DR :: Volume #4

#318: City of Lost ( VII )

Hears this sound, everyone tightened the nerve, although they have not known the outcome is anything, but gives their warning from Tillis, the opposite party is unusual. These person and Tillis risk is very together long, although talks on endlessly regarding this Miss Clergymen god god is always holding several points of well-meaning teasing, but approves regarding her skill everyone. But also because of this, they regarding Tillisprayed & R dquo ; Also some understood somewhat, generally speaking when the Tillis direction direction, her wooden club can stand previous will drop down some time, once some people wanted to overthrow it curiously, actually without thinking of that delicate wooden club actually seems like strong, how to make an effort unable to overthrow, only if it drops down. But Tillis also told themto direct & R dquo ; Several situations that can have, one of them is the wooden club drops down in the moment to hand rapidly, this explained that has the monster that the people definitely are unable to cope with be close in their rear areas, must flee immediately. Although they have heard these, but has this condition in fact previous time in the lark channel, at that time after the wooden club in Tillis hand just left the hand is rapid but actually, instructed that they return immediately remove. Finally the doubtful mercenary forces the captain to return, after that they from other places know that originally at that time the front route was having one group of Ka migration process, in they move the ships on route almost to be no exception, if not they requests to return, perhaps these Adventurer can also be buried in the sea deep place with the ships that they take together. 听到这声音,所有人都绷紧了神经,虽然他们还不知道来的究竟是什么,但是从蒂莉丝给他们的警告来看,对方绝不寻常。这些人和蒂莉丝一起冒险已经很久了,虽然对于这位神官小姐的神神叨叨总是抱着几分善意的取笑,但对于她的本事大家还是认可的。而也正因为如此,他们对于蒂莉丝的“祈祷”多多少少也有一些了解,一般来说在蒂莉丝指引方向的时候,她的那根木棍都会立上一段时间才会倒下,也曾经有人好奇的想要推倒它,却没想到那根弱不禁风的木棍却看起来好像是铁铸的一样,怎么用力都推不倒,除非它自己倒下。而蒂莉丝也告诉过他们“指引”会出现的几种情况,其中之一就是木棍在离手的一刻飞速倒下,这说明在他们的后方有着众人完全无法对付的怪物正在接近,必须立刻逃离。虽然他们都听说过这些,但事实上上一次发生这种状况还是在白灵海峡,当时蒂莉丝手中的木棍刚离手就迅速后倒,指示他们立刻回撤。最终半信半疑的佣兵还是强迫船长返航,在那之后他们才从其他地方知道原来当时前方的航线正有一群娜迦迁徙经过,而在他们迁徙路线上的船只几乎无一幸免,如果不是他们要求返航的话,恐怕这些冒险者也会和他们所乘坐的船只一起葬身大海深处。 Before what they encountered was entire one group of Ka, but this time, pursued behind in their what was? 之前他们遭遇的是整整一群娜迦,但是这一次,追在他们身后的又是什么呢? Under the gaze of people, quick, a whole body is bright red, the seemingly revolting monster appears in the sky like this. It falls slowly, the rotation that a scarlet eye continuously is looking steadily at all around, the saliva the ugly mouth that splits from it drops under. Looks from afar as if can smell stink. 就在众人的注视下,很快,一个浑身鲜红,看起来令人作呕的怪物就这样出现在天空上。它缓缓下落,一双猩红色的眼睛不住的转动着盯视四周,口水从它裂开的丑陋嘴巴之中滴落而下。远远看着似乎都能够闻到其中的臭味。 That is what ghost thing! & R dquo ; “那是什么鬼东西!” Saw this monster, Adventurer to hold breath a cold air/Qi. They have gone to many places , the experience are too much the fearful monster. However at present this gadget is above their imagination, but this is not strange, purgatory demon bat is the The lower world scout, is demon of army's nature, therefore was rarely summoned main plane. Moreover their strength is not strong, only then the strength of Grandmaster rank, this in lower-level plane. With cannon fodder without doubt. 看见这个怪物,冒险者们都是倒吸了口冷气。他们去过许多地方,也见识过不少可怕的怪物。但是眼前这个玩意儿还是超乎了他们的想象,不过这也不奇怪,炼狱魔蝠是下层界的侦察兵,属于军队性质的魔物,所以很少被召唤到主位面来。而且它们本身实力不强,只有大师等级的实力,这在下层位面。和炮灰无疑。 By the way, byFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; This crowd of Adventurer strength, makes the qualifications of cannon fodder not to have in the The lower world war continually, their only uses perhaps were food. 顺便说一句,以“妖精与宝箱”这群冒险者的实力,在下层界的战争中连做炮灰的资格都没有,他们唯一的用处恐怕就是食物了。 That is demon. & R dquo ; “那是魔族。” Closely is holding own wooden stick, Tillis is pale the bashful sound to reply, as the followers of god, she has also studied the stories about their enemy somewhat, the demon image naturally is also one of them. But at present looks at this ugly monster, Tillis felt oneself must faint. She has to contact the evil fearful monster, but that is existence of main plane. But The lower world demon is completely another concept. Each of their body is existence that the perfect evil intention congeals becomes, their has is in itself evil. That is one type is unable to realize with the language thing that seems like in a practical landscape painting to put in the art of abstractionist school to be the same. That non- coordinated feeling makes people feel the fear with trembling sufficiently. 紧紧抱着自己的木杖,蒂莉丝苍白着脸小声回答道,作为众神的信徒,她多多少少也学过一些关于他们敌人的故事,魔族的形象自然也是其中之一。而眼下只是看着这个丑陋的怪物,蒂莉丝就感觉自己要昏过去了。她不是没有接触过邪恶可怕的怪物,但那都是主位面的存在。可下层界的魔物完全就是另外一个概念。它们身体的每一处都是完美的恶意所凝结而成的存在,它们的存在本身就是邪恶。那是一种根本无法用语言体会出来的东西,就好像是一副写实风景画里被放入抽象派的艺术一样。那种不协调感足以让人感到恐惧与战栗。 Purgatory demon bat from in the air falls slowly, since it narrows the eye, before the poking head in whereabouts, looks around. Facing this, Adventurer somewhat anxious, they get hold of the weapon, the aiming present monster. However actually does not know that should be what to do good, can only look at own regimental commander eagerly, counted on that he and others offers advice to himself. But at this time, in their behind. The Zhan En's sound actually resounds suddenly. 炼狱魔蝠缓缓从空中落下,它眯起眼睛,探出头去向前张望。面对这一幕,冒险者们都不由的有些紧张,他们握紧武器,瞄准眼前的怪物。但是却不知道应该怎么办才好,只能够眼巴巴的望着自己的团长,指望他给自己等人出个主意。而就在这个时候,在他们的身后。詹恩的声音却是忽然响起。 I urged you to begin earlier, best, when it fell to the ground kills it immediately. & R dquo ; “我劝你们还是早点动手,最好在它落地的时候就立刻杀死它。” Mr. Zhan En? & R dquo ; 詹恩先生?” Hears his speech. Everyone stares, then has turned the head to look to him. But warrior Daniel cold snort/hum that not far away that shoulders the double sword, discontented is gazing at fixedly him. 听到他的说话。所有人都是一愣,接着转过头去望向他。而不远处那个背负双剑的战士丹尼尔则冷哼一声,不满的瞪视着他。 „ Are you a fool? Aristocrat mister? We have not known that now the opposite party is anything, moreover looks at its appearance, had not obviously found us. So long as we hide are discovered here, the words that but goes out now are uncertain, who knows that let alone it also has the companion, in this case, holding troops is the best choice. Once we go out, god knows will also meet what gadget. & R dquo ; “你是傻瓜吗?贵族先生?我们现在还不知道对方是什么东西,而且看它的样子,明显还没有找到我们。只要我们躲在这里就不会被发现,但是现在出去的话就不一定了,更何况谁知道它是不是还有同伴,在这种情况下,按兵不动才是最好的选择。而一旦我们出去,天知道还会遇见什么玩意儿。” That is purgatory demon bat. & R dquo ; “那是炼狱魔蝠。” Facing the interpellation of Daniel, Zhan En has not said anything actually, but has turned the head to say facing Commander Steve quickly. 面对丹尼尔的质询,詹恩倒是没有多说什么,而是很快转过头去面对史蒂夫团长开口说道。 It is The lower world demon, detects the prey through the keen sense of smell, but I think that present should not have the time to take a bath to change the clothes to cover up oneself flavor again. In fact it has discovered us, if not take action, perhaps on evening. & R dquo ; “它是下层界的魔物,通过敏锐的嗅觉来侦测猎物,而我想各位现在应该没有时间再去洗澡换衣服以遮掩自己身上的味道。事实上它早就发现了我们,如果再不采取行动的话,恐怕就晚了。” Said listens booing, who knows what you said is real. & R dquo ; “说的倒好听,谁知道你说的是不是真的。” Hears Zhan En's to explain, Daniel cold snort/hum. 听到詹恩的解释,丹尼尔冷哼一声。 If it really discovered us, why it doesn't attack? & R dquo ; “如果它真的发现了我们,那么它为什么不进攻?” Because it is playing with like you idiot. & R dquo ; “因为它正在玩弄像你这样的蠢货。” Facing the question of Daniel, Zhan En is only contemptuously swept his one eyes, the performance of not mincing matter disdaining to at present this warrior. 面对丹尼尔的质疑,詹恩只是轻蔑的扫了他一眼,毫不掩饰的表现出自己对眼前这个战士的不屑。 „ The demon instinct is to like playing with the will of the people, moreover this purgatory demon bat definitely possibly does not appear alone here, it plays the fool in our front, on the one hand is playing with us, on the other hand is also directing the direction for its reinforcements, is certain, this fellow was summoned to treat as the scout by anyone, if we do not take action, perhaps without enough time. & R dquo ; 魔族的天性就是喜欢玩弄人心,而且这只炼狱魔蝠肯定不可能是独自出现在这里,它在我们的面前装傻,一方面是在玩弄我们,另外一方面也是在为它的援军指引方向,可以肯定,这家伙是被什么人召唤出来当做侦察兵的,如果我们再不采取行动的话,恐怕就来不及了。” You said things just to frighten people! & R dquo ; “你这是危言耸听!” Detected that Zhan En's vision, Daniel is the complexion even more is also cloudy, the vision of that disdaining and ridicule makes him be burning with anger. He disliked the aristocrat who these keep aloof, in their eyes, oneself are just the lowly ants, is not worth mentioning. But Zhan En looked that his look is more like looks at pile of trash, this makes Daniel angry, if did not consider that currently outside also has demon, he almost must draw out the weapon, came a duel with the opposite party! 察觉到詹恩的目光,丹尼尔也是面色越发阴沉,那种不屑与嘲弄的目光让他怒火中烧。他原本就讨厌那些高高在上的贵族,在他们眼里,自己只不过是低贱的蝼蚁,根本不值一提。而詹恩看他的眼神更像是看一堆垃圾,这让丹尼尔愤怒无比,如果不是考虑到现在外面还有魔物在的话,他几乎要拔出武器,和对方来一次决斗了! Sufficed! & R dquo ; “够了!” Detects the atmosphere in team to be somewhat anxious, Steve has to interrupt two people quarrel, he silent moment, this looks to Zhan En. 察觉到队伍里的气氛有些紧张,史蒂夫不得不打断了两人的争吵,他沉默了片刻,这才望向詹恩 „ Does Mr. Zhan En, you determine? 詹恩先生,你确定吗? I determine ......... consider as finished, in any case already without enough time. & R dquo ; “我确定………算了,反正已经来不及了。” Facing the inquiry of Steve, Zhan En replied half, then he bewildered sighing, sees only Zhan En holding on to stand in his side helpless Tillis suddenly later, then draws back rapidly backward. 面对史蒂夫的询问,詹恩只是回答了一半,接着他忽然莫名其妙的叹了口气,随后只见詹恩一把拉住站在他身边不知所措的蒂莉丝,接着迅速向后退开。 This made all Adventurer stare, this flash they also think that the opposite party planned to kidnap Tillis, but in next moment, only heard a explosion sound, then Zhan En wall ruptured suddenly, later a shadow went out from within large strides, the great sword in his hand howled to forward, divided toward Tillis of Zhan En and his arms. 这一幕让所有的冒险者都愣了一下,这一瞬间他们还以为对方打算劫持蒂莉丝,但是就在下一刻,只听见一声轰响,接着詹恩身边的墙壁忽然爆裂开来,随后一个黑影从中大步走出,他手中的巨剑呼啸向前,向着詹恩和他怀里的蒂莉丝劈了下去。 Stop!! & R dquo ; “住手!!” Sees this, Steve to shout angrily immediately loudly, he quickly pulls out the long sword, but has not waited for him to make what movement again. Only hears several thunders, later the people all around wall of collapses in abundance, shadows go out, their hands grasp the great sword, wears the jet black armor, silentFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; Adventurer surrounded. But until this time, in their top of the heads, heard one like the ridicule hoarse squeal. 看见这一幕,史蒂夫顿时大声怒喝起来,他急忙抽出长剑,可还没有等他再做出什么动作。只听见几声轰响,随后众人四周的墙壁纷纷坍塌,一个又一个的黑影从中走出,他们手握巨剑,身穿漆黑的盔甲,沉默不语的将“妖精与宝箱”的冒险者们包围了起来。而直到这个时候,在他们的头顶上,才传来了一声如同嘲笑般嘶哑的尖叫声。 „! & R dquo ; “嘎啊!” At this moment, the heart of Steve sank immediately the valley, he understands the words that finally beforehand Zhan En spoke did not bluster, but was a fact. That monster has discovered them, but actually the appearance that pretends not to detect, the guidance pursuing troops come. But they are patronizing the dispute, finally had not discovered completely opposite party already surrounded them. If they listened to Zhan En's to order to attack that monster before, perhaps favorable turn, but ............... looks at all around these black knights now, Steve only felt that the hands and feet sent coldly. 这一刻,史蒂夫的心顿时沉到了谷底,他终于明白之前詹恩所说的话并非是虚张声势,而是一个事实。那头怪物早就发现了他们,但却装作毫无察觉的样子,引导追兵前来。而他们则光顾着争执,结果完全没有发现对方早已经神不知鬼不觉的把他们包围了起来。如果早在之前他们听詹恩的命令去攻击那头怪物的话,说不定还有转机,但是现在……………看着四周那些黑色的骑士,史蒂夫只感觉到手脚发寒。 He has a premonition, this can be a very difficult war. 他有一种预感,这会是非常艰难的一战。 But at this time, the corner of the eye of Steve caught to wipe the dazzling sword light. 而就在这个时候,史蒂夫的眼角捕捉到了一抹耀眼的剑光。 Tillis opens the eye, the wind sound/rumor howls from her ear, only however the present young girl can see is that stretches out from the mist and dust suddenly, to Sharp Edge that she chops. Gazes at this great sword, Tillis was only feeling oneself cannot move completely, she first time is not went out the risk , the first time is not encountered the critical scene. She once in one time in process that encircles gnome poison-tipped arrow, if not the companions travels day and night her delivers to Temple to accept the treatment, perhaps she has died. 蒂莉丝睁大眼睛,风声从她的耳边呼啸而过,但是眼下的少女唯一能够看见的就是那从烟尘之中忽然伸出,向她劈下的利刃。注视着这把巨剑,蒂莉丝只感觉自己完全动弹不得,她不是第一次出外冒险,也不是第一次遭遇到生死攸关的场面。她曾经在一次围剿地精的过程中中了毒箭,如果不是同伴们日夜兼程将她送到神殿接受救治,恐怕她已经死了。 However then feeling and present are different, at that time her the whole person was fuzzy, walked probably in the reality and dream gap, has almost not remembered anything, afterward recalled also no reality. However now, this chops in own front Sharp Edge, she almost can foresee that sharp sword blade to tear oneself clothes, cuts own body. At that moment the young girl evenforesees & R dquo ; Was torn to oneself body, sprays the fearful appearance of blood. Death showed with a clearest incomparable way in this moment in the front of young girl, keeping her from avoiding. 但是当时的感觉和现在不同,那个时候她整个人都是模模糊糊的,就好像是行走在现实与梦幻的间隙,几乎没有记住什么事情,事后回想起来也没有什么现实感。但是现在,这把利刃就在自己的面前劈下,她几乎可以预见那锋利的剑刃会撕裂自己的衣服,砍进自己的身体。那一刻少女甚至“预见”到了自己身体被撕裂开来,喷射鲜血的可怕样子。死亡在这一刻用一种最清晰无比的方式展现在了少女的面前,让她根本无法躲避。 But in this moment, Tillis saw to wipe the bright. 但就在这一刻,蒂莉丝看见了一抹亮光。 The Zhan En left hand is blocking the waist of Tillis, drags into her slender petite body the bosom. But his right hand has from the sky delimited, gripped the sword hilt of waist, then, he draws a sword to forward. 詹恩左手拦着蒂莉丝的腰肢,将她那纤细娇小的身躯拉入怀中。而他的右手则在空中划过,握住了腰间的剑柄,接着,他拔剑向前。 Wiped the silver white brilliance to tear the darkness like this, kept off in the Tillis front, collided the both hands great sword with that in one. But next moment, saw that Black Knight to seem like by a dragon is hit to fly the common stooping body to fly upside down backward, he has not even made any movement with enough time, the strong impulse broke to pieces the great sword in his hand on the bang, following his impact of forward arm no stagnation, but that tall and strong huge body this flew away backward, breaks through one after another wall, thenrumbled & R dquo ; In ruins that plants in the remnant of destroyed building, did not have the sound again. 一抹银白的光辉就这样撕裂了黑暗,挡在了蒂莉丝的面前,与那把双手巨剑碰撞在了一起。而下一刻,就看见那个黑骑士像是被一头龙撞飞了一般弯下身体向后倒飞开去,他甚至没有来得及做任何动作,强大的冲击力就轰碎了他手中的巨剑,顺着他的手臂毫无停滞的向前冲击,而那具魁梧庞大的身体就这样向后飞开,冲破一道又一道墙壁,接着“轰”的一头栽在断壁残垣的废墟之中,再也没有了动静。 At this moment, everyone in battlefield stopped the movement, these Black Knight, are Adventurer, turns the head, cannot believe looks at present. 这一刻,战场上的所有人都停下了动作,无论是那些黑骑士,还是冒险者,都转过头来,不敢相信的看着眼前的这一幕。 Are nine Saints on, their are having a dream? ( to be continued ) 九圣在上,他们这是在做梦吗?(未完待续)
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