝对不是什么人都能够用的出来的。 Thank you saved me, Mr. Zhan En. & R dquo ; “谢谢您救了我,詹恩先生。” However compared with others. Tillis is actually not shocking, she is not Clergymen that is good at fighting. Regarding power gap was also naturally inferior that others were clear, the behavior that but Zhan En rescues from the Death shadow her makes Tillis very grateful. Therefore after the fight ended, she is also passes is blushing, lowers the head to arrive at side Zhan En's to express gratitude to him in a soft voice. But hears the reply of Tillis, Zhan En but actually seems very tranquil, he smiles is looking to Tillis, then beckons with the hand. 不过与其他人相比。蒂莉丝倒是没有那么震惊,她是个不擅长战斗的神官。对于实力差距方面自然也不如其他人清楚,但是詹恩把她从死亡阴影之中救出的行为还是让蒂莉丝非常感激。因此在战斗结束之后,她也是通红着脸,低头走到詹恩的身边轻声向他道谢。而听到蒂莉丝的回答,詹恩倒显得非常平静,他只是微笑着望向蒂莉丝,接着摆了摆手。 You're welcome, Miss Tillis, this to me is only the slight effort, moreover like you such lovable pretty young lady. Also is indebted the God of Death summon time. & R dquo ; “不用客气,蒂莉丝小姐,这对我来说只是举手之劳,而且像你这么可爱漂亮的小姐。还不到承蒙死神召唤的时候呢。” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Tillis is the complexion red lowers the head, is also pleasantly surprised at heart, does not know that should say anything is good. However at this time, she heard own side to hear an awkward cough sound, when Tillis raised the head, this saw Commander Steve to stand in own front. But sees the appearance of regimental commander, on some Tillis of restlessing is in the heart one nervous, lowers the head again. Previously she considered is only expressing gratitude to Zhan En. Actually forgot own regimental commander also to stand here, therefore suddenly was also somewhat helpless, appeared flurried. 听到詹恩的回答,蒂莉丝更是面色通红的低下头去,心里也是又惊又喜,不知道该说什么才好。不过就在这个时候,她听到自己的身边传来了一阵尴尬的咳嗽声,当蒂莉丝抬起头来时,这才看见史蒂夫团长正站在自己的面前。而看见团长的出现,原本就有些心神不宁的蒂莉丝更是心中一慌,再次低下头去。先前她只顾着向詹恩道谢。却忘了自己的团长还站在这里,因此一时间也是有些手足无措,显得慌乱起来。 Right, sorry. Mr. Zhan En, regimental commander Sir ......... that how I had a look at the injured member. & R dquo ; “对,对不起。詹恩先生,团长大人………那个,我去看看受伤的团员怎么样了。” At the same time saying. Tillis turns around to run at the same time, even also nearly falls a tumble. But looks back that she goes far away. Commander Steve is smiling bitterly shaking the head, this turns around. Looks to present Zhan En. 一面说着。蒂莉丝一面转身就跑,甚至还差点儿摔一跤。而看着她远去的背影。史蒂夫团长苦笑着摇了摇头,这才转过身来。望向眼前的詹恩 Mr. Zhan En, was sorry very much made you look at the joke. & R dquo ; 詹恩先生,很抱歉让您看笑话了。” Compared with others, this moment Commander Steve treated the Zhan En's attitude more respectable than the past. If he were just treated an ordinary employer to the Zhan En's attitude before, then he has changed now. After all is different from own member, as a sword technique Grandmaster, Steve can realize profoundly Zhan En has sword that flash the imposing manner to represent anything, that as if world myriad things are completely grasping the common aura to surpass the limit of every world, only then steps into existence of legendary domain, has such strength. Although he cannot believe that this young people can step into the legendary domain unexpectedly, but the fact is placed in the Steve front, is beyond control he not to believe. 与其他人相比,此刻史蒂夫团长对待詹恩的态度比以往更加尊敬。如果说之前他对詹恩的态度只不过是对待一个普通雇主的话,那么现在他已经有所改变。毕竟和自己的团员不同,作为一个剑术大师,史蒂夫更能够深刻的体会到詹恩出剑那一瞬间的气势代表着什么,那仿佛天地万物尽在掌握一般的气息已经超越了凡世的极限,只有踏入传奇领域的存在,才拥有这样的力量。虽然他也不敢相信这个年轻人居然能够踏入传奇领域,但是事实摆在史蒂夫的面前,也由不得他不信。 Therefore at present, Steve regarding the Zhan En's attitude is also even more respectable. In their world, the strength is higher than all, although Zhan En looks so young, but the light on the strength, Steve thinks own pats the horse cannot catch up his. 因此眼下,史蒂夫对于詹恩的态度也是越发尊敬。在他们的世界,实力高于一切,虽然詹恩看起来如此年轻,但是光就实力来说,史蒂夫自认为自己拍马也追不上他的。 It’s nothing, Commander Steve. & R dquo ; “没什么,史蒂夫团长。” Regarding the speech of Steve, Zhan En does not care obviously, but is smiling beckoning with the hand. But sees Zhan En's to respond, Steve then relaxes in secret, before he was also worried about Zhan En to be able, because before , have not obeyed his order to be annoyed immediately, after all the legendary powerhouse may be very proud person, although said at that time Daniel said was also reasonable, moreover Zhan En has not shown own strength. However as a leader of team, Steve is very clear this world not to speak by the truth. If Zhan En but therefore is not feeling well to them, then they have no means to counter-balance an anger of legendary powerhouse. 对于史蒂夫的说话,詹恩显然也不在意,只是微笑着摆了摆手。而看见詹恩的回应,史蒂夫这才暗中松了口气,之前他还担心詹恩会不会因为之前自己没有立刻听从他的命令而恼火,毕竟传奇强者可都是非常骄傲的人,虽然说那个时候丹尼尔说的也有道理,而且詹恩也没有展现出自己的实力。但是作为一个团队的领导者,史蒂夫很清楚这个世界可不是靠道理来说话的。如果詹恩因此而对他们不爽的话,那么他们根本没有什么办法来抵消一位传奇强者的怒火。 However what is lucky, now seems like Zhan En as if not to plan to look for their troubles. 不过幸运的是,现在看起来詹恩似乎并不打算找他们的麻烦。 Right, Commander Steve, did your battlefield cleanup, what thing have to find before? Knows the real status of our guest? & R dquo ; “对了,史蒂夫团长,之前你们打扫战场,有找到什么东西吗?是否知道我们的客人的真实身份?” „, Right, Sir Zhan En. & R dquo ; “啊,对了,詹恩大人。” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Steve then quickly puts out a hand, has handed over a badge. 听到詹恩的询问,史蒂夫这才急忙伸出手去,递过了一个徽章。 On these Black Knight, we discovered these badges, this is also they bring only the strange thing, most of them are only some dry rations and medicament, seems like has no difference from ordinary Adventurer ......... ............... & R dquo ; “在这些黑骑士身上,我们发现了这些徽章,这也是他们唯一带着的奇怪的东西,其他大多都只是一些干粮和药剂,看起来和普通的冒险者没有什么区别………不过……………” The Steve words have not said, however his meaning is very obvious, if ordinary Adventurer, is impossible to wear the standard armor. This makes Steve be somewhat worried that what official influence they provoked, but looked at these Black Knight appearances, didn't seem like the Skaar federation person? 史蒂夫的话没有说完,但是他的意思已经很明显了,如果是普通的冒险者的话,根本不可能穿着制式盔甲。这让史蒂夫有些担心他们是不是招惹到了什么官方势力,但是看这些黑骑士的样子,也不像是斯卡尔联邦的人啊? „? & R dquo ; “哦?” Hears the speech of Steve, Zhan En puts out a hand to take up the badge, carefully observed, later he narrows the eye, the surprise brilliance flashes through together. 听到史蒂夫的说话,詹恩伸出手去拿起徽章,仔细观察了一下,随后他眯起眼睛,一道诧异的光辉从中闪过。 „ Is this ............... the doomsday god? & R dquo ;( To be continued......) “这是……………末日神教?”(未完待续……)
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