DR :: Volume #4

#317: City of Lost ( VI )

The flame flaming burnt was burninging out all, the shabby house has collapsed thoroughly, but on the present main road, can only see burned black corpses, besides gnome and other monsters, many Adventurer corpses was also one of them, no matter they how, these lives have become one pile of meaningless jet black hard cokes now. 火焰熊熊燃烧着烧尽了一切,早已经破旧不堪的房屋彻底坍塌,而在眼前的大道上,只能够看见一片又一片焦黑的尸体,除了地精等怪物之外,还有不少冒险者的尸体也在其中,但是不管他们生前如何,现在这些生命都已经成为了一堆毫无意义的漆黑焦炭。 „ Does Sir Verona, have this necessity? & R dquo ; 维罗纳大人,有这个必要吗?” Looks at present, stands, puts on the man of black armor to frown, looks to at present this piece the scorched land. Afterward turns around, having the discontented vision to look to standing, in his whole body wraps the person's shadow in jet black long gown. But detected that his vision, the person of that wear black robe sent out ice-cold, hoarse laughter. 看着眼前的这一幕,站在旁边,穿着黑色盔甲的男子皱起眉头,望向眼前这片已经被烧焦的土地。随后转过身去,带着不满的目光望向站在他身边一个全身上下都包裹在漆黑长袍里的人影。而察觉到他的目光,那个穿着黑袍的人则是发出了一阵冰冷,嘶哑的笑声。 Has what relations, Croy. But is plays, these lowly fellows dare to prevent our ways unexpectedly, naturally must pay the price. The inferior monster was needless saying that the mercenary who these dirty lowly acted recklessly needs to teach well, can make them offend my main invincible might clearly is a how unwise matter. & R dquo ; “有什么关系,克罗伊。只不过是玩玩罢了,这些低贱的家伙居然敢阻挡我们的去路,就自然要付出代价。下等的怪物不用多说,那些肮脏低贱而不知死活的佣兵更是需要好好教训一番,才能够让他们明白冒犯我主的神威是一件多么不明智的事情。” But we just entered City of Lost, your such approach may bring the unnecessary trouble to us very much. & R dquo ; “但是我们才刚刚进入失落之城,你这样的做法很有可能给我们带来不必要的麻烦。” Hears the black robe person's speech, the Croy obviously somewhat discontented opens the mouth rebuttal said, but facing his rebuttal, that black robe person named Verona exhibited a not sparing a glance attitude, waves. 听到黑袍人的说话,克罗伊明显有些不满的开口反驳道,而面对他的反驳,那个名叫维罗纳的黑袍人则摆出了一副不屑一顾的态度,挥了挥手。 Does not need to be worried, before we hadn't investigated? Here has no thing to prevent my main advance, even occupies in the spider demon of inner city. Also is only The lower world quite low demon. These fellows could eliminate these because of Adventurer that greedy excels at rushing, but is actually not able to prevent us to advance to Holy but the step of noble goal. My main Oracle directs us to come here, so long as can obtain the sky scepter, then we can return to my main honor again, by that time, gods of keeping aloof crash land, but all of this world. Also will fall into the final trial of flaming flame combustion! & R dquo ; “不必担心,之前我们不是已经探查过了吗?这里根本没有什么东西能够阻挡我主的前进,就算是盘踞在内城的蛛魔。也不过只是下层界比较低等的魔物罢了。这些家伙或许能够消灭那些因为贪婪而擅闯的冒险者,但是却无法阻挡我们迈向神圣而高尚的目标的步伐。我主的神谕指引我们来到这里,只要能够获得天空权杖,那么我们就能够再次归复我主的荣光,到那个时候,高高在上的神明将坠落大地,而这世间的一切。也将陷入熊熊火焰燃烧的最后审判!” Is saying, black robe raises the right hand, toward front one finger/refers. 一面说着,黑袍一面举起右手,向着前方一指。 Now, we must do only, goes forward, the advance, goes forward again! & R dquo ; “现在,我们唯一要做的,就是前进,前进,再前进!” ............ & R dquo ; “…………” Hears the reply of Verona, Croy shakes the head, then he puts on the helmet. Covered the discontented expression. Although is very uncomfortable regarding this damn fellow, felt he is the god god summit idiot, but opposite party's position in church by far above oneself, the strength or the power, are not a he young knight can place on a par, but these comes the City of Lost search sky scepter time. Also is one of their important missions. All to try to please them are great, but existence of Holy. In such important quest aspect, Croy is nothing right to speak. 听到维罗纳的回答,克罗伊摇了摇头,接着他重新戴上头盔。遮挡住了自己不满的表情。虽然对于这个该死的家伙很不爽,也觉得他是个神神颠颠的白痴,但是对方在教会之中的地位远远在自己之上,无论是力量还是权力,都不是他一个小小的骑士可以相提并论的,而这一次前来失落之城搜索天空权杖。也是他们重要的使命之一。一切都是为了取悦他们伟大而神圣的存在。在这样重要的任务方面,克罗伊是没有什么话语权的。 However ......... 不过……… Croy narrows the eye, sized up side a next week again. If he remembers that right, before under the mountain investigated, once obtained the aristocrat to hire adventure group to enter the City of Lost information, although according to the time, the opposite party arrived at the City of Lost time should also and is similar, but has not actually seen their traces completely, the don't tell me opposite party and they walked wasn't the same route? Words as the matter stands, slightly somewhat will be troublesome. 克罗伊眯起眼睛,再次打量了一下周边。如果他记得没错的话,之前在山下进行调查时,曾经得到有一个贵族雇佣了冒险团进入失落之城的情报,虽然按照时间来说,对方到达失落之城的时间应该也和自己差不多,但是却完全没有看见他们的踪影,难道说对方和他们走的不是同一条路线吗?这样一来的话,可能稍微会有些麻烦呢。 Facing present. Black Knight hesitated slightly, but is quick he to decide this immaterial matter to put out of one's mind, in his opinion, an aristocrat could not become anything, moreover these Adventurer were also only some small roles, at all impossible to create to them any hinders & mda S h ; No, the fellow who or before that these do not know the immensity of heaven and earth acts even without oneself, demon that will also be hidden by here killing off. 面对眼前的这一幕。黑骑士略微沉吟了一下,但是很快他就决定将这种无关紧要的事情放在脑后,在他看来,一个贵族根本成不了什么事,而且那些冒险者也只是些小角色,根本不可能对他们造成任何阻碍—不,或者说在那之前,那些不知天高地厚的家伙哪怕不用自己出手,也会被这里隐藏的魔物给杀光吧。 Thinks of here, Croy then no longer cared that these bored fellows, he wears the helmet, then silent gave a hand signal, quick, along with his movement, knight group by group gushes out from his rear area on this like surging tides, they wear the heavy/thick black armor, outside is the black battle dress, carries a giant both hands sword. These knights on such great leap, walk toward the City of Lost deep place. 想到这里,克罗伊便不再去关心那些无聊的家伙,他重新戴好头盔,接着沉默不语的做了一个手势,很快,伴随着他的动作,一批又一批的骑士就这样如潮水般从他的后方涌出,他们都穿着厚重的黑色盔甲,外面则是黑色的战袍,身后背着一把巨大的双手剑。这些骑士就这样大步前进,向着失落之城的深处走去。 Waits. & R dquo ; “等一等。” But at this time, Verona said suddenly, then he has turned the head, narrowed the eye to look toward City of Lost another side distant place, but heard the order of Verona, Croy frowns, but he was hurried to be stopped by oneself soldier, then has turned the head to follow the Verona direction to look at & mda S h ; But almost at the same time, his corner of the eye split vision caught one Harpy that crashed downward. It looks seems like small sunspot, in sky common, however in the eye of Croy actually that clear, he sees clearly that sunspot flies the sky, then crashes under. Sees this, Croy frowning, he is an experienced knight, naturally understands that this means anything. Crash of that Harpy impossible no indication, clearly, it should receive the attack, then, presented in oneself front information is very as the matter stands obvious. 而就在这个时候,忽然维罗纳开口说道,接着他转过头去,眯起眼睛向着失落之城另外一侧的远处望去,而听到维罗纳的命令,克罗伊皱了下眉头,但是他还是急忙让自己手下的士兵停了下来,接着转过头顺着维罗纳的方向望去—而几乎就在与此同时,他的眼角余光捕捉到了一只正在向下坠落的鹰身女妖。它看起来就好像是一个小黑点儿,在天空中毫不起眼,但是在克罗伊的眼中却是那么的清晰,他清楚的看着那个黑点儿飞上天空,然后坠落而下。看到这一幕,克罗伊不由的皱了下眉头,他是个身经百战的骑士,自然明白这意味着什么。那个鹰身女妖不可能毫无征兆的坠落,很明显,它应该是受到了袭击,那么这样一来,呈现在自己面前的信息就已经很明显了。 Also some people in this City of Lost. & R dquo ; “还有人在这座失落之城里。” Saying that Verona coldly, his sound seems like the cold wind of reverberation simply in tomb, even made Croy tremble, hurried lowering the head replied. 维罗纳冷冷的说道,他的声音简直就好像是回荡在墓穴之中的寒风,甚至让克罗伊都不由的哆嗦了一下,急忙低头回答道。 Before we when below investigates, there are to hear that hired adventure group to enter City of Lost to explore in our beforehand aristocrat, had not seen their forms a moment ago here, these eliminated Harpy, should be these fellows. & R dquo ; “之前我们在下面调查时,有听说在我们之前一个贵族雇佣了一个冒险团进入失落之城探险,刚才在这里没有看见他们的身影,想必那些消灭鹰身女妖的,应该就是这些家伙了。” Heard the report of Croy, Verona has not said anything, he was only silent the moment, this issued the order. 听到克罗伊的报告,维罗纳没有多说什么,他只是沉默了片刻,这才下达了命令。 Sent one team of people to find them, killed off them. & R dquo ; “派一队人去找到他们,把他们杀光。” Sir? & R dquo ; “大人?” Hears this order, Croy being startled. 听到这个命令,克罗伊不由的吃了一惊。 Has this necessity? In City of Lost demon is numerous, moreover we do not know that actually these fellows where, disperse the manpower like this quite baffling, will only suffer the loss in vain. & R dquo ; “有这个必要吗?失落之城内魔物众多,而且我们也不知道那些家伙究竟在什么地方,这样没头没尾的分散人手,只会白白遭受损失而已。” Facing the reply of Croy, Verona has not said anything. On the contrary. He extended the right hand, in the mouth muttered several, then saw to wrap in Verona black robe suddenly to upturning, the extension, the expansion, revolved was forming a dark door, along with strange songs and calls. A whole body filled with the sulfur aura, the appearance is ugly, the live image was the monster of human form bat flew from the gate like this, its two hind legs held the ground like this, a scarlet eye stubbornly is looking steadily at present Verona. The sharp mouth of triangle slits the chin, revealed in the sharp and ugly tooth. The black robe used a strange language to say anything to it, saw only that demon bat then to turn around to spread the wings to fly to the sky. 面对克罗伊的回答,维罗纳并没有多说什么。相反。他伸出右手,口中喃喃自语了几句,紧接着便看见包裹在维罗纳身上的黑袍忽然向上翻起,伸展,扩大,旋转着形成了一道黑暗的门扉,紧接着伴随着一声诡异的鸣叫声。一个全身上下充满了硫磺气息,长相丑陋怪异,活像是个人形蝙蝠的怪物就这样从门里飞了出来,它的两只后腿就这样抓住地面,一双猩红的眼睛死死的盯视着眼前的维罗纳。三角形的尖嘴一直裂到下巴,露出了里面锋利而丑陋的牙齿。黑袍对它用一种古怪的语言说了些什么,只见那个魔蝠便转身展翅飞向了天空。 But until this time, Verona has then turned the head, is looking steadily at Black Knight again. 而直到这个时候,维罗纳这才转过头去,再次盯视着自己身边的黑骑士 Purgatory demon bat will find them. Follows it, massacres these fellows. My main quest cannot accommodate least bit careless and mistake. & R dquo ; “炼狱魔蝠会找到他们。跟着它,杀掉那些家伙。我主的任务容不得半点儿马虎和疏失。” Yes, Sir. & R dquo ; “是,大人。” Facing the order of Verona , only then the nod that this Croy can do responds, then he quickly made several movements. Quick saw more than ten Black Knight to be separated from the team, was at the direction that to dash to go toward purgatory demon bat. But until this time. Verona then satisfactory reclamation vision. Afterward his cold snort/hum , to continue stand forth. 面对维罗纳的命令,这一次克罗伊所能够做的只有点头回应,接着他迅速做了几个动作。很快就看见十几名黑骑士脱离了队伍,向着炼狱魔蝠所在的方向飞奔而去。而直到这个时候。维罗纳这才满意的收回目光。随后他冷哼一声,继续向前走去。 This damn bastard ............... & R dquo ; “这该死的混蛋……………” Looks at the Verona back uncomfortable, Croy stared his one eyes, then lowers the head to march forward. Although is very uncomfortable regarding this fellow, but to them, present quest is obviously more important, cannot accommodate the least bit accident. ......... Did not need him to worry perhaps as for these Adventurer quickly. 看着维罗纳的背影,克罗伊不爽的瞪了他一眼,接着低下头去继续向前。虽然对于这个家伙很不爽,但是对于他们来说,眼下的任务显然更加重要,容不得半点儿闪失。至于那些冒险者嘛………恐怕很快就不需要他去操心了。 Regarding this point, Croy not slightly question. 对于这一点,克罗伊没有丝毫疑问。 But at the same time, „ Fairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; The members had not detected completely the danger is turning toward them to approach, but the people are deferring to the original plan at this moment. Continues to turn toward the City of Lost deep place to set out. 而在与此同时,“妖精与宝箱”的成员们完全没有察觉到危险正在向着他们逼近,而众人此刻正按照原本的计划。继续向着失落之城的深处进发。 According to Zhan En hires their views at first, he only requests these people to escort him to the the blue dome of heaven square situated in City of Lost central city area, is constructing once one of the most magnificent Sun Temple there. If the fragment of gate of Death shadow may by the place of seal, place that then that Temple most is naturally worth paying attention. Draws back 10,000 steps, even if in Temple does not have the fragment, should still certainly have the clue of hidden to be right. 按照詹恩最初雇佣他们的说法,他只要求这些人护送他到位于失落之城中心城区的苍穹广场,在那里建筑着曾经最辉煌的太阳神殿之一。如果说死亡阴影之门的碎片有可能被封印的地方的话,那么那座神殿自然是最值得关注的地方。退一万步来说,就算神殿里没有碎片,也一定会有隐藏的线索才对。 Sun Temple situated in the outer city area, why this is Commander Steve will also comply to accept one of Zhan En employment reasons, although after all demon of outer city area is fierce, but is not also impregnable. If Zhan En said from the beginning goes to inner city district, perhaps no matter that he will have much money Steve not to receive this request. After all goes to the City of Lost mercenaries to know that the inside and outside city area are two world, demon of outer city have the opportunity of escaping simply again, but actually never has the person to escape from inner city district, is only such a little, makes most Adventurer shrink back at the sight sufficiently & mda S h ; They indeed are long for that takes risk and explores, but brings death on own initiative, that was a different matter. 太阳神殿位于外城区,这也是为什么史蒂夫团长会答应接受詹恩雇佣的原因之一,毕竟外城区的魔物虽然厉害,但也并非无懈可击。要是詹恩一开始说去内城区的话,那么不管他出多少钱史蒂夫恐怕都不会接下这个委托。毕竟去过失落之城的佣兵都知道内外城区简直就是两个世界,外城的魔物再强也不是没有逃生的机会,但是却从来没有人从内城区逃出来过,光是这样一点儿,就足以让大多数冒险者望而却步—他们的确是渴望冒险与探索,但是主动送死,那就是另外一回事了。 After eliminating Harpy, the people have not encountered the big hindrance actually, perhaps is because nearby this is the Harpy domain, without reason that other demon appear and disappear. They go forward but actually also smooth, the column of flame that but that shot up to the sky a moment ago makes many people be somewhat worried, they are talking in a low voice, often looks around toward the distant place. Obviously, they also thought that the matter seems like some to be not quite right. 在消灭了鹰身女妖之后,众人倒是没有遇到多大的阻碍,或许是因为这附近就是鹰身女妖的地盘,没有其他的魔物出没的缘故。他们前进的倒还顺利,只不过刚才那冲天而起的火柱还是让不少人有些担心,他们一面低声交谈着,一面不时的向着远处张望。显然,他们也觉得事情似乎有些不太对劲。 Tillis. & R dquo ; 蒂莉丝。” Steve has also detected this point obviously, therefore he picked up the speed of advance, but after arriving at a three-road junction, he then stops immediately, then beckons to hint Tillis to direct direction & mda S h for them ; Besides Zhan En, this group of mercenaries are not familiar with the City of Lost terrain, but arrives now all smoothly, then completely by the direction and guiding of Tillis, otherwise, how they to know that ghost Sun Temple in what damned place? 史蒂夫显然也已经察觉到了这一点,因此他加快了前进的速度,而在到达一处三岔路口之后,他便立刻停下来,接着招手示意蒂莉丝为他们指引方向—除了詹恩之外,这群佣兵对于失落之城的地形并没有多么熟悉,但是走到现在一切顺利,则完全就是靠蒂莉丝的指引和带路,不然的话,他们怎么知道那个鬼太阳神殿在什么鬼地方? But hears the summon of Steve, Tillis also quickly walks up, just like before, the young girl first was grips the pray that the wooden club muttered several, then let loose both hands. 而听到史蒂夫的召唤,蒂莉丝也急忙走上前来,和之前一样,少女先是握住木棍喃喃自语的祈祷了几句,接着放开双手。 But what stems from everyone to be unexpected, before this wooden club has not looked like , the stop moment drops down, on the contrary, in that flash that Tillis lets go, it& R dquo ; Falls on the ground, the straight directional front, that seems like seems like ordinary because loses the wooden club that drops down balanced to be the same. 但出乎所有人意料之外的是,这一次木棍并没有像之前停顿片刻才倒下,相反,在蒂莉丝松手的那一瞬间,它就“啪”的一声倒在地面上,笔直的指向前方,那看起来就好像是再普通不过因为失去平衡而倒下的木棍一样。 But is this, makes everyone stare, but first responded is actually Tillis, she looks is pouring the wooden club in ground, pallidness that the complexion instantaneously changes. next moment sees only Tillis to grasp the ground the wooden club, turns around to shout greatly. 但就是这一幕,却让所有人都是一愣,不过最先反应过来的却是蒂莉丝,她望着倒在地面上的木棍,面色瞬间变的煞白。下一刻只见蒂莉丝就抓起地上的木棍,转身大喊道。 Runs quickly forward, has the thing to pursue us in us behind!! & R dquo ; “快向前跑,在我们身后有东西正在追我们!!” What?! & R dquo ; “什么?!” Hears here, all Adventurer are startled, but Aina also hurried clever jumping to the ruins of nearby house on, looked around in their behind directions, the complexion of next moment half-elf Ranger young girl also changes. 听到这里,所有的冒险者都是大吃一惊,而艾娜也急忙灵巧的跳到了旁边一栋房屋的废墟上,向着他们身后的方向张望,紧接着下一刻半精灵游侠少女的面色也是为之一变。 Has the thing to fly from the space, that is not Harpy!! & R dquo ; “有东西正从天上飞过来,那不是鹰身女妖!!” Walks quickly! & R dquo ; “快走!” Hears the report of Aina, Steve also no longer hesitates, quick, people under the leadership of Tillis fast runs forward, although they do not know that pursues own outcome in behind is being anything, but from the Tillis expression, that obviously is not a thing that is easy to cope with. Therefore the people also no longer spoke, but was hurried runs forward. 听到艾娜的报告,史蒂夫也不再犹豫,很快,众人就在蒂莉丝的带领下飞快的向前跑去,虽然他们不知道在后面追着自己的究竟是什么,但是从蒂莉丝的表情来看,那显然不是个容易对付的东西。因此众人也不再说话,而是急忙向前跑去。 The front that the wooden club refers to is not a path, but is worn-out, seems like the abandoned tavern construction. But this moment people do not care about so many, hurried crashed in this during the damaged construction. These Adventurer are the experience is rich, quick saw to be several tall and strong warrior blocked the entrance, but Aina and two Thief grasped the bow crossbow, passed nearby gap and window aimed at the sky. Others also turned very quiet, anxious anxious is listening respectfully to outside sound. 木棍所指的前方并不是一条通路,而是一间破旧,看起来像是被废弃的酒馆般的建筑。而此刻众人也不在意这么多,急急忙忙的冲进了这间已经破败不堪的建筑之中。这些冒险者都是经验丰富,很快就看见为首几个魁梧强壮的战士堵住了入口,而艾娜和两个盗贼则手持弓弩,通过旁边的缺口和窗户瞄准了天空。其他人也是屏住了呼吸,紧张不安的聆听着外面的动静。 Only has a Zhan En as before carefree appearance, but in his eye also somewhat has doubts at this moment, in fact before Aina reported that he has felt existence of opposite party. However makes Zhan En feel what doubts is, if he has not guessed that wrong, that aura should came from The lower world purgatory demon bat. This type of demon is not strange regarding Zhan En, in the The lower world battlefield, purgatory demon bat is most often treated as the branch of the services of scout. Those but who make Zhan En somewhat strange is, he thinks that is the Tinidell person, is according to Tinidell characteristic, she should not be right in main plane summon purgatory demon bat. After all Undead Legion Ghost Griffon is easier-to-use in this place. 只有詹恩依旧一副悠闲自在的样子,不过此刻他的眼中也有几分疑惑,事实上早在艾娜报告之前,他就已经感受到了对方的存在。但是让詹恩感到疑惑的是,如果他没有猜错的话,那气息应该是来自下层界的炼狱魔蝠。这种魔物对于詹恩来说并不陌生,在下层界的战场上,炼狱魔蝠是最常被当做侦察兵的兵种。可是让詹恩有些奇怪的是,他原本以为那是蒂尼德尔的人,可是按照蒂尼德尔特性来说,她不应该会在主位面召唤炼狱魔蝠才对。毕竟不死军团幽灵狮鹫在这种地方更好用。 Did don't tell me, besides them and Tinidell, the third party influence arrive at City of Lost? 难道说,除了他们和蒂尼德尔之外,还有第三方势力来到了失落之城 In Zhan En ponders, from the sky of their top of the head not far away, whips the sound of wing also gradually to reappear.( To be continued.) 就在詹恩思考之际,从他们头顶不远处的天空上,拍打翅膀的声音也逐渐浮现。(未完待续。)
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