DR :: Volume #4

#316: City of Lost ( V )

Harpy is screaming dropping from the clouds, blotting out the sky launched the attack toward present Adventurer. The courses of action and wolves of these demon are quite similar, when attack closes, by quantity win. But each ethnic group are least also about hundred Harpy to exist. At present they open the wing like this, dense, blotting out the sky toward, so long as evidently can embezzle at present these insignificant Adventurer suddenly thoroughly. 鹰身女妖尖叫着从天而降,铺天盖地的向着眼前的冒险者们发动了袭击。这些魔物的行动方式和狼群相当类似,袭击时都是一拥而上,靠数量取胜。而每个族群最少也有近百个鹰身女妖存在。眼下它们就这样张开翅膀,黑压压的,铺天盖地的向着下方袭来,看样子只要眨眼间就能够彻底吞没眼下这些微不足道的冒险者 HoweverFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; adventure group does not have unearned reputation, they can enter City of Lost then to move out for successive three times, the natural strength excels. But demon of Harpy these outer layers, although looks somewhat troublesome, but these mercenaries have the means to cope. 不过“妖精与宝箱”冒险团也不是浪得虚名,他们能够连续三次进入失落之城然后全身而退,自然实力高强。而鹰身女妖这些外层的魔物,虽然看起来有些麻烦,但是这些佣兵还是有办法对付的。 Aina holds up the long bow in hand, sky over the aiming. next moment, howls the arrow arrow of sparkle to fly to shoot from her bowstring like this, before having a white light flying shoots towards, responsible Harpy has not made any movement with enough time, was passed through the body by this arrow arrow thoroughly, screamed that spins is falling to the ground. But that arrow light marches forward, passed through 2-3 the bodies of monsters after continuously, this is revolving finally the eye that shot Harpy, shoots down it in the place. 艾娜举起手中的长弓,瞄准上空。下一刻,呼啸闪耀的箭矢就这样从她的弓弦上飞射而出,带着一道白光飞射向前,首当其冲的鹰身女妖还没有来得及做出任何动作,就被这箭矢彻底贯穿了身体,尖叫打转着向地上落下。而那道箭光则继续向前,又连续贯穿了2-3个怪物的身体之后,这才最终旋转着射进了一只鹰身女妖的眼睛,将它击落在地。 But at this time, Aina has drawn the nocking, was an arrow arrow shot. 而在这个时候,艾娜早已经拉弓搭箭,又是一枚箭矢射了出去。 The half-elf shooter talent in the incisiveness of this moment display, seeing only stands in same place Aina human form fort, the long bow in hand continuously& R dquo simply probably ; Projects a white brilliance, the probably intensive fire same penetrated the Harpy formation. Suddenly sees only the feather to flutter about, in a moment has dozens banshee unable to fall to the ground. But the crowded Harpy group was also torn a big vacancy by the Aina arrow arrow immediately. 半精灵的射手天赋在这一刻可谓发挥的淋漓尽致,只见站在原地的艾娜简直就好像一个人形炮台,手中的长弓不住“唰唰唰”的射出一片白色的光辉,就好像密集的炮火一样穿透了鹰身女妖的阵型。一时间只见羽毛纷飞,眨眼的工夫就有数十名女妖倒地不起。而原本密集的鹰身女妖群也顿时被艾娜的箭矢撕裂出了一大片的空缺。 But others are the action are also rapid. Two Thief throw to act rapidly the sonic boom stone, sees only that two, glitters the metallic luster stone to fly like this to in the air, then exuded one low and deep, just like thunderstorm sound. This explosive has not brought any substantive harm, but actually took to Harpy by the destructive attack, the vision of these demon are very weak. Almost was also equal to that human nearsightedness level, they completely by the dissemination and rebound of sound determined the position of position and prey that oneself are. But now, this sudden thunderstorm sound was almost in a moment makes these Harpy lose to the judgment of position, they have turned into the deaf person now completely, in this case, Harpy was almost impossible to think, they seem like a person transferred dozens now after the ground crazily, again was unable to maintain balanced such, the world in eye was also chaotic one piece. But these Harpy crowded lineups also dispersed in this moment. In losing after the equilibrium sense of position and space, they can only proceed along no particular course like one flock of headless flies everywhere, even the sky and ground could not distinguish clearly. 而其他人也是行动迅速。两个盗贼迅速扔出了手中的爆音石,只见那两块小小的,闪烁着金属光泽的石头就这样飞向空中,然后发出了一声低沉的,宛如雷暴般的声响。这一身爆响并没有带来任何实质性的伤害,但是却带给了鹰身女妖以毁灭性的打击,这些魔物的视力很弱。几乎也就等于人类近视眼的水准,它们完全是靠声音的传播与反弹来确定自己所在的位置和猎物的方位的。而现在,这突如其来的雷暴声几乎是眨眼的工夫就让这些鹰身女妖失去了对方位的判断,它们现在已经完全变成了聋子,在这种情况下,鹰身女妖几乎无法可想,它们现在就好像是一个人在地面上疯狂转了几十圈之后,已经再也无法保持平衡那样,眼中的世界也是混乱一片。而这些鹰身女妖原本密集的阵型也在这一刻散开。在失去了对方位与空间的平衡感之后,它们只能够像一群无头苍蝇那样到处乱撞,甚至连天空和地面都分不清了。 But Adventurer at this moment also close, they are well aware, this eliminates Harpy most good opportunity, after all in entire adventure team besides Aina this name brand Ranger shooter. Thief that two is a guest performer the crossbowman. Others are the close combats. But Tillis is only good at assisting as the Sailon follower, cannot help in this aspect. Therefore if did not take advantage that now this opportunity eliminates these Harpy, waits for them to respond , after flying in the air, may be hard to cope. 而此刻的冒险者们也是一拥而上,他们心知肚明,这是消灭鹰身女妖的最好机会,毕竟整个冒险团队里除了艾娜这个正牌游侠射手之外。只有两个客串弩手的盗贼。其他人都是近战。而蒂莉丝作为赛纶的信徒只擅长辅助,在这方面也帮不上什么忙。因此如果不趁现在这个机会消灭这些鹰身女妖的话,等它们反应过来之后再飞到空中之后可就难以对付了。 Lost sense of hearing Harpy to be equal to losing the battle efficiency, in addition, they welled up, present these Harpy want the instinct flew to pull up the distance unable to achieve, moreover now their sense of hearing was sealed, could not look the goal, can only depend upon the instinct to tear and bite the penetrating to hit, this forms of combat were not worth mentioning regarding fight experienced Adventurer, see only them to be similar to the fierce tiger to descend the mountain simply. The bullying jumped in Harpy generally like this, then sees swords light/only and blood-curdling screech sound, is only the time of moment, before also in Harpy that in the sky bluffed and blustered immediately on the casualty most. When they break out of the influence of sonic boom stone finally, was screaming when brandishes the wing flies the sky, only has actually been left over kitten 2-3, but even these 2-3, is still eliminated by the spiral arrow that Aina projects later completely. 失去了听觉的鹰身女妖就等于失去了战斗力,再加上之前它们是一涌而下,以至于现在这些鹰身女妖想要本能的飞起来拉起距离都做不到,而且现在它们的听觉被封,连目标都找不出来,只能够依靠本能撕咬彻打,这种战斗方式对于战斗经验丰富的冒险者们来说根本就不值一提,只见他们简直如同猛虎下山。虎入羊群一般就这样扑进了鹰身女妖之中,接着便看见一道道剑光和惨叫声,只是片刻的工夫,之前还在天空上耀武扬威的鹰身女妖顿时就死伤大半。等到它们终于摆脱爆音石的影响,尖叫着挥舞翅膀重新飞上天空时,却已经是只剩下小猫2-3只,而就算是这2-3只,也被随后艾娜射出的螺旋箭完全消灭。 Attacks the thorough rout from Harpy, but more than ten minutes, is screaming the crash ground along with last Harpy, all again recover tranquil. But the Adventurer mostly asthma whistling, the whole body is bathed in blood & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Mostly is the blood of Harpy. 鹰身女妖袭击到彻底溃败,不过十多分钟的时间,伴随着最后一只鹰身女妖尖叫着坠落地面,一切又再一次回复了平静。而冒险者们则大多气喘呼呼,浑身浴血———大多都是鹰身女妖的鲜血。 I have never thought that first here met such a greatly troublesome. & R dquo ; “真没想到,一来这里就遇到了这么一个大麻烦。” Commander Steve receives the sword to return to the sheath, helpless shaking the head. But others also relaxed at this time, although Harpy is not considered as that how strong monster, but must cope with them is not an easy matter. However since now had finished, then these Adventurer naturally cannot go to think these issues again. On the contrary, even several warrior to standing crack a joke in following Tillis. 史蒂夫团长收剑回鞘,无奈的摇了摇头。而其他人这个时候也是松了口气,鹰身女妖虽然并不算是多么强劲的怪物,但是要对付它们也不是件容易的事情。不过现在既然已经结束了,那么这些冒险者自然不会再去想那些问题。相反,甚至还有几个战士冲着站在后面的蒂莉丝开起了玩笑。 Yo, our lovable Miss Clergymen, weren't you say this road compared with the front door security? How I cannot see, these can gnome also be fiercer than these troublesome Harpy? & R dquo ; “哟,我们可爱的神官小姐,你不是说走这条路比走大门安全吗?我怎么看不出来,难道那些地精还能够比这些麻烦的鹰身女妖更厉害?” This is the direction of goddess ............... & R dquo ; “这是女神的指引……………” Regarding this Tillis naturally did not say anything, but weak protested one. Actually her god technique and mage prediction technique is somewhat similar, although can know in advance the front danger, but concrete is what situation only then god knows. Why this is also one of the Sailon follower very rare reasons, after all they biggest role is to direct the direction, but they like Tillis, comply with the instruction of goddess to refer to every so often now to others a tortuous path, although said to avoid the front danger, but the person always does not hit the south wall not to turn head, every so often, they rather brave the danger to take a short cut, is not willing to waste the precious time and wealth. 对此蒂莉丝自然也不好说什么,只是弱弱的申辩了一句。其实她的神术和法师的预言术有些类似,虽然能够预知前方的危险,但具体是什么情况就只有天知道了。这也是为什么赛纶的信徒很少见的原因之一,毕竟她们最大的作用在于指引方向,可很多时候她们都会像蒂莉丝现在这样,遵从女神的指示而指给别人一条弯路,虽然说是为了躲避前方的危险,但是人总是不撞南墙不回头的,很多时候,他们宁可冒着危险抄近路,也不愿意浪费自己宝贵的时间与财富。 Regarding the rebuttal of Tillis, most people also and do not care, but laughs. After all took risk is so long with Tillis, they also know the words that this young lady spoke were not aimless, moreover really did not make them suspect the Tillis ability regarding companion's trust. Adventurer on opening that this aspect puts very much, not like the merchant who these are concerned only about profit, for a petty profit and loss are calculating, they draw cash to work oneself to death, if even this minor matter must care, that hasn't died of exhaustion? 对于蒂莉丝的反驳,大多数人也并不在意,只是哈哈一笑。毕竟和蒂莉丝一起冒险了这么久,他们也知道这位小姐说的话并非是无的放矢,而且对于同伴的信任也不是真让他们怀疑蒂莉丝的能力。冒险者在这方面还是很放的开的,不像那些唯利是图的商人,为了一点蝇头小利和损失就斤斤计较,他们可是拿钱卖命的,如果连这点小事都要放在心上,那还不累死? But at this time, seemed like to prove the accuracy of Tillis choice was ordinary, a loud sound erupted suddenly. 而就在这个时候,似乎是为了证明蒂莉丝选择的正确性一般,一声巨响骤然爆发。 Bang!!! & R dquo ; “轰!!!” This explosive almost resounds through the horizon, its might far exceeds the sonic boom stone that two Thief threw a moment ago, suddenly not only entire ground in everything may become vulnerable, even Adventurer are also draws back backward, but these that the footsteps stagger the vulnerable bricks and stones soil block the tumbling disruption in this explosive sound, has sprinkled these unexpected Adventurer to be all over the head and face. 这一声爆响几乎响彻天际,其威力远远超出刚才那两个盗贼扔出的爆音石,一时间不但整个地面都在地动山摇,甚至就连冒险者们也是脚步踉跄的向后退开,而那些早就脆弱不堪的砖石土块更是在这爆炸声中翻滚碎裂,洒了那些猝不及防的冒险者一头一脸。 However now no one has the time to care about these minor matters, their surprised looks toward the place that the sound sends out, sees the column of flame to shoot up to the sky just in time together. 但是现在谁也没有功夫去在意这些小事,他们惊讶的向着声音发出的地方望去,正巧看见一道火柱冲天而起。 But saw this column of flame, Zhan En also to select under the brow. 而看见这道火柱,詹恩也是挑了下眉头。 This is elemental spell & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; The fire of trial, strength that only then high rank mage can grasp. 这是元素法术———审判之火,只有高阶法师才会掌握的力量。 This ......... & R dquo ; “这………” Adventurer at this moment also responded, facial colors pale is looking at that side, they are not mage, does not understand this on behalf of anything, but anybody can see the strength in this column of flame containing is not unusual, at least is not they can deal. But the direction of there also front door, conceivable, if they enter City of Lost following the original path from the front door direction, facing such column of flame, will perhaps not have any good end. 此刻的冒险者们也反应了过来,一个个面色铁青的望着那边,他们不是法师,也不明白这代表着什么,但是任何人都可以看出这火柱里蕴含的力量绝不寻常,至少不是他们能够应对的。而那里也正是大门的方向,可以想象,如果他们是顺着原本的道路从大门方向进入失落之城的话,面对这样的火柱,恐怕不会有什么好下场。 Suddenly, the people can only dumbfounded is looking at the column of flame of distant place, vanishes after that column of flame, they long air vent. 一时间,众人只能够目瞪口呆的望着远方的火柱,直到那火柱消失之后,他们才长长的出了口气。 That is anything ............ & R dquo ; “那是什么…………” The opens the mouth inquiry that warrior looks pale said that but others have not spoken, but from expression, with his same doubts. They had entered City of Lost for successive three times, is also familiar with here monster, the front door area only then some small and weak demon and gnome such monster, could not make what grade, can torch did not have, let alone can erupt such violent column of flame. 一个战士面色苍白的开口询问道,而其他人虽然没有说话,但是从表情来看,也和他一样的疑惑。他们已经连续三次进入失落之城,对于这里的怪物也算熟悉,大门地区只有一些弱小的魔物和地精这样的怪物,根本成不了什么气候,连个会喷火的都没有,更别说能够爆发出这样猛烈的火柱了。 I am not very clear, seem to should be the magic. & R dquo ; “我也不是很清楚,看起来应该是魔法。” As magic swordsman, are actually more, magic swordsman that Steve knows is like Battle mage, belongs to demon martial dual cultivation, the direction that but both sides are expert in different makes them separate out. Battle mage utilizes spell at the actual combat, but magic swordsman assists the fight using the magic. But as magic swordsman, Steve naturally also learned some magic knowledge, can see that column of flame should be the magic creates, as of crude person, he also felt the sea of magic power because of the ripples that fluctuating to produce, actually the Steve spell knowledge was also just not enough to help his accurate judgment this is spell of what degree, but a little affirmed that on was the opposite party is very strong, relative strong, at least was not can cope. 作为魔法剑士,史蒂夫知道的倒是多一些,魔法剑士战斗法师一样,都属于魔武双修,但是双方专精的方向不同才使得它们被区分开来。战斗法师是将法术运用于实战,而魔法剑士则是利用魔法来辅助战斗。而作为一名魔法剑士,史蒂夫自然也学习了一些魔法知识,一眼就能够看出那道火柱应该是魔法造成的,作为一个半吊子的施法者,他也感受到了魔力之海因为波动而产生的涟漪,只不过史蒂夫法术知识还不足以帮助他精准的判断出这究竟是个什么程度的法术,不过有一点是肯定的,那就是对方很强,相当的强,至少不是自己可以对付的了的。 What big adventure group don't tell me had also to join ranks that explored City of Lost? 难道说有什么大冒险团也加入了探索失落之城的行列? Steve enhances vigilance, team that can recruit high-level, is not their small adventure group can compare absolutely. Also does not know that the opposite party comes to here is must plan to do, but looked like from that these fellows seemed difficult to deal with. Thinks of here, Steve looked at one in nearby face anxious Tillis, if not her advanced warning team, perhaps this little while they must have the conflict with the opposite party. Among Adventurer may there is no friendship to say, the best situation is they are pursued, the worst case scenario is the opposite party launches the attack to them, and kills everyone. Fortunately, now the opposite party has not at least detected that their existence, but from the direction, they are earlier than one step the opposite party. 史蒂夫不由提高了警惕,一个能够招募到高级施法者的团队,绝对不是他们这种小冒险团可以比拟的。也不知道对方来这里是要打算干什么,但是从刚才的那一幕看来,这些家伙似乎很难对付。想到这里,史蒂夫不由的望了一眼在旁边一脸不安的蒂莉丝,如果不是她提前警告团队的话,恐怕这会儿他们就要和对方发生冲突了。冒险者之间可没有什么情谊可讲,最好的情况是他们被驱逐,最坏的情况就是对方对他们发起进攻,并且杀死每一个人。幸运的是,现在对方至少并没有察觉到他们的存在,而从方向上来看,他们还是比对方更早一步。 Ok, we continued to go forward. & R dquo ; “好了,我们继续前进。” Takes back the train of thought that Steve cold snort/hum, then issued the order. Afterward he used the anxious vision to sweep a City of Lost distant place, then turns head. 收回思绪,史蒂夫冷哼一声,接着下达了命令。随后他用忧虑的目光扫了一眼失落之城的远方,接着回过头来。 Now only then made the best use of the time, only by doing so, they also had an opportunity. 现在只有抓紧时间了,只有这样,他们还有一线机会。
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